Variety (September 1952)

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u cuAnrER Wfediie»dtty» SeptoidiiW 3, 1952 iiig—wwi iMffwn^- Borrati Minivitfih in on the SS U.S. yesterday (Tues,), WA ittceptlng new coast-to- coast Ambassador Service'with a returns this month to make an Italo pie, ''Aiigels on the Side- walks*' here. It will be directed by Gianni Francolinl. , ^ , Anita liQos, having completed three translations, “Gift of Adele," “Darling, Darling/* both by JTean- Pierre Gredy and. Pierre Barillet, cocktailery and dinner aloft to in- <‘Sig£rled“ by Jean Glraudoux, vitees next week. Songsmtth Geoffrey O'Hara's daughter Nancy to wed George Brown Davis. Brlde-to-ber was with CBS until recently, . John Firman, managing Rector of B. Feldman Sc Co., British music publisher, arrives in N, Y. Sei|t. 9 tor a business visit. Mrs. Haldee Blumenstock Auer- bach, daughter of WB veepee Mort Blumenstock, married Marine Ma- J or Marvin Daniel Perskle in N. Y. dcf* . Barbara Walters, daughter of Dou Walters, the Latin Quarter boniface, in the NBC. press dept., working With Ted Cott, g.m. of the station. Singer Eddie Fisher, an Army returning to N, Y, for reopening of “Gigl." . ^ . A three-sketch fllm is being aet up here. Carlo Rim is doing one sk^etch with Ingrid Bergman, Jean Delannoy will do a sketch based' on a little known adventure of Joan of Arc while the third -aketch will tentatively have Vivian Leigh as the femme protagonist. Reno By Mark Cnrila Xavier Cugat at Sahatl's State- line Bell Sisters set for Riverside Sept. 4. „ . „ Esquire Trio doing well at Reno'a Cal-Neva. Lou Walters' Casino de Paris, at pfc., returns to the States from | Tahoe, shuttered. Korea in a couple of weeks after staging Reno little Theatre heading an entertainment unit “Stalag 17“ Sept, 15-Zl, playing 00 shows for GIs. Nat (King) 6>le out and Mills M nromlsina voung Bros, in at Cal-Vada, lAke Tahoe. prex? F?!ik V tw^ “How hard they work on their way w^k «ana, r<Bi Amcvjw;« «iiti up; and how they don't wanna . THn vaude dates with act he had espe- win Trio and written for him by Jack «w w . 'i e V _ Archie Robbins, currently vaca- tioning In Cannes, due back this week for a return date on TV. Carl. BrisSon headed Arst direct telecast froni the.JSfatlonal Radio Exhlbiton at Karla Court last week. W. St. Clair Low, general man- ager of Composers, Authors and Publishers Assn, of Canada, sailed for Quebec last' week. ’ Jimmy Cgrreras tossing a lunch today (3) to mark beginning of his AftlP British production this year, ^'The Flanagan Boy/' ' Nat Karson, who sailed for N. Y. on the Queen Elizabeth last Thurs- day (28), hosted at a secretly or- ganized farewell dinner, ' Third annl"'0£ Anton Dolin's Fesr- tlval Ballet company will be ob- served with a gala show at the Royal Festival Hall Sept. 12. David Tearle taking over Basil Radford’s role in “Affairs of State" following the actor's second collapse since the play opened. Ron Randell now vacationing In London, went to Devon over the weekend to support a charity gala to aid the Lynmouth Aood victims. J. Franklyn Venuer' appointed part-time director to the National Film Finance Corp. by Board of Trade prexy, succeeding S. John Pears Songwriter Joe Gilbert back from America and negotiating right laws to protect their works. I Folo Ramirez broadcasting ball ? :ameg over Union, Radio direct rom major league parks In the U.€L < Skippy dancing in Sans Soucl's “Sun Sun Ba Bae." Also starring on bill is Bertica Serrano, mambo dancer. - ^ Fernando Fernandez, Mesdean singer, planning a tour in August through Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Luis Sanchez Amago placed In charge pi' distribution for JPrOduc- tora, Filmiqa Cubana, which has already produced six Alms. • Garrido Sc Pinero, comics, have their oWn daily radio and thrice-! weekly TV shows. In additlbn, they continue to make Ave-minute Aim shorts, sponsored by a beer Arm. Popular demand caused the- gov- ernment to rescind its ban on broadcasts by Clayelito, who claims that his silking cures some ail- ments. A Actionalized version of Clavelito's life is also broadcast daily over Union Radio. laid up with up with Berlin waVv show with Will -Mastltt Trio and WWJC larer; Sammy Davis, Jr. From Dorothy mgallens sj^- Labor Day weekend ove^ows cated column; .Most popul^ news- private homes paper vendor to^^ls Pa^, at registered vacant rooms Bth and 44th, who^ j with Chamber of Commerce, gling young actors to read Variety ^ Sennes has hlg “Peep on the cuff. . Show" at the Riverside, Dlosa Cos- The Norman Readers (he's ad- tello and “Mardl Gras In Rio" at pub chief of the French govern- Mapes Skyroom, and his Minsky xnent Tourist Office) vacationing show set for New Golden Sept, 10. at Montauk, LJ., after a boom tourist season. Ramuel Schneider, Warner Bros, veepee, accompanied by his wife, planed in from Paris over the Weekend. He had been abroad for four weeks visiting toe company's Chicato Yellin. 