Variety (September 1952)

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26 HAmO-rwOLEVtSiMON ^iafiitf~iTr-—, i —IT - i r-r i i i ip m ■ ^ i m ■ ■—■■■ — Weaneaday ^ S«|ktettiLer S, 1952 New York Frank Kiiir, KECA-TV (L, A.) sales manager, and Elton Rule, as- sistant sales manager in town for a couple of .weeks calling on clients , , . Johnson & Johnson has bought a 13-week spot campaign on WJZ-TV . . . Walter Abel has finished a film short for the Assn, for Help of Retarded Children; it will he offered to tele stations ... Vanessa Brown appeared on ABC- TV's "‘Hollywood Screen Test" last week despite a 102-degree fever.^ Roy J, Battersby, former NBC- TV press department staffer, named publicity chief of Hill Jk ICnowlton, public relations firm. He's been with latter company since 1949. Edward J. Doherty will be his as- sistant ... Reggie Rose, formerly with the Warner Bros, homeoffice publicity department, has adapted Owen Cameron's "The Mountains ' bave No Shadow” for CBS’ "Stu- dio One”... Don Bishop, newly- named TV publicity manager 'for NBC press, engaged tO' Robbie, hosiery fashion coordinator for Burlington Mills, with wedding set for Pec. 6... Norman S. GInsburg, formerly stations promotion chief for DuMont, upped t<#the post of advertising-program promotion manager,, .Geoffrey Lumb set for the lead in "Mr. Barry's Etchings” on NBC’s "Kraft TV Theatre” to- ‘ night (Wed.).,. Stephen F. Keegan resigned from Allied Video to join Palladium . Radio Production as sales chief for the "Planet Man” transcribed series,.. Getschal & Co, agency handles, both the Sealy and Michael Bros, accounts on Du- Mont's Barry Gray show... Art Henley now producing the Mark Goodson-Bill Todman package, "Winner Take All.” Hollywooil New grid series, "Call the Coach,” with UCLA mentor Red Sanders, and use coach Jess Hill, preems on KECA-TV Sept. 13, Jack Doug- las Production being bankrolled by Nic-LrSilver Batteries... Sen. John D. Sparkman, Democratic vice-presidential, irominee, made his L.A. videbut on "First-Time Voters” oh KNBH... Harris & Frank is picking up the tab on "Family Playhouse,” first re-runs of "Firseside llieatre,” on KLAC- TV... Charles Bulottl, director of production at KTTV, returned from a scouting talent trek to Frisco .. .KHJ-TV sales manager John Reynolds returns to desk Sept. 6from vacation.. .Acme Beer is angeling "The Islander” half- hour on KTLA.. ;"Your Reserved Table,” with Del Moore emceeing hoxir-long variety- show, teed off on KTTV, Retailers and Manufac- turers TV Assn, sponsoring.. .M. C. S. Corp, Ree-Seal, is going to bankroll "Life With Elizabeth,” on KLAC-TV...K'rTV sales manager D. W. Whiting left on a business junket to Frisco.,. lATSE and KTTV inked a pact whereby union reps production and facilities work- ers at the channel,, .Half-hour audience participation comedy- qulzzer tagged "Moola U,” has been packaged by Harrf Spears, and debuts on KNBH, in mid-Septem- ber, with Roswell Rogers and Joel Malone co-starring as emcees.,. .. .Bob Kelley will announce filmed L.A. Rams football games that will be televised by KNBH every Saturday following date of the game. San Francisco Del Courtney and his dance band to preem "Search for Songs” (14), on KGO-TV . . . Ruth.Newhall subbing for vacationing Marjorie Trumbull on KRON’s "Exclusively Yours” . . . Rusty Draper t6 quit local TV at year's end and tour the nlteries. First stop: Copa City . . . Bonnie Kever bought a catamaran, first sailing craft of its kind in the Bay area. And trucked it to the studio to show her viewers . . . Vernon. Alley’s jazz group launch- ing a new muslcale on KPIX . . , KGO-TV will bring in seven pro football games, via microwave . . . Granville Esch named ICRQN stu- dio supervisor, succeeding Hal Simpson . Straw Hat Players of Lafayette will debut on TV for the Sa^ts and Sinners Milk Fund Re- vue > . . Chel Cardlnl, the roly poly teevee cook, took over the Lia Scala restaurant , . . "Treasure Tune Clock” bounced from KRON to KGO-TV . . . William C. Demp- sey made KPIX educational direc- tor, succeeding Hugh Smith. Lat^ Never put a ceiling on what WLW-TELEVISION W'" \ L-J As'v r *■$ \ V 'I y y Iv' X'-i .V.'AVA’.V,*, llsf VXV" ;il |:w< V ■ V • 5 ..N fra As can do for YOII*«« WLW U radio** most famous merchandising and promotion organization. Now, to V/lW-TeleVision, comes this same know-how . • • experience . •. vigor •,, But' Expandedl It’» tbs ‘WLW-Televisioo Client Service Department... with 20 •. * yes, 20 copiplete and distinct services ... all at work ifif yottf 1. The WLW-Television-AIbct's Shopper Stopper Plan. 2. Display service, major grocery, drug cutlets. ^ J. Retail Trade mailings. 