Variety (April 1953)

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Sturdy 16G, ‘Sombrero’ Light M Spotty; ‘Gardenia’ Limp $14; Kansas City. March, 3L 4- is spotty this weA, being „if?' »r^S»art wi& “B»aaa good at the Far Midwest with •‘Setfies on Taea- ‘vsa Slow at most other spots. SP-v aimissoo boosted to $1.25, ^ giTin^ the Par ore oi ■fcr^ sessions. "Kettles” is mcs tor Holly Week. S^Iktog Sossod Barriesc" *on- t>^sSoog it the little Vogsro. "^ferW’is a major disappemt- J^.T s t j£e Midland. “Tonigh t We §^j£» is very sluggish atOrphemn. * TTarher is springlike. Estimates far IteWedc * Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week S2.!1J,4M * Based _gc 24 ciises, 205 the- atres, chxejls? first tors, tr> cZsiding jy. y.'b To^al Gross Sssne Week , last Year .. ..$2A3$,3& f Based on 24 ernes, esd 213 theatres, j 'P-va-sart $1.®99- last week. $1,700. irfMIfiad "Loew^rt 52^00; 5CW53 •; 2 Off-Gi and Coo- « «££& caonle- OI^. 1^! cr vv-' last week. Jeopardy >. "Bogce's Marefe" «M-G?, jj Missarsi ®KOS 0.650; 50-75« — ■ • warn mD iin^ u *-Tfcvirim U, S. A." jCol» aad “Last, : with big new entries set to come ■ 5& - 3 °°- Baltimore, March 31. Biz is mainly dnlH c^i^n !{ Seattle, March 31. , Peter Pan'’ is standout here ., this session with a smash week at ! ParamooEt. “Abbott-Costel’o Go to Mars** looms nice at Liberty while “‘Kansas Pacific** and. "Torpedo Alley'* look good at Colisetnn, "Seminole” is emiy so-so at Or- jtoems. Estimates for This Week Celisesa -Evergreen!. 1 -<1.829; 65- 96j^—“Kansas Pacific" tAAc' and "Torpedo Alleys r.AAl Good $$,- 000. Last week. “Sheltering Palms” <-2043w and “Homesteaders” cAA", $7,600. Fifth Avenue ffEvergreen^ <12.- 365; ®-S0c—“Little Sheba” *Pari ! and “White Lightning'* t-AAS ' 2d wk\. Swell $9,530. Last week, $13,800. Liberty CHamrick* «1.6,56; 65-90$ —"Abbott & Costello To Mare”. «TJi) and “Gnnsfcoke” #U U . Nice $7.G©9. Last week, “Naked Spori* u ?M-Gp and "Desperate Search" Jj (lM-G* /3d wk-5 days*. $1300. § Mbsk Bax i/Hamriek? «85&; $1- | $lJ55w“Andereen” (BKO «6th I wkfl. Great S5.5&0. Last week. Hitch-Hiker’ Fast $23,000, Tabs’ Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Cross This Week $625,5*3 •’Based oz 29 theatres'; Last Tear $461,493 «Based on 21 theatres 9 ;! - i| <i jf If rfri- T Bombay” «Colo. Dell $4500.«fia over the weekend. “The Clown” i*«r week. "1 Confess" tfWB* and at Gnatnary looms nice, however. S’-rsze Mutiny” tOott, $5,000. 'i"Come Back. little. Sheba” at OrphenEi (Fox Midwest* 0U913;.. Playhouse is cashing in on Acad- c V ?;, ‘Tonight We Sing” l235h\ y emv Avram publicity. sriii big in caS week Tbnrsday «26" second week. "Down Among z,::: $5.