Variety (September 1952)

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so HAI»K0-T£L£V1S10N I Eschen & Roe as Coast sales reps. William Bayer, former Coast sales- man for the transcription web, has been elevated to veepee rank.... Robert JHall Clothes has bought two 15-minute daily newscasts on WMAQ, plus 24 minute blurb#-' and 15' weekly station breaks “WBBM Was There,” weekly taped roundup of local activities pro- duced by Chuek Wiley, WBBM special events chief, has been moved to a new Sunday aftetnoon spot, J . .William Yonon has shifted from ABC to NBC as sales service specialist, reporting to Arnold Johnson, manager of the Chi NBC AM sales service setup... .WENR-TV is going on a hillbilly kick with Jack Lester jockeying a two-hour disk session aired Monday nights NBC engineering veepee O. B. Hanson comes in Sept. 12 to address the annual convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. m SAIS FRAmiSCO . . . Alan Torbet, former manager of KROW, Oakland, named • general « ♦ f ♦ » ♦-♦-f M ♦ f ♦ » 4 »»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 4 44 ♦ 44 > 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »» » > ♦ » From the Production Centres T f ♦ 4 ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ f M ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ M IN NEW YORK CITY * . • ABC flack Art bonegan 4 )ff for two weeks in Vermont MBS sales v.p. Adc Hult (who originally came from the widwest) is on a §wing around the area showing the Mutual presentation to clients.... Mrs. Patt Barnes is joining the father-daughter team of 'Tatt Barnes and Barbara” over WOR on Wednesdays.... Idella Grindley, former day program supervisor at Mutual, has joined the ICudner agency; she*ll handle traific on the Eisenhower-Nixon campaign.... Gale Block!, yee- pee of John Blair station rep, has resigned to manage the Chi office manager of KSFO. Phil La^ky, former boss of both KSFO and KPIX, of Broadcast Advertising Bureau'... .Rudolph Halley, City Council concentrate on. the Xy outlet NARTB prexy Harold Fellows prexy, is beaming results of his suryey of East Harlem housing condi- in for. district meeting at Mark Hopkins, Sept. 4 and 5 Harry Barto tions over WLIB in three installments this week... .ABC’^s ‘‘Politics on lomel named chief engineer of KROW, succeeding Paul Leake.,.. 'Trial,” moot court probes of curreht Issues, preems Sept. 30 at 6:30 kNBC’s Jane Lee home after a four-month tour of Europe... .KGO’s p.m .WHLI has begun construction of two new studios: a recording Jim Connelly. Vince Francis and C, L. McCarthy off to Hollywood for layout and an emergency booth at the indie’s transmitter Sam an ABC confab,.. .Bert Winn readying a two-hour, daily “Span the Bay Kaufman, NBC flack, has been given the assignment for the fourth with KYA” program featuring music and traffic information beamed consecutive year of writing the article on radio and t^evision for the from the Bay bridge.,. .Lonn Curley sky’d to Hawaii.. i .Roy Grandey Collier’s Year Book.. . .Joseph E. O’Connell, ex-CBS, is a new face in back on the KGO staff, producing the new. Lea Malloy alrer,., .KSF.O’s the WOR sales service department Mayor Vincent ImpelUtteri Gary Garlund returned from a New York sales trip.'.. .Jack Ryan, NBC's guests on the preem of “American Israeli Almanac” on WLIB tomor- Chicago press chief, quickled through, enroute to Hollywood, row (Thurs.) at 5:15 p.m. ~ Ethel Kirsner has resigned from CBS press... .Jane Christopher IN PITTSRXJRCH upped to ‘merchandising manager of Galen Drake^s WCBS programs _ , „ . _ . • i,...... ,. .Joan Allen, WOR secretary, is featured in a spread in September Bemie Armstrong and his organ music set for quarter hour at 6.30 evei'y Wednesday evening for Dairymen’s Cooperative Sales Associa- Issue of Cosmopolitan as typical working gal Anthony La Sala wnAir elected veepee and assistant to the general manager of Geyer, Newell Neshit domg the wmmercials... Sc Ganger agency... .Both NBC and CBS have renewed their Towers »” ‘S?’