Variety (October 03, 1951)

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AFM Edicts Chicago OH 1 ♦ .D es p ite Hlort* ' •< I® 4tMrtr*n/ed«raiMn of Mu»m t«n* to Chicago • favorable Iml* * tog »tmt for mv»H ian« the employ m« nt (torture hw. at bw« remain- on a «M«p««r >u '^' evm * Ml thing* pv« n " tarif 1® rhiaf WHt# Renfcert tffVf V urftt “ii'i net too bad |t*s better than W yt*r» aw better thgn five prant ago and a title belli» than taxi year ftonkerl « assert too la disappoint in* i* vtfH of the (act that I-oral tl |Ni«h«*tl through one of it* owed r.diial edicts Inst year in limiting] the local *ork week to Eie d«>\ ; la p romote aftfai Hirtaf The ohm let week, iccanltaf to ApM prrxy J*mn Petrtlle that year would “show results over the !<mg ‘1jjk0t *the interim, however a wrtea of counter ha lane mg factor* Folk Singer Hank Williams Parted to .Metro Pic Deal Hank Williams. M-G-M Records folk singer. has been parted by Me tro for a long term Aim deal William* work* out of the t.rand Of Opry." Nashville air a fc t ' pw; O'' j Nikon Awarded 10G j la Sait Va. Milk Over Failure to Flag Tune *. * . 1 • . '*■ * . “ ,* Jocks, Jukes and Disks Jf RUN BCHOCXmD, aide ’•Gambe!la'’*”Hey. C<*>d l-ookin'" •Columbia Tim tandem of vocal lata are hitched to a couplngt backwoods ballad* that may to he a factor m the current ket “Cambells." the bH ter of the two. ban an Interesting colorfully executed in style by the disrt and Full Westnn’a orch. Reverse is a noisy, driving Item In the Pretty-Eyed Baby*’ groove, previously done by this team. Tenne**ie Ernie and Helen O’Connell also deliver “Good Lookin' ** on a solid alfalfa heat | for ( apHol ly. Hot pMbtfkahr • 0mm effect!* danger rg been duian attn« & vi i| lectlv# on tin pro. on Uua givk tier mannerism* sound overwork'd and art iAi ial. She probably r t*<. 4 use a different orientattoa it t « type of material she * been geuihg. 11*11 Farrell-Blue Velvet . Ka Mine Tonight** ‘M-C-M m * ano ther case of a aairr m«m overboard into a fly Italic path* himself Farrell la exnggrru that roller c noat e r baritone to the point of comedy Th at’s evident particularly on ’'Blue As LORRY RAINB “Cast V , , 1 » result of the decision hand ed rtow n by the Appellate Division nf the N Y Supreme Court last M»\ in the Ed G Nelson completely th love, It * deitnbifat Mu*ic cane. Judge Didor Warner- column i hleagn Ptm- vugrl last week awarded a 910.000 rimew Rapt. h mi. TIM GAVLt FuWk Hv-Pri wMl Mani<r inriH IU. have virtually left thing* at rtdu* pw< {JMipMi hi Awwof WtdHB, ©mm At (hr time Petrilli* '*“1 the entered on Urn nee et similarly wale hike and two-day xabhatifat titled tune* by the same publisher t«»r *Htemrn was necessary to %wal* | R upholding the writer Nelson, low up the (die members of Coralthe court laid that publisher* 10 * 14.000 musician* . Hrtrtllo have an obligation to exercise good n»»itil the fart that the union r«IUfaith towards writ err when assum- |«ad swelled from 4.000 in 1040 to ir>g rights (o their long*. H* presen t quadrupled figure Case waa originally brought to] \s a reottlf of the Rve-dav w**rk court when Nelson claimed that many tonal spot* immediately went Mill* failed to give hi* aong “Bed •n a retrenchment pntfcy Bones For My Blue Baby. * proper manr «put* it meant shuttering one exploitation due to Mills having •r tm mght* a mooREer mhnrx ImBma dmm m MUr hole 0 tenu bn i t WrUMwwU. 