Variety (September 1952)

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LE«t'ni»iA'rB Wednesday, Seplembei: 17, 1952 Til A L J deserve a lot of credit ‘Gideon’ Extends Season M lS.VS .A.U1^0H,Q ■ seen from the European stand- For Carolina A1 FlCSCO J point, “Porgy’^ is firstrate opera at Greensboro. N.C., Sept. 16. The Glorious Bays costumes-changing and merits 'udfence Carolina’s four summer Glasgow, Scpt. 12. ^includcT a^ lengthy German-speaking viewers readily historical ‘'ImpressioSs of the Theatre" Americanisms^asnhe |on f pfiS'piMnf p.trtek“Hoit, omM. fnr ’a some cf the mora physical humor, been _extended to October at the Twin Cities Legit Drives End Far Ahead of ’51-’52, Though Short of Goals Minneapolis, Sept. 16. The Council of Living Theatre's oiaf oiaen, Patrick Holt. Peter Graves. ** , ovcuse for a some cf the mor3 physical humol’. been exrenaea lo ucioper at tne Cities campaigns for sub- Book by Harold Purcell. Robert Nesbitt; and being useful excuse lor a .pj thrilled to the vibrant and Kings Mountain battleground, to thp American Th«ati*o hv MJiea MaUeson: mu- /.oxrai/> 9 fiA nf miiRmal memoHes AInruieu lo u»e viuirtiit tuiu f . —, scrioers 10 me American ineatre addWonVscenis byWes^M^ eavalcade of musical memories .national military park. u . meaire sic. Harry Parr. lyrics, iteroid . ^ coiorful motion, darning and Sing- wnitn is a naiionai miiiiary parK. society-Thpatre GuUd season of S showlbusmS couple UUan Pf eclio m ■ .The Sivord Mnneapolis and five St. arurceuj aanccs »nu cnacinuicao w Staff; iorch directed by Harry Acres; of shoW-DUSinesS COUpie i;aroi isenuraont ♦•...Anna iNcaKic icavuiK jliuhviva vaaw«vx^ w ^ - out fame In Hollywood as talkies ® hSS? :::::::::::::::::::::patJfck^Hort arrive, pm is conventional, show- f"3cr''aS'''movrnmrrbr^^^^^ The drama, about the uprisir John Beaumont ......Peter Graves ing a broken and re-united A„J if.g certalnl/ not behind the of Carolina patriots that reached Susan Lesley Osmond .vmKiilan/tp Ana ii 5 cenamjy jioi uciiinu me . 1952 version soems to be a lot scheduled through Oct, 4. drives fell considerably short of uprising I announced goals. ® In Minneapolis, 3,375 subscribers Cienn LmIcV Osmond t nw.K„1on/«a AliU it b t^ClUtUAjy JllUl UUJUlilU lUC T * --- i, M. ‘ XXI xvAiliilk-wt'vi.c, u ou vovx lUCI 2, Ser^eant Jaciiaon!j. Hubert Leslie - ^irrvin^^^nn the prcvious incamation in individual climax ib one of the most im- obtained at $27 top per sea- for talents. In small details it’s Jar portant battles of the Revolution- g^n ticket. This compares to 914 K»te HamUton Myrette Moryen driver s daughter carrying on y talents. In small details it’s far portant battles of the Revolution- g^^ ticket. This compares to 914 ttn.Sln^en^erta^n t^^ the south, is by FM subscribers last season. Air-Raid Warden Edwin EUis the east to entertain troops. g jpssye choir work, the Berlin-built rette Henri. It is presented in an p i wound un with i ano Johann Strauss, Sr Michael Anthony given Peter Graves as the male ggttinif the lighting'and such stage 1 800-seat amphitheatre. up with 1,800, Soldier Robert Aigar ftar is often Stilted and comy. He i.wu seat ampnimeaire. Private Jackson Robert Webber cames it Off welL Helen Dowdy and ciabinan of Ray compns^a lasi season s Alb- JournaUsta James Perry. Michael Anthony Standout support Is given by a VP 9 *-n <5 Put ife tlif* chpor miiRip/l - • «... Guild subscription list. 8SS1 HJSSSf .