Variety (October 10, 1951)

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so 10 , mi U. S. Percenters Downbeat S. A. BUckotMM RKainc Clbirtco, Ool. f. CImtIm MRr1>oiMkl. Ywrii. Pa, , thralr* 9mnmr^ Ium Ulira ovar tha 'maiMtamaait af BlarlMona At Cou ma«ir ahow aAd baoAaA It tnl# Um INKO pie I -A A arv^ , t S uWai ifa w flai are ^ vary a< tttr Invreaikiag puinbar pf rW- that hava evaia Hi from S'suth Amrrlran coviKrie* far fop n.«rfH-> iVrreiHara apy that no Aeala Poliepy Lppa Efuifar Taa • DalUa. Ori. 9 IkMiaa eircvit aurUiiA Oct 14 t« Dapvar. Shav la aat I or lUv vUI ha inallaad wntU money Hi ^ ttty, Daa Moiiica aiHl Minim Aottara la tfepotlfed In C, H hanka apoHa. ' la advance. Harry Grabaa aat tha «KO dataa j •MAieaClam after laral groupa bvutt a eampalfa fo Ottawa Fkir MuUa *Clcanap*of ' . Ottawa, Oct.'1, Tha Caatral Canada CahlMUoa Aaaa. hara la mallAai amgaatlonn fraai Uw ctiy ca a ac U that Ottawa aar\lce c!aba haadla gaiaev oa tha 1991 CCl aUdway laataad af tha aaaaJ ratwaaaloaairaa. CowacU lAxamHEHBas ncfflCCToiAr Chk^, "Oct. five maadmn al ArUaia* Kcpre. laatatlvea Aaaa., aiiapaadad Ua waaha afa ior aoa-imyaBaat of daea. bava baaa raaiarad to food ataad- ara Lyauui Oaaa. Jr, Requrata for Tanii namea have i ^ — . ,—,-w^- t- j , been romlnf la heavily from Rra«il.;^|yi|{ll|| yiHIlllpg* 1 up the Olid way, charging glm^.wiiitam Canham and It ink Kr reman la Ailing If. th|a , where tt'a eapected that the ban agalnat raaina operation will be lifted In a few month* The raalno* •war, had been heavy u«rra of . n 4r». I u " acta, and the area arnond KV* l>c>to» *•* / Mg »r» hMl js. V )oi . ^ ^ ! a roater of talent that repr«*^nted ,I ! fM la in Oot^ to negotiate ^ a«cm »r* .ifasoreol the ' Price* for art* were gf herailv high* A lyvr to be aponaoced b> , the - j. ijioae which pre^atled. in 1. \aiiHy Club. ■: '' " '^.j the.C.'S. , ^ l.lftIng- of the gambling i»an and •OdldNIlbl# ftAAd^tig ’ GRIFFIN fAUCI TNiATU If OtrMNMV aaH.0 gtil.? Mv«w«4 gamraaiwmaiBt^ _ ^ clean $ a gam apnanawmij^ %va«v gim*, - . - - — t-n •• c* a* no , miched gamei and' la# blue girl | Ben Yowhf. all frwaaChicafo; and 5l» *>2 St. I BUI SPBAOU^ ahowt. jiahmy Cooa. Kawaaa City, Ma^ . Paul. Ort t 1 ^Pranh trf Mlrth^; Relnatated membera are ome . Si. Paul ahow tea won opened to* ahawa, which baa been playing VtE la llae for permita from niglit 'Tuea» with %econd annual, regularly far nwre than lu yeara. aopcaram** ' a# Harold Htelhman’a | "Skattnc Vanltlf*" Thia year a «|i0tty«tr If ; Knights of C'olumbu*., Show rung thrtmgh Sunday night had been aigned. Bergen, grand*' apy aged repa. |4< wif.h 'weekend maftner* on Aland hooker George Hamid and | . ^n. .huh U g.KMl !•.! IMrMrt MfElr.,. CCE | « , Chi 1,?^^ Hur.r(l 1. g.n,r*l rrp M*«* >l*v»mb*r <mi I»M }!? '" ‘•“ O'* <"nlon 1* •« lof St'a'*«»n‘R hi^key open* No\ 11' Iffinlrart*. to no. pM tMl (Of th, I9M ^ *"‘**‘- hlhitlon dn^pHe two trade at ale-? Bad parller informed AR A menta cliewhere that a contract' It: would hot grant franckiaea to 1 reopening of Ihc casino*., it » been f**r Iwo nigtil* a w>4%. and l»ok»ng argued In Brazil, would help louf-■ a 'Wi*rli laler Shrinr C'lr- ■ Urn in that count rv Preyident Vaf* : cuk t* *keddrd Vlar<h 9-1A and ? ga* in reported r«fi*ide?imif rm'ok-| H e-C apaden’* March 'I Aril J.Ing Ihe-aF'lmn Ukvn- !»