Variety (December 1951)

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s, mi Chi Video Pix Expanding; 75 Banks See More Con in Reissues Chln«i, D«. 4. Used Weekly gyy R[<j[||Y[ Than ■ TV for Foreclosed Fdms *■*» p ' u “«i ii^mnai nImI 1» Md vmI. RMMr«d for FCC Holly«oo4, Oso.*:-. . '.7.-'...; Pirtnriml Film* ( o w tx £Zea£d lb* the vldao market Advertisers using telepix m "T” 1 ” . «*"* yet Banker, fee! that lit Hollywood. Dec 4 |h ar - tmcv* with a ube Pictorial Film*, Inc. Path* In . Ih t|tn ^ b^-. ttir , trr rr ^, 1lrl ** » will be iidlMMill the dustne* subsidiary ilnrr in« ra, ^f lrt J? tSStt* Communications Commit instances they not only ran tot h «* brr * •cf»4fo4 by Milton J ,,ffer b#rt opport unity to roroup »* ,m r tslM ? ^hlch ro- M»t»4 to bosofflce video, their original investroeni back C HaUburt owner of Cornell Wm *o«ne of their coin. ' consensus of calculation but ZewKh’t petition for rammer^ (tl twlM up i reserve to pay for CO, and Prank Soulr. fkinrul Moorsmen are certain that tele at t ho IhtiiOOlt tnanfif by ata-1 fiA * Ucenaiag Is bei ng prepared advertiaing In perpetuity. fjjf- GjJJjfRJJ the largest W| ,, ^ !Im> peodwrt eventually but "TJFT-'JltrZLr* ZLmfmZ? c'££«.‘J>" K.r h « .T& 1 STSE «£.£■£m ^ «*'*■ »»>■*«».«■"»*-»»«.*« *’r liSotd consumption Is hoMty troopoo. reveals Licensing of to top product i Involved In the purchase are the to depend on that source complete- double that of • year ago and so [ I^WOi now ultra-high fra JUiUry | An example of the unique situ* ^ ^. o— eU and to about |* They hope to make package . • _ .i j I allaf lha # r aaa* f a *nfla !■ < 1 .— ■»- - * - -■■ a. ah _ j~ . a. a' la. ■ . »■—a J i 1 (pilUrfS Slid JW >Ut>|t*< t'X : ■ L. ' 4 . LI..K iL.'.iaa. —..SI By DAW KArPMAN ■ ■„ , V : •. " y - . ■_ ■ '■ •.;■ ' Hollywood, Dee 4 Advertisers using J teleplx Salzburg Acquire* Pictorial F Co. * The 21 pi* recently taken over -■by banka for non-payment of loans I are unlikely to go to television for some lime yet Bankers feel that their media are Cared with i phe Pictorial Film* Inr. P»the ln»- fgr rime being theatre reissues ™*' *» “"* Jr"^.*“iS 2 S ii'ifLif 4 *:wr*»wnai'*vi.iWo *•*•">* f i aartWIa ^ C w ah . M«, th.y not only ran got .rqmr«l by Millun J to SI.(6D.000 on a poor s . - I k. . . AS 4 : months. Henry C Bonfig. 2oMM| ha« no precedent It applies only Auction and distribution h«-ld {he rrnUla txsng paid -The sUUo«s k after the freese ends In tion la Procter As Gambles * Plr* 3?5 feal«ro* «^' dc.da bv uhhh theatres will be too figure had hove r od at the 00.- Pohruary and hearings for theatre «idc Theatre" aeries, produced by controlled by Ptrtorial milked Best and tb« n tele will be (x»S marlTforexrluaieo **ftrst runs*’ tele mrnrt precede the subscription rrwtsls Wtebar PAG shells out ^nglnat foundersof the out At. Stair- Up|ir< | most at the current fall season but device He asps the established about 117 00U per telepir tor 43 tn JJJL bSHSTL term Tbe'il Alms represent total pro- Jbe lid was pushed oeen higher (telephone lines are merely ‘short ih.. seasons lineup for g UUI *• ™ ^ben b* Wftlo form dt| , (ku|| ((wU ^ m*>«t of the current Call season but device He soys the established about $17,000 per telepsr lor 43 in the lid was pushed eeen higher telephone lines art merely “short this mason’s lineup for a total w hen auto mncnbnnt Paul < Bod» ( cuts/* but not ln dl ape m able outlay o( about $731,000 Soap Hauser shelled out 05.100 l a tu U rty Franrhisoa wont be limited to Arm baa already fatten an otter of for a year’s rights to the Edward one station ia each market, j $10,000 per vldpic for re-runs. It‘a Small Sol Leaner bundle of 00 fra I ■ ■■ understood, and in addition would Cornell tapped ■ v;• ; The 2$ Alms rrprrvent total pro- duction roots of .iU»oi a,i:i amh* isMi Small Sol Leaner bundle of 3<> fra lures.'