Variety (September 1952)

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September 17, 1952 P^mff PICTOIK GROSSES 11 Chi Still Perky: ‘Fear Potent 30G, ‘Bonzo’ Nice 14G, ‘Oreamboat’ loves Me’-Daniels Sock 450,2d Wk. Chicago, Sept. 16. | rvnocled decline after Labor Day ho^hrixoffice has not been aS bad ^ ntSted with the'hbldDversH Sots much of the strength, p oviams entries S "Sudden Fear" at the Orlen- I booking the most potent with S30 000 ferand should do nicely ^ ‘‘Ronzo Goes to College" and 'Sin nt Ali Baba-" at • $H.QOO. “Dreamboat’’ $12^000 Eoosevelt shapes okay $12,000. The Chicago, with ‘‘Somebody loves Me" aided by Billy Daniels topping stageshow. heads the sec- nnd weekers with a smart session. -Merry Widow" at the Palace is solid in second stanza. Will Rogers" and "Captain Pirate Ses mildish at Roosevelt while Ues Miserables” and ‘‘Brigand’ at United Artists is down to $8,000 in first holdover round. -Jumping Jacks’; still is bright in third stanza at the Woods. En- core shapes sturdy in seventh Surf frame. Estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 98-$1.251 —"Somebody Loves Me" ^P^'J with Billy Daniels onstage, (2d wk'. Holding nicely with $45,000. Last week, $60,000. Grand (RKO) (1,500; 55-98) - “Bonzo Goes to College" (U) and "Son of Ali Baba" (D). Should grab neat $14,000. ' Last week, “Lost in Alaska" (U) and "Un- tamed Frontier" (U) (2d wk), $ 8 , 000 . Oriental (Indie) (3,400; 98 — "Sudden Fear" (RKO). ' Starting off with brisk $30,000. Last-week, "What Price Glory” (20th) (2d w'k), $15,000. Palace (Eitel) (2,500; 98) — "Merry Widow” (M“G) (2d wk). Hefty $18,000. Last week, $25,000. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 55-98)— "Dreamboat" l20th) and "Paula" (Cob. Looks okay $12,000. Last week. "Big Jim McLain," (Rep) and "Cripple Creek" (Col) (2d wk) $ 10 , 000 . State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 55-98) —‘‘Will Rogers" (WB) and "Cap- lain Pirate" (Col) (2d wk). Mildish $9,000. Last w'eek, fine $16,000. Surf (H&E Balaban) (686; 98)— "Encore" (Par) (7th wk). Trim $4,500. Last week, $5,000, United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 55- 98—‘‘Les Miserables" (20th) and "Brigand" (Col) (2d wk). Not too brisk at $8,000. Last week, $13,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98) — "Jumping Jacks" (Par) (3d wk). Staunch $21,000. Last week, $25,000. World (Indie) (587; 98)—"Ybung and Damned" (Indie) (8th wk). Breaking records at this art house with excellent $3,800. Last week, $3,500. Crosby Stout 15G, Buff.; ‘Arms’ Lusty 11G, ‘Fear’ 12G, ‘Lure’ Fat $13,000 Buffalo, Sept. 16, Batch of new, strong product is spelling boxoffice prosperity this week. "Just for You" at Para- mount, "Lure of Wilderness" at Center, "World in His Arms’* at Lafayette and "Sudden Fear’* at Century all shape lively to sock. Estimates for This Week (Loew’s) (3,000; 4C 7C>-^ Pagan" (M-G) and "You Eoi Me (M-G). Shapes sad $8,000 L®st week. "Devil anH^®“My Man $14000 much better at , Paramount (Par) (3,000; 40-70)— “Wild or 0 Ic 1 ^Mono). Bright $ld,000 Lasl Crosby pic. and Paleface" (Par) souS‘$9 “W ^20th) and $13000 Socko Lain’' ('wuf "^'2 Jim Mc«^ Lafal^f Wk). okay $6,500. "Wirld ^^’000: 40-70)— ingfor 1 ^U). Head- week or close. Last and Trinidad" (Col) dpi'" (Col. S'’ My Shoul- CentS *5? '\'k). solid $9,000. '^0’-"S^udH (3,000; 40- $12.00(1 p"'? What Price i-Oll)' (,-d wk), fine $8,000. Estimates Are Net ' Film ^oss. ‘estimates, as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net; i e., without the 20% tax.. Distrib- utors share on net take,' when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net