Variety (April 1953)

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2* P^SiLETT Tdbas&y, I4pr2 1, 1953 Picture Grosses BUFFALO ' Gauticaeall fficn page 23 d II ~&<sise off Darkness * 1 ■-■EnibeOke j, $12530 5a 1© days. laaa *Sia rs An t Singing” 'Fart a®d "IKThiile Og hiroEg” ^AAA, $U®J 5 © 2 L; Owtfr *lPi 2 Ti - 2 .,I!$ 9 ; 4 iWrfi ) — ! “Bine f^ aTigygi'ia '" iWB'i IED»3 |X.Y* Roxy First Bouse To f ;| G«t CfnemaScope Screen jj • Baxy Theatre, 25 . Ys, wall be toe. jj astipaTs first iloose to get _a Cia-j 'jjemaScope screen. aeec*ding to I H n ifV UScteon, Bosy exec. The the- Film Reviews CayfiTWr t Ir#** foe* £ m..„ »„> C- -L W MA ! Ditk Ditason, Bojy tree. Tie the- j Tir Oari Sf« B B& Miness ^oere^s tJie rttCF IfOl rSwvJt OljWwj ;ja3sa ordered toe rest of tiun lias been, telescoped, and tade ft ®?® *** «naptnred aisd Aim 9 »* tAP : lb« 28to-Fox CtoemaSecpe “pack- a few major incidents hare been ^tons toone of has concerts, ari tfiHii: fiWltt Sf lira ase° which includes flereopfeOnse „ ccaapfeteBy omitted. As the eara-is rg J ^ -caoend and the speeM projection S menfiater explains, the heroes are fcer favorite camcbas cn the usese 35. SE«¥en at She Itoy wiE toe 39 the men. the heroines are the:* the tege* ^ere they are pii*i«d White -Bnapa DertT shapes iKg,j ships, and the villain is the cruel,; «w after whenever the psam2tt at 15® Ctensia this week, it ns rated >( ^ 4 sea. These three elenenis are put i plajs there. 'W2»x-:iffis not aap to hopes. fs*«s the activities offaj Antonio dcBaep tobies i:: She Goes'” -Unite v Solid ,Stegteg" Ss lost ©hay 3* Qrph™a.raafe at Mrely J ^“*Jcorretfe which, pels to sea with ?7rompson m the piano, sequence?. Iasi 'week- “Silver IKEnp" |! “filler Pen" at B randes is stand- Y^, wSl prega_t he firs t ^e to l^jy experienced officer—the j ^hjch adds to the b.o. palL Mcra •'jgatoes in Bagdad* 1 ii cal wflh sock session. he made tor the widescreen. system ■ captain—aboard The others are^toras has a s mall part as a Fres:?.^ F*^ria«-ir<(*»c far This UTeek ■ developed toy the new M a gna The- ; the n ormal wartime recruits from ii cculxiriere. and actjmts nerse.-s BaaaP 4 ®-^—-; . 53 ^ 0-1 us* 20 - 7 ®)— : atoe Ccc ^- 51 BOT a PPe»rs Bncer- |j exilian jife, Inrioding a freelance ;j holiness, albeit ^trith faded ■MaL, Pa KeUle cn VataaiaEf 9 1 $ \sL& a ?im aa3n ^betlwr that, theatre will be.] joamaifet, lawyer, bank clerk and; Je<Js._Mas Mowdo is made :© Ed “TTSsle Gc^£ess" 'lUEsSte'L ; t?J 25 Ljii m1H rgjt Sack* £ 7 ©®k : equipped, for CinenaaScope. OrtgJ-asecond-liaaHf car salesman. Their ,j FrtsacSi in Pans zz? T^ire selsbel Last ^neek. ^Qoe- : f^S^SLjb *T roafess* «^WB 3 "and ^ 2 ® a ® P 4221 bad been to pot the | first opexathmsl duties land them I aotthentictty^gjveu to t^ese T^.e (T.^l. 3 -d ' £g* J lOnemaS^ into the'andiiinto. Tstod bd satoequentiy.! J 1 ®®*[««««■ P*®P- “Soa Tager «Ww„ ’! ..