Variety (October 31, 1951)

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SI. 1*51 Legit Bits Pby 0«l sf Ttwi Inside Stuff-Legit VKIm Blahs* returns Iicr torn perf«rm»fM of th# mmm ti.rrd Mile of Mias A dr l aid# Best m the new Faithfully Yours h > tha Broadwav company I “Bummer and Smoke." the Ten- | «rrh Ml the ■WMWT rung nr • f^iiurr of 1246-42 A pro pot of an Oscar Hsmmersteio 2d comment that hi|h Uses art stimulating for croatlvo p er sona, the N Y. Daily Now* rditonally ■ M |.f \ m mrntmmm stimulating for creative p ers ona. tho N Y. Doily Now* edits Horn Mum. Oc( JO «*•«*•« !? "*■*> '-W* Fw i U jP M l* i«ri. "■« :»■■■? ■ *-—' aoaaoo wtlium fttlurr of iff it * ttrrf ■aroavd ereiumn a omm ducers Mid othrf entertainer* should keep thnr moutht Armly out• at Cu>* and Doll* aflrr a film ^ ^ mducrU in England *ith •• “"ViTtLE Xon ** "F wmcormini i w a tn tci and polities because m 22 ram out of a siitnmi nt in Holly wood Martha %| Rrg . rrl Johaaioa in thr Margaret "w a u»m«.n urn ^ they know nothing and ran tram neat lo nothing about such strwart ha* tubbed in the part Phillips role and Mae Glen*Hie ,^1 .bnjui; r«M things’* h 4lAr ».%■»# Jarahaon •iaging , John Gietgnd co-Mar- a*vT sun* u7m C The daily took off on Hammertteina recent observation to it* own > ring with Diana Wyoyard tn nhw, u t-elnwr cwuim*. Broadway columnist. Ed Sullivan, that chubby bankroll* are likely to head> a lynBcatr that f*" Tale** In London plan* *11 1 * H * m *•, induce creative people to quit creating thr Downtown National Theatre revivals of Much Ado about *a+m n*r** • ' V> :T> * ,h iCi»m. _«.ih htyyl f. Ml« Wy»- jum£n 0j~ R»ckrr» <rf "A Maatk X *Mfl*»».'- C.rt, Wh.rton . l«ohct»mii>« r. m> CM?!* £5*« fold »». >y d »"<* *«■* 1 1 ‘ . r*** * *■;'*” cSL£*L., tSi,VS m.itc.1 product..* mrlud. Ihc.lrc m.n.f.r Mono. Goril.*to MW. SSSm,- krtST thVtSwiM ®, -fg®*-* Ww* «« cm - mm * m « m , O—r EC • . *i”nd l et Lm» foil 'hr »»» , 'T^ so.mmcr w>* DUy^tw *“ J«*» tltt.. TV Klor jukir Kflk N>« Yorker mod writer Joaet C Load. doierm.ned to twind the pUy to to U* wV-»t End L£S SOS. <' uf,r OMUdd Wilder. I7S0 each. Hilda Kook *Ue of Udhtlad loch- .. a "■ - to-'l kaoak Old ■SSOC fl llll*| QUC 111 l llf " Utd* <*«flN H*W*V *■* I aiaCoa Crilltd (f lunk oMuflHide fLdnrdd VldttAla Sal *Skoualouo _ CT af*u f The dally took off on Hammers!cm * recent obaervatloo t# it* own .a am a .. i u.f_d ao w Ml * i * *_ _ * ^l l. i n * a > the Downtown Kattonai 1 at*rmg revival* of Much Ado about f W7 -,\7 M 1 and plan* to open neat week 4J |h J |f . wlth him*elf. Mia* Wyi* 52S dr./ with a policy of Mage •"<* >afd p,»| Hcodeld ak Mar* and Mm* <6bgnr B—ere jnld hjj] ju^urd || with Scofield in the a<M iate* before the ^aprning B . ur1 u*-, currently Making e«u*r or•» ■ i«l .< ... . * . . a • • • v Backer* «f **A Month of Sundiyt.** Carty Wharton * forthcoming Nd«rt fm*4» muiical production, include theatre manager Morion Gottlieb. $900 •M » mmmII td»l»vi.ina writer Man Wilk I.VNJ ClHS research ritrutiv. Otrir kai. .