Variety (October 24, 1951)

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VI bile Hhf^t tf Ik# and the place U sold for a good profit OR whwh hr get* i rra^ufl r T™v ,T able rommioion The buver _ l r* l ~ , ’ n ’, . 11 . mly returned from South Africa ,,.£££ m tfcr r rr SB*• > SjiwO* »* *« $* boy ^irnd of the pubq> r»tf« Mrf Un Hr* Wars *•+% Hulun ria i daughter Hf then reveal* i .**#*4 a* J«*a» »»r«*w At rv«- 4 oi» k nr « *n th» aim* ih» mnh. Hays Abroad •I Ik# land the pi# Fitore B’way Schedule I ondon Pwi«i H«u«r (M a* i»Oa J *»«!>• LaaOra- Ja/W# WuHer Af .» * mitt fat W iM«*r K 'tf W mlft v i *r ■ A>:i«U gre»i«*4 - y* •►» 4*mM . ^ A**' fti a * a..* • » ■ • r > 1. VI 19 lop. . Jars lb# l Sere , )•?.» i.'mrmr' lion a iiiuw* . laivk Rk*miaM (•rata * Iwa A»4tri*|i c*rtf ra.rrt**fUtn 1 ainfUH ( w r a«rt-w run o u t fu * * « c wamtt «•( C.irut I of 4 *>1 ri,mrUi a* T H'4u< ta a% i»wt» in •tfiytH MU MlOlH a% rf> a w n ' Yvaitt « .ia*M HvU'irt** Harr t>* !•*•••* This new comedy. from the Mr* JJJJ ? .« „*1T lutd Joint peb* »* L do CaitU*,V'» "f^**** 1 Peach and 1 1*0 Hay should be a ,*? a w. icume addition to the winter *»a- ‘ , ’*’7 mo H Id goad entertainment ha< . . ■ i|it< 11 4*«H »>1R • U.mlv ' ' ‘ ‘ ,'~V “"XI ■',r.X ^' , n‘ a r MrW« < hrl.l me hat k to the straight and nor* * f v Mr k into ^he fold t banco hen ^ u * u depend considerably upon the h ,*.* , 555r- m»3pSS. S» «ef2PThih.i«i lurn to lh» 'tj«e of Jock Hulfcrrt 1 dimtMHvr'ortr ,o . S* Mr .o.trad of ht, .fSSfSfiffil p.unpectk as • Broadway candidate j f^SSlI mirae appear ali*n **d mere to a* hie 1 c rung Hould be quashed from olausibiiin the moral angle that rrUM pays •, Story rt*»t* a euMured family I is- Ing t» affluent » rcumstanre* on RgekfUra %rt* outskirts of London *here the filaxgow penial head of the hou*e is a 1«» « »pa lusine of the peace and church- warden It is gradually revealed },g!i J»T un< H*e* are a bumh of thieves proud i **rn*a a*»a *•»*«• l> hoavtmg they are the third gen- * eration to uphold the tradition mJ?T iJiSwlTa* lather is a modem Raffles, mother u.ii speetaSIges »n Fur snatching and daughter concentrates on dan a- hmw» gem jenrls. The son is a matter s.iiw !,•» fi*rger and returns home to throw . a t>omhshelt into the household hv i^uinD vu Um announcing he has obtained a Job v «s» »»#•*» in a hank and i* turning hemest ***** bantam* Papa tries to embarrass his post- : * Uon there by planting spurious ' n ‘‘ * notes but the boy promptly re- ^ a places them w ith genuine ones Mfs . ^ 4 n * reformation hat h»m‘ arrasiom-fl _ u 0,1 by his engagement to a *»eet^ >oung thing But in the end she haV.n admits to bring a mysterious jewel , «, • i-.,,,* buciflAr The U.n» «c..c- meat had tempted her into crime which is complicated by the fact Thru omuli that her father is a Scotland Yard : i „ . ^ M i at k P J Even lh* m.M i. « 'tu- , h , xuun| f,. lk dent pickpocket The white sheep 0 lv funnv , r# turns to the fold and alt show : M