Variety (September 1952)

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74 CHATTEIt Wcdacjsday, Seplexnber 17, 1952 Broadway Don Weiss, Metro director, in town lensing special scenes for •‘Remains to Be Seen.” Fritz Refrier, chief Metropolitan Opera conductor, in from Europe, Monday (15) on the Constitution. Harry Horner, stage designer and film director, engaged to wed Joan Ruth Frankel of Toronto on Oct. 3. . , The Pierre (St. Regis) Bultincks daughter, Diane, engaged to Frank Dunne, Jr., of Garden City, a Wall Streeter. Artur Rubinstein leaves today (Wed.) for Paris, where he will play the Hrst concert of a 10-week European tour', Effie Ashton (Mrs. Robert) Mil- ford with Eleanor Holm (Mrs. Billy) Rose i;o Florida to holiday with the ex-Mrs. Jeff Bernle. Joe Laurie, Jr., recovering from a five-week lay-up because his trick right knee started kicking up; it’s the result of a mugging ex- perience five years ago. Patsy Miller, daughter of MCA veep Charlie Miller, to marry Howard M. Stein Oci. 14 at her parents’ Park Ave. home. Groom- to-be is a metals concern exec. Leonard Bernstein has given up all ddnducting assignments this season, to devote his time to com- posing. He’s working on another Broadway musical (he did “On the Town” music), another opera,,and a violin concerto. Ginger Rogers returned from a European junket Monday (15) on the Queen Elizabeth, enroute to the Coast to report to Paramount for ‘‘Reaching for the Stars,” in which she’s teamed with William Holden and Paul Douglas. FriThk W. Regan, has appointed George Bognon banquet manager for the Biltmore, Barclay and Park Lane Hotels. Until recently he was chief of the banquet staff at Sherry’s and formerly maitre'd at the Everglades Club, Palm Beach. Indian summer vagary ascribed “The Creole Fashion Plate” (Karyl Norman) billing to Francis Renault, also a female impersona- tor, who joined a floral business in N, Y. His legal chores for Loew’s and 20th-Fox, in Lqndon, in pretty good shape, Julian T. Abeles to Paris this weekend with the Ben Goetzes and Jack Hyltons and hopes to sail for home Sept, 24. RKO prexy Ned Depinet to chair- man jubilee dinner of the Motion Picture Pioneers, which will honor Universal’s board chairman Nate J. Blumberg. George Jessel is set as toastmaster for Nov. 25 event at the Hotel Astor. Betty Hutton winged in from the Coast yesterday (Tues.) to appear . at a USO Camp Shows luncheon in her honor today in recognition of her recent Korean tour. Miss Hutton planes to London shortly for a Palladium date. Howard Strickling, Metro’s studio publicity chief, will accompany production head Dore Schary here from the Coast Sept. 26. They’ll huddle with ad-pub. v.p. Howard Dietz on the New England preem of ‘‘Plymouth Adventure.” George Jessel just made a plane directly after his inaugural ‘‘All Star Revue” NBC telecast from Hollywood Saturday to fulfill a previously booked Philadelphia banquet-benefit for Manie (RCA veep) Sacks. After a day’s busi- ness in New York he flew back to the Coast. William H. Goodheart, Jr.’s ner- vous collapse may cause him to exit as prez of Official Films, of which I. B. (Ike) Levy is board chairman. Goodheart is recuperat- ing at his Indiana farm, and Levy now occupies the Hotel Carlyle penthouse gotten for Goodheart when he returned to activity, after retiring from MCA to work hia large farm, Self-conscious about those non- Igloo omnibuses which transported the critics from the Stork Club to Jones Beach this summer, Mike Todd has sent out wires to the press for a cocktail party next June 25, to precede ‘‘A Night in Venice,” adding that ‘‘cool, cool limousines will be provided” and “don’t tell us you have made pre- vious engagement.” hotel op, off to gander Las Vegas with wife, former musicomedy thrush Joan Abbott. The