Variety (October 03, 1951)

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ABC. Ml their reminiscing k . Diamond bow that Me* WaMT will be a huw esecutlv# at Young B Kubtram. east and weal Wolff will get Halls of ley" off the ground hut what happens alter that Is anyone's guess hart EM soaped «p his debwt as director of Lua Radio Theatre with Last Monday's "All About Eve” . Me lea Pickens. lormerl> one el the singing sisters IV Vfir YORK CITY ^ - «•* moved to N. Y by Needham Louis A Brorby to menace the M M f,,V f ,f 1 * * B agency s Gotham sfflrs NIC la nsrhl “Ton Cant Take It Wim Mai Darts. Kenyon B Erkhardt vp. left Monday (II to visit clients You" to Friday night to bolster radios ‘ slowest night in the year ** In Wisconsin and Rattle Creek, returns Oct It Rudolph Mailer Scrlptert coll It "a writers show." high tribute to look Ro bin and Jerry kirks off epenrng luncheon of Radio Ever* Club at the Waldorf-Astona Brewer . Virginia Cooke, wbum Irwa PhMIlpa once railed tbe moat lomorros ‘Thurs * \ ARC librarian Roth Crawford appointed chair- promising of the young toep opera writers, has turned her talents to V)*n of the Special libraries Asms convention lo N T. best Mav TV and sold two western stones to Roy Rogers. WMCM nutritionist Caction Fredericks’ new tome. "Eat. Live and Be aao aasaS k'em “ has hit the bookstall* Associated Program Service topper f \ (MlCAGO . , • a „ ^aris f t w 4 isr ***** ,hr w ” ■" &m 2 *ttS£SS 2 1 %1urr*» fTskhsnT^aniirmr dTrcctoT ut Nation*! A**n Of R*du» B imk ** **** « u ** M *•»* «*■* Trtevu!* S^jMorr^HriTr^wrn^atiJeg*w2l ^OM the 1^ anauaTlunc h Minneapolis an a hit .routing jaunt Maw I l~ oT ysTmTn.l IILr" - - - ^J” . >nnu *‘_*T <n ter Mrs Feeds has bought three weekly quarter hour* on WLS • am of The Pol e ()ct |4 In^ BiUnwie^ ^ Tomp^ h* ra ined s « fnrm * gddy Ame*d*s trsnascribed hillbilly tune session breaks , tied to They pro not In business they toy. use some of tho^ techniques ' lo opes .1 Sport scatter Rev* bilws has Inked soother year’s port with WIND Pog fNr* Arthur* Jacobson departing her Chi NBC guest relations poa as she and husband take up California residence Ad e l c Crawford take* ever guest job Chi ARC radio toppor Id RmMh sod sale* Of Rodio B 5® J nb promotion director of WW1 Nr* Orisqia «.» j»«n Al Dwrouie s pub* Wm aoUth RwYJIT^ZZI/.nh, , - ZZkZ T at J Writer Thomnsao John % Bonin. J r* ABC sale*. ***** this week on W MAQ with RalstonjMntW ** lu ll. -1 (T at J Walter Thompson John \ Bonin. i r* ABC sales. ~ i™ SZ1Z, , uJ-JT^JS n y i lined WfVRW as account exec Ind.r incidentally, is on l oohou * " **** wr-YiIirmw TTh , i .i niihw .■ , „ ; 22j- *■.? 5*g* o£Lr*22ffu?£ r ‘"^T'SIS acd Ptoi hemoner to ItsAetd force * r Cu hM !*»»»*<* w MAQ’s Cher Show os guest contact for emcee Jack Eigen «fliw^tprsui.AM and T v «M **£#*#* Sf«f 2£ WBBM * Shopping With the Missus show hosted by Jim Conway M *" f * g *- do ^ (he crw thr ksardjy M pm atrvd lrwn th# C hicago Defender s Home Rervice festival Thurv- h » . Miller Brewing on Mutual Nelson Case oorking on a A iomsq n Zk. 7 Ido. <4> WMAQ duk spinner Naeman Rom recuperating from ,r>f u ;; n ; ion 411 ISA* y** r At* d BSSlgMt. Popnur Chi radlo-fv parsonality went under the knife last Fn ttr * M * U prr *w. >> RIM Well, md singer* George Ramoby and Money pt < Cf L I I «*oples Svoiphon> A *** rhiS 1m l ** *<"*>** WBRM’t eorty morning strip sponsored by D-Con Jack *J* W tee. off a new nightly sport, mow on WON for Ruby: n*^T( onL^ ATTn. r mrr m du,r J>l o^ A'uK,.Ty hrtd bT WFDR^s Chrvro, f < ^MAQ sales chief Howard Meyers vacationing Pierre . £?£££ L.