Variety (December 1952)

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5* Wednesday, December 17, 1952 PftftiETr New Ads JOS£ GRECO Sc CO. (12) ALLEN Sc DE WOOD Dance Comedy Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, N. T. Z5 Mins. Jose Greco, the Brooklyn-born T °P»- San Weee flamencoist. who made good on A smash hit In this city’s only the homegrounds of this style of class nltery.AUen & DeWood seem terplng has been a concert, legit on verge of being ready for bigger and ev4n a two-a-day vaude draw and smarter rooms; Fast-moving in New York. With his debut at routine bears a sUght resemblance toe Empire Room of the Waldorf- to Martin & Lewis in format, with Astoria Greco and his gifted col- Alien frequently acting out vocals leagues indicate that they can work by DeWood handsome possessor ltnnAw.rnicf ns well. ^ flCfa DSrilODG. Bill XlnSillp tO upper-crust cates as weu M & L is only surface, for where Greco and his troupe, compris L ew i s j s alternately brash, manic ing four femme and equal number an( j j UV enile, rubbery-faced Allen of male dancers, two guitarists and jj ag a subtle Jimmy Savo quality, a pianist, are probably the most depending more on character bits skilled of Iberian terpers making than zany weirdities. the rounds today. Their work is Limbre-limbed Allen also is an picturesque, violent and intense, able hoofer * in eccentric style, .At the outset of their turn, it’s perfect for visual interpretation of difficult to associate the wild gypsy partner's piping of Harlem-styled work with the formal Empire Room blues, “Smooth Sailing,” and dated surroundings. It takes several num- but still dramatically effective bers to whittle down the audience, “Kiss of Fire.” Well-acted takeoff but when they get going, the crowd on “Perry Mason” private eye is quick to yell “ole.” nonsense is followed by “Life of Greco knows concert as well as King Farouk” skit for biggest boff folk interpretations. As solos, on night caught. With turban- Greeo performs the Farruca from garbed Allen as the broad-minded De Falla’s “Three-Cornered Hat” monarch, DeWood keeps up elec- and does a brilliant interpretation trie tempo in March of Time-type of La Argentina's choreography announcer role. Classic burley bit of Ravel's “Bolero.” The violence gey Joe,” concerning fight ovei inherent in Greco’s interpretation chipped beer mugg given by old is sufficient to put the audience friend—all imaginary—is revived on its feet at times. *£01 such happy results that the Withal, Greco hits the Waldorf gtH seems contemporary and fresh With a highly polished troupe. In Bit brings continuous mounting Tola da TRrvnrin thprp’c a lnnVpr yocks and tremendous mitt at who knows her way Ground the finale * Genuine begoff follows. Spanish dfnee and who knn^s Together less than four months, a touch of fraeilTtv in LfiSteS team has soUd foundation. De- LSn of Aibeniz's “MidsumI Wood ’ s vocalizing has strong distaff mer Nieht’s Dream ” Probablv ^he a PP €al for contrast that's right SSt W f.™ down Allen’s alley. Teams eschews ro^iio blue and/or racial material, yet Cortijo, - which Greco performs hefty laughs - m earned on crisp with Juanele Maya, Luis Olivares hum or rangingfrom verv broad to and Julio Torres. Malena Vargas, AUhS^h Z^ODh°stica- Wioleta Diaz Salome de Cordoba, ^^-^^beadded forbettlr and Gracia del Sacramonte similar- sunoer clubs d5ffv duo appea?s ly contribute telling and pictur- ^pe for big things Dorl esque bits to the festivities. Guitar- npe * or mg g ‘ ♦Tip iph? £+]!