Variety (January 1952)

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46 OillB|1IU9W«W Wednesday January 9, 1952 Jocks; m. Perry Como: “Tulips and Heath-1 er”-“PleaSe Mrr 'Sui” (Victor). , Perry Coma’d ' expert;' 'workover of these two top ballads should rack up plenty of spins. It’s Como’s best job in some months, “Tulips and Heather” is a solid romantic item rich in. melody and mood. Tune’s sentimental flavor is projected excellently by Comb’s understanding delivery. “Please Mr. Sun” is another of the new year’s ■strong ballad entries and should nab an equal number of juke and jock plays. Tune’s plaintive quality is aided by Como’s simple and direct styling; Mitchell Ayres orch lends an able assist on both sides; Mindy Carson: “Allegheny Fiddler”-“Dance Me Loose” (Victor), “Allegheny Fiddler” is a jaunty novelty item due for big returns. Blending of a bouncy beat and an ingratiating lyric makes it a sure jock and juke 'bet, Mindy -Carson handies the vocal with an infectious gaiety. Hugo Winterhalter’s spirited orch backing gives the side another important plus. Although Miss. Carson gets across an okay rendition of “Dance Me Loose,” she’ll And it tough pulling ahead Of Arthur Godfrey’s Columbia waxing. Les Paul & Mary Ford: “Tiger Rag’VTt’s a . Lonesome Old Town” (Capitol). Paul-Ford team tees off the 1052 platter sweepstakes with, one of its best entries. Combo’s electric workover: of /the . oldie “Tiger Bag,” should dominate for some time. Paul’s effective guitaring and Miss Ford’s multiplevoiced handling Of the lyric blend into an exciting platter. . Reverse is a change of pace but. a continuation of the Paul-Fopd electronic gimmickry. Gordon Jenkins Orch: “Somebody” “Anna Maria” (Decca). “Somebody” is" a pleasant waltz item which is handled, affectionately by Gordon Jenkins’ orch; and chorus. It’s easy on the ear atfd with a proper juke jolt could move into the big seller class. Bob Carrbll is effective on the vocal. ..“Anna Maria,” although given a bright Jenkins’ interpretation, is just a so-so side. Johnnie Ray: “Please Mr. Sun”“ Broken Hearted”. (Columbia). Currently riding high with “Little White Cloud That Cried” ahd “Cry,” Johnnie; Ray haS a potent entry in “Please Mr.’ Sun.” His pulsating delivery ’Of the tender lyric will build his stock as a bobby sox fave. On the M-G-M* label* Tommy Edwards dishes out a . sincere, straightforward rendition of “Sun.” It should catch on despite the Ray phenomenon. On “Broken Hearted,” Hay’s vocal' ylbrattos seem overly dramatic achieving an unintentional ludicrous effect, Johnny Desmond: “Until”-“Oh, My Dartin’ ” (Coral). Johnny Desmond, who recently ankled. the M-G-M fold, gets off to. a fair start with initial Coral release. “Until” is an okay entry which Desmond sells convincingly. Tune, however. Isn’t strong enough to stand up in current big ballad market despite the standout piping. . Reverse is an Americanization of the French tune “Alouette.” Desmond’s saucy workover makes it a good juke bet Victor Marchese: “Flamingo”“When I Dream of Home (M-G-M). M-G-M has a potent tenor attraction in Victor Mar chese. On his initial sides for the diskery, Marchese displays an ex citing wax personality whose welltrained pipes should build a fol lowing of pop and semi-longhair platter fans. His voice is pure and clear and his vocal range is an ear arrester. Although the oldies “Flamingo” and “When I Dr&am of Home” are aptly suited to his top styling, Marchese’s entry in the male disk sweeps would have been stronger With at least one new pop tune, Doris Day: “Oops”-“Baby Doll” (Columbia). “Oops.” a novelty number from the forthcoming Metro fllmusical “Belle of New' York.’’ has a good chance to click via Doris .Day’s' workover!. Cute lyric idea Is well complemented by a refreshing melody with Miss Day projecting the happy refrain . in standout style. Margaret Whiting’s cut on. Capitol captures the same spark while Debbie Reynolds, on the M-G-M la^el, is okay but lacks the disk Savvy displayed by Misses Day and Whiting. “Baby