Variety (September 1952)

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s ^ A ‘ \ t. ' ' * r ‘‘-n] ' 4"^ ♦ I r* ".'Mi ■■ *, Y*-/' 'vV»' ^v ►V Lvvi^' t-v ^ i«,» r / ■aj) »‘,jf <‘ >> > ■« i :(A [^>:'>'r ,m.4 \. Jjjf/ k 4-*j <■ • i!?: A> ■c: ^ % m mi ,s 'mV '.' tj ^ 1' ’'k* r ■ /»♦ .»« • * ‘ * ^ P^ik m V •Lm ><>'1 M'. My, t>i7. M {i'b Thiy is the advenfurSjprogram with ths diffiftfnee, .. i ths only continuing show on TV prodtfeed In Europo II..with action scenes filmed in world capitals (.. with a wealth of exciting new talent ...with tense plots based on International Intrigue •.. all blended into the only adventure series of its kind on TV by the genius of Sheldon Reynolds rt'S THE UNDUPLICATED I • s w, I'v't 7V. ■fe !♦ •’^z- »*' .W' ■'■if k'< < »<■ mix r'’ >’ * i I } N TELEVISION TODAY a Vi u\ »: ship I FOREIdt^ INTRIOillff is working now from coast to coast for local dnd.r0g.iQnat advertisers. This versatile vehicle is carrying soles messages on such' diverse produjds and services as beer^ fountain pens/ . drugs, automobiles, banking, and seho fm r IT WILL DO A GREAT SELLIN FOREIGN INTRIGUE is underwritten by Ballontine for use in 11 markets arid has been bought ‘ by local and regional sponsors for other markets, coast to coast. This top-quality show is available for other key markets—a network-caliber show to fit the local sponsor's budget. In units of 26 films with options. ... imM U AT LOW COSTI ii*SS For competitiye ratings and information on markets available, write or telephonet p* HOWARD RDLLY NORMAN VARNEY FOREIGN INTRIGUE 420 Lexington Avenue 2110^ York 17, New York