(30®. Hesse ccr- Sheltering Palms'’ looks mild at Tf=*'~' 7 ~£ztfc. toe Sew and "Btoe Gardenia” is Parmoant " 'Tri-States* 41900; drab at Stanley. wvavsiI5—‘TBwana. Devil" *UA m?bT •****’ _ _ «■ » Estimates for This Week Mnsie Hall OHamrickif "22263; 65- 99^—T Love Melvin” tiM-Gv' "2d wk.'. Mild $4L5€© in 6 days. Last week. $7236. Orp&enm "Hamrick' 1 tZJB&dz 65- 994—’‘‘Seminole”* .-U . So-so $7.©©3. 'i Last week. “Tall Texan” "Ljjp>> and •: "ITS Get Yon” '‘Lap--. $6 JBQ®. ParaBwnnt " Evergreen f) <(3.639: ij9©-S1.25«— 1 "Peter Pan” «8KO» and j( Bear CotiEtzy” BKO' - Huge $18.- week. “Bwana Devil” SS^BUi at $125 top. H - ar£r~ lM-G.", $13,600. 2 * wk, $3.f3®3. i Twr * s pw grpaf 35(! sen” «BKO» c©lh vk». Nice $14.-;. * 4111 “M** VWXl 466 after $17.0®} for fifth frame. . K.effh*s f'Schznbergeri) "24®}: 25-« 90—TTrnpfc Zone” "Par-. Siowf SSS&j). Last week. "Stars Are: Sansisg” v.Pari f; .2d wkv. $6.©SS. | Little sBappaport ; ; "310: S-90'-—} San Frasssco. Mareh 31. “Sang to Bemember” ''Col “re--, The auto shffw pins summer : issue . Fair S3.700. Last week.' weather is sloitgssiag first-run biz : "Forsa Dei DesSmn” !<Indie■„ $3.- here this stanza. However, it does' 500. ;:E3t appear to fee hurting “Peter, Mayfair -nzckssL »SS0; 20-70-—Pan.””which is way cut ahead off; Man Down” «Bep--. Mod-;:ethers• with a wow session at the. , enate $4.62*'}. Last week, ^Silver : Golden Gate. Upped sra?<» of 60c-; 1 "Whip” «2£tb . $4206. _ •■ ii $1220 is helping. ’“Sombrero” I New ^Mechanic Fox 7lC 1217; 50-75!»-—**Ma, Pa-Kettle cn Yatatiern” Stoat $16^2®. Lac; vefk. ^Gaass^oke” ffC=- wish “Tlngier Incident” «AA1 at Tower Granada. $2X066- Ye^ne Gsldessif #550; 65-S5" — •'Ereakrg Scand Barrier” «CA»' ffjL wk'._ Stsnsly $2,SK®. List week. same. Holds. , Toroile; ‘Sheba 5 _‘Seimde , 9G„ New ^Mechanic 2.SO0" 20-70"—Ji looms okxy at Warfield while i ^ jiTJcwn Amang Sheltering PaisnsT;|“Blue Gardenia” as in- bke groove! Tcvonto, March 3L Maid $7230 Last week, i : at Parammant. “Monlm Benge” “‘The Stooge** is landing top this ;“Presdent's Lady” 23tfc' . - 2d wkv '■ stall is big in j^vrfb roand at United! week wi*2h a new record at the Isa- ^ $7J9s)6. jj Artssts. penal, tersest in Canada. S Pfayhease ^Schwaber '420: 56- Estimates for This Week •NVi sri neck on gross is-"‘Ctece« f 96^—-"Little Sheba” -Par- -3d wk ! .' • Golden Gate «BKO" U2350; 65- kw-r Liltie Sheba** at two booses' 304 67.^3* same as seccnd week. {; SSs—.“Peter Pan” 'BKO . Terrific fc- r-sawav trade fmme :! Stas^ley "32S3; 56-96'—<1535,600 or over. Last week, ‘Tran N*EraS"*£i"s are *“Hcteii-Eiker* and “ * r B^e Gardenia” tWB. Dim $7.- Crown” “ Indies and “Port SSn- ^ ^ wn * vm 9 *h 390. Last week. “"Back ca Brasd- isier” iJBKO-. S9J690. “iSmat« f^TMs week ||W* *WB\ $7.