Variety (September 1952)

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VACfBKVILLK pmmff Wednesday, September 24, 1952 The nfiounting costs oj^ amortizing-f- a large nitery show is causing more bonifac^s to offer their floor dis- plays intact as units for^ work in other cafes. Latest units to be put on the. block ar§ those of the Rivierai ' Ft. Lee, N. J., and the Sans Souci, Havana. The Ifrench Casino and Latin Quarter, both' N. Y., have previous- ly been mentioned as being avail- able for- other clubs. A smaller Gotham unit, Bill, Hardy’s “Gay ’90’s Revue,” is also being , submit- ted. Most of the packages coming out of niteries are being offered to Las Vegas and Reno spots. There are occasional weeks around the coun- try such as the area around Cin- cinnati, .MiaiAi Beach and .various cafes which, operate with casino adjuncts. that can afford these high- priced traveling uiiite; However, the amount-of time is limited. Unit idea has caught* on in Las Vegas, Where ■ several iiiieries. are experimenting "^ith .the-formation of their own units. It’S, felt that the opehmg of two more hotels in Las Vegas, Sands and’Sahara, will stimulate* tbe unit idea in that area because/Of- the impossibility of get- ting top names for all those spots. . AGVA’sHope Execs of the American ..Guild of Variety; Artists will confer .with Turesident-eleet-Bob-Hopa 4ipon -his- retum from Europe Monday (29)j. Union officials hope to learn to what extent comedian will partici- pate in union affahs. Eva Franklin wrote special ma- terial and music for Frank Sennes’ “Minsky University” revue caught at New Golden, Reno—^not Ellen Franklin as erratumedr More Gold in Teeth, Dentisit Pulls Out of Nitery Field Pittsburgh, Sept. 23. Dr. Emory Neubauer has decided that pulling teeth is much easier than operating a nightclub, so he's going back to his old profession. Neubauer thought after a stretch in the Army that getting away from from dentistry might be a happy idea. He bought Johnny Brown's Club in. East Liberty, re- named it the Famous Boor and was in business.' But the deal didn’t pan out. After taking a shellacking for a couple of months, Neubauer sold out, taking a substantial loss. He's resuming the practice of dentistry as head of the dental clinic in Johnstown, Pa., for the Veterans Administration. ' Plane ,T»lk ‘ ’ ’Kokomo>" Ail'd., Seiit. 25. Wheq Olsen ■'& Johnson <jlimbed off-a plane at the air- port here last week they were met by a .photographer from the Kokomo Tribune^ who asked for a- picture.-- They posed, and --then ^the photog asked it they’d Just closed a ! show somewhere. They didn’t. Weren’t they Olsen & John- son, stars of ‘’Hellzapoppin ” and currently- in “Skating Vanities”? They weren’t. They were Mai Olsen, secre- • tary^of a' f/Tilwaukee manufa •- taring Arm, and Floyd E.- Johnson, Fond du Lac, Wis., purchasing-ag6nt for a refrig- ei’ator firm, « When they boarded a Lake Central plane at Chicago, the airline had notified the Ko- komo Airport that “Olsen '& Johnson” were aboard. Mass. Rieatre on Prow} Eor TV Tests; Vaude%t Th€i Court Square Theatre,? Springfield, Mass,, will make*, si pitch to get tele Shows to preview their programs there. House book- ers Abe & Joe Feinberg will ask' networks and ad agencies to book sketches and production numbers at the theatre in an effort to .get audience reaction and as a means of shaping the layout. Bookers hope to-get-name- -show-afe-^t- rates^iu. this manner. Bob Hope previously tried this gimmick at the Para- mount Theatre^ Brooklyn, House will resume Its three-day vaudfilm policy Sept. 26 with a* bill comprising Bob Howard, Don Cummings, Chester Dolphin, Dor- raine & Ellis, Phelan Trio and the Del Rios. COZY MORLEY If COMEDY SENSATION OF THE NATION" "Corn Cob Humor* Rocontly Compltftd Succossftit Enga^omtnt CAFE SOCIETY ROOM of thot WONDER BAR MonfrodI, Canada Cutr&nHy CIRO'S, Phila.. Pa. 3rd Return in Fivo Months Availabit: October 13 Personal