Variety (October 03, 1951)

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41 ra/* ft . , ' Gties’Best Radio-TV Friend; AD Are Sowortd 11 "ifSSifiSil**** 1 >ro< l uc t' on ■ Steady Rise; lit Politics inoirtj ’S| Oiitmit 1 ST. (neater Than Video Ancle la Sport. ■;> Chriago CVt t. V; 7 ' ' w : - V ■:.$ ^Mloaeapoh*. Ort 2 Ancle in Sport.’ Afternoon And Decision at to whether the 17. of v , WiihiniUm. (Vtl , mrlvrn piod ! ha * *** *""?, ***? -S~.." T’ ff !lTS n *n k I 1 * will * •!***!! UHhail shall put In for a trlevlaien If antone thinks radio u takmc I P 1 **—‘ T a in CHlea rndlo And TV stations carry the Notre Uame football . if. uw .. . ^-j *- tn-raoie of ly . of the ( lor 0* |uk. ticltttooly IM« tell. ' I “ nn '» ,ur » rth " «U *.«»«.!. *£££•*it, SU5* £»£&£ .«r s,h„ lr. * tniat of sport programming, that WLOL. MBS cait! r« as much as 1 L/’mTVmT * Wr * i J r 5 T*"*^*? Scurry of the radio receiver Indus' { Aponc ** **• ‘ ha* 22 hours • week of sports. ijgjg MgL*?.* *FI ui J \ try should dispel the utgMgat. for m h ' MT1 i < nds There II bo more sports ter lets thsa 15 It broadcasts '** 72*5™* de*mte TV. radio set output ha* F wl «d ***• * Washington tVt 2 rrtfheh piodured neat into an If anyone thinks radio i* taking aoto..H*bde So fur this year, nrar- luu k m at In America tm aii'f of t.y 41* * of the turnout has heert tof p,, pore for • record-breaktnc . .mint of sport pmcrammlnc. that ». f w.rta are the stations’ beet fi n nds Tbere’ll bo asore sports mows than any other one type, re*»« broadcasts escepted. sod theyH all be sponsored No other the Minneapoti* comes the Minnesota foot hall contest*. the World Series exclusively, 12. of Minnesota basketball At home and tee comprised of Board of Hi Cents JT7J TV i ad*«Vt ..utuul I memhri * The com in it tee* plan to ^ J ^ s\rn !222,» rf”***. •*J 1 ** ytU. OWN vl«L Mtn havr (.1 lu*' <>n the hi'i> of pie* ions estl- Fur ntidle*- by HTA1A, thu year's out* ly^lput of auto *rtv would bring the .hi* nuiuher of cars equipped exclusively l*. of r ' ^*** * *** ■ 55 ^55 5^: * roosiderabiy. radio product i«m h«« t ( own! etboll At home and “ , * * * wn -. V*7* ** nearly equaled the rate of 1*50, *'*“ 1 fallen " radio* to around 24 HOP 0U0 „ Counting tog, per son a per car, this i y •„ i *i»ul(t mean a potential out-of* liar mm: * r 11 ■■ sway Minneapolis Laker, profm . f #mp.jrary defeol. fap>o , «|. . yh^-thTindustry turned m»i.a rre-V^ ’ ' «•*•«!» atonal bosket ball conte*t. and f 4 ** vk J^ rnihualaMa. nho were Minneapiilis and St Paul pmfen ' W***!".** ***** « r * raU «* lnm ^od none art ract ^ audi- %tona | basketball rant rata, and , Mi e*. according In MoUoo head* Minneapolis and St. Paul profes- ; vt itk the number af sports shows slonal boxlnc art Uni 4 orw hlch In number, foot- * The V. of Minnesota football and bull this will will *et Its most com- bs*ketball csmes are rarried by plrte sod lamest coverage, with WDCY. which al«o will ram the Kesier. the new Min n eso t a | Minneapolis Ukers basket ball It .d.rM PMch, o« both TV an 4 •«*">' bMoboll G.m* ol ih, O.y- ord is (mm) uno arts <hhcr i ontrlbulr to the m . i«»nt|nucd demand for < »di<»» <>M I ::**»» t. Ihr .rrod Iwinl ihr «MM> rvery- h e dr o u in. nse of M^ts in of- the regents. * T - . ViaTr »s the trend toward the .. . . . . IP5I. areordm* t« lire Radio-Trie- ^ „# T itr > V* 1<,r 7 r ^° t t 7*1; 11Mon Manufacturer* A«.vn radio ~ ^ . ..liter ,»u«rx uf rr act ion to the state tuppotlrd 1 «^i»ri pi ares of Mhonl'a n on mi n mercul »er>re # V» iioo Jr* a