Variety (December 1951)

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FCC Writes finis to Richards News-Sbit Case; Renews Licenses AfRA MERGER TV Cede OK Doe at NARTB BA Meet; WwliligtM. Dw 4. At anticipntnd tot the Umt of tht death of Q A. Richards. Uto FCC Ust vftl wrote ft«to to the three- >r«r-old MWHUatlaf pfoctHinp Involving statiooa WJR In Dftrntt. KMPC In Lot Angeles. and WGAR In Cleveland Although strong or- fumrntn hod boon modo by FCC general rounaol, Benedict F. Cot- tone that tho osaminor on tho rone James D Cunningham, bo re- quired to wrtto a decision bated on the hearings, tho agency seemed deposed to lot Richards and hit alleged misconduct la operating hit stations rest la peace It s no secret that the case was • “hot potato** from the start and that Richards* desth last May 27 made H pretty certain that, despite the determination of the agency to go through with the hearings In the face of every manner of pro- cedural subterfuge which high- priced legal talent could dream up to delay or avoid the iooutry. the (>< <m <-edmgs would be dismissed. Although Cotton# pleaded elo- quently that tha Issues, involved trsnac en de d the personality of Richards and warrantad. at least, some pro n o unce m en t of policy on news-slant ini. the agency could not be convinced that Richards’ death did not render the case Frank Scully Pioneering in 7T Reception of H» 46 ik dusMre r sury \nmbrr of ProtedM When Station Is Sold CRUCIAL TESI Television Authority’s flrxl na- tional convention, to be held In New York this weekend I74f. will be a fateful confab which may in- fluence the course of all performer pulnps. Central questions to be derided Is TVA’t future with the possibility of TVA’s merging with one or more branches of the Asso- ciated Actors A Artistes of Amer- ica. Bland of the delegates on this ] issue can either slrengtloen the 4A’t or further weaken the organ- isation The crucial teat will be action on the American Federation of Ra- dio Artists invitation for a TVA- AFRA merger. l.aat weekend j Actors Equity and Chorus Equity, holding their ffr*t joint member- ship meeting, took a swing at the proposed TVa-AFHA wedding The Equity association* passed a resolution approving their coun- cil's stand favoring a five-branch meager among the eastern 4 A ». Pec 4 TV ctM 100 °e . * ■*.••. . : , , i ; • , . • . Charity Junket* sea of *W piece* la 40 ih faairerien Vaiwfcer Washington. Dee. 4. Significant Iv the Equity mem- bership position was narrower than the Equity council viewpoint, which was to alt down and con- sider merger with any-sued group. " is Washington, pec 4 _^l _ § , I Ratification of tbit lu code* <1 Ffl .'lark | largely la the form adopted by tet- toiuRs Me "tmmm* NMiy* Hpw I ecasters six weeks ago In i hirago. Shew Pi Pott—a wits «* expected to result from a three- day meeting here this week of loo { O . I j hoard members of National Asan. • | j of Radto-Tetev talon Broadcasters. t.hunty Junket* The TV board meets tomorrow ^ : i Wed.I and Thursday, with the code * * * as No I item on the agenda sea of Hto assy bydaa piece* la ;v Pi omul cation of the document. Ha apcaadwq designed to clean up TV fhrtMigh industry self regulation, seemed to 40ik fsarrerwiM % umber hr merely a formal it *. In view of the unanimity of action taken by *t t»2 NAKTH number* who were - ^ present in (*hirago They romprlsed Pvllf/CTr 'll but 10 of the amorlation s TV membership It’s noted also that ' five of the II members of the TV mm ’*<>.,i d wrif niiitilx is <,i ihr- i»> .* gram standards rommittee which di.iftrd the rode. ( White telecasters appear to he if -• . fV I. agreed on its adoHlon. there's some Nponnatp IIPQI* disposition to delcv the effective llvavIMlv l/vflly deft to allow ample time for nec- • f'Ury ad)ustinents and orientation A . A II g\ ;, R This includes aequainttng si ills and N^llfPr \PllC I till advertisers with the document di*- JdUlvl LR/Uu wlH penning with the program commit- ment which might violate aland- CB5 Radio this week acquired ards. sidling up ad ministration pro- CBS, H Santer Sells Out Only A nm.rt (Ml a* mln# - hither 1 3 c * f#nib, l r all 4A branches «lnclud- lh e complete hlork of slock held bv reduce*. etc X court to* !