***'ll 1 ROBERT WILSON Sc CO. the right note of violence to back ^ nn the Thythmic heel-pounding and * Roger A. Machado ivories in a bril- liant key. The costuming is on the “bronco bustin'” bike, and attrac- tive gal also does a rope-skipping stint with the uni. Their double work is a model of perfection and, with the solo ef- forts, an overall scorer appropriate for all situations. Trau. DON HOOTON Rope Twirling 7 Mins. Palace, N. Y. Big, handsome fellow bills him- self “The Broadway Cowboy, squaring the blurb via silk top- per, cane and smart blue . tux. Opens with . a ditty, but quickly gets down to his forte, rope-twirl- ing, which he relieves with an oc- casional tap ;and other exertions in comedy vein. Does a series of standard tricks and knottmgs with various lengths of the hemp, also employing a prop horse for one stanza. Reaches a high point and act climax via cleating while twirling. , , x , Art okay novelty that could stand development in the patter depart- ment. Trau. BARLETT Sc ROSS Comedy 10 Mins. Theatre Royal, Glasgow Comedy duo are a boff act that is high in risibility value. Lively, exuberant males, they specialize in femme impersonations, aping the distaff mannerisms and voice to near-perfection. Range of costumes worn is wide, being of most un- usual variety. For instance, one hat sported is in shape of a tea- pot. Comedy props include mats, brushes and hot-water bottles. Act, currently in pantomime here, brings much audience par- ticipation from moppet stubholders, via hissing and booing at realistic characterization. Exit mitts are big. Good for intime bistros. Gord. VARIETY BILLS WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 17 Numerals In eonnaetlon with Milt balow indicate opening day of thow whathar full nr split waak Latter In parenthasas Indicate circuit. <FM> Fanehon Marco; (I) (ndopandanti (L) Loaw; (M) Most; (P) Paramount; <R) PICO; <S) Stoll; <T) Tivoli; (W> Warner; (WRX Waltor Raid# NEW YORK CITY Music Hall (I) It Peter Gladke Jack Drummond Patricia • Rayney Nip Nelson Jansleys Dogs Rockettes Corps de Ballet Sym Ore Palace (R) It B Howell A F Radcllff Shooting Mansfields Milton Douglas . Carla A Ferando D Goofers Freddie Martell* Linon St Clairs Paramount (P) 17 Jack Carter Janis Paige Honey Bros Buddy Morrow Ore CHICAGO Chicago (P) It Dollnoff A- Raya Sis Robert Maxwell Chris Cross Bill Lawrende MIAMI Olympia (P) 17 Miami H S Glee Club Bob Hammonds Birds Mr JKitzel Dlvena Asia Boys ROCKFORD, Palace (I) 19-21 Bernadette Phelan Dancers Johnny Masters Kit Kats Stagg McMann 1 to fill WASHINGTON Capitol (L) II Blackstone Rev l Yvonne Prestige Stan Bernard 3 Nordics Clayton & Ward YORK Empire (I) II 3 School Horses Trained Llama Joan Pets Sad Alf Co. Charlie Bale Los Volentos Les Dareskans Miss Victoria Les Arturos 4 Cabaret Bills NEW YORK CITY AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE Tivoli (T) 15 Tommy Trlnder Mara Maurice 6 De Paulis Rey Overbury & Suzette Mary Priestman Harry Moreny Lloyd Martin Toni Lamond Dancing Boys 3 Singing Girls 4 Adorables SYDNEY - Tivoli (T) 15 3 Daresco Lowe A Ladd Frank Cook Bert Duke 3 Guy Nelson Halama & Konarski Renita Kramer