right T every probability of continuing UM ; ifi 0 | # i anc r . . adject fves aid Jack llulheri « easy nonrhalanee strength in is ideally suited to the leading role m<in% would I and Jovce Carry is charming as his non-S»ot audirn w ife w ho lift* mink coats Den vs Tb# Vtmg Biakeiock steals the t»onor« of the Cairnrro** and tvening as an absent*m m ded *td an excellent <*i rterie who ambles in and out Sonia Andrew Downic Williams is attractive as the light- . bov with ,»n F fingered daughter and Brenda Ban- accent Madeh croft makes a personable young pie Buchanan i maid Cyril Chamberlain brirrv -atile young a» a breath of dow n-to-earth realism appearing as a« a fence C ampbell Copelm ba« heh.r does . that he knew all the time the prop- erty wa« valuable »« i tin> toad bv-pass was scheduled whu h would bring all the traffic past its doo* The twp nomads take to the road aggin w ith their pockets weii lined and a smug feeling *f sat*stavVH»n Ro«al>n Boulter ha« little to do but provide d*r*rattie fv »mmnr logic a* the co-partner and l». ti ? \* • I has small chance, of betng other than a personable ** us «dated kner Kenneth n.akrv am endearing figure of the luval timid little Welshman while Iesite Spurting la trtM tb*ty pe a* the landlord " Helen ( krtslie turns in l v ij study of an Ea«f London tuirmaid mpiitnl to daule the custom# r> an Lewis almost «!> the honors as the bearded artful old* r*.t mbshitant Fvma ( nn«>n a diminutive actress turn* in k neat Cgmeb of a village spinster w'th a pinion for the raretr*# k John Counsel I miraculously dtmets the piece to ac hieve a mckl • plausibility U' Are Hold Glasgow (Vt R THesVre <U1 » *4 s Aio nil i>»n > t»S ritkiU- »« V| W MM' ruv . •‘rOi'e*' a*' IiAi* gw**# It Vi “The Namber“ B* It mure, tVt Au •reviewed in VsairTY Oct Id VI* Hid Basefwm la %lben* * Martin ^*n* Beck tM 31 reviewed in V v*t> rv cc- .this week* i B ’*Top Banana.** M inter Card* n Nov 1 'reviewed in V‘firt> b-pt * u l» M* DmwsAur M hart.** Mat tonal Vov ••h i m iwati straw hut tryout i* aid viewed >n Yw'irv July 2^ \|» • Psint Aonc Hafon * Shu *ert M«yv 12 rev wrw etf in V * s i \ s# in "'<* IP .if ; • •/ . — ^ Ncsef Ray kieyet.** .tntsp# 7*' ' IN vtie Nov; 20 'p r# N jiviI *" f • Hwroth* . a Swe v"' r . theatre. \uv. 31 »in n hea* ni I •viifim prudii* u#vn . v* •••■ \:'vgir.'rY 1*/v •t.iri FkH«a \#»v 24 m ie ; “ r v, l %*• a ('unsera " uns|»* « i **' th4‘atie Week 4*f hi#\ 3d in i e- ■- ber>al• V *‘t #rand Tour.’* unsp* • ifi« d ih« •* • '« D* < .1 4 ’l*iin Heeling Ion Again.“ Wn i *. r vp* < Uinf theatre w«***k of Urr 3 ^ A ina Roy ale Dec 3 in ■ , h# ui *al v "■ : • Constant W ife.*' Sauonal IV. 7 V** "la and Behold ** pfisprc.ified *, i heat re week of IV* 10 ui rrheai "fsmi of Vo Return ’ fglMp . •; Be* 1 t ’ .# 11 • Ih « 13 <10 r**f»e»rval* • **l aesar**> %ntonv." A ie g f ♦ I d | A IV*» |0 :■ ■■ •; I "Pal Joe*.