dr. f nr «mU * ,,u ‘ •f Portables ambition*, h«, Wen *** f: +#*.,« , «h.l, . b Ur* .nero nas *rru upr _jo,,nc« ^ Mannfarturem A*sn radio i .'aZTmher uhLeTorbuJL^ reaHion to the *».te supported l-*-* •-he. p»a«-e* «f Imi«ii M ss. U ’ i;, tin < iy, In fn bin mm-conunercMi «mre p lw popO «et«. a dei ime of only WhTir Vlo h uh.u I aTiwen bm. am h t tlotW v Arguments have been 3 %. ■ imm tho ■ ■ JTj> i,.. , w } "i. the pumm ht|(f been bi- nnt forward that tan nmnex could iJj . t^rresps miiwc |IU| ^ iruuo immi m the pu< rorsarn inai is* numry couin prriod of last year Prodm linn of r_ sl U%ur xrmrM „ be saved by the un|«ert|tys use of TV ^.r. yKw h uu^led int iHU ... [• %, ._ ,our >raf !‘* ^ * n hd four years. ha* atM» been r.i.iio. and BarnN l»maa and plan* wrr.a* »»•. »M< b »oiai«i*.iijij ,aw m ndN ■» an ch pruminant «, "*» ** IM ^ - Mw. a ,-mlum ... „,r TV .iKna la >v*l ; kjimm h AS Ih* *a J a a a ’ rW " **4* . *H« It blMHtld In nulCtl >IV« h*o — Roger W Cli na fer of tho Philari m Hroodcasters A**n mrently went j i iHiytdrrinM that TV is on the «n record as opprning s unnerslty ! ^ and thal rmfho u %uppMM ^ ,y ««*»mnai»ona et». it *1 too Id hr noted, sir i«dk> * n es-citaco, prom.oem n<. toe - — ~ tional programming The Illinois from .1,. . " r ' ’ : rr ' ,wl «' we iv •mm.;} h aw*rb a« Jha •*%.; i MrnUrnrtar. A.,n raianO, nan. th ., T V to «, «W ^ " u,,d *" t l mad communities this la prop* j _ " , ; > tL H p lll V , 'n I ,lal1 ^ W «♦«»•*« -»*ne of the ’iJEm? of . *7T , na r t i e, Motion exocs believe Thr y In< j u»rcr*»isiion*^TwVI !**and <‘*n»pus »iafter* themselves have wdeo the industry Agur» * would * liTs 1 !!!? W II t^nl J ^duliT* prndl out. however, that there U he | ISSr'Sff T_ *£^'**} *J2* rlgprly *tud>mg the medium appear to indicate that the rad,a ,?* hl.iT.*t ^r pimty of coverage, too. for boxing, man of the Philadelphia Chapter of * nd edu«ai».mai potential, and receiyrr will hold Its place in ,hrre „tonih?1?a%e of slbJmJ i«» r krtball and wrestling the Nstlonsl Foundation for Infan- Jf* fH M,Mlrr AmtrUBf% 55 *r year* to come y 0r g „, 1h t O In France Me Tho RBTT nds snnrts shown m. 9^ l*Mbdia. He succeed* Frank the ofAHnl ahay is received Insti* One reason fur the conn nurd ha , rr*«med Ndh uupervixpry The RSTP radio T It. McNsmee. former president of jtuUon already has a% 4. liable a SiO* high rale of radio output I* Hi# mmr* and his pta<e on VUIAS- I ti«i» Marnera MBnaay to t nitrd Artist*, who headed the 000 TV transmitter whuh was given in. reaving demand for auto arta TV’S 4 50 p m, newscast Mund^y station. | w getting some of the “impact of C'ampu* *lafTer* themselves, have vidro. the industry figure* Would been closely study inf the medium apprar to indicate that the rad«% I ou*ititle - K»< hard Otwrlm, Wit AS and WIIAS-TV new* direr- to#-, ha* relumed to hi* p»»*t after man of the Philadelphia C hapter of ^ ^ will MM IM Pbft ^,iihrre month* ifrave of absence to the National Foundation for Infan- r !!f r . r . fr! undrr Amerkan life B»r years to come «, 1h | VF.SCO in Fram-e He rile Paralysis fie succeed* Frank the official okay i* rerened Insti One reason for the continued rr *um«d both vupenrlspry L McNsmee. former pre«ident of > tut km already has available a 5t0» high rate of radio output i* the.]dulte* and his plaro on WIIAfb Friday 15 minute 5 20 p.m. **Jack j Chapter the last three year* by funeral Kiev trie l„r IK. KKa 11 rul 1 Horner’s Comer** for the SheU Oil i t’e. He also hat a similar Satur- day afternoon sport show and two evening