Variety (December 1952)

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» WCTdKK GROSSES Pfikmff Wednesday, December 24, 1932 U 1V H *!*• W»ll If n .-Marking lime ini Xmas Day, ‘Top’ Okay $25,000, Cattle’ Meek 11G, ‘Sea’ Sad 8G, Devil’ 23G, 4th Los‘Angeles, Dec. 23. < Local first-runs continue mark- ing time this week while awaiting for new bills and expected biz S lckup via Christmas Day open- igs. Three new bills are current but only “Flat Top” is getting any- where near average. It shapes to land an okay $25,000 in three theatres. A scant $8,000 is seen for “Under the Red Sea” in three spots. “Cat- tle Town” will be only thin $11,000 in thre e houses. Holdovers continue" to lag -with onlv “Bwana Devil,” in fourth and final week, doing okay with $23,- 000 in the two Paramount theatres. ■Estimates for This Week Hollywood, Downtown, Wiltem CWB) (2,756; 1,757; 2,344; 70-$1.10) —“Cattle Town” (WB). Thin $11,- 000. Last week, with Four Star, excluding Wiltem, “Iron Mistress” (WB) (3d wk), *$9,300. Loew’s State, Egyptian, Four Star (UATC) (2,404; 1,538; 900; 70- $1.10)—“Flat Top” (AA) and “No Holds Barred” (AA). Okay $25,000 or near. Last week, excluding Four Star, “Plymouth Adventure” (M-G) (3d wk-0 days)', $6,800.' Orpheum, Vogue, El Rey (Metro- politan-FWC) (2,213; 885; 861; 60- §0)—“Under the Red Sea” (RKO) and “Tarzan’s Savage Fury” (RKO). Scant $8,000. Last week, Orpheum, Hawaii, Uptown, “Thunder Birds” (Rep) and “Toughest Man Arizona” (Rep), $10;000. Los- Angeles, Chinese, Loyola, Wilshire (FWC) (2,097; 2,048; 1,248; 2,296; 70-$l.10)—“Breaking Sound Barrier” <UA) and “My Pal Gus” (20th) (2 Wk). Holding at fair $12,- 000. Last week, including 3 extra days “Gus” solo, good $27,700. Hillcrest, Pantages (RKO) (2,752; 2,812; 60-$1.10)—“8 Iron • Men” (Col) and “Pathfinder” (Col) (2d wk). Off to $12,000. Last week, okay $19,500. Los Ange T es, Hollywood Para- mount (UPT-F&M) (3.290; 1,430; 90-$1.5O)—“Bwana Devil” (Indie) (4th wk). Okay $23,000. Last week, $29,000. Globe, Ritz (FWC) (782; 1,370; 80-$1.20) — “Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th) (m.o.) (4th wk). Mild $5,000. Last week, $6,000. Canon (ABC) (533; $1.20)—“Full House” (20th) (14th wk). Light $£,200. Last week, $1,500. Fine Arts (FWC (679; 80-$1.20)— “Promoter” (U) (7th wk). Off to $2,000, Last week, good $2,500. Pitt 8.0. Hits Bottom; ‘Outpost’ Sluggish 7G, ‘Trees’Modest $4,000 Pittsburgh, Dec. 23. Week before Christmas is al- . ways bad, and it looks even worse than usual this year. Everything is taking a bad beating, from the top houses down. Twinner of “Outpost in Malaya” and “Apache War Smoke” at Penn looks slightly the best of a poor lot. “Cattle Town” is very drab at Stanley. “It Grows on Trees” at Harris shapes mild. “Night Without Sleep” looms dull at Fulton. " Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— ■“Night Without Sleep” (20th) and “Toughest Man Arizona” (Rep). Dull $3,000. Last week, “My Pal Gus” (20th), $3,500. ' Harris- (Harris (2.200; 50-85)— “Grows on Trees” (U) and “Raid- ers” (U). Mild $4,000. Last week, “Eight Iron Men” (Col), $4,800. Penn (Loew’s) (3,300; 50-85)— “Outpost in Malaya” (UA) - and “Apache War Smoke” (M-G)..'Dim $7,000. Last xv e.e k, “Prisoner Zenda” (M-G) (2d wk—3 days), only $3,500: moved to Ritz. Squirrel Hill (WB) (900; 50-35)— “Blithe Spirit” (Indie) (reissue). Rushed in quickly when “Rocking Horse Winner” (U) was pulled after doing less than $1,000 in 4 days. “Spirit” did oke $1,200 in first full week, and stays until “Promoter” (U) comes in Xmas Day. Stanley (WB) (3,800; 50-85)— “Cattle Town (WB). String of ani- mated one-reelers under collective title ef “Bugs Bunny’s Cartoon Revue” booked to bolster Dennis Morgan starrer but not helping.