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Variety (June 1952)

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ES the Barrymore* and in recenjt years had been a vocal coach. _—^— . • Carl A. Klein, 53, owner of Klein’s Attractions, died of a heart ailment, June 19, in New Water- Radio-TV’s Non-Support ailment, June 19, in New Water- 1 , 1 - Continued fr6m pare Z " * - - ; - 1 . 9 GILBE *4 George and Florence • Wright, also l^on^unrtve^ 6 ' 3 daughtep and tightened as the maximum popu- chairman of last year’s Christmas RUT net were vaude performers. - lation is reached. Salute, was presented with a silver Hu th Gilbert, former vaune i^ j n addltion to her husband, a wife of T oni«r K . eo- . Group 3 * Va *My members, bowl. It came from Pat Paynd, 22- iriner and wife of D, ; waa son, a sister, and a brother survive, owner of EmnreSfr Theatre' St including the hospital board, mad<j year-old daughter of SWitoU’s-gen- ?TY U Phoenix, disk jock^was , _ owner M Empiess Theatre, Bt. an t ^ ip , to the institution nral mahag^r, Eaifle- Pdyn^.1 Shfe’s illed ,i? ft ^ an aUt Ariz* %As Ruth RALPH CARLSON died June ^18 at-her. S.t! ^Lquis Friday (20). They were guests ove* been in^the- j hospit4l' for-thO;’past ea r Wit * ^ ,jj er husband Ralph Carlson, 47, singer and] County home. ; : < the weekend: at- the Al-Bur^orni y^at: aud" Mil leave cured ’in t a a vlude team in. the early radio personality, died in I>es ! —’ * -'Hotel on■’Schroom Lake, which, is couple months. ; . , , 31 ^ ed wnJd as Gilbert & Wimp. Moines June 16. He-, was a mem- Francis Y, Joanne* 76> scenifc * near th ? hospital^Hotel is. owned Charles K, Feldman, Universal 9 rfptfliis in Music, section. ber of the Norden Singers, Swe- designer and architect, died in V Herman Robbins, prez of Na- sales chief, who served as distrrb ^ etal . -■ - dish men’s chorus, and for the Branford, Conn. June 21. Surviv- tional Screen Service, and a mem- chairman of the Christmas! Salute, ntlTH GILBERT George and Florence • Wright, also a son survive. * , t —*** «/aud<» ner- were vaude performers* Ruth G iii be iife f °^Dick Gilbert, In addition to her husband, a Wife of Loi inner and wue oi ^ was son, a sister, and a brother survive. owner of Em LTYL,, Phoen , cras h June 20 ——— • Louis, and a st illed iir?tt?nan Ariz, As Ruth RALPH CARLSON died June 18 e ar Wit alld -her husband Ralph Carlson, 47, singer and; County home. * v-mde team in. the early radio personality, • died in Des ^n^wiipd as Gilbert Sc Wimp. Moines June 16. He,was a mem- ^ tails in Music section. ber of the Norden Singers, Swe- Detail . rlicK mtn’c /‘linriK and -fne fhp Francis Y, 1 — M .1 Z I — U) V'VUlltf VUUU UUJ. V 11 ~ * • r-T . j « . a « «« r , -y C41WTTFL W. GUMPERTZ v past three yeare had been tmcee Ing are‘his wife, a daughter and a ber of the hospital board. All-day was presented with a similar bowl SAMUIL Q Um pertz, 84,'Vet- on Northern Lights”,over KWJDM, brother. . meeting on fiscal and other prob- by another femme patient, Eugenie ^hftwman and one-time v.p. Des Moines. — lems of the institution was held Reed, daughter of an actress. nd”general manager of Rlngling m Surviving are, his wife. son. Harry E Houk 4 9> . projecU oni s t ^ the group at Al-Bur-Norm on .... . / - ■ . . and Ba.num U Bailey CifcUa, mother and a sister. at Paramount, died June 18 in Hoi- Saturday. I i June 22 in Sarasota, *la. _ . um’vriv *• lmwiminv lywood. He had been a Paramount Christmas Salute Reprise I am llAftAJiftill* I ^■os ^and Ba.num & Baiiey Circus, la Tune 22 in Sarasota, Fla. Gumpertz began his show biz ca- pprat age nine when he Joined eer d L . A# apmhstg in LAWRENCE E. BERNHARDT emDlovee for 30 vears Lawrence E. Bernhardt, 