** unspecified th# * 1 * «• , h . Pee > «>« • Point of IVparturg ** un-pei i- fled fheutre IV* 2b I love of parent, husband and chil- dren tearing her loyalties Little was gained by the intrusion of the neighbor with her gossip ulw.ut the bedi*H»»u ' enthusiasm of her hus- band which sounded like so«ue thing out of a lt« pnrt. ile* spitg the fa* t that Angela How let! gave a «#H»d iinpfresai«»n a* the go>- -#i» Isiirl l i-U'i - jii# ib i was a •mall part s line Dublin # !mi.^ t«» who h s#r i*i'd It*# « imIo; tie ami p»u »<( tif VI 11 ll ' • u » ^ IS 1 VII nisb**.i ' : ' . ' ; .V .:'v . * •. ' ,, AL !k#cI t> tliM tibv « ifu• r.iluiu n i#n.d -i l ing > ,, v, |1<U 1 ' * ev.\ « tu. h cil dbit fl. H on 1.1 \ •ill t'O sivr i .'’i ♦» ■ tp tin- H ■ • « pi odd* *«n \ ■ ’ nin of nf 'm .• ;t > i ti> ^ ■ wpifld -Harivk-b fhC burati ;«l r ';*v Mu- » .• ... i -i <"i„. H#M«ld * t ♦!>!• 'h a p‘A>um' : of ...'a' I Dublin UtmUITl 71 while DaMd : Fvans and Oliver ^ Johnston do a standard job as t friends of the 1 amity Only IVarl 1 Dads we II stands out as a house- keeper - FHer Cotes has empba-ited the > , dramatic angles « his diiei tion l Anthony Waller's single setting is adequate 'N r p v'.ArmI Hss Isa M**sf laadfi Ort It AarW a# ■I tv..* |».ik. i| ( ik ; * ii t.«#i« ii.t I* l4«k« «<lt O* ; I H I .* *i. „ u4 ' m* 0 S* A- < < #•« 11. #« s - • l ftia ilrrs n b.% \*.#«4i> #‘» «j":*».lr4 St Ut‘;' ■ ■ .n'f \l 'AkC I Mli.lJk. «S # 1 “ I '■♦.'• '"#» S n<M*( ' | # ' • Jl. .!»> •* i»i .t*n n un^»*r* ti « d 2<4 in ie* HI Hturn 4*f lw fU rIvI , . | timUm « M, «• SMrv.«ki% H. »## v * |ki •-'.>> UiV« ' **1 :*s#«m .•## s >. ... n•»<«**..«. *' > ■' 1 • *»'■ AwHmMv ‘ 1la«#l#.<r ' ' m *•»*; W**i - TW f SIr s 1 #% i 11 R'. v» IV# .Hf. I m 4*>K*#*. s MM 1 bfll '4l»'r»w P »1 ' v ‘ lull# 1 .# kni/ M .cVarVt H i‘ti#i*ebM », l r# ■'# M *«*• # *f • »’ c#4 Waree IVU'N* A.»a». " v- I •-•Ik. • s' »*• U . s 0 ■ ;. la M*rs .••Sr ■ **••*♦»• f.tfl :>»*■» M# ' • » i.*win *•'#,#*» Wv- h*4l ■1 ,■ . V' l*<'■'•! » '#.»«rs At, n is*,n. * ' " A, »#;#t >>rl#MO‘ V*» ♦.#.<• s * i» • Irr ■ •> - -> V 1 > #1 • jrn«t«.HI4 ts «t* u**'' ■ > rf» W 4jr . ; *.«V*-W lAUH ■' ist * t K*irn* > »\ r# sSrsWW'Y »♦»**•# lHauW * Kkisi^ur V.V. g..'-* >*' .. , . V It M»k ; ; \ . A * *4sa..',' • s*' ... 'A.»«41V' Vi»l r ■ : 0 ; «'S >rS; * u|||»r ' i«U('H 1'al IprMP v )# t» . tV..^ 14 t h- . * ' VJH*.' W }»«-S'* ' k.m . k«>. , %* ; .>•«*•«» ■'IHtri#'#••.'i '" ''W ft • is 1U ;f. W*»". ► la* •»" i s - • i ■iS* V I t I1< iM/tr. myii , Mxial Mgagn#' • m . l*j*»e* i M*uu nu• * VUu n Xmk g. SrrlMM ' ■ Ur« S»< \ lufhlfrii s*n a»ii«M>** HtAkSM* I hi ••or A*4**« rw.w«Uv S**r>»r»' n «l»r » v VMi»» hrtr ■ W»il* *s»k# War-ill t n frit UtfXXM lubtr* registers a brief impression as the ! tertnotion I'kuM A IS* ft n> fll* VM'k» hnr •Rkt.4l.n4 Wlao Abrils Ss**# NjIM t AtO.wM ....