Variety (December 1951)

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t, mi Major Ptths Look to Kapp Patag Way at RCA for ‘Back to Melody’ Deccs Cites Unbarfe 1 With Dave Kapp »lrppu»* into* • >* RC* Victor pop artists and repertory this ereek, major publishing esec* are looking for vard to a renewed stresa on clam tii nr*, at agafn«t novelty and gim «,irk disk* In Vidor* waxing |.,i»sprttut Publisher optimum haa U-rn turd by the "where’s the melody*’* approach ossociated m trade circle* both with Kapp and <;« nrtr Marek. Victors overall *4r 1 Td**ff to the pub* on the new 1 * ** f ||»D Ujfn Donfl n-»me.ha* been Kappa ribbing ***** LI VC 11110 DdflU ’ k ' hat J!* A2JT <** 4 nnn rr **if \ ***** ux*t unusual gimmick of all— 7 .:.. ^ ■ 1W 1 • u record only great song*, to the * K Dm A tap A A Ufa Ad* finest arrangement* with the top m . ACIHOIcS Oil If 60S artUta and orchestras* Pub* are,. >•;••/ I • ■ r;— hoping that Victor'a weight in the r/IKI£ir PrMulM „ « -a-.-,— . . imiuMrv ».ll be U» <MW«« factor! PircMir, on oonrd and operated In reversing the current market — 1 >l*ti«m* to make coin by building trend towards *ouped-up wax 4fV | f local commercial show* U ad eating vound* in mbich the melody ha* KUnfllll ||f , P|lC the network*’ feeding of .-^n to,t In tho .f.u«la of ^ch- 1 IVIIUp VIW to ffn-ir aflUlMM Onr rrcul. ha. ituil wirarory of ecno chainnerx, . , . 1 Mice-dubbing* and other eledrunic II i| 1- ^° n * w,,h * fk ‘ n lh * * ,rm « He da, BH Him FA Kl? dance bend remote* on A Hi Current predicament of the pop l*ue to the fad that ABCVGoih- ! r- field 1 * spotlighted by a trade Ml kc>. WJZ went m for local pro- gag—that if jnrme Kern tretn . Mushrooming of pickup errhn gron*s on which it could ir»li«e a . e today, he probably wouldn't playing the eastern ballroom* is cash the network had tn drop pbk- Ray^alker •bo iboe a# fke Guy Lombardo received a gold platter on hia Saturday night «li Mutual radio network ahow from Decca for his cut of "Winter Won- derland. ’ which htt the 1 OII.M sale* marker this fall. Decca prei Milton R. Rackmii made the pres- entation. The \ndrew % S rater* who made the side with Lombardo were given the gold disk a couple of w eetu ago ' Early Tin Pan Aliev Inter national Rite of I .S. Son*nmith» la Hm ttuh fnnirereorv \anther 'Pickup* Orchs No Help to Biz . Mushrooming of pickup or* ha * hit sougs re cordod or pub- [M* by agency men a* a rontnbut ) hed for the past couple of reart. tng factor to the band bu down the situation haa developed to the . brat, According to the agencies •_>. -• *-■: k..... nna tra alaadilw aalltna inOut- up* ftom Sew York hotel* and r»- down> stead, wa* feeding the chain the •m irs ]»and remote* from Chicago ; Now, Pub Tension Soars Over Pressure By Disk Cos. on Bally Coin Co-op ^ l-ong-Mandtng lrrio<i* h iweon nij | major publishing firm* and disk JOMm com moles over promotional hudg- tec nits vbo Heyday 0 # Cem- ** i% currently coming to a boll. pamrs In ral m tea to the Publishing execs are squ.iwklng f ' f D , biMaety neer ln crraalM , pressure International Rite of from the disker* for them to *%- I k (Uaa.aaM.’iLa j uigir the Uoo's «harr of dt kV pio- f >on*nm9th» , ..«ai co-k , . • o • f*re«-rnt Mtu.itmu rcptcM Ot* an •miiMu'ntiii* of rrM niment by the •oe ef the anonf added* »tt*eo |m»I*s wl... fe« I th it the d V lief In *kn apeswlag 9 are retting out nf h .ml with tlieir ' '• ■ 4 ’ rressure t.*et»e* In man* r«*e« #f»fn tnnirernmry ttmhvr I tr puh« are open!.