Bouna Norman Vaughan Sonya Corbeau Alice Ray Betty Prentice Nudes Show Girls Boy Dancers Sc Singers Ballet BRITAIN 25. Mins. Alhambra, Glasgow Scottish songs are among the authentic and colorful side. Finale most tender anSmost stirrine and J** one of the RobeA wilson S ”ofteior. hand- sessions some an( j kilted, has sung them in ever on a Waldorf-Astoria floor- many lands. However, he has sung One of the great aids to the .them in few scenes so beautifully Greco mob Is the backing of the dressed and backed as at show Alex Alstone band. Alstone, com- caught here, with imaginative terp- poser of Symphonie, does a yeo- i n g by accompanying girl\dancers man turn m executing the intri- gar bed in typical Highland cloth, cate and expressive score, and he singer has manly, simple style, provides pleasing dansapation as use s pipes to top effect, and well. Mischa Borr’s alternate crew chooses a repertoire which ranges from the Highlands to the Low- The Greco troupe should attract lands of Scotland in a sort of mu- the concert-goers as well as upper- steal tour. Numbers include “Down crust Castilians in addition to the i n the Glen” (his attractive signa- regular Waldorf clientele. Jose. ture tune), “Bonnie Gallowa’,” <7 Oh, Lovely Polly Stewart,” “Hieland- man’s Umbrella,” “Jock McKay,” and “The Clans Are Gathering.” At finale song, “Scotland the Brave,” chorines march down, unusual | each carrying a different clan ROLLY Sc ARRY Comedy Musioians 10 Mins. Theatre Royal, Glasgow Continental duo offer twist to musical clowning. At show crest of the Auld Lang Syne land, caught (“Cinderella” pantomime), Act is impressive, colorful and they opened as a couple of bowler- would have much potential for U.S. /hatted ragged scarecrows, with vaude and TV. Gord. backs to audience , Each holds a violin in his hand, scarecrow fash- THE SAVOIR FAIRES (5) ion.v Clowning follows as they play Songs instruments, falling, tumbling and 9 Mins, catching each other in nonsensical Palace, N. Y. style, to continuous yocks, particu- Harmony quintet (two femmes, larly from juve stubholders. three boys) are better than aver- Twain, real brothers named Por- ?£ e sellers whether they bounce, ro, hail from Budapest and Aus- J um P ° r straight it. Songalog is tria, of Finnish father and Esthon- g° od > too, outstanding being their Ian mother, and are third-genera- You Belong to Me and a neat LES CHIVAS (2) Aero Mins. French Casino, N. Y. Les Chivas are a hand-to-hand pair recently imported • from France. The understander is a heavy-set ofay and he’s partnered by a small Chinese lad who is ca- pable Of some excellent tumbling Western Bros and is lithe enough to add a lot LesUeSarony of spark to the act. Most of their Karen Greer ricks are those usual in the cata- Carlisle log of such acts, but there are B^morai 4 rt variations to differentiate them Cardiff from the usual turn of this type. i c „, N R? n J S) 11 The Chinese boy works like he’s Scott Sanders been told that In America you have Ramblers to smile and show personality. Grimaidi!i dden Sometimes he remembers that Biwngton admonition and shows the crock- Vernon sis ery, but it’s a self-conscious effort. palace ci) is However, that facet doesn't dimin- cardew Robinson ish their aero ability. Jose. Doreen Harris tion vauders. Okay for variety, Gord. JELLY ROLL Sc ZUZU Comedy 