Variety (December 1951)

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RAMO-TELEVISION 1951 Tele FoDowups melody by tapping glasses filled with water to the correct height to give the desired pitch. They got through the number with nary a miss in their tapping. Chordettes, Janette Davis and the rest of God- Radio Reviews was Continued from page 31 J Janette Davis and the rest of God- \mSmSSSS5SSSSSSSSSSSm Continued from page M ssssssssasssij personal trlompl, in the , eornic^ ftkir terp, backed by & ,1ft I SJfifW mime department with gallery familiar Oriental airs. of ‘impersonations that included Show’s closer~was a production tt *« j period piece, spotting regular Bette . Davis, Olrtfia De Havilland, ch.irp e r Jack Bussell in “Sacra- Delen Hayes, Gloria Swanson, Judy mento, California.” The backing Holliday and Tallulah Bankhead, was choral and dance. All Of it The last-named* worked! out in a jyneatly s tag«d ^hd^well voealled, skit, was amazing. Buteven more. better &an fair'Show While .... ... . ... . , (K . uuua . ...... so was her Holliday takeoff. Gal’s the two stylists were away. will unveil its 1952 plans, with 17 ^ caught had Bead nar- types of not only richly-endowed technically — dXt*Tu2&^ but she has fine poise and avticu^ CBS-TY’s “Godfrey and Friends,” i 0 £i level and addition Of four Remus, how. Brer Rabbit saved his fire and inspiration. Bron late charm and is a blonde looker apparently with an eye to the po- 9f . nrp ., hn _ bunnies from Brer Fox and Brer J ■ ' - ‘ iat^ charm and is^a blondelooker > t ^ ial ^petition f r0 m NBC-TVV IwS ?' Wolf with only a jug Of molasses with taste m wardiobe. new ‘‘Kate Smith Evening Hour,” Terence this afternoon (Wed.). as ammunition. Enacting three NOTES FROM THE NEW WORLD Show wisely elected to tee : off has undergone almost a complete .The national projects, calling for animal parts, also, spieler dropped With Jose Ferrer, Lynn Fontamie, with the Billy Williams Quartet change in format since the begin- a wide variety of pitches ranging philosophical bits, such as “Looks Mrs. Elehnor Roosevelt, others: 6 hnw »5 rptfiiinrc Thuv u,armoH if ning of this, season. (Rating on from direct mail to personal calls, like critters is mos’ as bad as folks,' Walter Abel, narrator sno^s ^ul^Jhe^^imed, it the Godfrey show is still almost and includin g some research sometimes,” Writer; Kensinger Jones with a sizzling After You ve Gone double Miss Smith’s Wednesday studies, will tell radio’s story to. Yarn-spinning is easy going , and 90 Mins.; Mon* (10), 10:30 p.m. and wrapped it up via a “My Blue night entry-) Where the comic-i national advertisers, n a t i o n a 1 ear-attracting, with a lesson here Sustaining in ineir usual vapauic cross-the-board segment to Lib- ing, particularly at the start. Per- iasnion. . erty’s 435 stations. haps it 'was the questions, or the ' , Stories and songs are originals manner in which Davis threw them BAB TO UNVEIL ’52 by asouth h crn * r whose g ut a n y g way! S pro r grm sSJmdeddSli M IM l* urPT VAhiV multiple talents are-showcased to and not too Informative. Discussion PLAN At HILL I lUUAl advantage in this kid-catcher that of the prevalence of arthritis and _ ' . i - also has a definite appeal to family rheumatism, . and importance of Broadcast Advertising Bureau _ . . cortisone, is fairly oldhat, Alloca- Will unveil its 19&2 plans, with 17 ® r uupp* ^ tion of funds for different types of but she has fine poise and aviiciiT CBS-TV’s “Godfrey and Friends,” late charm and is a blonde looker l apparently with an eye to^the po- and wrapped it lip via ear-attracting, with a lesson here Sustaining Heaven” special. Herb Shriner was spent i^ost o£_liis <,{Jains and- associations and na- and there for the youngsters. AM, from St. Louis held in a be vance until 10*17 («?hnw 0*^ 6 ?^ 6S<1 ^.u night hour behind^ a tional bankrollers who work on Abetted by organist Ray Plagens* The united Nations. Human Jgtoi *hd^utes^f: SoSt ^ ‘he local levels (^/dealer co-ops. taOgrouri music and *pundcf- Rights Day was marked on Mon- his, Hoosier snappers Sometimes now participating fully in. some e ^ G -^ A im ^ ^ create niore n<?t- a heftymoppet following. day a 90-minute. special he was curiously on the blue side, oke production n u pi b e r s. Last work blz and also tG aid th ® * ocal 3 y mo ppet iouowm g. program on ABC that had a good a treatment .not befitting^his^ talents. Wednesday night (5), for example, station via upping the use of co-op deal of feeling fdr the princinles Ol course, he s one of the few who the show was staged in a nitery and spot campaigns. ADVENTURES IN SCIENCE of the human i* can get away w th it, setting, with Godfrey as emcee, BAB’s local projects, such as re- , W | t N Wafioi? Davis; Gen, George rights declaration. It wMM wm • • : ovvViiigt vy nu vvuaavj ui> viaivvvf ’ VVlvlI TV tflfHIll V«if UCIb AavVIg^ ■ kriPiA«11 • i The in-between was very Worth and most of the action came off tail information folders and dealer C. Kenney, Dr. Darrell C. Crain, ;°asicauy a musical program, While, topped