Variety (December 1951)

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Mrs. GoWwyn Re-Run Profits For Mono Vidpix In Rights Tiff 1 rhandJ*# in the negative. for it's something he cm sell at home lad ■I WMZ- 2 SG| To Heart Hospital; Other Briefs Hol h 'W Mi . Dec 4 5g? l.egal reps (or Mrs Samuel Gold- ^UtCf dcktT PlCtllfC «|l snafued plan* (or Interstate ^T_ m . ■, Trlrviilon, a Monogram luhld to C nr PakUfi.KjiUnrhinP' make a Raffle* v id pic aerie* Ad- ■ ™ e ilomf the Arm **we would take Mow RraJ m I whatever slept are necessary to Mmj ilPL ■ I protect our right* “ GoWwyn pro- t||dir prt> ducer Vlrtor f dured the Aim Raffles lo 1540 ' Aim verwiai abroad (or year* to come. As new Minneapolis ‘Nutcracker’ Picture TV atatlotia are opened, advertising Nor J llw . #, L Vlri f!iJ! l,, LJ!o V* nltCnCMf nenre lh0 n«U| annual election pledged Raell to n . n . .. become* grajt*. the Uleput P*>>ng, tamlrtbvi9 ags.god annually to IU For Pah Ra anchine* lwr t'hemaelve# In the tong run. heart So^pttol on University ol ■ A major sponsor Investing In Minnesota campus to pay for care Ha? Prsiis Esrsaci ^^^SL^USTS Indie producer Vlrtor Pahlcp Is ran ia the course U two to threo ^*1*^®^* *1? .IVl" d * # PraSh! con vide ring a Aim version «f the years accumulate enough coin from rw M rKu,'rj- j.unirh Ue. Lou Brown. Barney Pitkin and Herman M. Levy. Nate Albany, Variety Club here elected these now officers; Nbte Win*!. Chief Htobnr; Nate Diekman. Aral assist. •*«*♦* M rWhttr GMwyn vn- prarfur.. Vlrtor P.hlr» to r.. HI th* mm ct two to thro, >•** f? ■*—** » *"*"• “< »*»W tarter: Arthur J Nr, I dured the Aim, ’Raffles, In 1540 s Aim ver*im of the years accumulate enough Coin from J, MaltUmd man. second assistant chief barker: tr - h * *£* SSSraJ. o.Jr ^5u.u u gj£25 5 * r*££'; r", h ^r""« Uk, ‘»;• * urt *2 **•*• •«*■«■"*»• mSnu^ i^.^T fiErS! IX.Z . k * h . i d »o r ,ii^-Ul P h* »Jl n fo‘* rroject stems from confabs ft*j obvious that this, doesn't < Heller an<t Charlie Ruhenateln la the Arst noo-theatre man to b*i ftrddri t# fjp NH WM^-hi* PB the Aim-maker ha* had with George 1 x 44 true ef any trUrpi* venture . 1 They will serve, along with past come Its chief barter He is aa m- postponed. ^ Balanchine. who s already written |f<*t important la the content of chief barkers. Including retlr- surance broker f Goldwyn rep Indicated an InJitncv the ijgiipt In colUboratIon with |h# product and Its quality must m * bead Art AndetWk who was — tiuo or legal suit If Interstate pro- Nicolas Nabokov , ' . k J make fur marketability In the dmftod to continue aa permanent) So. Calif. Volte* Hulled la the Arst non-theatre man to be- coma tta chief barter He la aa in- feeds with the series, since Mrs Venture ***** . ... . _ make for marketability, would he dlroetod by, ensg pf the "Vlrealde** as aeries. Vie heart ML „ BHMMHM^H^MHMP^pM^MPMHMMMBMW^msMP 1 * I (kildryn doesn’t want infrlmtc- R«lsti(hme and he would also mi- bsr baa Wmg \ed the trie pis Ae Id 8,11 w b* * M elerted as nient'* on any rtghta she holds In- prrriae the overall production Re. ^ ^ dlrYttur al %9>n M producer *T-tLlfSlT 0u ‘ > * ln ' Vllrt ^y Club, la having a tonith trrstate