Variety (April 1952)

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OBCBBSTIBASMMIJSIC We^iMday, April 23 f 1952 L On The Continued from Upbeat om pact se BET AIL DISK BEST SELLEBS Reed orch has both CBS and Mu- tual airtime during its current stand at Chase Hotel, St. Louis . . . George TEddy has The Weavers, Beachcombers and Gus Van lined up for summer dates at the deluxe downtown spot . . . Dentiy Beckner orch due for Denver and Elltch’s Gardens after it winds up in Hotel Muehlebach where it is for three weeks now , . . Jimmy Lenge crew set for one-nighters following its stand at the Latin Villa . . . Stan Kenton orch played a one-nighter in the Municipal Auditorium Aprii 20 , its second time in town within a month . . . Hal McIntyre in Pla- Mor Ballroom Saturday (1.9), to be followed by Vaughn Monroe April 26 . . . Five Red Hot Scamps in a return date at Flamingo currently. i Ak-Sa**-Ben Arena, Omaha, In Summer Season Omaha,.. April 22. Ak-Sar-Ben going in for talent wholesale 'th 5 s summer. Following the Lily Pons concert May 2, will be the Jan Garber show May 19- 20/ July 15-16 * brings Robert Weeds, Met baritone, Xlorothy Jarnac and harmonica bea'ter John Sebastian. The Family Show on July 28-30 features an Ernie Young ensemble of circus acts. Conrad Thibault and Eddie Pea- body on August 5-6. “Cavalcade of Stars” runs August 20-22. This is a 60-person variety ensemble. This is one of the most ambitious summer seasons Ak has put on and is done in addition to its an- nual racing meet and rodeo. National Rating This Last wk. wk. Pfimsf t Survey of retail disk*best sellers, based on reports oIk talned from leading stores in 12 cities and showing com t parative sales rating for this' and last week. Week Ending April 19 wk. wk. Artist, Label, Title KAY STARR .(Capitol) - , . 1 1 “Wheel of Fortune”—1 964 1 3 2 3 2 “ LEROY ANDERSON ('Decca) 2 2 “Blue Tango” : - J -402 20 • • 2 1 1 2 .. ' ELLA MAE MORSE (Capitol) ' 3 3 “Blacksmith Blues”— -1922 4 4 5 5 DORIS DAY (Columbia) ^ v 4 4 “A Guy Is a Guy” —39673...... . . 5 .. .. 1 9 EDDIE FISHER "(Victor) 5 0 “Anytime”—20-4359 6 8 4 .. FRANKIE LAINE (Columbia) . 6 9 “Gandy Dancers B all”—39665.... 10 .. 5 8 JOHNNIE RAY'(Columbia) 7A 10 “What's the Use”—3 9698 7 10 .. 6 8 “ FOUR ACES (Decca) ' • 7B 8 “Perfidia”—27987 ^ 3 .■ " "* DON CORNELL (Coral) 7C 13 “I’ll Walk Alone”—6 0659 9 .. .. 7 .. EDDIE FISHER (Victor) 8 5 “Forgive Me”—20-4574 • • • 3 9 .. .. 7 G. MITCHELLTm. MULLER (Col.) 9 12 “Pittsburgh Penn”—39 663 6 .. .. HUGO WINTERHALTER (Victor) 10 .. “Blue Tango”—20-4518‘ ‘ 1 JOHNNIE RAY (Okeh) 11 11 “Cry”—6840 9 .. 6 GEORGIA GUBRS (Mercury) 12 .. “Kiss of Fire 7 —5823 2 .. 4 .. FOUR' ACES (Decca) 13 7 “Tell Me Why”—27860 3 .. . DON CORNELL (Coral) 14A .. “I’m Yours”—60659. ....... . 5 LES COMPAGNONS (Columbia) 14B .. “Three Bells”—4105F ~ 3 JOE STAFFORD (Columbia) 15A 13 “Ay-Round the Corner”—39653 LES BAXTER (Capitol) 15B 15 “Blue Tango”— 1966 WEAVERS-G. JENKINS (Decca) 16 14 “Wlmoweh”-r~27928 6 7 2 ■ 8 10 Paris Expo Continue* front page jj ~ soma coin will be .earned back from ticket sales and recording The N. Y. City Ballet is on a five- month European trek currently and is. giving one week of its Paris stay to the Expo, on a guarantee. Expo is. paying for roundtrio transportation of the “Four Saints” production, plus expenses for a week in Paris, tab being estimated at 25G. Opera will play a second week in Paris on its own, and may stay, even longer there, with pos- sibilities, of further presentations in Germany, Italy and Scandinavia. Ethel Linder Reiner, who is asso- ciated with ANTA in presentation of “Four Saints” currently on Broadway, is underwriting balance of the “Four Saints” European stay, after’the Expo week. U. S, authors participating in- clude William Faulkner, W. H. Auden, James T. Farrell, Gleriway Westcott, Katherine Anne Porter and Allen Tate. The U. S. is also sending some paintings to join an international art exhibit. European groups participating— to