- . Keason stations and bon broiler* ire continuing to pay higher and higher prices, la that the Holly w»ud culling* remain the strongest audience puller* as locai fare. Reg- ularly skedded evening Aim show pieces draw ratings consistent!) rluoe to the 10 mark- Aithmagb most of the nl g h t i me pix are beamed later than the network •haws, those, especially an week ends, frequently outrate the web Vidpic outlay of about »73a uoo !>oap ' —— f 0 lkiwlnx the buv include eight made b> the Arm has already gotten an offer of ' mtmw uig in* ouy. Kli»feUf-lla%id l.m w Enter* tiiiiMKi n»r vi.ii.i. W run. Sslrburg was elected Pk-torial c n.w tr* r mp« is im« »u e r-n«*r f lU.UiM* per vuipi, fur re-run*, H » i , ” Uia ■—». pr*<e unit at an agerc’stv bmiget understood, and in addition *ouId We^ hi.l of epproMmalatr $I44M0 000 get a rut of 40 f «. the distributor f™*"*? 1 *“2 " kln- !K _ I been a longtime Industry exec and enterprise pu. alnowi «n min \ .. >: : . '»n asaoriated with such Arm* a« top marquee name*, will probably I**"* .5 f cam t* **22* Hr public. Eagle Lion and Pathe be the last to And their way to TV, alone I’hf* would get back Mil.* "-■■■ Others, which Hopped hr causethey 000 of its original investment If ( < ouldnt find a mat ket the Ar*t time the deal Is Analued U would rut 1 P*G'» nut per show to $7 000. In addition there are further re ' clone to the 20 mark Although runs and residual rights, so that most of the nightman pix are I« another move underscoring Hs p^q eventually could accumulate beamed later than the network on Aim programming, enough coin to put its sdvertismg *»*»*■*■% W »y l , ll l r «■»*«*. wCBS-TV. k*y Miwt *t th. tU S Wi M i, iiHlinMWaf taW p,igg^ New trend baa boon the purchase a second feature Aim to As late an<| mi4 u telrpi* to Phti for Washington. Dec ( Mhm. whh h gripped because they IcOUldnt fti^d s market the ACst tune in release, are even more unlikely to be sttiS4live to exhibitor* in re- , isAue. so ptobahly are not long for , the thcatrM al wo, Id, li/---'. of America, whkh has hern the heaviest moneylender to indie invHlurer*. hs^ he*-n the hardest hit It liw f«i < liMil sn 20 lllm, silent partner with tt in some of the loans “Hirpf- However, v rosoy reiamro raaio-i v orato n o, ,ne srmjr, in the Femdual rights and is releasing the Public Information branch and the ul l>r . same tetepix this year under tag Signal Corps Center at Astoria ** a ae- °* M Hoy si Playhouse.** It’s under- L I Hilled as a “report from your Nrwr trend baa been ine purrna*e a second teaiure n,m io n» .axe ^ .old 44 telepis to PAG for j f The Army makes its TV debut has been Guwapft Trust t o , of rights byjbe bankrollers them evening programming seven nights abou , $330 000 Crosby a a original within the next few week* »«i "The N y t whkh lh e result of its selves WNIKJ. for examplt. csr # wWch the station a investment was $730 000 so that Rig Picture a lAm. half-hour A>m t>«d exprrwnces, ha* b. « n ducking riet some ig JeatOTO omw ^ double Mil. At the