Managemtnr: EDDIE SUEZ tERNIE ROTHRARD 500 Shabert Bldg., Phila., Po. Kingsley 5-1665 PEnnypocker 5-7083 Bebe Shopp’s Trio Bebe Shopp, a former “Miss America,” has formed a vocal and musical trio and is now breaking in at the Burgundy Room, Detroit. She plays the vibes. Miss Shopp reci^ntly signed With Joe Glaser’s Associated Booking Corp. Ted Mack's Tex. 1-Niter San Antonio, Sept. 23. Ted Mack’s “Original Amateur Hour” will play the Municipal Au- ditorium here Nov: 5. LEW BLACK PAT DUMIEE (B0auty and rhetiaffl A new n<tt« In Clamor Comedy Village Hotel Erie, Pa. Manaoement: Nat Dunn ISSO Braadway ^ New Yerk ROGER CARNE and CANASTA tht Cat ENTERTAINING THE BOYS IN KOREA DIreotlon WM. MORRIS AGEI.C;)^ MCA’s Talent Hypo Dallas, Sept. 23. Four young singers with record- ing contracts are each skedded for two-week appearances at Pappy’s^ Showland here under a plan ar- ranged by Music Corp. of America to help develop talent. They will play other spots in Texas. .. Singers are Lennie Forrest, Fran McKenna, Billy Shepard and Ricky Vallo. Hub • Cisco Kid Rodeo Cisco Kid Rodeo has been pacted. for the Boston Garden rodeo from O ct. 22 to Nov. 2. Last year the Hub mdeo'was “topped-by Gene Autry. Show, which features' Duncan Renaldo.and Leo Carrillo, grossed $137,000 in 11 performances at the Fireman’s Show in St. Louis re- cently. Saranac Lake By Happy Benway ' Saranac Lake, N.Y.,’Sept. 23. Kendric Parker, manager of the Saranac Lake Summer Theatre, re- ported that he signed a lease for the Main St. lOOF Opera House for next season. Company closed this season in the black, most pop- ular shows being “Harvey,” “Tam- ing of the Shrew” and “See How They Run.” Eugenie (Legit) Reed came here in 1948 on the sick side of the ledger, and ditto Otto Hayman, ex- theatre manager. Major surgery and excellent care gave' these two their good health back, so they got married. They left foy Gotham for a short stay before sailing for Paris, Helen Vick, staffer of Warners* Dallas office, all excited over week- end visit fron> her husband. James, who is with an Albany film ex- change. ..May Sullivan motored in from Ozone Park, L.I., for her first bed- side chat with her husband, George, who’s from the N.Y. Madi- son Square-Garden personnel and, a new guest here. Jerry (Loew) Hornsby former as- sistant manager who made the grade here in class of 1950, in from Newark for that annual checkup and goes back to work with an all- clear. Charlie and Julia Kaufhold, Yost Theatres, Harrisburg, Pa., in from there for that annual check- up and both received the green light to resume work. Otiservation patients who are skedded for surgery are Jesus (Gracia) Dominguez, Warner Bros. Cuban manager; Ray (Loew) McCarthy; Robert Dutton, South- ern Pines, N.C„ theatre manager, and Patricia Payne of the Switow Theatre circuit Louisville. Pearl (Loew) Grossman, Gloria Davis (National Screen Corp.) and May Coates (Interstate circuit staffer) all rated top clinics that upped them for meals and to the ambulatory department in a spe- cial progress comeback. Write to those who arc ill. Mickey Shatighnessy iTp' On2 pounts in N.j. Switch WiWwood, N. J., Sept. 23. Mickey Shaughnessy. who has held the stellar spot for the last four seasons here at Eddie-Suez’s Club Avalon, has signed for -1953 with the rival Oscar Garrigues. owner of the Bolero, Long a fixture on the Philly .and South Jersey nitery scene and now a Columbia pictures contract play- er, Shaughnessy surprised show circles here when he wound up his 10-week season at the Club Avalon Aug, 30 and walked'right over to the Bolero to play Labor Day week. Baflerina Continued from page 52 a pair of spots. Music is provided by worn-out records on a tinny phonograph. The complete cast numbers three—all girls—who double on bally between the 12- minute shows, for which they nick the customers 50c. Susan Crystal, also part-owner of the show, shares in the spieling. 