Variety (December 1951)

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I -J — & am HjYBim a jif a Ti> tredo tor iwwsctsicn CBS commentator Edward I Murrow. oa ilw ftnt ipoaiorH of "See It Now** Sunday (I», took the occasion to rrnto i hr credo of both the program and the bank roller Aluminum Curt of America—and hit statement could well he adopted at a '•do for all newt and political panel shows on the air. Show it«elf the third in the sertex. was sock from start to Bnish. hut it Mur row’s sUtement. which Oiled the spot usually devoted to the middle commercial, which should be remembered longest Speaking for himself, co-producer Fred Friendly and the rest of the production crew, Morrow underlined the fact that the me- DINA* SttOBB MOW Alan Ml_pjn. CHFVROI IT DIALERS rhanics ef TV. which nuke it possible to present words and pic- ture* simultaneously and Instantaneously, ‘ don’t confer great wio- lures simultaneously ana aoianiiaiipiy, o«u» i nwi»r area* w»v (tom kn those using It" He premised to identify bis source at all times and said that "well try never to get too big for our britches * Commentator also quoted verbatim from his CBS contract an the duties of a newscaster, declaring that he “must refrain, particu- larly with respect to all antis!, political and economic questions, from trying to nuke up the listener’s mind for him." In b; passing the Alcoa commercial. Murrow said the sponsor henceforth will try te make all plugs “brief, interesting and informative Since Sunday marked the lOth anni of "pearl H arb or Sunday.**' Murrow took his cameras out to a Detroit tank plant and the lb* public aircraft plant on Long Island to point up the nation * new preparedness program. There was also a touching Aim coverage of the Navy’s tribute to the Pearl Harbor dead, plus 'oo-the- •t one ” telephone*Aim inte r views with Veep Albew W Barkley from gores and Gen Omar N Bradley from Home But the boff part of the show came In the Anal quarter-hour when Murrow told the story, via an excellently-produced a er i es of Ainu of exactly what happens to a pint of blood donated by the average citizen Lenses caught a wounded autdler being landed via btlianpier at a Korean base hospital and undergoing surgery, which necessitated nine K U of blood It was a starkly moving and realistic sequence and mm himself was visibly touched at the denouement PET SHOP With (toll STABBING TB E EDfr OES NBC TV. from HeUywajd iCemphrft f wetdi This it one of the neatest stanzas on TV It s a simple, smooth, fnat* stepping segment that pack* more entertainment into its IS minutes than most of the longer, m o re elaborate shows currently on the videolanes. The ides to build a show strictly around Dinah Shore has been per- fectly executed by Alan Handley, who lakes all the production and scripting credits Handley s best idea, in fact, was to give Mias Shore full rein, with a minimum of distracting background "busi- ness ” Miss Shore carries off the assignment with a charm and eaae that establishes her right off as one of video's standout personali- ties i The proem show <27* wa« a sock sendoff to this twice-a-week series, with Miss Shore soloing a brace of numbrrs. including "It’s De- Lovely." “I Didn’t Know What Time It Was” and "Getting to Know You.’’ in a simple frame- work Highlight of the. proem was a clever rib of video's "production complex" via a contrast of how radio and TV would handle Mias Shore warbling * Shrimp 'Boats " The video verson of course, was replete with 1p*h settings, ballet Kklu Om ‘KukU’ Seldom baa the press re- acted in coming to the defense of a TV show as tt did over NBCs slicing of the "Kukla. Fran and OUie" program from a half-hour 'to IS minute*. Within the iaal weekend span, a succession of Maxis over the NBC action appeared, includ- ing