Variety (December 1952)

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KABIO«TEL£VI$ION Murrow & Co. Poised for Korean Hop to Lens ‘Xmas Day Program I three ^ecc Edward R. Murrow and a crew of 20 take off for Korea Sunday night (14) immediately after Mur- row’s “See It Now” show on CBS- TV for a two-week film-making Rybutol Drops Daniels P'RrTETy • AFTRA TAKES PfflLLY - DISMISSALS TO NLRB Philadelphia, Dec. 9. Dispute beween WHAT and three recently dismissed staffers is being taken to the National Labor Relations Board by Lester Cog- gleshall, executive secretary of the Philadelphia Local of AFTRA. Dolly Banks, general manager of Wednesday, December 10, 1952 It’s Not Only the Show, But How You Promote and Merchandise It —+ Major advertisers, aware that if* n rising TV. costs make it necessary Pawentl PIKf to take advantage of every mer- IdpuuiAau a i yoi chandisii\g and promotion device Des Moines, Dec. 9. j n order to get the maximum audi- IVW a ucc *1, 1 WVV Jc itmnntno “RlUv UOliy X»aiUU>, £ mwia 6 « XVU£> muuico, . ln orUCr IU get UIC XXlaAXXXIUIXX ttUUI- TV for a two-week film-making ihlv,“T !n rvrv fftlr WHAT, denied the men were let Payson Hall has been named di- ences and also provide dealer junket on “Christmas Day in out f° r un i° n activities. Ramon r ector of Meredith Publishing Co. merchandising hooks, are hypoing ^*“6 : tolooet PvVmfnl Vimicrhf Iiagrani uegxcui. uj. uuijr, quse, IN. x., t, num Co. of America, Murrow s Let two in S to Miss Banks - The other tvyo and KPHO-AM-TV, Phoenix, sponsor, is paying another $50,000. the 1 “<*eta a fast sale just t^o m * n annoiincers Nick Garry and Army is shelling out the rest, b ® for ® Wlnche11 started in Charles Henry,.were dismissed for |i *T/1 i jl which will finance the activities of uctooer. “just cause” and because they were M|l|fY > H A|* |«| Ja L\ not up to station standards, she £ !||H £ U1 liyXlnl which will finance the activities of October five of Murrow’s crew. Task force plans to take an nyi^ estimated 132,000 feet of film, At/| which will be wrapped up for the JnL££\j special “See It” show the Sunday after Christmas (28). For the in- tervening week (21), Murrow will If* present a special stanza on “See £ 1 It,” titled “On My Way to Korea,” * which is to be lensed at Anchorage, Alaska,.stopoff point en route to the Far East. Eric Sevareid will be standing by that Sunday in the CBS N. Y. studios for any live cut- AB £ in necessary. ., Charles Henry,.were dismissed for “just cause” and because they were not up to station standards, she declared. Coggeshall, who said charges against the station would be filed immediately before the NLRB, dis- _ « ‘Tj c j a major spenaer wmen nas Pyramid Plan On Grid Rights SmS m n . FT • . said. Bruce signed up with AFTRA ° motions on every show it has on I A l*At Vanaftr at 2:15 p.m. on the 29th, Cogges- Chicago, Dec. 9. radio and TV. Rundown of activi- 10 UCl I drlvly hall said, and the telegram firing The Western Conference (Big 10) ties reveals a broad scope and the " him was sent to his home at 3:10 will recommend at the upcoming pobey that coin expended in this ABC radio is revising its Pyra- the same afternoon, according to National Collegiate Athletic Assn, sphere is a vital adjunct to male- id Plan nroerammine to get a the AFTRA rep. convention that college football mg a program pay off. id Plan programming to get a : video rights be placed under the “Colgate Comedy Hour” —just n J* T 1 W L 1W individual control of the* eight completed the cross-country trip of KcMUO, 1616 TV6DS fflEV NCAA districts. Decision to plug “Maxie the Taxi” involving a tie- _ a tv for regional control, which would up with Boston cab association and Carrv J~l)av lk6 rl6Stcl eliminate the national network