Variety (October 03, 1951)

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RAM«-TBUV 1*10* *jfg!K. -=£§5?* w!r» j un^ui-w. i 41 -Station Web HreSrsw s* d.c. k T wwdc Manger *———•— 1 1 rited oa hli «Stb annl in radio, * M to iHuattoa of RWG firing » re* the rotia members of the Uigtf« . t . ^ .. _V » M om from John T. Cahill ,’ 4 t' 7*•;< qunt for a flat Iona I Labor Rda- rewartl hadn’t sitned beeause tho ^ y *• UCA general count*! H* tired A •*» station-sponsor merchaa* Ilona Board election and the RWG Taft Hartley Law required only of- AnoouncoMM MVMMTBP Gen Sarnoff 1*4*0 premium plan was In o ag a ■ «■ *■ $ “f »«»brrt It «• !<"*•• Bwa of Minna I* Uft hot coun- N lE k y •rjV* Congratulation, on your rated hem today »*> by Radio DM- commllt ** 2!-T*!**? Th# 01 th t JL nnuiu would lorn iwSmc 44,h MCA* 45a have al way a i||rl . whkh ta luaiac I rw ** clt resolution* ‘rgalite requiring eounril and Maatiii toouid jMt. Inter- rn w_ % | •• ■ ■. ■**?* ^hicn la taauing fria* that video iuriaUrti<m ran thrmbira to sign waa a *o fought mountain Notwork on Oct 1 boost- . received ron •• rt,lm ft *»»«—«* throughout JJd only mthoTa^' h » lh * AfL and CiOniid waa lolor ? grituKlocy MUIH fr*. Jg .v"'".^ r Tr o «»r" 2 —* °< * "U# "•*«** "v .h, SI HH .... I, O ffg j?"- **”.?* Ur<r ** FrnMen. Tnjm*B uU p—- • ; ■ 1 gLJgW RL W J. — —Of ...rrh.ul, .nd to lh,t 55 u h« . f 1 , J w __. ^ Thomas E. Dewey. fives radio station* their Hr«t ‘••‘P* 14 rail eont TV k /'Ahfl/rhlTIAhl CE*T ‘ ZLr^xizszsrs — tya convention set ittVOTKii’S WIIEf Eickm hp 101 X 01 X 74 Hiding to Matrh four atatlona In* lanokaw Strouse admitted that the plan mnnlem Bimn* n h rr r HHG K*a! Future rouru- of Teli vision \u- valved aro Kiri.; Idaho falla. W- wCninj LOI)(HV ;.•■ borrow* g page ' from the., pre- aa. N | Kit rledioa betMinn I Ihortty will hr charted at the vid»o KI IX. Twin Falla. KWIK. PkP DC i # a** i « mlnnfc operation* uf Raleigh < (gar- ) t»in One ofthe^ LaMHo ''"dec- '"rmm unuai first r» o and KOPR Buttr \*w out iMCT lOf jtllL Ml r,,r * °rtagsn map and other ne- | ar ., lont deplored’ a number of'«*•*’ h w.ti be h * m let. Wl MdP BUnu* I d^ta he^ABC pro ft NEW N Y whkh haa been • *^4itt4ggtS. ■ factor* whkh had increased hard r* r> * Vorb City Ike 7-b tine of grama, and will be fed Mutual and BmllmnrlM Vm strict Vp muuc and " lud * a franchkea have feeling. bHwern the vartons «Me chief oue*to«M t« be mulled UllimMllli f^4«i from KALL. n . W| p«4iry for over 15 year* will ** rf ^ been awarded 10 WWIK' groups LtMed among thc*e were *4 whether IVA will he i tporato Reason for the ehanged affllia- g a longhair on Sunday^ evening. m w »«*»tngton WARL in Arling- *ome Of IRO’i actum* and the hranch or merge with one or mom turn waa laid to the fact that Inter- i gurtlng late Ihla month. ,on Vi *ITII in Rallim«»re and t. *nmony la*t week before the «»f the other uniuna in the Aaop- mountain. with OUtlOta In aeven j Idea of program director |>trk *^LFE in Rkhmond Only one Sin- House ■ i-n- American Activ|t»e* nafed S - A Artivtc. of Amer- wextern atateft. would be ahle to Pack aupported by auceeas of hi* <*•* Ml a marhl —I he fmarhlai < Committee bg RWG topper Karl h • i ntfication with Ameviran do a better )ob kitlkg' Siart Benny Goodman classical disk Plan provides for Issuance of Tunberg. , . j. ^ rd F r 4 Hlwi ^fd ^^^Rndlo Artist* h- f the Rocky Mountain atatlona are jockey aeries. Is that at certain rsugana by adveriiaers on "Radle Tunberg. a vohantary witnesa. | **”**■ pooaibility ail owned by the net. increased rev* time, of the week there’s e bigger Dollar’* stations Radio Dollars charged that Common I *t* »n RWG <Mher problem* to bo tackled in- tnue will pay for tho ssriicli. audience foe the arrtous musk. Ai 'uppl*ea coupons premium cata- were using the video Jurisdiction rIude organu»ng of the field out- Also given aa a reason for the m WNEW s treatment of pop mu »»d special emblem* Coupons i*aue to AgM SWG He also »ide the three major pr«ntpcthm new *etup. waa Rocky Mountain s