• determine hether lf|f !h# Actors and Screen James Sauter In Air Feature* indie t Walker went along with Cottune's employee* ran be pi o'erted AgMMt Extras guilds*, and failing that. R packaging outfit, with Sauter exit ' ’* ■ a . -a * m * _m m f a a m ' ; ■ ato a , ■ A.' • . __ - »- - - f _ ■ _ _. contention that the examiner ex-j diamlaaal In the event of sale of would favor a five branch merger reeded his authority la Issuing an * radio station looms as a likely w • stronger federation of the d«|^. »*.«. TBta ruMilt « Z - recommending dismissal of the \ ZZ nt bv the rrr of the n * rro, * rr membership declaration Aside from the code, the TV hoard Is expected to devote eon- would favor a flve-hranch merger im as presy of the compans to sMlrrahie attention to the impendl or a stronger federation of the rn |^ r the radio production bust mg lifting of the TV freear and 4A s branches than now exists The ness Deal gives CBS Rest crack p* impact on the hr«M«Scasting in- nar rower membership declaration at all future programs lined up by dustry coincident with its meeting. (•‘commenoing uismiasai oi ine -ooroV al bv the FCC of the ""'v"*' a(l rumre programs uneo up oy austry coinckleni with its meeting ra*e because of Richards* demise. t * winy in Washington ,tllw * * ,rofl * »l»pet a bi partite Frank, and Anne Ifummert uwl»*r Members of the Ft (' will hold two Walker put kil dts a e at simply n f* to United Broadcasting Co I TFA-AFRA .blending While not (bv AF banner hut Is nonexclusive davs »»f conference* to review r«un- ••The public importance of the la- hf b r«ton Em 0,1 delegates, many of the meaning the Hummert packages mrn|s Bled on tlu* pr op oned alloc-a sues involved.’* be said. *’and the [)1(>Nr ^ o( WINX «M« diialirril W Y, contingent were present and now „n rival networks will remain immi plan and to dis«u»s p«»iirv oi time, effort and aaertflee expended t>v those of WOOK In near ^ influenced h* the Equity CBS * in on the Hummert «»p handling applicatiens tot VHF ans In developing the flscurd art toe cwinM MX Eaton eration has been in the works for VHF stations sues involved.’* he said, “and the . ^ of wiNX wmm 1 ^ T* tarre present and now on rival networks will remain tion plan and to dmiiM p«iilcv «»n time, effort and aaertflee expended urvyy mik. «Hild be influenced by the Equity ■ bt.v.m »n t »>«- <»» handling sootiest ions tor VHF and Silver Springs. Mrt Eaton CBS’ buv in on the Hummert op handling applications t.u VlIF and eration has been the works ? r ' * 1 •• P-rmi« th« w.ivlnf uf flDd-1 wOOlT to Rockville, Md < Delegates to the TVA confab some time Possibility exist* that Other suhpnt* to hr taken up hv Ing* of fact and conclusions of law. whM ^ bought WINX. were elected not ffr«»m the unions CBS. as Its part of the deal, will the tMiard include effort ol excess After such findings and cooelu- , a,.a »■ *« »urh hut according to craft: j package show* which will hr pieftts taxes tin TV bcftadcaders. stons. then the Conuniamon can * smeer* actors specialty acts, etc turned over to AF for noasihtr sale Dronerh’ deetdl*whether the^death FCC bv the International Brother- jAninrs^actors. vi^claRy art* etc tamed over to AF ^vr posaihlr sale <Continued on page 42> IrMr UkSfd.' iT.ri,n.? d..m„ MS J El«tnr»l W«rk«n. which ta * h ** Hl -W*S «*• "• •***. -«•« »• »rt» Mumtncrt* ^ sal of the WIN tpd iJn | M bo|tAMM at P+r* 0 *' who have been identified will continue to mastermind the It WM rntitmdrd that the toHh the Artists Committee, which creative work for the new setup 11 BaB i vmruuru 1 «_ awri _x ^ • In voting $-1 to totiew the { n I^a ^ f n i eM , MWrr \hm Wrn active In \KK\ p 4 ilitir«. with Maurice Scopp remaining aa laenaes of the stations ‘they had f rescind its transfer of WINX * fM * ^bich is now said to favor sn operating head of AF been on temporary status since though IBEW is neither a AFR \-TVA get together d es pite Sauter plans to concentrate on 1448' and to approve transfer of . d . U(tr in applicant opposition front other union building