• « 4.<‘ • > t' • re* Taller .w., ; *he i nlrn ^ , to a Jj gr *^‘weeTTnfra 1 apecJnSiLbanrnt tm ...s Bart Bern the road for i’olumbialKcture* Ik Wtw I an* i« run tiara . '* ,i » S d . pacinte with presaagrnt Kart Bem- the road fw l H Mem and associate Warvry Sabio dnkc nngfura le«t Jov ii«nni n »ritr« »ill tu*e monr BHilf •!# JpW kknih lure* i* tnanete Jm Mmond Bay Ilea will stage moor Wilbert will aUgc manage gjj S Lhand Behold Baihartor C omella revival of ££ MortM ^ HrLkrtd WMMtdd Mcr» ; ConMopt Wi»o.-|or which ( hortoo u« M..on . Mh pr«. ihocc. on I Am Mr»kw»k .lll bc com pon) m»p- T ,V. • comet*" m *"•• . Vv. iTT ! . '“ ,4 H»l Hnikoo- who d tc hr |Mr#| *„ m * actmf «t the / A current tood compony ul IKo.n ot . Thuir. u m. Tomt ..." M.r. chickup ».». Adorn* IkyWkf.. Tj«.U^ M t^’prodi' t.. ^ .tJ,w rcrc nil. in Akron Dtch "« ‘ Hrmotnt to B. SdodT M due vnn of • p„ lnt v , *, R,, u ™ * H‘. :",wr.lij5' or. Knndom Hot*. WOl* *i**W the work of .. Mi# c *» . ... c«no C.»»-wn | e |* ¥ | i | 0- writer Mat Wilh. JSOO CkS research nocutiv* (Hear Katt t«w. o,a, r..^ djjw. TV at%mr Jmckif KrU Nf> T#rtw w rilw Jmtt G Lowg pro. hm Truer ducer Clinton Wilder. 1720 each, Hilda Kook wile of lighting tech- wttl taatw K«tHefv«r*ibMS nician Eddie Keek, producer George Nickel*. 2d. Betty Bbivelevt wife ro#I Clam tuiy Tnckoe? of the ahow't adaptor fI 500 each aou*entr prngram agent Arthur 3?rgj nYTuIvCun Klar. 22 000; theatre management executive Lmu* A. Lotito, ftMMM, uSm/Cm :: h.*»r-*..v and Mra Wharton. 22 000 Vkf.^iJc^vi'iii * ' The venture is capitalurd al 2120 000. with provision for lO'T over* r wn rte . Jwm** H*mM call.. iai*e * U—n nul ArtNi . , , . leurenee U*eg ' c«i*« Ke.isTehnwee l)anny Daniel*, dancer who recently epi» Ai.d on Broadway in Kim w EZHJi nu Mr and *»fher musical* ha* invented a mechanical toy. Tu»y the ul ?4 VCrvwt k»»k* Bklleruia. which t* kktng told nationally in dnpn r inient and t<»> More*. —— newaatandk etc He gel* a royahv from the 72r purrhaae pri c e Item A combtnklion of many top ie made and marketed by g manufacturer to whom he took the idea. ittafcvU*' WalrwlM Ofidnl r'oMwIkf JW*« Wd Biven. produc ti o n r'n irtn** prevrnlcr Keruail B ( oomsav December . , m ., l»Tbi !*» jg, dramatiaed by a find water ■fmwba. who produced playwright. Staged by an expen- many tap la made and marketed by g manufacturer to whom he took the ideg. >»e produc- Toy include* a ballerina and her partner, the former twirling a* the turn " HV letter hold* her in regular dance position. Since the cloamg of “Kate’* A-4 novel- Dantel* hat been appearing in televiaion and doing teaching v' ■ --rr jarena, wno proauceo u«H?r- nlavwright Staged bv an expert* nrcompanied h a lo o o th f * ho buck on Broadway, haa optioned director acted bv a atellar tuhMa at tba down-at-heeln gnMh* fully f a ru a ed yarn nbuM rampaH cyplu -Rw^ Kir*." kr Ldd M*ri*d. I ^SdM4 kwnpTri/ In *n» m.n .100 Mlu Hrllnrun m« *»d wlnmng pwoolr Marr EllMkdlk A»drr, i. hnldtdj .pi mi prrMdUliOd tdM* lm<> *nd return-. ,nit prodw rd **••>> *«i owl Id m*k» o«* dUlikr In Ihu not-too-profound Ul* lh» InddWy l^oM.lur whom Moiwll Andrr . gf* ^ m «k* f»“d '^Uu!2 *>« rlur^ldn *nd .