Variety (October 03, 1951)

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Austrian Alps Resort Biz Upbeat j Nw * T ** , . 0 ^l Rio de Janeiro's Copa But US. Tourist Not Wise to Values Big Road Compan rtnart v ri |* bp oirfd on the British . tnueio tj rl y •« ' T'nI M-y hrth'.'PdBHT jwwB-kna.- -\| ho*It is on an \ 'in . * * • • • ■ -t . iturrd by Herbert Nesbitt and Jack pine m » hr l,t,n r * rf n < in<>ntft \\ orkers I nion Hu h** feature* nua»> run who TV } ilm Trailer I t£at^ f -Mexico ( it* Sep, * - re n,th V„eMo, bn- ****:** • .in 1*1- . j. • Vaimnal ■ irului* eluding ".-"BlU# Clones, (iihUrt In aonim il b\ imilV w lie By (icqicc r r.AAL Vftfld. Auithl Sept 25 xririu. Oil a* |f» « A f »j Touri^l hi, In tto>... Al «W Hlffc < OUft IllU m I. Thi« th. ru» s. |HjS «rr» koortoiM *i«n trnvrlrr Mill h« ihi «wmre N»U..n»l riwmnl.«r»|0.i< tmlu. " the Intel %pa« l«»r their reel v *>ur« ,iry w other* union *STK » lost pert * . NcMdtL jf 1 **' 7** . One reason might be that Austria b# *ts inp wu the Aim tredr here . man. Urn ,0b la the mmt distant point In the *ben Ihe fe deral supreme tonirt hit ****"*• N r V to Europe hop However. It much of it* authority over the .. >'■■■.; la eqdallx ttu* tr.*t itm is the pier» «vd»a »w‘ M v\n o a a 1 ' ' —♦ if Jtrrmir mitchhi inti Pix Biz Ok»)« „ T\ Film Trailer Plan to«w»«• a»<t* junro »,n .-*** Lond..n. Sr pi St. IS** J*** *>•*• «f*MJ|l Br«,-I lined to aoorov-al bv individual ** FlfMl Udifl. tout in the ntee iiunea, vainieen i tn Mltr , rl tp> individual ^ inr rrFnrn mviera. * nit in tha i;dith l »a»w t»\ ( ally* trade organisations the British him (o I** utanj a la Port man and Ralph Rah KtT^T^ reached an aareement franealae r^tanrant* and with Britiah Broadcasting Corp * TV for the regular emng of a trail- boitea aeem Vo be opening at the rate of one a week Joining the Where the Yankee dollar ran he at ret* hed to II* maximum value A Honing an exhibitor an apprai fron a decision favoring hi* help BBC Attacks er showing current- London and ***** * °?5 ^ n * Hirnungham AUn leleavev If the ^* ki ”VV ^ * rf ,VI0 mdumtrv giYet the aample Aim an { * n an< * The over*helming majonu ot tlml5BSliHiin5CSB^ "" w ". ' unreserved okay it i* rvpetted that 1 11 Yank tnurtot an- (*U datumed «** ration i,e f *1 • m ' m Havf ,u rt,Nl ******* m [1“^ * t * t c »P^bbana Paiaco bn Auatria and Ormany. m rm ruled tk*t the labrtr U* reeai. |oL n l IniAfllB November and mil be featured at. ferf^toa far t , p*o>eev of the I S 111*11 <*» rxhlba a, no r Mt lB4m I dlClll UilWflS ‘ntervali 55an ia thoae two eamdrtaa^: *1 m'M * tuvaik ViuviM mg^i.tioim wbtb BBC u huh ^ though the* represent a fair num durer* and that merchant, are Oot »-z*- e-,j havo kata goin« on for many kJ!, p.Hof• i V. .» 