'Fr^dd Wayne, who came over to 1 fill the Luther BilHs role in “South rooms I paciAc," inked by Carroll Gibbons for cabaret date at the Berkeley beginning Sept. 15. Val Parnell booked Jane Morgan as one of the headliners to open at Palladium Sept. 15 for two weeks on bill topped by Les Paul Sc Mary Ford from U. S. When Richard Attenborough leaves “Sweet Madness" to re- hearse for the new'Agatha Christie toriller, “The Mousetrap," his role Arlene Dahl in town to promote her new Ungerie line. vnrv 1 will be played by the aiitoor, Peter „ .. , Irene, Hervey left for New York] .r .. offices in London, RO’me and Paris, to rehearse for part in Bemar Jones. Gypsy Rose Lee terminates her Variety to Sept - ^ ^ ^ the Warner Club goll tourney Sept 12. Variety meet will be held at Vernon Hills Country Club, Tucka- hoe, N. Y Lee Kresel, dialog director of Jean Renoir’s “The Golden Coach,” filmed in Italy, sailed back to Europe yesterday (Tues.) on the Nieuw Amsterdam. He’s heading for Rome, where he'll supervise Anal recording on the Aim starring Anna Magnanl. Actress Nancy Nugent, daughter of actor - play wright-direef or-pro- ducer BlUott Nugent, will marry Francis de Bethencourt of England, in the fall. She’s currently in Century.” 21 with her sister, June Havoc, dTue Hl^^ve“ at Salt^Creek Expects to nlay re- ple of His Eye at Salt creex dates in Toronto in October. Derrick de Marney presented the strawhat. Eddie Cantor wlU make^an ad- dress for the IsraeU Bond Drive < aancers here, Oct. 5. and musicians for 15 performances at the Winter Garden Theatre last I week. Show is a feast of color and publicist, in Michael Reece Hospi naHvi* nnshirinv af?nnm- tahwith ulcers. Bill Valos of toe Valos circuit returned last week from three months in Greece, Dorothy GuUman in to do press on world preem of ''Somebody Loves Me" at toe Chicago, Sept. 5. Milton Baron, g.m. for producer Jose Ferrer, planed In to ‘ catch exotic native posturing accom' pauied by bamboo percussion ins- truments and a type of xylophone. Mumi Beach Rinera “The Male Animal" with her father “Stalag 17" which opened at the who .coauthored the click comedy Erlanger. with James Thurber. Mony Dalmes. societaire of the Comedie Franchise, must return to Paris for the legit season next Astoria eSef Claude^ C^ Philippe^in Maurice Chevalier’s exclusive plris last month andr’aftor a Rivi- concert at Casino Juan-lea-Pins. ovf^r to visit Jacqueliue Francois and Charles and legit ia the States next sprtag ®&^,i,Y»s”‘„Vte!5;dnated success- After bivouaclng in a subl^ series of oneniters- at Carroll’s apartment, only a block away from Beach, Cap d'Antibes. their present Park Ave. layout, t Jock and Mary Lawrence repos- sessed their own place which had been under sublet until Sept. 1 during his X8 months’se^ice wlto General Eisenhower. Col. La^ his 80th birthday in Rapallo, Italy, rence was on Ike s personal staff - in Paris. He is still doing some work for the General’s GOP cam- paign. ^ Mark Evans of CBS, taped Cote d'Azur beauty contest at Nice be- fore leaving for Venice Sir Max Beerbohm, English ac- Butlin, planning "show ideas with tor, writer and critic, celebrated acts booked out of Miami. By Lary Solloway New Algiers Hotel which will boast big cafe, planning weekend entertainment. Carrie Finnell's preem of her Club Flame held up until difficul- ties are straightened out with mu- sicians union. St. John Terrell in and out of town, working deal with AFM local so that he can reopen Music Circus this season. Tent was dark last year. Felix Young, quondam Califor- nia plush cafe op now Kving here, planning two-orch setup for his new swankery currently in build- ing stage. New midwestem group taking over defunct, island resort in Bahamas built by Britisher Billy Paris “Belle of New York" to be new show at the Mogador. Buster Keaton to play Cirque Medrano on four-week date in Oc tober. H. G. Clouzot pic, “Manon," banned in Argentina on Immorali- ty grounds. Gerard Phllipe to Canada to attend preem of his starring