Variety (December 1951)

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How NBC Wat Broka d Boca RATE BEEFS ONLY NBC into Merctofckg Business. Imi Ritot, ru Dw. 4. ! . _ NBC Mm started rtappraiti Den Mania and Jerry Lewis. « network to top tbe talent roof festivities, Saw la from the C them. from their arrival Wednesdi Saturday, tha NBC convention inf fama. trying ta determine that fame on at NBC’S exponas A taw of them wars acrouo Maya Broa, Helen O’ C aaa a U i part of tha M It L eatertainm too. doubling as a dancer Ala Jpdvfuard. who Is now pratnai b> checkout time on Saturday thair heads in bowildennant. i tha act. Baca Baton. Fla Dec 4 if their convention aspenae» when hoaa service* ware recruited by the if for the Baca Baton convention n et 1 • »* brought 17 people with f afternoon to thair departure an ***• angagad la a guess- the identity of the M It L party ated for such as Dick Stabile, tha aad a couple of writers, who were o “Killer" Gray. Gearft Baft s ex- tiag Dean Mart in's recording* Rut the NBC brass bras still scratching von dering bow the others got into NBC Talk m Out of 20% By GffOBGff BORIN ; Boca Baton. FIs . Dae 4 NBC put on Hs tap show of the year jnt the Boca Baton Hotel la* week—for the edification of 473 affiliate and network represents* Uses. ■ ' • •• ■ ' The three-day NBC convention which precipitated one major note of dissension because of the net- work’s repat tern Ing of its economic radio rate structure and constpaent reappraisal of individual station nature, has slgniBcant overtones that will probably long be rr- For “Bora Baton- Ififil** will go down as the p a ce setter in estab- Boca Baton. Fla . Dee. 4. NBC came near winding np with s couple of state aad federal raps la it* desire ta put Its bast foal forward an behalf of the affiliates. The network’s convention wasn't a day old before aa internal revenue agent stepped In sad threatened to pm a *>%■ amusement tax on the Bora Baton shindig. It all started when. In a last- minute gesture to start the conven- tion socialising rolling, the NBC arrangements committee hired sa outside orchestra for dancing at the first night dinner, giving the swank hotel's ballroom tha steins of a place of amusement NBC’s legal aides on the scene managed lo square the thing away with the revenue boy State authorities moved in when, strictly as a laugh co m e o n for the affiliates. NBC planted some slot machine* in tha lobby, with tha lemons being replaced for names of the rival ne t wor k s Tha con- stabulary didn’t abject to NBC rib- bing its rivals, but ordered the machines out unless slugs were used. The machines were back the next dav. with thousands of slugs dis- tributed among the conventioneers Worthington C fCM-fV fnhnt af S* ff’g AU m What You Do W ith or Camera • a aaa of fba la tha 4Sik .faairrnarv dumber Six ( ’Em) NBC Sales Theme Stirs Affiliates Boca Baton. Fla.. Dec 4. NBC-TV’s new morning nrogra lineup, starting with the 7 to fi a cross-the-board “Today" show wi cross-the-boaed “Today" show with Dave Gar row ay aad carrying right through into the afternoon, with onl> f a m -10 a m preempted for station time, created a considerable flurry of interest among the affiliate members As projected by Fred Wilt. Jr ******* to charge of toloototoo pro- duction. in his bid to tha affiliates ;to hop aboard the elaborate morn- ing spread, it shapes up aa follewr 7 am The two-hour “Today" show. 10 am The Mel Martiu Show, from WLW-T. Cincinnati. 10 30 to 1130 Film drama. Ion- luring romance, adventure aad Intrigue with “a new male per tonality" cast aa host U 30 to noon. Dave Wtllork and ( lift Arquette, from Hollywood *145 (split network v Bichard Hark ness and the news from Boca Baton.-Fla.. Dec 4. NBC is copping all major hon- ors as moat gimmicked up * net- work la tanas of evolving sales pat* toms and fresh come-on* as adver- tising bait Some of the affiliates with spare time aa a cloudy Boca Raton day occupied themselves by appraising Use various techniques either al- ready inaugurated or being blue- printed by the network ta a bid to make radio a more saleable com- modity Aa of Jan 1. it will break down into the following seven com- ponents 1. 