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Variety (November 1951)

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cura unnwR BIAW BOOM) Turk ^Din^o Xm9ie T^ C ^ < . £“ HilhtM Nov II. _£?, Dick L MSmU 0 and Mark ^ U V • P £* Duleina. Otto “Jv' 7 ‘ Ultn-Aaffop iS*. $150. II oVrS; •* «®* •* 50 *•***• *** Boliw G*. .. Lopez. IMM* Gee SSfe *12? JSltfvSJjM aH ' rr ’ Or—^^q d AmoUC. | 0 nj Qg|f NknfMlf y 4 Ted yOfWMIk t'*n< 1 ' till! foe tM9 MW B k BB y HP, '■ ti ..ikitivinl alMB Mf i Wf- Mi** Morgan's potency wk» M* ftr* VkliKry 4 Kenny Otndi. ^ Cug«t booking K#»m. Bm»%rt !Mr 1 » gadabouts who k*4 .2 v strong turnout Mr Celeste ly handicapped at showcaught by Jar k Carter. Com Girl* t •).•'<.■.■ __ brea looking forward with pleasure hi rnUrrt in (Wtraat to the aa overlong pre show by orrtiitrr Mu hset Our to On h, S3 MIS oti*i Ha$M*Hi % • to (hr ret um of Tout Aide* got IS’iSm to the at bar Mat rat Joe Reirhman Latter crta would mam. %cm Wilrm pradwrfiaa a( an add e d baoat when the brunet ••"V a.Tl ana *po« which bad an have aided the total seance by * — Scaadeis in Parts* t.nh Hu h* I chirper bowed here for the third rung and another which whittling hi* chore By time Chirper The Cops ha* combined two dl- Ren t me, Manuel 4 Marita \ lera. time A year ago *he «*• a singer ^ f ttftd p review that araa H°t an. much of ruttwmer Mram versified personalities far an ef-BnUano Jreako Troup* <l» I effg with a genuina von* v»wt she* M®. * ^. rtl to an unofficial praem waa jettisoned. The music waa B* fectjve overall entertainment in the 4 Steffen. Vadja Del Oro Hot >«u« a linger with a genuine voice, pint K" ilnlm drew virtual capacity u»ual top level for customer terp* Xavier Cugat band unit for the irorth Sisters i*L Ku’hy ffarr. savvy plus eaae of manner and-^ ■*5 , J’ lh justification. log- Ted. opening segment. and comedian Jeffrey Clay. Valaoda ftfwav. moat important—a good change at f*d * ^ |g rUM dm Jach Carter Marty Gould 4 Dam, I Afb« rt Put SultMand af aongalag R1 Kd i H ldi ■-** %>#••. * u *®* lf preiunting practically Orrha; naoed by Natalie Kama) In the year away. Mis* Arden '*'**Lf tathnaa spotty aa in the Las Vega*. Mae. XL mme Kroupas when he played jffWhfc cosfames Vltmt»^T> .Mh»* ha* learned how to uvrrvoroe hay **** ‘ £, German excerpt, k. Leon Home. DwaMIU •*.. £1 r » rl > [•'fT orche*tmfioa. Georpe Kamarof; earK weaknem In *ellmg a rhythm ,,v# llin i t generally, that ll^ba- kmncho Dunrrtt <•». Arnold ftoaa. brJicfc at the hotel, it H. IS minima an, number. The rf«ult now la a wrl T nSrteraf paaha and Chko HamilUfn Jg» Beigiiniiil^ 131^°. ThiT* K?iaPff till tl ..... wmgalog that dpa *U»ng without If Mm Holm * elective j Trd fio ftiio OrcH* *10); ap c«Vt : „ *f* , Ud lMl Bl k | The recently opened («lldedtage letup . She * obvious)\ more com- y ^ y \ l,aucly^i"%ht her ANT A , ao eellar ^iMro Chalk it up to the Imi ha* embarked on a change of fotlable even now. with her land- ► *1 U 3h OkUbom**" to Berlin. that (ugat la presenting prettv p«itMy from lie (i.v •**. m«Hif to h, Sorrento * ballad However. t tilt German language 1 s.r,,i new p.,tt.