* to’d that fail- . , tire to come ae n» - on promotional ■ • j tiuili’rt*, iprtudtng adveiiismg spread*, will mean tint their fu- kjVRMETY ■ li»rr turn** will not he n proper j j consideration Pub* particulaH* Hoen*«‘d A L r I 1i.'co*M AI I fill rn I A 111 versions *«n«rait> n-sult MVIy I/1IIMI WAPa HR | in little return* tor I hem With ' ■ '' , the pul* only pelting a maximum •• _’-R^ i\ I of Is a ''dr rovaMv an oil iy of rYrnanaP llP/ll generalls. ret*rss«i»u more ■IrIH than he will get Ik*« k fnon hi* dlab noalttew on that tune The pub- In a major iwltih uffei tmr H* ' Itsher* have hem (unnl to go foreign hookup*. < <»h*tnb*a ,||ec*along with the *«•< '< .n the •w ef the mm In ike lath Innirrmin .V# usher Col, Dutch Co. In Deal ...d. ha. ron. fudrd a d. al •||h H.r "">* * •* *»" „. iU - .. rt . . ■ witb attondnrtt higti sh«**t muMf |P|Mti|»* Co. m IWiand tor eg* on Hhich the puh pavttfT is v nt whero many publUbera have . haUcotm opt are steadily calling however \B< s WKNR m the *hangr and distiihutMin of masters MHO substantial bean deliberately bypassing the for Inexpensive pickup bands to be W ind\ Clt| I* also skidding hwal in England and the tontinent l*ac» v , lHl , uldaru i*. ..J a..,.. a h.. k.a h.aft^kM > n*nt« uwIruiit.nUli.l a_ . a. _ at m j ^ .i.. : ..j; a _ .a.. ! ’’ M# «r S. 1,1 i deliberately bypassing the for inexpensive pickup band* to be w ind\ Clt| ts also bedding focal in England and tho- r..»• t *Md rnmam i >.l ‘ong* in favor of the bad headed by a name inatrumrntaltat. vianaa* in the 11 30 p m period ^a* recently <1 in iht* »hib aiixv . ie- the theory being that if a ■ 1" •"Id»cut down overhead which mean* that lumd pit kups county) between Jim Crinkling (e uIh Jnt t,7^w*u» Mu d.hv tiumhrr were *‘bad enough ' It lb* °Pa * r n b«*coming »rlf*st>led from Ckt are also being nixed to , iumbia proxy, and r«p* of PHIHps. ' fiMHnsehr* ttfoit* hosmr nr# t'Hild break for a fast hit ( impresario* demanding that orxh* their *Uce ABC in beaming *u*- Deal with Philips Ur* t .!!' , l(4M * r to mean #e a solid Publishers are anxious to see the °l *f or l*y ( '!‘ vnrn ^ f,,rmea ialner* *uth as the Economic Co- ; faHnPer ef electronir etpiipim nt in { * IOM< ,, f xtw ln<l|or pMhfcrf* i-n- MarekAUpp policy click at Victor , Opernilon Administration s Cun- j Europe, means that €*!***£*'«**% through the medium of tj» cert of Europe ' the Pwi Amrtiinil long standing agreement with tiie x| M *.j r imhliahrnt PirUeetivr H*xo 11 enable them to get Tfct hybrid orch* are usually cert of Europe” the Pan-American long-*t ami mg lamentala of the mu- ^Whipped together overnight, Ml;Cnion't "House Party,** ami ti»e British EMI • Instead of waiting for * inc * the majority of the sidemen Army-produred ’Operation Due" liMludrirtt / Iw chair ’ novelty hits to * r * una cco iamed to p!a>mg to- * avers The ( .dumb** tha blur. I her wUl 'hrr yrurr. l' y p.w lur. a Th .„ h> . brrn a lum • *»» lion to lay out plug- HB"*** .. UWOaUI>Cf T. tine of hotel* and clubs mailing to [ : —— because II Will enable them to get * nr **sw-«y bark to fundamental, of the mu-ji * h *PP^ eyrnigM bo4 sic business. Instead of waiting for *i nc # the majority of the sidemen the rocking-chair’ novelty hits to «ro unaccuatomed to playing to- *••<00 out of the blue, they will f e< { l * r ' f en ^J v * be li t position to lay out p | ug listlesa unbalanced sound A»- unpresaruni <i« manding that ort hs their place ABC' n braining su*» Dr'al with Philip*, larg* *4 iwanu «o ; pd or 12 s.drmeo be fmiMi Is fa Inert *uch a* the Economic i’o- \ facturer of electronic rc|Oipm«-nt in M^Mp H lpf|RB l . ;• • ; ■’ operation Administration s “Can- Europe, mean* that ('olumbia'* Th* •'■;P>hnd «>rch* are usually cert of Europe.** the Pan-Ameilean j long-*l ami mg agreement with tiie »'» ■**House Party,** ami tl»e British EMI 'Electrical A Musical ' * r ii !hr h. Mll 9 , M |^ -produced ‘Operation Ihxie" InduMrlewi IteO been terminated. .