Variety (September 1952)

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42 OhCHKSl’RAS-MITSilC S<^plcm!xsf S, 195^ Goes Long-Play London, Sept. 2. The EMI (Electrical Musical In- dustries) group of companies are at long last breaking into the long-' playing .held with their HMV, Par- { lophone and M-G-M labels. Thej first issues will be made in Octo- • ber. Special LP converters are also being marketed by the company and will be available about the same time as the disks. They ar* currently being exhibited at the radio exhibition at Earls Court. The Decca group are already well established here with their LP disks which have been pressed here for more than a year. Col. Launches Ad Push Keyed to Top Artists Columbia Hecords is launching a new advertising campaign for the fall longhair market framed around the company’s top artists. Each personality^.will be show- cased in ad spreads for one month along with a new platter release. Andre Kostelanetz will tee off the series in September. Victor's Hurok Album Ezio Pinza,' Jan Peerce an.d Roberta Peters, featured in the Sol Hurok biopic, “Tonight We Sing” (20th), are aU RCA Victor exclusive artists. While the RCA album will be the soundtracked tunes, the diskery may also issue singles by its artists of any tunes that break through for any special popularity. f.'.iLifR f.'UslC CORPORAIION When I Fall In love Music by , lyWcs by VICTOR YOUNO , EDWARD HEYMAN R9Corc/*(/ by DORIS DAY With Ptrcy Edith * Orch. Columbfa JERI SOUTHERN With Victor Young A Hit Orch. Doccd Victor Young Publications Inc. 9538 IrIghtoH Way, lovarly HIlli TOPfING ALL LISTS A ■y LEROY ANDERSON MILLS MUSIC, Inc. BETJUt DISl BEST SEUEBS P'XRnSfr Survey .of retail disk best sellers, based-m reports ob- tained from leading stores in 12 cities a:.d showing com- parative sales rating for this and last week .. . -. » National Ratini This Last wk. Wk. Week Ending August 30 Artist, LabeU Title ait. E 0 CO as tic i> > w a 1 o X k w M o 0 w- Xl 3 W 1 hi M ■O :a o c/x o M <u c I 0 1 • M o o « o O X ed 0 a rt E CO 1 ii tt o an 0 D U) B as a < 1 .£1 A r-H «) M ‘.a 04 Ul d 0 <u 1 s s o u. 6 Ui d fl . O •H tA O m to I 1§ o • 3 a w xs 3 1- ■3 z • \ 4* an c I w d 0) 1 o S s 1^' X)- u o o IV « 4 4 ) O S' o 0 1 S an o O (U «» o w Mt •a a o Y o T A t F 0 1 N T S FIVE TOP ALBUMS On the Upbeat New York Dick Lee, vocalist on the indie Essex label, pacted by Music Corp. of America ,. . Eddie Heywood into the Blue Mirror, Washington, Sept. 12 . . Georgia Gibbs head- lining at the Michigan State Fair, Detroit, for three days beginning Friday (5). She recently returned from a three-week European trek . . . Barbara Benson, Sammy Kaye vocalist, quit orch Sunday (31) to be married . . . Alan Dean opens at the Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, N. J., Sept. 12 . . , Norman Granz' “Jazz at the Philharmonic” into Carnegie Hall, N. Y., Sept. 13. Chicago Max Miller cut four sides for the indie Parrot label last week... Sbep Fields starts the fall season at the Schroeder Hotel, Milwaukee, Sept. 9 ... Nino Nanni has a two- weeker at Eddys’, Kansas City, Sept, 12 ... Betty Jane Watson and Jerry Austin in for two frames at the Rice, Houston, Sept. 5 ... Stan Nelson Trio move upstairs to the main room of Old Heidelberg . . . Julio^ Moro has joined the Teddy Phillips band as a male vocalist . . . Chuck Cabot band plays a string of Army dates in Texas and Oklahoma in September before coming into the Casa Loma Ball- room, St. Louis, Oct. 12, for two stanzas. Pittsburgh Ross Hall band winds up long run at Monte Carlo Sept. 