* are hem \ M| -n r , " ,,, l ,vr fhr l K,,n ' h ' **'• "* h canid haw# been better beatm la the Gr of El Bancbd | C T * T? fTT 1 : T [ft ^ * °' h \ l «^»ng' a. **Lovrr to wia tnak at- V, A * rake la German, of H.un.luo Theatre Hevtaurantnot \ k M la a _ decided switch of policy] the Latin Quarter Ha a mm e ten torn jUgate ormM; o* Thanh****®; Holtvw< mm1 Nov. SI. Tool Ardew. fddv Ollm OrrH f7*. LattnA.rea ill; $150. $3 rarer. Bunsrt Stria gadabout* who had been looking forward with pleasure to the return ef Toni Arden got Vt T Holm drew virtual capacity «h, ViM* Wrt '• ,b * rU “ « SuH Sr»d t MPIS ?MrTw VtWM wo .ss . w r,r«r K Mis* Holm* objective J ,<i > u , R.?<> Or. h 10 •. mo < mvr ■'■ I,uuely highlight her ANT A no wini^um SjiflX'truSSS" »• *»ru.- t - i fume af German language * Several new path* are being I , rwi tiiukl have been better beaten to the door of El fUitcho i n' )M> \ Cake" in German, af Roundup Theatre Restaurant—not eeliar biMtMl t. r>*lk tt up to the fact haa embarked on a ihange of fotlable evea now. that Cugat is presenting pretty[pollry from the Gay Mb motif to b\ Su»rrenta'* ball » are being S ,MC %1&S5 »"4mate »*lowr in the the Prenchy formal that prevail*. *he has learned b of El Rancho ^ w *** 1 baara bHmaa atmosphere, i at Lira Waiter*' other operation, things aa “Lover" I ,» i)K Btill better are for the aammatK m«u*etrap. but «»,e INdell.-Entrafter operation seemingly designed to draw the *ale«nan*h.p pin* ad ffySii^bnd fn a it Mwifitiilil|Rr jr aa inrafi ani la Bgaday- • ld«a 1 ^w ®**.. * y® ^ ® * haad- L Q e irem fmm tha m*y j understanding af the fyHra. cam* w noiwiud erenen inverpreianuns , lor reservations to fanner mu T—r. ■ - r . ^ J \T .i 1 r . umier*tanning at me titles, cam* r ^hc is one Yank thru*h who Horne Her appearance la well j®) •<! Mimjly. j work ,*d J* funa^ hut the plan bine In give each n u mbe r tt* moat !L« t maM a fetkh of her lm-i timed after completion of interior Another big ^faiiog; in Ibe ahotra Bbga for further development effect*# treatment In addition MspaailiahmenU but her alteration* There'll he need for . rtr< ^. Nlll n». b ^ Nth'.ikr coaaady The current Cage session Heed* Ho *uch standards a t tha riindaaldk all n g caa gg r y. th<i * footage during ihe neat n*-»dtmer uno ha* ne w mo- m nald r rabie tightening and Thing* Van Are“ and Home Ona tl Sole but".mart chiffon two fmrneaTT strengthening in some of the art to Watch Over H*« she*, miming JS Out of the depth, of M.m Home a PoM.iong^ There are Some gmd a new ditty. Jd> <oi>*y He^S? Boor for her easy- emotional feeling are projected her Ca,r ■Pprarance in several >rar%. j t unu here that require re-rout in- that sounds good . a - ; which runs the lieder. encompassing in modem Gugat’s outfit, pace*) by the show- , mg to fit the demand* of the show first-nighter* here got an added from 'Moat Unusual Day" song idiom both tragedy and com- TT# **- > l^ri >< n t° A S<HW# * wwr<> > ** railed for treat * hen Jlfei Arden * bi other, nw ■ -i- • ” d. l.ix. il. • SUc af the few b^ruls around' for i<> rauiui a, inv#ii mnuii i.. ... i .w. n^.. • ddn.ul Hum stoat c n ua wai my t *oog miqq win irageoy anq <-om- ; . 1 . J *■ '■,** ” I sreat wnen mtm wrwraa oi miser. !nd Kick Out af You*’ through! edy She holds magnetic faacina- ??' band* aroun d^fy to round ou* tlie overall impact. Jan was railed ta the floor for a ’ Fiashns *» -Get Along Without tt«m for both aesea. while her aura J* r , n<1 r h- ‘‘ •* Otherwise. Walter* ha* endowed quick vocal effort Hc‘a got a g<»od r .v i*i tm, i/i. »— •*! _i u —j 1 mg of performers in the Mlin >k .. ^ .. .j •...»