Variety (June 1952)

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CHATTER Wedwaday, June, 2 g Broadway Marlon Brando left yesterday (Tues.) for Culver City to take a top spot in Metro's “Julius Caesar. Larry Weingarten, Metro pro- ducer, due in from the Coast next Tuesday (1) for a homeofftce visit. Marge and Gower Champion in town to launch a promotional tour for "Lovely to Look At, Metro pic in which they appear .. Film actress Geraldine Fitzger- ald radio emcee Boh Hawk and John Gutman, Metopera exec, en- route to Europe oh the America. Jack Benny’s IrvingFeinpost- cards from Glasgow, "Here to tell the Scots about Jack Benny who really knows how to pinch a shill- ing ” Leon Both, assistant publicity director of United Artists, and Jeff Livingston, Universal's eastern ad manager, vacationing in Nova Beotia. „ . , „. United Paramount president Leonard Goldenson and wife leave on the Queen Mary today (Wed.) for a Europeon vacation, returning * In August. . . Jane Froman, named honorary chairman of the National Neph- rosis Foundation, Inc., to be cock- tail-partied at the Biltmore, tomor- row (Thurs.). , Cla'ude Kingston, director of J. C. Williamson Theatres’ Mel- bourne branch, who came in from London Sunday (22), leaves end of the week for Australia. ' Spyros Skouras, 20th-Fox prez, named chairman for the film in- dustry in a special financial drive being conducted in behalf of the National Assn, for Mental Health. Motion Picture Division of the Joint Defense Appeal will be headed by Leon Goldberg, v.p. and treasurer of Universal, and Edward L. Fabian, exec of Fabian Theatres. Francis Bobinson, Met Opera boxoffice head and tour director, is leaving July 12 for a five-week European trip to Italy, France and Germany, and will take in several music festivals. Columbia short, “High Steppin’ Trotters," filmed recently at Yon- kers Raceway, will be shown at the regular monthly luncheon of the U. S. Harness Writers Assn, tomor- row (Thurs,) at Toots Shor’s. George Lourau, prez of Film- Honor, French production-distribu- tion company, returns to Paris Fri- day (27) after a one-month stay in New York. He was in the U! S. primarily to make release deals for his product. William Perlberg and George Seaton are due in July 8 from the Coast en route to Paris. They’re at work on the preliminaries for “Little Boy Lost," which they’ll lens in Hollywood and France for Paramount. Ed (& Pegeen) Fitzgerald made the "shake-down" cruise of the new SS U. S. over the weekend, and the radio-TV Mr. & Mrs. cou- ple will be on the maiden voyage overseas July 3, along with RCA board chairman David SJarnoff and his wife. Australian Prime Minister Bobert Meqzies and wife, Australian Am- bassador to the U. S. Sir Percy Spender and wife, and Aussie Con- sul General Kenneth Smart to see “Mrs. McThing’’ Friday night (27) and then meet Helen Hayes back- stage. Earl Wilson and Paul Sann (N. Y. Post), Douglas Watt (News), Max Youngstein (United Artists) and Lester Gottlieb (CBS), plus their wives, are added starters among newspaper and .showbiz folk joining the Publicists Guild outing at Bernie Kamber’s Wayne Country Club in Pennsylvania this weekend. Carlton Hayes fitch, sponsored "First Annual Jazz Concert" in City Hall auditorium: Sunday (22), spotting Maynard Ferguson, Jim- my Dorsey band and 88’er Joe Bp- tandi band. House band of Local 369 tootlers backed vocalists Johnny Johnston, Merv Griffin, Claire Ho- gan and Kay Brown. London Paris Las Vegas, Nev. By Bill Willard Desert Inn pulling .’em via Mitzi Green and Jackie Miles. Olsen & Johnson/set for three weeks at Flamingo starting today (Wed.). Lorraine Cugat pulls into the Last Frontier Friday (27) for month with her orch. Jimmy Dorsey orch, Jay Law- rence and Bela Kremo are current