presy G>R«lph Branton portsdty a • Technicolor commiUtumt ol w . Mmw«. At the feeling is,^^ sTr7*r^i Northwest 5*»f ♦»*rtmg a new set of officers, railed off the vldpie aeries pending has hero secured Shooting ***. *? circles that shows which are Vsnetv CIuh . ?SS2 rhief Karkrr 1 D ; ff ‘ r f u,| y »■ b^auae of resimialioo vtiaighteoing out of the ha««Je. however has not hern determined ^ particularly ootstanding -»«> Xf5! : y - C 1 . V 1 . f * h y f of Howard Stubhlns anC Halt th.n notified Mrs. Rosalie Me nr hr n *.* M t. U may hs In Meylro whir* Ja weS be prodoced i*veiml 7^r- two members of the 11-mao •” *Hlrh «M hw (tort. MCMtot- in., or l> E« murk m lh , of return , ^ SSJT - vSu^Sjt ^S^ ZJ ^!, Ing. that the series Is suspended Balanchine, artistic dim tor of p rtJOO#1# ni, u # |.i. u i. noim nut CHher officers chosen were Le- BPABMARRAi Mrs. Menrhen owns rights lurr hu« the N V city Ballet Co win ac- 9* J jS5Sr. fSIt Sm V/, band acquired from Ernest W, c ompan y the troupe on a European Vlilton Brrte* with hesvv Granstrom. second assist- • At. leak Ha ware Held i ■ llornung. author of “Baffles ’* tour scheduled to start nest April . 4 live in tha .«♦ • n ** Slm Heller, treasurer: and . , ETJuu (>«*• \ M m 1JM...O. -1 ■ ■ ■ •hnnial, August If. possible he U Tom Burkr ^retary, A M Uau iforM remain *^ro i. lanns-h thb pic M ^ ^tli a^h^ cashiers of A mh^r.Td JL b or Italian studio Mnj^ adverti^rs hugi Iw . Londoos Now Crew Orpheum. downtown Aim houoss, Al MW«w. of course, would ha by The l>ondou r of about Nt. cods traced a ta3 W I * haihowak ^-JSSSSffhmrSL la own ml tel ml N>w crew for a London Variety rider and nailed the bandit. Cal via committee chat Re. Calif. V Tent 15. Southern California temationai convention Ba gnis Berger ii Variety Club, ia having a lough time electing a new set of officers. Zhat t trksiknto «kv ’ ■ t TV 1 rtHuiwm ri Now in Europe, Pahten vial Jed [**'**7* ***** **l!f-l* IS?. *** the V A l*«t month to set a dto i ™*" ™ ;" ai ,r ** ,rw ‘ tnhutMui deal for hi. recently com- !‘T n ^^rSa.I * ***. t.«i Dnne Clark starrer Time g* ***** #i;-RpjlB;ffi Running (hit “ which was made ait i^^^tMUng his nut. a Paris studio with English dialog pnnwwwmMnMnnmroHHtolMMilRBro and Simone Bignoret as roster. iB - important reason, that thetrto Club, tent RCrotected atthe anouof l^gg^ • foto«?n>nrhlaW elect ioo dinner last Wedneada: lesday ' ^tmomn Amt appeared at tha .j Ambaaaador and demanded the tty com- I T JTV J-U «2Ai was as follows t) J G kkI- '" r, *maoor and demanded the . 'Time jjjjbjjj* *• rv ft,i * •• • ■♦■naof j T o H.irn M p Jameo ^nnfifka monev at point of pistol. E 11 Verkin* ° Oavld E i ! count tut 1 Askii 232Ti for Breach j j Of Clock Saleti Contract, RKO Theatre Mgn. m Caotomad rrws mii t SmU (harlea Tucker. Max Thorpe. Dickie Pearl. Nat : Coheo. Harry Green Norman Harrington and E J Hinge. Marc Wolf. Interna- tional Chief Barker. Inducted the new crew The new- panel will meet within the next fortnight to later appeared at the Orpheum, where he obtained 540 MIAMI MACH 1 r'.s,Li R.r«to«i ni. toM trict division chiefs, into the 1 _ . rrr 7 ' . , v (■ahiu'l Barnett rllm Ser\ ice was meet within