«r*«l. to. .uthor u ofor.ou.Ty .pp*.ll«, p„. 1.^ tSSSreto^iar lu. * < JSSil^wJ? ZZZ i5L!5 <“ ..riur play. m^M iwrr ,,ubl*aud.*nc* and U hr fowl xycr&s. J&izZ *?r:. r:; z:\~r*, srSSurttS'L VUUo''rSt *.'.r^l.V bu, l.t'rirm. York K^un and ,*. arroaa ™ tat ion Lotte The Hanna Theatre ^‘^•"« ^“ i Bnn<oot k Athen* - MfM dneTmvt re added two room nf a^jajto^jw' ^ played Hie role briefly during ^ of the orctieMra v > "[ n ’ rr r !^_ the show * Phil I y tryout, a far Mlee dy dnWjTIHnn Oijrry ^ wa% J Edward Broodway and the road toy a y «. Jko dM gtr««« Cat tery. .rgLjL. tgfwr8.IO. *?*■ "Z aS on f 'a wl ^ N Y . . Begtnafd Paniilbjgff qdll i Uo romedy ta a current click J.irkedil Viurtulhne ^ulln • thin prpwageat the T heatr e^LiHld pro- Mitchell created the roln du« tion of Jean Anouilh a laegeiwi ■ . n || lf Miow a flop production ua ~T*-hd no atarniy drantatic moment* of I hrevented in London ^7wa> in 7 UST Sera M f* »* ~ "**•*• UM arawin a* jhMM_ of [at—MB operator of the Newport #M L®L Ml J5JJl tl4 . univ . r ture i. with Derothy MH.wire and H j , r**ino Theatre, haa opened ~H^T l B>hard Burton . , , \ a Now York production nffice 2L vSthfJl *wI!m hTIrt7^t m* Mariya Green, formerly leading, yr Hiuk Herbert visited Phila* u* gi?> every «pt»use “might C5 triH>r - comedian of the D*0»ty [ detphig uiih a double purpoae last m *rrted *’ playing on the au bat an C’ lrte Opera. 1* aet Jor a f week Eirat he went to the For* |, aJ r e*pon*e > Tlawn from thu •* 4 *m»e ’ the Abe Banana Balpb | tr%t ^hefe the third com pan > ®f . f«crt Brnpt point* up the rear . I wr| "AEkfUlrf A* l® ^^MUe ' ^ (ion* of Charles Gray.'romtortabh JM W .1M Ctmat .la* Jffpf *. thpredi I* running Then he married banker, who i* tent on a Toree Wi*he* for Jamie r > Fan dropped down the at reel to the miasion hack to the home town he Gregory, presenter of tu* EwM ualnut to catch The Number in h-d left 2 o year* before, where he Drama editu>n of which W* daughter Diana. 21, ha* . mounters ghost* of ah earlier Juan in Hell, haa opto«n* d f ace • bit p.«r1 a* the waitrraa broken romiw# cal nonrdy <,Anc " ^T , l*enya was replaced . . . J. Edward effectively laura Pterpont as the reltaae of the Aim edition I* holding an eahibltion af Ph^J" Brnmberc takes over th# lead neat V 1 ? 1 [■”* ^rSthan? thiTrac^ acid-fongued butVlgeTrand dame bHfftW l, with hefty proflls for a.upbs yr»trrday jTue^ Jhrough Wf ^, k in Thief in l .en ' ' . . tb^ Kr/Vh.i th# is Mandout m lhe auopartmg ca«i 'venone concerned In any cbm. n ' Krrtwlld Dr'Jlbi^ s.u ,n lAtrx<Um ^here th* DalMn TfMin* JJJ* /toil on a nil In Likiwia* Theodore ^tlm Cal- 7° u rf°^ rr tK ^ide* pleasantly ^e^LdgntTSTfSaU^M^? pio h o ^om rd> j* V_ cu . r .T w . t ,./ t ^ markedly fluctuating plane, there *m Thome, and Dickie Moore «Te f^^a^notlw? B |i«ht <l on thatTUT nressaunni tne^ IOCarrv vtomo fWnn Mitchell created the role ’. . . na f itarkiv rir*m»itr mninpnit 1 superior to their maierta . and ,hu ? !