11 ^ 1 1’l /sl' her tbur ltd a who .ome here direct '«»>>«<* »«. federal Juriadlrfioa •* * r ^ r 4rtJve orartuei ® talent m<>nthj ^bucked by the Bet »\ \t nV *1 *1 from the U. S are only a drop in Industrially Labuyr eaaea be ^^‘LVe Ilta^Tn BrttUh ‘» r •**”* Committee and : S^LSStiTfhat the buekrt (ween rxhtba and their rmploier* unum bfj " a ked n Br l condueted la their behalf by John ^ n ®br •urrovind By the b**eket tween evhibv and their rmplnvee* r KM litrl. i e m » i i wm ■■ «u«vxa i*re pi p 111 vn» » i v a ^ » i ^ * * . • . a - \ '.Ml irx <« v *•« *»w »« »ea »»»v • t M It i« alao idterevting to note that rnuvt be handleif by local labor J' 1 C orp » annua teport (he J. Arthur Hank ad Th# ,4 jV* ■uperu-d »*!!. r.« ,ln S .HP Wd, »dOg .*Oe »Hto^ .lyy to etltw r> >»■« >r« iff T*. Tier I ml *fn wrMSto »*«?* «, .»* :r^*rorr.:«,.*r:;m r z . H rx:r;r;BerbFmBigs«cce$s; “*t?.iirS 2J «2T«T7 . P«e«» “** ««■■■» U S« U¥er -d th* Midnight Knom By pul. 1.7,..I-:.'-; FwdUhhu Itaiik ^nsisr: OUt';M umOmO t S^STVI I hfabIM • _ _.. ".ni. o« i •,»m « ». » «« ■ ■ am . .pUp » 1 ,,,,M s/vl Iwl Vlatl IU ern (irr tunny are feverishly Iran*- forming thrntM*tvr^ into a. wrriea of tcMiriM traps, the Auairuuia:: go ahoul their buxiwn lost aa if they were *till liung the “g<Mid old kuiiumv w v nn «i lOinn lk I . .* _ a.L , - * m _ irrmirn. * ifU o* rwiiewnaa wva m* to th, todrr.l u... im. IhM u»to» they to chtoL ( gr i uli d i uverrome they are likely to have- • : '' . l ni « , . -. uu aerbowH efTertt on the devr J opment j — „ - J-w-to SJ', Berli Fed Big Stucew; iaritii the union* it pointa out that f.-* Hvor ronalderahie MM will UH WflUl Ufl VTCf i, Italian, Danish ably %m Ufaetory position ™ Okla’; Johnson Choir OK Pi / k» . «» m ... 'ud 1 he mma rantin g u nder rV u * ■ M tu ttutnk Tv^’ZJTttiSH *• •"»• i?B«© In America TV. Fd » fe-JSSsI* £5 Berlin. Ort t '" "'v* a . * ! onmng The Berlin Arts festival, from 'JJ* 4 ’“ ^ #n K R * loni ^ vopper appearances, veema ta ^va, $l# ^ |h|§ room Bean tha Capa has a french flavor, drawing heav. ST- nZrlCfmX XnS 4M * tHt>! ° *"* ^ ^ tliak, on all program. ; J «* JJJ Jggg ” «f on Part, for artl.t. both for Tha *JT nt rZ hi TZ J* l Ti t* ****** international ftima pre. * to a m-.imum of 22 h«or» weekly, j * U* a«rteal. mnaiea^ and art avanti |hr , tr ^ |M !h# Col4en RlMm , Thlt u. I Ihrrr an> » I ri-iuriyrd .. *«^W AgjgW ■* »»»—*« !„ h rr^?to Europe ta recent .U*WW S.S B : B MW* U m only three vpota tn the entire A)- * Y with Axe haw Gallic import* f . u ^' >ram. ■ ! fJJT f I^ cy # 51 h 2 n fl4i*?I[ ****** fr ' nn toiu.A. s.oh gemhling is fllma include 'The H.< lkw».," . Laal Thursday m Hi OM h f . TbeTJpTn ' lha| ’ f nri '[L* VIc c * • ** ** * production of 'jfig .US ttnr of (Hr easttuw Kin Salrhurg. Ibuor.f atarring Vt.idcleme |oh(a- * ^ 1 ,al "»^mbera be nnrtid ; had Its u*trld proem at ?L*- Augu*»i... pui, tvr.*d«|ii.