Variety (September 1952)

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HCTVRK GROSSES t i f «. \ ’ Chicago, Sept. 2, 4^i' Long Labor Day weekend, filled with top product, is proving highly profitable for Loop theatres. Flock of visitors who have come in plus the many locals; who are staying at home, are filling the downtown houses. Holiday prices plus the hiked scale at some spots also is helping. “Has Anybody Seen My Gal” at the Chicago hypOed by Rosemary Clooney personal should register a smash $60,000. “What Price Glory” at the Ori- ental is headed for very nice $26, 000 while “Jumping Jacks” at the Woods is irsing to a,sockp $42,000. Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net; i. e., without the 20% tax. Distrib- utors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net in-* come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the-U. S. amusement tax. Roosevelt with “Big Jim' Mc- Lain” and “Crfpple Creek” looks bright $25,000. ‘ Grand looks . nice with ' “Untamed Frontier” and “Lost in Alaska” at $16,000. Second week entry “World in His Arms” Is showing great stay- ing power with $24,000 at the State-Lake. “Greatest Show” is winding up its 17-week stay at Palace with a lush session.. Second w^eek of “Island of Desire” and “Holiday For Sinners” is okay at United Artists. Estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 98^$1.25) —“Anybody Seen My Gal” (U) with Rosemary Clooney heading vaude. Socko $60,000. Last' week, “Where’s Charley” (WB) with' Frances Langford (2d wk), $38,000. Grand (RKO) (1,500; 55-98)— “Untamed Frontier” (U) and “Lost In Alaska” (U). Perky $16,000. Last week. “Las Vegas Story” (RKO) and “Half-Breed” (RKO) (2d wk), $ 10 , 000 . Oriental. (Indie) • (3,400; 98)— “What Pxdce Gloiy” (20th). Gather- ing tali $26,000. Last week, “Son of Paleface” (Par) (4th wk), $24,000, Palace (Eitel) (2,500; 98-$1.25)— “Greatest Show” (17th-final wk). Sturdy $25,000. Last week, $24,000. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 55-98)— ,“Big Jim McLain” (WB) and “Crip- ple Creek” (Col). Action fare fans buying thi.s with’ terrific $25,000*. Last week, “Don’t Bother To Knock” (20th> and “Glory’s Alley” (M-G) (2d wk), $18,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 55-98) —“World in His ArmsV (U) (2d wk). Holding up very big with $24,- 000. Last week, terrific $34,()(>0. Surf (H&E Balaban) (685; 98)— “Encore” (Par) (5th wk). Punchy $6,000, Last week, same. United Artist* (B&K) (1,700; 55- »«)—“Island Of Desire” (UA) and “Holiday Sinners” (M-G) (2d wk). Okay $10,000. Last week, $17,000.* Wood,* (Essaness) (1,0’73; 98)— “Jumping Jacks’^ (Par). Sockeroo $42,000. Last week, “Big Sky” (RKO) (4th wk), $13,500. World . (Indie) (587; 98)— “Young and Dammed” Indie) (6th wk). Strong $4,000. Last week, $4,400, mw’Fat 13G, Me; Taleface’ Hefty $11,(MM), ‘McLain’ 7iG, ‘Glory’ 6G Louisville, Sept, 2. Downtown biz looks very health; this week. Labor Day weekenc helping to push the takes on cur rent bills. Plenty of juve and col lege age patrons art piling into th( Kentucky to. gander “What Pfici Glory” while “Menw Widow” a the State is wrapping up a nic( gross. “Big. Jim McLain” at th. Mary Anderson and “Son of Pale face” at the Rialto also represen ■trong fare. Estimates for This Week Kentucky (Swltow) (1,000; 54 75)—“What Price Glory” (20tl] and “Rose Bowl Story” (Mono Looks virile $6,000* or near. Las week, “Island of Desire” (UA) an Army Bound” (UA) (2d wk), c:i cellent $4,000. Mary Anderson (People’s) (1,20C 54-75)—“Big Jim McLain” (WB Solid $7,500, summer peak hen Last week, “Where’s Charley (WB), strong $7,000. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) . (3,00( 54-75)—“Son of Paleface” (Par Healthy $11,000. Last week, “Robi Hood” (RKO), $10,000 and m.o. ^,^Siatc (Loew’s) (3,000; 64-75)- Merry Widow”' (M-G). Sturd $13,000 In sight. Last week, “Worl In His Arms” (U) and “Holiday fc Sinners” (M-G). oke $9,000. Strand (FA) (1,200; 54-75)—“Bf ware, My Lovely” (RKO) and “Bj T abarin” (RKO). Medium $5,000 i sight. Last week, “Fighter” (Ui^ «nd “Outcast of Islands” (UA $4,000. lidow’Bright $33,400 Tops Hub Boston, Sept. 2. . “Sdn of Paleface” at Met shapes strong but “Merry Widow” looms I standout with brisk taking* in two theatres. “What Price Glory” in second frame at Boston looks solid. “Big Jim McLain” at Paramount and Fenway is another fancy win- ner. Estimates For This Week Astor (B&Q) 1.500; 50-95)—“Af- fair in Trinidad” (Col) 3d wk) Off to slightly under $7,000 for third frame following big $9,800 for sec- ond. Beacon Hill (Beacon Hill) (682; 50-90)—“High Noon” (UA) and “The Prowler” (UA). Opened Sun- day (31). Last week, “Bank Dick”. (U) and “Litttle Chickadee” (U) reissues, oke $3,000 in second week. Boston (RKO) (3,000; 40-85) “What Price Glory” (20th) and “Last Train Bombay” (Col) (2d wk). Stout $12,000 after slick $19,- 500 for first. Exeter (Indie) (1,300; 60-80)— “Island Rescue” (U). Opened 'Sun- day (31). Last Week, “Edward and Caroline” (Indie) (2d wk), $3,9'00. Fenway (NET) (1,373; 40-85)— “Big Jim McLain” (WB) and “Rose Bowl Story” (Mono). Socko $5,500. Last week, “Don't Bother to Knock” (20th) and “Army Bound” (Mono), $5,000. Memorial (RKO) (3,000; 40-85)— “Sudden Fear” (RKO) and “Capt. Black Jack” (Indie) (2d wk). Still high at fancy $23,000 following smash $30,000 first week. MetropoUtan (NET) (4,367; 40-85) —“Son of Paleface” (Par) and “The Jungle” (Lip). Strong $22,- 000. Last w^eek, “Carrie” (Par) and “Feudin’ Fools” (Indie) (2d Wk), sluggish $8,000. Orpheum (Loew) (3,000; 40-85)— “Merry Widow” (M-G). Big $20,000. Last w^cck, “Dreamboat” (20th) and “Holiday for Sinners” (MG), opened strong but skidded to mod- est $x6,500 in 11 days. Paramount (NET) (i,700| 40-85) —‘IBig Jim McLain” (WB) and “Rose Bowd Story” (Mono). Nice $15,000. Last week, “Don't Bother to Knock” (20th) and “Army Bound” (Mono), $14,000. State (Loew) (3,500; 40-85).— “Merry Widow” (MG). Nice $13,- 000. Last week, “Dreamboat” (20th) and “Holiday for Sinners” (MG), sluggish $10^000 in 11 days. ‘Show’ Greatest Thing: In Prov., Lusty $15,000 • , Providence, Sept. 2.- “Greatest Show on Earth” is leading the towii with an upped scale at the Strand. Also playing to better tlian average biz is the State’s “Affair la' Trinidad.” RKO Albee’s “Sudden Fear” looms big while “WJaat. Price Glory” is okay at Majestic. Estimates for This Week Albcr (RKO) (2,200; 44-65)— “Sudden Fear” (RKO) and “Kan- sas Territory” (Mono). Big $9,000. Last week, “Les Miserables” (20tb) and “Breakdown” (Real), $7,500, Majestic (Fay) (2,200; H14-65)— “What Price Glory” (20th) and “Wagons West” (Mono). Oke $7,50^. Last week, “Don’t Bother to Knock” (20th) and “Captain Jack” (Indie), $8,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 44-65)— “Affair in Trinidad” (Col). Big $12,000. Last week, “Dreamboat” (20th) and “Last Train Bombay” (Col), $9,000. Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 85)— “Greatest Show” (Par). Sock $15,- 000. Last week, “High Noon” (UA) and “Stoim Over Tibet” (Col), {2d \vk>, $5,500. Taleiue’ Boff $9,000 In (hnaha;‘Glory’lOFG, 'King Kong’MishtyUG Omaha, Sept. 2. -''King Kong” is smashing a three-year gross mark at the Bran- doils with a sensational $12>000 this session. It may be held over. Theatre went for TV ads and heavy newspaper space. “Son of Paleface” at the Omaha also looms soek. “What ■‘Price GIoit” at the Of- pheum shapes fine. “As You Were” wound with a fine week. Estimates for This Week Brandels (RKO) (1,500; 16-70)— “King Kong” (RKO) and “Leopard Man” (RKO) (reissues). Sensational $11,000. Last week, “Affair in Trin- idad” (Col) (2d wk), good $5,500. Omaha (Tristates) (2,100; 16-70) —“Son of Paleface” (Par). Socko $9,000 or near^ Last week, “Ivory Hunter” <U) and “No Room for Groom” (U), big $9,000. Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 16- 70)_“What Price Glory” (20th) and “Port Osage” (Mono), Fine $10.- 500. Last week, “High Noon” (UA) and “Glory Alley” (M-G), $11,000. State (Goldberg) (865; 25-76)— “Merry Widow” (M-G). Started Monday (1), La’st week, “Island of Desire” (UA) and “As You Were” (Lip), Fast $7,000. In ahead, “Pat and Mike” (M-G) and “Washington Story” (M-G) (2d wk), $6,000. ‘Paleface’ Powerful 22G, Frisco; ‘Jim McLain’ Stout $18,000,‘Tomorrow’ 14G San Francisco, Sept. 2. Holiday exodus with State Fair drawing heavily is not hurting biz as much as feared here currently.' Standout is “Son of Paleface,” smash at Paramount, “Big Jim Mc- Lain’ also-looms very big at Golden Gate while “Ivanhoe” is climbing ahead of previous session to land great total at Warfield ip fifth week. “Where’s Charley” ' looks socko at the St. Francis. Playing first three theatre day-date engage- ment in city’s history, “Tomorrow Is Too. Late” is doing nicely at Clay, Stagedoor and Larkin. Estimates for This "Week Golden G 4 te (RKO) (2.850; 65- 95)—“Big Jim McLain” (WB). Big $18,000. Last week. “Washington Story” (M-G) and “House Of Ori- ental Evil” (Indie), sad $8,500, . Fox (FWC) ■ (4.651; ’65-95)— “Big Sky” (RKO) (2d wk). Down to $7,500 in 5 days. Last week, good $18,500. Warfield (Loew’s) (2,656; 80- $1.50)—“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (5th wk). Climbing to great $18,000. Last week, fine $16,'000. Paramount (Par) (2,646; 65-95)— “Son of Paleface” (Par). Smash $22,000. Last week, “Wagons West” (Mono) plus vaude headed by Li- onel Hampton orch, oke $32,500. at $1-$1.25 scale.' St, Francis (Par) (1.400; 65-95)— “Where’s Charley” (WB). Sock $12. 000,: Last v'^eek, “Garrie” (Par) (3d wk), nice $7,000. prpheura (No. Coast) (2,448; 65- 95)—“Captain Pirate” (Col) and i “Wall of Death” (Indie). Color- less $7,500. Last week, “Duel At Silver Creek” (U) and “Lost In Alaska” fU), oke $10,000. United Artists (No. Coast) (1,207;; •65-95)—“High Noon” (UA) (5th; wk). Holding steady at - $7,500. Last week, ditto, Staredoor (A-R) (370; (85-.$!)- “Tomorrow Is Too Late” (Indie). Solid • $5,500 or near. Last v^'eek, “Franchise Affair” (Indie) and “Tale of Five Women” (Indie) (2d wk), $2,600. Clay (Rosener) (400; 65-85)— “Tomorrow Too Late” (Indie), Fine $4,000. Last week, .“Kind Hearts, Coronets” (UA) (reissue), $2,000. Larkin (Rosener) (400; 65-85)— “Tomorrow Too Late" (Indie). Great $4,500. Last week, “Faith- ful City” (RKO), $2,600. ‘Jacks’ Rousing $23,000, Mont’l; ‘Glory’ Hot 21G * . Montreal, Sept. 2. Most first-run.s are doing big to smash biz here this week. “Jump- ing Jacks” is pacing the field with a sockeroo session at the Capitol while “IVhat Price Glory” also Is very big at Loew’s. “Pat and Mike” has a stout week in prospect. “Island of Desire” shapes great at the small-s eater Orpheum. Estimates for This Week Palace (C.T.) (2,626; 34-60)— “Pat & Mike” (M-G). Big $17,00JD. Last week, “Dream of Jeanle” (Rep), okay $10,000. Capitol (C.T.) (2,412; 34-60)— “Jumping Jacks” (Par). Smash $23,000. Last week, “Diplomatic Courier” (20th) (2d wk), fine $12,- 000 . Princess (C.T.) (2,131; 34-60)— (Continued on page 17) PINO, Devil’ Fancy IRON The long Labor Day weekend^ with the usual tilted holiday scales, is . giving Broadway’first-run bosl*» ness a great ..hyi^ this session. Soaring trade Is pushing totals to almost the same level as a year : go for comparable period, many houses being even or ahead of the preceding week. Strong showihg is being made despite the fact the Street Is almost 100% holdover or extended-run. Cool weather ahd raijti gave most spots their biggest Sunday Of) of the year. All-day downpour