« Am* Very Well/* "La Vie Ca Rose " of elegance 1* es idenced Immedi- . ' T ■*' • • ■ . * ■ , „ ^ a t «a IL I W I a. * • a • . . ■ . a' , 1 m i.. a _ .. _a. t WRhout tug of performer* in the hivdI^v with his uku^iit L:~ra.“r* ■* p™dur.EJ7«ui « Otherwise. Walters has endowed quick vocal effort Hr‘» got a jwd u display with his usualh good Voue and earn of manner Ho rn s of manner is Seine * tha inevttabie “Okla-- ately upon brisk entrance Without | i!L '^51 production values The costuming n*>r* experience and he could ka kama* escerpta ♦•Inca aka created j wasting a word ar gesture. Mias | ?* W M T^. l !! > r r : a one L one.wna | ^ gmerally eaaottapt. routining taf* rnntendir for good nit ery dates costuming more experience and he could ka Annie *». the (ierman snatches. Home carol* ‘Rulin' ou the Moon/ a d 0 *! r JtII B«ed and there * colorful orchestra- trvdthe “l-ova" medley com prising followed by an expressive limning K nTh^Ltt hi mimrnVvJVhai wal lM >® «• Ml up u* Hvety move *V)|t of the NigM." "Glad There of "World on a Sfrtng/M p comes menl i. \ou and "Lover." Bhe has been the temp# mm M>»d ^*gii | !**-- ****?** !f wk "U Htfer iMMug ii feldlrtigl fggk- givrn good special-material asatat St Blues.' kv Ruth Hughe* Aarons the champ she mea la addition ta film and video spots. Kap. — »«d mood for Beale .'."'"t / _ " .* k . Major failing Is insuffluent com- gjugn goad special-material asatat St Blue*/* with its spicy Jesting Rg r TtKm .^^ »L\ . edy Tkr spat by Manuel and Man- Boston Nov 14. kx Ruth Hughe* Aarons, tha champ [ she measure* the sultry "Love"* feotuud (S3 m and sell, her * a best f * Vi#ra ^ Probably the best enter- n <M * ffeafeia. «riih H* »n ¥ Fagne; ymponglst turned aongamith A M a tour da force, bringing out pka> ln - M i tamment ■ jif. session The Hraag Vowapm aw . Gracia Daw n, me# topperdftr ta the offstage foot-tapping and smile* in *ty fe$» ,U| Gringo dw* hnef Latin tern Vleraa are aided by two bellicose A rdr* Fletcher Girls It*. Alan puffing of "Too Late Now," done |»wup -Take Love Easy r Full lm- lttlntg thM eo over st.tmglv and "^Aeys Tippy A CoMpa, who Martia;'" Dane Leater Orrh ♦§>, frina the Peris lan Room » main- ^ of her s.a. comes to the fore m i) U i r tna likewise stem olftne band-* enough talent to do a double /ante Rro* Oech 15); 4 nim entrance door, from whence she Deed I Do while "Call Me bar* „ Und for her own nift v t^tin I Bmy llm * *hey ao desire They aa a< H ia. ao coeer. a««kes ent ry in cident ally , toaload img" has soft situlanres amidst low- rhythm hoofing, all of which la fast j ° l v tf banf$ !y. L h# - l 1|,<P . u’TS " . ¥ tba orthodon kitchervdoor com- Uy lighting Ovation la marked knd ronatafent with the entire pa< e IT” 1 * l 'T, T*** 1 W t hiir th * g**, 5S SSLlUTSf- in* on v. altar * k a u t-a t y I e "Lady la a ag the Cugat areamtotlon Ia>* Bar ^®Une *New Actsi fails to •time minimum pallry undoubtedly helpn probably in this ; the best enter- l-aila fnarter, B a f B Bouton Nov. 14. - R«Ug Daniels, with H* i*ng Fagne; John and June Belmont bstlroom etogist* with ah acro-Bavor but done wdh esse and less muacle Beaing Tramp. Weather fully. sealing m*on. after ahaut-atyle "Lad> la a «f the Cugat presentation Lo» Bar- Bentlne iNew Acts| falls to come minimum pallry undoubtedly he pa Fntr acta are tha personable Tramp, with return "Stormy