Variety (September 1952)

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WCTUftES Clips Frcm Film Row NFW YORK advantage of first weekly Thurs- u .“family night'* in St. Paul af- Variety Club holds its first an- fording free rides downtown and „„al Golf Tournament and Party i qoO gratis loop theatre admis- at the Vernon Hills-Country Club, sions to lucky number holders. St. Tuckalioe, N.Y., Sept. 25. l^awam ^ity officials rapped company Fabian of Fabian Theatres, 4s han- poor service. Downtown thea- dling reser^tions. tres thought their grosses o«‘might Samuel Hosen, secretary-treas- have been helped some.” urer of ® Territory’s exhibitors 100% Coast gandering upcoming prodimt. united, for one'of few times, in Harold Danzig moves from Co- fjght for repeal of the Federal 20% lumbia’s homeofiice exploitation admission tax, according to Harry dept, to handling tie-ups. B Frelich, area chairman. Expensive Lunch It will cost General Mills about $2,000 simply to inform exhibs of its proposal for a $1,000,000 merchandising tie- in with the film industry . GM's Don Manchester is picking up the check, figured at that amount, for the Thea- tre Owners of America lunch- eon today (Wed.) in Washing- ton, where he will outline the proposed program. General Mills Continued from page 3 Distribs Shortsighted on Rekases Of n* ih* MV r L*L n f fi j i Big Fix, N. ¥. txhiDs Beet on Frod. Lag f N. Y. metropolitan-area exhibs Mayer-Kingsley Snare week discounted distrib claims British Donat-Starrer uct for nabe showing was due to Arthur Mayer and Edward the current protracted run of “big*' Kingsley have picked up U. S. dis- pix on Broadwaj'. Theatremen tribution rights to the Robert Do- maintain that the shortage of nat Technicolor film, “The Magic “big product was due to the short- Box.” Deal was set with Sir sightedness of the distribs who fail Michael Balcon, chairman of Festi- to release sufficient important pix DENVER Recent annual Paramount Week ducers and distribs, as well as val Film Productions, and the J. during the early summer months was biggest in local exchange’s exhibs, will be involved. Arihin- Tfank OrMniratinn Pro- so that they’ll be available to the hictftrir in ninfin<ar. ..-J i AriRUi namt ^^rgauizduon. jrro j.. o ^ i— Golden Colo., succeeding Jerry after maior ooeration- unahb>” in campaign are its 20,000 outlets, | ture preems at the ^Normandie, we will be leading with weakness united Artiets ^ V'a":fhe/"d™on deel Transit C6.. “ Discina Internatiocal Films .in cooperation with loop theatres m,.- i.x -i u j i, ^ j * • i --i * . „ • and stores inaugurating weeklv budget of $1.- acquired American release rights circuit op and prexy of Allied I OQ ANPFI FS Thursday “Family Nighfi” in St is for radio, TV, national to the French-made “Topaze.” States Assn. streetcar and bus local newspapers and other Wrftten, produced and directed by Noting “the lack of good prod- Monogram purchased franchise- fg^.g downtown from 7 to 9 p.m media. Plan, roughly sketched, is Marcel Pagnol, the picture stars uct” for early September Snaper operated exchange m i^etroit from game as here. As in Minneapolis, for the public to receive some sort Fernandel. Discina alsC inked a further points out: “It’s easily William B. Huribut, ueorge yy. gf Paul cinemas will give free of gold seal with each -purchase sub-distribution pact with Manhat- understandable whv suddenly the Weeks ^nd J. L. Saxe, giving the i tickets to riders holding lucky of the Gold Medal flour. Seal en- tan Films International of Los public stays awav It has been („mpany, 16 wholly-owned ex- numbers. ' ® ^ titles the customer to a discount Angeles whereby the latter will ^"oTn time anT again that lor S ‘■''Sfuesser'acouired distribution ^ at the local film house, handle “Paris Nights” in 11 west good picture ‘they will sit on rudits tf“Thf Firebird “ sSh ST. LOUIS ?l ".T®. involving | ern states. Pic stars the Bernard tombstones.’ Alter a lew good pic- 1 l-no 1 nfijirrA • Krnc -i ixi_ i! - , his answer is he has problems *' 1 s c 1 n a International Films noted Wilbur Snaper, New Jersey the theatre. cokh' feature in all ^untries out- pe Robin, a North St. Louis in turn, 'films and theatres will j ,j,cu -01 Scandinavia. Germany and mdie jiabe, owned^by^A^^^^^ be given strong plugs. in GM’s_ ad j: j tures, we drop off with mediocre id theaHeS will l m i pi’CtbirCS, ^nd thO follOWing WC liaVG ags in GM s ad I btrilt up with the good ones will ploitation. Spe- I lllfll Diivo'iAe lost. Give them good entertain- sted, it s under- I talVv ment and they will come to the in each locality I theatre ” t a: Continued from pa^e 4 , ^ .c-ai before TOA ‘ • ' j i, .iv „ difficulty, Snaper avers, is experience In handling fight pic- that the fimenes don’t have a con- ! thov'rp Robinson-Randy slant fiow of good pictures, “but suffered about $1^000 dam- copy and other exploitation. Spe- niTvT A nr-t riFJi A House had cific films will be listed, it’s under- PHILADELPHIA since 1947 whep shuL stood, and theatres in each locality Marine Bng.-Gen. Homer L. Litz- not comblv with new building ende will be idcntihed. enherg hero of the Korean War, Homer A Mewman sold hk in’ Placing the proposal before TOA ua.. guest of honor at Mastbaum terest in the Strand. Marshall. 111., determine exhib reaction GKO Biggies Continued from pa^e 4 /-I _i. 1 A 4 ttxru#^A I vv,.vvwv Lw±c^k i 3 All.* 11 * J. • '•^^13 —ouoiiv iiwr VI. swu. i./ vuii picenL to his partners, and will devote certain ^"Ji^ders i elate thc> re Turpin bout last year,.^n exciting regardless of the hurt to the box- C.Ioi\. Mai me di^ and bugle to his heating and appliance bep to the GM idea, believe its encounter, RKO turned out the nfrino thoy iiho d^giribs^ periodic coi p.s along vnth a dnif team were store. < the biggest such industry tie-in in maximum nuhiber of prints. How- cally hold off such as Dre-Christ- Inought up from Was^^^^^ The Plymouth, a west end St. years and feel it stands a good ever, for the dull Willie Pep-Sandy mab\ prei.aster elc.’^ ^ 1 ,^pnn^’vivon?-! nabe, sliuttered since last chance of showing good results saddler fray, its print order was ’ R*»pirAr Iiul ot Laslein Pennsylvania, uigedjjviay, relighted under management for the trade. ' . at a minimum. Becker Agrees nu’inbcrs in smaller situations to : Qf James Leontsinis, a projec- Since discounts on theatre tix | rnmmnv ni-mc fr» h-ivn ric^ht Herman Becker, of the Rugoff pel behind yoting rChislralion ^onist. must be approved by the producers-! . f-onipany plans to have the fight . ^ Becker chain, generally agrees (have, by giving free midweek ^ E,„,an W. Alfred, manager of Td distribl the proposition will Snaper’s views, adding that pa-.scs lo new legistrants. .Fox Midwest Orpheuni. Marion. Hp «;pnt ln C.OMPO for its okay ! after the fi.^ht, ; |_|^c same situation occurs every rox Midwest Orpheuni, Marion, he sent to COMPO for its okay j j- Zu ibe same situation occurs every III., .suffered cuts and bruises when if the exhib.s support it. It’s billed exact time depending on the yj^ai-. pointing out that August biz an auto hit an alley exit of the as a “Boxoff ice Stimulation” meas- | ‘2 involved. Its spurted because of the good pix as he was emerging from ! ^’OA n 0 pnHn I figured that the pix-of a six-round available. Becker noted that it CHICAGO I an alley exit of the | as a “Boxoffice Stimulatio .•\aron Schlessman takes over as ‘ Ui^^a'u’e^^ ^ " emerging fiom on the TOA agenda. heoker for Warner Bros. Circuit; Stanford Holden, Centralia, 111., Williams, who succeeded Warren Beckmeyer as! ^ . . nu a « eex. . •■ mahager of the Elmo. St. Elmo. 111. ■liSB'll Katf Bengal manager, Ralph CarTwe' ^ ^'.""‘'1"; Garritt H. Hunt, owner of the n.