1 ktr*|«i It ;;; ;: >k , pubs hue fees for large location* such a* thf Cher t’arre. the Marine Dining K«w»m Empire Room Black hawk Sieve** Hoiei— the heavy nut in bringing a relief crew baa been partially written off and absorbed Out of tin* situation the respite * oilman h now Hi>(>Y>ng steady employment h> Ailing the gap among at least two local ion s wreklv (hieago and Oriental theatre* haVe hail to in- crease their two hand* (Mnli. tort u«her than this the add- fd hiiing presumed to come from the edict ha* been negligible In Reformer* NM. JMml a here the untom had hoped to attack -thf medlum-st/rd pub t|»ing four or Avo p k gt l ha* proved invulnerablf h\ vhutierinc enlirrU. closing for two night*, or In i few ra»c* risking the ealra nut with a vmall rflief unit or •mglr I Vi rentage of *u«*h *i*«l* w huh hive closed ha* more Ihan c a nc el led mil the increased hiring While YVindy City emploiment remain* only fairly durable mu- /voi*n* willing to work in small i motto* in **»e their I^ural Rif N Y . Ameri- Stoi Tepper and Boy Brodvkv tltlfd J f** Erderation of Musician*, re* •Bed Bn*es For a Blue Lady ” At to give Ka assent to a trav- the accounting procoodlng Mills *">*0 h" 41 4 ® 4|I « • commercial revealed 4hat It had received -' *hbw uiy radio. CBS has been 000 from all source* on the Utter '“feed to cancel out the half-hour -u»og. I *»ng this flgure a* a base, j. vtdhhF WawfrvpKl derided upon the 1UG preem award to Nelson It's eupeeted Frtday night “block programming Velvet a Griffin ’Twenty-Three 1 pa*hy Mow ballad on *ht< h |?ao Starlet*’*-’ The Lord'* Hidin’ Wilb Ceil pull* out all the stop* He Me Tonight'* tVletor*. “StarlHs'* Mine Tonight ’ ** handled Mraigh* "—“Mato a Lew#"—Coral g a pge number, with a Hollywood ter and more effectively • ■duelvety. %tMr peg which rate* moderate; Nal (Kftngi Colo: **1 Still S*e Balne a Cucxd recording of novelty spin* Tune ta baaed on Elisa - - You're O.B For T V * to»vf' lw« u*<«nrr» fauiMg the *Tam Pierce folk song cut by ! 'Capitol* “Elisa** la a pleasUM Burl Ives some 10 years ago ftr- ballad which Cole build* into *a verse U a dramatic religiose num- impressive side via the •impiKi'y ber which Merv Griffin deliver* and sincerity of bit delivet effectivelv. but this tune it not ( bar ha* a good melodic line whnii tailored fur the pop market. Hug* Cole highligbla with an Winter bailee orch and ehorua bock j assist from the Lee Baxter np excellently. | Tune on the rrverse is a minue Billy William* Quartet. ‘’Sin”.] »l*m • contrived lyric. “m Over“ IM-G-M*. ‘Bin.' which Bay Barber Never" - Every haa been kicking up consider able f thing Happen* d When 1 Saw You- Meicun’ Bay Barber. Mercur i new >00111*1. register* most etlrc* lively to date on “Nevr-r,” a h«f ballad from the lOth-Fo* pig* "Golden Girl **. Barber ha* struivg pipes and piojevt* with a straight forward attack Bill Have* al*u haa a hne *Uce uf “Never i-g M G-M Heeoid* On the Mercury Aip. Barber al*n hit* nieefy oa ‘ Saw You. * with a lush rboid background vo cancer oui me nau-nour k.1—z ^ IK „ Martin *how. scheduled to JSS that Mills men! f Will appeal the judg- nmW I - j work ha* parlay. Invtead. the net- pM-ted Paul Weston, who will be booked by an orch of IS hlocB ' programming being inaugurated by AM Lester Gottlieb will COMF1 iWE SHORTS ^ B x ^ With produc#rs of commercial tune vhort* mushrooming all oYer Hollywnod. publiahers have facki-d up fees for taae of their tunes In this medium to 1100 against I'< of the Aim's gross. At the outset w hen such out At* as Bnader Pro- duction* were esperimenttng with the three minute TV Aim short* the fee was set at 990 again*! 2 r nlni show, and the Weston stama In the • to 10 p m. segment span- ning the pop music Aetd from 1900 to the Peer to Esflsnl Oct Hub* now feel that this ha* pa**ed ort of the « stage and are asking guarantee*. r Ralph S Peer, head of Southern Music Company, vis expected in Utades early next week. Trip U TV pha*e mental higher usual annual |aunt and while here . wiU look over situation of ttie I.on midwest spot* can pur- i Huh* are al*o making a Series of don offtce of Southern Music com- Hi...... trade 9U weeks out of lucrative dealt with alrlane adver pan) •M; according to local cocktail unit (iarr* for the use of their standard With recent