Jack Goldmans headed for New York, Las Vegas and Califor- nia on combined- vacash-booking trip (i\>r his Clover Club). Stan Kenton oreh. King Cole and Sarah Vaughan unit set for matinee and evening concerts at Beach and Dade auditoriums, Sept, 28. El Mamba owner Label Speigel decided to reopen earlier than an- ticipated and tees off his Latino shows first week in October. ‘SiWci Dollar” Jake Schreiber, retire*^ midt^est exhibitor who spends time here working on re- cruiting loi armed forces and rais- ing donois ior blood banks, subject for pic layout by Keystone pix. . Washington By Florence S. Lowe ' - Ted Lewis preems fall season at Hotel Statler’s plush Embassy Room with a three-weeks run, third stint of the Lewis show here in two years. Arena, town’s theatre-in-the- round, reopening Oct. 7 with “De- sire Under the Elms” after a three- week hiatus for vacationing and some facelifting. Lt. Col. Lester W. Lindow, in civilian life general manager of WFDF, Flint, Mich., currently on temporary active duty with the radio-TV branch. Office of Chief of Information of the Army. U. S. Dept, of Agriculture offer- ing graduate course in audio- visual aids, with emphasis on mo- tion pictures and video, to be taught jointly by R. L. Webster, USDA director of information, and Seerley Reid, chief of visual edu- cation for U. S. Office of Educa- tion. London Leslie Grade cn ..two-week trip to Spain. The Alfred Markses (Paddie O’Neil) on two-weeks honeymoon in the south of France. Frank Crawshaw sailed for Que- bec last Thursday (11) for a one- man tour across Canada. Kirsten Flagstad headlined a Bach program iii Bernard Miles’ backgarden Mermaid Theatre. Archie Robbins delaying his trip to Germany to emcee Richard Al- ton’s TV “Music Hall” for the third time. Lucienne, Bob and Ashour booked at Lou Walter’s Latin Quarter in Miami late in December for eight weeks, Leonard Percy Jackson, one of the Bagatelle execs, has acquired Barnett Hutton, Ltd., owners of 90 gown shops. Don Angel in town on a quickie from Germany where he has been auditioning talent to entertain the American troops. Elizabeth Ward, who had held an executive post in the Board of Trade Films Division, joined ^ Sir Alexander Korda’s London Films International. Film rights of “The Moonraker, play written by British film censor Arthur T. L. Watkins, have been bought by Associated British. Play folded after a few days in the West End recently. SRO notices for Frankie Laine s Philadelphia By Jerry Gaghan New club, the Bradford, will open on site of defunct New Look. Agent Bernie Rothbard into part- nership v.'ith Eddie Suez Agency as Suez & Rothbard. Ed Sullivan will emcee the Auto- motive Industries banquet at Bellfe- vue-Stratford Hotel today (Wed.). Tony (IJanzoneri and Lou Nelson headlined fall opening show at Club Shaguire, Camden Airport spot. Norman Granz’s Jazz at the Phil- harmonic will be season’s first at- tractior* at the Academy of Music, Sept. 20. Comedian Guy Marks doubled at two niteries (Palumbo’s and Giro’s) three nights last week, due to book- ing mixup. Arnold Orsatti’s Somers Point (N. J.) cafe is remaining open until Oct. 5 due to heavy play from At- lantic City racetrack crowds. Bill ^lopkins pl?ms to revive his Hopkins Rathskeller in Hotel Majestic. Spot figured promenent- ly in the after-dark setup before the war. Jeanne Adair, lead danseuse at Big Bill’s, arrived three days late, for engagement due to inability to raise bail following an auto crash in Pawtucket, R. I. Dinner dancing, discontinued at the Warwick while the hotel’s Em- bassy Rotm was being dope over, was resumed last week with Joseph Sudy!s or^h. Miami Beach By Lary Solloway Jane Froman and husband, Capt. John Burns, at the Saxony. Winn Seeley added to Nautilus Hotel show with June Gardner held