• ■■ The Columbia EMI part expires in gmg schedules on class tune* and fh . h *' e ’beir ortb* frd to a network ««Ek intensively on them. 1 U !V* And freuuenily a band would take Experience of the pmd ooupte ; of vears hat shown that pubs make f |h d . |h . . f h;id a wire, with the little money on the novelties. Even ^ ^ ' fea " that the publicity vi little money on the novelties. Even top hits en wax in this cate- gory have not been sheet music- stdiers. whereas such ballads as i f •# My Leve ’ and Toe Young’* have paid off in substantial ropy Mies, and that s where the big profit for publishers is found. Clirifr P.D. State’ : Oa Conrrifh Ti ture established name band* a hotel date primarily hrd»uo it had a wire, with the leader figuring that the publirity value of a chain -hrmcasing is well worth while DECCA INTO JAP MKT. VIA TOKYO CO. DEAL Drcri Record* has moved Hkta Some of the m.t jor artb4« are ,#Ko |irr*vur j| the puh* to come tbiourh with big promotional out- ta** «*i» Hie tune* which tbev re- ford In Mime inviaorcs aitinta ji« turwme-down timo <f a piw> motional campaign isn’t guaran- teed me cp«. m ever *he con u web* have been happy to air the the Japane*e maiket. via a d*-ai |I AMI IV-L P T»aa la - fCHHtMHti p* p*M MH , remotes, which filled their xkeds with the Teiehlku Wetord (’« oi IfCW WH w* IH H ' w ithout programming cost* Audi- Tukvo. which will pre * and .tis tlf%L D J * If JOHNNIE RAY HITS BK COIN VU DISK CLICK For 3 Disk Fi Inn port a nee of • disrUrk In build ", i> tT r * r T ina an artiM a nilary aM ihratr* *«*»'• * r » '«• k*-« f«r • r*t,ork date tea i. Wa avidrnrrd te •' ,h * v ™"« •'< •" •“V' 1 Johnny Hav a *k»ro( hating via hi« m •h»ir o»n dlf. »huh ,« ntm hr- Okah atrhinga. Ob tha of ^""‘■a iha raw a. rhr chain k. »» tha Mg noiw erratrd by -Cry ' ' h *’ lr tea — w ri al or par. and "Litllo White Ctood That Program, Thu. I hr di- thout programming n»*tv Audi- lonvo. wturn wm piesa anni WKm D - J- if ttonally, they generally tel flOfV tribute the V: S. masters it* Nip- I WFt| KBDuOITI ll^USC tl50 a week from a hotel for the pon The deal follows nMnc* l*> AH IP* line costs, making 1 small profit several publishers to establish of-| (J[| tUCdtlOIPl jfflCS the operation bees In Japan as a result of the With line rharges increasing Popularity of U, S mtmif there In a major eduratinnni disk v#n- «n the operation bees rn Japan as a result of fiie bd . niierT and itZatr# ^^el* are less keen for a network du * lo American MMpntten ln-»p* lure a new outfit Enrichment Ma- ts aaam avtdwmrd hv remote If they rant get an outlet 1 I>e*pite the recent J*|».mt*Mr mryi loc . haa tied up with the ".T^hr.teg hU '« "«tr_o«n c,ly. «h..h kte W-WjaaS^Or r«,rrn.y ^ M #r „, w „„ in niTii uw h xny f w im n ix imm* ^ \ ■ •* coming the case as the rhain key* remittances from Japan are sitn beam their own commercial or par- 1 restricted due to I < «*f dol- lars. Three disk companies were Cried.** Ra»*a figure has gone up nme available for re- brought Into line last week for re- from scale to $1,700 weekly motes i* being more drastically rut. leasing copyrighted tunes with He’s already played the Town During the summer some w.h* * public domain ’ credits on the Casino. Buffalo, at that price and -kedefed more remote* as a cheap label. its slated for a return there early way of filling hiatuses But now M-C-M Pockets Keys . seru-S Itased on the latter rom- p.iiv * scries of histm ical butie* fur high u huol student* / Random House series, titled landmark H«Mtks," are being cut down to IS* credits on the Casino. Buffalo, at that price and -kedded more remote* as a cheap Imther augmenting its rhvthm dramatiMtion* on the dt-ks. | la slated for a return there early : way of filling hiatuse* : : But now and blues stable. M-G-M Hetmd* ^will be marketed through I-arry Spier's music firm got year at $3 000 weekly. It s the net* are figuring that they ran inked The Ke>s. vocal instrumental n .gwiar retail a* well a* a« ademic Decca to change the p d. statu* of understood he'll get a New York do better by operating their o-and- combo, to a long term pact Group ( .), annr |, ‘l»ut Your Little root