- Poor $5,500. Last week, “Flat Top” (AA); $7,000. Warner (WB) (2,000: 50-85)— “Reware My Lovely” (RKO) and “Tembo” (RKO). Slow $3,500. Last week, “Battle Zone.* (AA) and “Jtoac Bowl Story” (AA), -$4,000. Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $410 200 (Based on 20 theatres) Last Year $586,500 (Based on 20 theatres) Cleve B.O. Blues; ‘Cattle’ Thin $9,000 Cleveland, Dec. 23. It is virtually a pre-Christmas washout for first-runs here this week. “Cattle Town,” mild at Al- len, is best bet. “Outpost iif Ma- laya” looks slow at State. “Fearless Fagan” shapes fair at the Ohio.. Estimates for This Week Allen (Warners) (3,000; 55-85)— “Cattle Town” (WB). Mild $9,000. Last week, “Son of Ali Baba” (U). $10,000. Hipp (Telemanagement) (3,700; 55-85)—“Montana Territory” and “Brigand” (Indie). Drab $7,500. Last week, “The Ring’” (UA) and “Mutiny” (UA), $8,000, not count- ing “Carmen” telecast. Lower Mall (Community) (585)— “Sky Is Red” (Indie) (2d wk). Dreary $1,500 following $2,500 last week. Ohio (Loew’s) (1,300; 55-85)— “Fearless Fagan” (M-G). Fair $5,- 000 in 6 days. Last week, “Prison- er of Zenda” (M-G) (m.o.) (5th wk), ditto. Palace (RKO) (3,300; 55-85)— “Loan Shark” (RKO) and “It Grows on Trees” (U). Slender $6,000 in 6 days. Last week, “Raiders” (U) and “Stolen Face” (Indie), $6,500. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-85)— “Outpost in Malaya” (UA). Slow $6,500 in 6 days. Last week, “Ride Man Down” (Rep), $8,600. Stillman (Loew’s) (2,700? 55-85) —“Horizons West” (U) and “Bonzo To College’” JU). Dull $3,000 in 6 days. Last week, “Savage” (Par), $4,500. Snowstorm Slaps Omaha; ‘Battle’ Fair $10,000 Omaha, Dec. 23. Icy streets, blizzards and snow have put biz on skids here this session. Biggest coin is going to “Battle Zone,” only fair at Or- pheum. “Montana Belle” looks mild at Brandeis. Estimates for This Week Brandeis FRKO) (1,100; 20-76)— “Montana Belle” (RKO) and “Be- ware My Lovely” (RKO). Mild $4,000. Took a panning from crix. Last .week, “Operation Secret” (WB) and “Battles Chief Pontiac” (WB), $5,000. Omaha »Tristates) (2,100; 20-70) —“The Fighter” (UA) and “Without Warning” (UA). Slim $7,000. Last week, “Yankee Buccaneer” (U) and “Scarlet Angel” (U), $7,000. Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 20- 70)—“Battle Zone” (AA) and “Rose Bowl Story” (A). Fair $10,000 Last week, “Steel Trap” (20th) and “My Wife’s Best Friend” (20th), $ 8 , 000 . State (Goldberg) (865; 25-76) - “Devil Makes Three” (M-G). Oke $4,000. Last week, “Because You’re Mine” (M-G) (3d wk), $4,000. ‘Mermaid’ Wow $18,500, Mont’I; ‘Men’ Lusty 12G Toronto, Dec. 23. Despite the Xmas shopping dent to general biz, “Million • Dollar Mermaid” is off to a smash start, with “Lusty Men” also strong. “Abbott - Costello Meet Captain Kidd” is also getting a trim start, but most other situations are light. Estimates for This Week Crest, Downtown, Glendale, Mayfair, Scarboro, State (Taylor) (863; 1,059; 955; 470; 698; 694;-35- 60)—“Without Warning” (UA) and “Michael Strogoff” (Indie) (re- issue). Sad $9,000. • Last week, “Montana Belie” (RKO) and “Storm Over Tibet” (Col), $12,000. Eglinton (FP) (1,080; 40-80) — “Hour of 13” (M-G). Light $6,000. Last week, “Operation Secret” (WB) (2d wk),o$5,500. Imperial (FP) (3,373; 50-80) — “Lusty Men” (RKO). Lusty $12,- 000. Last week, “Hurricane