Variety (October 1952)

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Wednesday, October 29, 1952 PICTDRE GROSSES Chi Blames Offish Biz on Electron; ‘Fatima’ Strong $20,000, ‘Rifle’ 14G, ‘Gaucho’ 10G, 2d, Ivanhoe’ 35G, 3d Chicago, Oct. 28. '4- Pre-election doldrums plus the return of pleasant weather has hit night biz at Loop houses. Not Such new product but “Miracle of TPatima” with upped scale at the United Artists looks stout $20,000. 'Snringfield Rifle” and “Apache War Smoke” at Roosevelt shapes strong $14,000. Second week bills include “Be- cause You’re Mine” at the Palace where a good session is in sight. “Wav of Gaucho” is slim at the Qtate-Lake for second round. Also lean is “Crimson Pirate” and stage- show at the Chicago. “Ivanhoe” at Oriental 1 is down in third frame bu still solid. t “Stranger in Be- tween” at Surf looms neat in third week Estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 98)— “Crimson Pirate” (WB), plus vaude (2d wk>. Weak $25,000. Last week, $38,000. Grand (RKO) (1,500; 55-98)— “Allegheny Uprising” (RKO) and “Annie Oakley” (RKO) (reissues). Just okay $8,000. Last week, “Back Up Front” (U), $7,000. Oriental (Indie) (3,400; 98-$1.25) —“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk). Slipped to $35,000. Last week, big $48,000. Palace (Eitel) (2,500; 98)—“Be- cause You’re Mine” (M-G) (2d wk). Off to $20,000. Last week, great $28,000. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 55-98)— “Springfield Riflle” (WB) and “Apache War Smoke” (M-G). Strong $14,000. Last week, “Carib- bean” (Par) and “Woman of North Country” (Rep) (2d wk), $8,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 55-98) —“Way of Gaucho”' (20th) and “Wait ’Til Sun Shines Nellie” (20th) (2d wk>. Slim $10,000. Last week, $17,000. Surf (H&E Balaban) (685; 98)— “Stranger in Between” (U) (3d wk) Okay $4,000. Last week, $5,000. United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 98- $1.25>—“Miracle Fatima” (WB). Strong $20,000. Last week. “Gold- en Hawk” (Col) and “Captain Black Jack” (Indie), $9,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98)— “Lusty Men” (RKO) (2d wk). Is holding at nice $15,000. Last week, solid $19,000. World (Indie) (586; 98)—“Sky is Red” ilndie) (2d wk). Fairish $3,- 000. Last week', $3,500. Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net; i. e., without the 20% tax. Distrib- utors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the U. S. amusement tax. Cleve. Limping; Tor You’ Hep $12,000,‘Birds’NG 7G, ‘Snows’ Big 14G, 3d Cleveland, Oct. 28. Heaviest moneymaker here this week for new pix is “Just For You,” heading for trim session at Stale. Allen teamed “Hellgate” and “Wife’s Best Friend” for good total. “Snows of Kilimanjaro,” phe- nomenal on third lap, now stands as Hipp’s ace grosser since house was taken over by Telemanagement interests. “Quiet Man” at Ohio is doing excellent stayover biz. Estimates for This Week Allen (Warner) (3,000; 55-85)— ‘Hellgate” (Lip) and “Wife’s‘Best Friend” (20th). Good $9,000. Last week. “Monkey Business” (20th), $ 10 , 000 . Hipp (Telemanagement) (3,700; 75-S1.10) — “Snows Kilimanjaro” (20lh), (3d wk). Red-hot on titled- Pnce run, catching stout $14,000 .. afl ev $20,0p0. last..week. Lower Mall (Community) (585; —“Tales of Hoffmann” (UA) L 2d wk). Oke $2,500, following $3, <00 last week. .Ohio (Loew’s) (1,300; 55-85)— Quiet Man” (Rep) (m.o.) (5th wk). kwoel $6,000 after $6,500 last week .Palace (RKO) (3.300; 55-85) TVv 0l , nc ! lun S For Birds” (20th) rah $7,000. Last week, “Canyon Passage' (U) and “Frontier Gal” lu ’ 'reissues), $4,500 in 4 days. st ate (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-85) For You” (par). Trim $12.