56, em P lo y e « 10r ^Mears , eer wvipv family of acrobats in veepee of Community Concerts, a 16 J w?ncisco He later became division of Columbia Artists Mgt., ; an Jjr 2 iibiOtUf # .. ' ^ 4 . Ti*n J! X T,., HA Z—i Tl-j 1 Til wood. He had been, a Paramount Christmas Salute Reprise nployee for 30 years. jj. was de cided to continue the Christihas Salute, through which James Henry McCarthy, 68, cap- 94,000 film industryites contributed Lie Detector CAnttuued from pace 1 m Tr^r'with'the Buffalo Bill died'June 14 in Evanston, 111. tain of^the 20th-Fox studio fbv de- $65,000 in 1950 and $91,000 in 1951. r< w and then managed a circuit Bernhardt, who. w*s eastern man- P^tment for 21 years, died June Experiments which Loew’s started 7 A then managed a circuit Bernhardt, who. was eastern man- iux- . fKAatr^s in Chicago and New Or- ager of Community Concerts, had 16 ln Los Angeles. tllC 3 irco ■ <1 ^AAAnffir lumn nrfthmfofl fn fKp — aiiwu iiiui itiuuoujucd tuiuuMUtw » , ^ l u ^ > to i» . ij AW . $65,000 in 1950 and $91,000 in 1951. ^. s Pr ° te J t t i i on a T.nkw’c ci.rfAH Hept., and now president of Busch, 'Ln^ 3 In 1894, while operating a recently been promoted fo the p 9 aHWiclnDr also be continued and extended. *7/"* a ^ u ea i: cw on ocean liners, Gum- Chicago office as v.p. Gel \ e R ® d «“® k ' 52 > advertising Another fund-raising device to with its investigation work. jeru gave Florenz Ziegfeld his Surviving are his wife, a son and gJJc^trad^ be tried wil1 be to suggest to recip- Loevenger had his client take iliOW biz start by hiring him as a twin brother. Teuafly N. J. * ients of season passes that they *be test after counsel for the de- nanager. , * tvw wvtch * make a contribution. As a more fendants declined the plaintiffs In l 89 % ni G Tff^903 he was Lew Welch 67 former legit R«n Mann, 51, sales represents- permanent, means of getting coin, challenge to have Workman, prm- iarr , y H S U S“-hifnd th e Coney £ actor^ died‘June 22 inMiami. He tive for United Artists, died in board will ask film companies and cipal defense Witness undergo it ^Wia^inn^wWch^e man- was a member of the Miami Beach Leeds, England, June 13. He had other potential contributors of with_Lebedoff. In rejecting_ the lie With coin boxes in theatres will alcA Ka Annfinn«a an/1 giving SUch teStS in COlmeCtlOU ,how on ocean liners, Gum- Chicago office as v.p. fare Florenz -Ziegfeld his Surviving are his v Sw biz start by hiring him as a twin brother nriV Gumpertz managed larrv Houdini, and In 1903 he was IdlAJ , 1 !1 j IUa- Pamau Ta_ LEW WELCH Lew Welch, 67, former legit an ^ iintifit^urnetrin 0 !®!!. Ster Boxing Commission. been with UA for 20 years. large amounts to sponsor each of detector test for Workman tne d h^Md develop Long- Beach, ‘ .Welch appeared in several come- the 100 rooms at $2,000 per year, defense lawyers^ pointed out it de- f e t ahd Brighton Beach, Brook- dies in the 1920s,and ’30s, includ- Carl L. Gass, 46, screen and Twentieth-Fox distribution chief volves upon Judge Nordbye to de- K 1 ' 1 tip was general manager of ing "Abie's Irish Rose,” "Gentle- radio-TV writer, died in St. Louis A1 Lichtman immediately volun- termme the various witnesses he Ringling circus from 1932 un- men Prefer Blondes,'^ "Potash and June 20. His wife survives, teered to sponsor a room. veracity. m 1937 and for several years, start- Perlmutter,” and "Bulls, Bear* and . . -7— In the making, bevond that, is The challenge was issued after „g in1938. wan general manager Asses.” legU-Jv" chS? actor dieS * P?an suggS’bXatre op Si Loevenger received the defense • «NSnS«K*. K 24 in°lfew C York. aCt0r ’ ^ ^bian by which the hospital cSnld ™ large amounts to sponsor each of detector