«. •*« h ' Mr **"' Wrfc Or, IS .ftrr . .umn>r, Thoms* relehmtcd hi* 21st anm m radio with a ballgame between his J ^ n nc snd i team captained bv James Mellon George Hamilton • ■ . ■ — ■ ■ ■ ■ < . — < ", i tombs. V> MGM new* analyst, appointed a special assistant l r % at* | * turner working on price stabilisation he's a former congressman from I W PF( Mon MBS pre«% Uaffcr n« leave prodoc- j| L3ni0r I 3C6S IR6 L3St tng And e infer mg weekly Cl show for KFM. MBS Anchorage affiliate [I . W "P ■ » ' ■ — MiV ^ 1 Robert Rragarwlck hat been appointed up of Blow agency and LammmmmmB c«ot»»*#t irom *•«• It oBmmmmmammmK will com into* a* account supervisor <m Lilt si-w* «# - ^ ^i^rv mIiim ' .Aim” Mem Vftrfc this week coaaiorl proved more than ever point a few towns around the coun^ knt.n^tWm f eoeee cUdon of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer Sooia that th * * ho%k U lb * all,y thin * H »ry. dallying long enough to spot / .T # T r,r ’ ^ Mr « H ** 1 * . news event (granting It. great him in some as per his old itin- IPrtn. «f the WartUngion Post and Dorothy Reek, of tlit Rkh Fnwlirs . ■mstorlcal significance can be erarv; Canioc. B Lee at the Or* :|lews ^productive of such a good show.” pheum in St Lou iIMIS- with Tam Frank. e*CBS now business manager of Kenyon B Erkhardt a program riding under the ban- straw hats and biaeers. some jokes. A M TV production department Phil Boltfeld upped to assistant ner of entertainment will jiurt have and ' Por Me and My Gal ” Then puMtr tiy director for Benton B Bowles under Die* Bellamy Noe-Ilk Have that much more ahow * the usual up-to-date crack* about mao Reader, ad-pub rhief of French Government Tourist Office sails The Cantor production was llMd £?° r f* Jessel a. a kid of IJ In tomorrow •Thurs» for si. week* in France. Africa and Italy . Mac- [ about all Cantor It was as close to Ptltsb u ry ^ A churaB^RRMMRR I rv slcndcrtring w ill sponsor 10 minutes 'of B MC A s Tod Bleele < rt^» *u% » I "one-man allow” at only **** 1 rU ?i? _y. T.* ^hoop er the ho*rd Foreign language Quality Network has re-elected WOV s He could make It. almost contmu pcobablyuse^ asort Oil rfUgi r SiTV K.l*k W*M w pr«y »i«i conUfmrd o4 /Uam Y«,n« Jr i «.n « •'«" Inc tut ranrwilwd nut afiM*' there >i nrlrtf hard, driving home stog- com petmg with " R u le and V.wdcrv eaters T o is^^dasRar M Lnjf thr P°* Rt th5 joke or the effect; Ida (tuth given* As lo the lat- VZ . bE?*TS3L umT^Tr (15S^r*b^i **■£. wST rtsJ K Frank Mhlte goes to (Milahoma CMy nesl week for proem of the Okie- the urn for an opening humorously ' semImentalue* Ida h»ma Symphony t third season on the web Bank for Ravings has WM some film of El Capitan Cantor in the aud picked up lab for John Roaman . bre.kfMt new scasl on WINK ,t Holtywood-Vme where the show A representation of entartain- R*v H.lker new to > Strange Romance of Rertyu Mller s Joy ^agHg* aoguem. into the *Ur . mrfll at a C.I hospital had him and Hathaway. Anne Beymowr. Florence Robinson Richard Newrtoo. Naomi j Ive r „t ry into the orchestra for Judy Kelly in a chirp, after which Campbell. John Rrewster and Jaaeph Curtin added to ‘■front Page hoopla and introa the gal scored in kicks whirls and Farrell RiUy Redfield is ”Lorenrn Jones” addition from then on It came through ! a line of aero In same setting IV JJ/JI f YU tuin either a* a salute job to Cantor or > duoplanista Martin Freed B Ernie 1*1 nt/LLIW UW • « a r the latter reprising hU vaude tegit Stewart helped Cantor kick off It would be a collector's Item,'if one had a tape recorder along, to career, in Itself a salute : This such evergreens as "Bye. Bye, eavesdrop on the hashing over of old times by Johnny Jehu s i oa r , re- seemed to develop Into a pitch to Blackbird ” "True What Say About dio and TV chief of National As* • of Manufacturer*, and Paul White. c«j| ; attention to tho trana-U.. S Dtaie • and "Now's Time Pall la m»w newsman al a San Diego station Both served through the last cable To accomplish that vividly. Love” The ”Susie r * inning gave war a* news chiefs of major network* While for CBS and Johnstone for they elected to have Cantor pin- opportunity to relate that it was . J ■'■■■ LI... L . 