'Operation Tandem " - The three-ahow-a-week multiple spon- sor participation formula, now ip its second year of operation, and which currently enjoys an SKO 1 1 thing brand new formulas for the radio of the future; far exploring television’s new vistas at a billioa dollar revenue consumer by IB53. and for revealing NBC's undis- puted leadership In video’s sphere of influence , And It marked the emergence of Joseph H McConnell as an ag gi es-, tive netwoik president who, per- haps more than any single indi- vidual pt the convention, sparked the tempo ami through a realistic, i down-to-earth approach and ap- praisal of AM and TV. woo ' the plaudits of even the recaki- trsnV faction an.ang the afftl>.ne i membership. NBC brought to the convention a brand of showmanship perhaps nev er before witnessed in or opt of show business, the presentations designed for dramatic Import In f steering the future course for radio and television! Specially-prepared Alma pointed the way to TV’s un- limited scope in the realm of public enlightenment and entertainment a specially-constructed I MF trans- mitter and studio revealed the villas Opening for broadcaster* in the post-freeae era. And even the speechifying of the NIC brass m both radio and television, pace d by proxy McConnell’s delineations, generated an enthusiasm which tit itself won over the afliute body. • Resolution unanimously adopted by tlio affiliates at convention end cited (hat fees use NBC has "dem- onstrated beyond pared venture of doubt their qualities of loodership and aggressiveness in the fields of radio and television .... are reaffirm their faith and support in and of NBC and pledge Joint efforts to that end that NBC will continue ss the world's best radio and tele- vision networks"! —But No Bannittgr Bora Baton. Ft a., Dec 4/, With virtually every affiliate represented in the biggest NBC' convention turn out, to date the only major kogue op- erator whose absence was felt was Harry Bannister, of W WJf. Detroit Year to yea r ont B»n- fdfitor has boon one of the most outspoken among the na- tion's broadcasters invariably playing a key role in formulat- ing policy and setting co n von tton tempo ; Bannister begged (iff this year becauar of tin participa- tion in the NAMTH code meet- ing In Waahtogton. Bora Baton Fla . Dec. 4. NBC Is going into the merchan- dising business in gearing for the "soles bottle of Ifi&l" In terms of network radio if t a significant and radical step, opening up whole ne» vistas to its approach to the advertising dollar and represent* an operation concept inspired by the merchandising values brought into the parent H< 4 rampant by its prexy Frank Folsom For some time there s been a growing awareness on the part of such local- station* as WT.W! WNBC. etc. the additional As was expected, there was dis- sension from affiliates on the rate structure change By a vote of 71 to 21 (the remainder of the 170 affiliates abstaining* they protested the change ta the rate formula and asked that It be held to abey- 1 Operation Tandem—No 2." which the network will launch around the first of the year follow- ing the some pattern as the original l * * *»*h Lyons. WLW-T. Cincinnati 12 30 to 1 p m Ralph Edo from Hollywood. Schedule tone off week of J S. “Minute Mon Plan.'* which ia part of the new NBC basic eco- nomic study, in which the n et w or k provides six shows to affiliate* for local sponsorship on a “pay as you sell’’ basis 4. The “Guaranteed Advertising*' plan, introduced a couple weeks back, ia which NBC offers rebates to advertisers unless the web can deliver 5.300.000 listener impres- sions per show (Thus far there Bob Hanna, of WGY. Schenec- tady; Clair McCullough of WGAR Lancaster Pa : Paul W Morenry. of WTIC. Hartford, Conn . and Vk , Diehm of WZAL Harleton Pa voiced the sentiments of the dls- (Continued on r .#37> At BoctflRB Angers Affiliates Boca Raton Fla Dec 4 Hiatus of the trade press in re- lation to NBC. and Us affiliates al- most became a cause celebre at the network's annual convention here. There was considerable rumblings from some station operators, who felt that the attitude of the net- work echelon in barring the press from all meetings, would only serve to hamper the press and frus- trate the reporters seeking to fac- tually record convention prog ram Particularly in view of the fact that this year’s convention had Mich a vital bearing tn formula tins policy and resolving the economics attending network radio It was felt that this was no time to allow con- jecture or double-guessing tn creep In Originally It was planned to per- mit the press tn sit In on this year's session 'excepting those Involving network-affiliate bargaining and Jockeying for position*. Bui de- spite the pleas of the prom de- partment, which was hacked by exec veepee Charles R Denny, they were overruled, and for the fifth successive year the meeting door* were shut to the press ft was pointed out that In view of the dual affiliations of TV sta- tion*. actually man* in attendance had a stake in CBS as well, and since these were permitted lo sit in (under circumstances that could tip the rival web