Variety (December 1951)

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the Pnxbdioa Centre* The Saturday meet Fansfta dm conducted with authority, lor an appeal tit a rendition of the melodiou* opera* tragedy. Narration hy Milton Croaa a at aa informative aad enlighten- toy aa usual, to add to ha appeal Afternoon was alao ealivened aa usual, with the several In term! talon features that have become stand- ards an these broadcasts First Intermission eras highlighted hy jrreetinga to the air audience from Met general manager Rudolf Bing and the opera's three principals Second intermission offered detphia Orchestra maestro Eugene Ormondy aadHUiac* The ha m . as guests Third intermission held the "Opera Quia," with Robert that, at times. It Imp res a ri aa a parody of the parodies On preem <J» Anhtooy was in his familiar pedaoagic guise aa he tutored the distressed guests on the nays to better living He ham died each problem with aa out- burst of personal emotion ranging from Irritation to compassion His mike manner held listener attew- t ion despite the stereotyped na- ture of hie advice on the run-of- the-mil) problems presented Series Is directed primarily at the femme dialer who aeoopts the program as a Irmas la human be- haviour and Anthony's analysis aa gospel. The atony repr is e shapes as aa important potter session fdt this group Sterling Drug, who prrvtouslv sponsored Anthony, will r'Hl up the t*t> for this series be- ginning Jan. I. Geos. a aeries ef complicated program moves la the wake ef Its deal ta wort jointly with the Motion Picture Relief Fund for two Thursday night half-hours. Two long-time CBS house packages "Yours Truly. Johnny Dollar** aad "How To" will he axed from the schedule aa a result ef IN CHICACO WMAQ'i oMm hi next week, with a i goes Into Its 17th year ear Neighbor* platter Thursday night tlaw la now tiled hy “Operation Underground and uneup." "U n de rg ro u nd" moves Into the Saturday at T pm period rc. If. via# "Johnny Dollar ** "Lineup" returns in January to the sesday night at 10 period, vice "Meet Millie ** Latter show has been mght an a ana sh ot basis by Buirk for Jan If. After that, it will be scheduled, probably In a weekend time. "How To.** now aired Sundays at S SO pm. will be bounced hy "Mr. ismeleon " Latter show is now la the Wednesday night at f slot but sees over to Sunday to make way for "Big Town." which Lever Bros, moving from NBC to CBS starting tomorrow •Wed ), date Walter Rubens, Jr., took over the job Monday (f> .. Bill War- rick has been added to BUI Bay's Chi NBC newsroom crew, replacing Bob Taylor, who resigned .. Mary AffMck. producer of Mutual's “Sing- ing Marshall" aircr back to her control room duties after a virus tussle ... Aubrey. Moore A Wallace ad agency changes Its name Jan 1 to Aubrey, Finlay. Martey h Hodgson. John Finlay will ha the new proxy, with present pros James T. An k ray moving np aa hoard chair- man aad chief exec officer .. Onte Waters has boon added ta the WLS talent stable. Cowboy singer has been featured In Columbia Pictures’ " T K Y has one of the liveliest Capital District disk jockey shows In the new 2S-minu*e Saturday eve- ning block handled by Rex Stew art. outstanding Negro trumpeter In knowledge of popular music, band background and project!Me p«* t tonality. Stewart baa no radio superior hereabouts Program Is strictly In the jam idiom If broad- ened and lengthened. Ha appeal would probably be greater On shat heard Stewart tuni- ts bled a Sue selection of numbers but none of them ranked among the currant tep If or ff. Ho found little time for the commentary and IN WASHINGTON