Variety (March 1953)

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41 EillO-tElJmSIOBr Wednesday, March 25, 1953 New York Ernie K»t»cs and Edith Adam*, WCBS-TV early morning team, judge the Asbury Park Easter Sun- day orchid -promenade ... Dick Haynaea planed in from Coast to guest star on “Scott Music Hall” show on NBC-TV tonight (Wed.) •.. Badio Video Associates has pack- aged “When I Grow Up,” haif- hour and pariidpationer with tal- ented kids , . . Wendell Corey, who recently completed "Laughing Anne” in London, arrived from Hollywood Monday (23) to guest star on NBC's "Show of Shows” Saturday (28) . . . Stibra Produc- tions has just completed 13 quar- ter-hour marionnette films for kids. Show will be nationally syn- dicated by Lakeside Television Co. DuMont web broadcasting black- and-white UHF experimental sig- nals so that manufacturers at In- stitute of Badio Engineers conven- tion 1 can have some idea of UHF reception on their sets displayed the Grand Central Palace 1 . . WPXX shifting times on two of its filmed shows, with Charles Laugh- vidpic moving from Tuesday to Wednesday and ex-Sen. Blair Moody j ‘Meet Your Congress” be- lng shown earlier on Sundays . . . _ Bleard Nash signed to -script three plays fo? NBC-TV’s “TV Playhouse” . . • Newscaster Bich- ard Tobin preems a Saturday after- noon news show on WOH-TV this week. Donald Buka has lead on "Treas- ury Men in Action” tomorrow (Thurs.) . . . Merrill E. Joels plays the grandfather of his own seven- year-old son, Kerry, on WPIX’s "Drama of the Seder” Passover show Sunday (29) . . . Lee Grant signed for a part on the first "ABC Album” stanza with Paul Douglas . . Les Coiodny, of the William Morris agency, back from a Flor- ida vacation . . . Gerald Savory is directing his own play, "George and Margaret,” on WOB's "Broad- way TV Theatre,” starting Monday (30), and on same night NB C-TV's Robert Montgomery show will air his tele adaptation of "Burden of Proof” . . . Marcel Hillaire will do a lead on "The Web” Sunday (29). Bob Pollock is scripting two net- work shows on Sunday (29), NBC’s "Hallmark Theatre” and CBS' "The Web” . . . Phyllis Kirk will star on NBC’s "TV Playhouse” same night in "Wish on the Moon” . . . Westinghouse feting 44 win- ners of its "European Holiday” sales promotion contest Saturday (28) at the Plaza, prior to their departure for Paris . . . Alton Alexander and Mort Lewis writing the script for “Hollywood Screen Test” special show on ABC for the Foster Parents' Plan for War Chil- dren. Stu Erwin is set for the cast of the telecast next Monday (30). IsaUh S. Bard received a Kal- tenborn foundation fellowship to make a study of radio and televi- sion practices relating to air time given political parties ... Naomi Lewis enters her 30th month of doing voices of Bootie and Polka Dottie on ABC~TV’s "Bootie Ka- zootie”.. .Leatrice Joy guesting on "Broadway to Hollywood” on Du- Mont tomorrow (Thurs.).. .Karen Lindgren playing the lead on WABD’s “One Woman’s Story” this week. Hollywood Jim Hoffman ankled KNXT to join KTTV as acount exec . , . Feb- ruary set sales in L. A. area were 21,357, bringing overall total of TV sets in L. A. region to 1,536,852 . . , Jerry Lawrence and Kath- erine Steele host "We’re Having a Party,” teeing off on KLAC-TV April 2, with Baker Boy Cakes and Bread angeling . . . CBS’ Richard Lewine returned to N. Y. after ar- ranging production details for “There’s One in Every Family,” TV show recently shifted here . . . Silton’s Jewelers bankrolling Mon- day Night "Moonlight Movie” on KECA-TV . . . KLAC-TV prexy Mortimer Hall back from junket to Mexico City . . . Pierpoint Land- ing sponsoring “Action Fishing” on KECA-TV for 26 weeks begin- ning March 26 .. . James Stewart, stockholder in KGUL-TV, Galves- ton, emceed opening ceremonies for station Sunday... Cliffie Stone launched new show on KLAC-TV, with Tom Ashbrook Dodge-Plym- outh dealers sponsoring hour-long remote from El Monte * . . Lea Harris, TV-AM director for Col- gate-Palmolive-Peet, * and Samuel Northerns of William Esty Ad- vertising, in over weekend to sup- ervise switcheroo of "Big Payoff” on NBC-TV to CBS-TV and TV City March 30 for two weeks, with show then returning to Gotham . . . KLAC-TV deejay Bob Mc- Laughlin recovered from virus . *. Allied Building bankrolling Dan Lundberg show on KECA-TV for 13 weeks . , . Fletcher Jones pick- ing up tab oh KLAC-TV's Friday night "Owl Movie” . . . Tito Gui- xar, ill with pneumonia in Mexico City, was unable to appear on his KTTV show, and Eddie Dean subbed ... Lew Kerner of Motion Pictures for Television skied to N. Y. for huddles with Matty Fox and other company toppers . . . "Voluntarily Speaking,” pub-serv- ice program', preems on KTTV, Chicago Nancy Wright, Don Jacoby ahd the dixieland “Adorables” joining the “Breakfast With Danny O'Neill” march froha CBS to ABC’s WBKB March 30 . . . WNBQ expanding their National Assoc, of Manufacturers telepix from a Sat- urday slot to a cross-the-board * MENT GUNTS Baltimore’s top 1 M.C.’ has -the winning vra$ with women! r a si. VS JOfCROGHAN ^Announcer and- B.G/s] man-friday "sells. ’em* for keeps.'' 