pic, “Fanfan La Tulipe" Aug. 29. Noel Coward investigating Paris plays before London opening of his new one, “Quadrille," Sept. 12. Darryl Zanuck here on way to Munich to look over “Man on a Tightrope" pic which Robert Sher- wood scripted and Elia Kazan will direct. “C-afe Society,"' Montpar- nasse nltery, opening with all American bill including Muriel Gaines, Gordon Heath and Jack Kennedy. Irvin Marks, local rep for the Miami Beach opened Service- men’s Stage Door Canteen at Audi- torium with 2,000 men entertained by performers from local clubs, plus dance music by AFM-contrib- bed orch. El Mamba, Vagabonds Club Paddock all shuttered over week- end. Mamba enlarging and reopen- ing in November. Paddock ditto Vagabonds off to fill other commit- 'Tino Rossi started work on a new Aim, “The Last Chrtetmas, being made in the old quarter of Nice. Ted Ray, top BBC comic, vaca- tioning at Juan-les-Pins. Ray leaves for Korea troop shows in September. Ginger Rogers vacationed at Beach Hotel, Monte Carlo, accom- panied by Celebrity Service’s Earl | ments until early December, Blackwell. Lillian Gish after motoring I H through Spain stopped off at n3Y3I12l Cannes for two months before re- turn to the U. S. Bob Hope, accompanied by Betsy Duncan, opened European tour with a one-nite staUd at the Sport- ing Club, Monte Carlo. Henri Salvador, songwriter-sing- er, successful at the Vieux Colom bier, Juan-les-Pins, and had re- turn booking with two weeks. Ireland By Maxwell Sweeney Ram Gopal and Indian dancers in for season at Olympia, Dublin. Gypsy Rose Lee currently ap- pearing at the Opera House, Bel- ! fast. Nancy Radcllffe at the Bamboo Club. Lolita Ochoa singing at Mont martre. Blanquita Amara goes to Spain In September. Lola Flores at the America In song-dance stint. Ana' Gloria Sc Rolando, mambo couple, at Tropicana. Jose Fernandez Valencia pacted to sing in a Miami nitery. Mario Martinez Casado directing the vaude show at the Alkazar. Paco, Pepe and Pico appearing twice weekly on Union Radio-TV Roland Gerbeau singing on Radio Cadena Azul’s “Show of the Stars." Alicia Alonso, top Cuban bal- Shuberts and othpr cbmw hiv v ^hesper Mlcheal MacLiammoir lerina, off for Hollywood to join the ^ack from Paris after post-synch- Ballet Theatre. Brenner's ihg on Orson Welles' “Othello." “ - - Srf ^ motor- Leslie Faber, sales manager of Ing tour to the Norse countries. British Lion, in from • London to / Alii* ftnishing work here huddle with Irish exhibs,and trade In “The CofAn and the. Ghost," show “The Sound Barrier/* The Three Gallants here to ap pear on CMQ-TV; act did 20-week stint in Mexican tele. Cuban composers have petitioned the government for strict copy German Bishops warned authori- ties against new openings of gam- bling casinos. . The Clef Dwellers, U. S. barber- shop quartet, here to teach , about heir type of warbling. “Boy Meets Girl" chosen as en- try In the Berlin Festival by the American Little Theatre Assn, of Berlin. Ullstein made a contract with the West Berlin newspaper, Ber-^ liner Anzeiger to take oveii and probably issue it as Berliner Mor- genpost. U. S. pix currently running at Arsb-run houses include “Gypsy Wildcat," “Decoy," “Only the Valiant," “David and Bathsheba" and “Last of Buccaneers." Berlin actor O. E. Hasse pacted Dy Warners for a Aim to be directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Sasse already starred in 20th-Fox’s Big Lift" and “Decision Before Dawn." Scotland By Gordon Irving Denis Forman, director of Brit- sh Film Institute, addressing sum- mer school in Glasgow. Juliet Byam Shaw, 18-year-old daughter of Stratford producer Glen Byam Shaw, joining Perth Repertory Theatre. • Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow, to give world preem to “Green Cars Go East," play set in Glasgow by Paul Vincent Carroll. Peter Potter,- resident director of Citizens’ Theatre, Glasgow, in from 10-week stint of directing strawhat season . in resort towns of Port Carling and Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. Gordon Jackson, Scot actor, to star in new British Aim, “Death Comes to School." He is currently in London nin pf “Seagulls Over Sorrento,” now notching up its 90pth performance. Westport, Conn. By Hum'phrey Doulens Jane Froman vacationing at RidgeAeld. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tunney due back this wee'k from Europe. Frederick C. Schang to London (29) to see Island of Ball Dancers. Hal LeRoy starring in “Where’s Charley?" at Melody Fair next week. Mrs. William Anthony McGuire back to New York after summer- ing here. Helene Bliss and -John Tyers back from Coast tour with “Song of Norway.” Mary Martin and .Richard Halil day building another house on their Norwalk acreage. John C. Wilson, William Gaxton, Ben Boyar, Theresa Helbum, Chris tie MacDonald, Mary Hunter, Wil- liam Liebling, William Raiser, Ar- miAa Marshall at preem of “Tin ■Wedding" here (1). Wanda Hendrix returned from iM.* X». « R«ggy Ryan recovering from sur- * Cary Grant ailing with jaundice Vittorio Gassman returned from Rome. Nancy Valentine measles.* Maggie Ettinger vacationing at ^^^ri Blanchard planed to Mex- Fte/ Zinnemann to Canada on vacation. Arlene Dahl Aled suit to divorce Lex Barker. Nancy Olson to Milwaukee to start a tour. Julie Carlson laid chicken pox. , celebrated his 80th birthday. Harry Homer and Joan Frankel *^0 wed Oct, 3. Ezio Pinza heading for Korea to entertain troops. George Gale in town after 18 months in India. Tom Drake recuperating from appendectomy. Olivia de Havilland divorced Marcus Goodrich. King Faisal II of Iraq gandering toe Aim studios. Claude Binyon in town after a cross-country tour. Henry Hull in from Connecticut to resume film work. Victor McLaglen in town after eastern personals. Kay Kyser left for his home in Chapel Hill, N, C. Jackie Coogan tore a knee liga- ment in a ball game. Rae Lynn checked out of the hospital after "Isurgery. Leo Carrillo and Duncan Renal- do planed to St. Louis. Albert - Austin seriously ill at his North Hollywood home. David Wayne and Arthur Ken- nedy to Oregon for‘Ashing. Betty Hutton and Charles O’Cur- ran Teave for London, Sept. 16. Rita Gam checked in at Metro to start her new term contract. Fred Quimby checked In at Metro after vacation in Honolulu. Sujata & Osaka planed to Tokyo for the 1,500th Buddhist Festival, Barcelona By Juaquina C. Vidal-Gomis The Astoria and Cristina Aim houses playing the French pic, “Ma Pomme." The Madrid Lara Co. in “God- dess of Sand" at the Kursaal in San Sebastian. The Buenos Aires theatre in Bil- boa has Maria de Los Angeles Mo rales for opera performances. Producer Iquino signed Virgilio Teixeira, Portuguese Aim star, for a new dramatic production. Manolo Caracol's son, Enrique Ortega, a gypsy singer like his father, probably will leave • the stage to become a bullAghter. Pic star Aurora Bautista in an auto accident coming in from the La Toja summer resort. Neither she nor others in the car suffered serious injuries. Rome By Helen McGiU Tubbs^ Tennessee Williams off to Mu- nich for confabs with Elia Kazan. Errol, Flynn planed out for Palermo to do location scenes for “Master of Ballantrae.” The Fiammetta, Cinema, only Aim house in Rome which is air- conditioned, has a full house every night. American soprano Jane Stuart Smith to-the U. S. for concert tour after several operatic appearances in Jttaly. Roger Livesy and Ursula Jeans here for a few days before going on to Sicily for the Erroll Flynn picture. The Igor Cassinis, vacationing in Forte dei Marmi on the Sea, will return to Rome before going back to the U. S. Sam Spiegel in from London is huddling -with Roberto Rossellini and Ingrid Bergman for a Aim to be done here. Piftsburgh By Hal Cohen Carl Dozer did the m.c. chores again at annual county fair. Lou Starr and Dale Thomas hav® dissolved their cafe partnership. Pittsburgh Newspaper Guild has set its Arst Page One Ball for Feb. 14. John Johns named editor of Up- stage, Pittsburgh Playhouse's news- Monte Carlo booked Harvey Bell for a two-week return starting f n- day (5)^ The Bert Stearns are taking a JSouth American cruise for their honeymoon. . , .. Vinnie Faye, Joey Faye’s broth- er, named house singer at the t/a* sino burlesque. . __ . John Betera, owner of Vogue Terrace, and his family back from Florida vacation. ^ ^ ^. Warner has “Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima” booked for special en- gagement Sept. 12. . . Shirley Jones, this years Miss Pittsburgh," awarded a scholorsmp at Playhouse School. Local drama critics went to At lantic City fbr an advance peek at the new “Ice Capader>. , * fn John Walsh to Newport, R. i-. J® drive his family back home aft a month's vacation there. - Bob Savage, singer and composer of “Jungle," pencilled into the Copa for week of Oct. 20. p Bill Zeilor. manager of the J. ^ Harris, joining ment dwellers at the ®^ 2 elow. Jimmy Nelson opens at Carousel Friday (5) with Maureen Cannon following him in Sept. 15th.