- Tii.., .» week, “Devil Makes Three” iM-G), same. Stillman (Loew’s) (2,700; 55-85) (nJ, a Hr e You ’ re Mine” (M-G) d u n ‘ He l d at $5,000 on third Week n f ° li0 after $ 7 ’ 000 last er , ( JT e lemanagement) (500; aml 0 I'7I Thief of Damascus” (Col) K e ^> U r l iPn G T Heart DialY ” (Col) ‘ m ( l Last week, “Jet Job” fc, sv* ™ Rifle’ Brisk 16G In Mild Frisco San Francisco, Oct. 28. Best newcomer here this stanza is “Springfield Rifle,” sturdy at the Golden Gate. Biz otherwise is spotty, with “Snows of Kiliman- jaro” shaping solid in second Fox round. “Golden Hawk” looks mild at Orpheum. Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 65- 95)—“Springfield Rifle” (WBO. Sturdy $16,000. Last week, “Sudden Fear” (RKO) (2d wk), $11,000. Fox (FWC) (4,651; $1.20-$1.50)— “Snows Kilimanjaro” ( 20 th) (2d wk). Solid $24,000. Last week, $45,- 000 . Warfield (Loew’s) (2,656; 65-95) —“Because You’re Mine” (M-G). Only fair $16,000. Last week, “Devil Makes Three” (M-G), $9,- 500. Paramount (Par) (2,646; 65-95) —“Somebody Loves Me” (Par) (2d wk). Way off to $8,500. Last week, fine $17,000. St. Francis (Par) (1,400; 65-95)— “Les Miserables” (20th). Good $11,- 000. Last we.ek, “Miracle Fatima” (WB) (2d wk), $7,000 at $1.20-$1.50 scale. Orpheum (No. Coast) (2,448; 65- 95)—“Golden Hawk” (Col) and “Strange Fascination” (Col). Mild $9,000. Last week, “At Front” (U) and “Stranger in Between” (U), $10,500. United Artists (No. Coast) (1,207; 65-95)—“Thief” (UA) (2d wk). Down to $5,400. Last week, nice $ 11 , 000 . Stagcdoor (A-R) (370; 85-$l)— “Never Take No For Answer” (Indie). Good $3,000. Last week, Actors And Sin” (UA) and “Gold- en Salamander” (UA), $2,500. Clay (Rosener) (400; 65-85)— Ivory Hunter” (U) and “Man In White Suit” (U) (2d wk). Held at $2,500. Last week, big $3,100. ‘Snows’ Hotsy $17,000, Port.; ‘Front’ Oke 9G Portland, Ore., Oct. 28. Two films are playing at upped prices this round, and both are big. “Snows of Kilimanjaro” is torrid at Orpheum while “Ivanhoe” on third week at Liberty still is solid. “Quiet Man” continued do- ing well on moveover for third week downtown. *Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (1,890; 65-90) —“Back At Front” (U) and “Old Oklahoma Plains” (Rep). Okay $9,000 or close. Last week, “Quiet Man” (Rep) (2d wk, $9,000. Liberty (Hamrick) (1,850; 90- $1.25)—“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk), advanced prices. Lofty $13,000. Last week, $18,000. Oriental (Evergreen) (2,000; 65- 90)—“Wife’s Best Friend” (20th) and “The Brigand” (Col), day-date with Paramount. So-so $4,000 or less. Last week, “Way of Gaucho” (20th) and “Last Train Bombay” (Col), $3,700. Orpheum (Evergreen) (1,750; 90- $1.25) — “Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th), advanced prices. Hotsy $17,000 or near. Last week, “Carib- bean” (Par) and “Feudin' Fools” (Mono), $7,200. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,400; 65-90)—“Wife’s Best Friend” (20th) and “The Brigand” (Col), also Ori- ental. Modest $7,000 or under. Last week, “Way of Gaucho” (20th) and “Last Train Bombay” (Col), $7,000. United Artists (Parker) (890; 65- 90)—"Quiet Man” (Rep) (m.o.). Excellent $5,000 in 6 days. Last week, “Full House” (20th), $7,000. "Just 000 . ‘Snows’ Smooth $17,000, Balto; ‘Mine’ Sock 15G Baltimore, Oct. 28. The ballyhoo drums beat for two big ones here this week with “Snows of Kilimanjaro” at the New and “Because You’re Mine” at the Town attracting way over normal trade. Response for the Stanley’s “Springfield Rifle” is only fair. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew’s-UA) (3,000; 35- $1.20)—“Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk). Some pace at indicated $10,000 after all right second sesh to $ 12 ,- 700. Keith V(Schanberger) (2;460;~2G~ 70)—“Horizons West” (U). Slow $5,000. Last week, “Son Ali Baba” (U) $5,900. * Little (Rappaport) (310; 25-90)— “Full House” (20th) (2d wk). Nice $3,000 pace after big $4,200 preem. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 20-70) — “Quiet Man” (Rep) ( 6 th wk). Still strong at $ 6,000 after fine $ 8,000 for fifth. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 35-$1.20) —“Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th). Great $17,000. Last week, "“Way Gaucho” (20th) (2d wk). $4,400. Playhouse (Schwabey) (430; 50- 90)—“Stranger in Between” (U) (2d wk). Fancy $3,500 after $4,400 ' stnrtGr Stanley (WB) (3,280; 25-75) - 7 - “Springfield Rifle” (WB). Fair $9,000. Last . vC’eek, “Hurricane Smith” (Par), $4,900. Town (Rappaport) (1,500; 35-70) | —“Because You’re Mine' (M-G) (2d wk). Starting second round | tomorrow (Wed.) rafter sock $15,000 opener. ‘Snows’Solid $20,000, Ihdpls Indianapolis, Oct. 28. Politics, football and ideal out- door weather are cutting into first- run grosses here this stanza. Biz, while good at most spots, Is less than expected for what is showing. “Snows of Kilimanjaro” is top money film with solid take at Cir- cle. “Somebody Loves Me,” at In- diana, also is nice. Estimates for This Week) Circle (Cockrill-Dolle) (2,800; 60-$1.00) — “Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th). Solid $20,000, Last week, “Full House” (20th) and “Wife’s Best Friend” (20th), modest $9,000 at 50-76c scale., Indiana .(C-D) (3,200; 50-76)— “Somebody Loves Me” (Par). Nice $11,000. Last week, “Big Sky” (RKO) and “Tropical Heat Wave” (Rep), $10,000. Keith’s (C-D) (1,300; 50-76)— —“Les Miserables” (20th). Dull $4,000. Last week, “Miracle of Fatima” (WB) (2d wk), fair $4,000 at 50-$l scale after trim $7,500 opening stanza. Loew’s (Loew’s) (2,427; 50-76)— “Washington Story” (M-G) and “My Man and I” (M-G). Tepid $ 6 ,- 00 in 5 days. Last week, “Because You’re Mine” (M-G), $12,000. Lyric (C-D) (1,600; 50-76) — “Strange World” (UA) and “High Sierra” (WB) (reissue). Moderate $5,000. Last week, “Quiet Man” (Rep) (m.o.), slick $6,000. Electioneering Nips B’way Grosses; ‘Limelight’ Sock 45^G in 2 Spots, ‘Rifle'-Ellington 67G, lusty Men’ W /%G ‘Story’ OK $10,500 In Denver; ‘Somebody’ 10G Denver, Oct. 28. Biz generally is way off this stanza, only some of holdovers doing okay. “Somebody Loves Me” is rated fairish enough to hold a second at Denham. Biggest coin total is going to “Rainbow Round Shoulder” playing in three houses -‘WVash- ington Story” is doing okay at Paramount. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 50-85) — “Rainbow Round Shoulders” (Col) and “Brigand” (Indie), day-date with Tabor, Webber. Fair $6,000. Last week, “Hellgate” (Lip) and “Jungle” (Lip), $8,000. Broadway (Wolfberg) (1,200; 50 85)—“Because You’re Mine” (M-G) (2d wk). Good $9,000. Stays again Last week, $11,500. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750; 50-85) — “Somebody Loves Me” (Par). Fair $10,000 but holds on. Last week, “Caribbean” (Par), $7,000. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 50-85) — “Back at Front” (U» and “Cry Beloved Country” (U), day-date with Esquire. Only $9,000 in days, and then comes out. Last week, “Monkey Business” (20th) and “Rains Came” (20th) (reissue), $19,000. Esquire (Fox) (742; 50-85) — “Back at Front” (U) and “Cry (Continued on page 26) Interest in the Presidential elec- tion in cutting into the boxoffice at Broadway first-runs this stanza, this coupled with a surplus of ex- tended-runs. Four new bills are failing to provide much of a hypo. Clear, brisk weather was deempd not particularly helpful to trade. Charles Chaplin’s “Limelight” is rated big playing day-date at the Astor and Trar.s-Lux. 