Variety (October 1952)

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PICTURE GROSSES “Snows’ Standout in LA, Wham 60G; ‘Battle’-'Bowl’ Okay $20,000, ‘Smoke’ Min or 18 G, ‘Quiet’ Loud 13G in 4th Los Angeles, Oct. 28. “'Snows of Kilimanjaro” is the only new hill doing biz here this Week. It is heading for socktJ $60,- OOO or better at upped scale in two theatres, after an unusually big weekend. Pleasing $20,000 is seen for “Battle Zone” and “Rose Bowl Story” in three houses, with near $11,000 probable in addition for four outlying sites. “Apache War Smoke”-“Hour of 13” shapes minor $18,000. ‘Hori- zons West” looks dull $16,000 in two sites. “Quiet Man” looms okay $13,000 in fourth Week, two spots. “Ivanhoe” is maintaining a neat $30,000 for third round in two locations. _ . “Thief” is rated okay $11,000 m three houses, second round. “Some- body Loves Me” is light $10,000 in second stanza three spots. r Broadway Grasses Estimated Total Gross This Week $504,300 (Based on 20 theatres) Last Year $594,500 (Based on 20 theatres ) ‘Front’ OK $8,000 In Lagging Prov. Providence, Oct. 28. Trade* is down again this week, with Loew’s State still standout Pfi&iErr ‘You’re Mine’ Lofty 15G, Buff.; ‘Snows’ Hot 20G Buffalo, Oct. 28. Big news here this round i^ the_ smash biz being done by Snows of Kilimanjaro” at the Center. “Because You’re Mine” also is bright at the Buffalo. Elsewhere takings are mild to slim. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Loew’s) (3,000; 40-70)— “Because You’re Mine” (M-G) and “Hour of 13” (M-G). Bright $15,- 000. Last week, “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (4th wk) (6 days), $7,500. Paramount (Par) (3,000; 40-70)— “Crimson Pirate” (WB) and “Far- go” (Mono) (2d wk). Oke $6,000 ! in four days. Last week, fine I $13,000. „ v Center (Par) (2,100; 70-$1.20)— “Snows of Kilimanjaro” (20th). Lofty $20,000 or better. Last week, “Miracle of Fatima” (WB) (4th wk- 6 days), $6,500. Lafayette (Basil) (3,000; 40-70)— “Back at Front” (U) and “Secret People” (Lip). Sluggish $6,000 in five days. Last week, “Capt. Pirate” (Col) and “Voodoo Tiger” (Col), $7,200. Century (20th Cent.) (3,000; 40- 70)—“Hellgate” (Lip) and “Scot- land Yard Inspector” (Indie). Dull Wednesday, Octolier 29, 1952 Mpls. Climbs; ‘Snows’ Great $14,0(10, ‘Men NSH $8,000, line’ Boffo 8G *” Key City Crosses ** 70)— Estimated Total Gross and week $2,502,500 $15,- (Based on 25 cities, 219 the» M-G) atres, chiefly Itrsi runs, include . ing N. Y.) 70)— Total Gross Same Wepk l F n a n r “ Last Year $2,445,500 . (Based on 24 cities, and 213 ne theatres.) 20)— - ■ . r® ‘Mine’ Paces Pitt, i| Rousing $15,500 iger” Pittsburgh, Oct. 28. i; 40- Penn looks as if it has another Scot- winner in “Because You’re Mine,” Estimates for This Week wit h “Ivanhoe,” big on second iftnoo Last week “Quiet Man” 5 Angeles, Chinese, JFWC) r0l md. Best newcomer,is “Back at F^MMono) (2,097; 2,048; 80-$1.50) — “Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th). Sock $60,000. Last week, with Ritz,'“Thief ” (UA), (9 days L. A.-8 days Chinese), good $28,000. . Loew’s "State, Egyptian (UATC) (2,404; 1,538; 70-$1.10)—“Apache War Smoke” (M-G) and “Hour of 13” (M-G). Minor $18,000. Last week, “Because You’re Mine (M-G) (3d yk), $11,100.* Hollywood, Wiltern, Palace (WB- Metropolitan) (2,756; 2,344; 1,230; 70-SI.10—“Battle Zone” (Mono) and “Rose Bowl Story” (Mono). Front,” okay at Majestic. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 44-65) — “Something for Birds” (20th) and “African Treasure” (Lip). Dull $5,000. Last week, “Lusty Men” (RKO) and “Scotland Yard Inspec- tor” (Lip), nice $9,000. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 44-65) — “Back At Front” (U) and “Wife’s Best Friend” (20th). Oke $8,000. Last week, “Miracle of Fatima” (WB) (2d wk), nifty $10,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 74-$1.10)— “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (2d wk). Neat (Rep) and “Feudin’ Fools’ (2d wk), sturdy $10,000. following four-week run of “Ivan- hoe.” Mario Lanza starrer is a : cinch to hold. “Quiet Man” is winding up .month’s stay at Ful- Minneapolis, Oct. 28. Powerful array of newcomers is putting some life into limping box- office here. “Snows of Kiliman- jaro” tops lineup and bids fair ta set record $12,000 at Lyric Others doing well are “Lusty Men ’• “Because You're Mine” and •‘The Stranger- in Between.” Too much strong opposition makes going tough for “The Thief” at the State* 5 “Something for the Birds,” sold on a 'money-back basis, looms fairly good at Radio City. There’s only one holdover, smallest number in some time, “Ivanhoe” being still strong in third roadshow week at Century. Estimates for This Week Century (Par) (1,600; 76-$ 1)—. “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk). Still plenty strong at $12,000. Last week, $13,000." Gopher (Berger) <1,000; 50-76)— “Because You’re Mine” (M-G). Boff $8,000. Last week, “Hellgate” (Lip), $4,000. Lyric (Par) (1,000; 76-$l)— “Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th). Great $14,000 for roadshow, upped scale date. Last week, “Quiet Man” ton with strong take, and both “To- (Rep) (5th wk), $3,000. running out of the money is “Something for Birds” at Harris. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— “Quiet Man” (Rep) (4th wk). Could Good $20,000. Last week, without « 11>0 oo. First week, sock $24,000. Palace, “Beware My Lovely Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44-65) (RKO) and “Army Bound (Mono), __”Battle Zone” (Mono) and “Rose $10,500. Bowl Story” (Mono). Opened Mon- Hillstreet, Pantages (RKO) (2,- d ay (27). Last week, “Caribbean” 752; 2,812; 60-$1.10)—“Horizons (p ar > an d “Actors and Sin” (UA), West” (U) and “Island Rescue” (U). s i ow $6,000. | Dull $16,000. Last week, with El “Bonzo To'CoUege^MU), $Sooo and ‘Tbief’ Wow $9,500, D. C.; Los Angeles, Hollywood Para- <n ,• 9 r* (por* AAA mounts (UPT-F^M) <3.200; 1,430; ^\M2i hllCy $Z5,UUl), 90-$1.50)—“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d J T ’ 7 mooo Neat $30 ' 000 ' Last w ’ Snows Great 21G, 2d * Beverly Hills, Downtown (WB) - Washington, Oct. 28. (1,612; 1,757; 80-$1.50) — “Miracle a pair 0 f SO ck newcomers and ^ __ morrow Is Too Late” at Warner O A A TVJ1 and “Lusty Men” at Stanley are H II e Illlll r nilIV on the upbeat. Only one currently 4/llIE * lllll j y running out of the money is “Something for Birds” at Harris. 