* r lloUb, F H«ht on that com* Interferes^ with hefty proflu for i “Biggeaft Thiet in Town ”'_'T,.VJ:'TLilku'’»k. standout in the ■uiiiagllni anal 1 •WY°oe concerned In any case, m uhere the Dalton Trwm ***■ ^*21 £ UketwTTheo^ro W^* Cal. “Fournoater* provide, pleasantly »♦*•!> «» a current click fluctSSInn olln^thiro vin Thomas and DMkie Moore .re ^‘ v *Ttinf theatre in a team cr **J*J ' h# 1X1 being no starkly dramatic momenta superior to their material, and ,h “J ,,r stably light on that com- Amo* , ^2fro t 7aa W oSned ^ Hrlkea the almost untver Wmiam* Emily Lawrence and Lo- fhJ $ V ‘“ f tta ‘* c /n» iJ* >al theme of retrospect concerning retU Day# In fact, everything* [J*.?* ™** ^iJbST^Likc the >uuthful sweetheart that nrac- the credit aide^except tie Ukable J.ika^the sab Herbert visited : tUally every spouse “might navt I script. ,•.. airy. |tr humor ratKr than th# uith a double Purpose [gat m , rr1 W» pfay^e on the aubatan ^ gVima ot th^TJU k^ninT m^ .e'r^th^ ttn cSmSluTf l 1 * 1 . rrt £? n Z A*r n f 7!T thu : i ^- r6rt ^ ; v-V-' uS3y all? /rom * hokum*aenti* ..on 1 a Blur’ lahlctf*!e au- i‘” iM * “Pjjj*• D|m m P. , , jL., i m«lt. but without lapsing into T. ‘ nfn^. h h* I'Saui ^L'r on Broadw M ****** »b* **m Juan »n Hell’* ha* option* d Lace a bit Hgt a* tiw wattreaa Value* 4 comedy by Aim writer j MR Heaman and Ble< broken romance Value, ‘onjeoy^ ny mm writer Heanaan 2nd Eloanng H«r Gray’i realisation that the ter- «h*ea »*u <n« Ernest Pagann for Broadway pro- r#y are handling the boxoffVe wt mination of the romance and hia **” WF ♦ ar hence JJj* 1 ^** the IMuyhnnae ui Aibnn\ n \ luhaequent marriage to another 5nw« Forma Jean Nathan who wiHi v a column this *ra«Hi Mr* ffeSman I* a new- W aa the beM thing that ^ V. for the Monday edition of the N Y comer although she has been off* rould have happened to him. ia Journal-American li the pew crUIr ^niM in several PlayNauve ^ ^ , h# highltghM of the atory wwk^i for Theatre Art* mag , J. B. Orlestlev haa arrived from Umdon productions Mu» Harvey, a mem- ber nf the Malden Brtdde N Y wnesuev na* amvea nom per ov me msmen n< age is i , tered through this and I .o negotiate for a Broadway l»f<»vl Pl*>h«ue strawhat tn 1220. ha* wide variety of interesting Char durtion of hi* new play, 4 Moon ; been in the Albany ticket office for M Urttation* ounctuate the oro There ia much sage dialog scat- tered through this uript and a ■ drama of the place, keeping reso- lutely away non* hokum aenti- Play •* Broadway slapstick Having play.-cMhe part. - ' 7 - '■ .. all summer and on the tuneup tour ] ■ besides being married tn private Tke InBpnoafer ' life their portrayals are nercepthe Ptomrign* t« n*i»e«UM g i«m and admirable integrated i Cromm, with the slightly larger *«r» Urnii role, give* a vigorous aod nicety n«iM a* r«rrwr wuu s>rgi> rw varied performance, Including one 1-^mo* t^iUrd ti gtfmi Owrry quietly eloquent scene of intent Sm" asm m# «m tuning Miaa Tandy, besides too iwMir* T»»a* being visually stunning, give* a WnBaat Hkow aiovklne mam- omM-rilv «h.