■■• v W«rillt« Crs* bwit AMtrttr ' ■. Wtuwif ffehiri This Is a gem of a Scottish t«»m edy. pawky ■ and amusing, with strong pot4rntialiti**s for II s pin- jduetion A couple of nmfii# * go to war againtt e#<h other in a small West of Scotland tow n with everyone having a ‘ fa «w»t." ; quar- reft The laughs increase as ey * rv- jbody lakes sides with the rival un- . dertukerg Thru *impk goings-on spued wih a da«h of toman#« between t the young folk make up a hilsn- | Rudy funny enmedv by a Scot play wright T M Wilson ( hoi.« U«e of old and picturesque. 54<rv■*. adjectives and phrases makes ft»r '»rcngth m language .iith.oiigh , man* would She unintelligible to non-S# or sudu-nres The acting is sound iatneo Cairncross and Andrew Kclr make an excellent couple of undertakers Andrew Dow nie i* bright as a milh- . boy W'lt'h an East Scotian#! hltibc accent Madeleine Chrisiu % Mag- gie Buchancn is a gpm. while ver- satile young actor Stanlev Baxter aPparing as an o'd consoiiing ha« helor does an exreUrnt rharar- lectt roles makes the character ol Madeleine standout Very t u rn lv she ctmiravi 1 * first the aegy and then modest femme equally well Her portravalof the former Gaby Morlay part mahev her one of the French stage's best bets Jean Wall, a* the businessman b» rv. ei 1# nt /- v :" ••• Jean MaitincMi as the prti»|>er- trvr victim m g business squeegg. is convin#mg Fernand K»*nc o tie tfo-m# - v ii 1 1 it i brings a n#dc c»l nmiidy lo his imp#'ts«>nai»on '* hi< h He do*'* adequately 11 uhert V#m I the businessif«au i ; y ounff prorege and his wire’s loser ; dis- |.0wyv considerable talent Little i ‘I. rut Mite Pei he. as the child the r onpie adopt looms an a ■ prom i *- mg voungsier Alice Rev tat has only a bit an«l H« ne Martin s role l* w4»W(iaiv but they compiete a first-elavs rast likely »o parlay tbi* ic\ »v al into a l<»ng run ' The three'Seta a bedr oom in .fho rnddam s hoove an office in Nh apurtkaont and thg living room of hu home are all ta.stcfuily done by tdfvrrdet The whole thing bears the typicgl Hem.vtem touch It ♦ ' • Kf.ft r'ceepihNi lYtun »lw audirme ’ Alaev Till* »•;, a vtosil’ tore# Idl -<*# Ml lji a*ua Of tfve pil>:l«t of orioi.m #« d mother*.,a first g.-by ..a w .in I* vs Sy lv ia RflVrn*MH w ith »n i alert seqsr #4 stag*** r -*fl ppd cumkh lative a#if**n H«-ing Im-m) partly on furl, ii hub au aut hentu ring which »S impressive ihmirh apjwiri entlv the at Ctc ally ce tut rived With the present excellent • .<• u de« « ni * a transfer down ta the kr«t I nd twit Hv unsavory vubjert det f a* t from its uim# » .«t apfieal h might also ih'ov'%* okay in the I v for small bon-* v ('onsidee- atilv lf*n#d down it migtit make a |M»**rrttd him Mtbje* t A group of unfonunare v #>ung wontf-n some with rhiMim ««ihci» ■f. the uaitiiig list ini.a tot » ; * q uid id basement owned by g honey v «>•< # #J \ ip4*i '< h«» « *ploils Tlie. :'dcyi.*i#»n to r.sii# . J R r‘ Fagan s 25-vr»r old c#»m* *t* " And So is H«*d ami einM(i«h if With ^ ' songs gave . V Mr ab, F. i J gir an upputr* Z tunity to prov ide some lv r • al in- * i W»‘«t4l: music and aim, to IHih * rentes jwm ins It !h»* o we is , let bar s i# in this new ' • »* •> H it tho>#MM hlv in p* nod Irameil in ** ■ ■ kiilcit plavf .