Might Out’* showcasing soon at New Yotk’s o's as local entities and the baton- pieviouxly etched on the lamdon Th# dl1ik project Iw being *pon- un a Rum Morgan disk, since the Go p a c a h ana nttery. ‘ wietders are doing a burn Ubrl. *ored bv a group of topflight edu- JuAa was in Bpier’s catalog. King hhhb———B WH ftr^ i^WMWHmHMBmmggwwgmwgBmjBggggggggg^ ratumal leaders, who sre it hecom* Records also released the tune aa j “ mg a valuable teaching adjunct. * p d. instrumental by pianlat Mur- 'll Martha Huddleston, bead of the Arnold under the title of ’ Var- * Iccn Age Bo«>k ( lub. is piloting •oviana.’’but will give Spier billing 'he was series, which will drbut in Hie future. ■ , ;_■ on the market early next >ear. Mm-ury Rarorda had a .Imllar I AT TT C /X/XM I H.ndom Hou^ ,ind(ha •«"«« •*« problam wtiti l.rrda Muuc on iu I S J||T NI K JIM I ihr -L,nd.niirk h«A. .lit partkrt- release of the oldie. Down In the >1 m lb#V^ • pate in the disk vale* via a ruvalty \ alley.** in a Patti Page version. | | ' •*HHm<annm<iHnonpnH<iniinlp<mnknn*S , manhHop deal. M hile “Valley** is In the public do- I Th* Eniichownt Materials firm main. Mercury used the copvrjght II ** mrt»ally packaging lour sets cd Leeds arrangement and hence I Th* fl dealing with the discovery of Amer- •greed to drop the pd. credit on I Ira. the ponv espresa the ( alifor- label. m A w o m*e w nia gold rush and landing of th# OUT SOON! Th* Atakian Back From 8-VVcck Europe Tour v Gt'orga Avakian, bead of C'olum- ma Records’ international divisio , relumed to New York yesterda * lues) after an eight-week tour o Europe He accompanied his wife. Motuiist Anahid Ajemian. and the Utter's sister. Maro. a pianist, on i^>eir concert swing around the Continent .' 1 . Avakian, who ia also Coi% Jan authority, is prepping release of a B'g Beiderbecke album as part of *he company’s "Golden Era" series «f reissues. •*W*aiaawBateotekteaiMte^^M*aw ■ t ♦ , . . . . .'•••*. • ' •’ . • ' ' ’ • Kcuy'i Own Combo Herb Kenfiy. former member of th « Ink Spots and brother of BiU Kr »*y. recently organised a vocal (umbo billed aa the Herb Kenny Quartet. Group will record an the indH P^tige Record label * " 46th Anniversary Number clorisf shortly Dsoal Mwrtisiat rate pmsil Special exploitation advantages '. . • • ’ . •* ’’ . * • . •,•*.' ■’'■'* ' • • • ' ... • * ■ '.* s J . ; f ■ ' i; - v .• •• ' , • Copy and space reservafio/is may ba tent to any Variety office NIW YOtC It IM W. 4Bfe IS. MOUYWOO# 38 $111 Yteso Si. CHIC ABO II $11 M. Hittepas A*o. LONBOM. W. C. t I SO. Mortb’i Etece M »• V • f * * » *<N'ed by a group of topflight edu- rstumal leaders, who see it becom- ing a valuable teaching adjunct. Martha Huddleston, brad of the Teen Age Book ( tub. is piloting the was series, which will itebut on the market early next year. Random House and the authors of the "Landmark'* hooks will partici- pate in lhr di*k vale* via a royalty deal. . '' V '.v ; .. Jhe Eau Uhmcnt Materials firm is initially packaging four *ets dealing with the dua-overy of Amer- ica. the ponv express, tiie Califor- nia gold rush and landing of tha Pilgrims Future arts will cover the remainder of the 20 hooks in the Random House "Landmark** %eilex Howard Tooiey is writing and producing the wax version*, with B«b Bell directing Columbia Transcription* Colum- bia Knut ds' rust ten record div t* A is pressing tiie wax sets on regular lung play disk* and In 7$ rpm form Price of the alinims will be fixed after production rosti on the Aim four are detei n Capitol Hikes Dividend To 25c on Common Stock Hollvwood Dec 4 Capitol Records board of direct- ors dec I a red a year-end dtv Blend on the common stork of 2V.. pay- able Dec 20 to stockholders nf rec- ur d The 20 The |Ei0 dividend payment on the ^ommun >lotk wa* 12 1 vc. . The regular AV dlv»d» nd on the pr» ferred stuck was al>« declared, able Jan. 1, l$53^