Variety (December 1951)

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FC&Bs Davis Souls Off «■ Sights SbUr-Ta Ca* lm ■ ABCStriclar OmMi Mart fuel t» O'* «. «| the New Y«rl vl | This time It «« J Hugh X Dev is, Foot# Cone * Be Id mg exec veepee who unburdened him* •elf ef several hundred well-chosen words on the state of Windy City network radio and TV. And the villain of the piece area Davis spoke before a tendance at a joint meeting of the Television Council and Radio Man- agement Chib. It was a hard-hitting naming names and spelling Whether H will clear the air. or merely add to the semi- hysteria over the so-called Gotham "conspiracy" to deprive Chicago of • role in the tele era. remains to he teen. : Why have thoae New York Jerry D. Lrwi* Conte turn on NBC-1«. picked up the t:M* IR strip on ABC radio. On Jan. I the feed out At is taking over the time which Haael Bishop lipetick had heught far a 11-week cycle Agency la Calkins A Holden. Car lock. McClla ton A Smith. Agmaflumj^ full network is ,V ; Ml Upbeat in Chi They Laughed When They Called He ‘W rong Way Ferrin' SUM the manufarti included Harold Fellow*, ttonal Asan. of 46th lamrcrisfy YssnsAer of ■■ YY? Chicago. Dec 4. Upbeat of ABCs daytime mcrcial situation is posing thing of a problem for WLS. Its Chicago'sunlight aitihate. With mart and more ABC daythnors now boosting bankrollers. and att« of ^ ___ , . . . . them Insisting upon a Windy City CBS-TV • current exclusive pick- ^uet. the Prairie Farmer station ups of the United Nations in s i ana from Paris will cost close io (75.000 Of UN Cost M for the complete 11-week cycle and. without a sponsor, the web has been fn rre d to chalk it up to public sendee programming But CBS beltevea that both the tton and goo dw ill Mg||| dried by the shows make the in- vestment more than worthwhile. Also on tho plus side, of course, is the fact that CBS gets six half- hours of programming per week front the pickups tn addition to airing • daily coverage service [Monday through Friday, the web has a half -hour each Sunday after- noon. in which the events of the i preceding week are reviewed If { the web didn't have the UN pick- ups, it would naturally have to All that Time with some other type ef DuMont's Chi Accent Chicago. Dec. 4 In answer to criticism that video networks are b> passing Chicago in favor of New York originations. DuMont director Chris J Witting revealed last week his web is setting up a central division "to take advan- tage of the television ability and talent made available to os In Chicago through WGN-TV * Witting stated It's DuMont's policy to allocate JPi of its programming to the Windy City WGN-TV. Its Chi affili ate. is currently feeding seven and one-half hours weekly to the network 'Whenever New York de- sires sn equitable number of good television programs from Chicago, this city ran provide them Through our association with DuMont I think we arc beginning to prove this," Frank P Sehrelber WGN-TV man ager, said. duct ion giants" given Chi the run-] ^ r ®* r * m "* 1 **^ around** The ad exec answered his Moat #f the cost la for l I own question by venturing that <* Paramount a Inalamane- thc production bosses in New York uU * hmeecoping equipment, which either wanted all the credit for '"**es powuble the daily coverage themselves or by reason of self*] within 24 h«»uiv after the clove «*( ntesmernation believe their pro- ***??•• **". 1 ramportatlau. durtinn genius to be better than *mee the kines are down daily from Chicago's, eve n though ‘ -certain P“ r,# *° Web is writing a# the shows might have been, and still ro * 1 °* staff, including the pro- can be. produced cheaper and as ducer. director and ennsmentator well in Chicago." l aboring the Point Then Davis excused CBS Ih»- Mont and ABC from the biuad charge on the grounds they either lacked Chi production facilities or a big enough bankroll. This, of course, leaves NBC TV. lie cited FCABs experience last summer with NBC-TV while trying to slot the Dave Garroway show on the p web for Armour. The only tune •Continued on page 47) Inked For Mutual much attention to FM ■« H ABIB by tl committee Television "This la It." Fellows the conference rolling a nee there will he adequate dis- tribution of FM seta In the areas chosen for tho Aral promotion cam- paigfft—North Carolina. Wisconsin and tho District of Columbia The North Carolina drive will begin Jan. 21, the. Wisconsin Walter Cronkheit. against its ard staff budget, so that their sal- aries are not included in the 975 000 budget. f In the past month the Mutual network hot inked 20 new afflli- ts finding it difficult to carry the | atos. according to station roJattona Feb. d. and the D C rush about web shows and at the same time veepee Pete Johnson The addition March 1. The campaigns were ortgi- keep busy its Mg stable of