In- come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the U. S. amusement tax. ‘Devil’ Lean 19G, Hub; ‘Paris’ 12G Boston, Sept. 16. With the weekend beginning with blistering weather followed by a mercury drop Sunday, down- town majors failed to grab much more than ordinary biz mainly be- cause of little new sock product. "Assignment Paris" at Astor shapes okay with, double billed "Devil Makes Three" and "Washington Story" at State and Orpheum very mild. "Les Miserables" at Para- mount and Fenway is only so-so with "Untamed Frontiers” at Bos- ton fair. "Sudden Fear" in fourth at Memorial still is sturdy to pace holdovers. Estimates for This Week . ..A.stor... (B&.(^ ..0,500; "Assignment Paris" (Col). Opened, fairly strong with $12,000 looming. Last week, "Affair in Trinidad” '^CoD (4th wk-5 days), good $4,000. . Beacon Hill (Beacon Hill) (682; 50-90)—"Lady Vanishes" (UA) and "Eva Peron Story” (Indie). Opened today (Tues.). Last w'eek, "Actors and Sin" (UA), slender $3,600 in 8 days. Boston (RKO) (3,000; 40-85) — "Untamed Frontier" (UI) and "If Moscow Strikes” (Indie), Fair. $8,500. Last week, "Son of Ali Baba" (U) and "Pirate Submarine" (Lip), $13,000. Exeter (Indie) (1,300; 60-80) — "Island Rescue" (U) and “Ivory Hunter" (U) (3d wk). Down to about $5,600 following nice $7,000' for second week. Fenway (NET) (1,373; 40-85) — "Les Miserables" (20th) and "Yu- kon Gold" (Mono). Mild $3,800, 'Last week, "Big Jim McLain" (WB) and "Rose Bowl Story" (Mono) (2d wk), $3,300. Memorial (RKO) (3,000; 40-85)— "Sudden Fear" (RKO) and "Capt. Black Jack" (Indie) (4th wk). Off to good $12,000 after slick $17,700 for third. Metropolitan (NET) (4,367; 40- 85)—“Son of Paleface’* (Par) and "The Jungle” (Lip) (3d wk). Skidded to sluggish $8,000 follow-, ing slender $10,500 in second. Orpheum (Loew) (3,000; 40-85) "Washington Story” (M-G). Fair $12,000. Last week, "Merry Widow" (M-G) (2d wk), $11,500. Paramount (NET) (1,700; 40-85) —"Les Miserables" (20th) and "Yukon Gold" (Mono). Below par at $9,500. Last week, "Big Jim McLain" (WB) and "Rose Bowl Story" (Mono) (2d wk). nice $10,- 000 . State (Loew) (3,500; 40-85) — "Devil Makes Three" (M-G) and "Washington Story" (M-G). Slow $7;000.'Last week, ‘‘Merry Widow'' (M-G) (2d wk), $5,000. ‘1-Minute’ Sock $19,000, Port; ‘My Gal’ Nice lOG Portland, Ore., Sept. 16. Biz is still perking at nearly all first-runs this round, "Has Any- body Seen My Gal’,* is shaping solid at Broadway while "One Min- ute to Zero” looks sbeko in two houses. "Merry Widow" is ace holdover. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (1,890; 65-90) —‘Anybody Seen My Gal" (U) and "Just Across Street" (U). Solid $10,000. Last week, "Big Jim McLain" (WB) and "Holiday For Sinners’* (M-G) (6 days) (2d wk), $7,000. Guild (Parker) (400; 65-90) — "Les Miserables’'^ (Lux) (3d wk). Good $1,500. Last week, $2,200. Liberty (Hamrick (1,850; 65-90) —^"Merry Widow" (M-G) and "You (Continued on page 31) ‘Dreamboat’ Smooth 11G, l^ville; ‘Rainbow’ $8,000 Louisville, Sept. 16. Biz at downtown houses is hold- ing at a fairly even keel this week. "Dreamboat” at Rialto is pulling fine. "Paula"' at the Kentucky looks good, but standout appears to be "Rainbow Round My Shoulder," big at the Mary An- derson. Estimates for This Week Kentucky (Sv,‘itow) (1,000; 54-75) —"Paula" (Col) and “Cripple Creek’-’ (Col). Good $5,000. Last week, "What Price Glorj’’’ (20th) and "Rose Bowl Story" (Mono) (2d wk), fine $5,000. Mary Anderson (People’s) (1,200; 54-75)—"Rainbow Round Shoulder” tCob. Lookmg tor big $8,000. Last week, "Big Jim McLain" (WB) (2d wk), good $6,000. