Variety (April 1953)

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iC^JnesdaY. April 1. 195S Chi Loaded Wilh ftfts; ‘Beneath Sea’ Ace New Fdm, Great $14,500, ‘Spar’ Stout 18G, ‘Confess’-Joni 38G, 2d PSfSSETT NCTCBE GROSSES IS are Chicago, March 31. not hat as mnch as ejected Sr mg' comes from the Srss srJs?£& £-< shawa great S145W “Naked Spur” and “Rogue's f lt£ch" at United Artists should hit * cAgo 8 ^th "I Confess** and TrifjsiSes and Ralph Martcrie on- ctaee should get a smash $38,000 to SJ5 »be second-weekers. “Battle- • at the Grand is flee to f rsi holdover round. I Lave Mel- at the Palace appears slim. -Come Back MtUe Sheba^has.a ^Dtk fourth week at the Ziegield in Z.fL *• Ajndrocles and Lion** at Monroe shapes fair in third week. Niagara’* at Woods still is okay m third frame. “Peter Pan” ends its eight weeks at the S$ate-Lake with fine total. w , Estimates for This Week , Chicago B&K* C3J900; 9B-$12o) ,i _*I Confess” (WB> with Joni' J James and Ralph Marterie orch ou- tage -3d vrk j . Sock $38,000. Last lieek. Sds.OoO. Grand 'REO* Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re* ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net; i e, without the 20% tax. Distrib- u tors share on net take, when placing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the D. S. amusement tax. ‘Madam’ Torrid ‘A&C TO MARS’ LOFTY 14€ IN FAIR DENVER Denver, March 31. Brightest newcomer here this session is “Abbott-Costello Go to Mars,” which is hig at Paramount. “Lady Wants Mink” is rated fairly okay in two spots but ‘Tall Texan” is only fairish in three locations. “Peter Pan” is holding at a fancy * figure in second Orpheum week, s Five new, strong bills are giving I now set for April 26. Steady gait Heavy snow yesterday (Moiu put . Broadway first-run business a nice j of this vaude lineup is sensation a L a damper on biz that night. 2 lift this session despite the Holy jj paramount (Part (3.664; 8O-S1.80) 6U Kwiyj ‘Salome’ Hot G5G, ‘Madam’ Wow 96G, ‘Moon’ Bright 136G, ‘Off Limits’ 27G Estimates for This Week Aladdin <Foxi <1,400; 50-85* — “Tall Texan’* (Lip* and “111 Get You” (Lip}. Fair $6,500. Last week, “Bwana Devil" <UA». $6,000. Denham <Cockrill» <1,750; 50-85* —“Little Sheba” (Par (3d^ \s k>. Week handicap. Theatres had to _ Confess” <WB» plus Patti contend with steady downpours i Page. Jerry Wald orch, Bobby for two days, with the springlike j Sargent heading stageshow (2d weather which followed cutting in j wk 1 ). Initial holdover stanza ending on trade especially last Sunday (next Friday (31 continues very «29*. Easter Week vacations start I strong’at $63,000. Goes a third, for N. Y. schools next Friday *35 \ First week was big $75,000, slieht- o —- — *• “CJki JUUUJ i XUil ViCCiw was Ulg I J,UUU, SUK 131 - Okay $8,500. Last week, Sto.GOO. , but many colleges already have be- j l y b elow hopes. “House of Wax'* Denver (For) <2.525! 50-85* — i pim thp?r MMfinn norite «whi fiwf i.n nin ■»>. mi^n Par Denver (Fox? <2.525; 50-85* — “Lady Wants Mink" (Rep 3 and “Ride Man Down” (Rep*. Fairish $12,500. Last week, “Seminole” (U». $13,000. Esquire (Fox') (742; 50-85 — “Lady Wants hlink” (Repji and “Ride the Man Down” (Repo. Okay $3,500 or near. Last week, “Semi- nole” <U>. $2,800. "WBj, first 3-D pic to play is. flagship, is due in April 10. <1 despite being rained on 2 Paris (Indies <568; $125-$1.80> s “Hans C. Andersen” flRKG) 09tb Philadelphia, March 31. Combination of Holy Week and j Passover is sloughing film biz here to a great extent this stanza. “Call Me