Plymouth cars. Deal is being ex- v J J grid package such as set up by the panded, with cards touting the Fat ^nntKnrsnin llpak parent body for NBC-TV beaming airer to be displayed in taxis from I vl uJIUlloui onip Pvaio tbe pas j. t w0 years, came at the coast to coast and the program, in Washington, Dec. 9. Big 10 winter session here last return, plugging taxis on the air. On Grid Rights Chicago, Dee. 9. Shines” posters, featuring pix of Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca, to increase its identification as a sponsor (via film plugs) oil NBC- TV’s “Your Show of Shows,” is a current example. Another has been the junket of the “Tom Corbett” space ship. A major spender which has adopted an all-out showmanship- merchandising policy is Colgate, which has launched bigseale pro- motions on every show it has on radio and TV. Rundown of activi- The Western Conference (Big 10) bes reveals a broad scope and the the AFTRA rep. Already named to accompany mid B ^ an programming to get a Murrow on the trip are CBS com- more diversified lineup. Since the *r 1 w L If mentators Larry Lesueur, Bill demise of “Stop the Music” earlier tvEulO* 1616 W6DS wIEY wSa E “l ba°tch a of d footage °" syear '. ff hay * f „ rrv 0 |U Kpcf, from Korea is to be flown out been in the dramatic category. viuij «J D3.J 1K6 r 1651a Christmas Day, which will give co- Addition of a musical and an audi- r» Q„ A „ CArc k; n f producer Fred W. Friendly and his ence participationer, it’s felt, will ivi uJlvIloUIoIIlp 1 staff three days to edit it and get i end more variety to the Pyramid Washington, Dec the show on the air. and lower the cost-per-thousand. Radio and TV networks, Washington, Dec. 9. Big 10 > Radio and TV networks, with weekend. Coming up on “Comedy” will be Hramacom sponsors already set for their pick- The Big 10 proposal would per- a national contest to find the man nf ups of President-elect Eisenhower’s mit the individual schools to make or woman with the “heartiest inauguration, may also get a crack their own TV deals on a local basis laugh in America.” Stations are ‘ be year - Attorney?»nd“Stolen! at carrying part of the tllree - day subject to the overall plan worked Ueing in and will find the local •niofHnh’c “Pafn T«fanhni •» Tum he- inaugural entertainment on a com- ou t by the particular region. winners. Stars will record their ,-r.ct oro “Tor. Piiu” Thnrcl mercial basis. Actor George Mur- Conference execs are not too op- favorite jokes for contestants to Lotsa Clients Now • ttlVUtm ‘fimnlUc’ SSItSSS? a ,; Mf”sSS? ^y rc !n charge oftae eSSSBS tiSc ^TncIa TV coX “ IyIuIUH UlliniDUS Thu?Lav ^t 9'30 M d m both y the committee, said this week that the mit tee accepting their suggestion „ Big Payoff “_j 1UUI115 UlUUIUUd S”l«?rat t in™? se P a^'on 0 i h ntaht ** b . e tad 10 carry a and expressed willingness to agam test g ith y Unlve n With American Machine & Foundry having pacted last week committee, saia tnis wees tnat me mittee accepting tneir suggestion p avo ff>» i„ s t started con- strongest ratingwtse^and ona'night be ‘ n Y‘ ted to . carry at and expressed willingness to again test ndth ualverld^Pictures and which ABC is building ’ i.® a *^ ^ g° along with- whatevei piogiam department stores to find the most OV. hinted that sale to sponsors might emerges from the national com beautiful model . To replace “Istanbul,” program be okayed. ■ I aT D nwf TN inn « n Avnnn/Iirtrr (( A tvi • ?