Variety (December 1952)

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46 ORCMCESTKAS^ITJSir: "Wednesday, December 17, 1952 Nashville Notes Don Cherry in town last week •nd to cut new Decca sides under direction of Paul Cohen. Cherry also did the WSM “Sunday Down South" and “Music City, U. S. A." Shows Sunday (14). Columbia’s Don Law planed to Coast last week after 10 days of Nashville recording. WSM brings their Anita Kerr Singers to “Grand Ole Opry” for the first time Saturday (20). They will help Red Foley and his daugh- ters with their traditional Christ- mas program for Prince Albert on NBC. Future “Grand Ole Opry” guests are Lonzo & Oscar, Dec. 27; Carl Smith, Jan, 3; and Sue Thompson, Jan. 10. Country Chatter Tillman Franks has taken over management of The Carlisles, now being headlined by KWKH on their “Louisiana Hayride” opera- tion. WLS artists and announcers busy with charity entertainments through Christmas. Dolph Hewitt takes the Rhythm Riders to Hines Hospital Thursday (18) to enter- tain veterans. Dec. 22 will find Jack Holden emceeing for patients at Chicago’s Municipal Sanitarium with Grace Wilson, Captain Stubby Sc The Buccaneers, Red Blanchard and Jimmie James doing the enter- taining.’ . „ KCUL’s “Jolly Joe” Nixon of Ft. Worth is joining WFAA’s (Dallas' TWO FEET and EIGHT iimi TAILS 2 . 4. 4. 5. staff each week as m.c. and come- dian on their four-hour airer of country entertainment, “Saturday Night Shindig.” This is in addi- tion to his three shows a day from KCUL, Hank Williams hospitalized for two days in Shreveport before making a Houston p.a. last Sunday (14). . Illness kept him from the KWKH •'’Louisiana Hayride” opus last Saturday. Slim Whitman back in Shreve- port after a week’s dates in New England. Fred Wamble now increased to three hours per day at noon with country records from Birming- ham’s WLBS . , . KEXO in Grand Junction, Colo., adding a new Mon- day morning hour, “The Hour of Harm” with pop spinner Bill Orr and country man Ward Goodrich. Spike Jones and his City Slickers will headline the four-hour “Satur- day Night Shindig” Jan. 17 in State > Fair Auditorium, Dallas. Weekly | f WFAA live audience hillbilly airer ? * will split time with Jones’ crew, with each giving a t.'^-hour show. * 4 „ Usual 75c. tab will prevail for bal= i cony seats, with a $&40 tag on first floor tickets for the show. Disk Companies’ Best Sellers J CAPITOL ARTIST 1. IT’S IN THE BOOK (2 Parts) Johnny Standley MY BABY’S COMING HOME..... Les Pau^-Mary Ford LADY OF SPAIN I SAW MOMMY KISSIN’ SANTA CLAUS Molly Bee WILLIE CLAUS MEET MR. CALLAGHAN. Les Paul-Mary Ford TAKE ME IN YOUR ARMS AND HOLD ME I YUST GO NUTS AT CHRISTMAS Yogi Yorgesson YINGLE BELLS COLUMBIA 1. I SAW MOMMY KISSIN' SANTA CLAUS Jimmy Boyd THUMBELINA KEEP IT A SECRET Jo Stafford ONCE TO EVERY HEART JAMBALAYA Jo Stafford EARLY AUTUMN YOU’LL NEVER KNOW Rosemary Clooney-Harry James TIKE CONTINENTAL MA SAYS PA SAYS Johnnie Ray-Doris Day A FULL TIME JOB 2 . 3. 4. 5. CORAL Sachs Named Eastern Ftep Of Cap’s Custom Records Herb Sachs vns named eastern representative of Capitol Records’ Studio and Recording Services Di- vision last week. Sachs will handle custom records and various phases of Cap’s broadcast division, report- ing directly V® Walter Heebner,' general manager of Cap’s custom and’ broadcast ” "qHilt*— who headquarters on the Coast. Sachs nrpvMusiy organ Guuu Records In Ncrwaik, Conn. When Guild was sold to Musicraft, Sachs became veepee in charge of the diskery’s three plants. i DECCA * X Dorsey in %an Antonio Sun Aiitonio, Dec. 10. Jimmy Dorsey orch has been booked for a df/ince at the Oak Hills Country Club on Saturday night (20). Band is also scheduled to make a series of one nig.hters at the vari- ous Army and Air Force bases hereabouts during the week. TILL I WALTZ AGAIN WITH YQZJ Teresa Brewer HELLO