*t‘ ,*« fi?.?/Or'if.nInS ability of the top-rank players, es- Legit BitS „ 5“? especially the latter. Grouping ana pcciallv Warfie'd (alterrating with 6,000 subscribers, that of St, Paul, New Tom Arnold musical strikes ensembles are slick and the equally effective LeVern - . 'rr: continued from page 71 —^-r- 3,000. For COL'T Sam McDowell an English patriotic note, being recent American musicals ^uteherson and Miss Price (her , . t. , x j handled the campaign here and aimed at London’s Coronation ic &ltcniate Is Ur:,dec Leonardos), that Guy Richards in St. Paul. Prior to Year next season. In its present The music, unfortunately, ^ makes a bit heii®. Their singing, as at $75,000 with provision for 20/o ^be drives’ start Guild, executive form, the production is intricate, pleasant but not ^t(mmg, and ^ well as that of Helen Colbert, Helen overcall. secretary Warren Caro and COLT confusing and involved, and will ®r. Thigpen and otliers, leaves nothing Kay Brown, head of the Music pressagent Willard Keefe were require much simplification and to linK tne oir-coniusing cavaicaue be desired in the hoiue grounds Corp. of America play department, also on the ground. McDowell and pruning en route to London. mt^n TameR » ^^‘^tibert, Beetjoven and planed back to New York last Richards enlisted the cooperation Leisurely route Is being taken via tour lading men, jam Brahms This is the bfst cultural weekend from London, having at- of civic, business and social lead- Glasgow, Edinburgh and English uuen, raincK export the U S. has sent to Europe tended the provincial tryout and g-g large committees carrving “£ technique U widely itJ, „ „ , used. Anna Neagle enters as a ,„aid and® confidante. Elderly J. ■ **®*“®® »"'* a? Sther new Londorihows and bad excellent newspaper support, wartime ambulance driver, Carol Hubert Leslie’s portrayals of a Edinburgh, Sept. 4. “e omer new L^onaon snoi^^^ being plugged generously editori- BeaumonL Blast froin a bomb chelsee pensione? and of Nell oi^vJig.took time out for a playgoing visit ^lly and In news columns. *'w'*^K®^**^°'*)* Gwynn's gardener are a standout, ifem shake3P«ar?staeee by 5 mJ uunt. - iu«„,«ii wn.n.h ..ho Initial subscription season an0 whisks her back to become, in Production one of biggest in Sets and costumes, Roger Furse. Music Joan Newell, English actress who offej-ingg here are “The Fouroost- turn, . the actress Nell Gwynn, coinposed by ciuton Parker and di- played in the original London pro- nere are ine CJiippn viptnrln nf Fnprlanrf and Britain lOr yeaiS. snouia ruibe aa rected by Christopher Whelen. Fights Hiiptinn of A^-atha Christie’s “The ®^' WlllCn paSSes up bt. Paul, and ^ueen Victoria oi bingiana, ana abundance of patriotic mitting in arranged by Laurence Payne. At As- „ „ .affatna ^nnsues hq-xi Madam” this week and Lilian Gray, an actress. r ondon at Coronation Year New sembiy Hail, Edinburgh, Sent. 3. '52. Hollow,” arrived in N. Y. yesterday weex ana T XI- t X XI. XX. 1 • l-'Onaon ai ^.,oronauuu xcai. Sampson Wolfe Morris fTnPc 1 to nlnv on Hmadwav next. Call Me Madam tees Oil In their turn, the other princi- songs, fewer scene changes and Gregory J^ck Reed ^ managing d^^^^ for St.. Paul. “Bell, Book and Can- pals range through