^>3. ; For "FWC" «L651: 65-95-—"TaB UBstas. Cnireraaj SFPt >1.080. 6 «Bap|ag3H»_/13>3: K-T3_ Tesm- jodJTB YonJ « 'v -- —7 r^_j.w <rt T --» T ,_ l *» hPay,. —invasion U.. S. A." ' Cg. . Oka« : Lsp . Bull $11,000. Last week. ' T~• >...trirW Sw> Saw La^ week, -Lass Co- "2«-rj=itii2 GoM’ (SJ& aad S23.C00. last marr?!g5 - teas, sa.m .tut >^ut' «2d »». sa^o©. Gteadale. i ,**£*«■ Se»' W 96 aci "'Sinsis Pacsfic" <l4A«. Pittsknsfa. March 31. It is the nsnal Bob' Week story. here althon^i Lent has not hurt : as mmch as nsnal here. “Battle Circus” at Penn looks like best feet, feat it is sluggish. "Limelight.,” r which finally got a downtown show-' ; ing after LoeWs passed fit up. is dying at the Warmer. "Blue Gar- denia” at Stanley shapes drab while.. '“Redhead* From Ws'oming^ and, "Girls in Night” at Fulton is mod- erate. Estimates for This Week Felton "Shea# <ni.7©D; '50-85 ■— ‘“Redhead *'Wyoaaing”' «Ua and "Girls in Night”'"IT". Modest£4.^0. Last week, ”Hans Christian Ander- sen” ! ;BKO!> f<5th wk", $6.6@3 in 8 days. Harris ^Harris' <<22266: 56-85 — -GunJagfeteri” --23lh" and “Yellow Sky”- erefissoes'i. Oke $5.5^1. Last week. “Cily Beneath Sea" lUi'. fine $3,000 is 9 days. Penn uLoew’s'i «33®}; 56-55- — “Battle Circus” oM-G- 1 . Sluggish $11,00®. Last week. "Little Sheba” ■ Par-, slipped down in stretch after Oscar for Shirley Booth fead sent picture oS to fiying start. Big"' $15,060 hut not figured strong enough to hold. "Sheba” moved to . Rate. Squirrel Hffl ffWB» ,? 960; 56-85.—' “Face to Face” (OEtKO-. EsceiSent notices enabling duo drama to get ■ at least $2406. Sne. May hold. Last week, "Importance of Being Ear- . nest” ffUo S3djwk ! , $1^66. Stanley «WB'< *3,6 06; 50-65^ — .“Blue Gardenia” UWTK. So-so.. $8,500, Iff that. Last week,-"Angel Face” «BK OU a bout same. Warner pWB ; ; : 2-.000; 50-85^ — ‘“Limelight” ((UAU Only slight In- terest in Chaplin pie here appar- easily. No trouble here, but no business either. Dismal $4,060. Last week. "Peter Pan” cRKO' i; .6th wk-v $6,096. Good 5 r: week. *Tte Savage” <UAA\ $11 '££• "Par rod ' Fan^s of Arclic"’ $1C5X fcsperial "FP.’’ r^373; 40-75 '>—t "Ti? Stoeze~ ■ E*ar*. Smash S34J096. and ertenced-run pictures, making Last Portland. Ore_ March 31. Csiy is I&aded wfi^ holdovers Lan week., ““Iroa Mistress” «WB" • the overall total offish from recent *Tke Star' 1 SOtho aid vk„ $3,060. stanzas. Top newcomer is "City 57^3. T.=<dr v Lisew's Lotrw'" ff20S6: 40-75 ^— Boenealfo Sea” which is rated soed\n r -M-G'- -2d wk . $10,030. Paraxnewnt "Par I: 2..,5 4S: G5-95 — "Blue Gardenia”' ^¥B and "San Antonia” >-AA . Oke $1 2jS66 .' Last week. *T Confess” <-¥B« and "Golden Madonna” Klndie 1 -', $3.00®. SL Francis ft Pari tl.400; 65-95’^— s C2d wkL Down S 13 @@ 0 l t _L®eV‘s Laew* 0.696; 40-75*— Beneath Sea” which is rated goed" Orphenaa^-No. Coast'-; 12.44S; 65- •■*e:>ir3y' -.