Madam” shapes loud in first week at the Fox. with a subsequent 0200; 55-98)—] upbeat expected. “Blue Gardenia” •'Balilezrouad**'<M-G> (reissue) <2d| looms dull at Mastbaum and is v s Tail f-t. S9-080 -,4 being yanked after a week. “Girl $27,809. "Salome” <CoU opens Monroe Hndiel <1.000; “Arsdr&cles and Lion” vk Moderate $4,590. S3.593 Oriental 'Indies <3,400; 98-$125 1 Christian Andersen”, <RKO >7th wk’ 1 . Fine $17,000 or , rear La 1 ! week. $ 20 , 000 . Palace 'Extel - <2,590; 98*—“ I . L:»ve r»Ielv.n” »M-G* (2d wk". Lean j Last week. $14,000. •’ Roosevelt ,J 3&K* (1500; 55-98)— ‘•Cry Beneath Sea” (Ui and “Gun-' s.T/.ke“ r . Great $14,509. Last;) ■peek. “Girls in Night” <U» and I ‘ Dance Hail Girls” (Indie) <2d wkv Had Everything” faded after a ; 55-98}— \ bright start at Randolph. “Cleo- ! (RKG? 3d | patra” is a surprise with a fine j Last week, j session at the Stanton. ] Estimates for This week Aldine (WB« (1,303; 59-99^ — “Sombrero” (M-G?. Trim S8.59G. Last week, “Quiet Man” (Rep 1 .’ nice $7,590 on return date. Arcadia <S&S? (625; 85-$1.30 ! — “Bad and Beautiful” «M-G* < 8 tb wk'. Okay $7,990. Last week. $8,900. Boyd (WB> •, 2,360; 99-SL30# —; “Peter Pan” RKO-DIsnev i 6 th ] gun their vacation periods. The outstanding newcomer “Salome opening day (WedJ. Initial week « at the Rivoli looks like smash $65.- wk«. The 18th frame ended Mon- 000 or near. The $2 top for week- day (30< held with $6,100 after end night shows is a big help, 3 $6,500 for 17th week, naturally. j Rivoli <UAT) <2.092; 95-$2> — . Just about as strong are the j.' “Salome" (Cola <2d wk». First Ornheum <TRKO» <2^600- 76-$l 20 « Rox y Music HalL “Call Me ] stanza ended last night (Tues.) £p„ tpr p ™ rmrnj* Madam” with iceshow looks giant* soared to a sm ash $65,000 or near. Fanev S17SOO ' S96.000 at the former, with rave Hurt by rain opening day just ^ ^ reviews a hypo. The annual Easter! when it started out ahead of PaiSSmtit '/9 9 nn. £ tageshow with “Bv Light of Sil-r*Snows Kilimanjaro” <20thJ record- Ten- Moon” is beadtofFtor a very 1 «»Mer here. Looks to for longrnn. n^ b and ^Sav^ U M^nv ' 1 good *136.000 at the Hall with! Opened March 25 after Elaborate iSSf. Gustos SUM, orSZ. big. Last week, “City Beneath Sea” (Ut **<>« Limits” figures to take a and “Girls in Night” aU), $13,500. nice $27,000. in its. initial frame at Tabor (Fox) <1,967; 50-85) —the Astor. “Naked Spur” hit all fine $24,000 opening week at the State. Jerry Wald and Bobbv Sargent top -1 ping stage bill held at big $63,000 i a very in second week at the Paramount. 1 $136,000. Ma ti n ees so lar “Lili” continues its record run at 56811 vei ^ . ** J Gr the Trans-Lux 52d Street, landing Easter and sufese- a vers* big $13,790 in third session. °I .. „ .... . _ ... n Three Loves iM-G) and siag**show “Moulin Rouge still is holding j -3^ wk’.SjlOO.OGO. £i^ a ^ff 5h elfto?n SwLii <20lh‘< <5.886; 50-82^0^— ■ ‘ ,ean Me «'20*h3 with k-e- strmza after $49,000 for s^rth week. sj, ow . ons t a ^ e <2d wk . Climbing to l Sn l \ n ^L SChe ^l ed J°JW ^6.009 in first session ended iS ■ East night <Tues.'. Rave reviews wath S8.a90 for sixth round at the ;j fron3 most crjtx he!lrinfr set Giobe and sta> s a seventh. i for a run. In ahead. “Peter Pan” Come Back. Lit».,e Sheba, held* jRKO-Disnev* and iceshow 6ih “Tall Texan” (Lip) and “I’ll Get You” (Lip(. Fair $6,000. Last week, on reissues. Webber (Fox* (750; 50-854—“Tali Texan” (Lip 3 and “I’ll Get You” <L5p). as Aladdin, Tabor. Fairish $3,000. Last week, on reissues. limits’ Lively preem Tuesday (24) night. In ahead. “The Star” n8lh wk-6 days), $5,500 but winding up a very nice run here. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers* <5,945; 90-$2.40 a — “By with Patti Page,) y$< of Silvery Mmd” with D. C, Ace Washington, March 31. _ , Current session is a prevue of at soeko $15,590 in 14th frame at j _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ * - _ j* * < okay $52,000 to close out a Holy Week, with lack of sock first- < the Victoria. In the previous week * highly successful longrun. “Pan” run pix adding to gloom. ‘“Off Lima-1 it had the help of Shirley Booth's | ^cis the seventh pic in Roxy his- $10,093. State-Lake <B&K> (2.700; SI .25 : —“Peter Pan” (RKO v t. Ends eight-week stay with beftv S19 090. Last week. $25,000. Surf H&E Balabant <685, 93)— ‘‘Member of Wedding” (Col) (3d vk. Smart $4,000. Last week, $4,500. Ini ted Artists (BJScK) (1.700; 55- i wkSturdy* $10,000. Last week, f 98- ; $11,000. Fox <20tht i 2^50; 85-$lB0< “Call Me Madam” (20th*. Loud 1 $26,000. Last week. “Silver Whip” «20th\ mild $10,000. Goldman (Goldman^ a. 1^00; 50- 99)—“Last Comanches” (Col 1 . Big $12,090. Last week, “Battle Circus” (M-G» <2d wk*. $13,000 in 10 days. its” at the Warner, hy far the 1 Academy Award. toiy to go six weeks. If landed a sturdiest of the newcomers, is g Es ti m ates for This Week I smash $485,500 total. pleasing, but not up to hopes for • Aster <City Inv.* <1,300: SO-Sl-SO); (Loews) <3 450- JLVS1 89, a Bob Hope starrer. “Down Among| —“Off Limits” (Pan. Initial week! the Sheltering Palms” looks slug-lending next Friday (34 is heading' round ended last niehT^Ti'ips) gish at the Palace. Holdovers are»for a nice $27,000 or near. Got | ^ 594 000 In ahMt? ‘Titv generally off. eaept for “High; good renews. Holds, to ahead. wk. si7 Wtt 2°S?r. S.jA p ^3' s .vP , 8Si.™ (Par ' <2d wk " 10 Jsntlon (8&B. <561: 90*150^ “Little Sheba” at the Playhouse.; days). $16,000. 98—“Naked Spur” and “Rogue’s j March * ■•M-G;. Fast $18,000. Last 2 . Mastbaum (WB- <4^60; 5009 veek. “Treasure Goldon Condor” | “Blue Gardenia” iWB’. Drab $10.-1 (25*h and “Taxi” (20th) 2d wkk-000. Last week. “Stars Singing*’ $3,900. i (Par« I2d wk®, $12,000. Woods 'Essaness) (1.073; 98)—I bBdtewn <1200; 85-$l.50‘—“Hans ‘Niasara * 20*,h Bdwkk Neat$13.-] Christian Andersen” (RKO) <8th COQ. Last week. $18,000. iwk<. School holidays helped to big World ^Indie-i *587; 98>—“Tor-1 $10,000. Last week, $11,000. bidder. Games” tindie) (4th wk). .i Nire S4.300. Last week. S5.<»0. \ both of which are still riding the crest of the Oscar wave. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew’s ? <3,434: 55-95 — 'Penny Princess” <2d wk). Ziesfeid fLcperf) (485: 98*— "’Little Sheba** «.ParJ (4th wk? 1 - Lush $7,900. Last week, same. ‘Sbeba’ Rousing $12,000 In L’ville; Tace’-'Jekyfl’- Hot 13G, ‘finnsmoke’ 4G Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- 99)—“Girl Who Had Everything” 1 vM-G '. So-so $12,509. Last week, j “Jeopardy” (M-G) <3d wkL $8,500. Stanley <WB« <2.900: 50-99) — “Back on Broadway” <WB) t2d wk<. Sluggish $7,000. Last week, $10,000. | Stanton fWB» (1,473; 50-99) — “Cleopatra” <Pari (reissued Fancy $8,590. Last week, “Ride Man Down” (Rep), $6,000. Trans-Lux <T-L) (500; 90-S1.50 1 — ‘‘Moulin Rouge” (UA) (4th wkh Great $14,(MM) or near. Last week, $17,000. K.C. Confidential” (UAi plus } tually capacity. The 25th week i vaude. Slow $14,000. Last week, •] was $40,000. “I Love Melvin” (M-G) plus vaude. | Baronet <Reade) <430; 90-$1.505 $21,000. i! —“Importance of Being Earnest' Broadway (Cinerama) <1259; 90-j \n\' S?