studio of more outlets is significant to nally scheduled to begin earlier, toIgnt view of NBCs recently launched but more Unto woo required For Instance, program director drive to add stations and ABCa prepare promotional material Harold Salford this week was pitch for new markets, both mean- prior to the campaigns in tack forced to drop the daily afternoon Bob Atcher show which heretofore was used to showcase the station’s *>wn talent, to make room for Lever's "Joyce Jordan" and Philip Morns' "Evelyn Winters " on ABC. While the Atcher show is being replaced by "Stumpus. live local airer. latter dislodged from its previous ing slot now filled by a news show dislodged by ABCs Victor Un* The WLS talent group, by far the largest in .town, is also utilised on the station s Saturday night "Na- tional Bam Dance" and the Artist Bureau personal appearance book- ing adjunct Because of this. Sal- ford figures he can keep the staff pactees busy despite the encroach- ment of web time No staff agings are contemplated at this time, but the problem of what to do with the talent during the week, should ABC demand another suable chunk of time, is causing corn. to mg an attempt to lure present ar *«. meetings wiU be bold between stations out of the MBS fold. distributors and hraadrastrrs to ar- Amoog the stations Mutual has range details of promotion. Ft signed are WIST. Charlotte. N C ; j North Carolina mooting will ue WKHM Jackson, Mich . KSOX. held Doc. 27 in Charlotte. The Wla- Harlingen. Tex . h MON, Great , cons in meeting will take place Jan Falls. Mont . and HOP*. Butte, io tn Milwaukee. The D. C. meeting aU in medium or fair-slaed u tentatively scheduled for Feh. 15. Stations are paiddor. j Under the chairmanship of Pa\a rather than bonus operations ai- Grigsby of Phiico. the BTMA com- though seme of the newly-acquired mlHrr u preparing a brochure for kilowatlers art in the bonus cale- Se far. its reported, only MBS bonus operation has switched to NBC as a "premium" station. why MBS N BC got back at recent CBS pro- i n f 1 gram raids thu .week, when Camel ,*t>fratloos. as ^ decided to move the Sat- Cavalier Ggs In Cavalier rtgarets. following its buy last week of "My Friend Irma" on CBS-TV, has purchased the Wednesday night 10 M to II pe- riod on NBC-TV Ciggie outfit is huddling ‘C—tmtisssI Medal' TV Psckifc Rights Stir Hassle Anssf H’woodtes Hollywood. Dec 4 Hollywood is the battleground for a bitter fight for trlcvisioo rights to the "Congressional Medal of Honor." telepix* package based on life stories of winners of na- tion's top award. Originally agents Al Manuel and Bill White announced package they were whipping up planning insti- tutional sponsorship, and an hour- long series. Peter Whitehead Immediately | counter-attacked, claiming he owns 75% of such a package. NBC the rest, adding he's negotiating with Bob Hope Foundation and Bing Sic Trassit Radio One of the has been able to hold its outlets, despite the pitches other chains, is the web’s < «>-op setup Particularly in the south and west, where Mutual airs its "Game of the Day" m the sum- mer months, the baseball co-op haa been a a means of securing both local and national spot Mx The new deal by which MGM Radio Attractions 1 la supplying 10 programs weekly to ' Mutual, with half of the shows be- ing co-op, also gives the MBS af- 4 filiates a chance to sign prestige !• bankrollers Web has been plugging away at the value of the smaller station in toota coverage" for five NBC Gain Grand 1 Washington. Dec No interveners are need* the suit to eliminate transit radio from Washington's trolleys buses. Franklin S Poliak and Guy ”gr Martin told the Supreme Court years, which also sits well with tho last week They are seeking to smaller stations usually operating prevent amicus curiae briefs from on a bonus status. Radio Cincinnati. KXOK Inc and : V the KCMO Broadcasting Co. Poliak and Martin as transit riders, won their suit in the D C. Circuit Court of Appeals and it haa been brought to the Supreme Court by the Capital Transit Co. and station WMDC which supplies the FM broadcast* to the trolleys and 'Sssfi For Stic' Loses Clients; CBS-TV Faced With Saturday Poser CBS-TV's anticipated move into more ambitious Saturday night with NBC execs this week to determine what show it Crosby Fnterpriags for production will put in the period Time haa been occupied heretofore by Huel Bishop Lipstick with the Freddy Martin show, which is being dropped Irma.' meanwhile, is The rase, first of its kind. Is t j programming is expected to be precedent setter which could wipe speeded up. following the decision out transit radio in the dozen this week by both sponsors on "Soncs For Sale ‘ to check off the that Jerry dealer reps him in the ■jjjtY'-Y Manuel asserts the name is pub- lic domain, so It can't be the sole property of Whitehead He also slated to denies Whitehead s contention that » Whitehead take aver the Tuesday night at he had acknowledged 10 90 period on CBS. starting Jan | had such rights. A Cy Howard, who originated the NBC-TV exec Norman Black- package and produces the A.