< it ulakcv i#i# a mg I i«t« ■•■■ m age .thau ii justifies ds revival it L» He llcnson r#»ntid» nits iiW- g Ini s the eharartec af •: Samuel n IVttys with hi* own jht il r a gUe Cp# mah H > d him more of a c’own than V did five original artor gdinund g i.w i nn HlR treqo# ni pr*x addlwe» i#n«l Ih* i* suitant«»M > of his h young' Firm it w>ic p»«#vi#lr the »• }barkt'rt und to the story, lie cast* 4 a roving eye on a famou* sincef, II i whom he re s cue s (nns footpads. | twit his subsequent aouoous rail e an her is interrupted by the un- rv j: ex|M** t*-d arrival of an old flame a in the irresist hie p» r*«*n of the Kmr He is hastily mr.rrnkd in g a large cheat while the Mrrry M#vn- g ai#h pacifies the pursrttn*J Wife, a admonishes the erring husband a and gaily tafc* «• up the thi#*ads of s h>s own love affair Retftp Paul lb Ir misery and negle#Is III# ll ha- i Mas much of the Inf* # tu>#»- <.allie k ' a.* M- ' * ■ •. - • • * l. . . V • Sk . ' • ... k-. . • a an na mn«e bigantoualy nte» Sorne jii* tougfi, *4<tne .nn<>- <enr vie linn #*n#- ,1s higanKUisJy , so ime so a*"s mm »*» imftfsi# .o#»« o - s ■* p* *, married to a c*hv\»<- t»*d tnurderi'r I Riie i- c*»v and sings delightfully^ am*her is a m»cr liitifm who rceeiying the acelaim «»f the first* s#tes on her fellow* im chlld nighterw. dies tiiroUgh neghrsd another ar- Jessie Royce landi* is a viduptu- rrves prematurely. Two of the ously attractive singer astutely »uc4|ie to happy ttMiiMges mingling aithtiM* and - 1 meritv to F,ven the little hall-wit servant pro- suit her two wooer* K«*»th Michell, * Hk s an virly <u with the a newcomer from hUptmli.# i' taa- <d>bng tate .vif her own qpii.. ( mating and intpreoslve as 1 harles lute mothetdwkod || lonely « nong aH his jmourt As the landlady ilrfen AlliMair ; wh#le Dudley Jones *ing* plegs- I’. iiKara t'ouper brings all heir pul- antis as a rourtier n* wS returned i hod *kdl to an imp* c< able per- j from F ram e M»i#l* '■'guests and p< rsonalltyr of Yvonn# Atnaud k w as the original Mrs IVpys. S#'otlland \ ard official and Bona Anderson makes a delightful mis- creant of his daughter > John Fernald's direction keep* the play tight yid alive, bringing a of plans modicum of plausibility to an im- probable story. Clem,; WagfMlqgd •’ Mnnk#va London. Ort 1» s.«n*r» rmwh • Mutfui tiM ml lw<* la hm act* Rv R V IWMar field si*r* Jimmy Healey RomJv n Rmilltr IXif.lHl k- J*S" #»ue*ell Al W*U ThUM. lo*4am. Ort a. ll. SI t*» bswa g«M«l>a P#Hinor [ W's»»ar MSirta Jimm* JWnle Will* basil .. UHa IpirUiw s#.umy»> T«pr«il Do*m-*ii U*u Plav has almost continuous laugh M#se« being like other Scot c##m- edy clamtcf f jord _____ "/ IRIVfVAL) . > Pans. Oct 9 H# ml Rrrouw k.a4«iiu<n mi h»* tRree srf riMiOl# Man# Jeao W «)t »#*4 War#* WautMM Al Aw lk R kO iw* Hear. Ser»»i«n Rant Hsbkuit Maria I arte ( h| UMIflr ***« V TWa Ha#4 . ..... . Alwf »*»la# CRe R«al la t Rerv* Man-r tfli* «... j ir»l* Wall Mav# m* S.»m 4 lean XirltSrlli Ivnfrr Vv---• Faf«tai»4 Re«*e Ja« «*ue« D s U sqCt H jfcrrl Vual .; : Ittlka Mum , Dublin - Oct 17 f i.,i» 1 H*«ti*e ( a frkrtsglis <d ti*i«4. ##* Ihrtr a*(a *>’ HA«»a i»UM> '.