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3,000; 54-75)—"Dreamboat” (20th) and "Arctic Flight” (Mono). Fine $11,000. Last week, "Son of Pale- face" (Par) (2d wk), nice $11,000. State iLoew’s) (3,000; 54-75)— "Affair In Trinidad” (Cpl) and "Montana Territory" (Col) (2d wk). Modest $9,000 after last week’s ex- cellent $12,000. Strand (FA) (1,200; 54-75)—"It’s In Bag” (UA) and "Guest Wife" (UA) (reissues). Heading for low- est mark in months, thin $2,000. Last week, "Woman of North Coun- try" (Rep) and “Tough Girl" (Rep) (reissue), moderate $3,500. Tatima Socko ,500, Pitt Ace Pittsburgh, Sept. 16. Terrific late season heat- giving Golden Triangle a setback this week but perked up Sunday. I "M iracle of Ou r La dv of Fatima ." playing a special date at the War- ner on upped scale, shapes socko in first round. It is the big biz leader in town. Harris with "Any- body Seen M}*- Gal" looks weak. However, “Just For You" at Penn and "Big Sky" at Stanley are run- ning nice. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— “Woman of North Country" (Rep). Mild $4,000. Last week, "'What Price Glory” (20th) (2d wk), nice $5,500. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 50-85)— "Anybody Seen My Gal" (U). Weak $5,500. Last week, ""World In His Arms” (U) (2d wk), fine $7,000. Penn (Loew's) (3,300; 50-85)— "Just For You" (Par). Looks trim $12,000 or over. Last week, "Son of Paleface" (Par) (2d wk-5 days), $7,500. - Squirrel Hill (WB) (900; 50-85)— "Les Miserables” (RKO) (reissue) (2d wk). Oldie a surprise click at habe art house with good $2,000. Last week, smash $3,000. Stanley (WB) (3,800; 50-85)— "Big Sky" (RKO). Nice $13,000 or less. Last ^eek, "Dreamboat” (20th), $11,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 60-$1.25)— "Lady of Fatima" (WB). Playing special engagement at advanced prices and teed’ off with big week- end. Should get socko $19,500. Last week, second of "Sudden Fear" (RTO) (2d wk), in third radwntown week, very good $6,TJ00.' B’way Strong Despite All H.0.s; ‘Quiet: Man’ Terrif 51G in 4ih, ‘Monkey’ 72G 2d ‘Fear’ 2flG in ‘1 Minute’ Buff $16,000, Cinc^ ‘Paleface’ Lofty 17(J, ‘Carrie’ Nice lOG Cincinnati, Sept. 16. This is another round of brisk trade for the ace houses here. Collector of most wampum is "Son of Paleface" at" hisge Albee,‘lilose^- ly followed by "One Minute to Zero/' the smash at the Palace. Other new bills. In better-than-par gait, are "Carrie" at the Capitol and "Lady In Iron Mask" at the Grand. Lyric has a moveover groover in its "Big Sky." Estimates for This Week , Albce (RKO) (3,100; 55-75)— "Son of Paleface" (Par). Big $17.- 000. Last week, "Big Sky" (RKO), tall $24,000 in 10 days. Capitot (RKO) (2,000; 55-75)— "Carrie" (Par). Nice $10,000. Last week, "Les' ■ MiseFables" l20th), $10,500. Grand (RKO) (1,400; 55-75)— "Lady in Iron Mask" (20th) and "Girl on Bridge” (20th). Pleasing- $9,500. Last week, "What Price Glory" (20th) (2d wk), same. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 55-75)—"Big Sky" (RKO) (m.o.). Good $8,000. Last week, "High Noon’* (UA) (m.o.), $7,500. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 55-75)— "One Minute to Zero" (RKO). Tor- rid $16,000 or near. Last week, “Dreamboat" (20th), ditto. Although Broadway is lOO^r holdover this session, outside of the usual weekly change at the Paface and JaUhohing of ,'a nevv pic at the arty Park Ave., grosses at first-run houses continue re- markably stout currently. Deluxe theatres had to contend with the return of unusually hot weather (last Saturday was the hottest Spp.t 13 on record in N.Y.) and heavy interest in the major league pennant races, V)ith both the con- tending N. Y. Giants and first- place Brooklyn Dodgers playing at home. A stimulant for biz was the resumption of fall-like, weather Sunday (14) and Monday (15), with the light -rain late Monday appearing hot to hurt much. "Quiet Mari” at the Capitol is still showing terrific strength, with the fourth stanza ending today (Wed.) snaring $51,000. Pic looks to stay seven weeks or more at th^ current pace. "Monkey Busi- ness,” with Kyle MacDonnell, George De Witt and iceshow on- stage, is winding its second week tomorrow (Thurs.) at an okay $72,000 or close.