over. Ben Thaw, operator of Dream Bar in Johnina Hotel, in N, Y. set ting talent for upcoming season. Charlie Farrell, with Park Ave- nue Club for eight years, will be featured at Brook Club this season. Mother Kelly’s up for sale. If not sold, present owners may change name and show policy to Caribbean type. Ben Gaines, quondam nitery and Honolulu has inked Lilo, revue looker of “Singer of Mexico” at the Chatelet. Frankie Laine sandwiching a visit in between British dates tb do 15-minute recorded program for French radio’s “Dinner Time” broadcast. . ’ Andre Roussin’s new play for tne Madelaine will' be adaptation of John Erskme's “Private Life of Helen of Troy.” Sophie Desmarets and Pierre Dux cast in leads. Gerard Philippe to Belgium to set up-production facilities for ex- teriors on his pic, “Til Eulenspie- gal,” which he will produce and star. CIhristian-Jaque is director. Portland, Ore. By Ray Feves Paul Gilbert held for a third inning at .Clover Club. Walter Hoft’man, Paramount field man, here for couple of days. “Royal Hawaiian Revue” held for second week at Amato’s Supper Club. Phil Downing, AGVA rep for the Pacific N.W., in town for couple of days. William Duggan has inked “South Pacific” with Martha Wright for a week at the Auditorium the middle of October. Billy Eckstine, George Shearing quintet, and Count Basie set to do a one-niter at the Auditorium on Saturday (20) Gloria Greenwood visiting her home here for two weeks before farewell concert at the Granada, returning to Hollywood for work Tooting, on Oct. 5 were posted 36 the remake of “One Night of hours after the boxoffice opened. Love.’’ Show will be backgrounded by the Joan Bennett and Zachary Scott Palladium Skyrockets band. in “Bell, Book, and Candle” wound Alan Ladd came in before the up five-day date at Mayfair Thea- weekend with his family to take up tre (12), with Edward Everett Hor* the starring role in “The Red ton in “Nina” to open Sept. 22. Beret,” which is to be letised in Mayfair Theatre manager Herb Technicolor xor Columbia release. Royster recovering from a serious Unit left last Monday for Wales. operation at Physicians and Sur- Actor Eric Berry signed with geons Hospital and Paramount Nora Swinburne and Esmond manager Oscar Nyberg mending Knight for five plays to be pro- from foot surgery, duced by Hal Burton for the Ber- muda Festival of British entertain- ment near the 3hd of this month. Dm|||p Recording by Mrs. Grace Kahn, iwiiiis widow of (jUS Kahn, made during By Helen McGill Tubbs a recent visit to London, was used Linda Darnell vacationing and by the British Broadcasting Corp. reading Italian film scripts in Ca- last Sunday to provide narration pri. for an excerpt of “I’ll See You in Herbert Yates and his wife, the My Dreams.” former Vera Ralston, in from a Three Beverley Sisters plane to Capri holiday. N. Y. Sept. 23 after two weeks at Lois Maxwell back from London London Palladium and two disks where she did femme lead in film for Columbia which will include with Paul Henreid. “String Along With Me” (Ameri- Italo basso Virgilio Azzari will can) and three of their own num- retire to Rome after 50 years of bers. They will later record the singing at N.Y. Met. old number “Wyoming,” which Robert Swink here from Holly - •• wood to edit “Roman Holiday,” now nearly finished. Greta Garbo is a vacationer in the Alps but will be back in Capri after the tourist season ends. Agamemnon” of Aeschylus, an- cient Roman classical theatre, has Hollywood returned from vacationing in in a they tried out in London recently. San Francisc By T-ed Friend Red Norvo at the Blackhawk, Helen Deutsch visiting the Bill opened at the Roman Theatre in Ostia, the historical ruins just out- side Rome. Paul Henreid London. Greer Garson Del Mar. Jesse L. Lasky returned from