show the Expo’s international flavor—include the Vienna State Opera; Vienna Philharmonic; Paris Opera Orchestra, under Bruno Walter; Geneva Orchestra, under Ernest Ansermet; French National Radio Orchestra, under Igor Stra- vinsky; Paris Conservatory Orches- tra; Berlin RIAS Orchestra; Laraoureux Orchestra, under Pierre M o n t e u x; Strasbourg Chorus; St. Cecilia Acadamy of Rome orch and chorus; and Lon- don's Covent Garden Opera (in toto) with Benjamin Britten’s opera, “Billy Budd.” _ ^ " * * n,. It’s M»lc by FIVE TOP JESSE GREER albums || Frpgroni Today Yexterday’x || FLAPPERETTE ’ COLUMBIA #39444 PAUL WESTON and ORCH MERCURY #5754 HARMONICATS (Mills Music) AMERICAN IN PARIS Hollywood Cast M-G-M E-93 K-93 - M-93 JOHNNIE RAY ALBUM Columbia CO-6199 C2-88 B-2-88 3 4 I'LL SEE YOU IN MY GUYS AND DOLLS DREAMS Broadway Cast DREAMS Dorix Day Columbit. CL-6198 C2-89 B2-89 Decca DA-825 9-203 DLP-8039 YMA SUMAC Logondof Sun vlrflin Capitol L 299 DDN 299 KFD 299 Band Reviews Continued from iews l»f* 3S y - ■■ ■■ ~ ■- —v school and college age pairs, thh. warble ballads ajid pops capably, n B _ m hits from the '30s were the ones For the baritone vocals Tommy Band Raviaws which seemed to get the biggest Sica handles melodies in well- iivxiwna response. While not on the waltz tailored style. Beckner rounds out Continued from taro 3 S - ' lack, Marterie has a lot of slowies the solo voice work with his own for the walk-alround patrons. Lead-, handling of rhythm -and novelty which the’ terpen seem to like, er uses all special arrangements, tunes. Virtually, the entire band Oddly enough, on night caught, for'example, untempoing “people is vocal, Beckner offering several when ballroom wv Ailed with high ^ a y We re in Love. ^ vesome of v While there .are some vocals by Happy Timers for sweeter IJancy Thomas, fresh looking o? nes an ,d the trio of ‘Hilltoppers” chirper, there might be more. Miss novelty work. Quin . Thomas, while okay on the novelty 1 — * ' " 1 and jumps tunes like “Blacksmith Blues,” doesn't register on the bal- m lads. Sidemen do 7 some joining in Vy from time to time. Band takes to u THE GENE J the road for series of one-nighters Iflf - May 1 and winds up at the DC Tk e A cm n r Meadowbrook in New Jersey May V 27 aqgshas its first theatre engage- PW I ment at the Paramount, New York, Ififl I after that. Zabe. with WnrM 1 . c. A TOP TUH1 In Wexl Const Suits "SOMEBODY BIGGER THAN YOU AND I" By Johnny Lana* BULL'XIY* MUSIC, INC. 4554 Selma Avo., Hollywood, Calif. A Ortat Rocord OMAN MARTIN'S Capitol Rocordinf . -.’’PRETTY AS*A PICTURE" MILMTONI MUSIC CO. 4554 Solma Avo., Hollywood,, Calif. THE GENE KRUPA TRIO DENNY BECKNER ORCH (11) With Jane Swayze Hotel Muchlehacli, Kansas City Denny Beckner crew is up from the Texas country and a newcomer to these parts, this date in the Terrace Grill of the Muehlebach being its first location stand in town. Crew has something of h different flavor, giving major at- tention to entertaining as well as to dancing. Beckner works hard before the orch, keeps the pro- ceedings at light pace in the room and offers a varied line-up of vo- cals. On. the instrumental side Beck- ner uses four reeds, pair of trum- pets, trombone, drums, piano and guitar. Ordinarily he carries a string bass; but recently lost 'his veu man who has not yet bisen re- placed. Stylings from this set up are in the pattern of tic-toc rhythms, reminiscent- of the Gray Gordon outfit of a few years back. Outfit pretty well mixes up the rhythms, drawing from the current pops, old faves tfnd Latins. In the vocal department Beck- ner has blonde Jane Swayze to carry, the glamor assignment and The Ace Drummer Man GENE KRUPA with tht World's Grootost Saxophonist CHARLIE VENTURA at the Piano—TEDDY NAPOLEON NOW TOKYO, JAPAN MERCURY RECORDS ,5 ■ IS I I ■ I I ■ Exclusive Mena cement ASSOCIATED BOOKING CORPORATION JOE GLASER, Pr C < H ol I y wood 56' 15 Sons of Blvd. N e -v Y o >■ k j Chicago 5 M' -V.r p, « -160C I 202 No Wobc^n America's Fastest