1 n— , M . ,J I really introed by Jotson. who let 1 T it U>* for Cantor to popularise Jolie su worked in again circa '26 ■■■ m/K Chicago where he was appearing DAT DATDICK dl£ 'H ■ AA ■ ■ M. rn Vm ‘He in- m^uk. S ■ Wk ■ ll’,? w «! a, * ,a w “ muiU c jWIR Boss iter s representation at ^ ww^li'.; 44gP/^ 11 TIAfIMfiR ,er * to Cantor This turned 3IIO tff IL I If IIV VI 52 ! 99 WUI ^ jammer* and Jittrr<«>« hopping all over tho set to render the tune Lgm m I | "Pamily burlesque’’ •Shenandoah. Pa his first girlery* displayed Cantor and partner In a Weber B Field* dialog dressed by chorines, uho aftermat hed by stripping Wet>cr-Cantor down to his regular suit A planned ad Ub had music conductor Al Goodman's batoning "Canary Cottage” In San Francisco <l»lfi\ a Cantor vehicle. Then (Cantor's recollection of his having plumped for 24 hours over Prtaco'a KPO to sell bonds-—and songs of the period End portion was his "There's a Bond Between Us” ap- peal Sid Fields and Jack Slattery supported Cantor In the sketches, with great credit to orodurer di pitching their products have to de- velop feat moving hot items which have a prod table selling span of ala wefka at moat and depend upon the ability of the pitchman aaleamaa to demonstrate his gadget effective* >y along with til s fe e t talk. Kaye-Martins boys give out with an "educational” spiel. The half or quarter hour talks on the shampoo do not claim to grow hair Such Claims by others are derided as pure humbug This point i. made with some humor—"Lady, if your hesband has lost his hair— here la what you can do Love him the way he la: he’ll never grow It heck “ They do give a terrifte buildup to the virtues of lanolin and work smartly to the closing minute* when the product Itself I* mentioned as being loaded down with this wonder-working Ingredi- ent It s the same thing with the vitamins—they're good for you and yon are "entertained” far It ar St minutes listening to an "education- al” v* position that Incidentally compels a purchase when the Hoe- ing sales clincher goes on. Time Is bought at f atari rates No "per inquiry" dealt art made ae results have proven H a cheaper to buy at card rate and slots depend upon station availabil- ities and the programs have been put on from It a. to midnight. Programs art frequently repeated within a week WPAT. P»ter«on N, J . has had the shampoo spiel several Lime* a day for SO weeks, and I* atilt going strong New York Hat oner* reset as readily at; their brethren In the province*, to Lo* Angeles and Miami Platter* and Rim* are being readied In Spanish for the particular segment of viewers here and south of the Nobody I* forced t* stay tuned te * radio or TV set far 15 ar M minutes, says Kaye Martin. If ‘*fta boys can hold an audience that long they must have something be- sides their stock of hair shampoo and vitamins They ain't pitchmen —they're entertainers. ; Equity. J Say v Thanks to EDGAR BERGEN Great Tea-Year Miss Being With You TNs Season. Eieen BARTON TM« BILL GOODWIN SHOW NDC-TV MCA with great credit te pnxluc rector Manning Ostroff for forming a difficult chore. Ti WATCH FOR US ON T-V. WK WILLIAM Moots AMNCT rnbkwfh Waller McCoy, chief engineer at WJAS. ha* just chalked up 26 years of aervico with the station.. . . New Baron Elliott • Deers platter. "No One Could Love You.** adapted by Elliott from Ruhenstem's Nrlod\ In Fv has words by Phil Davis, head of WCAE continuity depart- ment . . Helen Koaenblati has resigned from WJAS staff ... With end of baseball season. Ralph Klner's Sunday night teevee pro- gram on WDTV has faded until next spring . . Larry Israel. Channel 2 exec, and Audrey Westerman former ad agency gin. getting married on Oct. 14 . . , Paul Shannon ftrst KDKA Hoff announcer permitted to do a video program locally. He's m e ‘lag Iron i City Beer's all-girl show an WDTV I Monday nights at B.