Variety (March 1952)

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VfdnfriiTt Mari 5, VWokSi lETJUL DISK BEST SELLEBS National. Rating This Last wk wk. Survey of retail disk best sellers , based on reports ob- tained from leading stores in 12 cities and showing com- parative sales rating for this and last week. Week Ending March 1 . Artist* Label, Title a> 'S' > :: . O rt :■ w e i •i. s Is «. Y to l ; I X 111 JOHNNIE KAY (Okeh) 1 “Cry”—6840 , . . ....... KAY STARR (Capitol) 8 /‘Wheel of Fortune”—1964.., LEROY ANDERSON (Decca) 6 “Blue Tango* t^-4Q220 .. . >. EDDIE FISHER (Victor) 3 “Anytime”—20^4359 I I s. s <** : ■ ■ ■ cd. S » «; CO -CO 2 « 1 3* ... .. 1 .. 1 4 5 i 1 •- • ' ' - • • • _ . .. • 9 4 2 I 4 2 ... 1 ... 7 1 -. 10 9 4 8 2 3 1 3 8 3 10 5 3 4 2- AMERICAN IN GUYS AND DOUS FIVE TO! ALBUMS PARIS Hollywood Cast M-G-M E-93 K-93 M-93 Broadway C««l Decca DA-823 9-203 DLP-803G GLENN MILLBt CONCERT Victor LPT-16 WPT-25 P-25 YMA SUMAC Lofltnd off Sun Virgin Capitol L 299 DDN 299 KFD 299 SHOWBOAT Hollywood Cast. M-G-M M-G-M84 K 84 E 559 Set for D.C. Bow in April Witli the addition of Illinois Jac- quet to the “Biggest Show of 1952“ this week, package is now slated to preem ir. Washington April 12. Complete roster includes Patti Page, Frankie Laine, Billy May orch, The Chocolateers, Clark Bros., and Don Rice. Biggest Show will play 42 dates in 3Q days, winding in Cleveland May 11. Package’s weekly operat- ing nut is $50,000. Tour is being booked by the Gale Agency in as- sociation with General ArtistsCorp. Grean Sets Up Indie Promotion Outfit Charles Grean, who exited' as RCA Victor pop artists and reper- tory chief last . November, has launched an indie disk promotion outfit under the Comet Records label. His initial sides are “I°Don’t Mind,’* a collaboration of Grean and David Corn, Jr., and “Smoking And ArdreaminV* Canadian pop tune. Sides were made by < the Street Singers, a quintet, Under the super- vision. of Grean and, Jimmy Ley- den; a recording director and brother of Norm Leyden, also an ex-Victor a&r staffer. Grean is heading south next week to plug the platter with jukebox ops. Goldie Goldmark, longtime Coast rep for J. J* Bobbins k Sons, has exited the firm to tie up with Shel- don Music, Moe Gale’a publishing firm, in New York. Goldmark it heading east to take over Sheldon’* N. y.. operation. Disk jockey Review THE RECORD MAN With Paul Flanigan 55 Mins.; Mon.-thru-Fri., 4 p.m. Participating WTRY, Troy Paul Flanigan, who has built a large Saturday night following with a record-revolver, now spins on a listenable weekday program geared to matinee reception,' chiefly by women. Selections feature new tunes and artists off the beaten track. Some unevenness in the calibre and balance of numbers for the five-a-week sessions is notice- able. Flanigan^ chief announcer at the. CBS affiliate, displays a clear voice, brisk style, friendly manner and sound music background. His chatter* comments and analyses come across smoothly, if on oc- casion, lengthily. Here and there, a pitchman’s enthusiasm carries Flanigan overboard—viz.* sugges- tion on one shot that dialers carry a portable set in their car, if neces- sary, to stay with, an evening show of his which would present a trans- continental phone conversation with Doris Day. Jdco. Calloway to TourU.S. In Spring With Quintet Cab Calloway, currently oh a South American trek with seven sidemen, will reduce his group to five men When he heads out on a U. S. tour In the spring. The combo Will be called the Caholeeri. Calolway, who's expected back in New York March 9* will appear in the Caribbean islands on his Way: back. . He’s set for Port-au-Prince, Haiti, today (Wed;), Ciudad Trujil- lo, Dominican Republic, March 6; and San Juan» Puerto fttco, March 7, Smith Succeeds nilsberg In Philly Symph Setup Philadelphia, March 4. Philadelphia Orchestra Assn, has named William R. Smith, of this city, to succeed the veteran Alex- ander Hilsberg at the end of this season as the symphony’s new as- sistant conductor. Hilsberg has re^ sighed his post, because of pres- sure of guest conducting assign- ments. Smith, 27 years old, conducted choruses and acted as organist for a number of Philadelphia organi- zations. He is at present on the faculty of two Philly music schools —the Academy of Vocal Arts and the Philadelphia Musical Academy. Flock of M-G-Mers in N.Y. Flock of M-G-M Records artists are giving the diskery, a strong pro- motional hypo in the New .York area via. their personal appearance engagements. Janes Powell is heading up the bill at the Copacabana nitery, as is Lauritz Melchior at the Palace The- atre. The Billy Williams group is featured in the Paramount Thea- tre's bill and Ivory Joe Hunter is at the Birdland nitery. Buddy Pe Franco's orch is appearing/at the, Queens Terrace, L. I., while Ted Straeter’s orch continues at Gogi’s La Rue, eastside bistro. Cap’s Sales Powwow Capitol Records 10 district man- agers will convene in; New York next Week for the diskery’s semi- annual sales meet. Sessions, which Will begin March 12, will be held at the Park Sheraton Hotel. Parley, which will cover new sales plans and campaigns, will run one week •■CHSSTItAS-MIJSIC A Winning Combination with a New Hit! and Hi* Chorus and Orehostra WIHOWEH and OLD PAINT ( Rid# Around Little Dog las) DECCA 27928 (78 RPM) AND 9-27928 (45 RPM) Matchless “Music in the Morgan Manner 99 and His Orchestra WISHIN’ and Wf * 'Jmi x-iixdvs: OOODBYE SWEETHEART DECCA 27975 ( 78 RPM I AND 9-27975 (45 RPM) The Poet of the Organ Play* MOONLIGHT SONATA ah. Album of ORGAN SOLOS I I , Selection s includei Moonlight Sonata — Lovo Sends a little Gift of Rotes Smilin'Through Roses of Picardy — My Moonlight Madonna •— Sylvia — A Dream —- SoniawharG a Voice Is Colling Decca Album A*884^foUr 10-in. 78 RPM Records # Price $4.75 Decca Album 9-273 * Pout 45 RPM Records • Price $3.75 DL 5364 ^ IQ-in, Long pioy Record Price $3,00 America's Fastest -Selling’Records!