rancog mixed msmbo t« *m alvo go ^ Al ,K<iw taught, Kent me did | the oMrnsIhle reason lor the solid 4 g and June Belmont ballroom- Weather ' scaling session power- ovrf ^ ferimf almntiinw ' • routine that * r fe ver in fonrep- I Mi *» ihe I g this stanaa ka tha laMb with an acro-Bavor but dant f U Hy. lhr a,M-h*if portion ©f tha Had But eareedingly diffe ult to ea- hod vorallaing of Billy Dankalg^ s«5.. ^ >nL . Three hoofing Dunhills make bill, the weak spot is a >oung vm- Ihsn the usual ^ A ** r * pedalistica count In their warmup tnloquist. Eddie Giro*, whose act awjfht rut a bit toadvaniage niies |k|( ggHIful unison stepper* brok- m too similar to that of the veteran f c XT * uk! vn up by expert challenge legman is Senor Wenees la seem mere l y co- . n the Mler tradition. nmunt* into a frenay Frecision Incidence tiarson stio imuhnul evidences ber A merit an tu^ei Btuff ^ outstanding, with enough |y. is not part ©I the Cugat unit, training. They du »lr *tun witn gpollUnM>us ,^> m bu^t»on Haring up is dning only a slight variation of * nue fialety that It also refresh* everyone in applause up- the dummy in the bo* and also the uiffly awav from tha too ***** Will. rhararter fmhioned out of the Hal. ^yjtnng of fetrp loaaa^Their ; both of which have long been idrn- kiilbilly stuff la a bit taa long and ' w w,* > tin..d ^.n> fv»s iu the bill the weak spot isa young ven- . .. . ± sBI . ! «^®t*"®« M ^) ‘JT tnloquist Eddie Garson. wlibse act The other febr turn Is the Roll- j drawer marquee lure hw Hk is too similar to that of the veteran Ivanko Troupe comprising articular brand of vocal bislrton- Senor Rente* to veem merely co- three boys and a girl in a faM lev scores solidly with the ring- incdenee Garson/wbo. .iHKimul- »«**$»« Hn that brings the deviled siders and the opening night coa- ly. is nm pan of the C ugat unit. resulty ■ ^ x , Ioiih rs would na doubt kave kogi is doing onlv a slight vanalion of »h« »»«ltini contingent Is fairly the guy onstage indefinitely If not k. it billy stuff la a bit taa l«ng and - a— w v ttfe^d w »•( aa effective Hit background ■■■• * I# _ . i soamsh I* tsglng ala GI muaicala Includ Sfuatt Ross FlIis Lmrktn Trio, f gjj ®**! 1 bait, Got i/ing . iM .s h daMdg ala GI mtsaicoM Mrha^j 5fuaet dm*, cilia t. 4 J«*i i r»o. Garmn • act similar to that ol Wen- *hows Yolanda Rrnay aid* the pro- aid ballads as "My Silent Love,** in* “Star* and Gripe* Soma Hart H< ; utA £***?* ^ JEack ^. An - ^ apenmg is standard vrn- dm turn and gets off tbiIy for | "Nevertheless" and “She a Funny jmhcious lighting would enhance weft# Warren, KirVuxrod^ 4 t.ood |f<) <tuJ| mnd j, nuiy ^ a uihute Amerkana * aa her contribution. * That Way " Each grabs salvoa. Pill further. _ „ . man, Charlea Trenct; $4 50 la Wenrea that Germo doemt pick doing well with it J.fliey t lay is Not ovrrltM.hed by Daniels la the Per usual the Dick Lafletle and mum. up until he goes into the familiar * wmilarly in need of material, ew- fwt that accompanist Benny Payne » Monte arekaatraa do their — material j penally since kia selection nf a provides plenty of metis art at the AF T chores with competence There hardly seems any likell- Carter, devoted to TV the pail comedy number la more suitable Hit. also joining In vorally la "I •hewmunship hood of the Mesor*. Jacob y and nMipla of seasons, gives strong in- for femme vingrr* Ilia