packages in the puhiw the properties to Flaocex S. Rich- The union insisted *^at broad i»uh- «ources. particularly the Equities service field, but will make them ard*. the widow Md executrix of u aiven to »Qw!' and Amencaa Guild of V ariety available to agetwn * and clienu «»n Jf*!? «r«' Tn frandnf .n Arti*. a comn*rrt.l UaW «> *" <X '»>* «* S3S proaeAkon o? IV hih.a ol (Continued oo papa 421 employee* of licensed stations. WCPO Single Rate cludex protection of the rights of Alternative Cannes j " —~ w MGM l^orw * Inc indie in employees of licensed stations. j when TVA was set up two year* ■ rt/TD DDAC ADTIAIIC I Through iU general counsel ago. it was decided that Its future LEVER BROS. OPTNMw IniTM Louis Sherman. IBEW told the status should be determined by j - t rtirurnu Vlf oilAtli f k r-.h ? I* T ’ H Commission that a similar Ksue , this week s convention It was also UVENSON Tv SHOW ._! ??*: ***. aroae before the Interstate Com set that all member* of the par t ^ LtfLHUVp If iJUV ff, , tnk ed yesterday follow, sign ng of mere# Commission as a result of tietpoting 4A branches would! ; Sam l^venson hvay wind up < < of agi«-eincnt between consolidation and abandonment of automaticaily be member* of TVA with his own show again on l RS- *'!. *?. ,. ' *. . ) .. railroads and that the Supreme without paying initiation fees, and TV after the first of the year with AmPflfM fwflpration of Muilriang Court held that ICC had legal that a voting membership would 1 Lever Bros having taken an op Fact give* LBS its fourth 50 kw •stive work for the new setup. | *1 |x —* *’ Liberty Penetrates Sauter plans to ronccntrat# on ; ; # tiding packages In the public r% ■ HfllAlg botham ViaWNliM rommerdal basis ■ . ■ ii WMGVV I^orw’s Inc indi# in ^^ | New York, ha* affiliated with the FVEK BROS OPTIONS 1 » «»*■•«> Iknadraaiing Bystem, end- bfbM RRW. Wl I ivnu mg the new networks long search I ryrMCAlU TV CUOW fet a Gotham key l)ea(. which was ;'lpfinked yesterday, follows signing of Sam I .even son may wind up a letter of agreement between E)w 4 _ ployees affected This ruling, the who have appeared in TV at least Whether the deal goes thrown* WDGY, Minneapolis, and KMIN*. Mart Watters, topper of WCFO , union contended, “has made M once for pay. Further, it was de- will depend on whether t HS L A here has stirred local radio circles tD |ir e |y clear that the FCC has tided that whatever the TVA cow- comes up with a I-evensoa package Affiliation pad had bren stalled ^ i. ii-ki a a w m . am a i a . ~ . mm _ t _a. _ *. 9 power to protect the railroad be established from among those tion on the comedian this week outlet others being WITI., Chi; h* abolishing the rate differential ample legal power to protect the ventioa chose to do. it would have suitable to one of Ia*vrr's product* M couple of months ba< k when LBS between nighttime Md flay tuna interests of the employees in the | 0 have approval of the 4A’S inter- and the number of station* it can ciordon Mi larridon* appear- charge, on the AM oulM .(oM.nueg on pate 4 WCPO made the move, which ea- tabiishes one rate far day and eve- - , mng. based on the local C. E Hoop- , II QQAT RAP er report, which shows total AM ILUffU 0 JJVU RAI ratings of 414 )0 p. m falling be- All I i T m VCI low the daytime flgure. Evening Ulf LA. J iM VLF ?«Tk Vi. 7 et re n * * ttfc U j W»,hin*ton. t lor tho daytime Urten.n* Udonwlkmol La<l>et I New rate la retroactive to Dec. 1. Workers Union took a national board The alternative dear II 1 courses envisaged at that time 1 I^*ven*on has hern under csriu- failed to reverse a decision were il» TVA affiliation with one sive contract l» CBS and report- WMGM would lose its “Class or more 4A branches: f 2* cstab- cdly is draw ing 43 A00 p« r »rrt. B * union statu* if it joined Liberty lishing a separate branch for TV; | but the web has confined hi* work Tfiat would have meant payment of or changing the number of mem- xo far this season to serving a* » higher scale* to the windjammer* her* to which raeh branch is m- oanel member on «hi* L Show ...... .u u.h i.himr ance before the local's eseeutive ON LA'S m YEKIUIE hers lo which each branch is eo- MBfl memner on i ni* i^ — .. 