*d**d ner- The Font rigm« Co. ' pn pc k Surli — at inv h*. ( . *r»r ~ . ~ * ~ \ Tw prOOUi « <1 in UWlOOQ IBM VCBr With *efort«»tot.. punctuitr tfc. pro- Wha.l tfoniMM >nd Dulci* Gr.v “'"Tr Ko«d. *t»«^*p*rt , h . Vmiutt r.trd H *.n.r* Ai *ik.i forr> <(uirll\ *I,miu*oI urn. Ot tm*nt "F- , V. °H M » MM u* m V, M Tandy, braid*. Vfima iwMtra Tan*a being visually stunning, give* a WfmmA . .. Mum* Crsovw glowing and expertly shaded per- • l formance. combining wifely un» When “The Your poster 4 * wax derstanding with subtle humor □nxiui cd In l^mdon last year with and rarely letting her voice get Michael Deni«on and Dulrie Grav Into uooer reciater. into upper register Jose Ferrer, who took over tho ” t:ap.,c,w«^ Florence TOword gT fkddlel .Turthm'' HTnrTF^d. glv« ox^rt vitm rotSl^ I took over fig Bred, who ^needed t awstanre MarhneSa continue* aa manager treatment to the role of Gra^Hi* f. JJJd* pl/ v deoemie1I7 , 1h, Maa^g imST thT h end7f the barn t oilier in the caM of Glgr lui* , Actress West yon Ttldon ha* under Handing of flu nhgraiiTr i j_ i _ P !l_ ZJSLmZfw ChSk*#** «“* , iu *g * fr ^‘ <h * SSSE , r .rd » u « M *tb*",,*ur«4wJ JS5SKKJ circuit strengthened the show, providing Irene Bnrdoni return* to the Cromwell M : lT U r # . .*• L Mirskvlwii Thearro rhi7..rNov l"* ,o r:r ^ summer with Jessica Tandy it with resourceful added piece* flabfit AM a, fop-featured as ik* . ' . . . Flaying Gray • fathoe. John fnd husband Huove Cronvn it of business smoother oacmg and a bi vhot g.oTihlcr.fcjr^Maaleraon. in ^ ^ of*^South PkX'' °*ltc'r £SmS ** ><C tii!!!!l!l.i r<> ! w< * seemed thin hut amusing, and. pro- dynamic overall concept Syrfite't the original company of t.uyv and [hi cast of .South Pacilh after makes hia scenes standout* Leora vided nec»»*ary revuton* could »>. ainela setting with the d«>u hie bed I hav optioned a three- SMjjg* l>.n. gim a wealth Of empathy m S •JSSSSel? p^!l*.ng lor provSn^ th. unchlSikThlHe^; ehararter fmew^the Ma^iijjrnt * . .* ^»ta the jah af^ C^ray a we. Hi Broadway ^hat promise has now the couple** varying fortune*, la - :r*A , mane moderately promiMng for providing the u character farce, “The Magnificent surgerv « art Slohn ia doing a, io t h# role of Gray a wife, and Broadwav That promise has now ihe counle** varvinw f Kiaudv" by Bwhert t^rdoa Dare operation at the Frank Conroy it a* • Iwen admirably fuJAiled ' Cl!!/ |«, Broadway production this win- ***"?;' , bank president Colin Keilh-John- » ITwroerlllv heh!ved i. the ^ bSU2?! U « P? — stock III for 10 weeks starting i. i nn »»,.ufo .. ik. M generally believed m the <*a Ballard a eg single setting, with the double bed ter m avairistion with Jomoda Mock. Ill . for 12 WOOks starting s | on j, g piodUttion* . Jan de Harlot. DavM direct* Whose "Fowrpoatrr” had a Click * n<, 4 Cernwett does the stage mng nStB last week. [lic.cntly aentimenUl as the object pi.