test for Workman, the the 10Q rooms at $2,000 per year, defense lawyers pointed out, it de- til 1937 and for several years, siarc- rerur i n g in 1938, was general manager Asses of the Million Dollar Pier, Atlantic City for George A. Hamid, who now’operates Steel Pier there. Ern His wife survives. Canac teered to sponsor a room. In the making, beyond that, is veracity. The challenge was issued after Frnie MSS^^^vou^gest of six obtain group Insurance for mem- Canadian brother^who all had Ray Pfetoher, owner^of the Ash- bersxof the industry. They’d be their separate dramatic companies la nd Theatre, Ashland, 111,, died asked to make the hospital bene- ahd toured North America for June 5 in St. Louis. ficiary of at least half this in- U UldU SUKKCSlcU UY UlCttUC uu 01 o — Fabian by which the hospital could answering brief which accused Lebedoff of committing perjury. . In his present brief accompany- ing the Rime affidavit and his own, BILLY WALSH and toured North America for Billy Walsh, former vaude and decades, died in. Oshawa, Ont„ nitery comedian, died June 16 in June 21 ^ . une 5 in St. Louis. ficiary of at least half this in- Loevenger asks the court to strike surance, with policies generally from- the case’s records the de- Mrs. Dorothy W. Lewis, 81, re- running around $40,000 coverage, fense’s answering argument and "I ro/l Tutu A 14? 1M UaI^ \T«. **1*. *..l J 1. * * * J A / AM 4La rl n 4>U a 4< ^14 ia CHARLES P. HAMMOND JuM 30. If50 Rrnnklvn He managed entertain- 1 Survived by wife, Kitty Marks, tired actress, died June 16 in Hoi- No physicals would be required brief on the grounds that "it is lywood. and premium on this basis would saturated with libelous, scandalous, r be less than a $20,000 policy would vituperative and impertinent mat- MARRIACFS ordinarily cost. Thus a large en- ter.” ™ dowment fund can eventually be Loevenger’s own affidavit to Mrs. Gerald Mayer to Hal Elias, built up at nb actual expense to the Judge Nordbye reveals that he MLS'SiKS contributors. sought to *>ave the Minneapolis manager- he's*^assistant^to ITed Kee P in * a patient at the hospi- police department administer the qSv! Metro Shorts chiet. {±fnHvL*™omf“Ihere-fhttS ii? ‘a St t0 , Lebe ( d ?5 , bU J r; . tr . ir , , x, .. , m ^ have private rooms. There s a staff that it declined m view of the fact I • ruSS ?^ et 9i t0 nTwS of 46 ’ including three resident doc- that there had been no request ment m various spots in upstate vaude team 1 with her' husband, is hostess on WBNS^TV’s "Look to alSiif g?70o£> vearlv nlus^OOOO 6 fr ? m t 5 e f H° f Ur 5 °f °P^ si n« c °un- New York and in Brooklyn around Arthur DeSalvo. Her parents, Lazarus,” groom is station’s em- t* 1, ?? d that ’ instead » U informed World War I. He later toured the Who was his leading lady; son and cee and announcer. ‘ $30 000 for the lab, which has been him there are a number of private Keith circuit for many years in daughter. Leila Sackett to Layne Britton, took over agencies here qualified to perform acts known as Walsh, Reed & ; Los Angeles, July 14. She’s a JUS * tbree y ears ago. the function, whereupon he en- Walsh; Walsh, Daly & Walsh, and REV.-LUCY SMITH - studio secretary; he’s a makeup Improvements gaged Rime. Walsh Bros. His brothers, Joseph R ev , Lucy Smith, 82, broadcast- man at RKO. There were only 30 patients Testimony Repeated ! J Mituo, umi/uo, .ouur, AJA., ment m various spots in upstate vaude team; with her husband, is hostess on WBNS-TV’s "L( New York and in Brooklyn around Arthur DeSalvo. Her parents, Lazarus,” groom is station’ World War I. He later toured the Who was his leading lady; son and cee and announcer. ‘ Keith circuit for many years in daughter. Leila Sackett to Layne B acts known as Walsh, Reed & Los Angeles, July 14. SI Walsh; Walsh, Daly & Walsh, and REV. LUCY SMITH - studio secretary; he’s a m Walsh Bros. His brothers, Joseph , Re „ L ucv Smith. 