the next fortnight to i named defendant in a $232 111 Greene spokesman charged elect Its ofAcers. damage suit brought in N Y. Fed- Both sides have also had profew- Regular fortnightly lunch, to he lera! Court Monday 'S' by Carl mortal proxy solicitors calling oa held Dec IS, will have laird LouJa - Rhodes lie claims the Barnett Arm m , nt khlkl a- l * Mounthatten aa guest of honor. breached a March I, 1550. agree- m . . . — , — ■ i ment whk h gave him exclusive Pilng MffilMto'Nf TfoAtog Omaha Tent Fries ■—«—rrardt sales rights In the N Y . Phlladel Results of the voting a<tually : ■’^^oSmEb ' : ! ptua and Connecticut territories for won t be known for several weeks Variety Club honored Fal Ro«ter- a IO->ear period. ; B reportedly will lake that murk mumit veteran United Arttsta V Company sell* advertising clock* time to examine the validity of the salesman for 21 consecutive vearv. designed for theatre insUlladoo. proxies before they are voted. Each Saturday at Blackstone f|g|A pp—iaptip—i ■na— proxy must be < bet krd for its date, Bnatf rmundt now <7. has been ill %in<e a stockholder may have four month*. He covered the west- J| /) . J f changed his mind several times rni Nebraska and South Dakota 5/ fV|J/ / and it la the one with the latest territories for UA and before that iw.' oieliOvf date that count*. Likewise the tig- **" V 1 * \ *rie1y pne- natures on them must be checked ^aslrSS'i^'ftS^ihll VlwUjITiifE . •»»<! whether or not the sfRner la h JJJJld m thm t^rrST?" 1 Rm? iMMSAwaaib OhU U PWP ,1.11 • ^ - • i na* spread in this territory. Row V" ><*«* ■—s Ready at Jla&t! THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT for the hard-to-please man who "has everything”... ~ m m ,.,i u.luiKar ,, r Itu -fto,■« "FK 1 ” Kir K'R.lto 111 ISO *** ■ *** spread In thia territory. Bos- % ,,, i a mUfAR ner, l termundt. whose retirement has This will all be done In Dover In been made ofriclal by the medico*, the prese n ce of rep* of both Ri des , was known in this territory oa .w_. * I . 1h# Yucatan Kid “ Is D. C. Taut Washington, lager of D. C. P |.4(Ki:ii with IS* IrtiiitUHf v««cktaU sud fovorit* urtuka uf tsMi«»ua hotels, «• to!*ui'sni*. sod stars of sicg*. sro-X and ths prom. ( KAUUKD with full c«»k*r dmmtfuta of dream girls **f Anu dtn a «.>0 arlifds. IH NDUKId of tofoH'ial drink-inistng tt ini fr»*m Korld-fsiitoMti hnrtrOdrrw; helpful hint* on drinking glasii- ware. 1*1.1 H * com- plete chapter on proper wine ee«Vice and vlnlsgs < hurt*, etc., hv I‘hlli|»|*e of the 1\ ithlutf H ottoms Up ■y Tto SAUCIER SAUCt •“JJJJf JlTlLe • I O I kffMNik'" MAMA Greene had suggested that for coo- “the Yucatan Kid " fflunffn • sentence in thia long operation the — 1 - — • ## meeting site be switched to New Metro** Adams Heads D. C. Teal lino ass ?- Yor *. But the management nixed Washington the proposal. Green# contingent ! Jerry Adam*, manager of D. C. has taken over pari of a motel In srra Metro exchange. elected Which Is 50 miles f.u.n W’»l- <;hicf Barker of Tent 11. \ anety mington* to hoove its MmW mHRM h rm U K,H th>t Other* elected were Vlc- th . **'* rM . “ ,d to VL r j ° r ' ,n » ter m*n-Ker of I At pert iBSMWM P WiHHM hr 7'* ld ^ *. V iiw J lhr ** ,rr * Arst assistant Chief ■AQM| lM*t, from th. pr,.