1) P * 1 AT* Estimates for This Week rlTOlir rJlir I INl Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— A IVIH A Ull iUU “Quiet Man” (Rep) (4th wk). Could , , ,. _ , __ still stay on but comes out tonight Philadelphia, pet. 28. (Tues) because of closed commit- The strong array of hdldovers ment for “Snows Kilmanjaro” and upped-scale pix is keeping (2 oth) to open tomorrow (Wed), trade down currently although jitter already had been delayed a weekend biz helped save some wee k. In four th looks fine $7,500 spots. Only three new bills with on top of nearly $9,000 last week Back at Front probably best of to give picture nearly $40,000 for trio, with fair session at Goldman. * -m m- • _ _ * _ II 1 • Radio City (Par) (4,000; 50-76)— “Something for Birds” (20th). Ad- on the upbeat. Only one currently vertising your money back if you don’t like it, but they do. Fairly good $8,000. Last week, “Monkey Business” (20th), $10,000. RKO-Orpheum (RKO) (2,800; 40- 76)—“Lusty Men” (RKO). Barely still stay on but comes out tonight okay $8,000. Last week, “Back at (Tues) because of closed commit- Front” (U), $6,500. ment for “Snows Kilmanjaro” (20th) to open tomorrow (Wed). Latter already had been delayed a week. In fourth looks fine $7,500 on top of nearly $9,000 last week “Toughest Man in Arizona” looms so-so at Stanton. “Snows of Kili- manjaro” continues smash at Mid- town while “Because You’re Mine” Harris (Harris) “Something for Sluggish $5,000 ( 2 , 200 ; Birds” S«n is great it small Arcadia, both week, -Son of All Baba" (U) $7,000. Fatima” (WB) (4th wk). Mild $8,- a t i eas t 0 ne sturdy holdover are wk). G 500. Last week, $10,900. giving main stem an air of activity $15,000 United Artists, Wilshire (UATC- this session. “Miracle of Fatima” Boyd in second stanzas. “Thief” is rated fast for third round at Aldine. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1,303; 50-99) — “Thief” (UA) (3d wk). Fast $5,500. Last week, $6,000. Arcadia (S&S) (625; 85-$1.20)— “Because You’re Mine” (M-G) (2d wk). Great $13,000. Last week, lanjaro KKO-Pan (RKO) (1,600; 40-76)— (Wed). “Whistle Stop” (Indie) and “Pit- clayed a fall” (Indie) (reissues). Fair $4.- c $7,500 0D0. Last week, “Crimson Pirate” st week (WB) (2d wk), $4,500. ,000 for state (Par) (2,300; 50-76)— “The Thief” (UA). Well-regarded, 50-85)— but this isn’t catching on too well, (20th). probably because of tough opposi- sr. Last tion. Mild $6,000. Last Week, ) $7,000. “Hurricane Smith” (Par), $4,500. 50-85)— World (Mann) (400: 85-$1.20)— (M-G). “Stranger in Between’ 1 (U). Highly or under. Last tion. Mild $6,000. Last RoKo" rm •fcv nnn FWC) (2,100; 2,296; 80-$1.50)— at the Warner, “The Thief” at the “Miracle of Fatima” (WB) (5th wk). Boyd XWB) (2,360; 80-$1.30) — week, $2,100. Penn (Loew’s) (3,300; 50-85)— World (Mann) (400; 85-$1.20)— “Because You’re Mine” (M-G). “Stranger in Between’ 1 (U). Highly Very good $15,500. May hold. Last praised and in right spot to get week, “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (4th wk-9 somewhere. Good $3,000. Last days), $12,500. It’s been moved to week, “Young and Damned” (In- the smaller Ritz. die), $3,500. Squirrel Hill (WB) (900; 50-85)— “Cry Beloved Country” (UA) (2d wk). Not much of drop over pre- ceding stanza; trim $1,800. Last “Quiet Man” (Rep) (4th wk). .Okay playhouse, and second week ef Mild $7,500. Last week, oke $9,000. nnn" $13,000. Last week, $14,600. “Snows o l Kilimanjaro” at Loew’s Earle (WB) (2,700; 50-99)—“Cat ^usty *1°% ARP.) <*32« SSI .20) “Full ^/\Th»viVkt O Tl OITA VirAll oVit nnf linoc 'Dannio” I and in these times not bad at all House” (20th) (6th wk). Good $5,- 000. Last