82. broadcast- man at RKO. acts known as Walsh, Reed & —; Los Angeles, July 14. She’s a JU ° 1 ' a6V ” tne luncuon, wncreupuu ne en- Walsh; Walsh, Daly & Walsh, and REV. LUCY SMITH - studio secretary; he’s a makeup Improvements gaged Rime. Walsh Bros. His brothers, Joseph R ev , Lucy Smith, 82, broadcast- man at RKO. There were only 30 patients Testimony Repeated and John, appeared With him at j n g p as tor and founder of the All Paula Arnow to Irwin Kurtz, when Variety moved in and the During the trial, Lebedoff had various times. Nations Pentecostal Church, Chi- Beverly Hills, Cal., June 22. She’s building itself was something of a testified that Workman told him Walsh also played In the old Key- cago, died in Chicago .Jqne 18. For the daughter of Maxwell Arnow, shambles. A tremendous number to submit low grosses in order to stone comedies and at one time had the past 25 years she had con- Columbia pix exec; he s in the ad- of impr0 vements have been made, just ify film rental reductions and fef?™} radioshow. Hale and ducted sernces over WGES there vertising busuvess. such as new kitchen equipment, adjustments that had been agreed SiLrf I wh7S.^ e H S a ^ er h^ .J?. UrVlVed by daUg ter * nd tW ° Peck Jr Beverlv Hnis Cal June new mattresses and a paint job. A on , in ord e r - that the homeofflee with Fred Whitehouse. He and his sons. f7 ecK > , Jr :» ^everiy nms, cai., June o n fp nna ^ t nv.i„ ^ ««« brother, Joe, were part of the original Three Little Sachs, vocal trio. WILLIAM D. MATTHEWS 21. She’s an actress; he's a screen writer. Anpe Inman Sharp to Robert O. installed. master radio-TV antenna and new would be more likely to fall in line, decorations are now about to be Called for re-direct examination, IV, *»VV k 1 i ~ — ... * • A AUllVi AAMliUIA r wv » V 1 t , x, i, William D. Matthews, business wi-Jens New Salem N Y June jisters'survive! 0 ^’ S t* 11 -*® manager of WWEZ,'New Orleans, J u g Bo th are actors. ' Groom's B. J. SAVAGE wallas. B. J. Savage, 69, Albany attorney , Survii and vice president and director of brother, the Champlain Valley Broadcasting Co., owners of WXKW, and the J( Meredith Champlain Television Joaau died in that city June 19. He was f a ther, the Rev. Arthur H. Juer- responsibility, 68 have been dis- formerly a staff member of KSKY, g ens> q{ Buffalo, performed the charged. Of that number, 90% Dallag. Survived by his wife and installed. Workman, on the stand, emphati- While 119 patients have been cally and unequivocally denied admitted since Variety assumed this. responsibility, 68 have been dis- During the ]ie det ector test, this charged. Of that number, 90% 0 f questions'again put ■ «rAMA ArAMT All 3 *A A * w A ceremony. _ , were completely cured. To Lebedoff and he reDeated the June Ferguson to John Raymond, New treatment and drugs — in tGStimonv which registered truth- Ridgefield, Conn., June- 24. Bride development of which the hospital the^ Keeler ’Poliwaph is daughter of Robert Ferguson, ,, playing a part—are responsible ‘“““f. veepee of Columbia Artists Mgt. fo / the high cure- rate and quick II ’ accordlng . Martha Rountree to Oliver Pres- turnover . Most patients remain to the R lm e affWavit. JOAQUIN ELIZONDO Joaquin Elizondo, 56, formerly. 1 • , £ . . duauuin JCilHUUUU, OV, lUUllCl xy. . ~ — V ■> n V, . LUUIUVCI. ATAVOV pauomj , . „„ . ., , . A ^ p ;/ a PP|, lc a n t for a local TV li- Mae Murray’s dancing partner, brey> Tucson, June 18. Bride is f or s j x mon ths to 24 months. 1° his affidavit, Rime avers that m Jun i\i ^Albany.