>;■ hi* .pre* ■' ' . , iilece**or former Presideni-lyytea.' A l^k# ' However, the agench**'point oui ' iJaldUAv MBC that In moat of South America there'! g lerriBc dollar *hortage and ihua It would be iitiwlwe tu j atake fommllmenu without ad* tnent* made by medical, director ju»i been' awarded the m lHyeo- vance ^ ^ •< the Variety dollar cooceauoa for hotel and I Inquirlea have al*o been coming ; ***"• hoapllal promote* the fm* i in heavily from Argentina and ^********^*^ ^^ Chtto. , '"''' By Nappy Beaway Saranac J.ake, .V V., <)cl f .The annual fall term of appoint* Gukeru to Exit Pitt NEW LAWRENCE HOTEL Andy ('hakeraa; Pitt pitctry owner who haa operated tha l.lOtS •eat Vogua Terrace titeatre-re*tau* rant for the laat four year*, haa 12 Beierk ElepkaaU = Gim 50 G Qeye. Sail Rtimanik. luiura ' Sloan./Patricia; TBe concaaaioo wUI Include j Pay ne, Virginia Siium. downtown | dperatloai of a 63-room hotel, a •dioppem b'alter cafeteria, coffee ahop.,tavern, two •Back bgrt, dining, room, rdcktail lounge, aervice bar. three hahnuet ff>r Infirmary R'after Bumanlk, Renato < MagnI Ruth Burke.* trade paper* and Cleveland, lilt. •GartfPi: mail delivery-—fhto Hay*' 2.000. • ‘ i Twelve elephanta add up to l«*o*m*»». Boh C’oftey; vpeelal delivery I 0^1,4 .a, _ f maaa-u >04 puckagev-^Renalo Maf ni The * prlvilegea are I much weight Ismt one wf«»m«n to appointmrnia - are equivalent lo Chnke>faa on a lO-yeaC all hold, a rievelajad houarwife com* all-out exetTi*e privHcge*. leaar. requiring him to pay 990.000 GAUGAU Cpr r on M y LONDON IM#tAN0 •f ■ ■ : lOOli ItAOAf IIW aad LiUll BAABf. iff. lie w srih ti I Ml e iim- ••• iuw f*»k I tn*e*i*. wi plained In Aling a IMOOO damage * Dr. Homer W; MKVearyv houae ^ »^lp- Uuil for tniurie* naming Ringitng mediro. ha* been apuiunted chair- •'t® Bla groM bu*l- • e. w .1— k*. tman of the Saranac. l.ake Study A fJHiid t rrhahilHaiion Work-i> With the airport deal in hia ' iK *1'4V ^Baplrr and ^ 1 ,,^ department Thi* will bene-! pocket. C.*hakeraa w ill rwlinquiah the t My of ClevrUnd „,any of the hospital pblient* the Vogue Teirace when hH pre^ . InjurrM were imurred Mra who ere on the nsad to recovery lent lea«e runt out next ipring ' C^eraldine Sole* claimed while • •nd wri*h to take up occupational * V dodging llie " allegedly unruly .If41 **tng pachyderm* un Feb 14. 19.V) dur*. Mo*e Handler plan«*d to N. V. Ing a performance of a cirru* •Her a bedvide V4<ati*»n with her hsintly produced bv the three de daughter Shirley tiandler tMarion fendanu at OVM* Auditorium Powersv, white Angelo Ro*e and j . AliMmih HmdiiM BiW (Mm,' i’"*f'« «.*«l>*n m from J Koth«>tf r for . a b»*d vide chat :j Vude. Cafe Dates HolIpwoGd pa* pi^utiinenilv meftiUmed in the trwin PamoW inked Carl Saod- , *UII. llw rliTu* warn ’"depend * bnrg lor a folk-ainging app^^^ enlly *|M*n*ored by iSe M •'^rat ^‘*•'1* L® I^e h^ Gcutio. iratemal organilation and LJ-aJ Maymea launching a concert prmiuced by Orrin Ihivenpoii *V. Aj, •V,*. * i tour Sunday iH* al Iowa Slate Blielher the rirphani iMmiw wa* . * * P^lff Rvow A Ray ectuallv a piece of Kingling ^p- ^ ►ormrr V arin> C iubile* who are - Mrimwald aet for return date at j ? ▼ f\#%l ILIAr*r ^ ♦riy or belonged to a private party J } t 'ro a. atartlng NoV 29 , . . I>ennla I H nni iNlIttV tpecihed In r brief Al^ Edd^^ 1 mt^a. *■ Helen Grupp