>M-G5 e2d wk 1 *. Neat at Broadway. Betura date of "Hsgjii "95 n —-‘jia. Pa Kettle en Yacatton” $5 Last week, $11 Jr®®. Noon” paired with "Song in Heart" - sc< aad "Eoaasnce and Rhythna** Od-eoa Bark; OJ396; 50-^3■=— 10 cash In on Oscar awards is rated "T5ep.-. Modes! $3„0®0. Last week, Gobi” i>20tii' 9 "2d wk . lal at Oriental. "Come Back. “Glass Wall” <iCo39 ami "Jrok Mc- Si*._f:’i;:.::y $3,000. Last week. Little Sheba” sail Is Mg In second | CaM” >-CaS», $9,500. $1-'.O'. week at'Parafflao-ant while ‘"Peter || Cnited Artists cNo. Oaastl ^1.- Sbea's F? 2^385; 40-75— Pan” continues sock In third Cr-wWlz 89-SL5®-"Mo-ulin Boag^“ -rLker 0 -RKOl Okay $9.- phenm sessi©n. ‘‘‘-.'UA^ 6th wk. Stall big at $10.- T>eek. “The Star” jSSSh 11 . fay This "W eek ij®00. Last week, $12,030. s?:o: 1 ,i shsed^r 'A-m - 37 ©; $L 2 s- I'ptowa Loew «2,743; 4©-75—. ^1^-*—"Hans Christian Ander- :te- u . Xic. $9,000. Last fjl,-,- mS ?'■ seEr llBSOt (l63Sa ^ ?1 4 -' " 7re Cl-rtra* OfrG# ^2d wk m Ar:u *®* ‘ Be P ‘,; 030. Last week, capacity $16LO®0. w Vi Good S9.&J© ®r near. Last week. ■ tt-™. c Tfe«am«.. <'277- «=> $!. 'Back cm Broadway” fWBI l “San Antoace” tQ6tes»», $3J0S6. s Gelid tPariber' Q4O0; 90-SI 25- .. . wj,—. S. F. Thealires ■• <‘377: 85- *2*d jj —“"Casque d’Ori 1. Indie-. Oke $12066. Ls^t week. "Brsniy_ tor ^ _ ,. Tocr Poster” Col* «2d wk’l Fancy: ST I ftO* < S^^FRA , 1 ?C 54^* 'top first week’s $4JE©. C1 ‘ LW , OimDil I L%LV Liberty iHasnrick)) 512875; 65^3 —"Naked Spuri* eM-Go ' 3d wk.-." Ffine $5,800 "in ffpar day^ week. $S25©0- i! Oriental uEvergreen^ C 2 JK&®: 65- 9®"—-““High N©®n” ”UA!' and “’■’Wash ' Parser,” Indie''- - 2d vk . $1^3®. Mpk Ose?efl ?aa J ' Smash $22,00^ ‘Kettles’ Fa! 9€, f Jeopardy’ 6G Jfirnneapolis, 3-larch 31. Sudden wealth off compering at- ! tractions is making rou^> going' for filntc Inst "Peter Pan” is com-; tog throngh in ma^or style with. smash session at BKO-Opskeam." Stiff ontssde opposition includes : toe Shipstad-Jobason Tee Follies,”,. the snwnaS Sportsmen's Seow, "Top;; Banana” legate? and the Mtoneap- |j oMs Lakers’ basketball champton- ship playoff games. Other new-torn- 2 ers dotog well are “Ma and Pa Kettle On Vacatian” at Radio City. ■ "Love ilelvto” at Centorv and "Jeopard?:” at toe Gopher. Estimates for This Week Centary "Pari 1.600; 50-76-*—"1 . La-re ileirin” -?M-G . Stoat $6J>0®„ , ■■ Centtoned on page 24 v Los Angeles, March 31. WMle neest first-rmns are bene- fetttog by Easter Week school holi- day here, there are only bills in ctxrrcnt week and only one is doing biz. “Hitch-Hiker.” to two theatres, shapes nifty $23 p 0i>O or better. "Bine Gardenia** looks, only slow $14,008 in two locations while TDown Among Sheltering Palms” is scant $17,000 in tonr bonses. “Peter Pan.