«it» I • t ’.'ll B wit *flknught«r t,l v*mix written js L 5 t ' , “ J' r ,‘‘ on r **^* ,ui **' x the Hebbei Theatre . wp 700 >. * n * on ^ v * ^ r,!f|> J' h hahl *««ne*l.rv Auxirt* * -t \ bit there the CM h* reau Tie f;*»lih -n l«H hwr°*.^n ufi located on the east border of Ber S^r^tW^^hirTmnmani* 1 AiSS trade la more inlereating than ttie lmet'' an«t i». alh Take- a Ufink **? ******* Un iurt in*Kie the American Sec- J^ ay , Dauphin companx filled tout**., . the tither t* m Vrltlen , (W hcr foreign him* dKirtbutura ' ******* *° ' tor. This wan the Brat time Old . th * ‘IcSnfetanHl amMn^Sl’ ^ iConiinuod an page 12* have ai<u> Urn active in picking up The h ihuI oomix nut that °f >enr< ^ * m w production j... 1 ^.^- n r .: .. Arg. Producers Annoyed Over U.S. Films Taking Ace First-Run Dates ' Huenou A irr* S*-|M 21 fayed with competition from the f S Alto* noxx that they ran be lealurt* Tirnh rbo* * ** The rciHMi point* out that nrgo> w» p."durt. .WMn, Urtpin, fr» . U | hi. , rr f..'."" “ T ‘ r : d ** !*•"''* «*" •» * MurnUUU. but th. ,, i. »Bd IH» (HP. lit* Irtouh ( lh. away from home base Berlin ha* been a pretty quiet f r : c : c I AAfna m Pron/ li old town urn# the Oklahoma ’ MB® I^NBi ■ I IlKI rwurVuMd, DWI ..< » < uumn , mj ,, perp..,,,., „ >H , r *’ fill ■>! Bl f . ul iuutoto I UU • Ai !• •■•■•—■ j- u-.ito k. old town since the * Oklahoma'* j troupe left. ;They xxeie literally j the toast of Bel )in lor two solid i . ***** Mkrnmg dbcanamna with " T: reial future* lu aderi h> the Theatres* National Committee. iniu-rt totui Mu* j —— a si- itkrtr *m*r. es. m 'ion *t ip* in } Commercial future* iieadcd h> Citalon. - Hubert a rut K*vm«»iut lla kim wen red l S to * The CHvle. ‘ a l*a»u lie L>»rn« ux ■ atarywr. ’ ' V, ■ “ Rt port Yank Interests t S Alina, noxx that I hex tan lie " Malian and Israeli .product K at^o Imnipteti Argentina pcwdocer* are rfjH'iuntnl »n the Lawh of oxcr- j annoytd by Ihi* dinunixhlng gritowi xea* pt. hoing r« d f«*r cfiktrl- j ■ * t% « Want Muick ShJ^t in v ,m, «* K * ,m ****** of oxer , lh# rrt#c n Where it drew *“• w « lowered ia %ie«rd »r dixt.l j . Muni* h. Sept 25 -an estimated t.OtM Germans from ***** ** »"JY another manifest at mn t »wUro j T»»i» li.ix arian Aim capital is full the Russian tone The Kodgyrs B °* ,hc economic statu* of the their honor, escursmn trips 'in 1 eluding one by Olede Holm Into the Ruattan none* and plenty of jnnwa coverage m the Berlin pa j pars, - v--. Production; Can’t Seem Tu Make B.O. Pidun . Part* Sept. 25 . Recent attempt of frern h piodu* cert to yank their entru-s fiom the Dull Film f»*r their latest pro d uction* Some butiiot hi tr H»j> fill , 1 *«.Uro j . Tin* Buxarian Aliu capital is full Russian tone The N.xlgera A j ^ shaky economic statu* of the have baiely la-ted t*i*e week The Yilm* JP 1 '*»»b»illng Corp^ has net of r«-p*Mt« that American intere»t* Hammerstein musical was moved Trench Aim Industry, Although I'M-ai picture* have al>«» tu con* ' lh-a»l Womans kiw.' 1 for an plan to porrhaMe Baxaria Filin- f rw n THania Palaxt in the Amerf*: *here is no appreciable TV com- pete for the best placing time f.