week, $5,500. Rialto, Hawaii (Metropolitan- G&C) (840; 1,106; 70-$1.10)—“Mon- key Business” (20th) (4th- wk). Small $5,000. Last week, $6,000. Globe, Iris, Ritz, (FWC) (782: Vxiooe, JlXia, XU u, r -'— -r- 814; 1,370; 70-$1.10)—“Thief” (UA) after fine $24,000 last week. . " • • I «« r . \ / I T AAIII'OI II I *7/1 ‘You’re Mine’ Solid 35G, Hub; ‘Somebody’ $16,500, People" (RKO) and "Hunchback - - — --- » - ‘Caribbean’ BailgUp 16G to midtown sector. General tenor Notre Dame” (RKO) (reissues). *12 nnh Springfield Boston, Oct. 28. of *biz is firm. Weak $6,500. Last week, “Cry ^ w™a3. B 'Vwrwo non. Although there is nothing spec- fnr Thics Wppk Beloved Country” (UA), $5,000. << m VVanier w * ,U i U b j- ; T tacular here this stanza, biz shapes Estimates for This Week Fqx (2m) ^250; 90-$l 50) — J 01 ? 0 T r ™Y ^ate” (Indie). fairly strong . “Somebody Loves 4 4T> Capito1 <k°ew s) (3,434;^ 55-95)— “ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk). Strong F i rst Halian-language pic ever to j^e” at Met looks nice while Because Youre Mme (^-G), $27,000. Last week, $35,000. §l a cAn tlll T ^ ownto . w n 4 house; sock “Lusty Men” In second round at Oldman (Goldman) (1,200; 50- -i t i« 1 **-* ^ a ^ ^1 ^ri Canon (ABC) (533; $1.20)—“Full Columbia, have brought out lines . .a . , A I * 1 \ J A(? 7 _ ’ (RKO) Dame” $6,500. and “Hunchback (RKO) (reissues). here. Last week, “Springfield Last week “Crv Rifle ” (WB) ’ $ 12 > 000 - Beloved Country” (UA), $5,000. Fox (20th) (2,250; 90-$1.50) — “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk). Strong Warner (WB) (2,000; 50-85)— “Tomorrow Too Late” (Indie). First Italian-language pic ever to play this downtown house; sock and “Arct’c Flight” (Mono) (m.o. . 4 . Globe Iris, 2d wk -Ritz)". Okay $1.20)—“Snows Kiliminjaro” (20th) $11 000. Last week, Globe, “Un- (2d wk). Hot $21,000, after terrific tamed Women” (UA) and “Lugosi $26,000. Last week, over hopes. ti 1.7 (Tn^ini (OA urtr- HnMs again. Columbia (Loew’s) (1,174; Brooklyn Gorilla” (Indie) (2d wk- Holds agi 9 days), $3,600. Iris second-run, Dupont Ritz with other unit. , _ , ‘ 9 as 5 ue * Orpheum, Vogue, Loyola (Met- Steady $ ropolitan-FWC) (2,213; 885; 1,248; week. 70-$1.10)—“Somebody Loves Me Keiths Holds again. Dupont (Lopert) (372; 50-85)— “Casque d’Or” (Indie) (2d wk). Steady $3,000 "'after $4,500 last (RKO) (1,939; 50-85)— 99)—“Back at Front” (U). Fair $10,000. Last week, “Big Sky,” (RKO) (2d wk), $10,000. Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 85-$1.20) —“Quiet Man” (Rep) (4d wk). Good $12,000. Last week, $17,000. Midtown (Goldman) (1,000; 75- $1.30) — “Snows of Kilimanjaro (20th) (2d wk). Smash $24,000. Last week, $30,000. To Zero” (RKO) (2d wk), $5,500. ‘MINE’ STOUT $13,000, K.C.; ‘RIFLE’ FAST 11G Kansas City, Oct. 28. Filiq row is mixture of new bills and holdovers with outlook sturdy • A • J A* /1 **-* . _ _ w* • (Pai’) (2d wk), with “Army Bound” “Yankee Buccaneer” (U). Pleasing (Mono) at Orpheum, single bill at $9,000. Last week, “Back at Front” Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- m most situations. “Because You’re i)—“Way of Gaucho” (20th) (2d Mine” is sturdy at Midland. Para- _\ 1 M 7 nnn r i. i_ mmini’o TJifln 1 * ir . Vogue, “Son Ali Baba” (U) (2d run) at Loyola). Mild $10,000. Last week, $15,200. New Films lift L’ville; ‘Front’Hot 11G,‘Rifle’ Hefty 8iG, ‘Mine’ 9G Louisville, Oct. 28. Biz continues at a fairly even keel at the four firstruns here. - “Because- Youlre Mine.”