- He died June 15 in Hollywood. He had ^o-producer and moderator of Recent stories of the - mirac le” the test was given Lebedoff prl- ,°I Ihe board of di- been connected with the film in- NBC-TVs Meet the Press, groom dru g f r i m ifon, have been a source vately, with his attorney Loevenger build in w hose dustry for 25 years. is of . the Cecil Sc Presbrey ad headache both to the ^medical in another room at the time. He , ~ " . - UCCU CUUUCCtCU WJLUl UiC IljUA JU buildin^WYFW 1 ^ 81 whos ? dustry for 25 years. was law W paSr of ^^Iward^S Hi$ ^ daughter survive * Rooney president of the bank and also a WXKW official. LOU KUTINSKY Wile survives. Lou Kutinsky, 64, veteran RKO agency. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lemon'd, son, r< „.WILLIAM PAWLEY New York exchange salesman, hied Hollywood, June 16. Mother is thfe _ £ x. L . 11. *lw Tnnwn A *1 M * A V * ^ staff and the fund-raisers. Both also relates the method of. admin- patients and potential contributors istering the test and specifies the got the idea thAt there was an questions asked of Loevenger. easy cure. ' * . “It is my expert opinion, based Dr. Edgar' Mayer, medical ad- upon my personal examination of of a heart attack June 14 in former Barbara Brewster actrebs* viser t0 the board and one of the Mr. Lebedoff, that so far as the v-* ,1 TT • nvm * x nno IOrillcXT Do! Udi d DlCWalCA, x mb ' nnri . xx x - -I j xl V/illiam Pawley, 47, film and Br ® okl Y n - ^ joined RKO in 192:3. father is KNX announcer. \egit actor, died June ’l5 in New . Survived by wife, a daughter and VA 3 i 1 »> n _ 1 *** AlV^TT r a AAMM York t)” ’i 1,1 fmn cfiiK JVir. ana ivirs. josepa new, wrv K ‘ , a PP e ared on Broad- two son? ‘ June 19, New York, Father is j X. T err or,” "Four licity director of Compton ag mpn nr Gu ’l”* and "Gentle- MORRIS SMALL mother formerly was scripti Amnnff i - Bress *” Morris >Small, 63, Hollywood rector with Voice of America, were , 'loh£,r^ m ^ roU hi pi u^ d ^ t ? talent agent sin S. e 1 ? 26 ’ Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Rosse a ^ AUUDPrs Hnnrf 9» M#i«Kwia 1 1 rr T DaaaK p«i TTic* < . . v g a top TB experts in’ the country, and matters touched upon in the ques- Dr. George E. Wilson, medical di- tions are concerned, the answers Tncimh CAA- VTCVJ.SC Ml. t >«av«, 1 HUUXUUX vxx t XOnS UrC UUIACeriiCU, LJXC «U1SVYCX3 i \ k nS rector of the hospital, dispelled set out by Mr. Lebedoff are truth- June 19, New York, Father is pub- thV board f 5 U licity director of Compton agency; the m:iracle idea f° r the b a f U i answers, mother formerly was scripter-di- members. They s^ai(I t t in an j n giving said Rime. members, iney saxu uxut u « In giving Lebedoff a "clean bill average of six of health” and, in effect, testifying develops an immunity to rim - in the a £fi dav it that the defense \vere "A } :r 1 u umerous-pic creaits talent agent since 1926, died June Mr> and Mrs . Roberto Rossellini, “ evci ^ 9 . f in the affidavit that the defense 0v« the 5° ost ’ , S. abriel 17 in Long Beach, Cal His twin daughters, June 18, Rome! f°n and n .°witnesses were untruthful, Rime °f Wrath ® 0Use » l> rot h e r is Edward Small, film pro- Mother is screen star Ingrid. Berg- tomycin, a drug called “PAS”’ and explains to the court that th ’ e Keel _ Gr0 at Piifiie »•»» Th S ducer * man; father is Italian film director, surgery were still the 7 er Polygraph, "popularly known “ T he G^at AmSican 1 B^oadcas?” * • Mr. and Mrs. James CahiU, son, aUhough^extSisive experiment^ in as the lie detector -” ha * verified - Alrlirn Titna 99 i\/rATiiAi' aitnougn extensive experiments in nf filler The GrS American Broadcast ” T - Mr. and Mrs. James