marquee lures at Thunderbird. Ike Eisenhower whirlwinded into town Sunday (22) for quickie con- fab with GOP headliners here. Hoagy Carmichael plays El Bancho Vegas for two frames, abet- ted by Condos & Brandow on bill. Gig .Young, Denise Darcel, Jan Murray, Hugh O'Brian making up a party for Hank Henry’s return to Silver Slipper. Stan Irwin begins chores of flacking and booking for midsum- mer Sahara opening with Moro- Landis line already inked. Les Baxter skied in for day's rehearsal with the A1 Jahns mu- aicrew at Thunderbird to prep his date in that spot, July 3. Martin Black, local deejay, and Chuck Maxon, windjammer with Danny Kaye sandwiching Paris betweeyi USO tours of U. S. Army camps in Europe. Elvire Popesco Inked to appear in a pic version of her successful legiter Andre Boussin’s, "Nina. Danny Kaye in from his German GI camp tour for a look at New York City Ballet, and then off to ^BHly Wilder and William Holden off to Germany on preparation of Paramount pic with a German background. . . « . Gene Van Dee in from Borne to handle Motion Picture Assn, of America office here until new Paris rep Ted Smith arrives. Leonide Moguy in to get his film award for "Tomorrow Is Too Late," and then off to Borne to line up production on his new Columbia production deal. Gunther Stapenhorst, German pic producer, interested in buying film rights to Georges Bernanos play, "Dialogues of the Carmel- ites," Paris click at Hebertot The- atre. It would be filmed in Ger- many as spectacle. Gerard Philipe setting up own film production outfit in conjunc- tion with Ariane Films with a ver- sion of "Till Euleuspiegel," to be made in color early in 1953. Bene Wheeler is scripting with Chrlstian- Jaque set for direction job. Peter Ustinov, over for confab with Paramount, may aid ill writ- ing of untitled Billy Wilder script to be filmed in Germany. Ustinov has a new comedy for London next season. His "Love of Four Colo- nels” completed 14 months in Brit- ish capital. Albert Lewin to write, direct and produce “Saadia" pic, based on novel by Francis d’Autherville, for Metro. Lewin will fly to Africa for background material, and then return here to write screenplay. Elizabeth Taylor and Vittorio Gass- man likely will star. New Hope, Pa. “ By Allen Ward Pat Hurley, of St. Petersburg (Fla.) Operetta, home for the sum- mer, says plans for a similar deal at Memphis may yet be worked out for 1953. The Philip Bourneufs left Mon- day to play "Heartbreak House” at Martha's Vineyard barn. Show eventually will play Westport and- perhaps here. Moss Hart to New York this week to begin casting the as yet untitled adaptation of Edgar Mit- telholzer novel, "Shadows Move Among Them." Comedian Lee Davis makes his legit debut at the Music Circus, Lambertville, in "Boberta" tonight. Nightclub performer will play the Huck Haines role. Tom Ewell, back from Tokyo, where he made a film, decided to stay here instead of moving to Hollywood as planned. Visitor at the Ewells is Lily Dervas. Joe Fields due here this week to work with Jerome Chodorov on a musical version of "My Sister Eileen.” The Chodorovs, inciden- tally, report the addition of a baby girl. Carl and Dorothy Allenswocth, authors of the new comedy, "Count Your Blessings,” now playing a tryout week at Bucks County Play- house, are visiting the Sol Jacob- sons. Felix Holt, whose novel, "The Gabriel Horn,” .will be shot as a Burt Lancaster starrer. this fall (by Harold Hecht Productions at WB), is halfway through another historical novel. Pete Kameron in city setting up a concert and variety tour for the Weavers. Ben Goetz tossed a cocktail party for Gene Tierney, here to make a British pic. J _ ‘ . Harry Foster to Dublin for Danny Kaye’s opening at Theatre Royal June 23. Harry Morris extended