sir. attention will be paid to the *re in <i« ogminationdof 50r to $10 charged that RWG Interfered with center* New York. Chicago and plan to concentrate on plans to selections, paring of number, and *”d are redeemed by Radio Dot- $WG's NLRB certification last L A. Dues structure will also be New Stttita Spa sm J Prcnim Phi Set Up la | D.C fcy WWDC Maaager ALA Moves to End Rift Sarood also received con- gratulatory messages from President Truman and Gov. Thomag E Dewey. WNEW Eschews Papa la Setting Longhair Policy for Sul Ni?ht * to situation of RWG Atfng a re- the radio members of the League Washington. OH. X quest for g NaHonsI Labor Rcla- council hadn’t signed because the A new atatlon-apen a or merchan- Ilona Board election and the RWG Taft Hartley law required only of- diving premium olaa waa maun signing up membrr* for its trove# Acer* of union* to sign not mun- rated here «odav 2i bv Rwd»« «MUh»iU^ v • Ctl members The ruling of the laM. Inc m j Last week’s rwiw il resolution* : WfllB legalite requiring ruu| kjj SStJ?' l hl l ll ,l l , luu ' n< * rtn : stress that Video |utiadlrtion van '»'vmiwr«t« sign was a to fought chirrs to bruadiakera throughout ^ eonaideied only in the frame- h * lhf AH and ( lO ahd waa later ^ 2 worTi; ;Xpkte orgamaat tonal reversed by the NLR» it*. If WWIK' Washmet^ !!.d r thL •verhaPl. and to that end It haa • ; - •Im ru i.A a.tu..' iv.u a... taken step* to call conf.^rrme <►»> <ptr a cnsnirsieinsi ore m i: 5£, s m convention sct ■ i FOR N.Y. ON Dlt 7-§ Future cour se of Tel* v ision Au* Jmrroua a page from the _pre- iiM nlrh electiim petition lhwr1, > * ,M rNkted at the vid. o mium operations of Kaletgh vlgar- ro tfm ( ^ D | ^ ^ performers union * first national ette. Octagon map and other n*- Uration* ’ deplored” a number of convention, which wilt be held in WNEW. N. whkh ha« been * 5 C»uaSWii*S 31 a 5 '-* <»*i i* <w>•< M Radio Dollar** fram hives have feelings between the sarl.»u» th * <* h »*'f qurwtlong to be mulledT - ^ r’-" ^ • w m vawegpaa, jmm qp« iiumvri a mm ; —■ ■ V »■■■ m mm m m vwve ■ ivaamge i * > amngnvww -- nhip loftthfr a TV n+twork cammrnun which will aim at ^or more than 100 iftloailly yt^r nhen HWC# rrpa cm the mulfnl Mxh.-Mick. State B’casl j Hassle Snarls Airing; « ££ A_|_ A Ci-i! aarlo’a stable of arlista Intruing Wtfy 4 Mamas Beam .h... m«M »..rn. At ci«i» Drtrott. Oct J *J» *-rt« »>tl J* 4 V. of Michigan and Mtcht—I ******** Q Wg h * Qwh.fc— the *M> College got ini. * haule over »Hernoon jee.od .t had J*«>MM bre^dcaat right, h their game hat* 1 '- h - n CBS m<>%ed the N. V. Phil, ordar ■»». »ith a molt that only J* r,no "' r 1 W >r » I,.or o< the !• »tai.on. on the m "' . »•''» c ?» 4u « h * ,***5* Igan State College neioork earned . " ,m \ * °. '* the game followed by At i oltiha doing Jaap The argoment began when Mleh .« •« ^VZUL^SZ Kan announced It am.Id charge the **' h * *gf ***£?!■, *«“»*»“ I. .tat Iona approa.mately K tut * i . nl -*4 Khe the I t p m hour. for rights to Woadcaat the game 11 ' ~ ' 1 “ - n its stadium The 14 are fed ' ng t*m FVfFC nnp pno fnsm WKAIH on the MSC campu* MJlTfc LAlTj DDL rOK radio station, as a public service M ^ A - ( - £S£ 5 a. V^zsszx:.^ WCBS W 0 ®AM POST At a result of Michigan s deci Ram J Slate program chief for sion to charge an average of $200 a BBC*. N Y office since DM5. haa .Jggfion. WKAR ofRciala said only been named director of programs four would stay in the netuork and ftpecial events for WCML N Y Frit* Cruler Michigan athletk Aagahip station of the IBS web director, aald MSC ofVkiail had He succeeds Don Ball who ban maneuvered themselves into an em moved over to the network aa di- barraaslng situation by promising rector of editing to provide the broadcast, away Slate has produced a number of from home when Big Ten rules exchange programs for BBC. In- pro vide that home teams shall have eluding “Transatlantic Call'* and full Jurisdiction over game broad- "Transatlantic Quil M Prior to casting cond tk joining the British system, h# I WKAR will not be