effort* Mr Never Knew." I^dy of the Bvo- USaile plays for the vlu»w besides Cordob concerning themselves diva Hon that he «an carry the com- get femmes to swoon are too ning" and "Under My Skin" for the No. 1 dant*t>atmn. amt Montes |teu( (he business prospects of rdy load m a top rate He waa a patent neat assist guartet knows how to mix up the jgp mtime east side Mstro, at Rule rusty in hi* timing opening j In the dance sessions, the Hoi- r Entire stint pulls solid reaction showmanship and g««l hood of the Messrs. Jacoby and ro uple of srasoos. gives strong m- UHsllt p Myg fo r the show o^Mdrs Qoi-don concerning themselves dication that he <an carry the •*«- the No. 1 damnation, and Montea a h©ut the business prospects of rdy load m a top rate He waa a guartet knows how to mix up the Intime east side ? H*tro, at Rule rusty in hi* timing opening saHff and Latia aeta Uke * *®"MI Mast not for the duration of night He needed a little sorting f > t* m^ bej sith a —lad. Charles Trenet'a eight-week ten- of kis material, and he* got to slow The Persia n Roo m baa ila imme- ^ The French singer-composer up on that rapid Hre delivery He t ,a,# 5CSLP25. E“ tf^iKi can hardly miaTimwtni here with a Ua>* was inclined te punch a M- Jsne Morgen^aaii Ihe a sock personality and showman- Oe too fast, and TV, with its strict ht He needed a little Mirtmg lingsworth S>%ter* (New Ad*» do , throughout with payees refusing to of nis material, and he's got to slow okay and Leila A Steffen hit it be satisfied until Daniels unwrrspa OP on (hat rapid-fire delivery He well with a can-can number Vad- ‘his “Old Black Magic' trademark. niels uowrrai .""/r" — "TT " "T, ; ure The rrvncn ungrt <»>mpomr U p on tr -t nre oeuven. nr , wen w«n a oast-can numwr. m- nis vyio oiaca Magic iraavnars. gist# future pretfe well planned. tm h#n j| y m i H here with always was inclined to punch a lit-i ja Del Oro does a aeay bit of t Heany Youngman. although Jsne Morgan and* the Hamilton a personality and showman- ||« too fast, and TV, with Its strict flamenco on her own and roof rib- overstaying kia leave on inltialer, ir* opening Doc. 20 will take care | a th# presentation of kia self- adherence to schedules, is not the utes to a Hnet> staged bolero that grabs fairly staunch reaction to el the holiday eve written tuaaa, cure-all for such a failing. Carter** make* the production the highspot his stock of gags and mane chatter. ^SVO fetunss Jan. 17 with Rolljr . abbreviated bill at the pace la bound to Improve He did ; of session . '■ " Guy works hard for laughs, but Rntk: and Joan Sabton and tha ^inciluna three acta i S' minutes at the second show J The Ctided Cage was designed manages to come up with enough **> »■■>■* * WUUmm Mm |«“f‘ .I' .^Tv ! thtt^Tu unlikely to keep up (ho c.Ult ora The lay. C.llkr di. «.>. I ho PoraUn Room a bi| now c.ppi ^_W»Jy oyt gtt ^ ” ^ frlrr , IMl ^.e lar the (fura- pl.y |T w.r.h .1 out o< key will -• »mn kicko S; m nilrr d -ho Eflld. ,nd no,elite. With non of thu dole Bui .Hh kk ww the decor, tt wrR need .Iron, or wryttlT^SSrTA 'tholr strong «• hi. hrad. ho .p*n* with «ho ho. ho *111 ..on ou. the* mmur linli'fllra mm knind “fhn Kdsnl In ■ fhltlUalC llld SOCk I W'UT BiCU !L. . . ra-«o *- "BO BBIBFF$| Bn up with enough | jj f k- u»uii four T re net opening night, and ba*d worker t by decorator Franklin Hughes for : new