^at the Roxy. Third round of "Crimson Pirate," with Louis Armstrong and his All-Stars, Gordon Jenkins’ band and chorus heading stage bill, wound up with good $56,000 at the Paramount. "Miraeje of OUr Lady of Fatima" continues to dis- play remarkable stamina at a very stout $17,000 in current (4th) round at the Astor. "Ivanhoe,'" with stageshow, con- tinues to smash old marks at the Music Hall, finishing its seventh stanza today (Wed.) with a fine $130,000. It goes an eighth frame, "Mons. 'Eabre"^ was' trig: -$9,300- opening week at the Park Ave. "Sudden Fear” still is big $20,- 000 at the State in its sixth week. "High Noon" is holding nearly even with the previous week to get solid $21,000 in eight May- fair session, "Affair in Trinidad” continued sturdy at $14,500 in sev- enth frame at the Victoria. Estimates for This Week Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 70- $1.50)—"Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima" (WB) (4th wk). Current round ending today (Wed.) still is very stout with $17,000 or near after $19,000 for third week. Stays on. "Limelight" (UA) is due in next Capitol (Loewis) (4,820; 70-$1.50) —"Quiet Man" (Rep) (4th wk). Fourth session ending todqy (Wed.) still socko at^ $51,000 or near after $53,000 for third week. Continues indef, with six or seven weeks al- TYlAcf PATfjllA Criterion (Moss) (1,700; 50-$1.85) —‘‘Big Sky" (RKO) (5th wk). Fourth round ended Monday (15) held at okay $12,000 after big $18,- 000 for third week. "One Minute to Zero" (RKO) is due in Friday (19). Fine Arts (Davis) (468; 90-$1.80) —"Stranger in Between" (U) (5th wk). Fourth stanza ended Monday (15) held at nice $6,500 after sturdy $6,900 for third. Globe iBrandt) (L500j_ 50-$1.50) —‘'‘DevifM'akes ^ee" (M-G) (3d- final wk). Down to about,$10,000 this week after okay $12^500 for second round. "You -For Me” (M-G) opens Friday (19). Mayfair (Brandt) (1,736; 50- $l,60)—‘‘High Noon" (UA) (8th wk). Continues solidly at $21,000 as against $20,500 last week. Holds. "World in His Arms" (U) due in Oct. 2. Normandie (Normandie Thea- tres) ^(592; 95-$1.80) — "Encore" '(Par) '<25th- '•wk):“‘'The-■24th-stanza ended last night (Tues.) wound up with fair $5,100 after okay $5,000 for 23d week. "Magic Box" (Mayer) opens Sept. 24. Palace (RKO) (1,700; 75-$1.80)— "Beware My Lovely" (RKO) with 8 acts of vaude. Looks like sturdy $25,000. Last week, "My Man and I” (M-G) plus vaude, fine $22,500. Paramount (Par) (3,664; 80-$1.80) —"Big Jim McLain" (WB), with stageshow comprising Mills Bros., Jean Carroll, Ray Malone, Danny Lewis, Tommy Reynolds *orch. Opens today (Wed;). Last week. "Crimson Pirate" (WB) with Louis Armstrong and his Ail-Stars, Gordon Jenkins oreh, Bailantine ffBpping stage bill (3d wk), held at good $56,000 after big $68,000 for second, to round out very profit- able run. Park Ave. (Read:-"* (583^ 90-$1.50) —"Mons. Fabre" (Indie) (2d wk). First week ended last Saturday (13) hit big $9,300. In ahead, "Brandy For Parson" (Mayer) (3d wk-8 days), $4,000. Paris (Indie) (568; $1.25-$1.80)— "Casque D’Or” (Discina) (5th wk). Fourth week ended Sunday (14) was $6,500 after big $8,000 for third stanza. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 80-$2.40) — "Ivan- hoe” (M-G) with stageshow (7th wk). Still big at $130,000’ after sock $145,000 for sixth session. Probable total of $1,136,000 for first seven weeks makes this the greatest seven-week period in Hall history. Holding an eighth week only. Hall has definitely set “Be- cause You’re Mine" (M-G» to open Sept. 25, though "Ivanhoe" might have stayed longer. Rivoli (UAT) (2,092; 70-$1.50)— "Snows of Kilimanjaro" (20th). Opens with special preem show to- night (Wed.), with regular run starting tomorrow (Thurs.), In ahead, ‘‘Les Miserables" (20th) (5th wk-6 days) dipped to $5,000 or near after mild $9,000 for fourth framq. Roxy (20th) (5,886; 80-$2.20)— "Monkey Business" (20th) plus Kyle MacDonnell, George De "Witt, iceshow onstage (2d wk). Current frame winding up tomorrow (Thurs.) looks* okay $72,000. Hold- ing 5 extra days to open "Some- body Loves Me” (Par) on Sept. 24. First week was fine $90,500. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-$l,50)— "Sudden Fear" (RKO) (6th wk). Continues very sturdily with about $20,000. Fifth week was sock $26,- 000. Continues. Sutton (R&B) (561; 90-$1.50)— "Man in White Suit” (U) (24th wk). Holding at fine $6,500 in 23d round ended Monday (15) after $6,^00 for 22d..-.. w£ek. ‘lEQurjiQSter” (Coll. opens' Oct. 15. Trans-Lux 60th St. (T-L) (453; 90-$1.50)—"Lady Vanishes” (UA) (7th wk). Still okay with $4,700 after $4,800 for sixth frame. Holds. TransrLux 52d St. (T-L) (540; 90- $1.50)—"Ivory Hunter" (U) (5th wk). Eourth week ended Sunday (14) continued smash with $8,000 alfter $10,000 for third session. Victoria (City Inv.) (1,060; 70- $1.80)-^‘‘Affair in Trinidad" (Col) (8th wk). Seventh frame ended last night (TuesJ held at $14,500 after big $17,000 for sixth w'cek. Continues for several weeks, "Four- poster" (Col) not being due in un- til Oct. 15. "Poster” opens day- date with Sutton. H.0.’s Slow Up Mpis. But ‘Dreamboat’ Fast $11,000; ‘McLain’8G,‘Frontier’6G Minneapolis, Sept. 16. Loop biz is being held down by continued absence of what is rated outstanding fare in real quantity here, with holdovers being blamed partially. “Dreamboat".. slacks up as the lone newcomer showing real strength. Both "Jim McLain" and “Untamed Frontier" are rated solid, It’s the fourth week for “Greatest Show” on popscale run. "World in His Arms" still Is nice in fourth and final stanza. ‘ Estimates for This Week , Century (Par) 1,600; 50-76)— "Merry Widow" (M-G) (2d wk). Still strong at $6,000. Last week, $ 10 , 000 . Gopher (Berger) (1,000; 50-76)— "World In His Arms" (U) (4th wk). Has been theatre’s best bet in some time. Neat $3,000 for final session, and highly profitable run. Last week, $3,900. Lyric (Par) (1,000; 5 0-76) — ‘Greatest.Show" LBar).(2d run) C4lh wk). Lively $4,500. Last week, $5,000. Radio City (Par) (4,000; 50-76)— "Dreamboat" (20th). Outdistancing recent Webb entries. Impressive $11,000 or near. Last week, “Son of Paleface" (Par) (2d wk), $6,000. RKO-Orpheum (RKO) (2,800; 40- 76)—"Big Jim McLain" (WB). Okay $8,000. Last week, "Big Sky" (RKO) (2d wk) (4 days), $4,000, and "Apache Drums” (U) add "Saddle Tramp" (U) (reissues) (3 days), .$1,700. RKO-Pan (RKO) (1,600; 40-76)— "Untamed Women" (UA) and "Dia- mond City" (Lip), Sturdy $5,000. Last week, "Farmer’s-Daughtor’— (Selz) and "Bagdad” (U) (reissues), $5,5p0. Siatc (Par) (2,300; 50-76)—"Un- tamed Frontier” U). Helped oy presence of Shelley Winters and Joseph Cotten. Oke $6,000. Last week, "Lure of Wilderness" (20th), $ 8 , 000 . World (Mann) (85-$1.20)—"Car- rie" (Par) (3d wk). Very strong $4,000. Last week, ditto.