theatre and hotel tour for Harry and Raya Slatara 'OANCIMH OOit-BflOMf CLUB DATES Vam Toledo’s R&H Nifkt Toledo Oct • *'Kodgcra 4 Hammerrtein Night*' THe*WilSON AOfNCY FtHl GRAC-MtH COSCIA IMI MmAm,. M. 1i C. 7 and Joe HeNM'oio. Vervey Strum In from. Richmond. \a. ^to ogle hia frau Virginia Stiuin f Neighborhood Thealrea' •tallert, whoae pnHire*a la toM. iMm w- I « I ' Weaver, former War- Bm , ^1*"^^** *^4*'4* I nrr Broa. ataffer from Cleveland, mount.. Toledo, fur Thur*day. Get. drlmitely beat the rap" alter a (li. Program will feature a quartet * three-year. Mint of hoaplialUaiioo mi voraliata. a chofua of 14. and an and aurgrry. and left for home to orrbeMra conducii‘d by A* rant rv*ume work (Calder. j laabelle Rook. ea*Saranac aiMl i VocatUta lo4*lud«-a t*eigh Allen. >*BiladcIphia muatcian. nMyortt ’ aOprano; ICarl W illiaim: teiuw: Car- >rom the Hay brook. N. Y.. Saa Harry BabbHt for neat tummer. whew ’ alnger take* a breather from hia ! radio and TV chorea . . , Marjorie 1 G a r r H een. rurrewt al Biltmore Bowl, art for Indef Mint at 'Bimboa 199 Club*' In frtacw Mart ing Nov. i f i a Grant's Riviera aearaunnarv mao gna M W 44 Si. New Vem Mi 3-4499 wiikuk M«ownciAJ*ng ugrrt * TALENT CONTUT • MONDAY NIONTt 4 **b« l^^mtmmtmmdi fi **>*ii-to»* AfMM aanrl* DbIU* Beu lUy and Jackie RarteH open Ort.. 16 nt. Abe'a Colony Club . Eddie Pewhedy in for a week ^ i jM Mural Room of the Baker Hotel, ol Jtmea. meaao »(*pr4no, and .Vndre that reporta are • Jifunday ii», replacing Petty Her- CHilney, baritone denmiely aM favorabl^ ». i ^ tihemce will follow on the t_ **?"VB_?®*?"‘B_did, i7th. Tbe Mai Pmden orck Mays q: • ki na^ * quickie to chat and ogle their! □«til Nov 10 «>—— -- Bing i New Mdoe* Outftt aun Waiter K'BSf Romamk. who ,^11 diiert g tevu^type ahow far !tofr.m«,.o.Ort » «»* •••*»« hto Um U«^.l T^pU toiSu-ElsWe" laieM Bing Croftby enterpriae U , *• I hood, using latter a talent He‘i Ring's Things. A cwcpofstion or*^. the Mrthday ba^uH . ^-filing tj|« skits, ganued lo merchandtae aiM dia* I NAOMI STEVENS **CBee#9 wl#B • CB^fcle** Lookout Houm Kf. *'^Wng Fvrreit .nd ***‘®”^*‘* toarrey and Catherine Vro*ln- veeuee* i Shirley Handler. Walter Roroanik. Toomay are peeled for the Empire ^ "u«t Room of the Ric* Hotel. HouMon J aerrcisry, and Larry Shea, general M.niMi Ciersivk manager. * .Melody IxMinge .were Jran EllHi. firnnetta Allah. Virginia Strum. Write lo The Bob Croes orrh will .provido dsnaapatton..^’ ' WHEN IN BOSTON jr$ Hf HOTEL AVERY Avery 4 Wsabingasn fw. , 7B# Neeie e# SBew Mk LANDON »r |r« AND HIS MIDSETS | I Only Ttimblingp Acrobotk Comk-Acf in Hie World' ; Jiiif Concludod Our Firtf B'woy AppearorKo at PALACE, New York ■" aoo«D^FOt.'TNa imVANAlSAMMO,'N. Y. CASINO TNIATRI, Toroiilo OLVMflA etVILLA TNIATRE, MoRlrMl abR'DAnSWMi JSIRT tosm, w W. WW SlTM*, Nmp Y«ra ALFRED LANDON * CO. <41. Aero • ■ "• 4 Mine.'"' Pelaee, N, Y.,/■■■■.■ Tumbliog quartet eoauiMs of thfwe midgets end the normal-siied London.‘ Conaideriitg Uie stature of the threesome from which the act den vet lU main appeal, their aero executiont ore tops. Bam good teores wiih head-tw head, comedy terping. feet-to-nog- gin oim tide iomer i aulta.. - Their carrying trM ih wheelbarrow style Ig a ine ftnish. ' WOtoth ihapactidn for TVl etc. - -.A'-.', -/A •:■/. •.. ■■ : Tran. YAHIETT PfVVfVVBiV • f f-