material to counterbalance i the lavout with a* sharply I that he la, be * unlikely to keen up the gaalR era The gay. Gallic dls- ( the *tulf he * kicked around far repertoire of French rhrthin that accelerated pace far the dura- | play I* somewhat out of key with . some time. fife. iXdTlL mSL. with «ton «Ms **• B»IJttja^r. , BW wr.ll Ml MM ' • — b*’»i*fiwre as keii Mg time " Carl "the best in a laaos followed. v. v. I Ln. ju,i preceding Mias Holm who kids ^* ri **" fWlownd fair to maintain strong partly. conr ^ , ..®® l ®* ur rhythmic and suck "Fleur Bleu ■•bJJJJ* . rif , iinw rsrtrr * ■** 3 * 1 • Luricane Re iBlue Flower*, then Into "Hello. Through hi.* own*T\ » uw * fnqng Fields Tno. Red Norro Or« h. .Vtd Roy Pari*." followed by an amusing , Trm, Teddy Wilson Quartet; $3.50 $uum. London, Nov. XL ieane Roger, Hu-hard Frank Sid Hoy t Lyrical*; $5 mini- Abel ."^siSAr.E P.u.^‘ «SL“URS!l«wJ!(: , veurn. noiumj ngmi> I' »nw ••• T _h._ —- ..uiLh.,l.rtu Inwarilt * 1 MRHHW r»w)g-r i* mi vi- rti iw English, and that's followed by the hr 1 One of the neatest looking rooms the London nitery scene. She serious “Song of the Streets . 1 I Utter part of hi% act—when ne ^ t||tf ej| ^ gWr _ |he has kwg.uw the M»rt of stuff the cua- f.ucienne Boyer ta no stranger to t| ap L V I serious "Song of the Streets. I th * J®J* ®V***VzJ;._ to ArX ^ r on the east side, the Embers has knows the sort of stuff the cum I The tune akoMt a grandmother f **1 *2 '‘T sppaft tiy. inj been pulling cgniiatenily good bust- tomerx appreciate and with Ibis >> mock courti .. IJi *g gaiJNK^Sgliw u« m - *m S ’ rsJj rSrJSt rar-»'i, u> bMkinr * •«» SS5v «SS5v <«r oiTiiiiigja li. Jwn ►radrtww. No* Jl. 1 and hi. I r-orh IntrrpuUltoo ** ?i *”*'JL ,1If/rT. ...n* hr <"* Mnn f»r Iron lurnlny uiimi. hu th» lyp* of ili.nulo la..r M«* 0 O*. la* R.u hmoo JfTj. u, t,, , u (»d vK' w* 1 * * ——* lo *t* *'-*7 iJSLS ttttp < hrprat kavrn. Ihi. .pul Ik ablr lu apprcrUM her mxrriol *ntt o IIII SO. a raorra. . c '^!7 "toli'ir «h» po raoyttty m4«oo4 Mu laa^ttjInarti utth t quwt b.and ttyl* .ore > hr * dome the obvtouv **La IB [Lint hm out ®^ ** u ® Trn,ln l rhythm combos Mile Boyer* act is a joy to lla- I * i*o-«.y amalgam of 'olra , VJ"-. JSJL hTbra? *» “ 1 S „AT,,^I >>>oally lor Mil ba.k(nmn<li..( lo lm to. b..l a. ha. p.rvtou ly b-n * <1 *|>prorrara. with vocal, towed J T ” output ? ff.T' m, ' <•>« cu.lomer gab * .a.d, the yrro. h oumrn doo t arrm n both French and English. Is 52T 11 m,lh hl * fwHr * <4 * T*! T 1 Goer at or uLloh Watkins has ex- in wear as writ as the men Her has the type of rlienteln lu appreciate her material and ugbv wi and a boy maintains the sharp *7 a «VeaTlv varicd ulmt he ^ings, T %s r,Trn,,y 01 «»»»»^ V Nov XL I and h*. F renc h interpolation 1 a greativ varicu laiew*. wr * t draw jazz names. Far from turning ariisls Rctclimd* ; !Bii" I woH. WP '« C * *' r T * i IMo g be peat haven, tbi, .put la .bleu vp n both French snd English, is ^ with h»s forte Mill oemg m* me HI to the good in Jane Morgan'* ^ never get away. ^ personations Where once the iat- *• .feat Add an in-the-main solid! ^ hether he ■ ****+*»*€ba . ter was a strung pact of hia act. » i i« e uf tunes and it oiusses to bo um , ®d n rhythm lj® f omer gab. ' uid. the rreiw h women oon 1 seem Operator Ralph Watkins ha* ex- to wear a* well as the men. Her tended the Jan po l icy to bridge the j voice >s rich and dear and she hao dinner hours from 5 50 to p p m . cunt rested her numbers to give an of tunes and it plussrs to bouncing a rhythm tune or satirta- ^ ^ relegglml this some' l *fop of smooth divertissement. ' *®* *°®!f ®** 4V * a parody that gives hi*n »® T‘.