® iSea^-S^ ^ iUi ,4th Trans-Lux 69th St iT-L> *453; 9O-$1.50»—“Justice Is Done” -In- die) <5th wk). Fourth stanza ended Sunday <29* hit $5,509 after fine ‘GOBI’ MODEST $7,000, PRO?; mm NG 9G Providence, Kilarch 31. So-so pic fare is levelling biz this week. Loew*s State’s “I Love ij Gunsmoke” i Melvin” getting top coin but minor Estimates for This Week Kentucky *Switow) (1200; 50-75>• \ 7~ Gunsmoke” (U) and “White * Hf tr ;: n §: . Lively. $4,000. ‘p 51 ' \' e ^' TSeminole” (U) and Night” (U), $4200. Anderson (People's) (1200; F^c^r ?i ue Ganienia” (WBL Fxu. So .009. Last week, “Back On <WB) (2d wk), about Broacway SaEE*. t ’Fourth Avenue) (3,000; — 'Little Sheba" (Par). OH sr>?Sl rds £ €3 P^g this one. Sturdy Ci5ri ^ Andd-^ i2d swell $14J»0 St2 ‘ e /Loew’s) (3.000; 50-75V- s Face” (M-G) and “Dr« ^ Hyde” (M-G) «re-J riorror combo looks sock •• ^ eT5* big for oldies. The Jek** I lisjVi sp * C; ^T'-- die», $11,000. Louisville, Marrh 31. Currer.i session is bullish, with dj'tvmovic area teeming with pre- *saoppers, despite coolish v ever weekend. Downtown l t».w*V re?ort Saturday preceding raur. Sunday as one of the year’s days, and film bouses in upbeat “Come Back, t-Ju.e Sheba** at the get- benefit of Oscar awards pnb- ixi?? looks sturdy. “Gunsmoke" _ shape? hvelv at the Kentockv ^ total. “Little Sheba” is still good “Woffiac's Face” heading reissue 111 second week at Strand. RKO at thg State, iysmash. ] Albee's-Deitmaaon Goto” Is fair- - I ish while Majestie s ^lue Gar- denia” is average. Estimates for This Week 1 Albee (RKO? (2200; 44-65*— “Destination Gobi” <(20tb) and “Flying Squadron" (Repl Fairish $7,009. Last# week. The Star” (20th) and “Black Swan” C20th\ $8,500. Majestic (Fay) (220 0; 44 -65)— 1 “Blue Gardenia” (WB* and “Daughter of Darkness” Undid Average $5,000. Last week. “Law- less Breed” <D) and “Ma, Pa Ket- tle on Yacation” (IJ9. solid $9,000. i State CLoew) (3200; 44-65*—Ti Love Melvin” (M-G? and “San An- tone” (Rep?. Slow $9,009. Lastjj week, “Battle Circus” (M-G) and “Old Overland Trail" (Rep), $9,* 509. Strand (Silverman) (2209; 44- 65)—“Little Sheba” (Par) and “Midnig ht Serenade” (Part <2d | after solid $9,000 last week. \ lieve in You Dupont <Loperti> <372; 55-$l *— ; two ^ eeks, “High Noon” (UA) (13th wkL-J Capitol i Loew s» (4.820; 7O^$1B0«j Amazingl> T sturdy $5^00 after ter-i—“Moulin Rouge” <UA» (8th wk 3 . rific S6.0M) last week. Stays on. j The seventh round ended last Keith’s (RKOM1239; 9D-$125 — I night «TuesJ held at $38,000, re-| “Peter Pan” (RKO-Disney* <7th ■ markable in view of length of run. wk). Sturdy $8,000 after $9,000 j The sixth week was $49,609. way last week. Stays on to get Easter 1 over hopes, with interest in Oscars | trade. 'i handed pic pushing it ahead of Metropolitan (Warner) <1200; ’■■ fifth round's $45,700, both terrific. 90-SI-25>—-“ Hans Christian Ander- jj This is beating “African Queen” sen” (RKOi 16th wk*. Trim $8.000 } (UA? *biz here and being topped after $9,000 last week. Holds. j only by “Quo Vadis” <M-G? which Palace (Loew’s) <2270; 55-85^— J played at upped scale. Stays at “Down Among Sheltering Palms" | least 10 weeks. (20th 5. Sluggish $12,000. Last week, "President’s Lady" (20th«, ditto, but way below hopes. Playhouse %Lopert) (435; 55-$!;’ —“Little Sheba” (Par? (7th wk*. Big $5280 after last week’s $6,090. Stays inde finite ly. Warner IWBl (2.174; 55-85 1 — “02 Limits’* (Par*. Neat $12,089. Criterion «Moss) 0.700; 85-$2.20« .