the years, from greater mastery of the stage me- Abraham xx. xi ’/-.i • "x?P^^ aiiecior oi hai Aiavpd horp hut modprn Armv and Air Forop tvnpc xirin hp x-ponirpd to makp Balthasar John Breslin the Dallas Civic Playhouse, has 16 - Gic already iias played nere, out moaern Army ana Air rorce types chanics will be required ip maxe Tybalt Laurence Payne signed Marro Jones signed not under Guild sponsorship, Plav- to gay Bohemians in mid-Victorian it a long-running success. Gord. BenvoUo wiiiiam squire V.rilix' ^xi “ irxfr ifo rpLi^ li dpvc (7horipc’ LTampc f^aronv^ n _ Montague Runert Harve.v Edwin TVhitncr and Cliarlcs Bras- Ing its Twin Cities engagement ex- days. Charles’ (James Carney), a typical old-school-tie Royal Air Force character, Is transformed into Charles II of England, having a sly affair with Nell Gwynn, then “ Montague Rupert Harvey J&awm wnuncr ana unancs eras- ms Ata xwm values ex- Lady Montague jpaphne Heard well for her Dallas Theatre '52 cluslvely in Minneapolis, it grossed Porgy ami Bess Lady Capuiet company. Also signed was Norman $22,300 for six nights and two Vienna, Sept. 9. E.<;caius wuiiam Devlin Howard as stage manager. matinees ot the Lyceum list montli. Thfhore WavnS . *1^ . .. i. ...... 1 . ...... ' P OJJ nxxoxx XVlVtX XXCXl Xjrwjrilll, XlXCXl , rz r _ __ T>i 1 >.na 0 JrariS JOIlll waviier — . — — into Charles, a mid-Victorian fet^ward- Sc by ^^^e been set for is definitely set for both Minneap- masher. Susan, the girl who shares lyrics by Heyward and ira Gershwin. Peter s?iS featured roles in “Affairs of State,” oils and St. Paul in February. a flat with amhiilanop Hrivpr Cnrnl. Stars Cab CaUqway, WilUam W^rheld, , ^ ri»ir« mArtiTi starring Marsha Hunt and Otto mid-Victorian soubrette. Kva*^to®ye “^At vbi^si A?oth«aYr*‘;^::::::::::::^ puffy’s new legit production acuvi- Lindsay Tees Off Pitt’s nd employ S enlineeX/"S- S&’. ! C.u,.rt Los Angeles. Sept. 30. . . . Martin Guild-ATS Play DnVC enuitv.® There are 17 diffivent i-.Ji . Shakespeare dassic gets a pol- Shwartz associated . witli Barry Pittsbureh. Sent. IB. •eL*tv®X”r“\“®i?''dHflriSi Shakespeare dassic gets a pol- Iwte ?ssocia®ted •with BarL- fetuiS; pT^s flashbacks S the 15?™ “Helen Thigp.i jshed performance at hands of ]^ams on publicity for ’’Mrs Lion public-house in modern Chel- * * ’ "MVi;wnrd**\Sts s Old Vic players. Novel TMng and The Time of the sea, and revolving and moving ??, ^^age Cuckoo. stages are always in use. Probably Peter Joseph Crawford pres^tation, with audience seated Lur Dowdy round three sides and players mak- too much use is made of scene Georgia Burke changes, and fewer settings would Porgy .\\\\\‘'.'.’.**.*.’.*.*.’.*.wiiiiam Warfield entrances ia full view of aid the continuity. crojfn stubholders, mainly down the Settings are colorful. They in- Be"s* .’.VSeontjme “price • . • x +1 , + elude the bedroom of Nell Gwvnn’s Policeman'*,’ Sam Kasnkoff . This IS occasioned through stage variz associaiea witii carry Pittsburgh, Sept. 16. T^me^of riJe Council of Living Theatre >kon ^ brought Howard Lindsay here yes- terday (15) for a kickoff luncheon /I n 1 ni annual Theatre Guild-Amer- Current Road Shows (Sept. 15-27) been planned for last week, but O.V 1 I ■» 1 . 