«ned back to his home in Amattr- — ~mm — • . , , of that romance. ^ ' Sonallv tmiSine !S^»h2i 1 d*m a couple of days later Bah|rn R w|| Srh^HllIp Bartlett Robinson does well as • improving in both interest^ and William L* Mamena has been . conniving Opponent for f ".Jr, . -- *" . L—. aihled to the cast of *Nini.“ mak GiaC* hoped-for bank promotion. th * -h thi , rCI ing H a four-character comedy, a* “Dinotaor Wharf.** National Will Arthur puts a umld of per JJ m arqure drJw^MM rIx hIt! tt was In the original French . , . Nov g »m rehe«rsah (strawhat try* aonalily into a minor role a* a ritOB #| J| Ll ||| palmer 'who are to ‘ Remain* to Be Seen " currently out rrvieued in^shigty. July 25 hometown friend, and Robert Roaa ^ { Stanley Kramer's film ver- AUI pi ivmg to capacity plus attend ime 51' mores a anfid cHHl as a flip — DW W ' ,dd 35TISn^Ti Tally on Hroadw ay\is earning an oper -Paint Faor Wnm- Shuhert Engirt Balance of Mteable cast I. S£LSSS Mon la appropriately stern a* the parent who breaks up Gray’s early romance, and Phyllis Kirk Is ef- b road way That promise has now the couple’s varying fortunes. Is b« < n admirably fuJAiled atmospherically helpful and Luotn- If. as generally believed in the da Ballard's costumes supply a trade, two-chara, ter plays tend to vividly convincing touch Hob# be tough boxoffice. FourpoMer * , ■ ■■ ■ ■■ - seems likely to kayo tradition It | I* a light, but amusing and occa- I A tl Dt 21^. d »m a couple of days laier . William li Maaaena has been mtded to the raM of “Nini.” mak Fstsre B wiy Schedule "J 1 5ri n .*7".IS —— Gras’s hoped-for bank promotion. #K _ liinesaur Wharf.’* National **h» Arthur puts a world of per- "} 5^ IS amusing and otca-| \ f\U D»™. PI—_ if yarn that keep* I ; VII’D W 3 V JlKlW vionally touching yarn that keep* improving tn both IntereM and on Hroadw a) is earning an oper- -faint Yonr Wagon. 44 Shuhert. J f*>?ogiM Balance of sueable cast •ting profit of shout 26.000 a week Nov 12 'reviewed in V iiurY, reflects polish of the toppers. Gertrude I awrenee has taken S !• ’211. I Done in seven scene* the con- longterm lease on the Allan "Never *ar Never,* unspecified . , brrn Dull*. h«u>* t* Em, Cist Str**t ;">«•"J* » «w —« M rV» trtilum* port»l ph«i* K V erst don, to th* «ni* .hr h.. »•««>».• SMh-un.p~.fl-d ?” occupied sin,** last soring during Ihealre Nov 2| H.ondon produc- Aim slides and • traveling scrim the absence ol its owner, an old U"? n>VUwcd V ^* ,rnr ^ 12 J ®,***^u friend Meanwhile, she ha* applied „ w ^ to the AMor estate for p**rmi»»ion *.i 4l t f u, * on Nor 24 J anding. crafUmamino. C to lend her apartment in Went 24th t Am a Gasmen. unsperifi,*d >» ^period 2nd WM«t% J ,v * • r Wa P?' snunen i ingratiating playofnsvho give the “Amphitrymi M rmergeg B4 1» TxaurY i rrf j/* r ** ^ ^-il.PThi — piece glnitbility and substance broad farce instead of a subtle w - 1 th *T not <HI, y “Four- »*Hiw i» Equity Library Theatres Never, unspecifled u in7me nt.Hci nhln. porter” a hit 2nt may be estab- first production of iU mason at ° ...ia.a ’ b .!.f.