Variety (October 03, 1951)

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w Orttkcr 3 , IfSl H.O.’s Fafl to Slow Chi Etiz Pace: // David* Gnat $25,000. Talk’ Loud mm m**m* Dodgers-Giants Wallop Broadway: HOdriTOPTHC rhkiio Ort 2 loop ftrstruu bu is off over tost • prk but •till for from bring in The doldrums "Warpath* and • Sunny Side ef tlld* la onlv new hilt opening, wrlth bright $13,000 at l nurd Artist*. Ail the week's weight is with the holdovers "David and Bath' frhrba" la holding lusty $25 000 in f«H*rih week at Btato-Lkke while fourth round of ’People Will Talk it Ane $18,000 at Woods • Mere C ornea Groom** and Peggy law in person la alow $21,000 or } lets at the Chicago, , Oriental with second week of * ' Angels in OutReld** and Jane puweH in person, la steady $30 000 | • • Rhubarb' and ’ Hoedblock' if *»»d $10 00$ In second lap at (.rand Kooaevelt. with *Big Car* nival** and * Passage West*' Is okay $11000 on And holdover frame • Clouded Yellow" la lusty $5 $00 at Ziegfeid Second week of ‘ An- gela looks big $5,300 at World E$timmte$ Am Net Pilm gross estimates g$| ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net. I, e., without the 20% tax Distrib- utors share an net take, when pacing percentage henenjBn / ’ j ►»— estimated Agures are net in- f. AM 4a » I VPIf; The parenthetic admission prices, b ont v er. as Indicated, include the U. S amusement fox ■—I— ■ ■ I ——MM $40,000, Montreal. Oct 2 New entries in all but two de- luxe!* are bringing reluma back to normal after fair bit last stanza Place In Sun * looks best o! new- comers at Palace Little Egypt * looms nice at Capitol. f aitmalea far This H eel Palace »C T » «2 <3$ 34 00 Place In Sun (Par Great $25 000 l.aal week "Teresa 'M-G*. $14 000 Capitol *C T' ‘2 412. 34-80)— little Egypt Nmc $14 000 1 ast week That * Mt Boi Par 2d w$ . $12 000 Princess C T * <2 131 34 $0 - CVnv.ri 14 k#" <20th< Cudd $12 - 500 Last week. ‘Sunnv Hide Street <C#L '2d wk $10(88) I sew’* tC T • • 2 $55; 40-8.V — ' Show Boat* tM-G* ‘3d wk Solid $1$ 000 following hefty second at ]9S$J$$ Imperial »(' T ’» <113# 34 80— Warpath * tPar» and Vn Hu Mr Bones* 'Up‘ Fine $11(88) U«i week Great Caruso M C) 2d run 2d *k» and “Fall In*’ M G; 2d wk . so ao $8 000 Orpheum *C T ‘ M 04$; 34 AO— David and Hath she ha <20th* <2d wk Big $13 00$ after $t$S00 for •econd Well* NSG $17,(100. ‘Face’ Weak 15G, Streetcar’ 2d 75G. ‘Leathernecks’ S1G San Francisco Ott 2 Standout this session bent la <B*K* ‘3,800; ill— American in Pans.** with tern Ik •Here Comes Groom’ 'Par* and total likely at the Warfield Rave <gy Lao topping at age* how '2d review* plus sharply upped scale wk Mow $Uj$f$. Last week >s proving a great held Strong $38.00$ ( bally for Day Earth Stood Still Grand *RKOl (1200; pgwRhu- it resulting in a nice week at the barb Pan and Road hi cm k Fox Moat holdovers are down (KKOi *2d wk). Good $10,000 Laal considerably from their initial week $I33KK) rounds but Thunder on Hill** still Oriental < Indie) (3,400; •$>—1* rated hearts tn second stanza •*Angela In OutAeld" (M-G) and at the United Artists i tnr .2TE11 JV-T"”? 