<•.■ 'Iwtkael m*i I > ft k' ttille* F<><»ftr*l*. >ellwi HteWael ft H# (l*h> Al V«g<>. Pwkliw. *M f. It A Ikraler ImIwI I <•*#*#•* Sri lee.*ey ASrfU llaslett si.» Viitm tVi(. M .irUk-u I l#.»* t#« mf**e* MuRaal Ma« I »• » -••.. A Ikraler Mrs.'-- I >** > Mr» ; I# ,it t*»m|i*ay *#»V.a NiJaii **«■!<*a.« J»<k V.4an V. bf(> V<4an »i l i »ew vi*j»r» I *fiut vu4»a»a f«*r»u.#n#e Bene Has hundU-s the hangers-on difTirult rote of the higari.«>us wife speci h and i with com mend.# hie restraint All the piiwlu lion girl* are *killfully cnnfm*ted with m»#*iihfv | V ida Itopr out st an di ng as lhe y.jCredit due ">u* -bit and AllCiam K ..liiva* the of W#-n#ty unrepentant tramp Anthony H*w- trev .x dire# turn Nine nut the f p|< play s burin vie drama and |»4tho* !■»;.' ■• 'i|f U Tee hang# rs-on are all vgUgfitl in a pet i h and mannerism The whole production is grarr fully and Monthly presented with inurh (red.I due to the artistic dir# # tom of Wendy Toye m. M««#re «l Fh I «mdon, th I Trnne ni m* «•'•'*< >-■#> t>f l»« *V|» .• PaltMfc tpCra*# I** r»>» II.riHU* taw#k M»e a Kail* J«.hn Hillt-O T«g*r v’v;;.;.;, ••#*»* wo Him Cipwamut Rfrej tWUHrfmaVwn C Rr.lifk JoSntfB ■» Benesh KrmtWS C*atrt#»r Hr Hi* ( I rM IS gams Casfkwn M Mart Lai ham e*lr > Sail A r sold laflt'h Interest will center chiefly on eivtn Mb play su<h a facelifting this farce as coming from the au* that If seems like • new one Dior of the <urr*aaful “Worm’s Eye -Felix** doe* not appear dated at view.” It 4s too ridiculous to be a all even if the opening a#1 tak» s More than 2S \rar* after the Opening of “Felix’* at the Gvmnase w ith Gaby Morlay and Jacques H aimer in the title roles, ttenti Bernstein with hardly a noticeable alteration in some of the Vines ha« eivtn his play such a facelifting that it seems like » neve one fomedy and the. tempo is not speedy enough to be A farce Al- though enthusiastically received, it *tand* little chance of being another record-breaker, and would certainly not survive a tranv- atlantic crossing. Film star Jimmy Hanley has lhe main burden on his shoulders and romps convincingly through the ride of an amiable huckster who skillfully keeps just inside the (aw with dubious trao«ariioni He and his devoted Welsh buddy arrive al a country pub flat broke. The business with adjoining garage is pfactTntt) extinct and the owners, father and daughter, are anxiou* to sell out The Bright Boy. by various shady stunts, attracts suf- ficient interest to put on a front lor potential buyers. Ho nuts diversion signs up on the rood to M«er automobiles away from their nearby rival, and reawakens mor- bid interest in traditional ghostly place in the establishment of one of the MAdames that have beep done away with in the currently *apo!iocd