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KiUilO REVIEWS 31^ X952 1IC!K£'S HOUGAN AfcTHtTE GODFEEI CAVALCADE OF AMERICA FATHER RNOWR BEST Wiih Hewry Morrtu WlUi Ai«hl« Bleyer, <F*4ri*t Witli Chcsiuiit Ctfirli) Witit Rob^ ‘X^mug^ Je^M Viii D«r Ffoducer; <I«c Biiuni«r 'Uwtt Lou .Auu Simi^ Julluji Witll Joan Caulfield, Fyl* IUiUda iVllliain»,:Ted Dou- 15 Mins.; Mott.-Frf,, 6 Earo^a, Frank Farker;. Tony . Frud'lioiiiine; Vera Alleu, G^rire aldaou.. Nonua Teau Nlliuieii; CAROL MOTORS ^arvln, anuouneer Feirie^ Tow Colllna, Rtcbavd Bill F.orwau^ *nU0un€tr WJZ, New York Froducer-DIrector: Will Roland Newton, Neva Faiteraon, Soiidra Froducer: A1 Kaye (CavaHaugh'Shore) 94 Mina.; lb a.w,, Mon.-thru-Fri, .Speiaer, Mere«ir MeLeod'; Donald Director: Murray Bolen Henry Morgan Is back on the FnHicipaiinir Voorhlea, niusle; Bill Haullton, Writer: FauLWe^t airlanes again, after a ^couple of CBS, from New York • announcer seasons on television in couple Arthur Godfrey, returning to Producer: Harold Blackburn of formats that didn’t win him any CBS for dO minutes Monday (1) Director: Jack Zoller - laurels. His new AM stamia is es- after a month’s rest, launched the Writers: Robert W. .Soderberg, sentially the old show that he did fall season in entertaining though Edith 'Sowmer . v on WOR, N. Y., some 12 years not memorable' fashion. Cast ab- 30 Ming.; Mon., S p.iu. back. He has a better chance of sences—(Janette Davis, Chordettes pc pONT Tony FATHER KNOWB BEST YOUR HIT FARADE Ijfl, KMa WUUwt, 'rc^Dra. Wtrrtu, Ktanr Gttiutr, Kemy Nnii«»B; MkrUu; Aadre BtWh. Bill F.orwau, anuuuncer nobnCer: Proditeer: A1 Kaye Producer-Director: Harlan Dim Director: Murray Bolen niny ” Writer: Paul We>t 30 Mins.; Frl., t p.w. AMERICAN tobacco GENERAL FOODS, NBC, from St, Albahs, L. I. NBC, from Hollywood (DBD&O.) (Benton & Boiules) The radio version of, “Your Hit ' “Father Knows Best” went into l^en undergoing some tt., S p.in. fourth season last Thursday nefwnrt *J^l^ches on the NBC . Y, ' <28), and ,the transcribed situation- years but otherwise^^ it remaps iS- (BBDfcO) , er frohi the Coast seemingly can tact as tho key showcase of current (javalcade of Amer- on forever, poking fun at the POP iiits'on the airlanes. This is a selling he does can pay olf for a month show should be at full week (26) with an historical inclq,ding the middle- . ohrtw'e local sponsor. He’s cerUln to give strength and form. . ® WcH evrd^^ that the paifpy guys in millions of the derives f?^LJ r^^?v r Smn?”id^^tlfication^^ Columbia’s standout personality series will follow its standard for- ‘^^As^enacted”^ stir Robert Younc away from the brassily loud the^^autem^^^^^ started slowly with vacation talk mat for the coming season. And ^nd his wife fe thre^^S formerly associated^ with cS thp cuff anH and weather quips; hit faster pace that’s all to the good sin.ee, with series to his own brand of though nS as kidding as those quarter-hour, when La- duPont’s high-budgeted backing. ^ ^ smoothly listenable dance miis^c wS flrsf brought him to atten- «“ situations and problems Sat S?.*" S'* this programs tion. The real ribbing was re- warmth produced dramatic shows every member of a* family can ^ served for a non-sponsoring prod- ”^^5 eniin- <^^'.