1*1 * k VMI-.U. <« TU, K^k • Kmd ^.n'^KKo West ? «Pan >2d wk‘ Okay $11 000 ^ k Air $ 1 7 non Last week $15 000 Wjj* "^L* 1700 ?, ■ luuljk* HAK '2 7 (H) 08 Eos Y m ' 4 X 51 80 95 Dax Batbaheba* Earth Mood Mill" <2mh and "No Still tall at $30 00$ BAK* (I 700. IPar« and Sun 4 Chi • Nice "Cattle Drive" k*. 4 » ■ Tiavrd- 4 20 th • «4th wk> $23 000 I tilted $ '48 ^ Warpath nv Side of St H3 000 l-ast HU and "Katie Did It" (U» 2d $12 000 Woods F.xaaneaa) (1.0tt: $$»— •■people Will Talk" <20th‘ *4th w k» Strong $1$.000. Last week $30 $0$ Her Id Indie) <5g7. $0*— Vn- feto" «Indie) -2d wk*. Big $5500 Lad week, $5 800. /letfeld <Lopert» <434 0ft> ~ "Clouded Yellow" <Indie > - 2d wk‘v l usty $5 000 Last week. $6 000/ Quest inns Asked" *M-G>. Nice $24 000 Last week Meet After Show 2»8hi and This la Korea' Hep mild $11.5$$. _ , Warfield *Leew *t <2$5i 85- 0t l* ra SI 30*—-‘ American in Parts’ «M-G* i Talk arc down Terrific $40 ixx» L«xt week Angels in Outfield <M-G» 2d wk*. $10 000 Paramount ‘Par* *2.148 $0-85'— Jim Thorpe" 8# and Amen- * an Spy Mono* 2d wk* Slid sharply to $12,000 l.a»t week big ,$21 000 . 4Par* (1 400. 80 85*— ( ml Force of Oke $8 000 HoUsvert Haring Hab; ‘Fran Teu»* Sa-So 9G, ‘O’Hara* Fair al $22,500 •S*—"Two Criminal $12 000 Hound GaU • Arms’* *WB <2d wk* f . rtr I«axt week, $14 000 • Natne ‘Ne Coast t ‘2.44$. 1$-*! of Kind ‘Col' and] Lawyer" ‘Colt Okie Last week, “Comm Mountain" lilt and Two Guy i WAV $10 000 MUM a Mb Philadelphia Ort 2 Weekend bit here was off with holidays hurting However, trade since has picked up and the session should see angle bit totals despite handicap of toe many holdover* Streetcar Named Desire" is head- ing for mighty take at the Bovd while "Day Earth Stood Still** looms very strong at the Fox Also stout is "Red Badge of Courage" at small-seater Midtown "Croaa- winds" looks only light at Msst- haum "Native Son * shapes fine in second Earle frame ** People and "People Will sharply on hold- over Estimates for This Week Atdine (WB* H.298, 50}*9* — "Angels la Outfield" <M-G* *2d wk Hefty $13,000 Last week. U S OfMI Boyd <WB‘ <2.29$ $5 $1 30* — I'Streetiar Named De-*irv‘* 'MM*, Mighty $40,000 lakt we«*k * Place in Sun" * Par * »4lh wk*. $11 «nt) Broadway Arst-runs are di>pla> mg marked Mamina tbit arsvion despite c«mAlcting far*ora. There is no qufxtHin that the tornd baltlr between the IKMlgers and Glam* for the Natieanl league flag Ka« kept miliums glued to radio and TV Also, there Is a p te t b nr g of holdovers and extended run* On the credit aide, the Jewish hntui,*' are helping mam houses this rmind along with ideal wealhei and 81$ in town *f«r Die W«u i Series and the :Dodgers-Giant *» playoff Neither "The Well'* nor "Magic Pace," the two new entries, |« doing well Former.,, at the State, is particularly disappointing with barely ItTtXX) Face" shapes up at $15 (8 mi at the Criterion On the other hand Die Para- mount and Warner are both very big with their initial hu|do\«r weeks ’ Streetcar Named Desire, at the latter still ta ternAc at $75 188 ) rtose t« Arst session’s take "Flying L ealb emev k*.