** in third week, tvo spots, looks solid $32,000. “Little Sheba” - shapes nice $14,500 for sec- end session, two sites while "Li2&** is pleasing $7*500 on second frame at Tcgne. “MoaMn Rouge” is balding at sturdy $9,000 or dose in 14th week, two stations. Srimol holiday with TV and newspaper ads are helping "Andersen” to eke $6,009 in 14tn week-at Beverly HnEs, Estimates for This Week Dowatown, Witters d ”57; 2.344: 72^$1.10f*—-“Bine Gardenia” WB- and “Thundering Trails" -In- die "_ Slow $14,000. La st,. week,. “'Back eh* Broadway” «WB -- - 2d wk*. ’ $S £53. Los.Angeles Paramotmt. El Rey ABC-PT-FWC" ''32230; SSI; 70- SI. 3©-—“•Hitch-Hiker” uRKG* and "Woman They Almost Lynched” Rep-. Stent $23,000. . Last week. L. A. Par. only. “Battle Carons** M-Gi/ and “White lightning” -AA1 2d wk», $5-2®3). ES Rey, seecnd- Los Ange les, Chinese. Uptown, Loyola -FWC'- ‘-2J097; 2 r @4S; 1.715; 1 24S: 70-SI. 20"—"Down Among Sheltering Palms” ff2$!h and "Face To Face” ' RKO -. Scant $17X*>3. Last week. “Destination Gobi*’ ‘-■SUSs’i and “'Secret Sharer” (LB.XO \ $262300. United Ar rive . Hollywood Para- momit i<UATU-F&Ml> "2JSflt; 3.4S0; 704S1.1®.»—“LflKle Sheba” ops r) 2d wk Vi . Nice $14 500. Last week, $21,000. OrphesxB, Esyprizn CMelropo-i- tan-UATC» c2^13; 1.533; 60-SI .10- —"I Love MeCvto” i'M-G' and "Jalopy” »AA» < ; 2d wkL light $12,000. Last week, $13,06)©. Loewis State, Foot Star. Hawaii 'UATC-G&Sfl 12.404; 900; 1.106; &> $2.1©y—“Seminole” oU and "Kansas Pacific” nAAJ ?2d wk». Fairish $12,000. Inst vpgek. $30,000. Togoe fiFWCo fS85; 0©-$22©' — "LIU” (‘M-Gji 2d wk 1 . Fancy $7,- 50 0. Last week. $$2300. HBistreet, Pantages ^RKO 2„- 752: 2JB12: 74-51-50—"Peter Pan” •RKOti «3d wk.8. Soilid $3200®. Last week, $35^0®. R^tx '-FWCj cl^ST©; S©-$1.5© — -CaM Me Madam” 920th" -'4th wi". Smart $1I»<S38 l L ast week, $13 r £>3. Fine Arts «FWCi> 5679; SO-5I50J- —-“Fotur Poster” "CoI--> <i3d wk. Thin $3^SO0. Last w eek. $37©© WZsMrc. Globe - FWC - "2^S; 732: 80-$lfi0 d — “MonSIn Rotige” 9UA0 «14to wk-WMshlre. 5tfe vk- Gfiobe^. Stssrdy $9,.©©© ©r near. Last week . $30 .4 0©. Bereriy dWT’ ! 1.612; $1 50- $ 1 . 80 -— "Hans Christian Andersen” <RKO> : "14to wt'. Okay $6,000. Last week. $5jS09. St- Lonis, March 31. ^eek is etcscring a heavy “st—rsins- here ftMy sessiem. ^•'r v -*“- a hesvy rain Monday I'S®- 1 r'tM-f? ^ rail00k for a -—a * i*£ very "Cor- J)Q- Hea rt flS gtn s..y CorBnj*" Ifwaract awe $3.<i^5 for Tensxn cy 7 ... _ . Ee” loetns as be^t, cro feat it’s Jnsff okay at ! i * Badqricttle Sheba” 0 " ’-vdy in secozzd frame atf Answer i-m,©. 