* *^’** identify himself' with in some uct Luckv Strike citrarets via the had attothei amusing coilo- with a patriotic pitch, also repie- faeot pleasing lesiilts. tale of a, man who tried the “tear ^Vy» Frn^nk Parker^ PodI sent a fine j^blic service standard- initialer turned on teenage .-A-s last'year, Lombardo is broad- and compare” test and found he bearer for the sponsor. Betty, played by Rhoda.‘Williams,, casting from various Armed Serv* liked Camels “for a tear.” .It was Anrii ^ rarxer, season’s preem starred unfavorably comparing her “old. icc hospitals, opening at the St. a funny bit. He’s also using some . Joan <!Jaulfield as a hot-headed hat” father to a neighbor who Albans, L. I., Nayal Hospital of his whacky waxings, such as t rebel'during the American Revolu- played baseball with the kids in <l?y.(29). Fran Warren, first in the Egyptian and Armenian records, „"V tlon who joined her father and the, sector,,told jokes and was" a Series of femme guest vocalists on which add novelty appeal. wm^^Ced with^iW Shv^^^^ brother in serving in the Yankee regular cutup.Chagrined at his this show, delivered solidly on Moraan-S forte is irreverence To" S^wi^Ws exchanges Vm ^fioS’rt ^i^ hL"?wdf of^’d^ss’dSn‘id but he should develop a feeling of Archie Blever et al on their ^aca- British colonel stationed in ms inoae of dress, uevcloped cam a^s^h, mit AS Much and good humor to balance the overall tions. It wL all keyed to the fa- Jjej* home, she was naturally tom tricky and turned^^^^^^^ sinw^' the cSsS'Keniw^Gamn^^^ and^?-^ sense of blase causticness. He miliar “familv”'nattern which has between love and devotion to duty, mi went lor naugnt since tne ijrardner and Keijny wound witll his old weather fore- oocned millions of American But, she tipped the rebels on her uf**bburt Jje fompson, got rogistered' nicely on cast ("Snow, followed by little homes to the star’s urograms God- lufo and so, according to the story, 5|,U5.***i hospitalMeil while playing ^foewhere Afongrthe Way" and- boys with sleds”). ^Bril. foe^as alw. wasTe*e" helped- materially in prevent ng ^n ’ ih“’S''’uop®was- bS^o oMd foe"’’Bw ■ SiTto^fofrodc^ts at W^tS top" and hot fol K foe i.SfoSme"til“- tlfe’"enromWe MG STORY *»''« ‘'OBble sev- out to foe redcoats at West Bomt. "Walkln* My BaSrS Mann «nrW. Ylnest singing Came from Marion foe deft direction'of Jack Zollcr, ciu^S2*j“„ y/p Der Pvl as’foe . . wfXVs wnilam Kerai JfoJI^^ Marlowe In ."Tenderly.” Sweet- with Miss Caufield sounding highly mothef, TM Dwldson ag the s?n* ” Bob Sloahe, nwrafo^^^^^^ mannered young soprano sffould credible in her starring role. Noniia’ Jean NllsiiS little {.‘^id Sls^isuX Selinsky, music ' have emoted, Parker reached Cameron' Prud’homme, as her Kathy, and.Miss Williams carried nine.*’'1* Producer: Bernard J. Proekter . >jl««lya ^al hrfo note In “Golden father; George Petrie, as her out the proceedings with high the cig brand. BIG STORY With" Ilcrbert Rurtlcy, .Michael Froducer: Bernard J, Pro Director: James Hayes Writer: SheMon Stark 30 Mins.; Wed., 9:30 'p.m. PALL MALL NBC, from N. Y. (,SSC&B) Herm. PA£rMAi:r" Al»ut September”: La- «f W-"So'defoVrg and Edith Som- ifo^, ind'^the” Paui" West. roripl X ■ Pat Bmdv «.h NBC, from N. Y. j obvious in spots proved a solid foundation for these nirector-WritJra'XmH^Vo^^ir (SSC&B) Marvin registered sohdly -^yas interest-holding. Don- efforts. Products plugged are In- ^ ter. Fred-Van Hartes- “Big Story.” the Bernard J. commercial openings. Godfrey ^id Voorhies provided solid music ^tant Postum and Post’s Bran oq m»urw proewer. package which dramV backmg to top the production Flakes.