^ with I amis Prtma bond and Tony Bennett heading stage hilt, continues so< k $81 «8»0 «t t*»e Par Aagahi|> H»Mh are continuing "Day Earth Mood Mill' is holding slronglv with $28(88) m second Ma)faii week / . *.•.!' Mere Come* Groom*' stilt la %furd> with $23(88) in second I rem *» tiMy $42,800 for "No frame at the Astor Hi Sk> with Latin Quarter revue onstage ia sagging to at tout $84 <*U0 t mild, in second stanza at the Hoxy with Josephine Baker on- stage and "Millionaire For Chirsty" fellers* AU4 V $n $g 4u "Ca|*t Horatio Mom blow <'i * Mil* and stageshuw i3d-ftnsl wk* ' IVfkmg a bit with |i|5 wmi t..f .loving rouml < K.i attef $110188) for ,*«h . ond session which was below fmpev for »e*wnd week American in Pauv *M (**, with »iax *s)»ow, oprhs UtinvrnrM *Tlu»r RIvoN t \T l\«r JUTS p> l>a% id and H*»hvlvrh.i ' 2t)th* 1 8th wk S« \rn»h vLmia .ended last night 1 Tuev » held u p to* at $37 $$$ after M*th fi «fne Ran . '88 MA-$3 20 No llighwat in Skv" *2bth> and l-attn Quarter rcsor -lacrinv Lily Darnels onstage *?d ■li'nal wk Off to $84 (881 oe less »n tin I vit days. First week barely $721881 Afll- iionaire For ( hrists >Rlth* with JsMM-phme Hoke< heading si ;tge- xbnw. opens • honor i gm I hurs * Mate l.««rw i* 3 t a) '*3-$l 3U* — ."The Well’ 1 1 v ’2d *v Inilial week ended tad night Hues * not !im» g«M»d at $17(88* < on*utering • virndve ragipntgn la aheadL Peo p le v- O H »i *' M •<•> *3d wk it*i88) ,, Warner WH* *2 7 Mi H.VI2- ."AkihNHte'ar Nanied I lesirc W Ri 3tl wk'* Initial holdover rmind rmied h«st night r l’o. v > mill ter- rific with $75,188) after giant $$!,• <8g) for tirvt week, over Im»|c« snllon H A It «.Vi|, P) $l 54)» — Highway The Medium* 'Indie* •$ih wk*. Fouith version ending IwUi Wed I looks oke $3 $9$ after $)» 2U0 for third week '* If i owning Version" *t » comes in next but definite dat# not set WB* <2 70t); Son * i Indie* <2d after $20 000 I. Hero’ Pacitf lndpls., I Nice 11G; Sky’NG7G on 2 Movtfy holdovers at major houses this stanza with newcomers ' l*ady From Texas'* at Boston and * Peo- ple Against O Kara" at Orpheum and State not Loo ataunch David and Balhsheba" In third round at Paramount and Fenway ia slipping ' Here Conies Groom" on third week at Met, looks fair "His Kind of Woman" in second stanza at Memorial is holding oke while People Will Tslk" In wood frame at Astor shapes okay Isitmalea for This Week Astor BAQ* 11,200 50-05* — -People Wnll Talk* i20th* 2d wk‘ Oke 110 000 after $12,500 for first Boston <BKO) 40-85 — * 1-adv Frnas Texas" (U) and Lia- l : ' ^ , Indianapolis. Oct f hon Story" * Indie* So-so $0 000 Btz la generally tepid at flral- Last week. "Millionaire Christy", runs- here this stanza, although •Toth* plus Spike Jones onstage, cool weather has put a crimp in $23 U00 I outdoor competition "Saturday Fenway <NET» (1.373; 05-$l 25*, Hero' ia tops, with a nice total at — David and Bathsheba" *20th* I-aew a, "Convict Lake/* at Circle ‘Mat*. Skidding to about $5 000 only fair Indiana Is jerking following nice $7,500 for last week j "No Highway in Sk> * after six iRKOt (3,500. 40-95*— da>» )HKO» and Estimates for This Week •Indie) «2d Circle iCorkrill-Dollei 2 800 50- Good $14,000 after $10 500 70w‘Convict Lake* *20th» and for opener "Guy Came Back" *20th Mild MelropoB t a n <NET» <4 3«7; 40- $8,500 Last ueek. "Force of •5— Here Comm Groom * ,‘5Par* ! Arms" fWB* and "Hard. Fast •nd Man With My Face" <L'A» ( Beautiful * 'KKO*. $0 000 *U wkt About $11,000. Last I n diana tC-D* 3.200. 50-70* — nc*-k oke $1$ 500 "No Highway in Sky" »20th* and Drpbewn ‘Loewi (2.000. 40 115*— "l^ave to Marines" (Lip*. Slow People Against O'Hara** tM-G' $7,000 or near in 8 days Last *hd l^aagfty and BanditT tCol* week,; "Flying leathernecks* Atmmt average at $14,000 lest *KKO> and "Triple Cmaa" tIndie , * Angela in Outfield * 'M-G* $14,000 and • % 0 Questions Asked" tM-G* Loew*a ‘Loew’s* <2.427, S0-70>— $13 000 Saturdays Hero** <CoI* and Far z ma un t (NET) (1.700; $5- "Never Trust Gambler * , tSOthi. *13*' —Tnizv ,1 and Bathsheba * Nice $11,000 Last week. “The '20thi 3d wk*. Good $12,000 after Mob** ‘Call and "Two of Kind* $17 ooo for aaroud Col) $10,000 'Loewi *3 500 40 85‘— » Lyric iC-D* <1.000. 5(E70* — Against O'Hara M-G) Cattle Drive" <L and ‘‘Gold and Lady and Bandit * «M-G» Fa*r Raiders" <DA» So-so $4 VtO. Last $•500 Last week. "Angel* in week. "Werewolf of London" ‘U' dutiir-'d" *M-G and "No Ques-, and "Phantom of Paris" tM-G* t oiled Artiaia ‘No Coast) (1.20?: 55 95 w Thunder on Hill * «Cl and Pardon .Jpfeantk** <i«Ai ‘2d wk*. Hearty $7,000 l^at week $10 500 i tag a doar <A R ‘270: $1 80 $2 40*—‘Tales of Hoffmann <ln- I die* tlSth wk*. Held at $4 200 Last week. $4,500 Clay 'Rosenen ‘400. $5-05* — "Storm Within* »Indie <4th wk* Btlfl big $2JOB. Last week. $2 400 Yegne <S F Theatres* (375, 13 $1 00>—"Seven Days to Noon" ‘In- die* 3d wk Held at $4 000 Last Week. $4 800 $14 (88) round. Fex '20th* <2 250. 50 00 Earth Stood Still" *2oiht $23 000 lad week. " David Bathaheba i2«)th t4th $15 000 50-00' — sk . Fine for Ant -"Day rn supplanting tomorruu < Thu tv Place in Sua" ta only slbtbtly off from ni«*\ ious week, with grrzt $36 0(8) he fUth round at the Capitol, pic going into sixth stan/a t«*day "David and Bathsheba also <ont4«uev sock, holding tn . $37,000 .ki M-ventk aesatoa at the Knoll, ft dirit the eighth week todav, with i»a end in sight thus far Horn blow erf" with stagcshoM la being helped by the holidays to an Okay $113 000 at the Musu Hall It will In? replated by "Amct it an in