10 Mins. Palace, N. Y. Negro mixed pair is of the old school of racial-type comedy in its dialog, song and dance. He T s over- arrangement' of “What Is This Thing Called Love?” Combo shows fine blending and is niftily groomed, the girls in vivid red gowns and the three boys in dinner jackets. Good bet for cafes, vauders arid TV-; Trau. MIDGE MINOR Taps sized"and she’s a shorty, some of % Eddie’s N Y the gab stemming from that setup. Sriw“ n V nJti Gal (Zuzu) is an okay eccentric hoofer. Just a fair act, largely for spe- cial spottings. Trau. 4t ROSEANNA MILO Songs 8 Mins. Leon & Eddie’s, N. Y. Boseanna Milo, from Italy, has a comparatively unusual voice. Her registers are well set in the con- tralto area, and she gives a deep Vocal warmth that can enhance any type tune. During her short turn at this cafe, she indicates that she can handle most songs. Her “Black Magic” has a lot of sexy overtones, and she gives “I Want to be Loved” a good rhythmic sendoff. Miss Milo is ready for the gen- eral run of cafe work, but needs more time in the lesser spots be- fore branching out. She’s nicely gowned and makes a striking ap-. Midge Minor, petite tapper, shows a fine precision in her cleat work. The terps are well-designed and hit a nice rhythpiic pace that gives her a well-balanced and nice- ly presented act.. Miss Minor needs further indoc- trination in the fine points of this terp form. More experience and she’ll be hitting the plush spots. Jose. CYCLING VlLLENAVES (2) Bicycle 7 Mins. * Palace, N. Y. Here’s a bike team that’s been getting a heavy play on fhe out- door circuit. They're smartly groomed and their tricks are snap pily executed with grace and pro- jection. - Aside from straight work they sock over postures and aero on both stationary and moving ve hides, and duo operates slickly in a two-high on a ono-wheeler. Male Jw.,9 SflfrS. «!<• ■* ASTON Hippodrome (I) 15 Jack noyle Michael Roxy Dixie Dandies Tommy Truman Ken Barnes Sc Jeanne Don Phllllpe Sc Marta Daveen Sc Blondes ALEC FINLAY Comedy 10 Mins, Alhambra, Glasgow Smallish Scot offers humor in fresh simple vein, having neat and ^ v u e a e c n e dainty appearance and appealing smile. Patter is topical and typical- „ y Scotch, as is his accent. Carroll Levis Co Old man characterizations are violet Pretty worth note for sly, homely humor. Eddie Gimmick is kilted garb and playing Lu " t * Eddie of bagpipes, and act exits to good mitting. Okay for video as a “typi- cal wee Scotsman.” Gord. Lizzet BLACKPOOL Palace (I) 15 Fred Ferrari Roy Stevens Wilson Keppel Sc Betty George Meaton Nixon Sc Dixon Les Valettos Cinzano 3 Martell Sis Tattersall Sc Jerry BOSCOMBE Hippodrome (I) 15 Elthem Sc Sharpe Bob Wayne Freddie Brent BRIXTON Empress (I) IS Spike Milligan Mrtie Truzzi Pets F Sc L Preston J Sc J Mason Lillian Brown Dot Sc Maureen Vernon & Val CHISWICK Empire (S) 15 PAUL JUDSON Songs 9 Mins. Leon Sc Edge’s, N. Y. Paul Judson is a nice-appearing youngster who depends on well- AIalno rounded pipes to put him over. Sensational Jeretz There s excellent timber in nis Roboto pipes which show a smooth texture ^°'l A1 ^/ e , sham and good melodic accent. Idris Judson needs to make use of Reggie Dennis some of the vocal tricks employed Ma2 5 urs D ri»aY by most singers. He depends on Hippodrome ( 5 ) is straight renditions, which serve Harry Rowson him