- Trau. ^‘enebaJ^Sods'-"- “ products were _ MAN^^^^^RnKP tbp dSrSSMfamrttratoia^'i^c?: vin a^ut tl?rroSS end“tfi short and t o foe point. St«l. “^^AN WHO BROKE THE ^There's, g baste appeal about slHrhtlv indicated Godfrey’s With Lionel Gamlin, Robin & An- Hoy HogeM and most of the other the usual crime-solvinsf Sovie'^ It concern tfiat the. air audience LOG CABIN NEWS drew Ray, .Dame Edith Evans, top cowboy fUmsters that attracts was an LspSus should not be overlooked. This with .Kenneth .Baiighart; .Ted g^re Robey, Peter . Knitht th® young and the young-in-mirid. MW season^nTDresaS constantly watched on Campbell, announcer Slnrers, others The nag-sagas wlHi which. Rogers payoff L^TaU simulcasts. Jaco. Producetr Art Rlchirds Producer: Tom Ronald associates himself have hard riding arets the sponsor Writer: Jim Boozer Writer: Gale Pedrieks plenty of shooting. Judging _ ’ 5 Mins.* Thurs. 8:25 p.m. I Mina, from the fact that few cowboy pix Tale Was based on the exploits TRffi DAY’S NEWS GENERAL FOODS F BBC, from London boxoffice, Rogers’ radio of James S. Pooler, Pulltzef prize- With Glenn Walrath NBC from N Y B-iox of British music hall ^^ting should be sufficiently high winning reporter of the Detroit 15 Mins.; Mon.-thru-Fri., 6 p.m. ' (^ixton L Boiclcs 1 • BrlUsh music-hall to make it pay off for Sugar Crisps Free Press who, under the package PIONEER BLDG LOAN mi • * Bowles) comedian-singer Charles Coborn, t j- • ' Rptiin eptR a ‘SJ'yOQ cheek for the wimv This is a five-minute newcast . Trg.ni... Initial tale in the radio senes Ihow’ Yarn told of how Pooler’s urii. , 'n which General Foods has inserted who died seven yeaw ago, provided centered around some dirty work Free Press story on the eviction between its Roy Rogers show and fairly rich material for an airer in the foreclosure business. A Facing a poverty-stricken family iS Albw and withT Rochw- Knows Best’’ on 1®C to on occasion of the centenary of his Ij^nker forecloses a ranch so that a Detroit &ew numerous contribu- Mtmn,Trs\ X'^'^Vith” Ke"- * rS^ hS ^ubstltuU^^Ti^^^^^^^ tions from the newspaper’s read- this spon.s§red program. It’s listen- saLhart deUverinT the^ Younger generation angle was f^?* the horse tS Henry ^Ford^ contributed* a^^rlcw events in extremely capsulized achieved by Lionel Gamlin, as nar- wins the big event. The race is home^ to the family after having ^rispening^ of the^^*ead?n? wo^d certainly listenable but rator; telUng the story of Cobqrn in^strumental in cleaning up all the ... to ■tW 0 _ youngster, Rohm .nd An- was au au&ijjiujuua iJiucxu aua liii; -a „„.,..a....ai.. A.-t. j new season and P^'csaged a good | rating payoff for Pall Mall cig- jaco arets, the sponsor. Tale was based oii the exploits THE DAY’S NEWS of James S. Pooler, Pulitzer prize- with Gienn Walrath winning reporter of the Detroit 15 Mins.; Mon.