ParK‘ and new stage layout tomorrow <Thui v \ Fstimatra for Tk*a Week ••tor (City Inv i ‘1 300 5& $l 50> lleie t ,m« v Giuum* Paii '^d wk' Holding at aliout $23 4)00 big. | •;. $30(88) for first week Stays i TruaAM 0MB BL »T4-l '4453; ' 05-41 V) « Mr Perk \ It. hi** In- die* *3d wk* Initial holdover i *»urut ended Mondax 11 * held at $4 H* 8 i after $» am (t»r fyrsl w ek. Tran- Lux Sid St. (t h* (540; 0a $l »<l - Kind Lady’* 'Al G* -0th Eighth mufid ended Monday i> cvifljfifiued okay at <I 200 after $4 48) |l,.r v v. nth we*k \ie.oria t itv Itsv • I 080; 3V $1 Vt HAturda> % fle»o" Full 4th e k T)urd frame endvd Vlun- da| l . .mimued verv pen i iMa with $15 188 ) after $17 000; over hope* for Mtiutfl wi'«'k. rorvg and (Goldman* <1.200 , 00 lYople Against o Mara ’ 25th week -M-G* -2d wk . Off to $7 (810 Last Capital «i^oew‘x‘ week, neat $14,000 ■miinP'd 380. 30 00 — "Crosvwinds ' *Par*. Ught $14.uoo Last week *’Journey Into Light" 20th', blah $0 000 ?.' :v , after on Bljon »C»r> Inv * <3410 $2 20 $2 40—"Tales of Itoftmann In nk* die* *27th wk*. The 20th round ended last night ITues.l eontinu. <1 50- strong nt $11 ( 8)0 after $10 800 for CsaUggas . 4 820 70 $1 30 "Place in Sun ’ ‘Par> 0th wk) Woman Stout Q $13,003 in D.C Midtown ‘Goldman) <1 000. 50 h — "Red Badge of Courage" Fifth fiame ended taat aixld Tuevt < untmued great at $30 (8«i after $40 000 fur fourth week Stay % on < ritrnun Muvvl -1 700; 50 $1 At "Magic Face" ‘CaK First w*. k ‘BC*, Stout $8 080 <*r near I^K rndint next Friday lit te heading S / n P^ ft 30 ®, for uni) $15 000 Jn ahead Alice K.n.falpk ‘Goldman* '2 3<8i; 50- In Wonderland; UKO Disney 0th •®‘ - People Will Talk 20th* wk’, $7188). to round out highly I$d wk»: Off tu $14,000 Last week. I profitable h»ngcun bright $25 000 Globe Brandt* <1 500 50 $1 2()i Stanley WM» <2 0481 30 00 —1—"Rhubarb Par* 5th final wk "Here Comes tiroom ‘Par 1 ‘2d Fifth frame ending today Wed > wk , Thin $I3.‘)0B, Last week J held even with preceding week s happy 320 (88) . $13 000 or better, very volid "J«»ur- S ton ton <WB) (1.473; 50-0$' —. ney Into Light" -20th* opens tu- "Crimmal Lawyer" <C«d‘, Okay morrow -Thurs i. •His Kind 4fi •Interrupted Journey' sk Good 814 000 t $10 000 Last week "Tomorrow Another Day * '08'. $0 (88) Trans L«x 'T-L* *500 34V00* ~ ‘‘Wooden llorte" ‘Snad* (2d wk- Off to $3 200 after nice $4500 ■ opener World (GAS) <500. 50 00 — "Oliver Twivt" ‘CAi <7«h wk*. Big $3 500 Last week. $4,000 MOB’ LUSTY $14,000, ST. LOO; ‘CLOUDS’ UC Interest in play-off series cerrmoniea today are comhuung to shnnk mamstem house* currently were tough with all new entries j However. The Mob" wound up a ,fAirly good week at the huge Fox while "People Against O'Hara** is rated okay at Loew a. 1 '■ ‘iVoole Mayfair ‘BiandD *1738 5J- SI 20—"Day k^rth Stood Still*' -20th' 3d wk». Initial holdovit session erdi d Monday ll» stood up very strongly at $ 28(881 First week was smavh $40(104) biggest