column* by Jack Gould, of the N. Y Times: John Crwx- br of the N Y Herald Tribune, and Jack 0‘Brtan. of the N Y. Journal-American In addition, the Sunday <2* Time* high- lighted a number of letters taking a similar stance, includ- ing one by author playwright Robert E Sherwood NBC trimmed the show be- cause of Its Inability to sell a quarter-hour segment justify- ing the move by pointing out that IS minute* crosa-the-board in such a favorite <7 15 to 7 30 p m ) time spot is too costly to sustain / Oddtv enough, since its trimming, "Kukla’ ha* been kudosed in some quarter* a* being a more tight Iy-*rnpied show that, If anything, will in- sure its longevity over a long- er span NBC has put the new “Bob and Bay” comedy show into the other quarter-hour segment It’s a *ustainer I dancers, fM,- . SOLO DBAMA »»g from Hope and Bob Crosby. The second Show (SB* maintained prHb Walter Covefl larraw Kddie Bracken and Frank Fayten. the pac« within a similar format ; puller, organ: Ethel Colby, an ln /•**- virtually all the name Once again. Mlaa ffhnre delivered) mmwme+r performer* were excellent three or four atondai ds and pops j Prodnrers Vernon Becker. Milton However the union overlooked with another ingenious production toaniai *ne major het It failed to plead number to showeme her warbling Director: Becker effectively fur modern vaude. of Star Dust This sequence was Writer*: Mauriee DM hie r Virginia Show's production number* mo highlighted by a studio-huilt swim- B oo ks Turner. Coved contented on oldtime vaude efforta miRg pool aa background IS Mina ; Thom 7 IS p.» with oldtime and smalltime acta Plugs fm the auto dealers were [ * rGr *q LIGHTER predominating ExreHence in stag- kept to a minimum Mlsa Shore WJZTV New Yerk mg by producer Ernest D Glucks- also contributing a brief cummer-L - < Silhersfri* Guldsmirh» ■ man gave it its quota of enter- ciat jmgle witb pleasing ftonl- -Solo Drama ” as the title tm- toinment. •”* Plies is a one-man series in which The opening number had tho Wader Coveil enacts all the role* major number of acts and provided HORIZONS Coveil ahow* talent but he’ll need • nostalgic look at the dmwt of With Milllce.t Mrlntosh gueot hHl * r ma,rrt * 1 lo F Mi {h * *•«**• yesteryear Finale was an odd emcee °V? ^ .. chou-e fur a uni on—a tribute to Producer* I rik Baroouw Jack ****** Thursday M^the lh e late George M Coban. who was Ewe. W vehicle was a comedv hit m in i a frral rnll . rtjl ,ner but a violent Sosisiulw a ******* fuming a gabber-'do- D f Cohan, but Hilly Daniel and ABC-TV from New York l?*, 1 H! 1 * w '* Ukeoff on H V UU Baron predominated during um. tv, nsu i*ew ■ Kaltenborn . then caricatured a this seouenre Again the Cohan I ^ ? «fi| C . 0 >U ii h | a , | l 1 mv *T** ,> * delegate letter Item section was a look hack ot oldtime Communication Materials Centre WM nicely done with a neat entertainment have put together a simple but ef- stream-of-consciousness handling «h«m#>d u « -• «« fective educational program ©f the unparliamentary thought* “ p Horizon* la designed to give fore- that pass through the delegate's L u * wfJki? casts on the probahle future in mind Englishman eventually dis- *22 various fields, by re-creating the ro vered a box of tti hing nowder i . ! ^ ^ give-and-take of a classroom sea- and Mew it toward* the Bussian non between Columbia facullv a,,,i limi i with th# breaking ?