^o a rr5 a ^ Cipat K ing » b3nkrol lf r in chief Ray Diaz is expanding “Amer- As t he ^1949 inaugural, ington D C. PRS-TV “001711^18.” tln» web mav ;««« -n/r„o;/. Unii" infn #nli p_q . , 6 mgioxi, ij . v/. clave to be held Jan. 8-10 in Wash- 4 Our Miss Brooks”—currently CBS-TV “Omnibus,” the web may ican Music Hall” into the full 8-9 th e local production staff for m ?Se Big 10, however, went on running contest to discover the have four of the five participating p,m. Sunday hour. Airer, with Loew’s theatres will supervise pro- record strongly opposed to any mos t beautiful school teacher, bankrollers for the show now set Larry Douglas, Eileen Barton and auction details of the various en- last-minute exceptions to the “Mr. and Mrs. North”—starting on a full-season basis. Remington Paul Whiteman, can be brought in tertainment events. Orville Crouch, NCAA’s single game per week na- a contest for writers to submit Rand, which originally bought in relatively cheaply, since it utilizes -Loew’s area chief and Metro studio tional schedule such as permitted plot of “the perfect crime” for for only a four-week pre-Christmas Glenn Osser’s house orch and is a rep . here, will be top assistant to local telecasts of the Michigan- dramatization on the series. ?Qfi V pH rtl wlth it^hflikron" netwo f k pactag®, while the ad}a- Murphy, with Jack Foxe, company Michigan State game, and the “Strike It Rich—forming help- isfied with results of its bankroll- ceny to Walter Winchell s 9 p.m. publicist, assisting. Alan Zee, who national pickup of the final por- ing Hand clubs in major cities and i n fui a i n ?9^eek^ more tS ° ptl ° n f ° newscast g ives lt a strong lead-out. produces shows at Loew’s Capitol tions of the Notre Dame-Southern flying i n contestants. Deal made Affpr^Willi? Ovorlknd and Grev. In place of “Defense,” Tuesdays here, will direct staging of the big Cal contest following the finish of wit h U. S. Treasury for “Strike hound Bus had touch? into “Omni- 8 / AB 9. 15 auctioning “Sparring variety show. the regularly skedded Army-Navy It R5ch “ to be theme of next bond houna bus naa nougnt into umm partners,” a Leter Lewis package As for radio and TV sponsorship, « am e drive with emcee Warren Hull an- UciDants^BS^old^-R^n^th^four- which combines panel and audience the webs will permit bankroller ' pearing on a poster as Uncle Sam. ticipants, CBS sold K K on tne lour participation features. It will star plugs on Ike s nde to the Capitol HTfnp n ^ A IV week deal. It s been learned, how- Eloise McElhone and Walter Kier- steps for the inauguration cere- WJZ RcY^IUDS A*IVl. SK6Uj . a ?^ Ra X_A_^ a ^C rt g ever, that the sales order called nan j n a ba ttle of the sexes, with monies and the motorcade back ¥ - urtTno) «* n ,i for the outfit to buy tlie show for tbe au dience similarly split on down Pennsylvania Avenue to the {nlft WNBC S McC&rtllY* whether Mary McGoon will jua rry 23 weeks but with special cancella- mMe-vs.-female line. White House. II1K5 iUCCailUJ, Grover. Winner will get a Chrys- 1 ni 1 1«nlr ler car which Elliott & Goulding inerWOOQ AS DISK JOCK will drive to winner’s home. Slim Chance of Gnl Censorship Jn • J2Z ti. ApttS „ _ ___ around Bobby Sherwood an L^ ores aroun d the country. 23 weeks but with special cancella- m ale-vs.-female line. tion privileges after the first four. If R-R decides to drop its option for the full season, it must notify Of* /^L. C f* CBS by Dec. 15. In that case, the \|l|l| I P Ol llO 1 last show for R-R would be Dec. 21. L/IUII VUIUlVVr VI VIU American Machine & Foundry, pacted through the Fletcher D. FI Jj* Tplf MJI Richards agency, joins “Omnibus” KQf|1A M I V* III ill Dec. 21. Show is produced by the IMIIIIV 1 f > Ford Foundation’s Radio-TV Work- shop and aired on the complete Washington, Dec. 9. CBS-TV station lineup. Each of There appears little chance thal the participating sponsors pays the Congressional Committee in Slim Chance of Govt Censorship In - Radio-TV; May Settle for Warning Washington, Dec. 9. I ship?”, asked a Congressman. “No, There appears little