18 and Bobby Cardillo crew goes back there the following night , Howdy Baum the new maestro of Casino burlesque house orch, re- placing Luke Riley, who is invad- ing the nitery field with an outfit . . . Tommy Carlyn opens nine-day stay at Casa Loma Ballroom in St. Louis on Friday (5) . . . Georgia Gibbs plays a week at the Vogue Terrace beginning Sept. 15 . . . Joe Schafer band landed the music job at ^ the annual Allegheny County Fair .,, saxman Bill Owens severe-* ly cut up, around the face in an auto crash and police are looking for the hit-and-run driver who caused it. Kansas City Terrace Grill of the Hotel Mueh- lebach is now closed .Sundays and has eliminated luhch^eoif sessions, now becoming a six-day week after many years of open every night.. . Warney Ruhl set for Grill Sept. 10, bringing in his crew to folloWv Clyde McCoy, currently doing big biz in the j^oom . . . Stewart Scott combo out of the Drum Room, Ho- tel President, into the Sylvania Club, Ottumwa, la., for two weeks. Grew then heads for a date in Buf- falo, N. Y... , Mary Wood trio has been set indefinitely in the new Cafe Picardy of the Muehlebach . . . Bill Bardo orch takes over stand in the Drum Room currently for four-week stand . , . President hangs on to the Two Pianophiends, twosome which came in originally for a fortnight, for at least another two weeks . . . Sonny Stitt doing a stint at the Mayfair currently. Disk Eieliisives Continued from page 35 point, the economics of pressing «nd distributing pSS are seen forcing. conUnLtion S the “exclusive” setup Undora +u highly competitive mfrke^ now vailing, if a disk company doesn^ pt to the market first tune, it stands, to lose out on thJ n,000 or more investment needed to release' a single number brn major vocalist with a big orche^ tral and choral backing. Only in rare cases these davs does more than one disk on any oil number make a dent. In such case, as Rosemary Clooney’s “Botch a M e” and “Half As Much,” .and thj Perry Como-Eddie Fisher cut of “Maybe,; the other com^Tnies conceded Columbia and Victor the field entirely. In i other cases the companies sometimes attempt a covering disk on a hit under pres- .sure from the distributors, but the results have been spotty. Result has been the growth of a new phenomenon in the music in- dustry—the disk companies’ plug song. Examination of the bestsel- lers of the major platter companies reveals that each label has a dif. ferent top hit. Victor, for instance has Eddie Fisher’s “Wish You Were Here’* Columbia has Jo Staf- ford’s “You Belong To Me”; Decca has the pour Aces’ “Should !”• Capitol has Tennessee Ernie’s “Tennessee Local”; Mercury has Patti Page’s “I Went To Your Wed- ding”; M-G-M has Alan Dean’s “Luna Rossa” and Coral has the Ames' Bros.* “String Along.” Slavenska Franklin Ballet, Inc., has been chartered to conduct a theatrical - business in New York. rnrr Professional rilLL Copies of A Great Song INFATUATION By Jeff Sparks Recorded on VICTOR fcrformances by TOP Radio Shows Wrlfe — Now DAVID GORNSTON |\17 West 48th Sf. New York City EDDIE FtSHER’S GREAT NEW RCA VICTOR RECORD THE HAND OF FATE Words and Music By PAT BALLARD General Music It's Music by JESSE GREER Program Today Yesterday's KITTY FBOM KANSAS CITY FEIST Getting Bigger Every Day ... on Disk Jockey Shows... Request Lists... Performances . . . Trade Reports HONKY TONK SWEETHEART Words and Music by CARMEN LOMBARDO and SUNNY CLAPP Recordinasl GUY LOMBARDO-Decca e CROMWELL MUSIC, Inc., 666 Fifth Ave,, New York 19 N. Y. Lori ng Buxzell, Gen. Prof. Mg Lucky Wilber, West Coast Rcp-