comparatively well at this time. p®?er ^lair When he develops more personal Crry wiison appearance experience he’ll be Garland Sc Roberts eligible for lucrative returns. Jose. Some U. S. Cos Continued from page 5 ing one for almost $1,000,000. Val Cave Betty Broughton Kenneth Simpson Johnny Crltchley Les Dounos Royalty Girls EAST HAM Granada (I) 15 Chevalier Bros Lewis King Michael Moore T Vaughn Sc Patricia There is a delay, too, in unblocking about $2,500,000 in frozen earnings | Metropolitan^Carsons Hedley Ward 3 ing in N. Y. Monday (15) heard iXert^mon that a change in the Japanese gov- Jerry Bergman ernment would’ hold up transfer Andres Curtis Of the coin. Evelyn Taylor Attempt to unthaw these funds p£ p Eiiiott had been made by Kichard T. Me- T^l**?* ( JL } 15 Donnell, special rep of the Motion Dickie Valentine Picture Export Assm, who earlier l Roa a a Powers had been successful in unlatching ^Michael? Jatk30tt more than $5,000,000. Total cur- 3 Berts rently in deep freezer • comes to * about $4,500,000, of which almost Cycionics $2,000,000 are to be reserved for eoihboroh i . A empire IM; ii Jta$es. . Rex Jc Bessie Dr Crock Sc Crackpots Lester Sharpe Sc Iris 5 Skyliners Sc L Ferronl Billy Shakespeare FINSBURY PARK Empire (M) 15 Merle Sc Marie Louise Pets Burton Lester Midgets Festival Fountains Harry Benet Fraser Harmonica Co GRIMSBY Palace (I) 15 Tony Dalton Billy Fennell Jock Glen Leonard Astor Eric Covcrdale Malcolm Bailey C Peace Pat Benson Military Ladles Les Mongadors LEICESTER Palace (S) If Dick Emery Vogelbelns Bears Allen Sc Lee Rlki Lingana & Diane Sterlings Evelyn Robertson Morsen Bros June Hawley Patricia Bosworth Jeffrey Lenner LINCOLN Royal (I) 15 Billy Thorburn Raymond Bennett Brett Sc Marshall Verdlni Swan Sc Leigh NEW CROSS Empire (I) 15 Robin Richmond Psyne & Hilliard Alec Halls Peter White Yolandas Co NORTHAMPTON New (I) 15 Eva Boswell Nat Gonclla Co Leon Cortez Peter Sinclair Eddie Gordon Sc Nancy Mundy Sc Earle Godfrey Sc Kirby Margaret Conway NOTTINGHAM Empire (M) 15 Joe Stein Louis Hayden Max Carole Elizabeth Marcellis PORTSMOUTH Royal (M) 15 Bunty St Clare BAA Pearson Reco Sis G A A Doonan Frank Preston M Woodward A Cooper Terry Hall 3 Harvards SCUNTHORPE Savoy (1) 15 Jackie Wilson Merry 3 Gena Mae Sylvia Hilton Dorlna Claire George Chicane 0 Girls SUNDERLAND Empire <M) 15 Geraldine A Joy P Nicholls A B Mcrrin Bud Richie Levanda A Van Morris A Cowley Kerbsidors Cortell Bros A Margaret 4 D’s WOLVERHAMPTON Hippodrome (I) 15 Billy Russell Benson Dulay Co Rio Ron A Rita Skating Sayers Pat O'Hagan Betty A Harry MAM Milla WOOD GREEN Empire (S) 15 Gerry Brereton Leslie Welch George Williams ’Bobbie Kirabcr . • > Blrdtanv Slim Gaillard Blue Ansel Charlotte Rae Stan Freeman Cheerleaders Ellis Larkin 3 Bart Howard Bon Solr Jimmie Daniels Alice Ghostley G Wood Norene Tate Garland Wilson Kirkwood A Goodman Mac Barnes Celebrity Club Alan Gale Freddie Stewart Haydoclcs Copacabana Jackie Miles Paul Sydell Landre A Verna M Durso Ore Ray Steele Milt Page Mlmi Warren Trio Chateau Madrid Nicolas Urcelay Martinique F Alonso Ore Maya Ore Los Panchos Chez Zlzl Paul Villard Blackie Jordann Betty Norman Embers Barbara Carroll French Caslna John Arcesi Glnette Wander Jane Laste Dominique Les Chivers Vincent Travers Hotel Ambassador Jules Landc Ore Hotel Astor Three. Suns Hotel Biltmoro