resignation of David booker*. So mu« h the better if tunc-* either In regular or parody Toff, the general manager, to form they rnn salt-up their tooting with form Mills Music, for instance his own music company. Hetcr comedy ; r ..' ha* h«*en collecting IA00 a month l ane formerly profevaional mana Upsurge of activity in midwest for live use of Its "Syncopated ger of Walt Disney'* Ixmdon of Ace Clock'* number a* a TV show haa been appointed general mana- theme ^ ger of BnaflMfHbV; vl'vv ln<tii*frial town*, piu» the rrattlva- t*on of army ramp* |i.if created a demand for trio*, uuaiier* and giiiAlrti in surrounding saloon* It's generally conceded with the trade that only bv working in small I combo*. )aa or otherwise, can the : iDudeian keep himself in a re*pec -) talrle Ananrial bracket The rooted sideman, the lad play mg tn any of the do/en per- manent location* in i'ht. i* of course In the m o t envied spot. The traveling aideman who stand* to take out the standard f 139 whrk l> paycheck ran always make out okay but it’s becoming Increasing- ly noticed that the average touring band is rutting personnel to meet lowered budget* at most midwest locations Factors such as the 2t>' enter- tainment tax. falloff in terpery t e nd an c e . Idle gaming devices, and the general economic chariness of promoters ha* left orch* In the po sition of trlinmtng in order to ex- tract a reasonable proAt for indi- vidual musician- noise recently, gets one of its better wax vmiotn by the Billy William* voraj combo It's a sen- sitive. stylised version that aril* Flip la a alow torrh Hem alao impressively bandied by Williams Bob Sheet? - Helen OTe nn eB; “It A Dark On Observatory Hill “In A Ultle Spanish Town” (Cap- ital* Eberly and Mist OConnell continue to Impress with their neatly blended duetung. Their workover of these standards Is ] * Observatory } .wed with the clever brie sharply delineated, while “Spanish Town" gets a more lilting interpretation by Eberly with Mia# O'Connell supplying the •Wing beat Lae Paul Mary Feed: “Just One More Chance”• Jem Me Blues (Capitol ♦. “Chance" la a change- of pore tide for this high-Aying duo. who have been hitting with their multiple soundtrack vocal- guitar technique on a aeries of standards This side is a similar electronic product but lacks the excitement of the team's previous «dr* Reverse i* a solid instru- mental item with better juke chances Lee Brown Orch: “Highlight* From An American In Haris' ” •Coral'. This is a concert-type piece which Brown's orch carries with brilliant contrast and A nr shadings Receipted from our of Y George Gershwin's major composi- tion*. this two-sided presentation is executed with taste but should get a reaction In the pop market because of the bond * sharpness Tamara Mayes: “The Dey Isn’t (>ong Enough**-”! •Deccel. Tamara H*ye* Is one of the most promising young vocalists to come up on wax in the Inst year topflight ride on Kelly Georges Gnetarv- Oevb. “An Am* ri* a In Haru** M-G M M-G-M has « probably, big rlic k in it* soumtu •> x album of the Metro pic. “An Ami r Iran In Pans" Including a tons of top Gershwin standard*, it's) light muaical act which w<it blic reaction to the Aim Gene Belly does nicely with “Love Is Here To Stay" and “I've Got Rhythm" while Georges Guetary handles “Ml Build % Stairw ay To Haradiae" and “ S Wonderful." in e duet with Kelly, in tepffighl style Johnny Greens orch alao. deliver* an extended instrumental version of the pu t ballet sequence with solid Impact Platter Pointers Alex North s original music for the Warner Bros pic. “A Street* *r Named Desire " has been issue d by Capitol in an Interesting. If n<* particularly commercial, lung p ^y set, with Bay Meindert conducting the soundtrack orch . . . Solid }*4 by a group of topAtght aidemea on a Aock *uf standards lssu» «l }. nf . I !? 