- ,lh .f 0 *®*- Manly* AGVA SHOW With Bob Nope. Bek Crosby. Tun! Arden. Eddie Bracken. Frank ' Fsylen. Marilyn Wat well. Ceorgir Price. Billy Daniel. LMa Baron. Skylarks. Wally Blair. Joe Mole. KM Morion. Pot C. FHek. Bio Bros A | Goodman Orel* ; Producer Ernest D. Gluck am an Director: Jim Jordau. Jr. BB Mina.: Ann . t p m (EAT* COLGATE-PALMOLIVE FEET NBC. from Hollywood (Batci f Akeroutn A MmrqurtUr I The American Guild of Variety Artists union of vaude performers, ha* come forth with a show la plead the cause ef the return el vaudeville te the theatres of this country ; f Show Is designed to aid the union s welfare fund Bob Hope and future headliner* will waive their fee* to that AGVA's needy ran be helped Hope enriched the union's welfare fund bv $10 00# Five allow* were planked this sea- son at irregular intervals, most of them as: part of the "Col- gate Comedy Theatre" series. Other toppers of subsequent shows would contribute their fee* to the union The AGVA show was one of the more talent-laden and enterlaiding aoaalen* on lhe atrtao. The am rosier virtually comprised a who s-who of acts currently on the Coast There was a lot of enter- tainment, pith the bulk of It rom- Mtea.; Bel.. I N Arthur Van If this keeps up viewers along the co-ax may begia to wonder if most all Chicago video talent doesn't wear either fee th e m oa fur There’s "Zoo Parade.** NBC-TV’s Sunday bellringer headlined by the Lincoln Park Zoo critters and of course there’s Oliver J Dragon and Fletcher Rabbit, the two furred gallants of the sa me web’s * Kukla. Fran and Otlle ’* Now DuMont via WGN-TV cornea along with another offering in the wautgerta idiom This entry. "Pet Shop." was as- sembled tor the Louis G. Cowan outfit and has been beamed locally for several months On the ba sis of its initial network appearance fD it shapes up as still a good tt U UU o« Ui . »«o pet shop operated by Gail Comp- ton . with the help of his small daughter. They make a fine team with their easy, relaxed manner Other regulars in the cast are Charlie. Ihelr pet monkey, a parrot and what was apparently a cage full of puppies Charlie pretty much ptnir the show but even his hectic scram Ming about the set failed to add up to much as net- work entertainment. The rest of the stanza literally went to the degA Brought on by their respective trainers, nine canines displaysd their tricks at various times during the session. Thert were four Greet Pyrenees who contributed nothing but cold stares: a pooch of unannounced ancestry who demonstrated his ol- factory power* and a cute brace of miniature schnauzer* Sandwiched between the mutts were a bird and its mistress. It waa described aa a troupial and was something of a feathered Houdini with its cage fleeing “act " What happened to the last turn shouldn't happen to a dog—but it did Final p<><*h was supposed to demonstrate hit ability to spot famous comic strip characters Pressure of the network debut waa too great; be Duffed the Mt badly M Mine.: Wed.. I N pg. GRAND UNION CO. WARD, N. Y. (Badger. Brine* A hrrseyi “Starring the Editors" adds no •ft* angle to pahkl programs It's common garden variety, whose pitch that it's unrehearsed and spontaneous begs for reverse treat- ment. Viewers would seem entitled to a good rehearsed show than a bad unrehearsed one And if the absence of pre-program exercises extends also to the cameras, the brains behind this one should cor- rect the situation Immediately If some big production entries can have competent leasing, there’s no reason why this routine round- table can’t match. This local ahow recruits editors from metropolitan dailies as guest pundits, with editor Erwin D Can- ham of the Christian Science Moni- tor as permanent ringmaster Can- ham has a tendency toward esess- siveness in the gab department He's witty In a look-what^1-just- said sort of way. and pontifical at cist jmgle witb pleasing casual ness. Herm, HORIZONS With MUUcent McIntosh. Erik Director: l*eslfte Gurall M Mina.: Mm.. • pm Jack TV. from New Yerk GUY CHERNIY’S WISHING WELL With Chemey. Dick Fey Trie Direction: DeFerruM Fisher IS sains.. Mon.. IB IS pm. CADBURY-FRY CHOCOLATES KFIX. San Fr i miss a This la easy, pleasant