same **• «•« 1 *00000 the one show produced jointly by the lhr lndu . produce.s compfetefy for all but its a^rnoon mau^e «na Mton eeplsced "Hoof- »•*♦ However Crosby retained rad,o-TV branch of the Army s | h * p^i lhrrr years SDwmWi L Uigiest Aim h#Iu,**lHlf hour weslern pix In the * **» •* *+* •<* Public Informal.on Branch and the secomt biggest batch of Alms has user is WGN TV which eats up an 130 to A pm. croaa-the*board pe- ‘•"Jf ‘J*** y ** r u^Ae r tag ***•• t or P Ast oria. ^ recaptured by Serurlty-Ftr*t ittrsSe^ 30 features* werkly 1 jriod with “Homedy Honmcs” a ^ af “HoyM Playbouaar >f $ lM*sr LI HilMdaa a teport fnun y,mr Ma „k l*o* Angele* H.nk- bLYS* which tho mmlTn cootroli riea of >ld twn^eel wven month, af d^tri army, the initial airer on the ^ Truj|| N v ^ |lg Mk »t ,«rt- liself WGN-TV recently bought turned out by vartmii producers. mm rS2^ J£L l program* hrr |f| tuiim (IA „( the pix — ttseir wun-TT rswniiy swim ' : I lual outlay to about $200,000, and shows the war in Korea somewhat .... , uusT bam- •yJaLa tt» Republic p^luj. .<174 Rime *CKI-TV. in •ddltion to runaing -lM lulu „ mu piu. .toM tbe Hue. Pi M.nb «f tb-'.| t f?Zm+2FZl •nd now hot mow *» UUe* la tU an earbr^vrataf fealura Mooday* ftct thtt si channels later i Cruaade in PatlRr with the ae , * LS *•'**•< RRS library. Jf Mornn. whoetea wtlh ihrouRb Fri daya. ^ bnd alio pro- w „, p^n, „mpleiel> new mar rent on lhe entitled men ol the' r , hr '- ,M * ^ t . Hauser aa the biggest local Aim grammed a second feature under kft| ] lir thg rr igMit ^ ground forces Irving Trust. N V , and Bank of spender, picked up • bundle of the title of tbe “Late Show* fol- several distributors have ex €^. r .e^ , „ rr ., tlg h»i«s UTpnst Uwr Mauhattaa Co, were partners “««2 ‘~*IZ agSJtS 1S35 pr^«^n“ , ’,h. H *™rre" ■"*£?* *. tlottinf M hit ourtf^y ind, . mi 'HHPHw' ■ 'Tiffiidf" pfodurl iqJ §f » r»vg»r two rioi^n tabay •#$ gfAt# u Cn nf|if Hul, < .MWBBPMjfc-; the indk piodurff* rompirtely for the po*l three years Second biggest batt h of Alms has ben rrraptuted by Security-First National Hank l*o* Angeles Hank- ers Trust. N Y . was It* silent part- ner in luans on four of the pix — M Abie's Irish • H»hbe.** “Montana Make.** “Four Oh a Weekend'* ai*<! Theatre *• WBKB use* up 14 Alma weekly and WENB-TV con s um es 13, 4 HOMS TO DUO RENOWN’S’52 SK£D B ^ nf Hr- •(•*» the new features Decision nmbl i?AmIrt^rVbo re- la add to tta Aim schoduie pomU up tWr® FlCsUgeS Of A0S0g«C^b...WO© rw* .l. rmmm Ihi* .1 at 11111 fi arf bs<l In turned to Now Yoi* loot wook aftor t *Z’T i r? Zio« whlrb a month* visit to the company's ^ V__:wal — 1 ondon studios First unter is berngi the Wathm wmaideraWe rev- 2 - Va. 1 ^/ ^ p,e**ea tmereu m ine currem to the country • TV stslums with - "Fireside** product, and are nego- over two dosen token to dote is /.* i4- ‘ l ^ m *? u ’ !? d IS? • J**!?".: *52 imting with PAG It sooms a safe on a no~rost basts, except for mail- V MrrTy under the Ulh .wf. wcdirtiun at this point that the !.nr»i <nonutnhiu n lUnurd 30ay. All of the eight pix were re - Show " Addition of the second late- wlU come tE? of the deal Wmsd^rtrir the him Ms^ IF UA. except The Umg evening feature Avo nights s t| healthy b o shape *j itself is the production of the wkhfc' ; tpi$l;l$iMM IAO.' moana the statio n Is now uaiAg 1$ situation basically is created by j Army i lecloNures by the banka result aopnnto BmM 0 $ OMMt ana week Hut