Honolulu. Fernando Lamas divorced Las Vegas. Rod Cameron out of the hospital after a checkup. Arthur Sheekman east on three-week vacation. Marlon Brando back to work after a short siege of flu. Lloyd Nolan to San Francisco in behalf of the City of Hope. Robert Mitchum in town after a 4,000-mile vacation in a trailer. Frederick Brisson and Rosalind Russell to Coronado on vacation. I. H. Prinzmetal in town after London huddles with Sam Spiegel. Dick Lane hospitalized after a fall from a ladder in his back yard. Margaret Sheridan to San Fran- cisco to plug “One Minute to Zero.” William Holden in town after three weeks of entertaining in Korea. Buddy Rogers leading a troup# of entertainers to Korea this Satur- day (20). Mickey Rooney put on a show at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Lana Turner in from Lake Tahoe where she established residence for divorce. Hoot Gibson opened the Silver Spurs cocktail lounge in San Fer- nando Valley. L. K. Sidney returned to his Me- tro desk after three weeks of fish- ing in Oregon. Carol Ann Beery back from a European tour to resume her screen career. William C. McMillen, Jr., in from the east on his semi-annual visit to Pathe lab. Dore Schary reelected chairman of the board of overseers of the Univ. of Judaism. Marshall Neilan, Jr., won a Chris- topher Short Story award for his “Mother Superior.” Houston Branch in from Rome where he scripted “Follow Your Star” for Republic. Dr Miklos Rozsa teaching a course in screen music at Univ. of Southern California. Art Arthur back at his Motion Picture Industry Council desk after a two-week vacation. Cleveland Arthur Walsh is drawing repeat trade to Lau Yee Chai. Helen Humes replaced Mary Ann McCall as Brown Derby headliner Don Quinn, “Halls of Ivy” writer, sailed back to Coast after Hawaiian holiday. Sunday afternoon jam sessions, with local and visiting musicians sitting in, drawing crowds to Wood- land, miles out past Waikiki. John Wayne's Honolulu-filmed “Big Jim McLain” proved a hold- over bonanza for Consolidated’s Kuhio 'fheatre. Audience reaction is spotty, however. Memphis By Matty Brescia Daryl Harpa and show at Hotel Claridge. Chuck Fo.ster orch to Hotel Pea- body’s Skywav. “South Pacific” booked for Rob- inson’s Auditorium, Little Rock, Dec. 1-6. Monte Blue skedded to emcee Sportsman’s Show at Mid-South Fair here, Sept, 18-27. Sportspieler George Mooney signed for all U. of Tenn. gridcasts over Southern Vol network. Former vaude performer Bobby Stuart now here operating the Sil- ver Slipper, town’s No. 1 nitery. Olivia Brown, woman’s director of WMC, shuttled from here to N.Y. where she fed local NBC out- let special interview with Maj. Gen. Charles E. '.Chomas, Jr., command- ing general of 14th Air Force* Goetz's. , , Kid Ory inked into Club Hang over Oct. 6. Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Mon- roe in for repeat family visit. Dorothy Shay set for Sept. 23 opening at Peacock Court of Mark By Glenn C. Pullen Hopkins. , Ted King, ex-maestro, new office Billy Eckstine. George Shearing manager of Decca Records here, and Count Basie pacted for Bay Benno Frank to direct “Finian’s area concerts within the week. Rainbow” for Play House in No- Audrey Totter up from L.A. for vember. 