chance that j do not,” Walker replied vigorous- drive with emcee Warren Hull ap- pearing on a poster as Uncle Sam. “Bob and Ray”—starting write- in contest for listeners to decide whether Mary McGoon will marry Grover. Winner will get a Chrys- ler car which Elliott & Goulding will drive to winner’s home. “Howdy Doody”—extensive per- Charles F. McCarthy, starting Dec. 29. The various contests involve point-of-sale displays and similar Sherwood, bandleader once fea- promotional gimmicks. In addition tured on WNEW and currently on to cutting cost-per-thousand costs the Milton Berle NBC-TV series, by getting bigger audiences, the will take over the morning stint projects are aimed at capitalizing $13,0(xf weekly for gross talent and vesti^Teoenoy ly ; J want to leave that t0 C - currently hendled by TomRedd^ « of production costs. and telecasting will do more in its gress. _ _ ^ le b ^ eS ^ -^M-TV spenders. Red Barber Wows Sports 1 practices. licensing the networks. He charged I newscaster, is quitting that web 1 lift?W £ ¥ lllVflllN t* T\ . . ji i*i Although the final report, due that they, especially in television, key as a result of Jim Coy’s <ex- rans, Dowagers A11K6 out within the next four weeks, are responsible for the morally WNEW) taking over some of his mm ‘ I IT II II MV n l may hint the possibility of Gov- questionable programs, asserting assignments. He’ll do the 7:30 (his |l no _L 1 JC In lown nalL bab emment censorship unless the that local programs are invariably old niche on ’WNBC), 8 a.m. and [\K|IM| I.fll _ , . 9 , broadcasters “clean up,” members clean shows. He said, without re- noon news periods. Addition of vv iraiu m Sportscaster Red Barber, who. 0 f the Committee and Congress, in sort to censorship, the licensing of McCarthy gives WJZ “the three o doubles into the lecture circuit general, are loathe to plunge into the webs would have the effect of Mc’s—Mary Margaret McBride, wasmngton, Dec. ». -during the off-season winter Federal censorship, if it can be cleaning up the borderline pro- Maggi McNellis and McCarthy.” New TV stations authorized since months, roade his ln itial appear- avoided. grams. ■ ■ ■ ■ —' the lifting of the freeze reached ance on the podium of Town Hall, rp he comm ittee, which earlier Paul C. Mitchell, science teacher . the 136 mark last a* th<» FCC N. Y., last Wednesday (3), lm- conducted hearings in both Wash- at Hunter College, speaking for the ITFMR Swifrll fn PRS «« f r t pressing as a top attraction for this ington and New York, wound tip First Methodist Church, of Mount IxmiD OWIILH IU vUi) issued six more construction per- j: phase of show biz. Barber, who i as (; week vdth three days of ses- Vernon, N.Y., urged new . laws San Diego, Dec. 9. mits, including one for a non-com- is also sports counselor to CBS, s i ons bere a t which witnesses urged which would ban beer and cigaret Affiliatioi of KFMB and CBS mercial educational outlet, wowed not only the sports fans legislation to license networks and advertising at anv time on Sundav * , , , , , ,, . who turned out to-hear him die- t«S the 5 o“t and and from 4 to 8 ML weekdays^ will be completed Friday <1», the Agency handed out permita for course on the Philosophy of a b eer advertising. Following were forbid the use of children in any move following KFMB-TV’s hook- two UHF stations in Yakima, Wash. Sports Broadcaster,” but also the the witnesses and the recommenda- radio or TV broadcast advertising up with the net. One went to KIT and the other to dowagers and regal society dames tions they made: cigarets, beer or wine; and prevent KFMB formerly was an ABC out- K1MA. Other UHF permits were who more normally comprise the. Paul A. Walker, chairman of the such advertisers from sponsoring let and KCBQ until several months granted to Television Broadcasters i T0 i V r?