Variety (September 1952)

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$0 0m€mxsTmAS^3njsic Wedneiday^ SepSciM&cr 24, I932 XCA Viifar Monagtr »f J/tfftrnetf'enof X^teortt So/«s (Domtstie DepK) Frank S. Amaru iKi«ot»rs«s «ii Large ZKS. Market for Foreign Language Platters A * ft as lR}>r*stIiif f»ahirc !r til* Sjp«cloI RCA VICTOR mMBER of OUT NEXT WEEK Davega-London' Feud Laimcbes LP Pnce Slash Long-brewing hassle between*' London Records and Davega, chain ■ of 27 stores In New York, YTest-i Chester and New Jersey, was • touched off last w'eek when latter ^ dumped hundreds of London 12- j inch long-play platters at 70?c off, | The LPs, which are listed *at $5.95,! were being peddled at $1.77, Although Davega advertised that some of the disks had imperfec- tions, London claims that the sale was injurious to its standing with other retailers in the Metropolitan area. On the other hand, Bemie Stein, Davega record buyer, claimed lhat if he didn’t pick up the bar- gain some other New York retailer would- Stein added that he had gotten-the disks from a source out- side of New York, whose name he preferred to keep under wraps, and that the sale was “just good biz.” According to Harry Kruse, Lon- don sales exec, the LP sale was another example of Stein’s anti- London attitude which had been pointed up in the past by his bnishoff of London releases. Stein stated that the Kruse squawk was unfounded and that he’s not obli- gated to any diskery or distributor in his disk ordering. BHAIL DISK BEST SEUEBS P'Sni^ifr Survey, oi retail disk best sellers, based on reports ob- tattled front lea^ng stores in 12 cities c d showing com- parafirc sale? rating for this and last week. National Eating This Last wk. wk. Week Ending Sept. 20 Artist, Label, Title a* t O *■* TO Q tn e> > cs Q T U o >i Q} s: n to O 0 : c 0 *c •a p a 1 o Ihfi «c o A O P« 0 JZ TO to a S JK *3 c 0> Q 1 o c w 2 o U o "to 3 S C o ■*-1 ir O TO to o TO o O to a (3 < I a .3 A €>• •a ee TO u C o to u OS 0 TO 1 s; <« c 0$ «*i« tJ C C a C 0 Q 1 I et 41 C a S 3 r W* 04 P s t>£ ■o 3 1 TO u ! !2 03 c G 0) Ha W i Q w s G M td ■ >> C9 u c a a 0) £ TO i tt o TO O O o G eg TO 0 £ ts < 1 O c S c < s TO t: es s •2 0 CJ 0) « 1 tJ 3 <« 13 ► 0 O J T O T A L F 0 1 N T S Monroe’* Connpu* Kick Vaughn Monroe’s'orch, currently at the Waldorf-Astoria, N. Y,, Star- light Roof, closes at that location) Sept- 30 and embarks on a series of college dance dates in October and November. The “back to school” movement by Monroe com- mences with a Duke Univ. booking Oct, 17-18, with Lehigh Univ. on Oct. 24 and a Queens College date on Nov. 3. Monroe will also play his own showspot, The Meadows, Framing- ham, Mass,, Oct. 1-9. rOFFlHO ALL LISTS ’ 0 ' WiUiam I. Alexander fAdvftrtfiinsr onif Saht Promotion Managor) illse*urs*s Servicing the Record Dealer * ft ft OH inttraftlRf byliw feofure u til* special RCA VICTOR ISI MBEH in P^^IETY OUT NEXT \5 EEK 4 New Sidemen Added To N.Y. Philharmonic Four new sidemen will join the i New York Philharmonic-Symphony ' Orchestra when it goes into re* hearsal next month under the di« rection of Dimitri Mitropoulos The new members are Mealier •Botti, double-bass; Edward Her- i man, Jr., trombone; Paige Brook, ! flute, and Bernardo Altmann, cello. Joseph De Angelis, leader of the double-bass section, will take over as the orch's personal manager, re* : placing Maurice Van Praag, who ; retired last spring. CO FIVE TOP ALBUMS WISH YOU WERE HBtK lw«y Cast Victor LOC-1007 OC-1007 iTKE MERRY WIDOW Holiywo«4 Cast M-G-M M-G-]i!-157 ; * K-157 i E-157 BIG BAND BASH Billy May Capitol KCF-329 DCN-329 L-329 LIBERACi Columbia CL-6217 B-308 ' C-308 tOVELY TO LOOK AT % Hollywaod Cast M-G-M M-G-M-ISO K-150 E-150 HMry Spitzer Conttuued from page 45 On the Upbeat t » « «• LEROY. ANDERSON HfllXS MUSIC, Ine. Chicago Rice Hotel, Houston, "has set Wamey Ruehl for four weeks be- ginning Oct. 30, then Don Reid goes into the spot for a month . . . Texas Hotel, Ft, Worth, has inked Tommy Cunningham for a month starting Oct 10 . . . Leo Pieper changed his last name to Pepper Inn. Akron.. Oct. 6 for a week, then a date at Evansville Theatre, Evansville, Oct. 9 through Oct. 12. New York Robert Q. Leivis opened at the Tovim Casino, Buffalo, Monday (22) ...Mindy Carson, closing at the Chase Hotel, St. Louis, Oct. 2, opens at the Browm Palace Hotel, \ Wayne Pascuzzi replaced Bob Sheets on drums with Luke Riley orch at Club 30. Sheets left to go with Bobby Cardillo at Monte Car- lo .. . Eugene Zallo, with Pitts- burgh Symphony last season, has joined Tulsa, Okla., Philharmonic as solo 'cellist and will also teach at the ; University of Tulsa . . , Bob McC-oy, trumpet