7~ri »» /T postponed until a top-line fig- Bell, Book and Candle (Joan ^re was available for a pep talk. elude the bedroom of Nell Gwynn’s PoUcenian SamKasnk^^ ^nxs^occasioneainrougn stage 44^^11, Book and Candle” (Joan ure nvnilah “ hoiiRP in Chplgpa oiitgido and Rtagp Nelson Kenneth Hibbeit being that of the dignified Chuich 'D 4 »nnoif 7 nohni'x 7 'Riifmni’p Dre vas available for a pep talk. 5f h£tori?r>ru?/S Th^^^^ S^&r 'wilil" vSl? L Ta'slv) Scott)-B.ltmoie. Subscription list will begin week view of Chelsea Hospital, Wind- Frailer, speak out the Shakespeaiean po- «BernardIiie’’ (Irene Hervev) Sl "*tb Joan Blondell in sor Castle, and oldtime English |S^bVrrV w™.n- ™ H?ieJ nJSl? ctry in an arp normally reserved '“e?® Heivej)— A Tree Grows In Brooklyn’’ and music-hall, and a modem airfield cretaeJ'.. .T...n^ Y?rtes for clerics’ dissertations. As a re- "ilbur ^ston (22 27). ,s to inemde ’’Paint Your Wagon,’’ near London Coroner Sam Kasakoft sult, acoustics of hall are not com- ‘Call Me Madam”—Paramount, “I Am a Camera,” “Jane,” “The Costumes are eauallv bright ’ pletely overcome. Pressure on Omaha (15-17); KRNT Theatre, Country Girl,” “The Faurposter,” those of Miss Neag/i being spe- Nothing like “Porgy and Bess” theatre space at Festival time is Des Moines 08-20); Lyceum, Mm- “Constant Wife” and “The Shrike.” cially eye-catching. Latter has so Middle Europe, re^on for use of this.auditorium, neapolis (22-27). Several other attractions, including many quick changes that she uses And Middle Europe loves it. This Claire Bloom, leading lady to Country Girl” (Robert Young, “Stalag 17” and a Gilbert & Sulli- three dressers in the wings. i? the very first of the new genera- Charles (Chaplin m bis new pic, Nancy Kelly)—Geary, S. F. (15-27). van cycle, with Martyn Green, will Miss Neagle is the engaging star tion musicals—whether opera or LimeliglJ, scores the tr^mph of “Don Juan in Hell” (Charles also be offered regular subscribers, of the evening, a good-looking Eng- musical comedy to hit musically- the evening as Juliet. Her poij Boyer, Charles Laughton, Cedric Ralph Lycett is in charge of the lish gal who ranges patriotically cultured Vienna, where they revere trayal is tender, poignant and Hardwicke, Agnes Moorehead)- new campaign He X ran the over the historic yfiars. At times Mozart, Mmrship Verdi and aie m- beaiitiful, revealing an actiess of Geary, S. F. (22-27). first one she does not catch the “wicked clmed to sneer at anything later much cpability and sensUiveness. upourposter” (Jessica Tandv ladv” shade of character of Nell ^ban Honegger. Gershwin, plus a Its not-her first try at Shake- „„,1 fYs (®®ssica lanay, Gwynn, being more at home as the Interpretation by a top- speare, despite her youthful 21 Sis * 17 ^ 20 ”’^ Blackstone'’ <?hi"°(22- ““8®“® ormandy, conductor of virtuous English maid. Star copes Lbght Negro cast etnd staging such y^ars. She has had leading parts at 27 ), ' i ’ " the Philadelphia Orchestra, at re- heroically with exceptionally heavy do European impresario is the Stratford Festival. *<r 4 »ixHAxxxn« i>i j n Quest of the U. S, State Dept., will demands on character-building and capable of, left the opening-night Alan Badel, recently back from "T conduct the RIAS Symphony Or- filming Salom^’jn Hollywood. is chestra In Berlin’s Titania Palast Sept. 24. lie also ran the Theatrical Producer Wants additional apprentice office help. Mes- senger girfs or