the sponsor acquire* a Footsie was shot bv S,insl f ro,n the fact that tbe pix have ^nd that doeM t inMudc ihc w. si valuable. Uleabie piece of mer Corpo combat cameramen wHh Ae« n unable tn e»m back their eras n runs in the xw ume (Continued on page 2$> narration consisting largely of in- Production loan*, which generally rtndA tervVowa with Korean veto, and amounted to 3or 00% of tho As with its previous Aim show*. coring added ot the Axtona hud get Practice is foe lhe diatrlb- WCBS-TV will sell participating II |DVa Ittblt FrPF Mudioa Distribution is in charge ««»*>« rompomc* to take out their spots in tho new features. Decision v a *ww ^ £ H ^ of (hr !•*«■* prior to the banka and for to add to its Aim schedule points up R*II*rk/wo fmr Pslwi Kw Army a Rodiowsve Public Infor- ’ M»«t* and advertising also io be the success the station hod hod ta BlajM9 mstun Branch at the Pentagon Paul Arst sailing tho pnrticipotions, whlrb $r n li^_ Tt/ ^- * Capt. Carl Zimmerman ox-radio ■" 1 "■ arms It runs tn tho kid ttmo pe- riods. As with its previous Alin shows. (Continued on o Geu hnknUe Free Ballyhoo for Fstsrc Pix TV NETWORKS WARNED •SSTi WoTN^SZibJT^ Va Men TV Tews, w Z lo April while the «* ^ tniverwl u obt..nin( WnU T„“ < ! “T;!;*/ 0 ' |J* 77** TV NETWORKS WARNED e.tiie U I. be delivered by f.?»» ", *"77 7*7 ? wrBS- «ree video .Overturn, for upeommi«b"T*M tbe WU -'“ nu »«.*,«;. I nuruibl Tei- 13* mswr with ZJZ :.ITb ^ 1 tieb“SH cTn* nim ' bmb ^TVt^i ON TCSTASY LAW SNARL dollWMiroiidedbr HTundisrloMd “ Ur ,lv * pro«r«”">‘ n * *|' 1 ? , fourwf^T'l top frmmT«m* Cor e Wx>*<>e»pblc Center .re DuMont end other televtoiaa ne< A merie mi — rrnertrdlr will M^».m Arlen eroeMbebo.rd SO-meond loot .n- bmidllRR directing .ad prod urine workr were noliRed IhU week that » ^rvJSSSTrf hi- •»«•*«>• -17 “ Sp^rrtddTL” r^uvly T^V' ; *be Hedy l .marr M.rrer -fcUdr* tween HMO.OOO .ad#l mu, i.d) tor ‘^"TJLuJ^L^Tl.d^'or the »UenUoTu Buiov. prod- <lfhu "' d e >*? . »*«* U i.volird In lltig.llon .nd until, lhe color pix. Wrote rn hemUpbere _ Tw<we *len ®* urU dupUyt nol Ire of femme dirt WTOP-CBS u . »»«*_yo|ec« .ev- fln.lcv.urt dertohm « “ to distribution Hs cl.tmed. wtu he * *^* current Uatvers.1 Him I"*' monthsMO When H e llrked ih. film, ownership they re less- grooved through a major company. fHchod t n Tiri aus ^ j Station break plugs are being nati onal Hthtl ajs under- Ing th«-nise!vcx open to possible However, arrangements call for Bo- JLI iLEIin *ecn throughout the country since ifh — ■■ ff kwriaa how in dan.-gc w,u through screening tho nown i>f England, headed by ***** ft m l£? v ^ b Buiov a buys network as well as lhr * ork J tll Jf pt^ure Oor*t Mtnter. tn “retain a sub- ***_./£ WCKTV a tnm- local time spots Although H s hard !! **_** f ^ ur Routing^ »n Warning w»» U*ued by Henry stantial ioUresf hi American JJJJJ 4 ma IS-mlnuTc lo smount of free ^ P Peartman attorno for Guatav pro Ata . ^ J!?? *® . wo ol th ^ ro advertising U is garnering. It’s way j 1 ‘ 1 Machaty. “Ecstasy** author and pro- Yarna for the Technicolor pro)- {••AAA more than the Alin company could | throughout the world to hnng i ie jy,.,,,. hie discovered DuMont involve a total Investme n t of bo- y ^ ^ nouncement* Spots. In tween I3.3O0J00 and A4.0A0.000 for , u Jd (L the calling attention to B the color pix. Western hemisphere ^ Turn-roe rs Doing ucU, dinpUys notice of distribution. Iff clalmod. wiU ho ^■■•AjKor nor a onea navonocn rurren| lilkvna | him grooved through a major company. E* 1 ™® * However, arrangements call for He- .