Doll/’ also from the pic score, is given an effective rendition by Miss Day in a more serious vein. Paul Weston’s orch scores with a firstrate backing assist, Rick* Vallo: “Trust in Me”-“Ruby Lips -Emerald Eyes” (M-G-M). Ricky Vallo impresses as a strong addition to the M-G-M stable with his solid etching of the oldie “Trust in Me.” Young baritone knows the value of a lyric and prpjcds the ease. Vallo eatman Animal Surrey of Song Hfe on Radio and TV romantic mood with is also sock oil the lighter reverse item. It’s a gay cornfed number which he belts out 1 with exuberance. . This side could make him another juve set ave. Guy Mitchell: “Wimmin’^We Won’t Live in a Castle” (Columbia). “Wimmin” is potent fodder or the folk faddists who’ve been warily watching the folktune decline during the past few months, This, side could bring a resurgence with full force. It’s got a charming lilt and an infectious lyric. Mitchell boosts his stock /with his captivating, highly humorous vocal rendition while Mitch Miller’s orch hacking (French horns stressed) adds a spicy flavor. It's headed for top jock and juke spins. Mitchell changes pace nicely on the fllpover. It’s a sentimental number which he delivers with feeling, Ella Fitzgerald: “Baby Doll”“Lady Bug” (Decca). Ella Fitzgerald handles “Baby Doll,” ballad entry from Metro’s “Belle of New York,” with enough warmth and care to make it a sbek Wax potential. Miss Fitzgerald’s rich piping builds a mellow mood which shoiild capture the juke trade, Bottom slice is a Miss Fitzgeraldstyled blues number but not so effective. Dinah -Shore: “Life Is a Beautiful Thing”-“Why Should I Believe in Love” (Victor).. Coupling of tunes from the Paramount film Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick” should net Only moderate returns in the jock and juke market. Dinah Shore gets the most out of “Life Is a Beautiful Thing” with her warm thrushing. Tune has a pleasant lilt and a . charming sentiment but is too reminiscent in both lyric though , and melodic line to click. Bottom deck is a ballad item, too heavy for popular appeal. Plotter Pointer* The late Charley Christian, guitarist, is featured on an exciting 10 inch LP waxing of a jam session taped! in 1941 by the indie Esoteric label. Christian is expertly backed by Thelonius Monk, piano; Joe Guy, trumpet; Kenny Clark, drums, ' and Nick Finton, bass . . . Rita Moss shows off some top blues styling in her Decca’ initi&ler, “Datlin” . . Red Foley is headed > for big returns with his workover of the “Snow White” fave, “Whistle. While You Work” (Decca) . . . Norman Kaye continues to impress on “Once I Loved [You.” (Capitol)1. . . Thea Weavers and Gordon Jenkins Orch have . an exciting African folk number in “Wimoweh” (Decfca). (Jan, I# 1951* to Jan . l, I9R2 ) if The 15 song hits with the largest radio and r television audiences are listed below in order of the total AC} Points received in the ACI radio and TV surveys during 1951. The top 10 Standards of the year on radfo and television combined are also listed. Songs WhoSe activity began in 1950 are indicated by the 1950 date. Spngs currently active are marked by an asterisk. x Total ACI Song Title and Production Publisher Too ' Young / . , . . . . . . . . . • • . * , • ••*.• * * ,, . • .Jefferson If . . . . < , . . . . . ». • . . «> »■ .« • Shapiro-B ♦Because of You (I was An American Spy) ..... . . .V . ■:»’.* . . .Broadcast Be My Love (195.0) (Toast of New Orleans). * * . . . . .Miller You’re Just in Love (1950) (Call Me Madam) .......... , , . . » ..... . Berlin ■. Mockin Bird Hill . .*«»»,» . */.. . • .... » » . ,, . Southern Tennessee Waltz (1950). ... . . .Acuff-R W Quid i Love 'You . > . . • • , Ili6ney .-My Heart Cries for You (1950) • .. ■, . ; . . . • ... « . . • , , « ■* . .... . * ^4a§sey How High the JMoon. ./. ■*> • . . . • ... .r. ... . , • , .'«.« , .... *■• ... • .'