boys, young, well-edu- cated, neat, ottracHve, alert, seeking future in legitimate theatre production work. State background, education, salary desired and if possible enclose photograph. Box V-916, Variety, 154 W. 46th St., New York 36. PETERSON The administrator of the estate ’ of RALPH ». PfiTERSON, deceased, Is seeking the whereabouts of the de- ceased's daughter, PAULINK PITER- SON, whose mother's name was Eliza- beth Petersen. Please contact Robert C. Allan, 303 Seuth Main Street, Wich- ita a, Kanaait curtains. well cast as Romeo and earns Alexandra. Toronto (21-27). - Crix followed up with smash re- warm applause. He, too, has had ‘‘Good Night Ladies”—Erlanger, views, even the Commie press ad- prevlblis experience in Shake- Pbila. (15-27). mitting the Amis have something peare, having been the Fool in “Guys and Dolls”—Shubert, Chi here, although pointing out that “King Lear” at Stratford in 1950 (15-27). cpie mustn’t think because a few and Ariel in “The Tempest” at 1 Am a Camera” (Julie Harris) Negroes have it good in “Porgy’s” same location last year. Youthful —Harris, Chi (15-27). cast that the Yanks aren’t per- actor moves with confidence about J” Any Language” (Uta Hagen) secuting their black minority. (Uta Hagen) the stage and brings brisk vigor (18-20); From opening curtain to finish to thTRomeo role Plymouth, Boston (21-27). the present’’Porgy’’production has Athene Seyler’s’ grousing old „ “J»«yann»”/Bobby Clark, Mitzl a lift, swing and motion that in- Nurse is a standout performance (^^YDor)—Philharmonic, L. A. (15- sures never a-dull second. Director jn this production, with Peter x « , + »» /rr j * j v Robert Breen conductor Alexander Finch's swaggering Mercutio also (Tod Andrews) Smallens, who performed prod- pomlna dm^ rpmaniHnn —Hew Parsons, Hartford (18-20); igies with a big (57 men) pit Entire cast is lou^^^^ ade- ^tate. Portland, Me. (22-24); Pal- orch recruited from State Opera augji “ettinls bv C?er and ®®®' Manchester. N. H. (25); Elm t?modSn®Ayt'lms,”'lnd ®s"mash lajniaginative production by Hugh ft Theatre, Worcester, Mass. (26- &erinJ™‘"a tre?“‘bT- pu'rEyn^^n. “J^t KliSS!; toric occasion. William Warfield ‘heine sUehtlTon® tlfe rene^^^^^ fe®"® San and Leontyne Price, in title roles, -MeV hv Sw Bernardino (16); Russ Aud., San and Cab Calloway, less noisy and F^inhl^irah Diego (17); Memorial Aud., Sacra- scatty than usual In the Sportin’ don^Si^^good In Jal'g'?) ®’ ®'’ Alexandra. CAB CALLOWAY Sporfin^ lih "PORGIE AND BESS" Now—TItanifl Palait Btrlin, Gormany Mgh; BILL MITTLKR, 161? irofldw«y. N«w York Bloorou^ L/ora. Toronto (15-20); Hanna, Cleve. [22- NEW KIRKWOOD DIRECTOR %aris ’99” (Cornelia Otis Skin- St Louis, Sept. 16. ner)—Erie, Schenectady (20); Her NOW iOOKING FOR Lambert Kaiman, program direc- Montreal (21-22). tor at WEW, the St. Louis U. sta- Manet Blair, r*in ^ ... tion, has been named dramatic di- Sl^^CISOn rector of the Kirkwood Theatre Aud., Guild in St. Louis County. Kaiman “stalag 17”—Erlanger, Chi (15- Opirated by succeeds Don Lochner, who held 27) ' * “ iaj r / . .. j the post for several years and who “Time of the Cuckoo” (Shirlev Consolidated Theatf'eS Limited will join Wie stock company at the Booth) — Playhouse, Wilmington*, MONTREAL Empress Playhouse. iDel. (25-27). • iwwniiv Gord. NEW KIRKWOOD DIRECTOR St Louis, Sept. 16. NOW lOOKINO FOR