Pail* : Screen rights have l#mg been held by Metro properly Slight re- , writing to turn the first art locate xhou'd make it an excellent bet for the V S Producer Bernstein ha« given playwright Bernstein a full treat- ! ment smre product ion wise it could not have been presented better An exemplary cast plus excellent sets and Bernstein s own unerring j direction turn the trick. Btory of the big upcoming, slightly unscrupulous businessman, who meets s girl in a house of dis- repute and falls for her is told in three stansas. He Bret starts Ilv- Maura luivcrty scored last sea- son w ith a -harp port rat al of Dublin tenement life in “Llffey \ 1-ane ” Tim time she has taken a slight lv higher level in society, s family living in one of the homing developments on the outskirts of ' t he «it v used to rehouse form# r tenement dwellers The trag4*dy is that of an unwanted otd»t* r and a j frustrated female lioth living with , the Nolan family The charat ter of Dan Dempsey, the oldster trans- planted from the country fo the ciiv to end hi* day*. i« a natural as piaved bv MKhael Via* Liammotr He tries not to be in the way and muses on good times gone but he ‘always clashes with the over-pious Ann Clery, the older Nolan girl. And hiv u..\ v displease the younger daughter of the hou*e l^une Mor- ton who tries tn ape a still higher xorial strata and provides m«»*t of the show’s laughs Miss Mor- tern s rharacteniation matches with the mitstandmg performance af Mart.iammoir while a fine re- strained piece of acting is done bv i Denis Brennan, ** the harassed father of the house The return of a married daugh- ter from England Eileen Mo*»rr . (implicates the housing problem Hfrss. Basil Farrington lamdon fJct 3! . s »» »*4t«**4 YMMff # Wy (*r««K»< #♦«»(* 4# 4 4«attva mi )•• •« <* kv tM* <4 tr.rtr J*m*« HiOrr ikMr.ira •*» Crt#» ( #rt»« SUtiM VUKa* W *11#r XI >»• IU.Mimm Th»«#i* ( twK. I wmM Ihl SI • I l «* CakSW ;i Puri ft*4l»«rtl rMar Mr hum. Hma Rag : Mr 1 toiifUMk Jwtlfl C4R4M I #4- *4 I , * 1*1 R-«il l«(rmrl4R I*,.»r4 M*« XKrm# Itrlrn • tllSO OI.*rp JuArv»«u«> M'tfcrrt Wtoj4|»n4«M kmatflk H#< I *-44 Mar l> »«*a t'K*4«♦»» H«««l « V rthr. S iRiItmI Rv#xi Haemmia RroI aww A * i* VMl ICB the trick tor the Nolans and make* it nece*- r the big uncominf. • sary that someone should go^and Uupulous buMfiessma*. It has to he ,Ma< Liammoir They a girl Ina house of d.s^ try to do the job gently twit the falls for her is told in bitter frustrated femme makes her as. He Brit starts liv- seek revenge by letting him know- ing with her. then makes her his the truth, thereby sending him to wife, and Bnaity. even when he .hisdeath , _ ffnda she has cheated, still wants ‘ The study in frustration h\ M»-x finds she has cheated. stUl wants T The study in frustration by Mi s •q i|t>B her. [ Clery is another good job. but Peg- Miss Meubsn , s siting even for- gy Marshall as Mm NoJan t ot .1- David Trarle » new play is hullt around an intet.