at this house in month* Palace KKO* <1 700 55 $1 2CT - Tall Target <M-4«* and vaude pushing up to fine $21 OOO real improvement over lazt frame La>t week. "U»rna Doonc' <Col», with vaude only $17 500 Fzrzaaount Par* 3 664 78-$I $0* ‘—"Flying Leath* rnec lu" ‘KKOi, St Louis. Ort 2 with Louis Prims arrh and Tonv ^National V League Bennett heading stagwhow 3d Veiled Prophet wk* Second week ended last night tomorrow held to big $81,008 First week grosses at was sock $81 000 ‘The Mob" *Coi Crtx ; ia due in next Paris ‘Indie* 588 $1 20-82 40 — "The River" *CA*'4th wk) TTurd session ended Sunday >30* held to $13 300 after terrific $14 200 for second week Stays indef on this two-a-dav uoord-srale run Park Ave Reade* <5ft3 $0-$l 30 —“Oliver Twist" «L'A* ‘I0*h wk ... The ninth frame ended Sund*> His Kind of -30 1 still in upper brackets though and * Hard Past, down considerably mn recent weeks Nice $8 800 Eighth week was $11 *00 U avhington <M 2 - There is a notice »hlr d*p b o. in current ‘)*»n W'th n««»si new- comrrs oiakm.^ («•« hie 'emri<rx, and I t aMa vt is ^tipping.' I'"'iui-. 17 hard lot was Siighhv in.’finvv hut.; I) spite thu i K 'n’t ■*( Won>an" at KKO Kritk'i *)iaprt UnuKually urtind Also im the ■ side k "Highway *n Ski »t b.ihdi-Kix IMa> *'D*vtd and BMbxfiebn." in third week at |y«» w s Palace h^s f n ubse- c|ii»tii weeks tu live up tu iu Imif op nmg ) suieaiew fur IhKHr-k • 4apM Ijwu S* *2 434 41 50 - Vfron Man ’’ L* plus % 7»»de M*’d $|ft (Mai D l nvk * An Hs in fhihieTd' 'M(i» plus uudf, $2*ioi8) ; Dupunt I jipr r l * .‘3T2 f ‘I 85 e ’Oliver Twixl ’* < L* A • »th wki. ng r blit xtili • w ’ :9 at $5 (g8i alter •■strong' $f»^V't) last * V ’ ; .' ■ Kr.Di s RM* 1 030 4 fto* - His K<Oii ol ♦. n n K).<i* Very «fir<d>> : h.mhxi d< o* e thu bs »ti»v r» |ni ii i r) ; l~>«t werA, Thundr'r «*n I4*M" •.),Lte*d in non »,th l » heipmg to tune le ' • -”e of * pat 9» 0 8) ••n .it *“>«)’* Asited- (M-G», ditto. reissues*. $3 008 hi 4 d.*> v ItFAM* <3 000 80 75* —“Force of Arms’* (WB* and ‘ Fly- ing leathernecks" )RKO> Fair $10 000 l^at w Woman" «RKO* Beautiful* *RRO $10 »• Fex FA M* (5 088, 80 7 - Day ”, (Continued en page 24) i $1 Me.rep.* lien Main*-r‘ 4* 74* - Tc » flae tt m*’ ’C‘o 1 Slight I * 1881 fur firs)-run ' .Ly’.t w ek, : *'Fu?*t)% * Lady * It p- and ’Ttus Is 8rWra" ‘Rep $5>OOU.'< Palace (iarx *.» 2 370/ 74 $ I 20» — Dav d and Rathxhtba" 2ftl»l 3d finil wk Okay $10(881 after $23 5(81 tost week Th«»ugh pleas)-,. illg this U well below the promise shown b% $40 080 8rs| week Plavkouae 'LupftU <4*V 41 SM *-*"No ; Highway in Skv" 2 * 8 hi. Solid Sft <881 or better Mat week. "Bright Victory * 'C* 4th wk\ $4 0(81 " .. Warner 0 H’ 2,1 * 4 44 3' -- ' H re Comes (/toots f*ar* *<1 Hk s., M $ I *1 (881 alter hog $18 000 atone r timale Dst week. Trans-lux TJ 0*4 44 -mu.- Basketball Fix* (Indie) Flopped with $2 548) Last weefc ' Prowler" Radi# City Mnaic Hall (Rocke- UtAl Od wk . $4/8>0