4 j tilled on (he TVA board (.1 prev Mownew” Web bMn't been »(>le ■ * ."T ?T r meM »»- h bnnrh ho. an equal lo build a shm. around him th., InterMtumnl 1mn ~****f*J number! year because of the lack ol a suit orkers Union took • $330 000 _ ■ able time slot With several cream were «1» TVA affiliation with one five contract to CBS and rrpofl- or more 4A branches: ‘2» estab- edly lx draw ing 43 500 per week with evening bankcollers to get beating on iU FM venture in Lot billed at the single rate. Policy Angeles it was disclosed in the Workers Union took a $330 000 numberi. , heating on its FM venture in Lo* Thus, should TV A vote to merge covers local and national spot bit and both programs and announce- ments. Watters said that due to <> heating on its FM venture in uos « nu * *" uu, ° 1 * * w neniKis having opened up rert-nilv Anteloa. M »»• dl«lowd_ lo tb»i»lth AFRA. >W. MttM MaU b^> rvrr mwt inloml baa roport « application Mod «Mh .ho FCf U- nood .ho obayol Ibr «*'. hoard rv^d in .ho r^m. *• wook for tTMHtor ol .ho «auoo A OnwW on Mdo Wa» aplM bv f l , |HMrntu) rh on., load to KKMV i u Harry Mai.I.xh and Iho «A. board^ If all part.o, koop J, to lhe Uwo WW op«i..n the rating pictu.*t. as supplied by £>avid G Baird for approximately their present adamant stand* Hooper, he “law no pastiftcatioa’* $$7.00$. ! Likely possibility it for TVA fur keeping the differential. lactic Hit tk Ruf ..i. P Mr'iir will „ make its first extended tour when .« the Guy laombardo orch hit. the / i F‘^ad. starting In Pbilly on Feb 14. A balance sheet of the Union Broadcasting Co. of California, which operated the station for ILGWU. showed a deficit of $351,. 000 since Jan t, 1350. and con- tinuing through the flrst eight fContinued on page 401 Bale of the station was effected in mill) on rrn is _T . _ Corp. of Amortc. to tuodlmf i Tho pur | »hr launbardo tnk. uhtrb «tM laM f*""* <,f . A ' 1 . 12 14 weeks, covering the eastern inLA* fm mrrly ewrgflf k$ half of the (J. 8. as far south ns Wtmer Brea. Texas | ILGWU now has only one FM has only one In the past -Hit Parade** has station IWFDR In New York* left •tAde ono-ttme stands outside of ef its original three It turned m New York, but this will be the Brat the license aaaae time ago of Its FM kval lour. la HHDtGk sialion In Chatunoog*. New TV-Films Dept. Starting this week - a new Vamktv department devoted tn TV Films will bridge the makeup betwegn the regular Films and Radio-TV section* Vidpix news will fait inlo the new TV Films pages but vidpix reviews will be con- tained under the regular Tele- vision Reviews beading. o,nr. . I jit ter; *igned by Bert l,cbhar VJrb h **" ' h f"’ * '' it . WMUM dirrOnr >nd C(i,rlr« .0 budd . .turn .round bin. «b H , unmn , ulr . WJW Nfc W »|* llM , w\l<;M .,11 n... hr r. o.drd •W Uw r .lo., Wl.h iroWli ll „ , ntrluork Mat loo uhro prr.od, havio* it muMco) a,rrr, ... I HS At howrvrr much ,mrrr,l boa r opor. , imn . WMCM Maff tootor, odly brro r.idrncrd » Wr ^ (| ^ (|| , rtlff ,. lrnr , bHurro by orroral p.Uro. klr Hro.^ Irad f ^ huur „ ttte and to( to . hr Lrvrr Sroa op tion ( lw . A ^.dlr rn*a«rn„ m ralr ^' ." 1 ; M ^ m j which will also aopl> to rehearsal* Tpi Xr Jinx txnarid Additionally when WMGM pi< k.* IM m » U p g musical show from Liberty Tex and , • Jinx 1 Falkenmir'* w ilh orch* of more than three men ; McCrary are Consolidating and c* ttlr w.MGM house orch will be on j pandmg their radio, tele and (|| M H tandbv* r m m a 1 to X ^.a, a A La A' 9 ' ■ cotumniring activities, with a xyndi rated half hour new*reel feature |n lihrrl which I- pinnanli « mH* nelwoik i* interested Ir network i* interested lr the offing Husband wife te. m ha\ wM< • M s hraVJ | v po rt q «,veragr sXJwr *h.« h include* the Bneiklyn Dodg- mb!* was With *** baseball* in the summer taken over to toneral mana«rr AfM.a.wn «*•*?„ 1” Chaotn ti wrapping up a deal deal made by MGM Radio Attmc- for the couple tu narrate a weekly tion* another Lo?w s subsidiary, to feature sum man ring and reviewing provide the Mutual pel Ug feature aummarixmg and rev the news. hours of prugramming w