BLUE BIRDS 2. I * Don Cornell BE FAIR S, NO MOON AT ALL Ames Bros-to Brwi? DO NOTHING TILL YOU HEAR FROM ME 4. TAKES TWO TO TANGO Pearl Bailey LET THERE BE LOVE 5. HOLD ME, THRILL ME, KISS ME Karen Chandler ONE DREAM .Mills Bros. 1 .4 *•■>#». four Aces 1. . GLOW WORM ' AFTER ALL 2. JUST SOUFEZE ME. Hit:ART AND SOUju 3. DON’T LET THE STARS GET IN YOUR EYES... Red Foley SALLY 4. TAKE ME IN YOUR ARMS Four Aces LA ROSITA 5. SLEIGH RIDE Bing Crosby-Peggy Lee LITTLIp JACK FROST GET LOST, GET LOST MERCURY 1. WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE ME . Patti Page CONQUEST TELL ME YOU’RE MINE Gaylords CUBAN LOVE SONG Swan Song Continued from pape 39 along with the ability of name vo- calists to come up with hits reg- ularly, Several years ago, the top dozen platter artists were virtually -assured of selling enough sides to cover the guarantees. Recently, however, the picture has changed to the extent that the vets’ selling power has become just as uncer- tain as that of the unknowns. The customers, it’s pointed out, don’t care who’s singing as long as the interpretation is right. Winterhalter Back Hugo Winterhalter, RCA Victor’s musical director, returned to the U. S. Monday (15; after a two- v/eek tour of Army bases in Europe. Winterhalter appeared with singer Eddie Fisher, Pfc, who is in the Special Services branch of the Army, in shows In England and on the Continent. Fisher records for RCA. Randall Reelected Schenectady, Dec. 10. Gordie Randall has been re- elected president of Senenectady Local 85, AFM. Also reelected were James W. Lavell, vice-president; Carl Deman- gate, Jr., recording secretary; Al- bert J. Mastriano, financial secre- tary; R. M. Harbi^on, treasurer f "wV’flo lladM'om M'-C M , iff C AJJISE 2 . S. 4. 5. IT’S WORTH ANY TRICE YOU PAY KENTUCKY BABE MOTH AND THE FLAMS PHOTOGRAPH ON THE OLD PIANO .. Eddy Howard • Georgia Gibbs PRETEND • Ralph Marteri® AFTER MIDNIGHT 1 M-G-M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE ME ...Joni James PURPLE SHADES HAVE YOU HEARD Jonl James Wl&UNG'AiNG JAMBALAYA flank Williams WINDOW. SHOPPING LAZY RIVER Art Mooney HONESTLY -YOU-BLEW ME-A KISS TOO FAR BETWEEN KISSES ,... Ginny Gibson X RCA VICTOR 1. I SAW MOMMY KISSIN SANTA CLAUS Spike Jone 3 WINTER DON’T’LET THE STARS GET IN YOUR EYES Perry Como LIES LADY QF.SPAIN *. OUTSIDE OF HEAVEN 2 . 3. t ♦ .Eddie Fisher 4 BECAUSE YOU’RE MINE Mario Lanza THE SONG THE ANGELS SIN.G FANDANGO Hugo Winterhalter BLUE VIOLINS X and his Orchestra Play MAGI® MUSIC BOX MGM 30699 K 30699 Settle Infringement Suit Vs. Dorseys on UA Pic Song infringement suit brought by cleffer Helen Bernard against the Dorsev Bros. Music firm, v rated Artists and others was set- tled out of court last week In N, Y. Miss Bernard charged that her un- published tune, “To Me,” was al- legedly pirated by two writers, Don George and Allie Wrubel, and used in the Charles R. Rogers pro- duction of the “The Fabulous Dor- seys” film. Under terms of a cash settle- ment, Miss It's Music by JESSE GREER (Program Today Y«t«rday*s SLEEPY HEA1 SHAPIRO, SERW5TE1N Merc Sets Sales Confabs for Jan. Chicago, Dec. 10. Mercury Records will hold a series of regional sales meeiings, starting Jan. 4, covering Atlanta, New York, Chicago and San Fran- cisco. Emphasis will be on the ex- panded classical library and album sales. Art Talmadge, a&r veepee, said that the dropping of Rafael Kube- lik hr conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra v.ould not, affect tin; yiromotipn cf the Chi-: ^fldants. oago group as Mercury’s contract is with the orchestra and not the | leader. Talmadge cut four sides last week with tho symphony. Fina Held Over San Antonio, Dec. 16. Jack Fina band has been held over at the Anacacho Room of the St. Anthony Hotel for another four weeks. Also extended Is Johnny Bach- emln for au additional week.