-J.i«'b«*d a* an acting team in the the Lenox Hill Playhouse^ N. Y. VI* 7* g'lm 7hdi!? n Ind ^ TtlSIunflT urim process This misinterpretation of the play S'vSmfifS.!*! V*ur iron, onr l.j V “.**« gWvW.> Lm^u * ,* Jen KU* m mostlv^it is due to Brace Conning's AMBkiirvM *T« (LENOX MILL. N. Y.) Although the acting la on a gen- ally high level. Jean Giraudoux's ingratiating players who give the 'Amphitryon 22’* emerges as ^a piece plausibility and substance broad farce instead of a subtle so they not only make “Four- satire in Equity Library Theatre’s This misinterpretation of the play oriRiully In London *>' <*»• P»rt'v '• » J*. *T hrm *" ! tb* hjm theatre., th* lw7 . pre-Valency adaptation hut >g play is still essen- mostly it ia due to Brace Conning • inner nanx inicnor is »«»* T. A ^t , .7.. ^ - m «,t ' „ vtanding craftsmanship Costumes. ^ Harlog play is s till avsen* JJJJJjF both period and modern, have • * u,ky * humorous account of the direct.un mottle .t.ntn durable msmags of two spirited With I S n IfTswmTMtbii B’hkn theatre week of Nov 2» quality stamp to them. Staging "^JtTa*# of two spirited With perpetual motion as Iht St |» the Lawrewre ONvIers (Vivien | * r: r - > a unxoeciAed thea- evidences thorough preparation alMl very human people Plot- keynote, the actors are directed in Keigbi during their engagement {r / , £? z J9m wnapecilMd thea- eeinenres tnorougn preparaunn wim. the only important change in uninspired cavorting and capering starting Dec. 12 in the twin (Teo-j rw « \ *he yarn is In Cfeit Sastically re- » that the subtlety and wit of the t itra productions Ml*a Lawrewee* J?2?lantwJfe *Nat mnal rwr 7 I — I vised Anal scene in which a cheer- dialog are lort^ us hand producer Richard Aldrirk. | BThald.” 1 u nspe^i AH1. * CJLm.IL I fbl romedy B2I2 replaces the for- RaTnhClantnn Mm Mato Mf is on active duty with the Navy .HBgpOriRoi in Wasluncion . .. Despite objec- IT mo un.oeri h,iH. hv v i. »> nr»ti<,>.ikl I mm Mhaki ■ 1 U [it Fsllow-Uf wise the only Important change in uninspired cavorting and capering the yarn is in the drastically re- so that the subtlety and wit of the vised Anal scene, in which a cheer- dialog are lost ful romedy note replaces the for- Ralph Clanton brings gusto aod Clanton brings gusto and lions by vice-president Lee Shubert m^/Thm *trl iZJ 11 ^^ that A. L. Berman is ineligible for 9^, - , membership on the League of ; -* JL mmOu Vss m ' N Y Thealres board the attorney. tn T!JJ , •* > repremnting Irving Berlin s inter- >p ££! _ d . ■ . ( ost In the Music Box. N Y . is ex- ^ ^HBggWf. EiegMM, membership on the Leagti* of N Y. Thealres hoard the attorney. representing Irving Berlin's inter- est in the Music Box. N Y is ex- pected to be supported by vote sf the other governor*.;:. Pressagent Arthur Canter ex- pects to he married after Thanks- mer lugubrious. Incongruous