shows on TV. with Whix Motor Rhythm. Northland Grey- hound Buses. Muntt TV and Lew Bonn aa sponsor*. KSTP presents “Powerhouse of Sports’* fur the Howard stores Fnday nights at 5 20. the Gillette 'Cavalcade of Sports’* on TV at • o’clock aaaae nights, and at 10 50 p m. the Dick Dunkel show for Adam Hats On .Saturday af- ternoons on radio it will carry tho in* detailed account of the Min- nesota feat hall games and TV the WAA contests made available far television. It also will have the > • ecavts of the World Series base- lull games A special half hour KkkoC" p <»graia Sunday night launched ttCCO s Uiree-*,nd a-half hour-line up of sponsored fall football broad- casts. This was a documented salute to the Minnesota football tram, designed tw stimulate Inter- ext in the WCCO radio broadcasts of the home and abroad garnet Saturday afternoons. Among those on the show were Fester and Bier- man. Ike Armstrong. Minnesota athletic director; Tug Wilson. Big Ten conference commissioner, and Grantiand Rice, sportswriter. WCCO and all the stations hi wadcasting the Minnesota games have sports shows preceding and blowing the piay-by-play running •Mounts of the Gopher contests. Participants include Fester. Bier- nun and sports writers, as well aa former Minnesota gridiron greats Sponsors include Standard Oil of Indiana for the seventh consecu- tive‘year; Twin City Federal Sav- ing* *nd Loan, and the Waterman Waterbury Co. WCCO also has the roach on Its Dayton Depart- ment More-sponsored Monday eve- ning Musical Chime*’’ show Fla borate WTCN-TV Layout WTCN-TV’s sport layout probab- •I the .MNt elaborate of all. It ludea the 12-week one-hour letter football shows Monday tnghta, an hour of local wrestling nutchet Tuesdays, the network ' mg show s Wednesdays, a local L> minute sports roundup the same ’»fhL network professional foot- •>•11 games Sunday afternoons lot- *d By a 20-minute ’’Football ^ out * show, a 10-minute sports re- . ' few five nights a week, a Tele- *i**rt» Digest a half-hour g week. *"d the film This Week Un Sports.” a quarter-hour a week WTCN radio broacasts the Mtn- nenHa football games piay-by-piay Saturday* and hat a pre-game show. He fore the Kickufl.” sponsored !< Ficon Products and fealurtag a Hose Bowl Party” contest . it MIN radio has been offering «xdiuiv* coverage of t he St. Paul p m ball games and will carry the Paul high school football games r*nd lop Minnesota intercolleitiite l < ‘i.itsil each week It has two If *ute sports review*. Ttdhrdi'i l*avt year. Out of every three through Fndai TTiey turned on if lie ¥ , • • > ' keat, in June, in Mt-T* ok* «O0'^“ 'ft*** v * snt r +*£**»’ '•'7. QU *rV r ' rfaC^ _ •* . a \C .pi • ivr _ to P*'. ”■ - . %1 40 * jucP B 0 ar r>~: V« » l'.'- ^ m pe^ A uht ^ VP* o»«*- °" iV* r '* e A' , * r " W* CP***® 1 *^ ot , tor - ^ f. ^ \ V*P* -o* r * » M vPV» ' v *W«p ^ 0 *. Y»oviP C8 »pO ie vp*«; *° 4 7 . cov»V* P" ?V ,B ok** WS* > ^aop* *v** ’ T «» ,e<1 UlCV**** w»A V° c , to r« ^oiaM CP®' 0« c * A* * # .«•*• Al P ,r *.rcP*° U ’ > * v» ^ tv** »0* % 0 v* *•’ AV»«’V U ^o c«W . oW" ttFfffSIMTIMW TIUVISION STATIONS lC*»’-#i l-*#^ ♦-f Ca■«*».. WkO WOCt (STAS TiilGSAUI 7 c(tU 4 i 6 H SctU 0 ?*t 'pccttAcx *P<tcU. j 4 ¥k: wart rv« (WAV* K I (Wreo h ♦***♦»• & . INC. MSaeous-ST ram wtcn-tv (QiPaKh kONUI MISS! wets Pioneer Station Representatiiei 5 tnn «9)j (TMt Nt *S| st. touts !■: ssa-ri* -v trO'of O iVAlCM, tawcisco SSON TV* , |i»d CMQeCUi : • • r NSC' A't-fwN* Hi YORK Ullt AGO HMHiiir ATI. IN f % IT- * OKI II IIOI.LV «UOI> s.O IM.MKO