4. Jobber, broker, wholesale trade mailings. . 5. Newspaper advertisements. . 6 . Specialty publicity releases. 7. On-the-air promotions, g. Cab covers. 9 . Window displays, grocery, drug outlets. 10. Sales meetings for dealer, jobber, distributor sales- men. |1. Car cards. 12. Newsstand posters. 13. Newstruck posters. 14. All-inclusive promotion campaigns. 13. Tie-in with national promotions., 16, Client follow-up reports. 17. Client television market research department. 19, Exploitation campaigns. 1$>. Promotion consultation service. 20. Client Rating service. The Client Service Department is your creative assault unit In the WLW'Television coverage area ... doinjj for your product everythfng .,. from holding dealer meetings to jet- rocketing your sales charts with point-of-purchasc actioni, PfvMing your iHJv^rf'wng dollat.^.ihony fcldl 1)^-1 -V \ WLW Television WLW-T CINCINNATI WLW-D 0AY7ON WIW-C ibOLUMKUf I I j fflUs Cin<tnn«ll/ CelvmlWf, Hew Yerk, NeHyw*e4 l> ■■ VII I I, It < • 41 11 ms II tl II »e 44 M 41 ka -i4 aV vt W4 M A ^ » t aA t ■ ' \ ^ I I ^ I fr i f w^wr>f w w-rrm f -rt-w^ t ^ » ‘*4 r* j' * * ^ 1 , ^ *^1^ * 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ,1 ^ t I ,, I I ’ -1 4 « ♦ « < 1 \ <1 1 1 • , • * *i"l * t ** 4 J ****/• \ * * *,*.•«, **1*4 , 4 It*** * * * ''*«*•* •****/' »* \ ll *<****'* 4 ^** I ,****,**,* 1 -^****.* '*,* *»**.****»• •*«*«!.'******^ I * ** • ter to Seattle to manage KXA . . , KPIX dropped 11 men, but stiU has the fattest staff In town. Chicago Jim Moran, top Hudson dealer, has renewed his "Courtesy Hour” on WENR-TV for the third year. Leo Salkin, talent booker for the weekly hour-long variety show, has pillled'dlit of the Essanjay Film Co. to devote fulltime to his TV‘and theatrical agency.. .Jim.Green has ankled the Herbert "S, Kaufman TV package firm to join the Chris- tenson ad agency.. .Joseph Kauf- man, producer of "Sudden Fear,” Joan Crawford-starrer, in town to spend $10,000 on TV blurbs for the pix. All four. Chi stations will be used.. .Daniel .MaoMastcr, . di- rector of the Museum of Science and Industry, has taken over .a& quizmaster on "Family Battle,” featuring the ICIose clan on WENR- TV. John Weigel has been emcee- ing the weekly show.. .Roscoe K«rns, -headliner of DuMont's "Rocky King,” feted by the WGN- TV brass durinj^ a brief stopover here last week.. . George Stone [working the commereial's for Ar- mour on Clint Youle’s weather show via WNBQ.. ■ Red Grange has been inked by Standard Oil of Indiana to gab the ABC-TV tele- casts of the Chi Bears and Cardinal football games teeing off Oct. 5... Kling Studios lensing a .package of 60 and'20 second spots for the W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. to he used on NBC-TV's “Show of Shows.” Ran- dy Kent does the spieling... Bill Bailey, WNRQ’s "Cactus Jim” came in as runnerup to Perry Como at the PGA National Caddy Celebrity golf tourney last week at Columbus,. .Henry Sphaefer has been transferred from the WENR- TV sales force to the Chi ABC sales service department.. .Dave Brovm is producing and Marv David is scripting WNBQ’s "Coffee and ” morning musical strip which bowed Monday (1) with Hugh Downs hosting, Kay Coulter chirping and the Art Van Damme quintet making with the music!... Daily News columnist Tony Weite^ el launches a .15-minute gabfest on [WNBQ Sunday'(7) at 11 p.m Paul Podgus and Hoyt Allen of the j Benton & Bowles tele department setting up the Prell and Ivory iden- I titles on the upcoming video ver- sion of Tommy Bartlett's "Wel- come Travelers” which starts Mon- day (8) on NBC-TV. London . Jack Hulbert stars in "Taking Things Quietly,” a new comedy by Ronald Wilkinson on Tuesday (9). Also in the cast are Betty Huntley- Wright and Helene Cordet. Julian Aymes will produce . . . "Prima Donna,” one act opera by Arthur Benjamin to have its first TV air- ing on Sunday (7). Douglas Craig, George James, Sylvia Robin