—“Hans Christian Andersen”. <RKO? Jl9th wk. The 18th stanza 1 ended Monday, *30» slipped to $8,- 500. but still okay for period of longrnn. The 17th week was $13,- 400. way over expectancy. Stays on Until after Easte& Fine Arts <Davis) (468; 9D-$120*| but well'below expect ancy . Lastjj—“The Promoter” <U» <23d wks. week, “Blue Gardenia” (WB», SlO.-i The 22d round ended Monday *50’ 000. held at $3,800 after $4200 for 21st Trans-Lux (T-L* (600; 55-51’—I week. Continues on. “Member of Wedding" (Col< 13d] Globe «Brandtj <1200; 60-$1^0; ^ wk". So-so $3200 after $4,000 last j —“Anna” (IFE< <7th vk’. Sixth week. Holds another round. jj session ended' last night (TuesJ continued okay with $8200 after nice $11.00Q for fifth week. “Man in Dark” (CoD due in April 8. 'Gardenia’ Bright 9G, St fl T-L’ o40; M-G j i-rth w k *. Third round ended Monday SO) held at big $13,700 after socko $16200 for second week. In for longrun here. Victoria ’•City Im*4 <1.060; 95- Sl.BO 11 —^“Utile Sheba” ’Par« '15th wk). The 14th session ended yes- terday *Tues.i held at great $!5.- 500. Added laurels for Shirley Booth, pic’s star, via Antoinette Perry legit award sustaining mo- mentum after she was named Academy’s best actress for 1952. Latter Oscar boosted this to smash $21,000 in l?*h week. Hob Off; lion’ Mildish $17,000, ‘Gardenia-'Way’ $14,500, Hoofin’ 12G, 5th Boston. March 2. Usual Holy Week slump pre- vails this stanza with downtown majors marking time prior to un- veiling staunch product the day before Easter. As a result, current pix are holding for nine days. Best newcomer is “Androcles and Lion” at Memorial with “Blue Gardenia” at Paramount and Fenway also fairly nice. “Come Back. Little Buff • T^’wav 3 , Holiday (Per-Rose’ (950; 60-(Sheba** in second round at Met is AJUir., j ft* j£ij20) —“Tbunderbirds” (Rep) (4th | holding well with “Moulin Rouge” Buffalo. March 31. w j., L *ntird stanza ended last night, First-run film trade shapes off- ] «Tues_5 was $7,000 after solid $11,-1 ish - here this week. However,;[ qqq for second week. “Lady Wants 1 “B5ue Gardenia” is beading, for j Mink” ^Bepj opens next Saturday! solid session at the Center. “Back ■ ^4^ limiting fourth round of: on Broadway"* is rated okay at : ‘‘Thunderbirds” to three days. Paramount while “Sombrero** is ’ Playfair uBrandt) <1,736; 70-$ 1.80^ slow at the Buffalo. _ \ —^Jeopardy” (M-Gk Opens Mon- ■ day (303. In ahead. “Above and; Beyond” (M-G) (9th wk-3 days*. $7,700 after fancy $12JK)0 for i f--, V. Y 33115 “Battles Chief \ wk). Nice $5200. First week was • Innips Cl 1 /u\n i x-~ imqiwi socko $12,000. Estimates for This Week j Satiate CLoew’s) (3.000; 40-703—; “Sombrero” (M-G) and “Confiden- tially Connie” (M-G). Slow $10.-! eighth round. Helped by preview ©00. Last week. "Jeopardy” (M-G) of “Jeopardy” on Sunday <29*. and “Hell Is Sold Our (Indie*. 1 Palace (RKO* (1.700; $120^6*— $18s000 in 9 days. H Danny Kaye and all-vande bill | Pinfftoint (Par) (3.00 0; 40 -70^— : <illth wk*. The 10th session ended “Back on Broadway” (WB) and , Saturday (28* was $50,000 after | (Continued on page 24J t $52,000 for ninth week. Windup 1 in fifth week at Orpheum also strong. Estimates for This Week Aster tf R&Q; *1.500: 85-S125*—*■ ‘ Hans Christian Andersen’ 1 ’ RKO> (144h wko. Winding nifty 14-week run plus one day with satisfactory $5.0JK3 after $5,800 last week. Boston «RXO! <3,000; 40-85)— “Great White Hunter” «Lip« and “Capt. Kidd” <Lip* tfreissties^. Fair $10200 in 9 days. Last week, “Hitch-Hiker” (RKO) and “Port Sinister” (RKOi, $14200. Exeter <lndie? <1200; 60-80*— “Forbidden Games” f In die? <61h (Continued on page 24)