Michael Kent Ore Hotel Edison Henry Jerome Ore Hotel New Yorker Teddy Powell Ore Sid Krofft Joan Walden Bobby Blake Collin A Leemans Adrian Kollini iTlo Hotel Plerro Margaret Phelan Stanley Melba Oro Chico- Relli Ore Hotel Plaza Victoria Cordova Raye A Naldi Dick La Salle Oro Continentals Hotel Roosevelt Guy Lombardo Ore Hotel St. Regis Fernanda Montel Milt Shaw Ore Horace Diaz Ore Hotel Statler Woody Herman Ore Village Barn Zeb Carver Ted Huston Oro Miles Bell Helen Curtis Bourbon A Bain Waldorf-Astoi la Jose Greco Dcrs Alex Alstone Oro Mischa Borr Ore Hotal Warwick Jose Mellls Trio Lee Carroll Hotal Sherry Netherland James Symington Hugo Pecicll Ore Hotel Taft Vincent Lopez Oro Latin Quarter Murphy Sisters Audrey Sperling Roger Ray Plroska Carol! Bros Marcel Lebon Dagenham Pipers {•Warren, Latona St Sparks Patricia Rhodes Pat Adair Art Waner Ore La Vie on Rose Phil Moore’s Flock Nat "King** Cole Van Smith 3 El Chico Perla Marini DeLeon A Graclella C A O Galvan Alvardo de la Cruz Carlos Camacho Enrique Vizcaina Loon A Eddie'* E4die Davis Bobby Ramsea Argo A Fay Paul Judson Midge Minor Helen Curtis Art Waner Oro Oliver Dcrs No. 1 Fifth Avo Bud McCreery Bob Downey Harold Fonville Hazel Webster Old Roumanian Sadie Banks Sonny Sands Carolyn Carpenter Larry Marvin Joe LaPorte Ore D'Aquila Ore Park Sharafon Irving Fields ' Town A Country Buddy Hackett Son A Sonny Matt! Sondl Johnny Morrii Or* La Plaza 6 Two Guitar* Slgl Ahern Ell Spivak Misha Usdanoff Kostya Poliansky Versailles "More About Love" Pktricla Bright Jean Bradley Glenn Burris Ann Cardall Jim Hawthorne Ann Shlelos Cabots Salvatore Give Ore Panchlto Ore Village Vanguard Robert Clary Sylvia Syms Charlotte Rae Clarence William Wivel Sal Nobla Bob Leo MIAMI-MIAMI BEACH M Allison Hotel Beachcombers (4) Julio A Mae Casablanca Hotal Charlie Carlisle Phyllis Arnold Dave Tyler Ore Clover Club Nov-Elitos (3) Peggy Greer Peggy Palmer , _ ... . S Marlowe Lina A Collins Tony Lopez Ore , Cork Club Jo Thompson Richard Cannon Delmonico Jose A Aida Carlos A Melisa Ore Frolic Club Kathie McCoy Don Charles Ore Harem Club Jimmy Day Rusty Marsh Flash Lane Camile Stevens Ann -Mitchell Ginger Marsh Lombardy Don Baker Oro Henry Taylor Julio A Mae Martinique Hotal Jimmy Grlppo Manolo jfc Ethel Danny Yates Ore Jennifer Marshall Vincents Monte Carlo Count Smith Day A Alva Rafael Rumberos Music Box Belle Barth Don Ostro 3 Malayan Loungo Elaino Brent Bob Morrla Oro ■ Johnlna Hotol Berrl Blair Jack Murphy Tony Matas Randum Loon A Eddie's Babe Baker Revue Patti Lane Bill Gray Kitty O’Kelly Jackie King Sans Soucl Hotal Bob Carroll Frank Lynn Sacasas Ore Ann Herman Dcrs Saxony Hotal Tony Fernandes Julie Romero Val Olman Oro Tano A Dee Saxonettes Shore Club Rosalie A Steve Fansto Carbelo Oro Calypsoans Nautilus Hotol Carsar A Marshall Gomez A Beatrice Freddy Calo Ore Joe Harnell Rendezvous Fats Noel Ore Clitton Hayes San Marlnei Hotol Phil Brito Palmer Dancers Quintones Gaiety -Club Sheila Ryan Louise Angel Blue Drake Marie Stowe Gaiety Girls -Shoremede Preacher Rollo 5 Harbor Club Joe Mooney Helene Rlvoire * Paddock Club Wally Nash Miss Memphis Peggy Saunders Ernie Bell Ore Flo Parker Patty. Leo Mac Fadden Deuvllle Vocations 3 Johnny Pineapple Revue Serrente Jack Kerr Charles A Samara Marc Kahn Alan Hole Oro El Mambo _ Bobby Escoto Ore Barn A Rogers ((Jaatinqed on -page 63)