« e are. however several in- i France 1 Trenet never aliowx inter- (unity to take off on the run tanosiuMs dinner hours from 5 50 to P p m..T cunt railed her numbers to give an ao instead «f only furnishing music effective, balance Inevitably, the m j uirrnt*Y-np 1 durlnf tho late period Irving .hulk of the show is in French, 'T are, howe ver^ se veral in- ' t hTdlvVrtTwThTI performance ' * rt,, f m ?- 1 <m Trio, which established a but her English rendition of Star- SniT lu' *m!d ttato&ZnftEi kSTtrto fe%uM^i ^feTIfaS ^Mderable following vis its rs- dust ' is done with skill and pottjh. Rasing and lighting would throw f‘ ' ' .ll the wsv ^ Jhahttv overlcmg) %t * ndn •» th ® Park Nhera- Slie rant go wrong. Of course, with hr segments min umr* r» *f to *• spontaneous an ute wap, writ d<*ne ‘but Mignny over ion*' , u . —- t .... - «hi. h hr segments into strong relief to * SpS^f^Stk^ ^r 1 - Iwo-‘ iTd'dSi s Wm fertW tSEr ™£1 *®* Y - Mermaid Room Is cur- Parlez Mm d Amour * which sho what is good to the status of Dla ^ d gl .„ d b^\ B , he lo I 4ngr J^ J?t l« sM oMhS ST- re®‘»> H>e dinnertime segment does in both languages, and also I. .1 .*. tV" ro* r raTSS, "oi hi. ^Homi ' ^.T^rurat. -ttb bit trad.nurkrd br.t.d of with Th* Moa I Uw.' lSJ * * matter of mechanics and 1 f ®®® 1 M ^ throw > wav lines sparkling rh)thim One of the gets Ihe same treatment IntelU- *V» «* Tlrk ' - I f. th J,^"rt^m"™dtw»J «dB h2 S5»tk*!l rajlhm tno. in tlw grotty. »h* wtbilv th* art —ttb ktt * tT. nl pwoty wU^r^L hrv, playrd ,rauad ^ Z Thry ra « >» <»■ r»!4i caattra bo, . * ra« rap- L«,..b l,n*r^-.<ta A^rraa^b. Tbamr ohirb mObm lata French *"•■» llw Ctttt. romprtw tba ml cat—ta require them. Tha coe * »*• trt *- * ” ‘ tone* fraai - d. aujrvsrr.. 1 ^^ •» ; r r^s ±s u^z r ,M rr Jr^ ~ ^ "C& . *«». «.p.« .ad - U - 1W«.S ; !£u kfiiag^lrtaS b.nd.l,od »itb tha Teddy WIImhi bu».ae„ «ell up w.verag* M •“•It ire rongeiSjJ^i *,/ Then kind, of eofoa. a tetepboo* bft, hid- The utherwuw holdover produc- j*L ;,!tVe 'runming <U4 < l«a ^So SEe ra hK. . bul ding af »m-eeol*v(77»*r,. d.U Itoa taelude. Dele Nunn.tly h Ted roraha atth puna. drum. bra. *nd prmed »Mh . MIU M™ **^'* Af"uad the HoZr* ganm^ jack MtirV rt *L __ N«.rm.a. W Urn boy-girt production ‘*«- Thtte^tteSu mu- * <uod bond TU lUenae .hirh Sfuort Rom of the ptuw m. 1 .1 •lager,, fern Whitney A Kenny to ft ted by the rtbeudemoa grattttOBg X ^ *»«» VJTTk idurt ma at the piano, m, «. d and She bits '**rkia 4 $ ggk * * *"* • > Jtabh. * i tsito other about the swish and the army eral months, alternate* on the]. Artist got a warm reception and Htaa ^Tr! r«e7m twnt " b.n<M*ad with tha Teddy Wtlwn butuaeM «H «*« up to •veragert ». kid- i IL aCrwU* holdover produc quart*,. Lktter to ktoa k rhythm •“*{'' £4 i disk lion includes Dale Nunns!ly A TH combo with piano, drums, baa* and proved with a Utile mmimag^ ntu K or^m Umto/rtrtiSd 5 etto» viWk Oaly hor. uoind la the MKdfci) . l-yrt^ato Ao*‘totjda rdb^ek- m. .- .£££' TrT Whl.S^y h Kenny' to prayt.|eJ by lb. rtW todeato . ^"Uhd'nkj^jf^ a2^hfl<»rt^i ttv°rtw b .TXi^ •I "