Variety (September 1952)

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10 GROSSES P^SSlEff Wednesday, September 10, 1952 LA Fair; ‘1-Minnte’ Rousing $41,000, liserables’ OK lOG, Hellgate’ NSH 20G; ‘Arms’ Hot 14G, ‘Widow’ 18G, 3d Los Angeles, Sept. 9. “One Minute to Zero,” playing In three theatres, is way out in front for new bills here in cuiTcnt week with a solid $41,000 likely. A medium $16,000 is seen for “Les Miserables,” playing upped scale in two houses, while the combo of •‘Hellgate’* and “Jungle” shapes mild $20,000 in three locations. “Park Row” is holding only two davs of second frame after mild $12,000 in first week in three sites. Holdovers mainly are on the post- holiday skids. “World in Arms” looms okay $14,000 on third ses- sion in two houses. “Merry Widow” is in like category with $18,000, also third round. In two spots. Estimates for This Week Chinese, Globe, El Rey (FWC) (2,048; 782; 861; 70-$ 1.10)—“Park Row” fUA) and “Tough Girl” (Rep) (reissue) (2d wk). Stays only 2 days on holdover. First week was mild $12,000, disappoint- ing after nice takeoff. Los Ansr^ies. Ritz, Hawaii (FWC- G&S) (2,097: 1.370; 1,106; 70-$1.10) —“Dreamboat” (20th) and “Spider and Fly” (Indie) (2d wk). Dull $13,000. Last week, good $26,400. Hollyw'ood. Wiltcrn, United Ar- tists (WB-UATC) (2,756; 2,344; 2,- 100: 70-$1.20)—“Big Jim McLain” (WB) (2d wk) and “Atlantic City Honeymoon” (Rep) >UA only). Mild $16,000, Last week, below ex- pectations at $26,000. Loew’s State, Egyptian (UATC) (2.024; 1..538: 70-$ 1.10)—“Merry Widow” (M-(jr) (3d wk). Okay $18,000. Last week, good $22,400. L. A. Paramount. Iris, Loyola (UPT-FWC) (3,300; 814; 1,248: 70- $1.10)—“Hellgate” (Liu) and “Jun- gle” (Lip). Mild $20,000. Last week. Paramount hit city record of $86,500 with Martin and Lewis on- stage plus “Rose of Cimarron” (20th); Loyola, “High Noon” (UA) and “Navajo” (Lip) (^d wk), fine $6,600; Iris was second-run. Hillstreet, Pantages, Pour Star (RKO-UTAC) (2.752; 2.812; 900; 70-$1.25)—“One Minute To Zero” (RKO) and “Fargo” (Mono) (Hill- street & Pantages only). Solid $41,000. week, Hillstreet, Pantages, “Affair Trinidad” (Col) and “Rainbow Round Shoulder” (Col) (4th wk), okay $16,700; Four Star, “Wild Heart” (RKO) (7th wk) off to‘ $2,200 on finale. Beverly Hill.s. Downtown (WB) (1,612; 1.757: 80-$1.20) — “Les Miserable.s” (20th). Okay $16,000 or over. Last week, “What Price Glory” (20th) (3d wk), above Jiooes at $9,700. Rialto, Vogue (Metropolitan- FWC) (840; 8.55; 70-$1.10)—“Son of Paleface” (Par) (3d wk) and •'Dangerous Assignment” (Indie) (1st wk). Modest $6,500. Last week, $11,200 and another $29,300 in two ozooners and three hardtops in the Los Angeles area. Hollywood Paramount, Palace (F&M-Metropolitan) (1,430; 1,230; 70-$l.10)—“World In Arms” (3d wk) and “Island of Desire” (UA) (Palace only). Hotsy $14,000. Last week, solid $18,300. Orpheum, Fox Beverly (Metro- politan-FWC) (2,213; 1,352; 80- $1.50)—“Big Sky” (RKO) .(3d wk) and “Jungle of Chang” (RKO). Down to $10,000. Last week, okay $17,000. Wilshire (FWC) (2,296; 80-$1.50) •'Carrie” (Par) (4th wk). Off to $4,- 600. Last week, above expectancy at nice $6,600. Canon (ABC) (520; $1)—“Actors and'Sin” (UA) (7th~wk). Thin $1,- 600. Last week, $2,200. ‘Wid'ow’-Rathbone Wham $33,000, Wash.;‘Paleface’ Hepi9G,‘Fear’Big9G,3d Washington, Sept. 9. Despite predominance of hold- overs and reissues, mainstem biz continues in upper i*egister this %veek, maintaining trend of recent sessions. Two out of three new- comers are sock, with “Merry Widow” plus Basil "Rathbone top- ping stageshow breaking all recent records at Loew’s Capitol. “Son of Paleface” at Warner shapes as a hbldover material, with great session. “Sudden Fear” in third and final stanza at RKO Keith’s continues to amaze witJi sock biz. Reissue of “This Above AH” at Lo- pert’s Dupont, Is fine for this small-seater. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew’s) (3,434: 55-95) — "Merry Widow” (M-G) plus wniide topped by Basil Rathbone. Wow (Continued on page 20) 1 I ^ (I ^ 1. ' i L i / C • > Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $559,200 (Based on 20 theatr. Last Year $522,300 (Based on 18 theatres) ‘Jacks’ Sockeroo Cleveland, Sept. 9. Everybody is getting a slice of boxofflce cake, with strong prod- uct and cool temperatures helping all key stands currently. Biggest jack is going to “Jumping Jacks,” smash at State to catch a holdover.. Second stainza of Hipp’s “Affair in Trinidad” looks stout while “Un- tamed Frontier,” the Allen new- comer, is lively, Stillman’s “Ivan- hoe” on sixth lap and Palace’s “Big Sky” on second are bulling their way along sturdily. Estimates for This Week Allen (Warner) (3,000; 55-85) — •“Untamed Frontier” (U). Fast $13,000. Last week, “Big Jim Me-' Lain” (WB), $13,500. Hipp (Telemagemont) (3,700; 55- 85)—“Affair in Trihidad” (Col) (2d wk). Fancy $11,500 following sock $21,000 last week. Lower Mall (Community) (585; 55-85)—“Forbidden Women” (In- die) and “Nightmare In Red China” (Indie). Oke $3,300. Last week, “Greatest Show” (Par), $3,000. Ohio (Loew’s) (1,300; 55-85) •— “Merry Widow” (M-G) (m.o.). Ex- cellent $10,000, and staying. Last week, ^“Tomorrow Too Late” (Bur- styn), $5,000. ‘ Palace (RKO) (3,300; 55-85) — “Big Sky” (RKO) (2diwk). Par- ticularly good $10,500 after big $18,000 last folio. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-85) — “Jumping Jacks” (Par). One of house's sockiest recent comedy hits. Smash $25,000, holds. Last week, “Merry Widow” (M-G), $18,- 500. Stillman (Loew’s) (2,700; 55-85) —“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (6th wk). Solid $13,000 following $14,000 last round. Tower (Telemagemont) (500; 55- 851—“Storm Over Tibet” (Col)-and “Red Snow” (Col). Nice $2,600. Last week, “Rains Came” (Fox) (20th) and “Leave to Heaven” (20th) (reissues), $2,800. ‘PALEFACE’ WOW 28G, MONT’L;‘JACKS’17G, 2D Montreal, Sept. 9. “Son of Paleface” is towering above all opposition here this week with a terrific session at Loew’s. “Jumping Jacks” continues very big at Capitol while “Pat and Mike” looms fast in second Palace round. ' “Caribbean” looks great at Princess. Estimates for This Week Palace (C.T.) (2,626; 34-60)— “Pat and Mike” (M-G) (2d wk). Fast $12,000 following solid first week at $18,000. Capitol (C.T.) (2,412; 34-60)— “Jumping Jacks” (Par) (2d wk). Smash $17,000 after $25,000 in first week Princess (C.T.) (2.131; 34-60)— “Caribbean” (Par). Great $15,000. Last week, “California Conquest • Col), $13,000. Loew’s (C.T.) (2,855; 40-65)— “Son of Paleface” (Par). Teri<ific $28,000. Last week, “What Price Glory” (20th), $20,000. Imperial (C.T.) (1,839; 34-.60)— “Cripple Creek” (Col.) and “Gobs and Gals” (Col). Good $8,000. Last week, “Aaron Slick” (Par) and “Atomic City” (Pari, $6,000. Orpheum (C.T.) (1,048; 34-60)— “Island of Desire” (UA) and “Con- fidence Girl” (UA) (2d wk). Fine $8,000, after hefty first at $9,000. ‘Affair’lively Louisville, Sept, 9. Mostly holdovers here this week, and film houses have the State