CahiU, son, aRhough extensive experiments in as the lie detector,” has verified A brother survives Broadcast John F. FitzGerald, 55, chief of Brooklyn,. June 22. Mother is a Jt G 3 n ^ to comMne rimlfon accuracy of over 85%. the motor carrier bureau of the daughter of the late vaude agent, are T 1116 Lebedoff suit charges a con- john o watt New York state P ut, . lic Service Billy Jackson; parents are with the treatment with tne otner drugs are s pj racy among tlie defendants' that. John O Hiii i" j. Commission and one-time theatre Standard News. going on. . , deprived their local neighborhood e ntertainer (5?Ji P lon ® er radio circuit district manager in the Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Summers, Hospital is still plenty needed, Homewood theatre of its area first- June 15"' i ed , ln Sa n J™ncisco New York area, died June 19 in son, Los Angeles, June 19. Father Dr. Mayer pointed out. While the r un "d gave it to a competing in- 'K«P Smiling Re™ C e b * in l928 S Albany. - Wife,, daughter and twin is stand-in for comic Jerry Lewis. TO death rate is way down, the that r^Xd to ^oen moved TnTr^rAD® *4.u m son s survive. a Mr. and Mrs. Mike Levin, son, number of people getting the * * .. , in nfAii-f show that - i New York, May 27. Father is radio- scourge has greatly'increased. clearance discrimination in affiliat y°ungst ers bri |, b ^ __ , L . c . . -p. television head of Erwin Wasey Unveil Will Rogers Cyt ®d circuit theatres and against the ^rdfandTimm^Hlrris P ® Agency. . _ UnveUed during the Visit of the I S om T e T wood :. and Ur. Mayer poimea out. wnue xue y . TB death fate is way down, the r™ and gave it to apompetmg m- number of people getting the dependent theatre, that resulted in Unveil Will Rogers Cyt clearance discrimination in affiliat- ed circuit'theatres and against the nwr M *n O v frsw) ^Hter died A ^ ency ' UnveUed during the visit of the Homewood, and that also damaged He joined"r-no"'’ T™' W nff.rlv Hills’ Cal Mr - and Mrs. Pat Bishop, son, board was the original plaster cast the Homewood because of admis- became^ ?ai d CBS sales ln 193 5 and d V ne 22 . ^ Bevcrly n £l Hollywood, June 14. Father is ot the statue of Will Rogers that SI °n pnee-fixmg and other illegal Sale a n S 194 P 6 for W<Stern Ra ‘ tef^ndV Ton ’ RoS^Forest^oi naw / castar u at- ,- u is inhi,hometown of Claremore, trade praetlees. f ' His 1945 * mmn k' xoresi, Oi M and R lc fi ard English, 0k .»_ c P „i n tnr Jo Davidson who Trial of the suit before Judge 15 Wlfe survives. WCAU, Philadelphia. , on . Hollywood. June 19. Father t*,:,.x “f P ,_ r T , °,. x.U Nofdhv. and without a iurv, con- L.-uaies in 1945. - ter and a son, Robert Forest, 01 Mr , nri Mrs Rintmrd EneUsh Tr |. of the suit before Judee His wife survivle WCAU PhilidelDhia Mr 'tr a n a j Sl ^mnara Urngusn, Sculptor Jo Davidson, who 01 ^ ne sun oeiore juage survives. yvv^AU, rnnaaeipma. son> Hollywood, June 19. Father ^ in Pari* in 1938 r had Nordbye and without a jury cqn- m TXTih * is a screen writer. Mnrewd The desire that the cast sumed six weeks last year. Since Mrs DE SALYO Father of Milford Fenster, film Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Biever, son, «« to the hospital and his executors th e n there have been briefs and 3 SS?® vs.-s, SSS&SSs is a screen writer. Matured ■ Gofln. ’ She was ... rn ' , composer-conductor. the 2- i ohn B * Hymer’s act Louis C. Dobelin, 72, retired Mr. and Mrs. Lou Levy, son, 1916 ?noT7^ r P^ eum circuit from factor, died June 13 in Hollywood. New York,- Juiie 19. Father is 1J20. She later .formed a He trouped with Nafc Goodwin apd Leeds Music topper. composer-conductor. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Levy, son,