*i Ameruan iHteU at the Cinema kun'l I LV* studios, which the ran Tartar, where U ran during petition here 'only 15.ting sct%‘, instance, l-umiton Rturtios's latest r N. Y . tm 5 Jewbsh Kilan* i Allied High Commission put on the Aral week out to the Cor*o *BkB three years pi* lure theatre pre, "Beware of kwurti* w|l| lb*trtbuior>. wtiutk u p* Catmel the blu* k a month ago. ’ These re- Theatre * lose to the Russian bur- Attendance has fallen of Knout preem m the i itir* of Mend**/, and *■ 1 *-*«* »»f Tel Axix. is gjfnnv-] port* still persist de sp ite flat de- der I he Hu-'un occupied (i* r- ‘•^knlanl, aesthetic and rmnamlg t ordolM. and only latri at U»e Met ink • ***** W Ptrturea for nialx y mans dispiaxed an enthusiasm for r * u#e * Mv« been advanced h*it (he fpptdiian lierr Vase lird in group i> Tlwx started earlier this' month the kknw whuh »rt a record for m A |n *•<* apparently ia still the tine result U that Imal pro • l Hr J?!'! h /* f * *•**»<■, * *Wu ^ w-tu n .the xiitdlos were visited by v "OkUhoma'*'curtain rail*. After a ' Mnderstandlng of public taste, and d(iter* arc all the nukTe ;mxiuus to 11 ®* ' M*iC M. normal number of rurlain call* needed to pile up have the gmeitimenl in* iia*e < me ; ^ | Nplegcl of the Motion Picture for "Oklahoma-* in Berlin! and tk> I** ** •___ . mi adinivHion Hwle*. whuh are ad ■ I J 1^-1* Da- » i* 1 '*■ * m * rli *. American cap- house light* had hren turned on. _ An * vrr J?*T !?*£**} ..^ r# mittedlv far loo U>* tnui|taied with WMOII L€^lt DllS ***** '^* u ** *"*' ® nh f °* Baxaria the Cut German!, refuxing to Fining ,tn Paris «Hoche-|(.«y \en- legit prlees and the ioAaled cost of I ..iul**n Sent 5S kdmkun-t. »f»e maklmum prrmis- empty the house, continued cheer- t|,r * ’up more coin tlx«n living Thev hope that thi* will - , . . ' MMe f«»r imeignt n* ulwler the Al- ind applauding lmo of ,h# bl * ** ***** P"W *dt. A. V . tht .V Jewish Film* Allied High Commission put no the Arst week out to the Coran-**■ bin Fhree years picture theatre * tribal or*, w'vnh reps Carmel the blu* k a month ago These re- Theatre close to the Ru**n bor- attendance has fallen off \ at mxia Im, l,?*l ..f Tel v x i \ ix gyows jmmk v.ii |h (xi«t despiu A..t Ue- a* r Tlve Hu •rrsaigd dffi'Mninl. aesthetic and eco no m ic | t a *erw* of Israeli picture* for nialx ; man# g t sptoyed an enthuviasm for ****** have been adxam«d hot ttie ' ,1,u »»T.4 s. » i't in ip i> Tb*> started earlier thi* month the show whuh ort a record for ma,n L * cb spparentlv i* still the Hrhtrth Of a Nation, , 0 «I*hu wtun the 'ludio* were vixited by ‘ukUhoma ruiij.n . ,1U After a Understanding of public taste and mentai x. j j**m <} % ! 