'Kiss’ with Castanets Nadja—^billed as Nadine—is a blonde of medium height, striking rather tha^ beautiful, with a flat, acorn-shaped face, high cheek- bones, vivid, expressive eyes and a warm smile. Her figure is attrac- tive, though a bit skimpy In the Dagmar department. She does two numbers with easy skill and grace, in a scarlet-and-gold costume re- vealing her legs and midriff. First in a Spanish fire dance, done to “Kiss of Fire,” in which she uses castanets effectively; and, at the [■Saturday night show, caught, even the “take it off!” shouters piped down after a few seconds, and the applause was heavy. There was probably no connec- tion between this and the sudden appearance behind her pf the shaker, in bra, G-string and a few feathers, before Nadja had finish- ed her second dance, done to “Blue Tango.” This action forced Nadja offstage before the end of her number and effectively elim- inated her exit applause. The other two performers were a pretty redhead called Ginger, who managed to follow the beat of a samba, and Miss Crystal, a thin- lipped, big-hipped Chicago striper. Her “shim-sham-shImmy” consist- ed of a hodge-podge of pelvic pro- jections, mammary and funda- mental quivers, and a ginmill grind. Her finale was just for a bra-and-G-string flash. COMEDY MATERIAL For All Branch M of Thiolrteah GLASON'S FUN-MASTER me omiNAi show biz gas fiu (Th* Strvlct of fh« Start) 35 ISSUES $35 First 13 FII«$ $7.00. All 35 Issuos $25.01 Singly: $1.05 Each IN SEQUENCE Only (Beginning with No. 1—No Skipping) • 3 Bks. PARODIES par book $1S • • minstrel BUDorr $25 • • 4 BLACKOUT BKS., oa. bk, $25 m HOW TO MASTER THE CEREMONIES (rtlssua)/ $3.00 GIANT CLASSIFIED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GAGS, $300. Worth over a thousand NO C.O.D.'S BILLY GLASON. • 200 W. 54 St.. New York 19 Doph V Circle 7-1131 FOSTER AGENCY. LONDON. prtstnts ’Mr325fi .ii-DAtitim “Ice Capades*' playing its first New York -date .in 10 years, hit a' tall $325,000 in its 15-show run at Madison Square Garden. Gross exceeded eicpectations of Arena Mgrs. Assn., which routes the Jolui H. Harris icer. “Capades” opened at the Garden Sept. 11 and wound up Sunday night (21). Toward the latter part of the run, house was sold out at virtually every performance. Seats that were gobbled up included those on the upper shelf behind the bandstand which obscured the view. It’s -expected .,that on the basis of the showing this year, “Capades” will hit the Garden again next season. Tulsa Storm Nixes 'Cycles’ Tulsa, Sept. 23. “Ice Cycles,” companion show to “Ice Capades,” has been forced to relinquish its date at the Arena' here because of extensive damage to the building when it was struck by lightning last week. “Cycles” had. been skedded to move in Oct. 20 following its Dallas run. Ga. Gibbs Exits Pitt Vogue On Throat Rap; Torme Fills Pittsburgh, Sept. 23. Attack of laryngitis gave Georgia Gibbs an out on her booking at 1,100-seat theatre-restaurant Vogue Terrace here last week. Singer opened last week (15) but pulled out for New York again the next morning, with understanding that she’d return for the weekend if the fioctor gave her an okay. Vogue Terrace had • a flock of private parties booked for the weekend on the strength of the Gibbs date and had to get some- body in fast to make good. It rushed in Mel Torme, .who came in for last Friday and Saturday nights only. NICK LUCAS Now Apptarinq ITALIAN VILLAGE San Francisco, Calif. Stpf. 24 fhru Oef. 7 Porsonal Managomont BILL LOEB Bovorly Hills, Calif. Now Appearing CASINO, VENICE Italy American Rep. v;m, MORRIS AGENCY TAVEL-MAROUANI AGENCY. FARIS Grant’s Riviera RESTAURANT AND BAR 151 W. 44 St., New York LU2-448B WHERI SHOWBUSINKSS MEETS * TALENT CONTEST* MONDAY NIGHTS Prlxet ProfeMienaf fngogemenf Oupllcatt PrIzM A«M-4f4 In IIm Cmh TIm JACK DENTON WORLD*! GRIATEST COMKDIAN fin iho m-Lh. Clois) FRED SANBORN BACK IN GAY PAREE AFTER COMPLETING TWO MARVELOUS WEEKS AT THE LONDON PALLADIUM NAT KALCHEIM HARRY FOSTER UL WB