.State. looks okay hut leader this round is “Back at Front” at Rialto. Latter shapes fine. Weekend pulled plen- ' ty of Ft. Knox soldiers to help it at wickets. “Springfield Rifle” at the Mary Anderson looms hefty. Estimates for This Week Kentucky (Switow) (1,000; 54-75) —“Duel Silver Creek” (U) and (U) (2d (U), ditto. $10,000. Metropolitan (Warner) (1,200; 99)—“Way „ wk). Dull $7,000. Last week, mount’s “Springfield Rifle” is $10,000. hefty. ‘Miracle of Fatima” in the Stanley (WB) (2,900; 50-99) — Missouri and “Snows of Kiliman- iUsty Men” (RKO) (2d wk). Thin Jaro” in the Orpheum, both hold- cnn T —* 1 - *■' 1 nnn overs at advanced admissions, still are solid. Estimates for This Week Kimo (Dickinson) (504; 50-75)— “The Well” (Indie). Strong $2,800. Last week, “Les Miserables” (20th) (3d wk), $1,500. Midland (Loew’s) (3,500; 50-75) —“Because You’re Mine” (M->G) and “Holiday for Sinners” (M-G). Sturdy $13 { 000. Returns house to regular prices and dual policy. Last week, •“Ivanhoe”' (M-G)' (40i wk), $8,500 at $1.10 top. $7,000. Last week, 50-80)—“Hellgate” (Lip). Okay $5,- “Lusty Men” (RKO) (2d wk). Thin 500. Lajst week, “Lost in Alaska” $8,500. Last week, $11,000. (U), same. Stanton (WB) (1,473; 50-99) — Palace (Loew’s) (2,370; 50-80)— “Toughest Man in Arizona” (Rep) V t i !■ J A <S • 1 % M A A A — . * . __ - * • “Dreamboat” (20th). Fine $17,000. Last week, “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (5th wk), steady $17,000, at tilted scale Buccaneer” (U), $8,000. • r* _ i /\ <« 1 J k 1 in final 9 days. Playhouse (Lopert) (485; 50 : $1) —“The Thief” (UA). Sock $9,500, (Continued on page 26) -9- n — and “Without Warning” (UA). So- so $7,500. Last week, “Yankee Trans-Lux (T-L) (500; 85-$1.20) — “Night Without Sleep” (20th). Fair $4,500. Last week, “Something for Birds” (20th), $3,700. ‘Front’ Okay 10G, ‘Ivanhoe’ 12G 3d ibbean” at Paramount and Fenway looks fairly good. “Because You’re Mine” opened strong at State and Orpheum. Estimates for This Week Astor (B&Q) (1,500; 74-$1.20)— “Miracle of Fatima” (WB) (5th wk). Still oke at $8,000 after $9,500 last week. Boston (RKO) (3,000; 40-85)— “Untamed Women” (UA) and “The Ring” (UA). Not bad $10,500. Last week, “Back at Front” (U) and “Fargo” (Mono), $10,000. Exeter (Indie) (1,300; 60-80)— “Brandy for Parson” (Indie). Opened Sunday (26). Last week, “Stranger in Between” (U) (4tii wk). Okay $3,200. Fenway (NET) (1,373; 40-85)— “Caribbean” (Par) and “Tropical Heat Wave” (Rep). Fairish $4,000. Last week, “Wife’s Best Friend” (20th) and “Bom to Saddle” (In- die), same. Memorial (RKO) (3,000; 40-85)— “Lusty Men^EKO); ^Yutrfur Me”- (M-G), (2d wk). Still in chips at Missouri (RKO) (2,650; 75-$l)— $15,000 following big $23,000 for “Miracle of Fatima” (WB) (2d wk). first. Detroit, Oct. 28. Biz is mostly mild to slow this Last week, “Somebody Loves Me” Staying at $7,000. Last week, sock $12,000. Orpheum (Fox Midwest) (1,912; 75-$l) — “Snows of Kilimanjaro” (20th) (2d wk). Okay $12,000. Holds «4T AloeW* rm <9/1 wlr} Q+iH is UlUSLiy UU1U UU &1UW a I SUn d aflar iL 1 } week with exception of “Snows of $14,000. (Par) and “Arctic Flight” (Mono), a JJ llrd ’ Las f wee l c » nif1 Y $16,000. *mn aftor Tact wmi ejtucpuuxi ui onuws ox ^xt.uuu. (Tri-States) (1,900: g