'DON REDDING WBAL’s Sales Service Manager, correlates lo- cal broker and terrific K.K, results. ROLL1E BOUABEAU, Merchandising Man*; ager^—personally su- pervises campaigns fog sponsors. JIMMARKIEWICZ Detail man on the street, checking sales, display*. Gets orders^ Reports weekly. merchandising magf c f „ 8a| .. “Honest to goodness magic” say Kitchen Karnival sponsors! And here s why: Participating sponsors are guaranteed concentrated merchan- dising in Baltimore area food stores, with point-of-sale displays planned by active in-store merchandising men. Products are mass displayed... given as prizes. or used as refreshments on luncheon broadcasts of Kitchen Karnival *.. the show that keeps producing more and more and more customers. 50,000 WATTS NBC IN MARYLAND Nationally Represented by Edward,Retry S, Co, / quarter-hour . . . No-Enamel Paint designating Olian and Bronner as the ad agency to handle its radio and TV billings . , . Jae Fisher re- signed his WBKB gales berth to join Free & Peters rep outfit. Billy Leach will debut on WBBM- TV with a variety - musicale dubbed "Luncheon With Billy ” Sustainer which airs March 30 will also include Millie Coury and Jeannie Williams . . . "Overtures with Art Van Damme” bows out March 27 after two months of sus- taining on Chi’s WNBQ . . . Thom McCan Shoes will pick up a 13. week tab for WBKB’s "Boxing From _ Rainbow” ... Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing buying the Tuesday morning slot of NBC’s “Ding Dong School.” The Scotch tapers are billed through B.B.D.O. . . . Tom Duggan, WNBQ sports- caster, scribbling a column for Chi Herald American . . . Win Stracke, NBC "Animal Fun” host will vocal- ize as ‘Paul Bunydn at a special Museum of Science and Industry program. London Easter TV programs include a Passion play on Good Friday, an Easter vigil on Sunday and a special children’^ play, "The Flower on the Thorn Tree,” by F. D. Cummins . . . Alicia Markova, currently guesting with the Sad- ler's Ballet at Covent Garden, has been inked for three TV dates, her first with the BBC since 1948 . . . Nigel Kneale has done an adapta- tion of "The Lake*’ which will be aired next Sunday (29) with Irene Worth, Eileen Thorndike and Marie Ney in the leads. Produc- tion is by Harold Clayton Murphy’s Bed Continued from pare 35 —- other networks* practices of count- ing an advertiser’s use of daytime periods in computing the adver- tiser’s network gross rate, it will afford advertisers, for every quar- ter hour sponsored in the daytime, the opportunity of buying a night- time quarter-hour at 25 % of the nighttime network hourly rate. (Ordinarily, sponsors pay 40% of the hourly rate for a 15-minuter.) New policy is not continuity in the accepted sense and it does not affect advertisers’ daytime costs in any way, nor does it reduce the rate of CBS’ payment to affiliates for eithgik current or additional business, Murphy said. NBC Controller ^ Continued from page 35 -■ - 1 and Systems, reporting to Cress- well. Francis X. O’Shea, former Net- work chief accountant, is chief ac- countant of the company, reporting to Cresswell. Frank Dellet, who continues as West Coast controller, also reports to Cresswell. * ^ Joseph J. Akulonis, former as* sistant budget director, is assistant director of the Tax Department, re- porting to McKeon. Joseph A. Kent, tax accountant, also reports to McKeon. I Teleradio-MBS Lhmm Continued from page 34 at the web, Taylor is a veep with- out portfolio, supplementing the work of the operational veeps. Ap- pointment of Gaines gives W T OR an official operating head, vice Ted Streibart, while Johnson’s official entry into the Teleradio family gives WOR an official engineering chief. Ditto Schmid's, appointment on the advertising-public relations- research side. Couple of other key changes were announced. Bert Hauser, manager of co-op programming, is on his own now, with co-ops a sep- arate and autonomous division of the network. And vet producer Herbert Rice now heads up a new program development department for the web and WOR-radio. Latter two appointments would seem, to substantiate O'Neil’s state- ments that he’s primarily in radio and has no plans for setting up a tele network, despite ownership by Teleradio of three key video sta- tions. Co-ops have been account- ing for an increasing proportion of the network’s revenue. ‘ And pro- gram development innovation would indicate that O’Neil feels he hasn’t gotten the most out of his network’s potentialities.