the Jane Morgan run at the ‘ Colony and Astor from foun to six weeks. Saul Grauman and Co., booked for the Olympic revue, Stock- holm, for six weeks with option. Simone Dolphen has quit the cast of "Latin Quarter” because of ill health, and returned last week to P.aris. Orson Welles stars in- a new Harry. Lime series which is to be aired via British Broadcasting Corp. beginning July 3. Danny Kaye invited by Field Marshal Lord Montgomery to at- tend the El Alamein reunion at Albert Hall in October. Sophie Tucker elected to the Liverpool Press Club creating a precedent by being first femme member of organization. Walt Disney's British film, orig- inally called "When Knighthood was in Flower,” retitled "Sword and Bose.” Lensing starts in August. Walter Kennedy hopped over from Paris to catch Hadda Brooks opening at the Bagatelle; then planed to Antwerp to join the Har- lem Globetrotters. William Keighley inked British actress Beatrice Campbell for femme lead opposite Errol Flynn in the WB's British production of “Master of Ballantrae.” The Charlivels, currently fea- tured on the Jack Benny program at the London Palladium for three weeks, double the last two weeks into the Savoy hotel; then they are off to tour Beirut, Lebanon. Nat Deverich, senior executive of Music Corp. of America, settled in the London office and expects to stay there for 12 months. Patrick Kelly, exec of MCA* tele section, also here to look over the British TV situation. Atlantic City Washington By Florence S. Lowe Vocalist Jack Laurence current at Club Kavakos. John Shulman, copyright lawyer in the music field, on past week's visitor’s list at Library of Congress. Hazel Markel, femme commenta- tor for Mutual and WWDC, award- ed American Bed Cross Certificate of Honor for her work on behalf of organization’s ’52 fund drive. Louis Calhern and Marge & Gower Champion representing stu- dio at Friday night's Loew’s Pal- ace preem of "Washington Story” and pre-screening reception in honor of Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn. , T dr., counsel for N. Y. State Board of Regents, will discuss problems of film censor- ship and the recent Supreme Court decision on “The Miracle" at clos- ing luncheon of town’s Motion Pic- ture Council, Saturday (28). By, J. W. Walker Yvonne and Yvette “Siamese twins," into Million Dollar pier. Tony Grant show, featuring mostly local talent, opened for, sea- son on Steel Pier, Saturday (21). Danny Rogers and Tony Farrel featured at 500 Club with Lee Hen- derson girls an added attraction. Steel Pier celebrating its 55th anni next week. Myron Cohen headlining in vaude with Blue Barron orch in ballroom. H. C. Roesch spending to adver- tise his new Beachcomber club in Wildwood which opens July 4 with name band. Spot seats about 2 , 000 . “Aqua Follies/' July -16-27, Stage performers will include Johnny O’Brien and Lida Dadelle.' Gary Morton, Four- Lads, Bill Sc Cece Bobinson, Wells Sc Four Fays and Joe Reisman to appear in stage show with Johnnie Bay at Radio City week of July 4, Honolulu By Walt Christie, Jr. Gail Patrick vacationing. Louis B. Mayer scheduled here soon. Nob Hill Trio and Joe Cappo continuing at Waikiki’s South Seas. Dorothy Maynor, soprano, a brief stopover visitor, en route to Aus- tralia for concerts. A1 Karasick’s daughter promot- ing Civic Auditorium wrestling while he’s mainlanding. Gwynne Austin reported lining up pro Hawaiian entertainment for newly-enlarged Kona Inn. Photographer Russ Warner planed in from U, S. to get mag cover shots of Rex Ravelle. Indie station KIKI getting solid Saturday night response to its “Stan and Jim,” disk jockey show. Paul Marques of Royal Amuse- ments, Ltd., now a member of American Society of Cinematogra- phers. Robert Shaw guest-conducting amateur Gleemen