player, left the Johnny Vam band to enroll at jVest Vir^ia U-to study medicine . . . Louise Stuart Quartet pen- cilled into Bill Green’s cocktail two-thirds. This catalog contains songs penned by the late Joe j Young In -collaboration with Sam I Lewis. It’s still undecided as to whether the Arms will continue to operatt or be liquidated. Outcome will be decided after a complete audit of the books and huddles between at- torney Lee V. Eastman and Spitz- er’s widow, the former Jeanne Murphy. Elmore White has been general professional manager for the firms and may carry on if the^ executors decide to continue op- erations. Mrs. Spitzer planed in from the Coast, where sHe’s resident, for the funeral today (Wed.). Michael Spitzer, 16-year-old son by a pre- vious marriage, planed in from Tucson, Ariz., for the funeral. He .had left New York over the past {•weekend for school In Tucson. ! Spitzer began his music biz ca- I reer in the early 1920s. He was j general professionals, manager of Witmark Music before moving over to Chappell as general man- ager, under Dreyfus, in 1935. He left Chappell in 1941 after a hassle. He then joined Morris as general professional manager. Big- gest hit for Spitzer after launching his own firms was “Cruising Down the River.” In addition to his wife and son. another son, age five, and an adopted daughter, age seven, sur- vive. Services will be held at 2:15 p.m. today (Wed.) at the Riverside Memorial Chapel. and starts a. three week engage- Denver, following dav for a week’s * for two weeks, will stay atj ^ - - -- least four... Four Aces coming to ment at the Muehlebach, Kansas City, Oct. 1 . . . Ray Pearl goes into Schroder, Milwaukee, Dec; 1 for two frames . , . Pee Wee King does his first one-nighter swing in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin starting Oct. 24 . . . Kirby Stone group have been pacted for the run Buddy Basch handling disk; '. „ . , promotion for Connee Boswell... I Coaches week of Oct. 6 . . . Guy Mitchell into Frank Dailey’s mu***™? plays Mosque tomor- Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, N. J., ■ (Thurs.) and will be followed Oct. 3... Nellie Lutchcr begins a i "^Sht later by Norman . _ ^ 1 iT T a »»» ^ A .Ml four-day engagement at the Bay- brook Club, New Haven, , today (Wed)...Gene Sava handlir^ per- iMtket Pk-Vp Hit! STAY WHERE YflU ARE Pjibli$ii»d by *MI ON RECORDS: Tony Bennett - Co- lumbia; Johnny Desmond - Cord; Jane Froman - Capitol; Blue Bar- MGM. ron Sky Way Club Nov. 3 . . . Phil Spi-, sonal management chore for'singer talny headlines the RKO Theatre,; Joe Allegro... Carlos 'Gastel in Kansas City, Nov. 7 . . . Three i town from Coast en route to Eu- Twins set for three frames at Club j rqpe to set up concert tour for-the Lido. Huron, S. D., Oct. 3 . , . Kar- | Billy May orch... Georgia Gibbs monicats scheduled for Yankee i booked into the Seville Theatre, Montreal, Oct. 2. ’ • . Boston Bob Norris rejoined Hildegarde las musical director Jack Ed- I wards band into Nuttings for se- jries of Saturday nights.. .Vaughn j-Monroe slated for. 10-day stjnt at (Meadows first of October.. .Harry Marshard will follow Monroe into j the spot while Charles Wolke, who h^s fronted the band there for past 13 months, will go on tour of I college dates.. Saxists Sam Maf- i cus and Bill Dewey have been . added to Mike Gaylord’s orch... j Skinbeater Jack Adams has anldeii ! Bllnstrub’s to join Ray HllFs band at Coral Gables with Russ (no re- lation) Adams replacing at South Boston spot...Joe Battaglia into new Mahogany Hall as intermis- sion pianist. Pittibnrgk Billy Eckstine-Cxcorge Shearing- Count Basic package booked into Syria Mosque night of Nov. 6 . , . Grant’s Jazz at Philharmonic. Kansas City Wamey Ruhl orch heads -for Hot^l Schroeder, Milwaukee, for three weeks opening Oct 7. Mc- Conkey agency currently has the crew in the Ten*ace Grill, Hotel Muehlebach, on a three week stand , , . The Beachcombers and Robert Maxwell open for two weeks in Eddys’ Restaurant be- ginning Sept. 26. They follow Nino Nanni now doing his third stint in the room , . . Nate Estes Trio in for hvo weeks in Zephyr Room of Hotel Bellerive ^ . , Bill Bardo closes in the Drum Room of Hotel President Oct. 4 .., Tiny Hill orch doing one-nighters in Iowa, Illi- nois, Wisconsin and Colorado “in September and comes in here for private club' date in mtd-October. DfV*cfi*ii: OAC I —CAPUTO CONSERVATORY --1 of MUSKAL ART r»«Mlty of AwKitM *nR ^‘‘7' Pkw lAUriwton. SclillIJittfr •UmUkI tmi pfoMoTr woof I«truin»nl"- I Pr*lir«iilva Cft*rs«g f*r Adult Itsln"*", CAIINI 4 II HAUL ANNKX Hit Wort JTt* at. CIrtJ* 7-53M America s Fastest Selling Records!