^urea mat x^ne pix-oi a six-rouna available. Bockcr noted that it bout could hit some theatres by dropped off after Labor Day be- 1 p.m. while a ^15‘-rounder could cause “just when we needed sup- j cause a delay until 5 p.m. port, we didn’t have it.” Drop, he : RKO is particularly interested | explained.. was also due to the in ru.shing prints to the New Eng- \ ffhck-to-school movement and land area. Marciano’s home sector, other factors, but he maintains it Sir.ilha, E.ssaness g.m., are repre- pArrAtJ w w„rhf f 2= continued from page l land area. Marciano’s home sector, other factors, but he maintains it scMUing Chicago at the Theatre Himt anrl Pnvpi hn,?inhL indirlment charged “the restau- Zone is being “blacked out” of the would have been less if the proper Owners of America convention in copped Democratic nomination^for Tant should be operated on a lav- theatre-TV circuit carrying the product was available. “To main- W.ishington this week. . Sheriff in Rinlev Countv ^ ^ th extrLagant ?cale and provide inquiries on the pix have tain the film-going habit, we need Tlw.aifSiL'""''" 0.oLr"n«fpop?i'’‘liuff. Mo., lood shoSfd"u- been heavy. at least one ‘big’ picture every ^ Uo\v‘theatre \^ocS)ort^ h^ re- Rodgers Theatres, Inc., tertain its guests with perform- i j' .qir.-"?.'''.-'.'-..' other week. Becker decimaled. oinuicd last wPclT ^ ’ ’’ damaged by recent ances by stage and screen person- | ^ Distribs, on the other hand, Eddie Silverman head of Essan- tornado but is now in operation. alities of national reputation and I Rpr>|iril NAItlPQ unusually long es.rTeatres TesUned ^ with widely popular dance orches- 0600^ 1130165 rums on Broadw^ay that s holding tion Pictures Operators Fund PITTSBURGH tras.” L_s= continued from page V ■ ■, ■■- pioduct to the re- board. and Dave Wallerstein of The restaurant “front,” the in- .on onn . mainder of the area. Attitude is B&K lias taken his place o^ned its dictment explained, should lose was only 630,300, compared to perhaps summed up in the view ^ace. newest ozoner, the Corry Drive-In nione^ “incur a deficit that would 708.300 in 1951. of Alfred W. Schwalbcrg. Para^ PHPTI AMn noP ifliinn Pit, ’ be met from the casino proceeds.” The scoreboard on talent; First mount’s sales chief, who declared: * 1 LiAlNJL/* OJKlli. union City. mu:- ........ ‘Wn Ar.,,r. t nc -do,,! “What can we do about it? We’ve PADTI AMn riDir ffninn r-M,, —^ ^ J casino proceeds.'' The scoreboard on talent; First inuuni-s viuei, wuu ueuicuvu.- rUKlLANP, ORE. Union City. expensive comeon was ‘Ho four days, Les Paui-Mary Ford, “^hal can wo do about it? We‘ve alter Hoffman, Paramount rrii Cooperative attract the maximum number of Ella Fitzgerald, etc., 32,960 persons 6ot the pictures, but we can’t get field man here to work out cam- conimander of patrons of appropriate economic and $38 110; Guy Lombardo, Don them out.” Hie Variety Club American Legion position, who should be induced to Cornell, Georgia Gibbs, etc., last He noted that the long run of npr \'n fhA pfocced from the restaurant to the three days, 18,770 and $21,890. Republic’s “The (3uieL Man” at the Ho^S^‘‘‘b?r^it^“?le'o^fr^ gtn5‘Tu7y aUeged that one L'’r?„f t from a serious operation. Leo Guerrein independent ex- of five unapprehended defend- When the performances paid off at 9^ th(? company s Martin-Lewis U’.n-r,., i r-. i viutiiuiii, iiiuc-peiiueiiL ex ^nfe Q civtVi 1C cprvincf a two-to- +u..v u .. r..: ,i l film .IiimninP .lafk.s. niished y’l'. got the green light to do his Guerrein owns the Hillcrest Thea-! I oion Miranda a $10,000 check for fliwed at the b.o., it sij Siiiino Show of Shows again this tre; his brother, Carl, operates the a week’s work, at Arrowhead Inn end of the big entertai Sky-Way Drive-In. I about Aug. 21, 1947. The spot has i \\-iueh was cut in half nAnTtTTVTn > The Mars in Mars, Pa., will re- MlNNEAPOLIS open later this month while the hat should be helpful to thea- Hit^ at Export has gone back in bi.' lu'ru is the wav Minneapolis Business again. (Mi'ohninout rose to 257.180 in Au- The Roscoe at Ro.s(>oe. Pa., Jilt ;. ;n i.ncrease of 2,000 jobs for owned by Carl Schoch, has shul- tii'.' ivonlh and 1.800 more than in tered. (viiv.noiKling 1951 month. Aver- Mike Shapiro, head of an inde- men Miranda a $10,000 check lor flivved at the b.o., it signalled the The Other Holdups a week’s work, at Arrowhead Inn end of the big entertainment nut ! Similarly, it’s noted, that RKO’.s about Aug. 21. 