of Hawaii and also staging choral clinic at U. of Hawaii. Burl Ives cut quite a figure In kilts as he stepped off a British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines plane, Aussie-bound. • Ex-film actor Leslie Vincent home on biz in connection with Palmyra Atoll, chain of islets about- 900 miles south of Hawaii which his mother owns. Chicago Dorothy Gish currently at Sal Creek siloer in “The Man.” Edgar Bergen in for Northwest- ern Univ. class of ’27 reunion. Mrs. Kay Ashton Stevens off to New York for huddles on TV pro- gram. ’ l Jack Burnett and George Wbods in for the Jimmy Durante opening at Chez. Paree. Glenn Rose planed in last week to do “flack duties for Larry Parks & Betty Garrett at the Chicago. "Bell, Book and Candle" makes Its third house switch in four months when it goes into the Harris June 30. • Danny Newman takes over from Bill Doll as publicist on "Porgy and Bess.” Doll continues as gen- eral representative. Minneapolis By Les Rees Prom Ballroom had Russ Morgan for one-nighter. Art Hodes & Back Room Boys into St. Paul Flame. /Hamlet” repeating at U. of Minnesota Playhouse. . Edyth Bush Liule Thfiatre hold _ mg over "Two Blind Mice.” Weela Gallez holding over indef at Hotel Minnesotan Panther Room. St. Paul Heinie’s has jungle dancer Taika and magician Cara- zim. Hotel Radisson Flame Boom holding over singer Maureen Can- non. "The Curious Savage” season’s second offering of Old Log straw- hatter. Minneapolis Flame doing Ru- dolph Friml vignettes and Schiek’s offering capsuled edition of "Briga- doon.” * Bobert Snook pacted as stage di- re ^ ne Beach Playhouse and Paul Bunyan Theatre, northern Minnesota strawhatters, . Katherine Bawls and Bruce Har- lan Inked as stars of 13th annual -■ Portland, Ore. By Ray Feves The Four Knights headlining Castle Club. Harry James orch played one- niter at Jantzen Beach Ballroom (21). Ellen Sutton, Burton’s Birds, and the O’Dells in at Amato’s Supper Club for two weeks. Cleve & Marilyne, Tiny Grant, and Irene Cromwell qpened at Clover Club, Monday (23). Louis Jordan , Tympany Five- inked into McElroy’s Ballroom for one-niter tomorrow (Thurs.). Tiny Hill orch played the spot last week ( 20 - 21 ), Ottawa Ottawa Summer Theatre teeing with "Happy Birthtday.” Stan Kenton band into Audi- torium for show and dance. Beniamino Gigli on Capitol Theatre stage for one night. Sir Arthur Elton,, United King- dom film producer, in town. - Alex Jelnick orch p acted for summer at Lakeside Gardens. Campbell MacDonald, CFRA news director, back from junket, to Canadian forces in Europe. Jackie Winston, Helen Curtis closed socko run at Gatineau Club, followed by Jeri Sullivan. Len Hopkins orch out of Cha- teau Laurier Canadian Grill and into Jasper Park Lodge in the Rockies for summer season. C liff Tripp replacing here. Philadelphia By Jerry Gaghan Chick Meci orch into C. B. Club for summer. Marge & Gower Champion in to plug "Lovely to Lbok At.” Ace Harris, after 16 years with Erskine Hawkins, is now a single. Club Harlem shuttered sud- denly (21), a week earlier than an- nounced. Bud Brees, WPEN singing d.j., making personal appearances at Brookline-on-the Boulevard. Perry Como, Bob Hope and Ed Sullivan, will participate in a benefit golf match at Whitemarsh Country Club, July 5. John D. Scheuer, Jr., operations assistant to general manager of WFIL and WFIL-TV, named chair- man of public relations committee of Central Philly Red Cross. Hollywood *Al Horwits back at hi-? ttt j . after two weeks in N. Y. S ^ Patricia Neal leaves July » entertain troops in Korea y 12 ^ business ^essions^in * rot & * • Lloyd Bacon to Guavmac x/ ico, for a month’s vacatfon’ Me * . Gloria Swartson returned fm*. cr ^“ c ? u ? try J )aI 1 y ho o tour 4 Elizabeth Fraser finalized l.. ‘wni ?.