by the socko colora- Well. co-op data, are: being qualitatively guests with the words nicely integrated tura stuff of Patrice, Munsel in High spot of the\show was a num- improved and quantitatively in- 15 Mins,; Sat., 3:15 p.m* into a tribute to the document Strauss’ “Artist's Life”, waltz^ cen- her turned in by the Vagabonds, creased, in some cases by 50-100%. Sustaining . which sets the goal of equal rights tering a production rig-up. Jimmy a quartet of instrumental zanies. In addition, four new projects will CBS, from Washington for large and small nations, for Nelson and bis two dummies were who came out With mops to do be incepted by the indhistry pro- Transcribed series was back on men and women, and equality of -otion bu re au. ___ the air Saturday (8, after a 10- handling wa S the waS W hurt*,by a PhlladeipMa^Baymond 3. Lloj-d, backgrounding. Easy to take was ing medical assistance af4er the of WlP’s engineering staff, was Fight Against Arthritis, and lining \y 0 rld Symphony.“-It showed how Judy Johnson s snappy “Doctor, show. Another bright spot was honored with an informal party JJP Gei J-^f or g e ^ Ke hncy, prez of tlie Czech linked the songs of the Lawyer, Indian Chief/’ encased at Godfrey's participation with the staged by Benedict Gimbel, Jr., the.Arthritis & Rheumatism Foun- American Indian the European an air strip eatery. Smasho in a Mariners, his vocal quartet, and president of the. station, on the dation, and Df. Darrell C. Crain, peasant and the American Neero gentle sort of way was magico the rest of the cast in a new celehration of his 25th anniversary P* ez , °* Foundations D. C. a ll expressing sadness and hone'for Duval with multiple egg tricks plus novelty tune, “The Tinkle Song/* at WIP. The station’s oldest eh- chapter, as guests. a better world into his svmbhonv smoke-producing sans pipe, tobacco After the vocal chorus, Godfrey gineer in point of service, Lloyd Although the subject was im- The narration by Lynn Fontanne or match. Mata & Hari did a serio- and the others plinked out the joined WIP, Dec. 1, 1926; portant, and the. guests of ^eat and the acting was effectively tied ~ J . r ^ , . < . . 1 .. ,, ' ■ —.— • . • . . ■ , ■ — r- . ' . «■■ ■ / • ■■■■■• with the music. In another portion, w* Jose Ferrer read the preamble to ^ ^ the Human Rights Declaration, and M m m A K m then did it .to the backgrounding W H 1 m f ■ ■ ■ Of music specially written by I AViifiTJiKik A | MVa m ||/i ■ I WKwm Mm messages from Mrs, Eleanor Roose- I * I ™ velt and UN president Luis Padilla M I. m; Nervo, both speaking, from Paris, " . where the UN is now in session. ^We’ve always been pleased over the-fact that you chose a Mack Truck chores neatly 11311(116(1 the ® mcec to carry your fabulous wardrobe of gowns, your props and sets over Music was provided by the St. thousands of niiles throughout the United States, and that you are now £°V is u Symphony, under Vladimir thinking of a Mack bus to carry the troupe, ’ voices. Latter was used effectively ^ in the choral movement of Bee- ^ Rb ^ m * ■ thoven's N i n t h Symphony, with M ffl m M ■ Rs “All manldnd wilf be brothers’* ■ ff l ff ff theme, f r o m the Schiller poem. jr, ^ V RkffLl Musically it summed up the ptinci- mAFM Wm f WmMI ff ff Iffk pies behind the UN credo. ■ MMm m M iff I MM 11/1 I Program was somewhat diffuse • k V and slow-moving, but was a better- I than-average public service show. ’’We’ve always been pleased over the-fact that you chose a Mack Truck to carry your fabulous wardrobe of gowns, your props and sets over thousands of niiles throughout the United States, and that you are now thinking of a Mack bus to carry the troupe,” •’After two and one-half years of touring throughout the land, through ~”tain, inow, up mountains, on gded and bad roads, it is / who salute you for producing a Mack truck that weathered every circumstance. The Mack never broke down; it was never late for performance; in fact, we had no worries. We can^t imagine how we could have toured without it. It was the best investment we ever made. It is the most heartfelt salute 1 coulcT give,” . \ 4 w®m Hildegarde now appearing nightly at Cotillion Room, ”" Hotel Pierre, New York Chicago, Dec. 11. Video set Circulation in the. Windy City area finally edged above the 1,000,000 mark, accord- ing to the latest Electric Assn, sur- vey. Sales during October totalled 32,108, bringing ^the top figure to 1,027,738. October sales set a new mark for the year. Installations are still running considerably below 1950, however. The same month a year ago saw 57,990 sets installed. s’ w v v ^ ' ,x'' .*>¥ 7 ^ *• sO S v N V S ^ -MW- -m-i N V / f SN **, % ***s / X ^ nT ni i - sV" ' NN '•V* <* <\. 4 Reasons The foremoil rftitional and loco ad- VorlUors uso WEVO y*ar afftf year to roach tho vail lewish Market of Metropolitan New York 1, v Top adult programming 2. String audionco impact 3. .Inherent listener loyalty 4. Potential buying, power Send fee a cop y ol 'WHO’S WHO OH WEVD Henry brennfield, Man. Dir. WEVD 117-11 9 West 46th St,, i New York 19