! ™ a n . of London transcribers, originally bought as summer replacements. Because AUide Steiner starts a new kiddie show m WDTV Oct 5, her NBC airs •'Adventures of Scarlet Pimpernel” Sundays and CBS beams i® ‘eevee director Jack Toien, which had orlwnally been set “HoraUo Homblower” on Friday nights.. . .Don Gillis, producer of the "P/ week.. . .Local ballerinas Shirley NBC Symphony programs, has a hit in London, via his “Symphony “d respectively, for Your Show of No. 5%." London's Festival Ballet preemed a new ballet, “Symphony Shows" and “Hit Parade” programs again this season... .Dave Tyson, for Fun,” set to Gillis’ opus... .Herbert Selby and Daniel Potter have been upped to veepees at ’Benton & Bowles, and Kenneth Togerson, formerly with Knox-Reeves, has joined the agency as a media super- visor. IN HOLLYWOOD . . . early morning deejay at WCAE, spending two weeks in Atlantic City, while his secretary, Mary Mandell, is soaking up some sun in Florida .. CIO has launched a weekly 15-minute program on KQV Tuesday nights at 10:15 called “Ivan, You Lie”... .Ralph Fallert doing “Moods and Melodies,” i>oetry reading to music, for five minutes every Tues- day and Thursday morning over WCAE for Wolfe Printing Co Nelson Naples, former Cork and Bottle entertainer, now has a teevee show in Miami and is also playing there at The Palms. JTednegday, ScptenA^r S, I 952 SAG Proposal On 4As Jurisdiction Meeting on television jurisdic- tion settlement which the Asso- ciated Actors & Artistes of America had last Wednesday ( 27 ) considered a new proposal by the Screen Actors Guild. Another ses- sion of the 4A’s hoard on jurisdic- tion'is scheduled for today (Wed.). Screen guild dropped its second version of a resolution delineating the jurisdictional borders (which had aroused Television Authority’s ire) and said it was willing to ac- cept the language of demarcation as it appears in the TVA code However, it is insisting that a leb ter be attached to the resolution Which would^’d) give control over all commercial Aim spots to SAG- and (2) place certain fringe-type shows under SAG jurisdiction These would be shows of the “i Dove Lucy” type and programs like “Red Skelton Show” when it goes on film. However, it’s contended by TVA and. American Federation of Ra- dio Artists that such shows are “done in the live manner” and therefore* shouldn’t automatically go to SAG merely because they are on film. ■ George Allen has finally decided that he served his time behind a desk as western radio program director for CBS and wants to get out ^ and create. So he’s taking a three-month leave to put a few Ideas of n j4ollli\Cri i//\ his own to work. Robert Sutton, program director at WCCO, Mtone- and WNBW, NBC’s radio and TV stations In capital, are con- apolis, comes west to fill the void. Allen is retaining his directorship of “The Whistler,” for eight years one of the Coast rating leaders.... solidatmg their offices and studios in enlarged quarters at Wardman Another shift at KNX moves up Maurie Webster as director of radio' Hotel beginning Oct. 1. Previously, WNB'W-TV was quartered operations... .NBC’s Tpm McFadden around to check on spot biz.... Park in upitown area, while radio activities were at Trans- *‘Comy” Jackson’# list of hopefuls as William Keighley’s successor on Lux BuUdmg in midtown.... WRC-NBC realigning its early afternoon “Lux Radio Theatre” has been trimmed from 47 to 3 and if a certain schedule begmnmg this week in order to make way for a new full-hour aspirant gets the nod, eyebrows will go up there.... Postcards Don daily show featurmg Bill Herson, station s popular ‘Timekeeper,” with (Halls of Ivy) Quinn from Hawaii: “I’ve made such a pig of myself that ^ noon show of-piano and organ musm plus commentary on local com they are roasting me for . a luau”.... Felix King, maestro of London’s and sports activities.... WWDC-Mutual tops town for out-of- the-home radio listening with one-fourth of the entire audience of this type, according to latest Pulse. This includes radio in automobiles, offices and recreation spots, but excludes WWDC-FM broadcasts in town’s street cars and buses CBS vacationers includes net v.p. Earl Gammons, in Quebec for a month’s rest; director of news and Colony, making the guest rounds.... Frances Scully handling the star- let interviews on Lux.... Mario Lanza’s studio hassle is causing heavy skull pounding at D’Arcy agency. /His present contract runs out in September and ^is long as he is under suspension at Metro, his tapes can’t even be played. Summer series has been re-runs... .Earl Ziegler -x j: nn ^ wr- moved up as assistant to Lcs Raddatz in NBC press.... Sherwqod ^ affaim for racuo Ted Koop, off on a cruise of Halifax, Quebec Schwartz is finishing out Larry Marks’ term as western region veepee B^^^da; and Anita Chester Lyous, of web’s public affairs de- of Radio Writers Guild. Mai'ks will sojourn in Europe for three P^ri;ment, who is off on a delayed honeymoon which was postponed months. because of the political conventions Ruth Crane, WMAD-ABC femme radio-T'\^ personality preeming a new weekly TV show, “Play Bridge IN CHIC AGO Experts,” with bridge expert Alvin L. Roth answering ques- solving knotty bridge problems Mark Evans, WTOP-CSS Pat Rastall, manager