£°p H ,l y McDon -W h Williaha Perlberg and Seaton sail for France July rf° rgt Denise Darcel win get ^ nlfenship papers next month ' Bill Barnes ankled the Wv.. R n?T r 5 M gen 7 *? 0 P e nMsmSJ h „R‘ c , har< l Ney In from Europe u huddle with his agent, Paul Sm.l Y. Frank Freeman hosted m*! hammed All, Pakistan envoy to ftj Herbert Marshall in from N V touper, in town to visit his’i, Wilbur Clark east to round vilSl Desert Inn i2 Gr ? en checked in at ^d Paris WGekS in Lond <* Lauritz Melchior accepted invita, tiort to sing at Republican national convention. v Society of American Magicians hoids its annual dinner-dance July 19 at Ciro’s, * Dick Haymes heading for Hawaii when he completes his film role In "All Ashore.” n Gloria Swanson being sued for $13,989 by James H. Kendel, Jr. for legal services. Johnny Johnston and Shirley Carmel set June 28 as their Mexi- can wedding day. Loretta Young made a trailer for the Boston Variety Club’s cancer research program. Walter Wanger rounded up 250 donors for the Red Cross blood-, mobile at Castaic. Coleen Gray and Preston Foster to Houston to appear at opening of a dual-screen drive-in. Rhonda. Fleming and Dr. Lewis Morrill announced their engage- ment to Wed in August Lazio Benedek tossed a cocktail party for the foreign press after showing “Storm Over Tibet.’’ William Dieterle going to Tel Aviv in February to direct two, plays for the Habimah Players. Tom Hernandez will play Don Diego, for the first year in San Di- ego County Fair’s "Fiestacade of 1952.” Jesse L. Lasky reported improv- ing in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital but will remain there for several more weeks. Genoa Tenor Beniamino Gigli booked at Augustus for single performances of "Pagliacci" and "Cavalleria Rus- ticana.” : U. S. passenger turnover in port of Genoa already has set alltime high, with seasonal peak not yet reached Open airer, first of its kind in Italy on such a large scale, being readied, for summer season at Sestri Levante, nearby Riviera Summer resort. As in other Italian cities, “Rommel” (20th) pic ran into some initial trouble from local agitators opening day. With added police protection, pic is now continuing showings unmolested. “Finishing School” location unit due here soon for some seaside shooting. A Riviera production it is directed by Bernhard Vorhaus, stars Anna Maria Ferrero, Susan Stephen, Jacque Sernas and otners. Scotland By Gordon Irving Folies Bergere set for Empire Glasgow, week of July 7. Greta Lauder, niece of the late Sir Harry, opening several garden fetes here this summer. Wilson Barrett Co. staging “June Mad,” family comedy of youth, by Florence Ryerson and Colin Clements, A. Donnan, of Glasgow, elected new prexy of Britain's National Assn, of Theatrical and Kine Employees. Eddie Fraser radio program paid tribute to songsmith Irving Berlin in 60-mLnute stanza to salute com- poser's birthday. Tokyo La Guta and Leslie ballroom team in from Switzerland, wr dates at Nipponese niteries. K. K. Fernandez AU-AmenM" circus, sponsored by Daiei Stuaio ■ wound up 20-day show in JNi sul nomiya, southern Japan. Marian Anderson due in Japa“ Oct. 27 for one-month tour unae joint sponsorship of KCA-Vic and Broadcasting Corp. of Japa • Nippon Columbia, local Col sub- sidiary, has released J ohnnre “Cry” (“Nake” in Japanese) tow month with initial pressing ot > 000 . . , Japan film studios going abroa to film pix. “Challenge to Amazon” is now being j Brazil with stars Isamu Kosug DenbOninata. This is in commem- oration of the 40th anm of nese emigration to Brazil. ; ^ overseas location plans in i Toho’s “Tedium of Journey to shot, in France; Shochikus anese-Filipino friendship bin w made in Manila hy producer , shl Yamamoto, and Wish of Two Flowers" to W 0