Labor Day (Mon.), however, undoubt- edly hurt that day’s Intake. Some managers felt that there were fewer visitors than usual for the holiday, possibly because some out-of-towners visited N. Y. for the Legion parades the previous week or. could not make definite hotel reservations, since the final contingent of Legionnaires did not quit the city until late Friday, New boxoffice champion is “Crimson Pirate,” with stageshow headed by Louis Armstrong and his All-Stars, Gordon Jenkins band and chorus plus Ballantine, at the Paramount. Combo woimd up the first week with smash $102,000, after establislhng a record of $23,- 800 for Sunday business, Aug. 31. The other new bill is “Devil Makes Three” with a fancy $18,000 at the Globe. Usual weekly change at the Palace has “Woman of North Country” and eight acts of vaude heading for a stout $28,000. Sensation of the week is “Ivan- hoe” with stageshow at the Music Hall where $173,000“on the fifth stanza is likely* This is one of the greatest fifth weeks ever at the Hall and is the biggest five-week stretch for any pic at the house. “What Price Glory” with Mel To)tme and iceshow topping stage layout Is pushing utr"" ahead of Initial stanza's total with a brisk $95,000 at the Roxy. While not quite up to Labor Day week n year ago, the Roxy had one of the great- est Sundays in* its history. “Quiet. Man” continues very noisy at the Capitol boxoffice, beating the first week by hitting a sockeroo $68,000 in second round. “Miracle of Owr Lady of Fatima” continues very firmly at $23,000 or near in initial holdover session at the Astor, and Is likewise Solid at the Bijou, where it’s on twp-a-day, upped-scale policy. “High Noon” soared higher than previous round to land a rousing $25,000 in sixth week at the -May- fair. “Affair in Trinidad” also topped its preceding week with big' $23,000 for fifth frame at the Vic- toria. ' “Big Sky” held in great fashion with $27,000 for second Criterion stanza; “Sudden Fear” continues smash with $30,000 in fourth week at the State. “Les Miserables” looms fair $13,000 in third fratne at Rivoli. “Ivory Hunter,” which hit a new house record opening week, con- tinues socko at $11,500 in second session at the Trans-Lux 52d Street. “Stranger in Between” at Fine Arts; “Encot^” at Normandie; “Man in White Suit” at Sutton; and “Lady Vanishes” at Trans-Lux 60th Street, all are topping the preceding week's totals. Es.ilitnate* for This Week ■ Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 70.41.50) —“Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima” (WB) (2d wk). Second round hold- ing'very firmly at about $23,000 in week fending today (Wed.). First week was socko $30,000 but some- what below expectancy, Legion ac- tivities apparently cutting into final two days of session. -Stays indef. Bljow (City Inv.) (589; $1.20- $2.40)—“Miracle of Lady Fatima” (WB) (2(f wk). Continues very stoutly with .$8,500 in initial hold- over frame ending today (Wed.). Holding. First week, was fine $7.- 800 in 10 shows. Capitol (Loew’s) (4,820; 70-$1.50) —“Quiet Man” (Rep) (2d wk). Still smash, with first holdover stanza endimf today likely to hit $68,000 or near. First- week was huge $67,- 000, over hopes. Here for longrun. Criterion (Moss) (1,700; 50-$1.85) —“Big Sky” (RKO) (3d wk). Sec- ond session ended Monday (1), tak- ing in Labor Day, registered great $27,000. First week was giant .$38,- 500. Length of pic is blamed for slow turnover on Sunday (31) when Broadway was swamped with peo- Fine Arts (Davis) (468; 90-$1.80) —“Stranger in l^tween” (U) (3d wk). Second week ended Monday (1) continued very big at $7,800. First week was smash $7,700. i Globe (Brandt) (1,500; 50-$1.50) —“Devil Makes Three” (M-G). First frame ending tomorrow (Thurs.) is heading for fast $18,- 000, In ahead, “Francis To West Point” (U), fair $11,000. Miyfair (Brapdt) (1,7.36; 5041.50) —“High Noon” (UA) (6th wk). Cur- rent week climbing to wow $25,000. First week was fancy $20,000. Con*’ tinucs. Nonuandlie .