*T Ha 3i audiei \ ce * „ . .. FCC, who .« : d Congress should “programs for which the spectator ago had the local CBS tieup. It is in Emont te :• the crowd wasn’t too big amen d the Communications Act to or auditor audience is held to con- expected that KCBQ will seek an Lima S The fifth' commercial au- f ^®5 a !l sc bR d weather (and it. require licensing of networks, the tain a large percentage of children arrangement with ABC. thorization for a VHF^tTtion went ' i didn t matter boxoffice-wise be- same as individual stations are now —youth amateur hours, baseball - a ’ Ior * station, v t [ cause these lectures are sold on a licensed. He would have Congress games, circus, etc. [ . subscription: basis), Barber kept bar ba rd liquor advertising. He Frederic R. Gamble, president of WLIB > * New Center ). attention focussed on the rostrum said the industry has self-regulated the American Assn, of Advertising . - . r with his wealth of an^dota. used this out for continental U.S., but Agencies, opposed Government WLIB, N. Y., will open its $20,000 the Department of Education of the ‘ to spotlight the various phases of added that hard liquor commercials censorship and new legislation new Harlem Radio Center in the State of New Jersey. The station i* his career 1 from which he evolved s tin g 0 on the air in Alaska and which might crack down on types Hotel Theresa tomorrow (Thurs.). to be established in New Briins- his personal sportspasting phildso- Hawaii. He said he was against of commercials and programming. Indie bas beei ? beaming from the wick, ; phy. His hour-long, talk was so legal prOhibtion on beer and cig- He said the job could be done well Harlem hotel since 1950, but has Comrs. George Sterling and Ed- •i successful, .in fact, that several of are t commercials, and balked by industry self-policing. He said added three studios. ward Webster voted against the , the top lecture bureaus have since strenuously at FCC serving as a the advertisers are very sensitive It will carry 37 hours of Negro- educational grant because it is " bid for him to join their regular regular censor of programming. to public reaction and will elim- slanted progranft, upping the sked necessary for the Board of Educa- circuits. In addition, he s been “Do you want to supply the rec- inate things which cause offense to 58 hours during the summer tion to obtain funds for the station (Continued iQJD page £$$ x > »■ j d ord with your definition of censor- to any portion of the*public. when it adds .«vening. hours* • - * < from the -state legislature. * report than to shake a warning Gordon P. Brown, president of and 7:35-8:15, leading into the ritz- finger at the industry and urge it WSAY, of Rochester, N.Y., long geralds at 8:15. to eliminate the most objectionable time foe of the networks, called for practices. licensing the networks. He charged Charles F. McCarthy, vet WNBC New TV Grants Reach 136 Mark cuartny gives wjz. me uncc o c’s—Mary Margaret McBride, ^ as .Dec. 9. !aggi McNellis and McCarthy.” New TV stations authorized since ■ ■ ■ ■ — ; the lifting of the freeze reached VTlffb Q ‘iii pno tbe 136 mark last week as the FCC Krffuf uWltCh tO LB5 issued six more construction per- San Diego, Dec. 9. mits, including one for a non-com- Affiliatioi. of KFMB and CBS mercial educational outlet, ill be completed Friday (12), the Agency handed out permits for tove following KFMB-TV’s hook- two UHF stations in Yakima, Wash, p with the net. One went to KIT and the other to thorization, for a VHF station, went to KNOE in Monroe, La. The educational permit, the 10th issued by the Cohmission, went to when it adds.«vening.hours,. <[from the-state-legislature.