4< > r,hj l- a,Ml M * w M normal number of curtain calls of need4 ‘ d ,4 » *>“♦ ; j Bpiegcl. of the Mtitlon Picture for "Oklahoma'* in Berlin* and tht iR*?^ ***• 'i 111 *, is-. «•* Aznerica American cap- ii.,ux 4 . Iteht. had tw-.n turned An average musical We Are I ifxt in group i* g Nation, *. a doru good bu. An average musical Wt Ara tua admlvtoton scale*. wht*h are ad I J I D;. ; ^ American cap- h*»use lights had been turned on. _ an r ** f ,, e r * mittedlv far too law compared with mMIOOD LC^lt DllS , ’ al ,ou, ‘* ,M *> only 25‘r o( Baxaria the Cast German*, refusing to Fining lo Pari* »Hoche-lt.iy A rn- legit price* and the ItiAaled c«**t of - ; ljimdon Scot 21 I'lmkun-t. the maklmum prnnis- empty the house, continued cheer- up more coin than Hvltol. TH,y ton* IHal IBM *tti to 4 . I —. StoTlvU r -•«• *« taxWBMB-B»W».**»;**{kit ~~f -rt k T(tffj|- t*o o* lh, bto pru, »,nnw* pr,^ to-lp Ito-m StoS p,rt to thru S2Si^»2vl ,!’i Th * —l-wx* | Th, Hrlt j<>hn~.n ClMir mrin* li«,rr Mon.topr < lorh»l SSw .. . ,.. H* iw i ' i w.w*r.* w« •• wo}f*tair a iiwiii *«*. ih, ■ ewr mm Th, Mb irri ..Il, now in I to- m.i.m-uow in Jau.n . . . totot. **”*7 *** ****'»■ W,ir . Pl wrr»nr» in ■ 0t * *?** V r L. * f T r , fro !5 limrliKhl .. prnmptlHC silEX to *«ii, EtoM n to MmhI m n . “ •** *“ onr .° l •** hlrtllCM, W WWOBBtowA^ to »«jto rto^T kum, .Mtonmito.. ... ' i. I S*w lalot rjiiwtifl^i, i.«r “ -* 1 —******** »>< ar Nucinbegg, - the festival, (irrnuii reaction was J '°**vainn*Mgmni In 1L3M,WW lor to-to tto-m pnrt ... U»Vr ""“'“"‘T >«_ Th * "»-W Th. H.ll Johnw.n **PUv-■ %«**, x *’ ,,r *** months 4|fo when hn paper* Their appearance in * * - \ll-ltil BZt (PIMirli-rl .. Iiki.1t- I., -.1 1, 1*_ i... ■ « ine rmuw, nmunuro cneer ;— . r aZ 7_ 7 a applauding - tno ot ,h# bl * prlae-winning pres- HaUJohnaon Choir received «**" Vlneen*-; T lurhel ul bouquets fiotn the Brr^ Juatke Is lkme ‘SUxer Lto-r* Their tMrsfSMw in YRm*L Grosses vary here from hurry preparaiion* "Black ! ^ tallsi ramtidat* for Parliament { tmid - from tile novel bv Rrnrsto (uC F’vdihes|« r wt Ihe next election Sabato ThK |g based on the a. , w Ma«*gkam’a "Th# tuai experience* of bit oil pio n ee r - 'J lo *** #v'ived, with in, (Mto-r -Hr Er.w. 1 . tr 7 *^** * * *** ’’to '-tod t« »ur •rntilu S..nt> ill'll hi. .larl.d nark . r, I, ' h ' h, ."i | - , f , .,,^1,. , . t-i,., r . 1 »• >ui*u*t »| llappine** ^t « n anoth* i Ann The Tunml. Swis* Collage * f ubii**v Theatre I r atlll as SSWtoto totot Ikl lha k tnxii - Bto-n. * .Bto into. .a" — — ' “ . M L- to to av ^.to. • . . * tfgv • « I I.NI ^ ' V | nt dll r from a n*»xrl hx the uiw author with Franck lederer starred Thi* will haxe. Laura Hidalgo] . .. , . ,, U.*,rr < ! V'lZnZ 'fTi'T *£ Wtorlto, torn , to- siv.ii an aii.n, h> to Tto- »« ot a oliivh I to- HHC tn . . . KonaMl 2mh fox Plans to make in Ary* n Jeans Young Wixex Tale* oiwn* ' tins Yuenig Padufa also U due *1 Hofwuxr Theatre, ('ape Town 2m h fox plans to makr in Ar«* n tins Yuente Pariula also ix dn« lo play in the L. S Aim Jewi Peters for 2#tk fax PW play in the 1. S. Aim m Orlobrc Stage 4 *i;.x of Mabel JeasT Peters for 2ttk fox Pic «’*HiMaodnroto. (Hied lV INirtw itotjm pi.