(Normandie The- atres) (592; 954LftO)—“Encore” (Par) (23rd wk), Tlie 22d rtanz* ; ended last night (Tues.) v^as big $6,000 after okay $5>300 for 2lst week, making a great run for thl* pi5, first one to play at this new arty hbuse. Palace (RKO) (1,700; 7541.40)— “Woman of North Country” (Rep) with 8 acts of vaude. Fine $28,- 000. Last week, “Untamed Fron- tier” (U) with vaude, big $26,500, Paramount (Par) (3,664; 80-$1.80) —“Crimson Pirate” (WB) with Louis Armstrong and his AlLStarSy Gordon Jenkins orch, Ballantine topping stage bill (2d wk). First session ended last night (Tucs.) hit sock $102,000. May hold three weeks. In ahead, “Jumping Jacks” (Par) plus stageshow headed' by Don Cornell, Elliot Lawrence orch {5th wk) big $07[000 to wind up great long run, “Jacks” held^ong- er than any fthn to play Par flag- ship this year.' . . Park Avo. (Reade) (563; 90-$1.60) —"Brandy for Parson” (IMayer) (3d wk),' Current round ending Friday (5) loolb to hit ,$4,200 aftex' $5,600 for second ^veek. “Mons. Fabre” (Indie) opens Saturday (6). Paris (Indie) (568; $1.26-$L80)— “Casque D’or” (Discina) (-Sd wk). Second session ended S'lindav (31) held at fancy $8,000 after $8,200 opening week. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 80-$2.40)—“Ivan- hoe” (M-G) with stageshow (5th wk). - Still holding Ih sensational fashion with $173,()00 as compared with terrific $16'7,000 for fourth week. Set for sixth stanza and several more, judging from pres- ent remarkable pace. • This repi’e- sents biggest five-week stretch made by any pic at the Hall. Rivoli (UAT) (2,092; 70-$1.50)— “Les Miserables” (20th) (3d wk). Current stanza ending today (Wed.) shapes to get fair $13,000 after fine $20,000 for, second. “Snows of .Kilimanjaro” (20th) due in nert. Roxy (20th) (5,886; 80-$2.20)— “What Price Glory” (20th) with Mel Tonne, Elliott Reid, iceshow topping stageshow (2d-final wk). Winding up with brisk $95,000 to top initial stanza. It had been planned to hpld for a third session but decision was made Thursday ,(28) to stay only two weeJes, as originally planned. First week was nice $86,000. “Monkey Business” (20th) with stageshow headed by Kylo MacDonnell and Hawaiian Nights ice revue opens Itiday (5). SUto (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-$1.50)— “Sudden Fear” (RKQ)^ (4th wk). Continues smash with $30,000 like- ly after wow $32,000 for third round. Stays on. Sutton (R&B) (561; 90-$1.50)— “Man in White Suit’!* (U) (22d wk). Still solid at $7,500 in 21st stanza ended Monday (1) after $6,600 for 20th week. Continues on. Trans-Lux 6«th St. (T-L) (453; 90-$ 1.50)—“Lady Vanishes” (Indie) (reissue) (5th wk). Continues okay with $5,400 as against a nice $4,000 for fourth week. Trans-Lux SZd St. (T-L) (540; 90- $1.50)—“Ivory Hunter!’ (U) (3d wk), initial holdover rouhd ended Sun- day (31) held at great $11,500 after new high of $13,500 here was es- tablished In’ first week. Looks in for long run. Victoria (City'Inv.) (1,060; 70- $1.80)—“Affair in Trinidad” (Col) (6th wk). Fifth frame ended last night (Tues.) was big $23,000 to top last week's great $21,000. Con- tinues on. . Movie Memory Club. Disk jockey Joe Franklin has or- ganized .a “Movie Memory Club” and will screen oldtime silents Sat- urday evenings at the President Theatre, N. Y., starting this Sat- urday (6). Admission has been *ct at $1, with a two-hour, two-feature pres- entation program to be continuous from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Initial re- vivals are "Peck’s Bad Boy,” made in 1920 with Jackie Coogan, and “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” star- ring Sheldon Lewis, produced the same year.