listening Easy on the ears and nerves, pleas- ant in iu presentation of tunes uell sung. Guy Cherney has a •mooth voice, which makes the most of the sentimental Items and clicks with the lighter pups Pres- entation is unaffected and un- stilted, with enough mixing to toes up a fast moving aongfaat . . Pleasant chatter interlard* the *»ng*. Set. which includes a prop fishing-well, ties In neatly with ihe song content, as doe* sparky music by the Dick Foy continxeni Cherney moves la and out of the Aft to give slant shots to advantage. Production could be upped for still m °rt variegated impact, and light- tog could stand dramatizing for scent uated contrasting. < ommerriala by agency gabber are less than effo ill Ot In aa ali- thumbs portrayaL Ted. The trio of guesters at preem block <2B* consisted of August Heckaefoer. N Y Herald Tribune; Lowell Limpua. N. Y. Daily New*, and Thomas Schroth. Brookl>n Eagle assist ant me. As far aa this frame was concerned, -no one added anything much to what al- ready waa known from a routine ; oo of the day's news Analysis snd interpretation were man-in- ! streetish, although each panelist tried in hia own way to supply in- side angles Three or four sales pitches for products handled by the Grand I Union stores (in association with i food packers* succeeded in break- ing up the continuity. There's such a thing aa too much selling for the product's own good That f»u*inrv* about "this gay red and green label" oa the instant coffee should await color TV Subjects tackled were that day's "phony" cease-fire the It. Y. air raid drill, ^athony Eden's an- nouncement of no British partici- pation in the NATO military setup corruption in U S government, and the ‘52 Presidential campaign Best lines were Heckscher's pro- nouncement that the diaeusxion program itself symbolized western democracy in action, followed by Limpus' barb that, however, ue should “get on" with the solution of problems under treatment No one would be tricked into making predictions about Presidential nominees Caaham's sUtement {College sitting behind the profs ground simulating thr simultaneous j # Pilous nope arm*, desk translation. This had some tmut- Arden and Boh Crosby Dean McIntosh kicked off the double entendre tinea Ml. well In song spMs sod session with a brief survey of the “oe’re onlv scratching the sur- • sketch by Paylen and l<1dir historical development of uomen’a face" and the "Itch for power " Bracken hit yock levels status in America, from the re- *tr Actually, the only spot on the strict ions of earlier periods to the | n ports the comedy was forced session that diaapp«>tnt«Ml waa Uul greater independence today. She a(u j heavv-footed. but elsewhere tt by Georgie Price. His "Laugh, pointed out. however, that the di* r ,.gi*trred The technique is Clown. I*auirh" <wl!h recitation* taff position is still one of In- imaginative, making use of quirk was a bit from a former era that equality, and prophesiaadh tremen- costume and makeup change*, film didn't mix well, sandwiched be- dous changes ahead, with husband* inserts, pre-recording mimicry, tween m edem performer* The j and wives tiecoming more equal an< f M on For a low-budget local line routine* were good, but the partners in common projects, enlrv. It shows promise I girls weren’t too photogenic Jose. women being more aMe to com- Vidpic commercial for Regens —■ bine marriage abd career, a great- lighter waa handicapped by grating er partinpzimn to* women in poll- repetition of the slogan Second WHAT*H THE ANSWER tical life, and a richer and happier p | U g handled live by Ethel Colby, With Hal Betlalrx. Ed Coopee. family life flowing from the mu- kxs an effective pre*enUtion of a! fwests tual respect and sharing of re Christmas giving pitch Bnl Director Dan Sehaffman sponsiMlity between the sexe* | SB Mins : Ann.. S pm. Mrs McIntosh made an unusu-, FASHION FREVIRW SALEBNO-MEGOWEN ally articulate a pe han n. and her t with Franeea McGuire, gumt WENR-TV. Chicago views were down-to-earth clear prednaer: Clayton W. Caus e ns (Schwtoimer A Scott) ? (^3*^*1,.