i 7^ ^ Lnno^ 3,500 ft 1 1 Kilimanjaro” which is shaping Palms (UD) (2,961; 70-95)— “Back 50-75)— “Springfield Rifle” (WBS weeks oke $4,uuu. smash at United Artists. “Ivanhoe” at Front” (U) and “Oriental Evil” Strong $11,000, and will get extra Mary Anderson (People s) (1,200; j s strong in third week at (Indie). Oke $10,000 or over. Last time. Last week, “Somebody Loves 54-75)— ‘ Springfield Rifle (WB). Adams. “Monkey Business” is mild week, “Son of Ali Baba” (U) and M e ” (Par), $12,000 in 10 days ” ' * * — . . A , <| * XUUAXXUl JXIAVAI1I.VJ *****%* VW Vi. iiXi J.JUWU Catching hefty $8,500. Last week, at Michigan while “Hellgate” is “Lost in Arctic” (U), ditto. Tower, Uptown, Fairway, Gran- _ ' _ -- ” Jt’ ■ | | /tim \ <fft J *|\ MV AfAAVAi-O"*- » * A A A vv-v \ w / y Miy VV« r — M.- * - —— W ^ VI* Hi* “Miracle of Fatima (WB) (2d wk), slow at the Fox> 4« Ba ck at the Madison (UD) U,900; 70-95) — ada (Fox Midwest) (2,100; 2,043; ! — d»1 A AAA . .. . - - ... « i ... .. .. ’ _ . . WA/7 4 A4 M MA M.l ' ’ f _ ' nice $10,000. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3,000; 54-75)—“Back At Front” (U) and “Yankee Buccaneer” (U). Fine $11,- 000. Last week, “Quiet Man” (Rep), $12,000. State (Loew’s) (3,000; 54-75)— “Because You’re Mine” (M-G) and “My Man and I” (M-G). Okay $9,- 000. Last week, “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (2d wk), trim $11,000. Front” is about okay at the Palms. Estimates for This Week Fox (Fox-Detroit) (5,000; • 70-95) — “Hellgate” (Lip) and “Capt. Black Jack” (Lip). Slow $18,000. Last week, “Way of Gaucho” (20th) I X45.T* _l/j *TT« J.I_ _ _ A /-ti It \ Metropolitan (NET) (4,367; 40- 85)—“Somebody Loves Me” (Par) and “Toughest Man in Arizona’ (Rep). Fairly good $16,500. Last week, • “Monkey Business” (20th) and “Park Row” (UA) (2d Wk)), $ 10 , 000 . Orpheum (Loew) (3,000; 50-85)-- “Because You’re Mine” (M-G) and “Apache War Smoke” (M-G). Sturdy $20,000. Last week, “Ivan- hoe” (M-G) (4th wk), $13,500. Paramount (NET) (1,700; 40-85) “Full House” (20th). Good $7,000. 700; 1,217; 50-75)—“Bonzo To Col- ^^TroDical Last week, “Miracle of Fatima” lege ’ (U) and “The Raiders” (U). Sd S12000. (WB) <4th wk), $8,000. Fair $11,000. Last week, “Back at Wave Good United Artists (UA) (1,900: 95- Front” (U) $1.25) — “Snows Kilimanjaro” (Lip), same. (20th). Smash $25,000. Last week, Vogue (G and “Night Without Sleep” (20th), “Quiet Man” (Rep) (4th* wk), $6,800. same. Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 95-S1.25) Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; —“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk). Still Vogue (Golden) “High Treason” “Loan Shark” (550; 50-85)— (Indie). Sock Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 95-$1.25) $3,000, and will hold. Last week, —“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk). Still “Passport Pimlico” (Indie) and Last week, “Wife’s Best Friend’ (20th) and “Born to Saddle” (In- die), $12,500. State (Loew) (3,500; 50-85)—-“Be- cause You’re Mine” (M-G) and “Apache War Smoke” (M-G). Oke *i»»vm*om«* ^ W***VVM — r V V* v* v/ \ Afwvvj ATUU1AVV J \VU »J tAJUk A V A \ JtUUiV / QilU *a^hv**v »» i 70-95)—“Monkey Business” (20th) strong at $12,000. Last week, “Sleeping Car To Trieste” (Indie), $15,000. Last week, Ivannoe and “Fargo” (Rep). Mild $13,000. $19,000. $1,400. (M-G) (4th wk-9 days), $9,200.