* • i? 1 to varioua TV outlets in stantial profits hZTur -nUxn . mb- *** J” l«eM urn. «d. AlUmugb R . herd >mw dm mmg fmR^e 1„ —• s *-*-zSrZrz."»*: 'T^tinmerdrurRrs?.!.;i" ^ • _ m-ua .411 ms.mi nf iK^tn advertumg U u garnering, its way .. . . ect* won't bo reveoled until the J® AMM I^ABAlir poMAde L S, syndicate formally approves • --V : ■ ■ them. But Gordon revealed he n gap ' ai "• brought back four completed Roaci Jr. Foms New script* with him Three are based tt , . # upon “world famous" classics. Ffllliri VlflMf ( ‘Uing requires si least one vw ^ " American star in each Aim. Aside Hollywood D from the tinters. R en own will turn Hal Roach. Jr., has formed his j Although Bulova has net several other pin. “Vampire> ever dream of spending on an ad Amg^s actieHies to | e «vrd the picture from Quality amp-iigu. / Currently act for the spot cam- paign are Ann Hlyth for “Golden the country** video receiver* JI.rDIIIUlWW psign are Ann ntytn lor uoioen [ n r m ^ ^ p -V tp g « 1 J. Horde" and “Bright Victory." re- Mah^rty tOiteCtlil uOCS Feature. Vldpic INK Victory" Piper Laurte for Son of — si V sot ■ kd. ; „ . 7 . AH Baba, and Joyce Holden for Tg N f Film MUM Hollywood. Dec 4 -. you Never < an TelL** 11 ^ l# many Memorabilia of the la(e Robert Films The Caech-made oldie vat one of a block of 26 pix that the net took from Quality for $1<- aim) ooo. £• a;: Quality presumably pirked up “Ecstasy" from Martin Urbi* Avira I’wlurei. which was adjudged owner of lhe film after a trial in own independent production com- __ Aim personalities befor*. this Is th« [ Flaherty w»r» pmsttled by lh» N y Fnlrral court IM, April. <Hrr IxmOoo. -wHh B.U Lurmi. U ”; y "», h f h ^.kr both th»- Arst tlm» thot • Aim romputy hm * « Wo « J. *" rh „^ litwry hrld that i rtEli COm l ) l2j atrtcal nnd television Alms He allowed the use o( contract pUy- plaintiff Machaty was guilty of metiers are to roll nest year plus cvnumv" to functioo as veepee era. According too Bulova spokes- N. Y. Gif* " ll1 JJ.?*??*" laches* delay In asserting his • *MMd •• seienca Bctlouers, ; ,q n d exec producer of Hal Roach man, other Alan companies have aa the Hubert Flakcrt> rtghu* and thus had no claim to Studios ’ : : - shown interest in the Ueup but ! It consists of a number of his £ w ~ grtffiS mss tBwSMffm sr-b^ : 2 ®^SskSS Swis : js® «f«at3 SET ^rrsu 1 * ssr- »■ * *«> by Lao L lsks n oso. slst. d lo roll oooo—will br ro- tho s«»wjstv»ly I **” iiSS— , nd „„ * p| roursr. sould bo IDbi» (or ropy- »;**««>"« will ourt Hi Vyomlnt MaaoA by Uopsrt N Coylo OH- UottoA WorM fNmo . V wb-.d ol Irurtroo r*.^rm»i. ood^ p , J7"7 n lnn«.meol U tt bod •rd Aaaah ol Mottop pteturo Casv terms. Iim boon stood os story Ury Its bm ntsUoi tho trovoo «ho fil m V« rtnLjt o pm »«» rr ^ tor. 7-:■■■■■ - lspots. «Mb Bulova tootut. Ibo bM. 1 cop|Ma bold M tbo InstRottoo. |«ir«s >» i» metiers an a vatira on nw Drum trait noHj wood. Due. 4. Warwick Films, new Indie p< Warwick Films, new indie pro- growing out of a recent tie with arousing exnio ire oy duition outfit formed by Irving Official Films, which will Bankroll contract players. Bul«»vg would hue Alton and Cubby Broccoli. Will too certain vtdfilm properties The- to line up several more Aim ««n»- off with "Vvomlas TrnlL" baaed atrtcal nix—two of which are panics, hut hasn't been pursuing