55 . Tain cates tor brth Last week. "Little Sheba” and "Never Take No for tflhdle". $6.1^2. Oke 8G; “Stereo’ 9G, ‘Star’ Di Clnrinaari. March 31. Efffferi ©5 H©Sy Week is evident at all riret-rsms this stanca. Stomp Su> " . w — W* 1 ■ JA«UW-%, OlH i, —_ ^ m r- AA f. 4UkM iLUi It iu iili j -fill— "The Star” is stocr at toe fesg res stoiggidi at the Mre. Sl-25 1 ^—-"Peier Pan” ., wk n - Sock $S-@00. Las4 w ® e ^* ; : AIibee. "Stereo Teehnccgses.” pSay- -"-stonates for This Week :! $14,00®. jug upped scale at the Grand. ■ )-^sador "F&.MD 60- ParaasoRat fEvergreea^ 1 <<3.4J-3:.- ^F? g9 T<np“° si the PaE- ■ :: ~T Sheba" (Par* and 65-9©'*—"Xattle Sheba” CPari asd;:^ ^ aaodert. ~Btoe Gatniesiia” in < F ace” fBKO* tifid wk«ri <c No for An Answer”' Mladic- «2d‘l^, Capitoi shapes okay, ir • h Xim ^a* &BSm PP«ES- ( .^* ^ SSU500. Last week.* Vs&maUs for This Week r. L^d Artists ^Pasks^ (800; 6^2. 7.%. ir WB" and *Tbe Sys -,. 9©y—^Xa2I Texaa” iAA« and *311 ft Ssa^ cSJto-. So^ °£ ‘ ,v ^ - Opened today €Dse«.LilGei Yoa” (fe^es. So-ss "Blee Gardenia” ffifB--. Oke $8.(38<5_ Last week. "Ivaahoe" Of-G". $2L5®0. Grand nHKO" *2.400-; 75-$!’-— ‘Stereo Techrhi^aes” 0 Indies and ^zn Antcne” fiAA 1 *. Upped scale tor 3D boosting tt® nice $3.(50®. Last week. "One Girl’s Confession” «Ccl« and "Problem Girls” oC©L. $7,000 at regalsr scale. Kcfttfs CShor OL500; 5545*— “Tari” 02 OHa-'. Fair $5,5©0. Last week, "CcSy Beneath Sea” fC.", $5*500. _ _ Palace (SKO) C2JS09; 55-85a— ‘Battle Cferos” ~rtet Top” fAAA Moderate $82500- “is-lars Sin^ia^” (fParS- : La5St week. - to.-sn-ed en p$ge 24? *wk-, il Capitol dSK-O-’ 55-85 „—*1WB , $5,000. Last week. "Back ca Broad^-ay” ‘Gaeram’ Huge 529,000, Del; ‘htgd' Fair 146, ‘Sbeh’ OK 517,000,2d DetroiS^^Mroc-h 32. Biz looms slew this week. Com- fetoaricn off "High Noon"* and "African QEseea” shapes jnsi aver- age at the For. “Angel Face" is fair at toe Palms. Big esceplton to QjBfiwb tone is "Ctoerama” which . was vartnaSly capacity npening week at Msng Hall. 2.245-sftat feense. Others are hridovers v<u*h “'Peter Pan” strongest^ in sirth week at the Madls&n with sSnrdy session. "Come Baric Little Shefea” looks okay in seesmd week at me Michigan. "Anderesn” siaSS Is fast in sseend romid at the. Adams. . Estimates for This Week Fox -Fox-Detroiti’ ■.-5.00'S; 7(0-95J —"High Nora" •XW- and "African Qneem" -UAi'. Barely average $19,- ©©9. Last week, "Destlcatlon . Gobi” «2Sto 1 *. and "No Time tor ’ Ftowers” 'iRKO'-). SlT, 1 !^. MwsSe -Cinerama Prods, Mnc.-) «1.145; $L50-$l~d0i>—‘Tfeis is . Ctoerama” ‘*2& wk. Firs* week ended Monday night i-30^ was virtoaBy capaciSy with $29.^30. ■! Faster pace being set starting : Mcnday.. with fine pros and big wTaTd-off-mosto even sell tog otsl all 1 jiCoatezed ©a page 24 1 “