\l ver- burn says he never heard of White- •ton. will not produce the video head or the property until ap- atansa CBS has not determined preached by Whitehead recently, yet who will produce and direct although the packer says he wrote such a series for NBC radio \ As for Giesler. he says he does not rep Whitehead in the dispute The way the fight stands now in the haze and smog of Holly- Show wilt originate live in Holly- wood. with Marie Wilaoa starred. ArfaTsTV ‘Brooks’ Hollywood. Dec 4. Fve Arden will retain lead in the TV version of CBS' "Our Mim Brooks." with pilot pic skeddrd to roll after the first of the year, ac- cording to Harry Ackerman. CBS- TVeepee. ■old Colgate, which span AM a ort as , bod shown Interest B TV project of the wood. Manuel and White plan to go ahead with their telepix pack- age regardless of the claims by Whitehead Calumbna—Allen Kunse Dela- ware. is latest addition to the an- nouncing staff of WLW -C. Croaley TV outlet here. He formerly was sn announcer at WMRN, Marion. (A iv: • > other cities where it is also estab- lished and prevent It from enter- ing new cities The three stations seeking to Ale briefs are affected by the decision. Radio Cincinnati handles transit radio in that city. KXOK broad- casts to the St Louis traction roll- ing stock and KCMO transit radio in Kansas City. Inkalg- EiKdl f Kaywoodie Pipes this emerged aa the quickest in- and-out sponsor in television. Outfit had parted two weeks ago for a special one-shot va- riety stanza Sunday ••••on CBS-TV to push its products for the Christmas trade, but advised CBS this week that it's cancelling out on the deal Reason is reportedly Kay- woodie'4 decision that it can- not afford the cost of such a show on TV CBS had been liniog up a number of its top Hollywood stars for the pro- gram, with Lucille Ball sod Deti Armas and George Bums and Grade Allen, having al- ready Songs For Sale program following the Dee. 29 broadcast Cancellation follows American Safety Razor * bow-out on "Show Goes On." which leaves CBS with only the Faye Pepsi Cola show on a basis Saturday nights after • o'clock Web's p rogr am execs are still maintaining complete silence about their plana for revising the Satur- day nitht lineup, but plan to keep both "Songs" and "Show Goes On" tn their present periods temporari- ly on a sustaining basis. Program , veepee Hubbell Robinson. Jr., ad- mitted the "possibility" that the web la planning some super-spee- tade to compete on a more even footing Saturday nights with NBC's high-rated "Your Show of Show;. but declined to comment further, presumably through fear of tipping the opposition Carter Products ha* been bank- rolling the first quarter-hour of "Songs." while Sterling Drugs had the final half-hour Second quar- ter-hour has been sustaining. Show haa been getting ratings of about 11 and 12. aa compared with ' the 45‘s and 50's going to inf urday night Vaughn Monroe show , over to its network. Where the ; show had been aired from 7 90 to • p. m. Saturdays on CBS. H will move into the 10 to 10:90 Saturday night slot on NBC. Switch in cdly dictated by the ciggie outfit's desire to take advantage of the time discount on contiguous pro- gramming available to it on NBC. (Camels has "Grand Ole Opry" •» NBC Saturdays from 9:90 to 10. so putting the Monroe show in at the following half-hour will give it a full hour's Mock. Agency is F*ty. CBS had teed off the new raiding maneuvers several weeks ago When Lever Bros, decided to move the AM version of "Big Town" from NBC to CBS. to Join the video ver- sion of the show Deal that was in the works for Philip Morris to move Its "PM Playhouse" from NBC to CBS. tn replace the cancelled Hor- ace Hetdt on the latter web has fallen through. RICHFIELD CHECUNC OFF 2 OS NIWS SHOWS Year-end budget-setting of na- tional advertisers caught up with CBS Radio again this week, when Richfield Oil decided to check off Its two weekend news programs on the web end of this month Caught in the move are the Larry LeSeur show, aired Satur- day nights from A. 45 to 7. »«<* the Charles Coilingwoed show, Sundays from 12.45 ta I P "*• LeSeuer winds Dec. IP. with Coll- ingwoed exiting from the Richfield after the Dec. 20 CBS. meanwhile, picked up • new sponsor this week, when Kellogg's bought the 2 45 to S 50 p m. period croas-t he-board for a new hillMIly strip featuring singer Carl Smith, wbe r e e nrda for the Columbia label Show starts Jan. 1. At the same time. General Food* dropped its regional sponsorship of "Country Store." 15-minute abya aired once-wee k ly on some t>o <