5r i^’iClrfle Hr*(Mils on two long pUy Got It Bad t d|jJu -j* mimn g At RudiV* . Ethel ID Best Sellers on Coin-Machines packaged for Deci ♦ 1 BIC USE of YOI’ 19) <Broadcast• t- S. 4. L A. 1. I. 9 . • * • t • • • • *. * • • • p 'e •' a • BOBI D IB WAITING FOB THE SI NRISE (3) lCrawferd> GOLD, COLD HEART (t» • Unfl-Bi ( ONI ON A MY HOI SE (IJi (Dwrhesa* I GET IDEAS (8) Hill Ri LONGING EOB YOI <t> tl ndMwi . WHISPERING ft) (Wilier' •Ftaberl SWEET VIOLETS Mg) (Werrtoi I Tony Benneft I Let Baxter ...... Lex Paul Mery Ford Tony Bennett . Boae mery Clooney . Tony Martin Vic Demone e e 4 e a s w e e e • e • s eje stele s, . a • ar • . • •. s • e.«q tijlf ISSf LOVELIEST NIGHT OE THE TEAR (ID (Robbins) 19. TOO YOI NG ttl) tJefle » • x • y ... ' Croup Columbia . Ceptiol Capitol Columbia Columbia Victor Mercury Let Paul Capitol Dinah Short ..Victor Mario Lansa •Vic^ | ->r Mat -Bmp" Cole Capitol Rtchard Hayes Mercury • e e e f e • RU LE, RI I I.F. MY I IBERTY BELL U> (Oxferd> JEZEBEL ttt) tRM|) * • * '* * .*■ '* %'+ ♦ • • • .0. A •' ♦ MY TRI LY. TRLLY FAIR tlfl <S*ntly b a. 4 • V \q* , Vi I ♦ BACH’S ORGAN WORKS PLANNED RY DECCA In its most ambit torn* tunghnir pruyvei since launching it* cta-si r,d Gold Seal line. Decta is insp ping release of the complete organ f work* of Juhann Sebastian Rach.j x 1Jj< h 'was a pioliAc writer tor the | q organ and the complete yepettery v *11 t»e i-sued ai part u( DeceJ * Aidme Serie*-. ; ■ '. Series will he cut in Germany with Helmut Wato ha ai the organ Walcha record* for'the Deutsche Gramophone Cu . with which IVcca ha* a releasing deal fpr the t S. SHANGHVI (!• < Advanced* DETOIR (Hill Ri ’ JOSEPHINE (FeHf . RFCAl’SE OF RAIN (Maypolet MORMNCSIDE OF THE MOT NT AOf v * ♦ « • • • • • • »•* • • • « » • , ♦ • • » ♦ • • ♦ * * » ) THESE THINGS I OFFER lOI tVnlando) ...... I W W AITING Jl ST FOR MOV (Jay-Caa) ....... HOW HIGH THE MOON fH< (Cluppell) ....... SIN f Mgonqnin) YANITT (JeETeraoni .. [fri- ,..v LFtgu^aa tn parentheses t'idsrat# numhet or Guy Mitchell Mitch Miller Col rmnkit Inht Cohrmbin Guy Mitchytf Mitch Miller Col. ic Dnmowe . -. v .. - Mercury 1 Daria Dap * ColumWg t Billy !Vi!ii«»n* Quartet MGM tetti Mft ' . .Mercqrp Let Put Alary Tord... Capitol Nat “King" Cole .. . ... Capitol __ _ l To*umy Edteardt ..... . MGM * ” ’ / Paul Weston Columbia 1 Sarah Vaughan ...... Columbia t Patti Pape . ; Mercury Luck y MHUndrr ........ King Let Paul Mary f ord .., Capitol Eddg Howard . . . Mercury Don Cherry . Dreca has been i* the Tor 101 and ' * • q • • a a • .». • g • a • a- • • • • • a- • w eeks tony at the organ. > -i a neat set of Latin tun«*s Dacca Tex Benoka net with Ray Eberte v.Milling ha* a good side in “Unforgettable” •M-G-M* . . . The Atie standard. The Glory of Love," gel* a list enable workover by the Ewur Knights for Capitol ; . . Cbartia Ventura's Rig Ever combo disht-s up some frantic sounds In “After You’ve Gone" for Mercury , Ui strong ” Alabama Manta AH Hu On tha and possible (Free* Johnny Lsxf orch does a on “Farewell to Yokohama “Lora Is Here Tn Cl couple of okay Mini In The Cold Again" and “Hangin Around With You” tVletor* . . Dirk Reavers Imprexaea on “Never' for Capitol . , , Msalu Lewis « an okay vocal on "A Kiss To Bund a Dream On ’ fur M-G-M Standout wontam. folk, bines, rhythm, religious, polka, en Anita Kerr sfitgen. * My Evenmd Prayer" <Deccat . . . ItUnoia Jar- haa a sides in “Dixie Jubilee" (Deera> . . does a fair job on “I Way Home ‘ Capitol • Intel. Margaret lely team on hit. “I Don’t Want to job and Itol I * Speedliner" (Mercury Travis. "Done Rovin’ ” Cap* . , Dewey Ritter. “One Man » It Another Man’s G*tn • Coral) ,. B«d Kirk. “Train TrarR Shuffle ” • Mercury) . . . Mm* G»f- Tn Crying" (Deecn>. with ti Inc . hat chartered tn pmdnce and Gilbert A Sullivan opera* offices in New York. I>iw are Dorutby Reedier, Sal If • Knapp and Bus Knapp.