Fair as opposition. On the bright side, weather is considerably cooler, temperatures, and patrons are get- ting back into the September rou- tine. Of the new product, “Affair in Trinidad” looks nice at State, while “Woman of North Country” is mild at Strand. “Big Jim McLain” at Mary Anderson is one of the strongest holdovers. ' Estimates for This Week Kentucky (Switow) (1,000; 54-75) —“What Price Glory” (20th) and “Rose Bowl Story” (Mono) (2d wk). Still strong at $5,000 after last week’s sturdy $6,500. Mary Anderson (People’s) (1,200; 54-75)—“Big Jim McLain) (WB) (2d wk). Nice $6,000. Last week, neat $7,500. Rialto (Fourth Avenuer (3,000; 54-75)—“Son of Paleface” (Par) (2d wk),. Likely nice $11,000 after in- itial week’s tremendous $18,000. State (Loew's) (3,000; 54-75)— “Affair in Trinidad” (Col). Only new product In town landing nice $11,000. Last week, “Merry Widow” (M-G), solid $13,000. Strand (FA) (1,200; 54-75)—“Wo- man of North Country” (Rep) and “Tough Girl” (Rep) (reissue). Mod- est $3,500. Last week, “Beware, My Lovely” (RKO) and “Bal Tabarin” (RKO), $5,000. H.0.S Dull Det; ‘Sky’ Fair $23,000, ‘Rogers’ Good KG, ‘AGserables’ 12G DEVIL’ OKAY S13,000, BW.;‘AFFAIR’12G, 2D Buffalo, Sept. 9. There is only one newcomer this stanza here 'at first-runs, “Devil Makes Three,” and it is just okay at the Buffalo. “Affair in Trinidad” continues big in sec- ond Lafayette round but “What Price Glory” Is sagging somewhat in its holdover at Century. “Son of Paleface” shapes oke at Para- mount. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Loew’s) ^3,000; 40-70)— “Devil Makes Three” (M-G) and “My Man and I” (M-G). Oke $13,- 000. -Last week, “Merry Widow” (M-G) (2d wk), $10,000. Paramount (Par) (3,000; 40-70)— “Son of Paleface” (Par) and “Cap- tain Blackjack” (Indie) (2d wk). Okay $8,000. Last week,, big $15,- 000 . Center (Par) (2.100; 40-70)—‘‘Rig Jim McLain” (WB) (2d wk). Held at $7,000. Last week, fancy $10,000. Lafayette (Basil) (3,000; 40-70)— “Affair in Trinidad” (Col) and “Rainbow Round Shoulder” (Col) (2d wk). Continues big at $12,000 or near. Last week, smash $18,000. Century (20th Cent.) (3,000; 40- 70)—“What Price Glory” (20th) (2d wk). Fair .$7,500 after great $12,000 last week, ■ H J i .If A . ((.'Juft Detroit, Sept. 9. _ iz is so-so this week with hold- overs putting the damper on things. “Big Sky” looks fair at the Fox. “Story of Will Rogers” shapes good at the- Madison. “Les Mise- rabies” is okay at United Artists. Holdovers are topped by “Son oi Paleface” and “Big Jim McLain,” latter especially stout. Estimates for This Week Fox (Fox-Detroit) (5,000; 70-95! —“Big Sky” (RKO). Fair $23,000 Last w'eek, ‘'Sudden Fear” (RKO! and “Narrow Margin” (RKO) (2c W'k), fine $18,000. Michigan (United Detroit) <4,000 j 70-95)-^'^S on of Paleface” (Par) and “Lady in Iron Mask” (20th) (2(3 wk). Nice $16,000. Last week, <99 nnn Palms (UD) (2,961; 70-95)— “Big Jim McLain” (WB) and *‘Due) at Silver Creek” (U) (2d wk). Hold- ing at fancy $14,000. Last week, $19,000. Picked up pace late in week. Madison (UD) (1,900; 70-95)— “Will Rogers” (WB). Good $16,000. Last week,' “Affair in Trinidad” (Col) and “Just Across Street” (U) $10,000 for third week downtown.' United Artists (UA) (1,900; 70-951 —“Les Miserables” (20th) and “Rose Bowl Stoo'” (Mono). Okaj $12,000. Last week, “Dreamboat” (20th) and “Holiday for Sinners” (M-G) (2d wk), $8,500. Adams (Balaban) (1.700; 70-951— ‘Merry Widow” (M-G) i2d wk) Down to $9,000. Last week, solid $14,000. K.C. Sturdy; ‘Untamed’ Fat $K, ‘River Slow 5G, Hope Great lOG, 2d Key City Crosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $2,763,300 ^ (Based on 24 cities-, 215 the- atres, chiefly first runs, includ- ing N. Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year ... ... ,$2,597,000 (Based on 26 cities, and 225 theatres.) ‘Dreamboat’ Lush $11,000, PhiOy Philadelphia, Sept. 9. Weekend biz continues high but a lack of new product is hurting the week’s total. There are only three newcomers this stanza. It is smooth sailing for “Dreamboat,” with great session at the bandbox Trans-Lux. “Les Miserables” is proving a pleasing surprise with a trim, total at Midtown, and may hold. “Brigand,” third new entry, is mild at Stanton. “Merry Widow” is still sock In second Arcadia rovmd while “Sudden Fear” is con- tinuing in great fashion in third week at Goldman. “Son of Pale- face” looms fine in second Fox week. Estimates for This Week Arcadia (S&S) (625; 80-$1.20) — “Merry Widow” (M-G) (2d wk). Sock $15,000 after $16,000 opening stanza. Boyd (WB) (2,360; 60-99)—“Just For You” (Par) (3d wk). Holding at $10,000. Last week, good $13,000. Fox (20th) (2,250; 50-99)—“Son 6f Paleface” (Par) (2d wk)‘. Nice $18,000. Last week, mighty $28,000. Goldman (Goldman) (1,200; 50- 99)—“Sudden Fear” (3d wk). Still big with $10,000, Last week, w'ow $ 20 , 000 . Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 50-99)— “Where’s Charley?” (WB) (2d wk). Dull $9,000 after first 10 days drew so-so $18,000. Midtown (Goldman) (1,000; 50- 99) — “Les Miserables” (20th). Happy $13,000. Last week, “Un- tamed Frontier” (U), $9,200. Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- 99)—“Affair in 'Trinidad” (Col) f3d wk). Trim $12,000. Last week, $18,000.. Stanley (WB) (2,900; 50-99) — “Big Jim McLain” (WB) (2d wk). Off to $11,000. Last week, fair $16,000. Stanton (WB) (1,473; 50-99) — “The Brigand” (Col). Mild $7,000. Last week, “Feudin’ Fools” (Rep) and “Woman of North Country” (Rep), $8,500. Trans-Lux (T-L) (500; 85-$1.20) —“Dreamboat” (20th). Lofty $11,- 000. Last week, “Diplomatic Cour- ier” (20th) (8th wk), fine $4,000.. ‘Paleface’ Hotsy $15,000 In Denver ‘Widow’ 14G Denver, Sept. 9. Biz shapes very strong here this week for many theatres. “Merry Widow” Is socko at Broadway and “Son of Paleface” looms big * at Denham to pace field.' Both will hold. “Ring” paired with 'Man From Black Hills” goes to Isis for grind run after two nice weeks at Rialto with first-run scale. “Any- body Seen’My Gal” shapes good in two houses. Estimates for This Week • Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 50-85) — “Three for Bedroom C” (WB) and “Rose of Cimarron” (20th), day- date with Tabor, Webber. Fair $6,500. Last week, “Don’t Bother To Knock” (20th) and “Shores of Tripoli” (20th) (rbissue) (2d wk), $ 6 , 000 . Broadway (Wolfberg) (1,200; 50- 85)—“Meriy Widow” (M-G). Sock $14,000. Holds. Last week, “Lovely to Look' At” (M-G) (4th wk), $6,000. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750; 50-85) —"Son of Paleface” (Par). Big" $15,000. . Stays. Last week, “Car- rie” (Par) (2d wk), $8,500. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 50-85) — “Anybody Seen My Gal” (U) and “Sea Tiger” (Mono), day-date with Esquire. Good $15,000. Last week, (Continued on page 20) ( ( ^ i t y ■ ' J . I . ' J >1 Kansas City, Sept. 9. Tempo of trade at first-runs is sturdy with “Untamed Frontier” in Fox Midwest houses as outstanding newcomer. “Son of Paleface” at Paramount and “Merry Widow” at Midland both are string holdovers, with possibly another w'eek in sight for “Paleface.” The weak spot is the Missouri with a slow take from “The River.” Some of year’s best weather currently help- ing biz. Estimates for This Week Kimo (Dickinson) (504; 50-75)— “Tembo” (RKO) (2d wk). Nice $1,600. May hold again. Last week, $2,000. Midland (Loew's) (3,500; 50-75)— “Merry Widow” (M-G) (2d wk). Holding steady at $8,000. Lasit week, hefty $15,000. Missouri (RKO) (2,650; 50-75)— “The River” (UA) and “Captive City’! (UA). Won’t Igo over $5,000, rock bottom, as arty film shows no power in this big first-run. “River” recently played at Kimo solo. Last week, “Big Jim McLain”( WB) and “Confidence Girl” (UA), nifty $9,000. Paramount (Tri-States) (1,900; 50-75)—“Son of Paleface” (Par) (2d wk). Bob Hope comedy con- tinues great at $10,000. May play another w'eek. Last week, giant $15,000. Tower, Uptown, Fairway, Gra- nada (Fox Midwest) (2,100; 2,043: 700; 1,217; 50-75)—“Untamed Fron- tier” (U) with “Stolen Face” (Lip) added at Tower and Granada. Fat $16,000, Last week, “World in His Arms” (U) and “Kansas Territory” (Mono), $17,000. Vogue (Golden) (550; 50-85)— “Seven Days to Noon” (UA). Mod- erate $1 a 500. Last week, “City Lights” (UA) (reissue), same. ‘Dreamboat’ Rne $12,000, Pitt; % Arms’ Solid 7G, Taleface’mG,Botb2d Downtown is dotted almost ex- clusively by holdovers this week, and all are doing well. Only new entry Is “Dreamboat” at the Stan- ley, and it is getting over. “Son of Paleface” at Penn, “World in His Arms” at Harris and “What Price Glory” at Fulton, all in sec- ond stanzas, are holding up strong- ly while “Sudden Fear,” in h.o. session at Warner, after a previous week at Stanley, continues very sharp. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— “What Price Glory” (20th) (2d wk). Shooting for slightly better than $5,000, sturdy. Last week, big $9,- 000 . Harris (Harris) (2,200; 50-85)— “World in His Arms” (U) (2d wk). Much better than expected on strength of opening week. Solid $7,000 on top of great $10,500 opener. Penn (Loew’s) (3,300; 50-85)— “Son of Paleface” (Par) (2d wk). Bob Hope starrer tapering off but there ‘ will be no complaints with $10,500, enough to send it to smaller Ritz after stay here. Last week, hefty $14,500. Squirrel Hill (WB) (900; 50-85)— “Hunchback Notre Dame” (RKO) (reissue). Old shocker heading for fine $3,000 here or- very close. Last week, “Island Rescue” (U) (2d wk), $1,700. Stanley (WB) (3,800; 50-85)— “Dreamboat” (20th). Got happy notices from crix, and had an ex- cellent weekend. Good $12,000. Last week, “Big Jim ^ McClain” (WB), NSG $9,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 50-85)— “Sudden Fear” (RKO) (m.o.) (2d wk). Joan Crawford meller strong- er than anything house has had in long time. Playing second week here after a previous one at Stan- ley, very sharp $7,000. Could stay but won't because “Qur Lady of Fatima” (WB) is set to open upped- price run Ii’iday (12). Last week, big $8,000, ‘Lure’ Lively $15,000, Toronto; ‘Charley’ 11G Toronto, Sept. 9. Sock here cun’ently is “Lure of Wilderness” and topping town among newcomers, with “Where’s Charley” just fair. Holdovers that are still healthy include “Son of Paleface,” “Dreamboat” and “Dip- Iqmatic Courier.” Estimates for This Week Crest, Downtown, Glendale# Mayfair, Scarboro, State (Taylor) (863; 1,059; 955; 470; 698; 694; 35- 60)—“Carson City (WB) and “Hur- ricane Pilgrim Hill” (IFD), Oke (Continued on page 20) • i » 1 . i{ • i 11 t \ .