Smith” (Par), $3,500. ‘' ' Loew’s (Loew) (2,748; 50-80) — “Million Dollar Mermaid” (M-G). Smash $18,500. Last week, “Pris- oner of Zenda” (M-G) (4th wk), $7,500. ' s Odeon (Rank) (2,390; 50-90) — “Bonzo To College” (U). Lean $8,000. Last week, “Bloodhounds Broadway” (20th)-(2d wk). $10,000. Shea’s (FP) (2,396; 40-80) — “Abbott - Costello Meet Captain Kidd” (WB). Oke $9,000. “Some- thing for the Birds” (20th), $5,500. University (FP) (1,558; 40-80) — “Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th) (7th- final wk). Holding firm at $7,000. Last week, $8,000. Uptown (Loew) (2,743; 40-80) — Because of You” (U) (4th wk). Sturdy $5,500 on final frame after $7,300 for third. flags’ Lofty 11G In Lagging Port Portland, Ore., Dec. 23. Nearly all downtown houses are in a pre-XmasSslump this week but “Against All Flags”' at the Broad way looms big. “My Pal Gus” is okay in two spots. “Capt. Kidd” looks mild. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (1.890; 65-90) —“Against All Flags” (U) and “The Raiders” (U). Big $11,000. Last week, “It Grows on Trees” <U) and “Blackmailed” (Indie), $7,- 500. Liberty (Hamrick) (1,850; 65-90) —‘Canyon Passage” (U) and “Fron- tier Gal” (U) (reissues). Oke $7,- 000. Last week, “The Thief’ (UA) and “Kansas Territory” (AA), $ 10 , 000 . Mayfair (Evergreen) (1,500; 65- 90) — “Steel Trap” (20th) and “Wagons West” (AA> (m:o.). Poor $2,000. Last week, “Golden Hawk” (Col) and "Target Hong Kong” (In- die), $4,300. Oriental (Evergreen) (2,000; 65- 90)—“My Pal Gus” (20th) and “Scotland Yard Inspector” (Indie), day-date with Orpheum. Mild $3, 000. Last week, “Steel Trap’ (20t.h) and “Wagon’s West” (AA), $2,800. . Orpheum (Evergreen) (1.750; 65- 90)—“My Pal Gus” (20th) and “Scotland Yard Inspector” (Indie). Fine $6,000. Last week. “Steel Trap” (20th 1 and “Wagon’s West (Mono), $5,000. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,400; 65-90)—“A. & C. Meet Captain Kidd” (WB). Slim $5,000. Last week, “Battle Zone” (AA) and “Rose Bowl Story” (AA), drab $5, 500. United Artists (Parker) (890; 65- 90)—“The Ring” (UA). Sad $2,- 800. Last week, “Because of You” (U) and “Island Rescue” (U) (m.o.) $7,500. Devil’ Smash $33,000 Tops Frisco “Pirate’ Lusty 13G, “Stars’ Oke 15G Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $1,587,100 (Based on 23 cities, 195 the- atres, chiefly first runs, includ- ing N-. Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year . ..$1,820,200 • (Based on 21 cities, and 186 theatres .) Cincy Holds Up Well; ‘Belle’ Brisk , Invasion’ 9G; ‘Search’ Slow 7G Cincinnati, Dec. 23. Overall count this round at ma- jor houses is not as bad as expected for week taking in Xmas eve. “Montana Belle” in Capitol shapes up as tops with good total. “Inva- sion U.S.A.” at Palace is* nearly as good. “Something- for Birds” bids* fairish. at Keith’s. Huge- Al- bee has “Desperate-Search” for an abbreviated session, with slim pickings. Estimates; for This Week Albee (RKGJ (3,100; 55-85)— “Desperate Search” (M-G). Slow $7;000 in 5. days. Last week, “Out- post In Malaya” (UA), $10,000. Capita* (RKO) (2,000; 55^85)— “Montana Belle” (RKO). Good $9,- « C.i - 500. Last week, “Hour of 13” (M-G) and “Apache- War Smoke” (M-G), $7,500. Grand (RKO) (1,400; 55-85)— “Gunfighter” (20th) and “Yellow Sky” (20th) (reissues). No com- plaint at $4,500 in 5' days. Last week, “Cattle Town” (WB) and “Lady Possessed” (Rep), $7,500, Keith’s (Shor) (1,500; 35-05)— "Something for Birds 1 ' (20th). Fairish $5,000. Last week, “Blaek Castle 1 ' (U) and; “Horizons West” (U), $4,500. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 56-85)— “Invasion U.S.A.” (Col) and “Path- finder” (Col)r Alt. right $9,000. Last week, “Hangman’s Knot” (Col), ditto. - ‘Hawk’Not Golden WOO in Philly Philadelphia, Dec. SJ3. Rain finished oil the complete blues picture here this session, with usual pre-Xmas influences already heavily felt. Lack of many new pix also ♦ is hurting. “Golden Hawk,” with mild session at Gold- man, is doing about the best of new films. “Abbott-Costello Meet Capt. Kidd” looms drab at Mast- baum. It is the same or worse all over town. Even the long-runner “Ivanhoe” is being hit in current (11th) stanza at the Fox. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1,303; 50-99) — “Face to Face” (RKO) (2d wk). Glum $2,400 in three days. Last week, okay $7,000. Aroadia (S&S) (625; 85-$1.20)— “Because You’re Mine” (M-G) (10th wk). Fair $4,500. Last week, $5,500. Boyd (WB) (2,360; 50-99)—“Hour of 13” (M-G). Poor $7,000. Last week, “Flat Top” (AA), $8,000. Fox (20th) (2,250; 85-$1.10) — “Ivanhoe” (M-G) (11th wk). Wilting to $7,500. Last-week, nice $9,000. Goldman (Goldman) <1,200; 50- 99)—“Golden Hawk” (Col). Mild $7,500. Last week, “Rainbow Round Shoulder” (Col), $10,000. Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 50-99) — “Abbott-Costello Meet Capt. Kidd” (WB) and Cartoon Festival. Drab $9,000. Last week, “Thunderbirds” (Rep), ditto. Midtown (Goldman) (1,000; 75- $1.30)—“Snows Kilimanjaro” (20th) (10th wk). Trim $7,000. Last week, $9,000. Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- 99)—Pal Gus” (20th> (2d wk). Off to $7,700. Last week, fair $12,000. Stanley (WB) (2,900; 50-99) “Montana Belle” (RKO) (2d wk). Weak $5,000. Last week, $8,000. Stanton <WB) (1,473; 50-99) — “Shores Tripoli” (20th) and “Leave To Heaven (20th) (reissues). Modest $5,000, Last week, “Raiders” (U), $ 6 , 000 . Trans-Lux <T-L) <500; 85-$1.20l — “Happy Time” (Col) (7th wk). NSG $3,200. Last 'week, so-so $4,000. San Francisco, Dec. 23 Pre-Xmas biz is as dull as ever here this session. However, one pic to really combat the downbeat is “Bwana Devil,” which is sock at St. Francis. Playing with 95c-$i,25 scale at this 1,500-seat house, it racked up a new opening day rec- ord, with cops called to control lineup first morning. “Blackboard the Pirate” also is nice at Golden Gate. “Abbott-Costello Meet Capt. Kidd” looms only fair at Para- mount while “Stars and Stripes Forever” is barely okay at the huge Fox despite nice bally. Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 65- 95) — “Blackbeard The Pirate” (RKO) plus Disney Cartoon Festi- val, Nice $13,000. Last week. “Thunderbirds” (Rep) and “Tough- est Man Arizona” (Rep), same. F/)x (FWC) (4,651; 65-95)—“Stars And Stripes Forever” (20th) and “Never Take No For-Answer” i In- die) (reissue). -Just okay $15,000. Last week, “My Pal Gus” (20th) and “Breakdown” (Indie), thin $ 10 , 000 . Warfield (Loew’s) (2,656; 65-95) —“Apache War Smoke” <M-G), Dim $5,500 in. 4 days. Last week, “Everything I Have Is Yours” (M-G) (2d wk), fine $14,500. Paramount (Par) (2,646; 63-93!— “Abbott-Costello Meet Capt. Kidd” (WB) and “Thundering Trail” 'In- die). NSG $11,000. Last week, “Cattle Town” (WB) and “Gambler and Lady” (Indie), $9,500. St. Francis (Par) (1,500; 95- $1.25) — “Bwana Devil” (Indie). Sock $33,000 or near. Last week, “Iron Mistress” (WB) (3d wk), oke $7,500. Orpheum (No. Coast) (2,448; 65- 95)—“Pathfinder” (Col) and "Yu- kon Gold” (Mono). Thin $7,000. Last week, “Black Castle” (U) and “Raiders” (U), $9,500. United Artists (No. Coast) (1,207: 65-95)—"Invasion U.S.A.”