%«- J,an IVirr, . , lh. 5.7. i"' r,7r" , rh. toto.m, Sl..r< In to- nj,.. Buth-fox rim >hk h max com »2 , ,iu«* «1 at the NaUohai Tb*atre. l,ix- • ConttmMd bn puce 12 * b**n. with Robles Hunleiro started tt 'I Imnenu xrnt th« HI* ILifurn ^ l^wdir "mitk play, ’ KMuersld.* **' KHUm Kilns and the ( l»*iti m Vox ember vith ... u , • : I reeeipi* from a him in Fran* Welles Transatlantic : j ^ £rS&StS Pbf for laBe’ Profram ZZ’Z im n?1£’ t Z , Z a - to m ■ t ■fcgmrt urt inn ex# «• kto to •% ABC SHx Holurn Kuns- ' 2 For ’Caruso’ in l^r.don 555L5TS. S£? ?*•"" London. Si'pt 21 WtiioM » r^ri. t Colleauo t»a> liiinrd doxxn kitbin a. few^ wet kv of it* origt an offer u» piiix the male it ,d m nil pUydatc.AIrlro* Great Ca-'thenrw Noel Coward pay lt* la- TuMi, ix 10 play a return date in >Be Values* . .Bobby Moo e* to all 1 oii*u«(v t h« atres of the Anao-'■--.Mar .In nets play presented bv a* • cri*ted British Circuit The second »«r-plax w right peUr Hsddoo. titled Pun open* in northvMnifl London Ibnible Alibi ” whi«h «pen» in Hull foi tryoot Ort 8 Jack Min- The repeat hooking K report«d to % rt W4U d,rr <d Silk l ee Kphraimi k.vr keen made b* Jark (ioarititir !’’ bo the b*w»king although not ABC manai ’«»f. on an ekr KJKP^ v intbrrs.ted l^onard uumx m-ar huernbrrg. the festival. German reaction was * "f ® un in» «b ai^i mm it*r 1 ' i enthwxiaxtie eiw»*(Kh t«» warrant a * wnall-budgrt pi* Ihe Pe*ts r Ti , t»n(»Uv, btoriun, (..r lh. IUII John Th# "0 Alms i>n>l>n* (ur r t-nt London Shows i>,n p-°p'* •••bpmt ««in tn ■*, i h,r« u-i y.»r on*> a•** vwrmi WMVH jwin» |j# Mfl ,. urCv 4m j » mwh u Ihry twl Ti. ( mrmi Iitrs -h.-w wrrks of run! H,ss'' Rotw-rt Brawn »( A NTA is Aid ('omaniltM toftorwd I hi- .i.h. it I .mtli.n. cm 2. inskmc lh, arran,rm.-nt>. b \ St. lung in Half o( lh, i... \rtok.- V.urtovUM .»v • i/ . " - Th, Film Aul Us gtnt *''•*«*• -Hlnr tor *•>,- a .♦»!. tu m » T V ^ , !? m .* ln Kr ,nrr ,nd -Tstotort - Drur> Lan, •«»*. Welles ’Transatlantic i 3i r •* "** ,urr, * n «• » "faory free.* Pr Hale* >211. producer on the condition that the -TwBes Bergere* llipp *|tM. Pino fnr ‘iJmo’ Prnorairt *°<***y » Immediately put mtoan- **«.a> s the Hoed.** Sax ill* J 3 » ■ ,u 5 IUI “MP% IIUjlalB other pic. Thia has led to much **Hollow.** fortune *1*1. London Oct. 2. production of cheap, commercial IIoom- In Order. ’ New *I5>, A transatlantic interview be- fllM* »o a* to be able to i;:kc ad- Intiinair MrUiions. ’ Sir nd <101. tween Orson Writes in I^ondon and vantage of the goverum-nt aid. zVZ -wTibe* ,I, New York was arranged Tough keeping up lo production bSSP^Sifter^;- , P !