..Chappell Shanghai ... > • ... ■» > ... •>. • « A^dvaiiced Rank Points l 39,148 2 39,027 3 37,924 •:4 37,230 5 34,490 6 27,594 7 27,486 8 26,005 9 23,905 10 23,360 11 23,042 12 22,204 13 20,400 14 19,920 15 19,919 Total ACI Rank Points 1 12,260 2 9,763 3 8,513 4 8,168 5 6,753 0 6,465 7 6,288 8 5,945 9 5,633 10 5,620 • * i « • r Loveliest Night of Year (Great Caruso) , . * In Cool: of Evening (Here Comes the Groom) ■ ... . .. It’s a Lovely Day Today (Call Me Madam) (.1950), . Aba Daba Honeymoon (Two Weeks With Love) . . . Top Standards * • • ». 4 • # • • .Robbins .Burke-VH * * * ... > .. , Berlin .Feist Song Title Lullaby of Broadway. . ; . . . ...... . . . . . ; . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . Publisher .Witmark ...... ..... ... ........... .Harms: ' . . . ...... . .... . . . . Famous Tea for Two. Lover On the Sunny Side of the Street. .. ... . . ..... . . ... . . . ..... . ... . « , . . ...Shapiro-B That. Old . Black .^lagic ... . . « ,, , , « , • .<«*., , ... « ... , *«; . » , . » . •»«•■'* t . * v . •* Famous Take Me Out to the Ball Game . . ... . . . . ; . , * . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . ... . ..Broadway All . the Things You Are. *..»»'« ■ . . ,*«'»» * , . -Chappell Tenderly •E. H. Morris Tico Tico . < . « . r« , . V, , , , i , * * . ... « . • • . i Chas.K.Harns S IT onderf ul « . . ... . . , ■ , . . . , , . ... ■ . • . /Harms (Jan. 1, 1951, to Jan. X, 1952) The 35 song hits With the largest radio audiences listed below in order Of the total ACI points received in the ACI Surveys during 1951. Number of U. S. Tour of Valencia Orch Guest Maestro, in Works . Columbia Artists Mgt. is dickering to bring over the Valencia Orchestra from Spain, for a tour of North and South America this spring, with Jose Iturbi as guest conductor. Tour would be. managed by the Goppicus, Schang & Brown division of. Columbia, and cover eight weeks in the U. S., prior to the South American visit. Frederick C. Schang, prez of Columbia, made a special trip to the Coast over the holidays to. discuss the matter with Iturbi, and got his okay. Schang is now in cable negotiations with Valencia town authorities (the orch is a muny venture), to see if the trip can be made this spring, and a muny guarantee provided. Iturbi, who is well known as conductor as well as pianist, formed the Spanish orchestra some years ago (Valencia is his home town). He not only toured Spain with it, but also took it on a successful tbur of England: and France. There’s also "beep some question Of Columbia taking on concert management of Iturbi as solo artist, since Jean Dalrymple relinquished the post due to her recent marriage and stay, abroad. Iturbi’s pix-^and foreign concert commitments are likely to prevent this tieup, however, although Columbia’s recital department is handling (as a One-shot) the special concert which Iturbi is presenting, at Carnegie Hall, N. Y., ' Saturday afternoon . (12). Iturbi • will direct the RCA Victor Symphony in four concertos, by Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Liszt,, conducting from the piano. Total Weeks ACI ACI Rank Points Surve; .1 28,571 24 2 27,31 U 33 3 27,273 31 4 ; 25,943 35 5 25,079 31 6 22,374 2d 7 -21,548 25 8 19,957 25 9 18,668 19 10 18,442 21 11 16,447 23 12 16,164 30 13 16,034 26 14 15,671 29 is 14,443 19 16 14,149 17 17 13,447 26 18 13,318 22 19 13,095 18 20 12,929 26 21 12,551 14 22 12,130 16 23 11,818 18 24 11,668 17 25 11,654 14 26 11,235 19 27 10,983 15 28 10;903 16 29 10,380 24 30 10,358 18 31 10,188 21 32 10,184 19 33 10,161 21 34 10,085 17 35 9,822 22 Publisher . V . . . . , Shaplro-B . . . ... .Jefferson . Miller Song Title and Production If Too Young ... Be My Love (1950) (Toast Of New Orleans) . ... Because^ of You (I Was An American Spy) ■ Broadcast You’re Just in Love (1950) (Call Me Macjam) . . . . Berlin Tennessee Waltz (1950) . ; . . ..... ..... Acuff-Rose Mockin’ Bird Hill*. \ ,, , . ..... . . Southern Would I Love You (Love You Love Ypu) . . . ; . , . , ... . . ■; Disney My Heart Cries For You (1950) . , . , . . . . . . . . , . .. . Massey Shanghai . . . . . ; . . ..... * . . . . Advanced ♦In the Cool of. Evening (Here Comes Groom) . . . . . . . > . , ... ........ Burke-VH Loveliest Night of Year (The Great Caruso) , . ... . . . ... . . . . . . . Robbins It’s a Lovely Day^oday (1950) (Call Me Madam) .... . . ........... Berlin How High the -M'o^n . . . , . ....... . . . . Chappell Aba Daba Honeymoon (Two Weeks With Love) Feist Mister and Mississippi. — . ............... Shapiro-B *1 Get Ideas . HilL& R I Apologize . . .... DeSylVa-B&H .A Penny, a ICiss*. ... . .. .. . . . 'Shapiro-B Hello Young Lovers (The King and I) . . Williamson ♦.(It’s No) Sin . ............... ,v , . . . . . . . ; Algonquin A Bushel and a Peck (1950) (Guys and Dolls) . . . . ‘. Morris You and Your Beautiful Eyes. (At War With Army) Paramount If I Were a Bell (1950) (Guys and Dolls) Morris ♦Undecided Leeds May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You . .Pickwick "♦Down Yonder. . > . .... ... . .... ... ... La Salle On Top of Old' Smoky Folkways Syncopated Clock; , ,M[illS ,, My Truly Truly Fajr. ... . . . . . SantJy-J I Whistle a Happy Tune (The King and IK... ...... . . . . . . . . Williamson Wonder Why (Rich, Young aiid Pretty) .... ; . .. . . . . Robbins Morningside of the Mountain. . .Remick I Love Way You Say Goodnight (Lullaby of Broadway) ..... . . /. Remick I’m Late (Alice in Wonderland). . . . . . . ; . . . ... , . < Disney Top Hits on TV .• ••• • . . . . . , . . . . Berlin . Chappell ( Jan. 1, 1951, to Jan. 1, 1952 ) The 35 song hits with the largest television audiences are listed below in order of the total ACI points received in the ACI Surveys during 1951. Number of Song Title and Production Publisher Too Young. . : .... , . . Jefferson ♦Because of You (I Was An American SpyK ... . ... . . . , .Broadcast . • ■ * • • ••••■■ * • ■ * . • v • • i , Shapiro-B Be My Love (1950) (Toast of New Orleans), . . ... . • Miller You're Just in Love (1950) (Call Me Madam) , How High the Moon . .... Would I Love You (Love You Love You) ^ . .Disney Mockin’ Bird Hill . , . . . Southern Loveliest Night of the Year (The Great Caruso) . . . . . . . Robbi Aba Daba Honeymoon (Two Weeks With Love) . , ... ........ . . . . Feist My Heart Cries tor You (1950) . . . . . . . . ■ . . , . . . , ... . . , . Massey. Down Yonder, . . . ^ . . La Salle ^Tennessee Waltz (1950) ... . . . . .... ... .......... . . . , Acuff-R I Ideas . • • , . « . . . . . • . . . . . • « . • ... . . . ...» ;.... . . .... . . , . Hill & R * • « • • • ... ..... ......... , , .i, ... . .Folkways Come On-A My House .....Duchess (Ity No) Si ... . . • . . • . . . . . . ; ; ... ..... . ... ... . Algonquin ♦In the Cool Cool Cool of the -Evening (Here Comes the Groom) . . . . Burke-VH .It’s a Lovely Day Today (1950) (Call Me Madam). . . . . . ... . . . , .Berlin i ...... .... .Leeds Nevertheless (1950) (Three Little Words),. . . .... . .Chappell <A Bushel and a Peck (1950) (Guys and Dolls) . . . . . . . .Mbrris When You and I Were Young Maggie Blues. . . .... ... . . . . .. .. . . . . .Mills ♦And Sjto Sleep Agarff.,-. ... ..... . * . . , Paxton Hello Young Lovers (The King and I) ....;. . Williamson My Truly Truly Fair . . . . ... . . . . . ; ... ......... . , . ..Santly^J IflWcrea Bell (1950) (Guys and Dolls). ; Morris Mister and .Mississippi . . . . , . ... . .. . . . . ... . . . . .... . ShapirO-B World Is Waiting for the Sunrise. . . . . . ; . , DeSylva-BH Zing Zing Zoom Zoom, . . . .Robbins SpaiTow in*the Tree Top. . . . . ...... . ... . . . . . , ; . .... . . .... , . Santly-J , Broadcast ♦Domino Total Weeks O ACI ACI Rank Points Survey 1 12,137 31 2 11,981 27 3 10,456 22 4 9,947 25 5 9,411 31 6 7,689 27 7 6,048 15 8 6,046 19 9 6,040 21 10 5,476 20 11 5,237 13 12 5,144 11 13 5,112 15 14 5,049 20 15 4,769 15 16 4,600 21 17 4,412 18 18 4,203 12 19 4.043 16 20 3,886 18 21 3,706 9 22 3,690 12 23 3,483 10 24 3,230 12 25 3,070 11 26 2,796 11 27 2,781 14 28 2,758 14 29 2,646 11 30 2,433 10 31 2.304 10 32 2,204 10 33 2,007 9 34 1,947 9 35 1,898 7 U • • • •; $ • «.• s < • • 4 4 a • ♦ 4 r • * #^4 • > .f t « » f • 4 • • • • e* *■ • • t #,*■* •••«•• 'a# *;♦ * # •.« a •• • Pickwick