- (Col) (2d wk). Off to $4,600 in 6 days. Last week, husky $10,000. Stagedoor (A-R) (370; $1-$1.20) —"Quiet Man” (Rep) (7th wk). Down to $2,200 in 5 days. Last week, nice $3,700. Larkin (RosenerV (400; 65-85)— “Sidewalks London” (Indie) and “Things To Come” (Indie). Oke $1,600 in 6 days. Last week, “Cab- inet Dr. Calagari” (Indie) and “Last Laugh” (Indie) (reissues) (2d wk), $1,700, Vogue (S.F. Theatres) (377; 85- $1)—“Song To Remember” iCol) (reissue) (3d wk). Holding okay at $1,200. Last week, $1,500. Det Down; ‘Blackbeard’ Modest $15,000, ‘Castle’ 10G, ‘Because’ 9G, 2d Detroit, Dec. 23. Week-before Christmas lull has set in and grosses are off in all situations. Most product will be replaced, of course, on Xmas Day. “Blackbeard the Pirate” looks weak at the Fox. “Black Castle” looms light at the Palms. Hold- over of “Because of You” at the Michigan” is doing as well as any- thing currently. Estimates for This Week Fox (Fox-Detroit)’ (5,000; 70-95) —“Blackbeard the Pirate” (RKO) and “Tarzan’s Savage Fury” (RKO). Weak $15,000. Last week, “The Thief” (UA) and “Park Row” (UA) (2d wk), $12,000. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,- 000; 70-95)—“Because of You” (U) and “Horizon’s West” (UA) (2d week). Down to $9,000. Last week, sturdy $16,500. Palma (UD) (2,961; 70-95)— “Black Castle” (U) and “The Raid- ers” (U). Fair $10,000. Last week, “Operation Secret” (WB) and. “Mr. Walkie Talkie” (AA), $12,500. Madison (UD) (1,900; 70-95)— “Ciy, Beloved Country” (UA) and “Pool.of London” (Indie) (2d wk). Poor $3,000. Last week, $8,000. United Artist# (UA) (1,900; 70- 95)—“Shores of Tripoli” C20tli) and “Black Swan” (20th) (reissues). Slow $0,000. Last week, “Blood- hounds- Broadway” (20th) and “Something for Birds” (20th) (2d wk), $5,000. Adam# (Balaban) (1,700; 95- $1.25)—'Tvanhoe” (M-G) (11th wk). $3,000. Last week. $3,300. m * A*.. •» i iV» » ’• * •'*** * Weather Also Bops Biz In St Louis; ‘Frontier’ OK $11,500,‘Top’14G St. Louis, Dec. 23. Biz at mainstem houses is as spotty as the weather here, this week with cold rain yesterday (Mon.) offsetting nice turnstile ac- tivity on Sunday. “Untamed Fron- tier” looms fairly good at Ambas- sador while “Prisoner of Zenda” is holding neat in second round at Loew's. “Flat Top” finished a good week at the Fox on last Monday. "Browning Version” looks sturdy at Shady Oak. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 65- 75)—"Untamed Frontier” (U) and “Bachelor and Bobby Soxer” (RKO) (reissue). Okay $11,500. Last week, "Assignment Paris” (Col) and "Blazing Forest” (Par). $10,000. Fox (F&M) (5,000; 60-75)—"Stars and Stripes” (20th) and "Yellow Sky” (20th). Opened today (Tues.). Last week, “Flat Top” (AA) and "No Holds Barred” (AA), good $14,000. Loew's (Loew) (3,172; 50-75)-- "Prisoner Zenda” (M-G) and "Last Train Bombay” (Col) (2d wk). Neat $11,000 or near after $17,000 open- ing session. Missouri (F&M) (3,500; 60-75)— "Assignment Paris” (Col) and "Blazing.. Forest” (Par). Trim $9,- 500. Last week, “Pony Soldier (20th) and “Bloodhounds Broad- way” (20th). NSG $7,500. Pageant (St: L. Amus.) (1,000; 90)—“Run For Your Money” (O) (2d wk). Okay $3,500 after $4,000 Initial stanza. St. Louis (F&M) <4,000; 40-50)-- "Flying .Leathernecks” (KKO) and “Narrow Margin" (RKO). Oke $5,- 000. Last week,* “Cleopatra” (Par) and' “Naked. City" (U) (reissues), nice $5,500. Shady. Oak (St L. Amus.) (S00; 90 )—“Browning Version” (U). Finr $5,000. Last week,- “Treason” lb 1 *’ die) (3d $0,000. • D •«