of the ABC Chi sales service department for emcee, tape-recorded a running account of his brief auto ride through the past two years, shifted to the network AM sales crew. Ed Bishoff the Iron Curtain with a hidden minitape recorder. Canada TV Continued Ironi page 23 takes over the sales service post....Gale Block! leaves his veepee berth at the John Blair station rep firm Sept. 15 after 16 years, to head up the Chi office of Broadcast Advertising Bureau which has been closed for the past several months.... Ade Hult, Mutual sales veep. In town last week for a roadshow pitch on the web’s latest data on radio listening in the TV-free sections of the country.... Olian Advertising Co. has changed Its name to Olian & Bronner, Inc., with Irwin A.. New York can reach as many peo Olian continuing as prexy and Maurice H. Bronner as exec veepee. pie as there are in Canada). To Jerry Joss, account exec, has been upped to v.p. status The Chi keen ud the aualitv thp CPr Radio Management Club and TV Council has dispatched a memorial u \ contribution to Boys Town, honoring the late Roy McLaughlin, past their tele shows to three president of both organizations Keystone Broadcasting has named crowds every night with exhibition sets in "action. Reception in local areas has been favorable, image is better than expected and programs have been picked up in Vermont, 150 miles from Montreal: Your Top TV Sales opportunity Wilmington, Del I' tiu' market which has highest 'icofne per fa mil v if' the couf'trN ^epresenteeJ b' ROBERT MEEKER ASSOCIATES ‘W r,;, , A n c, • ■ I e s S C V P f c 1 hours a day and will increase the schedule depending on financial position and sponsor reaction. Most interesting point of new policy is the manner in which CBC will program this initial three-hour offering and maintain complete control of all shows. An editorial board has been set up and. a variety of shows arranged for each day with what the CBC thinks will be a balanced menu for viewers. If the advertiser likes the editorial selection he buys space on a “packaged deal” in which a CBC producer directs the show, as- signs writers, hires the Cast and is responsible, with the approval of the sponsor for what is televised.' The Canadian sponsor can’t come along and present a complete show as he can for radio, % Chief reason for this tight con- trol on the limited time period is to make sure the viewer isn’t sub- jected to a solid session of soap operas, oaters, or whodunits. Dras- tic as this policy seems to be, it has merit but time and experience alone will tell. Present indications show a good variety of shows be- ing planned; one-third of the pro- grams seen in Canada will be paid for by Canadian advertisers, one- third will be of U, S. commercial sponsorship and one-third sustain- ing. Despite high cost of sets in Can- ada, In the Toronto-Mon- treal areas is high. Tele manufac- turers have been spending liberally in daily papers although getting little or no editorial support and retail stores are drawing big Minneapolis — Maynard Speece new WCCO radio f^:^ director, succeeding Larry Haeg, elevated to the station’s' general manager post CBS-TV FINAUZES GRID SERVICE LINEUP Armed services football games, to be televised on 11 Saturday afternoons byCBS-TV this fall, starting Sept. 20, will see many former college and pro stars in action, it was disclosed this week. Several former All-Americans, such as Cornell’s Rocco Calvo, are now In service and playing for their home base teams. Games, which are being offered by the web for commercial sponsor- ship, will originate from several points across the country, includ- ing Chicago, Washington, San Fran- cisco and San Diego. Opening game will pit the San Diego Navy team against the Great Lakes Naval Training Centre, and the schedule concludes Nov. 29 with San Diego Navy playing the San Diego Ma- rines. All branches of the armed forces are cooperating closely with CBS- TV in the schedule, pushing the games as a primary facet of their recruiting drives. Grid contests will be bucking directly against the National Collegiate Athletic Assn, football series to be televised by NBC-TV,'which has been bought by General Motors. Albany — Grant Van Patten, WRGB director, will teach a new Saturday morning course in tele- vision production and program- ming at the Albany Division of Russell Sage College, beginning Sept. 27. Profitable TV Audience exclusive with WGALTV LANCASTER, PENNA V I »' ‘.’ill;;'' , t n ' I o I' . o I' I V TV f h 1 ^ I a r c V h P ■ ■■ '• '1 - . I V I n ni o ■ f O r' ■ o Represented by ROBERT MEEKER ASSOCIATES New York Los Angeles San Francisco Chicago