60th St. It is soaring to smash $12,500 or close at the latter, a 453-seat arty house, which is close to capacity. Pic is heading for big $33,000 at the Astor on its first session also end- ing today (Wed.) Astor biz is the best it has had on an opening round in some time. “Springfield Rifle” with Duke Ellington band, Howell & Bowser, ] The Ravens onstage, wound up its initial week at the Paramount with a good $67,000. “Lusty Men” is heading for modest $16,500 or under in open- ing week at the Criterion, which is very disappointing. “Assignment Paris” with the usual eight acts of vaudeville shapes up to good $ 20 ,- 000 at the Palace. “Because You’re Mine” with stageshow is winding up a nice five-week run at the Music Hall with an okay $112,000 in final (5th) round. “The Happy Time” opens tomorrow (Thurs.). “This Is Cinerama” continues terrific at the Broadway with ca- pacity $44,500 for fourth stanza ended last night (Tues.). “The Thief,” with Johnny Johnston, Jerry Colonna, iceshow topping stage layout, finished with okay $ 68,000 for second week at the Roxy, and stays six-day third frame. “Four Poster” perked up a bit in second week to land $16,800 or better than the initial stanza at the Victoria. Pic held at nice $10,- 200 in first holdover week at the Sutton, where playing day-date. “Snows of Kilimanjaro” still is solid with $33,500 in prospect for sixth round at the Rivoli. “Just For You” completed its third week at the Capitol with fairish $17,000. t stays six days of fourth, with ‘Prisoner of Zenda” coming in Nov. 4. Estimates for This Week Astor (City,Inv.) (1,300; 70-$1.50) —“Limelight” (UA). Initial week ending today (Wed.) is heading for big $33,000, strongest here in months. Holding. Playing day- date with Trans-Lux 60th Street. Last week, “Miracle of Fatima” (WB) (9th wk) down to $8,000 but finishing unusually profitable run. Broadway (Cinerama) (1,250; 90- $2.80)—“This Is Cinerama” (Indie) (5th wk>. Fourth round ended last night (Tues.) continued, at capacity $44,500, same as third week, both for 17 shows. Continues indef. Capitol (Loew’s) (4,820; 70-$1.50) —“Just For You” (Par) (4th-final wk). Third stanza ended last night (Tues.) was down sharply to $17,- 000. Second wek was solid $28,000. Prisoner of Zenda” (M-G) opens Nov. 4. Criterion (Moss) (1,700; 50-$1.80) —“Lusty Men” (RKO). Very dis- appointing with modest $16 500 or less opening week. Holds. In ahead, “One Minute To Zero” (RKO) (5th wk), mild $6,500. Fine Arts- (Davis) (468; 90-$1.80) “The Promoter” (U>. Opened yesterday (Tues.). Last week, Stranger in Between” (U) (10t.h wk), okay $2,900 in 6 days after $3,500 for ninth session, but very nice longrun. Globe (Brandt) (1,500; 50-$1.50) with Louis Prima orch, Five De Marco Sisters, Los Gatos onstage (3d wk), nice $56,000. Park Ave. (Reade) (583; 90-$1.50) —“Mons. Fabre” (Indie) ( 8 th-final wk). Seventh week ended Satur- day (25) was $3,400 after oke $3,- 800 for sixth week. Holds only six days in eighth week since house closes as theatre operation Friday^ (31) for two years. Paris (Indie) (568; $1.25-$1,80)— “Thirst of Men” (Indie). Opened Monday (27). Last week, “Savage Triangle” (Indie) (4th wk), was $4,000 after okay $5,500 for third Qp^inn Rivoli (UAT) (2,092; 70-$2) — “Snows of Kilimanjaro” (20tn) ( 6 th wk). Continues solid with $33,500 after sock $40,500, over hopes, for fifth week. Stays on indef. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 80-$2.40)—“Because You’re Mine” (M-G) and stageshow (5th-final wk). Winding up five- week run with $112,000. Fourth week was good $125,000. “The Happy Time” (Col) opens tomorrow (Thurs.). Roxy (20th) (5,886; 80-$2.20)— “The Thief” (UA) with Johnny Johnston, Jerry Colonna, iceshow onstage (3d-final wk). Second frame ended last night (Tues.) was okay $ 68,000 or near after solid $84,000 for initial week. “Way of Gaucho” (20th), with Frances Lang- ford, Blackburn Twins & Marion Colby ‘heading stage bill, opens Nov. 4, with “Thief” holding six days of third week in order to open new bill Election Day. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-$1.25)— “Everything I Have Is Yours” (M-G). Opens today (Wed.). Last week, “Merry Widow” (M-G) (5th wk), finished up with'$9,000 after okay $10,500 for fourth stanza, with ^previous much higher rounds spelling a highly profitable run. Sutton (R&B) (561; 90-$1.50)— “Four Poster” (Col) (3d wk). Ini- tial holdover frame ended last night (Tues.) held at nice $10,200. First week was okay $11,300. Show- ing in second r 6 und indicates a substantial run. Trans-Lux 60th St. (T-L) (453; 90-$l.50)—“Limelight” (UA). First session ending -today (Wed.) is soaring to smash $12,500, which is near capacity for this small spot. House is sold out at nights for about two weeks, with matinees running strong at about 65% of capacity. Holds, of course. In ahead, “Lady Vanishes” (UA) (re- issue) ( 12 th wk), $2,800 to complete a fine longrun. Trans-Lux 52d St. (T-L) (540; 90- $1.50)—“Full House” (20th) (2d wk). First holdover week hiding today (Wed.) shapes up very big at $11,500 after record $14,800 for first week. Stays indef. Victoria (City Inv.) (1.060; 70- $1.80)—“Four Poster” (3d wk). Second session ended last night (Tues.) perked ud to good $16,800 after light $15,000 -for first week. “Breaking Through” (UA) due in Nov. 6 . You’re Mime’ Robust 14G, Cincy; ‘fatrnra’ Big 12|G, ‘Lusty Men’ Good $12,000 Cincinnati, Oct. 28. Three hefty new bills this week are keeping downtown trade in the harvest groove. “Because You’re Mine.” sweet music at ' Palace, stacks up as standout. “Miracle of -‘Xureof-Wildernes&”.J20thl,.14th.U Fatima”,_is bjg._at Capit9X.. A Wj l .U®_ — , T “Lusty Men is good for the'AJbee. Estimates for This Week final wk). Off to $5,000 or under in final stanza after $ 6,200 for third round. “Cairo Road” (Indie) opens Friday (31). Mayfair (Brandt) (1.736; 50- $1.50)—“World in Arms” (U) (3d wk). Continues okay with $11,000 after nice $16,500 for second round. “Thief of Venice” (20th) due in next. Normandie (Normandie Thea- tres) (592; 95-$1.80)—“Magic Box” (Mayer) ( 6 th wk). Fifth frame ended Monday (27) held at $6,000 after $6,700 for fourth week. Palace (RKO) (1.700; 75-$1.40)— “Assignment Paris” (Col) and eight acts of vaude. Reading for good $20,000 or close. Last week, “Gol- den Hawk” (Col) with vaude, nice $ 21 , 000 . Paramount (Par) (3,664; 80-$1.80) —“Springfield Rifle” (WB) plus Duke Ellington orch, Howell & Bowser, The Ravens onstage (2d- final wk). Initial round ended Albee (RKO) (3,100; 55-75)— “Lusty Men” (RKO). Good $12,000. Last week. “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (3d wk*. at 76-$1.10 scale, $11,000. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 55-75)— “Miracle of Fatima” (WB). Big $12,500. Last week, “Back at Front” (U). $8,500. Grand (RKO) (1,400; 55-75)— “The Ring” (UA) and “Confidence Girl” (Indie). Moderate $7,000. Last week, “Beware, My Lovely” (RKO) and “Woman of North Country” (Indie), split with “Comanche Territory” (U) and “Apache Drums” (U) (reissues), same. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 55-75)— “Springfield Rifle” (WB) (m.o.). Fairish $5,000. Last week, “Black Swan” (20th) and “Shores of Trip- oli” (Par) (reissues), $4,500. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 65-75)— Mine” (M-G). “Because You’re last night (Tues.) hit good $67,000. | Robust $14,000. Last week, In ahead, “Son of Paleface” (Par ) 1 “Springfield Rifle” (WB), ditto.