-thru-Fri., 6 p.m. Free Press who, under the package piQNEER BLDG. LOAN setup, gets a 55500 check for the WTRY, Troy show. Yarn told of how Pooler’s denn Walrath, who receii Campbell, announcer Producet: Art Richards Writer: Jim Boozer 5 Mins.; Thurs,, 8:25 p.m. GENERAL FOODS NBC, from N. Y. (Benton & Boioles) Mann, as the 14-year-old head of weather Sports are left demonstrated again his rapid-fire “The Mudlark”), This achieved bal- ^ departments the fomlly; Barbara Weeks, as the J^"“f“turo X'h foUowl Huff less spieling technique. In ance-betweeS ol^nd yoilng Us- snd. Trigger, without doing much mother; Roland W nfows, as Pool- Qn one segment heard, Walrath allotted them, he tenets, thus creating not too much fl the “U'e got a major share of cr s cditoi, AHQ rVillism Iv 00 iiC| hs caiutHa/I ^lipfhf'lv iinopT^tsln 1 T 1 1115 writer, Jiin IBoozer, relifince on meixiorv for interp^t the hoiiors« Rogers wife, Dflle the hard-hearted landlord, topped j gp^^g. pp seemed ^cunded up most of the headline value. Picture was well conveyed Evans, and Pat Brady, other major the generafof-good supporting cast |S?lr! Delivery is |Lrall^^^^^ happenings of the day and also in,, of Coborn and httromcklnl songs members of foe cast, did their Sheldon Starks script was detached The doubling on Jcctedc enough human interest George Robey, vet English come- chores well. Jose. TTnvot;Boh commercials creates a certain Ipuches to .give the show its own dian, had a piece interpolated in J&rncs Hajcs, willi Slo&ne lojini nionotonv 'Messaffes arc personality; Ban^hart, in fact, the pro^rarn, recallinK that Cobom scoring on his ()wn as the narrator. who's a legit entrepreneur via-hls had a genlis for matog peoX POLISH EAGLE PROGRAM Plugs tor Pall Mall, Inserted m K a chofee time spot' Joro interest in the Olncy, Md., straw- sing his songs. He tX how thi With Victor and Sophie Zcmbruskl the usual spots, were okay. nas a cnoice ume spot. jaco. ^ champion of MtS ®® ®“"” » a.m. Stal. ‘ a plug for Better Davis’ upcoming rights. Dame Edith Evans leading Farticipatinr t D J* f 11 IT '■ Company.” legit actress, and others joined m rivii nwppvQP RPPOnTFn - KaOlO rOllOW-UD Ted Campbell handled the short personal tributes. Mfoh itmf rorifrL ® " (• •• »w«wn up ^ for Log Cabin syrup com- Scrapbook technique was used Sunday morning and potently. Stal. as leave's"of 1?Se%Sr^^^^ Lndt?bT ma"estro%kfo"^lem] 1» Mins,; Sat., 6:15 p.m. Rob & Ray were at their zaniest John Rorke sang the Coborn^nn^’ ^^'uski (whose Continental and Sustaining in bouncing off an on-the-square SCOTTISH HALF-HOUR bers. including program* title smig" Remington platters are’ turntabled) CBS, from ^^ashington 30th anniversaiT of the first com- With Peter IMtadren, emcee Biog had necessarv nostnlglr imp?* Sophie Zembruski. Zem- mercial against their-Wbert in 30 Mins.i Friday 8 n?m. est ^us S widely known in Polish CIVIL DEFENSE REPORTER With Ron Cochran Producer: Lewis Shollenbcrgcr 15 Mins.; Sat., 6:15 p.m. Sustaining CBS, from Washington f 4--M Radio Follow-Up T-f ♦ • ; 4”fpetently. Bob & Ray were at their zaniest in bouncing off an on-the-square SCOTTISH HALF-HOUR rkAJ.1 • i_l__ f* X . _ • wv«« LBb, trom Dasliington 30th anniversaiT of the first com- With Peter IMtadren, emcee Biog had necessarv nostnlglr infp?