*e epibitiered and disturbing character and provide* an emotional holiday for Joan Mil- ler in the title role Her talent enhames this indifferent drama, but it remain* a dubious bet for a general West End run Much of tbf suapem*e i* )4»M hv the tech- nique of opining with a proiog which in fact is an epilog to the plot ■ But this fault wcuid not matter if the niece had greater dramatic intensity and a better -tandard of writing Av ll stand* the dialog. n» ver rises above the average. The *tpry i* built around a woman who marneva fshuius ptan i*t and give* un her own career to help him tn h»s. . ■ After some years, she Feam* of hu inf d'-’ii* and Mibseiucntlv after an eve operation, fe^n* Khndrx «> t». k'-ep hie* cnqrtanttv b* her *»de The whole p!*v is dominated bv Mm Miller’s performance and tn the latter sequence * he make* the wife into a tortured almost d*- l» i* ■ stron^ npr- fornr»*qce. hut can nrove toU rt h eo- r# for patron* In t mfr,**t the n‘her## apnear lW'»*t nr*’#»rle** David Maekhsm n**v# c »mi>r#‘s«e« as the hapit v« and rtrlsr Avis ScOlt *h0W« a f* ert.-n-X to J ,,' H H Tmi**#*t |(ii ft#r#(liid ».f rM»»4f Aj»#S re > « # i*mw .. *«»-••< • i \. *Kur M«##jt ’ V«r« Juka VpiM I»t*>#l4>( kl Rri## *-#'«*.,i* 44# !»#*-• r.i H#«rtrt *Hm-| Si SS4wv«R TH»«!»#*. U*wM> Ort »*•. Si, 93 to* t . J.4*i» Htll* 1 •n.Wrrt |vr#r Hull S»*4H ■ J*..* HvrMi R4. #r ■ ' - . Arthur S«f#H Vnn* Man* R(rn4. Vultl Ltiiiw V |*>I« I *r| H*###*l . . l»4< H«.» rl# r t T t'*« ,> .. . t».,#4 yum 1*Wu h«m* Ria4n tr»R*» ■., Njif .«jH« Rarry | '■ ’ .. — A...... —».'. The formula of a play w.thin a play, with its inevitable m#a>ure of c «»n(u!*i«»n, h.«* h# * n a favorite standby of playwrights through ; the years, fin this oreaaion the technique is employid in broad ;com#dv lines, bordering at times on the farrical Although elding : up to an inconsequential and im- probable y arn t Hi * has the essence of humor wit and pathos to insure it« »ucce*s The play, aulhond by Andre Bo4*se#n who alui penn#d the #ur- rent We*t End hit. 'The Little Hut has a fir*tiat# • i-t t##pp*d hv ft * m iftiir John MtM* It h.»s H i e n skillfully di r ecte d hv Peter A vJimore who«e intcH m nt h-**n- d'mg of (he *uh|ecf ha* kept con- fusion and ob*currfv dowp to the baud minimum In .art ■'•pe.\John AliM* j* piay- ,;inr. as a ft • ■ > '■*'*- part of a voting artist whose girl*, fri nd walks out #*n him ..' His ; friend* apprehensive of break- ing the new* »o him In the *e+ond art he i* >#t home ent r* uping frund* # * •> the the- atre and ' he tbealnrsl, 'itu vtion is re-en.#e»cd in h»* own real life tnd finalU in - r hr is Hack on the stage, fen# drunk to p'a> hi* rote prnprriv After the curtain • .me* down »(«/• r»( #dKili- afion which I* p.*rl Of the pflf, and v*hich he be’ieve* to he rm- poss'ble m r« al life t ke* pta. e Throughout the open mg act. the Bianiicsuuooa» Hif pipp gweeqeds |ciun| Uva^ skd vknij ai a nO man with exag^crale ^the .... vt’ontiiiued un f*a^e 741