charged un- wrote and produced shows for the | der Big Teh reciproc a l agreementa j Bint tonal Asm. of Manufacturers I providing (or mutual university ex- ! and handled publicity for indie 1 change of broadcast rights, but packager Phillips tl Lord ! other atatlona on the network must . pay whether the program is c6m Crw^k Taiip.pI A//* . mercUl or noncommercial. Crkler riEOCII lOUflSl UIlKC , An MSC s p o kr aman attributed Bl]fS WNEW Clfcif ShlW rkivemment Tourist Of- onthp *11 ilTh* *" h « MolhU, In K.n K h,"L i. ,£ rrviJ"' k 5 * of*ff “ ' 9 i*L avoiding stufAne>» advertised Items Including refng* league council refused to *«gn DHryales will t»e ei<. icd on the Lineup kicks «df at 8 p m with erators. deep frees*rs. electrk nan-t ommy affidavits i baaia of one rep for each 50 mrm- Perrv Faith, followed at • 35 p m irons, hosiery, etc. An RW’Q spokesman said that f her* in TVA’s three tot ala by -This Week in Muaic ** L atter ig-Jmem lv. B"»'iMuiJL.L.a'iUi,.ii..u ' JjuM.^jjiJ.. lul .,lu - .• ■ ■■■• -• 11 -■- J SLATE EXITS BBC FOR WCBS PROGRAM POST Freadi Tsarist Office. Bays WNEW GiUr Shaw MSC loop this year MSC officials M Y. Show, which takes the 5-5 !«> r»hfv iwspw saaeu m m mm. - aaq^ww waaaafw* . a A ... as a, « added that Ohio Slate had given P m ^ **?*£?£**“!*• permission for free broadcast of * 4, *' 11 ^ the M SC-Ohio game next week * * *£*” im ^**2 th ‘* over the same WKAR we fat # % NormanReadrr. ■; for the FGTO, through L. H Hart- -I man agency. Hardie Freiberg is U r rt pping Miss Gabor If airer clicks. mCLOrnUCK to Lurope (WNEW may sked Miva Gabor in a As NBC Ups TV Coverage! p «: j?c t* -bm n lot of — o lot of orriNiii AND A 1 IOW COOT!!! NBC’ expanding Its Euro- L* furnished by Teddy W ti- ll opoint merit of Robert McCormkH. of the network’s Washington news staff, as a special European repre- sentative to supervise NBC news- reel 11m coverage abroad He’ll headquarter in Paris In addition. McCormick, as NBC TVs newvape < lal events man. will also he avaii- fton’s tno Indie isn’t making a pitch for the Negro market and the show wont highlight Jive If the show gets added listeners among Negroes, the station rea- sons. It will be a plus value for sponsors. able for servicing European TV networks on behalf of NBC. Paul Arrhinard continues as NBC's Paris chief Monte Maif Buys Haiser Jtt ‘ ^ ^ * •• NBC’s Parts chief Minute M*.d has bought a twice ____________ weekly show starring nutritionist n n m» on m Gayelord Hauser Airer will be Ita KBSStfl $ TV StiW beamed on 33 ABC TV stations Rosalind Russell b currently in * *'"* New York negotistiag witk Carol p " Irwin. TV producer snd packager . Agen cy is i d mm. . .- v; . »TfiZlrr ^5>d noxraia tt package playwright, for a one-woman video Novelist Louis Brom field b being senes. submitted as head of a video pack- Progr am b being written by Miss age w hich calls for BromBeld ta Phillips, with Mbs Irwin setting narrste. supervise and write ortgi- the deal as producer of the series nsb for s television series. It will he Miss Bussell’s TV debut Goners! Artists Corp. is kindling in a shew ef her own. 7 i the deal. IOCS JUST THAT! “Television.* soys the national advertiser. **b af- fecting AM radio ’-Yes, we agree-but. HOW MUCH?—WHERE?—TO WHAT EXTENT? In the WLW Mrrchandiseable Area. WLW. with television going full blest, delivers advertising im- pressions st s LOWER cost per thousand then any other radio stetion—combination of radio sta- tions—newspapers—national magannes—any TV station or combination of TV stations . . . your lowest cost per advertising im pres sion in "1/10TH OP AMERICA**—virtually the same cost per thousand in 194$ (before tckvtsion). The whole study b completely and graphically eiplamed rn WLW s latest analysis of l/IOTH OP AMERICA** (WLW ■ MerchDisdueable Arcs), entitled WHAT PRICE PEOPLEr Our national ©Axes are currently prewnting this outstanding fact-packed Rim. If you have not had • showing, call or write one of our offices, so- t date will be arranged THI NATION’S STATION