'Assignment. Paris”: ditto Mar- Monica Lewis due here NoVt^.34o- 1- garet Sheridan for “One Minute To plug Metro’s “Everything I Have ^Soro Is "Yours Dr. “Mom” Chung hosting China- Duke Ellington orch currently town soiree for the Danny Kaye? teeing off fall season for Towne and Ed Dukoff with Lily Pons and Casino on a one-weeker the Robert Youngs joining in the Bramer Carlson, who directed eggrolls, Lakewood Civic Players, gave up ' stage for TV job on WXEL staff. H • Both Sam Borsellino’s Tropl- fJinS Sammy’s Club have adopted show policy of femme im personators Four Aces doing repeat at Moe’s Chicago Walter Robinson has joined the Shaw booking office. . John van Druten in for the opening (15) of his “I Am Camera” at .the Harris. John Auer, Republic producf^r, and writer Steve Fisher setting ap locations for “City That Never Sleeps.” Danny Newman back from the two-month swing of South Amer- ica to start publicity on Allied Art- ists attractions. Bryan Foy in for testimony about “Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima,” for which Warners is ask- ing an extended run in Chicago. Milton Baron and other Broad- way front-office legiters flew in for wedding of Mary Statz, legit actress, to Ben Rosenberg, com- pany manager of “Stalag 17,” last week. John Battles signing until next June with Lido show. Italo “Two Penny’s Worth of Main Stre'ef cfub°\vhere “john^Du- Hope” doing sock biz here in sub- Bois. local operetta singer, clicked titled version. on cafe bow. M. Ricart is building a film stu- Carroll & Gorman back at Vogue dio on his property in south France near Marseille. “Manon” finally getting permis- sion to play in Buenos Aires and doing solid biz. Room for third visit, with Michael Selker’s band replacing George Sterney crew. Guitarist George Gobel, song- stress Jan Welles and Bob. Whalen, George Reich and Paul Goube local singer who won first prize in ^ J. - i. 1 ... Godfrey’s TV show, make up Sky-Way Club’s new bill. forming new ballet troupe to play swank Marigny Theatre. Lacy Kastner, Columbia rep here, receiving a citation as a Chevalier in Legion of Honor. Thor Heyerdahl, producer of “Kon-Tiki,” elected head of Inter- national Documentary Film Foun dation here. Pranz Planer, cameraman on Ireland By Maxwell Sweeney Michael MacLiammoir to London for TV shot. Betty Hutton inked for week of “Roman Holiaay” in Rome, goes Nov. 17 at Theatre Royal, Dublin, back to Hollywood for Stanley Halle Orch. pacted for concerts Kramer’s next one. at Cork, Limerick and Dublin next An American in Paris” (M-G) month, and new French pic, “Adorable Longhair batoneer E i m e a r Creatures,” the tw'o big film hits O’Broin leaves next month for oil Champs-Elysecs. year’s stint as deputy conductor at Bill Marshall readying his pro- Munich State Opera House, duction of “Camille” to start late Alec Clones, director Arts Thea in September with Micheline Presle tre, London, in to take quick look- as the ill-fated courte.san. see at current Abbey production, Abe Burrows here to catch local Walter Macken’s “Home is the color for his nbxt show, “Can-Can,” Hero,” now in seventh week. Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen Four Lads booked Into Bill Green’s for week of Sept. 29. Eileen Wilson set to headline at Lenny Litman’s Copa week after next. Willie Shore follows Maureen Cannon into Carousel next Mon- day (22). Jack Palmer has resigned as treasurer of “Ice Capades” after three yoars. Jane Van Duser, local actress, signed for Mary Chase’s new play, “Bernardine.” Gaylord Hawkins named techni- cal director of Fort Wayne, Ind., Civic Theatre. Tony Pudlows (Arabella, the one-woman band) celebrated their 10th wedding annl. Tommy Lane back into Casino as house singer; Vinnie Faye was there first two weeks. Comedian Rummy Bishop has hit the road again, with first stop at the Pier, Jamestown, N, Y. _ * Bill McDonald, who danced m Playhouose musicals, going on tour with “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. A1 Checco’s mother, here from N. Y, for a visit, heads for Boston and tryout of “J[^uttrio Square, in which he has a role. Maurice Mysels driving to N-,Y. to bring his two songwriting brothers, Sammy and George, home for Jewish holidays. Michael Sivy, Who studied act- ing at Tech, set for new Reginald Denham-Mary Orr comedy, Your Age,” with Conrad Nagel,