as to what's afoot at NBC*, there was no reason to bar tbe press In hi* opening convent km re- marks NBC prexy Joseph H Mc- Connell also look a swipe at affili- ates who talk to tbe press on matters .affecting net work-station relations His criticism was direct- ed at stations who have opposed the new NBC basic economy study, and have expressed their views to the press without consulting NBC shout It : values accruing from merchandis- ing as a supplementary operational facet, hut tin* marks the first time that a neipofk has embraced the Idea ■ Plans for the merchandising service were bared to affiliates by Fred N. Dodge, newly appointed merchandising director of the net- work. who revealed that he and a staff of 12 trained and experienced merchandising and sales experts will operate throughout the coun- try. helping flmtwork advertisers get retail cooperation and assist NBC affiliate* with their mer- chandising problems NBC has earmarked 1500.000 for the proj- ect .. Dodge said that the NBC reps will act as a merchandising con- sultant for the affiliated stations In coaching station personnel in techniques ef merchandising, and will help erganue a merchandising department for the stations J In return. NBC wants the sta- tions to provide manpower ia wee- ing local merchant! lo cooperate to setting up displays oa behalf of .he national advertisers. Overall feeling was that NBC had alerted Itself lo a vital operational ■ph>r« that would generate adviffe luer enthusiasm and the afftttatea by unanimous acclaim • passed • resolution bailing the plan. Norton Reported OCTi Andesre Effective with the rate cut which ia ae tote effect nest met ftoes ia cut its 7 Original Amateur ' NBC-TV tied to go Old Gold lay night minute*. •’Ma I the TV Thu.adgy ught radio version on 9 “Market Bosket Flan.** which it being pitched to: grocers and super markets in pedicular. and also involving a Tandem-type operation of 2B-«unute shews, with local cut-ins. • NBC's new Merchandising Plan, representing a brand new approach, ta terms of network radio, to which a team of 12 trained merchandising and sales experts will help network ntfvcr- Boca’s “Select Six’ Boca Raton. Fla , Dec 4. Some of the NBC brass did a bum when they discovered, upon arrival at the Boca Raton convention, that the management of the swank hotel and club bad prepared a memorandum for hush-hush distribution among employee* and staff personnel listing a "Select Six’* among the NBC delegation The nano, which only by accident happened to fall into the hands of so m e key broadcasters, pointed out that these particular six over all other* should be extended every possible courtesy Listed aa tbe six were vhc board chairman Niles Trammell. NBC president Joseph H. McConnell NBC exec vee p ee Charles H. Denny. Frank Young (assistant to public relations veepee William local displays throughout tha fwynf. t.,, <<./ .i Manle Sacks. RCA veepee and a key talent negotiator for. the network, who aet np the entertainment agenda for the network Robert Sarnoff, NBC-TV veepee aad ton of Gen David Sarnoff. RCA board chairman A running gag of tbe convention were the affiliates' awn “a* lect six’* listings. ' • ... , • V ; . ~ l * l« t .>•••« .«•«( ...... Boea Baton Fla. Dec 4 Victor Norton. NBC veepee In charge of administration aad one of the group of key men brought into the network under the Boot. Alien li Hamilton administrative revamp a couple years Hock. U re- ported exiling the network There was speculation at the Boca Raton convention concerning Norton s failure to put to an ap- pearance, and It's understood hit departure from the network la fair- ly imminent Thus Norton ia slated as the first major casualty among the web brass since the B-A-H overhaul Joseph McDonald's move-In from ABC as NBC treasurer, and taking over the labor negotiating opera- tions. lends credence to the report of Norton's departure Tale of Tws Cities Minneapolis. Dec 4 WTCN points out that the tradi- tional hot breath betueen Minne- apolis and SI Paul, still bittet rivals although or because they’rs Twin Cities, plays curious tricki with Twin Cities radio and felevi sion broadcasting St. Paul, which has an organisa- tion of business men with the solo purpose of making sure their town receives equoi ether billing with Minneapolis, become* quite todig nant when a broadcaster, for sim- plicity. soys. "Wo return to our studios in Minfie poll*." etc . in- stead of “Minn *po!is and St. Paul" or the "Twin Cities.** ac- cording to WTCN officials Likewise, declare these officials. Mlnneapolitians beco m e irked If their smaller brothers down the river get exclusive or bigger bill- *•* . 7^:3 ••••♦oe