Variety (October 03, 1951)

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-♦ ’ a, mi Inside Staff—Radio On« oi th# fir* collaborative rffom of Jerry Lawrence ana Bob Lee a radio arrtpt lagged Inside A Kid • Nm 4/ hat become an annuity for the •rttw It oat performed la«t week by tbe Seventh Grade rlaaa o# Atlantic Township School. Colt • Neck N J -4t* I 000th public performance Originally written for the Columbia Workthop aerie* in IMS. it w«a wbaequently broadcast on the Favont# Story * aerie* with Ronald Colman and aver the world wide facilities of Arms The C ouncil of Inter-American Affair* had it translated into Spanish and Portugneae and private individual* transferred M for broadcast into ' ala other languages It has been published in Farrar A Rinehart’*,' * Madia Drama in Action * and ' Radio Television Art inf and by Scholastic magarine and Harrourt-Rrare’t School teat ** Adventures n Reading”—in which the authors got alphabetic listing between Joyce Kilmer aid Henry Radaw«nh Longfellow Requests for permission to perform M have ranged from a plea from Radio Oslo to one from an Iowa man who wanted to put it on at a party in his living room Au- tbors have antnmaticaily granted free use for nnn commercial purpose > One of the largest and most comprehensive trade journal advertis- ing campaigns to be undertaken by an individual radio station is now being employed by WML Philadelphia, to inform potential advertiser* of the station s penetrating pouer in the 14-county Philadelphia retail uading area comprising America* third market Launch*# M April with a preliminary four-months series based upon ’ WFlL-adelphia *” strong position at the hub of this market the ram paign now moves into Its second phase to which individual adver- tisements ate devoted specifically to important industrial and farm areas within range of the W ML signal • Cltis* singled out at key market centers in the three-Kiate area ta- il ude Chanter Norristown and Doyledown, Pa ; Bridgeton Salem * Woodbury and Atlantic City. N. J , and Wilmington Del Significant ! facts and statistics about each market place strong emphasis on the influence exerted by the station on the buying habits of gfiOOOtM) per M>na in and be y ond tbe 14-couaty sane aant In do a tele stint, which will, be on a simulcast basis, unless be could originate part of the time from Miami, where be spends t considerable portion of the year While a Florida origination ts tech-« nicflty possible the southern sta- tions d®«t want to put up the II40INMIIIOOO monthly needed to use the cable, They feel their bust nesa ts good enough without the link Wine hell’* attorneys figure that the deal will make him one of the highest salaried taxpayers in the country Since I MU when he start ed for Lucli> Strike gabber has paid l nr le Sant and state coffers about >4 000 000 m taxes Job by APS Low-Cost 'Cut-Up* Plan Stations Indie producer-writer Kidney Remit k has secured AM and TV rights • to the Jeremiah Curtin translation of Rienktewtrs' ’’Quo Vadif from Utile, Brown publisher* Unusual angle is that Metro * mufti milium ' dollar ’ Vadta” extravaganza i* due to preem m New York next month which could presage a pic-vx^ther fight If Reouck gets hi* *how on the air Frank Cooper Is repping him."-'"" Remkk said Little Brown approached Metro with the AM-TV rights hut the studio turned them down Winchell’s New Pact from Hudnut and over >1.000 from ABC. that figure is bettered Ad dttionolly. there’s the min he ran realise from exercising the stock option. Further, when WW enters tele, which he feels Mr be sooner than he had expected, he'd do con Siderably better than the >1 ooo per minute of gabbing sans com- mercial! he makes under the < d pact with Hudnut. v WincbeU had delayed parting i with Hudnut and ABC due to the bankroiier s reported insistence on . a simulcast, which resulted in his talking to RCA v p Manie Sacks and Columbia topper Frank Stan ton However. Hudnut hot decided not to press for his going into tele at present A spokesman for Ken >on k Cckhardt. Hudnut agency, j said the sponsor will probably go into daytime video shortly Newscaster said he wouldn’t (MitlawH It mm p*lf ft OpmnJ NBC rate structure in which pay ment Will be made to stai tons based strictly on station coverage and nr rulation and out of which will c»me\ a new limnd respect for affiliates in non TV areas Figures compiled by A C Nielsen C C Nonpar and Broadcast Advertising Bureau will be used in arriving at an accurate gauge . Thus every affiliate station will be evaluated on its on a basis in stead of a blanket rate structure ‘NBC's recent reduction in rate* affecting all the affiliates brought vehement squawks, with the result ant formation of the Economic Study Group v argument ' bring raised that the same penalties should not be inflicted eft Sta tion* in non TV area* which have greater AM penetration I 31 The formulation of a blue print whereby affiliate stations will recapture more nighttime aegmentv to permit for local sponsorship deals, with the network: in turn commit ting the stations to more daytime segments for web pickup* notably in the morning Move stems from an awareness of TV’s inroads on nighttime listening particularly in the major market*, where NBC is so solidly en trenched, with an equal awar e nans of daytime radio s continued enm mere La I pot ency. Transcription library field is ex- pected to get a major jolt at s re- sult of Monday s *1.1 announcement by Associated Program Service that the 1>-year-old library will be sold in five cut-up segment* and at greatly lowered rate* Reason behind the change ac- cording to APR general manage? Maurice R Mitchell, if that r most stations today don’t need a full library " He feel* that Oiosfi sta- tion* are now specialized usint only portion* of libraries and hi renting outlet* the kind of waxed tunc* they need at a cost consider- ably lower than that of s full col- lection broadcaster* will he able to add librarie* "without c tippling themselves financially " |f’» figured in the trade that the acting t>\ APR a uk * di ary ni Muzak w ill have a competitive im- pact on the other libraries World Broadcasting 'Frederic W /iv lamg-Worth. Capitol. Itmdarf and RCA Thesaurus ■ APS I* peddling MS cut up serv- k rs -commercial Sid*, produ* tioh music, show medley, popular dance and sweat. and radio music* at monthly fees ranging from VI to >47 SO This compare* with an average of about >100 a month for most of the bigger libraries Capita has been renting a par- 1 1*1 library at a reduced figure Mitchell said that the APR setup differ* from Capitol's in that the latter offer* * smaller catalog bid * ’■ ■ > material APS a p pr o ach It to offer only specialized music in each of Its cut-up categ o ries Firm »* rent- mg its output on a one-year basis In line with the low-coat ap- proach. APS staff ha* been streamlined.’* with dropping of three talesmen and let Biebl at program topper Arlene Link ha* been upped to program manager World Broadcasting Zlv adjunct, meanwhile announced that It will spend 40*"r more for talent during next year compared with the psst period World v p Herbert Gor- don said (he outfit plant to add two Hollywood star*, one Broadway musical comedy star and a name arch Firm announced plant to use a VLman orrh and rhoru* «*** at least to selection*, due to in creased interest in longhair mate nai .. ■ While APR hat been contrasting its tales force, World announced tt s adding to it* Arid force AP? will rely mostly on trade pres* ads and direct mail Mitchell said that there are bun dreds of station* unable to afford libraries because of the existing "one-way” policy in the field Sta- tion* that rent librarie* he added often use only HF’r of t h em, and “there * no future in a business which ha* the philosophy of keep- ing the customer’* neck in the noose V APR will, however, keep it* full library for stations that Hemtock M*Ht*e to further questioning ho s4id He knew- of no commerc ial hroodraster who favored It Sen Smith then a*h**d bluntly whether some industry people fa- vored Miss H**nnock for a Judge- ship to get rid of her Cahill re- plied that that was not hi* reason for supporting her and that he had hr*rri of no rumors to that effect He added that Mbt* Hennorfc hod never found in favor of any of hit client* Several member* of the FCC were expected to testify at today » hearing in Mi*a IVennock’s behalf Others who planned to appear or to submit statement* favoring tho nomination are Arne* Craig. Jup- iter of the N Y Municipal Court; Jac ob Holt/man member of the N V Stale Board of Regents. Uui* R Pusiter. former member of the Hoard of Education of New York City; and representative* of vari- ous women * lawyer* organizations , ,*■ .• •; .- • '•* * '•"* * • - * ’ i / • ’ • •. • • * .’ - v 4 \ Back on the Nets This Week Radio's Seeded No. I Audience Participation Show i X ,» “YOU BET YOUR LIFE” NBC TONIGHT AT 9:00 P.M. FOR DaSOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALERS Radio's Seeded No. 2 Audience Participation Show ART LINKLETTER ■ “PEOPLE ARE FUNNY” CM TUESDAYS AT 1:00 P.M. FOR MARS CANOY Television's Seeded No. I Audience Participation Show m c I r X ■ “YOU BET YOUR LIFE” NBC-TV THURSDAYS AT S:00 P.M. FOR OoSOTO-PLYMOUTH DEALERS — • • ' \ .*, . .**.••’ ’ . ".*•*' • • , .' * ' • . • . .. ; • • s’ . • . .... •. ' '• • *• S', . " • • . ■ . . ' ■ ■ • • . ■ . > ■ . •. _ . y . • . , . ' • . . # . I • • THE SEEDIEST SHOWS IN THE BUSINESS JOHN 6UIML iADIO PSOOUCTIONS v I