and Julia Shelley play the principals . . , "'The Island of Birds,” docu- mentary made by the State Film Co. of Poland to be telecast on Monday (8) . , . Selection of Lau- rence Houseman's works on Queen Victoria, adapted by Desmond Davis and dramatized in serial form begins next Saturday (13). Cast includes Lily Kann and Henry Oscar . . . Valeric Hobson to be guest star in "Leisure and Pleas- ure” on Tuesday (9) . .. S. E. Reyn- olds handles production . . . New thriller by Alwync Watsley to he produced on Sunday (7) by Dennis Vance . . . Excerpt from Peter Cheyney’s "Meet Mr. Callaghan” currently running at the Garrick to be telecast on Mon. (8) to cele- brate lOOtir performance of-, play. Cast futures Terence de Mamcy, Harriette Johns and Jack Alleh. I GBS-TY Daytime yfr ■■ Continued Jfrom 20 cast the Godfrey show because he originates for radio from his farm, the web will fill tentatively from 10 to 11 with feature film, "One in Every Family” goes at 11, with the current schedule then picking up, including "Strike It Rich” at 11:30, "Bride and Groom” at 12, "Love of Life” at 12:15 and Search for Tomorrow’ at 12:30./ Following the 45-mlnute local pe- riod, the network, returns at 1:30 with the Garry Moore show, and "Time for Americans” at 2. "Guid- ing Light” is in at 2:30, Art Link- letter’s "Houseparty” from 2:45 to 3:15 and "Wheel of Fortune” from 3:15 to 3:45. Then CBS will shut down its daytime operation each day with the "Mike (Wallace) and Buff (Cobb)” shows from 3:45 to 4. Portland, Ore.—John Emmel has been named musical director of WtjitJnghouse radio sUtion KEX hem* How About lose DHF Reaivers?’ Long Beach, Calif., Sept. 2. Now that UHF. bras become an Integral part of the TV picture it’s time that the manufacturing in- dustry designed its new receivers to pick up the ultra high as^ well the'existing VHF stations, FCC Comr. Rosel Hyde declared in an .address here last Friday (29)‘ be- fore the Institute of Radio Engi- neers. . Pointing out that 40% of the applications before the Commission abe for "UnF channels and that 29 of the 40 new stations authorized since the lifting of the freeze will operate in the UHF band, Comr. Hyde declared: "I feel strongly that every purchaser of a new TV set is entitled to. a set providing complete TV service. And, a set which is hot designed for UHF re- ception does not offer complete service.” The engineers have not fully met the ^allenge of UHF, Hyde said. Higher transmitter power is need- ed as well as lower cost equipment to enable TV stations to operate in the smaller communities. Sixty per cent of the 1^430 localities assigned channels in the TV allocation plan, he noted, have , a population of 25,000 or less. And 60 applica-' tlons have already been filed, he added, for towns of less than 30,000 people. Calling TV "an engineering mar- vel,” Comr. Hyde said the<- me- dium’s impact on our system of government "is just beginning to be realized.” He predicted that without doubt TV will be "one of the most important factors in the political campaigns and elections this year.” Probably at no other time in the history of the nation, Hyde as- serted, have the citizenry been so "intimately acquainted” with the Issues and personalities of a pri- mly campaign. Even little chil- dren, he* said, know more about the democrati(J processes in choos- ing a President today than high school and college students learned from their courses in the "B.T.” (before television) age. Pointing out that the television camera brings out insincerity as well as forthrightness, Comr. Hyde said he does not agree with some prognosticators that the medium will cause the disappearance of the short, stout or bald candidate. "Neither is it going to mean auto- matic success for the fashion plate, the* unctuous, and the fortunately hirsute. But it may well mean the difference between success and failure for the pleasant and honest personality, as contrasted with the unpleasant and the furtive,” IRE convention. West Coast branch, was- held in conjunction with the Western Electronics Show staged by the West Coast Elec- tronic Manufacturers Assn. Eileen BARTON Guesfifig Sept 5 HIT PARADE NBC RADIO AMERICAN MUSIC HALL EVERY SUNDAY, ARC. RADIO CORAL RECORDS Dir.: MCA I HARPO MARX NBC-TV RCA-VICTOR Mqt.: GUMMO MARX