fan- humor to the part of Jupiter, the tasy The time element has been king of the gods who is invincible altered a hit. moving hack the : against everything except the will opening from 1202 to 1820 and the of a woman As Alcimena. Wynoe story condensed from 42 to 32 Gibson overplays the heroine years But it still starts, with the whose disarming surface conceals IV AmImmsm Irtirdeq opening from 1202 to 1820 and the of a irtnisn : (PLAYHOCSr. WIL.i dory condensed from 48 to 35 Gibson over Wilmington Oct 26 s But it still starts with the whose disarm Lillian Heilman s drama opened carrying his bride across the determination jL i m. . . r . . lliM.lfoM Ih.l. h- -M- _ m pects t giving tnmg Box. Y , is ex- ^ n its Toad tour here, leaving ltx .il i threshold of their bedroom on Charles Grunwald demonstrates ►e supporteB iy vote t Ufraf of Lovers.** unspeciAed critics and theatregoers divided *betr wedding nigM and with the ability as the stalwart Amphitryon, governor*. theatre One. 28 l^ndon produr- over its merit—or lack of It Fred- ^n^drter oc, upyiag a prominent Gerry Jedd a Barter Theatre prod- t Arthur Cantor ex- tion reviewed in Vmill I ' fan 10 »K March and Florence Eldndge ** th f ‘tt tln ^*.i C R OV t r * uct ’ Wings to# many mannerisms married after Thanks- »si under title “Point of Depart- provide marquee lure and getter- ,h ?. key *® Iheir lift to- to the role of Lada, but also brings . drama ure” 1 If* vvivs IWU soaaxo MX« . ally It’s • topnotch cast Producer f.BWBWi it sparkle and xpontaniety columnist of the N. Y. World-Tele- M Ja«ie “ Broadway, early Janu- Kermit B:,>omgsiden has provided I Unlike most small-cast, one-set Susie the servant David Hooks C l & Sun. took s hard crack at ar> a classy physical background and plays. “Fourposter** doesn’t beg for displays sly humor, but Paul H A. Ferrer for “dropping * plans ~J*ne" unspeciAed theatre, mid* 1 Harold Cturman’s staging has that more plot and never seems to be Menard misinterprets the warrior to appear in a projected prod action January (strawhat tryout review rd old magic straining to get outside the walls of and throws away one of Girau- of George M Cohan’s “Musical in Vunrrv Aug. 22. *21. under While there are brilliant IndL the bedroom or drag in additional doux*s moat trenchant comments Candy Man, 44 for which s bonk till, “Foreign Language t'dunl scenes, the tun total ia not characters. In fact, mm af the on war Ollvor Cliff plays Mercury haa yet to be written He also, ; **Ve-ua Obaerred.* 4 century, to impressive One fault Is that off stage characters Is too hnpor- like a leprechaun instead of atagled out Ana Soihern and Feb It ii^ondon production re- it's practically unpoiu hie to work tant and no vital action occurs off the dry-oritted cynic the Bikeii. Cummings as giving the* viewed to Vxaimr, Feb 8. *22). tup any aympathy for the summer stage. In that sense it is • skill- 1 created.: i up any aympathy for the summer 1 stage. In that it ia • skill- 1 created. Venn.