*!™. .! n M li ? “■ 1 *' mirk-Udrn young,ter auii pin,I L *?I »«-*▼.* * 1- . .... offering that h„ the mAmtiTi sponsiMlity between the sexes. Mrs McIntosh made an unusu- FASHION FREVIRW ally articulate spokesman and her wABIs Franeea McGuire i views were down-to-earth, clear producer: Clayton W. C rni?iT?^^*wMch FO hli7‘. n htHe r r* ri r -Whar. the Answer" I* a g.m- (JUUJli rtf .Am* nM ' ^^ **“' mick-laden youngster quit panel hau l aid d I DfJZ-TV. 2. L t offering that has the makings of a , drkwingai the dean a ljnH __ Fashion Preview moderate success Major fault and qu«* 11 e* from ■*'* ‘ r _.. Ir ^. n!r J ff ^ F^toh for the femme an easily corrected one on the show F®* T** * * * *** ™***E **lJ 1 NR — tm okay entry to the rtation s , 3 , wag that too much of totere*tmg|cro*a *ff5*®*. ^ afternoi>n programming By *h°a- the session was given over tu» the th * faahion* with an* tnechames of the questions and n mtelhgenl style commentary the g aiTM ^ an< j noi enough to the kid* y .yf! M ableto u% the difficulty of striv- yisual ** > ^*J^ 4 *f* d ^ e ****} ’5ITS5 ? solid audience of clothe* lnjJ ^ f balance between sight and that he turned in hia prophet's license back in *48 was good self- As the program was about to start 'after the opening commer- cial*, Canham turned it back for a dull quickie by Grand.. Union » proxy oo the company * expanded operations , The camera was sec- onds behind on close ups of the quartet after the announcer cued tneir names. That "Starring the Editor* ’ is a public service pro- gram didn’t jibe with the succes- sion of product plugs. Public serv- III 'f o Show it a 12-week deal. Trau. technique tried in one spot should conscious gala. m^d. ■ This time there was so be expanded, thi* turned out to be) Stanza’s format bring* to life the mur h "sight" the moppets didn't one of the moat adult discussion nyi^ featured in current slick m) |[ r n)U( h 0 ( * ‘ mniikv programs video W yet offsjed W T^e straight vi^.^Tontest* such T ^r dMDuli Md A* having the four panelists vie in . >. - desfrSm/Tus or her creations 1 umaveling race, a »kee THE UN THIS WEEK . the Mtow ItT^imple ** n *°«to* toatlier pompousijr Witb WaHer CronkMe. narrator JESl make* the version c * lM • M "^ nual ****"'> tost l Director: Roy FauAgr . aooclinr ai all time* * nd * * ord unscrambling 2B Mina.: Sun.. S pjn. ' : ' off tolled to come off video-wise with rLSBrR Ihl IfMff'rL hv ooenin* with much ****—* More Effective were CBS;TV. Ina H. T . ™LoV B »f CBS-TV «hlch h». M '; „h.t'» coming <o v.mcon, on th. ; JJW* 5T“L,. r h ^^r. Sbv^u'Ji on video coverage o( Uie Cniled Other end o( lhe phone II rtrike. ^ ^h^ lunlor hi’f* Nations general assembly session* ; a ^ Although B’s a minor b,t ***•" f 7^ in Paris, la wrapping up Us daily g aw m a generally good produc- 4 t . . „ . kinescope prints from the French Uon |,« a an 0 g g e y note which isn’t The format should do all right capital into a tightly-edited and necessary > once its gets shaken down Bel- well paced "review" of the UN for The model* used on the show lair* showed a neat flair in han* this Sunday afternoon slot. Web, M ,( they toad just stepped dlmg the kid* Hr s pleasantly ha* rented Paramount 25m kine- ^ ^ ifggwtr’ft Bazaar and had glib without giving the appear ancu scoping equipment to make pos- rnoU# j, t a to hold any stray male of pressing too hard. Same goja si Me IU day-to-day coverage, and b^ve been lookinf in 1 for Ed Cooper who worked the 1 (Continued on page 44) I ... »Murba , DoBf.