#nt rtvr »h»«h*r B.rkrr C.r.ld Pn.r w .,„d opposition u.ll ko (or -n t Chief Barker Ja, k Kaichtman i ' J • the proposal will und..„ht. dt> hmge lh per?> Metre and s., r. ( anfv' on how many pr a nl sa it gets. Doughguy. That results from the fact that Board of Governors named for RKO uses a "cumulative voting 1552 was Fred S Kogod, Alvin Q. system. Under that method, the Ehrlich. J. E. Fontane. Rudolph proxy holders may concentrate their ® er R*£* J^dney Lust and George vote* on one or more candidates, or J. 1 ? 00 ?- delegates to the 1552 Va- may spread them over all. as they [*5 ,5, v ?i ern *ii on ?J £°« v «Hfou wrlll choose Each share of stock entitles J ** nd J * k# the holder to as many vote# as 1 ; there are directors to be elected. Gerber ** ******** Chief BMgfij | K . The proxies are Arst validated *«>" i55rt"Sto» tmZ «hrr tin Ikm** ho, they want ta .pmd c A Mn «m SSmed Ohli them. Barker, succeeding John Rowley. ' ' Since there are about 4.000 000 Other oAicem elected Include Al shares outstanding and approsi Reynold* Arst assistant chief bar- mately IV * of them are expected ^ rr - L M. Rice, se«-ond assistant Jr Sot "o f* to be voted, there will be S OOO.OOO c hie{ barker, Meyer Rachofsky. re- I LV**m eiVZ' ,,lvo * vr <' If ill directors are to be doughgus and Harold STAacia Aa'i elected, one-sixth of 3.000 000, or ***"•**• tnanaeer New • 'V. 500000. Will elect a director. members e‘ec*ed k to dir^torate are v ai*«s sust Thus, when the Greene group 1 v .P^^Tmg. Jo- •4$ learns how many directors It can KcndaU W^v ^ rwaL-Tl!? elect. It will know whether It wants ] f« r > »econd 1**^®** or oppose mr tM>ard en- and Don Douglas are delegates te art. m *«• sh itaMi (mm ! largemeot. If it ran elect four. H annual convention - , i • will make little difference to It - ; Pttss s * he,hrr there are Ave or six. since ElMann New Haven's Barber tea . ; ; s Greene's men will have a majority. New Haven. M v J Although they couldn't be forced Annual election of Variety Clnb S to enlarge the board under such "I Connecticut. Tent 31. named the ...... g *4 Nto«.w»» j rircumatances. since they'd obvi- Jollwisg; Robert Elliaain. Chief mw u» mum ... oualy he In cwnt ml. they might ac- J®** s mi a t s to •stop> sm Mii m aw«. | the expansion Idea, a spokes- Mttrns Js«obson. sac- TV PHOT CASH IN NO W V At ICTY Am 14A 154 W. 44sk Sk. I New York Tbealres ••CYSTOUS PRESS om vaa.tx is* |im a»* Horn Vara n. n v. 4 amt P»#. « « mm ...., ■•moOe *f Tr.| m,* m* . i »■ u> time a* , m I •* •* V -P*M» N-tof» ‘to Wp to*. -* * •*m. *»0*»m**s* *4wf*sff Whether or not the '••5 f.* o • 4 • mjt.e » • • • • «• ^ • 4 • # aa represented by th# proxies, want • th# board |; mined. #♦ 9 1 UA a ^ Berber, John Favone, Arst assistant chief barber, Morris Ja* *>b«m. sec- ond assiMaat chief barber; George Beber, property master. Sam Ger- maine. doughguy. Dtmdors picked are Ben Simon. George MUwaln. L H. Levin#. Snm Wsssermnn. Jo- seph Di Francesco. Henr^WnZ Georg# H. Wilkinson. Jr . Ray Wy- M^AmiflLmdHsAMnHi ■ 4^mjmAinm tHHPtoWwYwffWv Vffw»w* DorUDiay • Datotoy TV ‘TU.SIWnML