*S2 Jiff 1, TdM Tuesday »23* as a Ur up for ^rl thia hn brought about an "hiiirht to Colyeum .Jp>, , |h e radtu tianMrttxum The Live, obv.ou* lowering in qualitx whuh •t3S» «LlfW^rb«iLr?iii t,> ’ ot Harry Lime.” which is to be hurts in the sorely needed foreign "Little Hut " Lvric .ill ; launched in America tlvia ntutilh. m^tKt.Yith this aid. frrncn Aim *’Londo n Wrlady.” fmpn-s* <|g) ?** radio show taped by Hie Harn WM J> rt< F hjL“P T10 annua 11 v which • lwxe 4 Colonekk.** W ndh in 2tH . 1 A,4in Tower* Organisation, ia the P ul * »t about fourth in world pro- "Alan 4 >u* ro s." Prince’s -Ml. Arst package program to h*ve been on mon, • • Peony plain.” Bt. Man <1P i acquired by th^ British Broa*fcast-! Fwulueer* claim that the high " Rainbow Square.’* Stoll. <2* ] »ng Corp... and is now receiving ♦ Continued on page 12) Hrlin tant Heroes." With peak listening dal.-- '2!‘ ' laW h »* questioners thst •PiClfk’’ Sold 6 Mot*. ..I 1 ” 11 *. r T m he wag hoping to return to Amen- . ■ * j , , _ «** VW 1 ,1 ,n,r Chnslmss . ton to hs> In AOlntf ito Into -T, oZ2k. rntUrn Iromptol.ri his s'sf, rn«,.fn,nl ,( -V : ! London CM * v • Waterx n f » — •* H im'ki ‘ which open* xhortty at Adxance seat sale for "fbnrth P»* “U ho tiroes There'*" York >2Ti * tbe Sl James' Theatre. He also clAc ' ia soaring in almo-t unpre- •‘AAlfe's Lodger." Comedy 'IHl* ,b * 1 he was keenly interested cedented fashion. With a month to "Winter** Tale,** l»ho« nix *14** { ,n Bo( moiniv ** » guc*t artist, go before the musical open* at the DPI MAG THIS VfEk ’ * h* 1 “» producer. Drury Lane, Nov I the HwR ktW I "Alan 4 Vup rn s/' Prince's 33». "Penny Plain." St. Mart. *td). "Rainbow Square.” Stoll <2) "Relmixnl Heroes." Wi th >451: "Seagull* Sorrento." Apoito tat*. "Take II from la." Adelphi »4bi. "Tambourlaine " Old Vic i|l. "leu Aleu." Aldwych 1* ** fo Dorothy g Son.” Curn k '45». ••Waters of Moon." Him'ki 44» "Who Goes There?" Yoik <Vk Wiles Lodger." Comedy *11 1 , "Winter's I ale." IMum nix ||4W OPI NING THIS W I I K In Advance in LfHidon London Oct 2 Adxance seat sale for "S*iuth Pa* pen mental ba^x* iolfljiar^ i Ka>: 7 icbg * 'be tunent attfar- "Mrs. Basil fairing Ion." New 1,1 MM BBC sludrn with Orann sold almost solidly for -ix month* often esnrOtoabd ■ mil n u.n iui k.'*! Kunal the HalttTM-a Park festival Bo’lonx Welles was Hartdd Myers, (umdon ahead often expiesxfd opinion that big a i ^ wancrv*a Park Festival MoM<.nx. Welles was Harold Myers. I ondon ahead picture* are riot retained lone i*.*!'! ’A al Priest in the faadly .** Wesl- VantiTY mugg who answered quea For several weeks the hou-c with *- Psrw* » l«*r the > > wres minvt.r •• lion* ahnot ih. no hj* eoou^h in the London area. 1 Out Oh at H.n v to >,rr *^ - - 7 "' about the audience reaction rapacity of more than 2 M>. ha* lUptMi al Btrndnghaiu Nuv. 5. * Th*a Waa Odd. Criterion. ito the Welles radio piugram. 1 been sold lo the end of 1451.