* New scries IS designed to hypo mercial against their-“Albert in 30 Mins., Fridayrs pfS: est plus Tuch Xlto ^ public Interc.st in civil defense. It Adland” and kindred nonsense last Sustainino’ music-hall ^ Lnglish scripUof of "‘Th^St'ra^^ Thursday .29) oyer NBC. The raDIO LUXEMBOURG inteJesUng farS ^ ^ Gordf ’ in (he World.” an area tagged away ”cari’^*%ndorsed by Brink’s, every Frfday^e^rdng Rescue Street ’ and featuring etc.) was delightful madcap stuff, program of rlSts^’bv ScoVbom BETTY CROCKER replicas of bombed-out buildings Fred Allen’s spliced-in excerpt fist|neiS mL*nlv of th^ With Win Elliot, announc^ to reproduce conditions m a town from a previous NBC anniversary hL a nniv^rcai Writer: Gini Stewart or city hit by enemy bombs. In- program was equally socko. NBC 5 Mins., Mon.-thru-Fri 2*30 n m • terviews with civil defense authori- veep Bud Barry played it straight A ^ ‘‘iZS p.m. ' ^*^® ’ tics covered the uses to which the and quoted General Sarnoff that,- GENERAL MILLS - Pci'sonnel under commercial sponsorship, ABC, transcribed fiom \;u'ious ot tlic country **tlie richest oerson esn^t biiv for is in the hii^hi clriss* .p. , being trained rescue work so himself w'bat the poorest man can makes much use of names (Ganccr-Fitzperald-Sample) tluit thej can go back home and get for free” in the way of radio jfiaces, linking Scots in Eu- Betty Crocker returned to the Plus mucirvital tv ^Wely known in Polish ic-hall ‘addincf tn circles of the east, mentioned on ^ last block heard that it was hi.s from various parts of thC country “ 1 e richw can’t buy fir talkie-talkie is in the bright class. or po Ka music tne ar^ numu«.^ being trained ixv.cue work sO l/lm" elf'St '-"I" of names ^Dancer.FUzgcrald^Sample) Sid^^j^tera trntn ^‘nrv homc and get for free” in the way of radio in Eu- Betty Crocker returned to the ere tq outsiders the tempo and foiS? a rouori o""";™*- Gonv^anach, S'disk ?eq“ airlanes Monday (1) in a cross-the- rtyie bVomf nn ./nV;i,A a repqil who directed, and Jack C. Wilson, UntoiInnately, board serine whi^h on^fo i,..., a.,,., nroimim .ifrAmbAc fn an hour, but 19th broadcasting anniversary. He did the first air show at Water* bury, Conn., in 1934, the date also being a birthday. The WPTR show is not Zembruski's only one, ac- cording to his statement. A bilingual affair, it is shrewdly slanted toward loyal Polish dialer.s of polka music (the area numbers many). Dedications are made to, and letters are read from, listen- ers. To outsiders, the tempo and 'f!& ?nS°i;j TvKS ZZtn&f UbS his “martS“ir ScorpracTn"^^^^^^^ ^“-0 f-i- which spots her in two this "the billion ^dollar show"— (some o£ them, admittedly, _dif£l- Sve-minute stands during the af- trm.n^ remhn.sW^ohvfouslv knows on a flight a group of group., Zembruski obviously knows Civi! Defense Aclmini.strrtio*Vs ac nVltieS. RriT ^ mpint Wilson Win Ellmt, Mi^s Crocker Spiels miles and as calendar-far as No- te, lillletudlcm recipes, budget menus and house- vember. The advertising on sev- prograrn has hold advice. It’s a familiar pattern eral five-minute participation.s^ would benefit that should continue to click with by Zembrusld in Polish and by hide, such lis a the femme dialers. The General staff announcer Roger Steven.s m Bn-r' mie?o"fntiS""''""®'' ''’“'“Irif^ “J 'h™ Jh* Mnu plugs "aro worked iX the ESish3d al rbe eut. Abel. , Auld Lang Syne land. Gord. 1 script neatly. Gros. Jaco.