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42 ORCHKSTfftAS~MUSIC PfiRiETr Wednesday, March 11, 1953 Inside Stuff-Music Matt Dubby, lyricist, collaborating with Dr. Harold Karr, a Phila- delphia dentist, follows in the U. of P. ^tradition in songsmithing, only this tiirie Dubby-Karr are authoring 'tKree of the Copacabana (N. Y.) nitery revues whereas Dr. Clay Boland, also a dentist, has specialized in scripting the Mask & Wig shows at U. of P. Dubby is a Pennsy alumnus, where he also worked on the'-M&W shows, but. Dr. Karr, his melody-writing collaborator, is maturer. i When Budd Granoff '!p;i».’d the Copa he heard of the Dubby-Karr team, brought them to floorshow producer Douglas Coudy and they not only wrote the current revue, but! boniface Jules Podell commissioned them to do the next two. One of the current show’s tunes, “I Know What They Mean,” is being disked. Karen Chandler’s Coral etching of “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me” is proving to be a disk phenomenon. Platter has been riding the best- seller lists for the past six months due to spasmodic territorial reac- tion. Disk took off initially in Los Angeles last September, broke in Detroit about .six weeks later and became a hit in the New England area by the end of year. It’S currently* building in the south and mid- west. Although it's never had a simultaneous nation-wide sweep, wax- ing already has passed the 500,000 sales mark and is still going strong. RIAA Gets Revenue Dept To Revise 1952 Tax Total; Diskers Paid $6,868,450 Following a’request made by the Record Industry Assp. of America, the Commissioner of Internal Rev- eiHie this week prepped a revised report of excise taxes collected on disks for the months from July, 1951 through December, 1952. (Pe- riod actually covers record sales from May, ’51 through October, '52.) X Revised figures show a total ex- cise tax collection of $6,868,450 for sales during 1951. Internal Rev- enue department previously re- ported a tax collection of $7,591,- 660 for the same year. For §ales made during the first 10 months of ’52, the total tax collected was $5,382,920. The tax previously had been reported as $4,659,725; During the 18-month period, July, '51 td December, '52, ‘ the Collection Division made adjust- ments' in certain months to com- pensate for prior reports in which taxes collected for products other than disks had been combined with disk taxes. RIAA requested a re- vised report because it felt that the figures released initially didn’t present a true picture of the in- dustry’s sales. - ~ MEMORIAL PROGRAM FOR JIMMIE RODGERS Meridian, Miss., March 10. Sponsored by this town’s Junior Chamber of Commerce, plans for a major memorial program on the 20th anni of folksinger Jimmie Rodgers' death haVe been set for May 26. Virtually all the top names in the country field have been lined up for the program and it’s expected that 75,000 persons will attend the day-long ceremo- nies. & Country singers Hank Snow and Ernest Tubb are heading a project to set up a Jimmie Rodgers Me- morial Hospital in this tow*. On May 26, a statue of Rodgers will be unveiled, in a City park and the local paper, the Meridian Star, is running a special Rodgers issue on that day. Rodgers was the most popular folksinger of his era and his disks for RCA Victor have been selling strong even after his death. * New Dallas Exec for Cap Dallas, March 10. Marion Ehemann, has been ’named new local manager of Capi- tol Records, coming here from the Oklahoma City office. He replaces Dick Rising, who goes to Capitol’s Hollywood office. -- .. - ! '"^ x " UK’"-' -..v-v § ■ /: ' i * ^ HI TONY MORELLI SINGS I CONFESS AMI TO BLAME MGM11410 78 Rpm K11410 45 Rpm M G M RECORDS THE G S : A T - a v r- 2 . 3. 4. 5. Disk Companies’ Best Sellers * t CAPITOL AKT1ST 1. PRETEND .. Nat (King) Cole DON’T LET EYES SHOP FOR HEART t 2. SIDE BY SIDE Kay Starr # NOAH 3. MY BABY’S COMING HOME Les PauT-Mary Ford LADY OF SPAIN 4. JT’S IN THE BOOK (2 Parts) . Johnny Standley 1 5. OH HAPPY DAY Four Knights A MILLION TEARS t COLUMBIA I 1. LITTLE BOY AND OLD MAN F. Laine-J. Boyd Z TELL ME A STORY ^ t 2. YOUR CHEATIN’ HEART Frankie Laine ” I BELIEVE l* 3. TWO EASTER SUNDAY SWEETHEARTS Jimmy Boyd ” MY BUNNY & MY SISTER SUE 4. SHE WEARS RED FEATHERS Guy Mitchell ” PRETTY LITTLE BLACK-EYED. SUSIE ' - Z 5. GOMEN-NASAI Richard Bowers J TOKYO BOOGIE WOOGIE * CORAL I; 1. TILL I WALTZ AGAIN WITH YOU Teresa Brewer Z T HELLO BLUE BIRD " 2. DANCIN’-WITH SOMEONE , Teresa Brewer + BREAKIN’ IN THE BLUES 3. HOLD ME, THRILL ME, KISS ME Karen Chandler ± ONE DREAM 4. MINNIE THE MERMAID Lawrence Welk f SAY IT ISN’T SO ♦ 5. S’POSIN’ ' Dob Cornell ;; " IF YOU WERE ONLY MINE :: decca ;; 1. TWICE .AS MUCH Mills Bros. «► SOMEONE TO CARE FOR ;• 2. YOU FOOLED ME . Four Aces Z o IF YOU TAKE MY llE ART AWAY ;; 3. PLAYIN’ DOMINOES, SHOOTIN’ DICE Red Foley Z <► HOT TODDY o 4. GLOW WORM i Mills Bros. Z AFTER ALL t 5a OH HAPPY DAY , ... .Dick Todd Z ” TILL I WALTZ AGAIN WITH YOU t < a “ MERCURY 1. DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW Patti Page ;; MY JEALOUS EYES -2. NO HELP WANTED Rusty Draper ^ TEXARKANA BABY ' ° 3. TELL ME YOU’RE MINE Gaylords ,a CUBAN LOVE SONG ° 4. CARAVAN Ralph Marterie I A WHILE YOU DREAM Z 5. SEVEN LONELY DAYS Georgia Gibbs Z IF YOU TAKE MY HEART M-G-M 1. YOUR CHEATIN’ HEART Joni James I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU HAVE YOU HEARD Joni James Z WISHING RING KAW-LIGA Hank Willaims f YOUR CHEATIN’ HEART WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE ME Joni James 1 PUfcPLE SHADES YOU’RE MINE Crickets Z MILK AND GIN :: RCA VICTOR :: la DON’T LET THE STARS GET IN YOUR EYES. Perry Como Z <► LIES > ;; i ► 2, HOT TODDY Ralph Flanagan <’ SERENADE ;; < a 3. WILD HORSES Perry Como * ’ - I CONFESS o 4. HOW DO YOU SPEAK TO AN ANGEL Eddie Fisher ’ ** DOWNHEARTED " 5. WILL O’ THE WISP ROMANCE Hugo Winterhalter ;; THE MAGIC TOUCH - ” and Percy Faith for Columbia; Sid Goldberg and Mike Conner for Decca, and Jimmy Hilliard for Coral. Latter left for a Coast re- cording sessions after the meeting. Miller, Col’s artists & repertoire chief, also spoke to a gathering of fhe diskery’s field staff in a move to step up the company’s sales tempo. Ohio Juke Ops Preview Potential Clicks With ‘Hit Tune’ Party for Kids Cleveland, March 10. Ohio’s coin machine operators, at tbeir annual meeting here last Thursday (5), revived an old prac- tice of publicly previewing current disk releases for the selection of potential clicks. At the Cleveland Auditorium, several thousand youngsters were invited to vote for their favorite wax entries. The “Hit Tune” parties may be held once a month by the juke ops from now on. The show was emceed by WERE’s disk jockey, Bill-Randall. Randall also hosted the flock of disk artists, .who came for the conclave, on a WERE program held for the Ameri- can Red Cross in cooperation with the coin machine industry. Virtually all the major com- panies were represented by their, sales and artists & repertoire execs, in addition to the artists. -Among those attending were Larry Kana- ga, for RCA Victor; Mitch Miller REMINGTON INKS ROGERS Kenn Rogers has been appointed overseas rep and export manager for Remington Records. Rogers flew to Paris Sunday (8) to assume his new post. He’ll head- quarter there. New ASCAP Deal With Ballroom Ops After lengthy negotiations dat- ing back to last summer, the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers has wrapped up a new licensing' deal with the National Ballroom Operators Assn. New deal calls for the ballroom ops to pay ASCAP seven-tenths of a percent of their total receipts. New licensing formula replaces the for- mer ASCAP procedure of getting a flat sum from ballrooms accord- ing to location, size and type. J. M. Collins said that the new deal Is an “experiment” that will run for two years, beginning Jan. 1 of this year. ASCAP and the ops agreed to the pact because it was a much simpler method of licens- ing than the previous formula which draw squawks from some ops that they were being over- rated. Broadcast Music, Inc., meantime, has also been trying to make a deal with, the NBOA but thus far has been unable to come to terms. It has been charged that ballroom ops had given orders to visiting bands not to play BMI tunes in order to avoid the need to make a deal with BMI. Sauter-Finegan Band Readies Spring Tour The Sauter-Finegan orch, which has been confining its activities'to its RCA Victor waxings, is ready- ing its book and arrangements for an in-person kickoff sometime in May. Band is drawing close trade attention since it’s 1 the most recent crew to come into the public eye via a . wax buildup. Victor per- formed similar wax buildups in the past couple of years with the Ralph Flanagan and Buddy Morrow orchs. • Orch, which is booked by Wil- lard Alexander, is being set for concert and dance dates. JIMMY BOYD s fiT New Smash! Early’® ; Bird; ROBBINS MUSIC CORPORATION TWO BRAND NEW BALLADS I’M SORRY I EVER MET YOU THE HOUSE OF BROKEN DREAMS By the Writer of Jhe Curse of an Aching Heart Pub. by IRVING TANZ MUSIC CO. . Rlt Broadway, Now York City Sweeping The Country 1 HOLD ME, THRILL ME, KISS ME 4 • Karen Chandler coral Roberta lee - Jerry Gray Dice# ra. o“:;Y.r., 0 .» America's Fastest -Selling "Records!