1947. The spot has : which was cut in half to $35,500 ' “Sudden Fear” at the State is hold- been dark since the end ot the ^ year. Hope grossed only $ll,-‘ing up the release of Metro’s “The 1947 season. i 910 in 1951. Merry Widow.” “Ivanhoe” at Mu- With .success resulting from the j sic Hall is holding up Metro’s “Be p'^w policy, the fair probably "has i cause (if You” and Columbia’s “The .started another trend in al freisco > Happy Time.” In addition, such entertainment bookings Conliiuied from Pcacic 4 r II.S.‘Briti$h Deal s; Continued from paRC 5 « pix as Col’s “Affair in Trinidad” at the Victoria and United Artist.s’ “High Noon” at the Mayfair are delaying the entrance of new pix in the Broadway zone and their .subsequent release in the metro- politan area. Mayfair is skoclded < 1.1 uockly earnings on factory pendent circuit, and his wife are ■ appear lo us,” the associations in-| || Q j j delaying the entrance of new' pix J'* ' iturcasocl slightly. {vMirinfT Fnmnp nud nlan to visit /< 1 (. <<*1 4 . H Bi3<»ii 116^1 1 in the Broadway zone and their of Bil^ElsSn, one-time {sraTbefo^^^^^ ’that t isnoLj ^ ] .subsequent release in the metro- r.M" and now partner of October ! AT&T lo make a clctcrmi-,from pukc 5 politan area. Mayfair is skoclded mV, Tno TVTifFiin 77 i anoointed mana- ! nation as to whether the spocifica-i rnittee, and Ellis . Arnall, SIMP to receive Univer.sal’s “The World iof The Gardens again by the i tions which we supplied are‘nccos- ' l^'exy, declared in a joint state- His Arms ’ on Oct. 2. Situa- lo .‘d u , Ilarris Aimis Co i c-^rv .nd nr^r-tiPM ’ Tn thP first'The agreement concluded ; Hon is further complicated by the . ( ) • ' , ' i’^’^well party for him , Han s Amus. go and piactical. In the first government rep-• hefty runs at the Sutton and the i' linvM-Ume ^ ^ technical cx-, ^.e^ents an accord which is mutuaUy ! Normandie, two art oc- C'Ml) ir> U<hUvf bark^ ^ Variety organizk'io’^n in K ^ w^^ williin and without the mo | beneficial to the British gov,ern- i casionally used for the release of ‘'»'i/nici:’N initii^i . vn;i..mpd hv Hank 'Howard, from i tion picture industry have devoted i ment and the American motion : major company jiroduct. Umver- 1 • J • I in rHrkshiirg ! de.sires of theatre audiences. A ' tere.sts and at the .same time giving i it now” to maintain the film-going Pi'v’vso'inpi adci w^ vV^^ip?^id from estate of Jack i result of that research was the' recognition to the problems of ‘ habit built up during the late sum- r""'' '!' ■ w ca?f and fonvaided, Great Britain in connection with mer months and to combat the a<h'quatcly c?o«df taking I a couple ot months ago. i to you on April 10.” I Us dollar balances." return ot the top TV shows. Vellis. i not be reduced, and the British has chalked up the same number ■ government recognized and agreed of w'eeks at the Normandie, to the equil;, of our stand. The Di.stribs maintain that it's im- Amcrican companies on their part, pos.sible to yank pix when they’re recognized that a waiver of dollar, doing so well in tlu'ir Broadway I'tMiii.ssion on earnings under the engagements. Pix for the area will I Eady Plan could be agreed to with-; be available shortly, they say, but out affecting basic American in-' exhibs counter this with “we need company apologized in ! Marks’ Orpheum in Clarksburg.! ''■^Pap('r ads for not having I W. Va.. leased from o.state ot .l^ack !