„ ^. - 7 -^ ^ JZZ ; sen s French is aathentte. his* r.-*> her Blsess progresses she sips T.ze S 3 _U^L \ 2 t«h.') ard fOL ; '„ $SJ 20 G I^aSajeSte \?a , and Girfs CcaafesEEa^ Csfl »asd‘TSre*- 2 fSD Girls’’ Col's S 3 .; 393 . { V^fliar i r i(‘ 2 g 5 lftl Osii 1 3 .JSJ 93 ; TO—JAisg^i Vzzv~ T H^'iii^S 3 d ihanis to «pped pw«i S. Y. Caplare Wcmes BS© •. -AuSd - j £ ^gt disappointing. Last: ^.0®0 or less, ILafS ^emr, : -uj^e gSaelsa® tPad) and Wave At a **&; -s ^^^.18 Yard lE^ceter’* «Paorl “FaiitMoIi C*vy ; HS© . $95id , , n $55^®. ^ “ .fas&esaa ‘YrSsSaJesI —' •At Fair !>©a© 1 ^trr, ['‘Stans ^FarD and , ii rfwESSfi? (Sltffl- SO- ithe^mdi and to show it adso atiithey encounter enemy activity and ;f*ns rrenrn is aaiceniie. m t- $ ^ Jft : i*U?HT!NMDrtr was!- .Big tte boaeoEBee pro^SS® room !■]»>£«£« 'Soor are taidfc*. Backstage Mores Monti: “Hass’ 23 G, M Zoaae” 9 ii'Far.^ Jast «^ay at $lffl^©0L {j i 9 ,ti — ffagfr Tnwsk. ^^ahed Sp^r 1 I»?£;annEil, Marth 32. 52® 3 ®®0. “Meet Me *1 Fafir" ss SJaadassl : gsrss^tec^.^l:!^ 1 ^ Hotey Christian AEfferssri rtiSO ns soik j in third. mDijad at iLoe^'s. “Yhinadeir -an am East" aaaDS is Eijre Sn sssEeiid ’j I . r d ^aaap^l li s . March 31L : teaBy, their ship gee s down and jj there remains only‘a hacdtol of "survivors. | Erie . Ambler’s script retains :| mosl of the dramatic content of : the original. With the sea as only j*| ; j background, the flfora natoraEy I :1 suffers f rt w n some measure of re- Greene’s peat 1 could possiWy! pethive ^incident, but this is a {weakness which can hardSy be avoided. Film couM be tightened. and eEsoina- C«atin»aK fr«ca gage 3 m-CK ■ give the latter the voting edge, •} It vms further reported that the'!ty”^rpcr — edife lensed. Some erceBent shots l£ urban Buenos . Aires safestilnie very well for comers of Parts. Tie femme costuming toy Bernards is •good, but interior sets have ahe Book of a furniture store. In fait, the credits included mention cl the stores supplying the decor. The film runs too long. desp!:e Its eye appeal, and there is inace- epate logical sequence to the ccr.- JSraaae at FrtQiess. Estissafes fav This Week. | Palace 'jCJTJ ;C 2 Jsafife 34^09 —i “^tiracte of Fatiioa’'’ iiWB ) Cd wl | MiSd SIIJBOGL Last week, "Lame-'; BSanrif 1 ” ‘iUA l) «3d «k', $15JTO0 l L "CT.' 1 ”2,412;' 34^03 —] T rz / —tt ui Great» aonn “Meet Me at F a&sT «U 0 . »»» [: $ 17 JBK 1 © to pace city. Last week,. “Above, BeyKDd"’ -G& ft 2 d wfcM $asj®a. Ban Is nsDeaien at first-mm satta-;,! tinaas here it firms slanaa. “Hams ’i Christian Andersen'” at Keith’s is; ovexradiug Tentea lethargy tow big; take to Bead city. *T Love Mortar 9 1 at Loew's also Is gritting ©sod play . 1 Estaaatcs tor TbJb 'Week ©crete 4 ©»cMl-Bo 31 e^ iZjmk ■ were to accept, the same oS'er “Sea” emerges as a fimg* technical •■ press abroad. .* via. acMevesnen3» would be made to all other stock- '; v . rnmirir Pmpos ^ e ^ h 5*2TS- f“to W mla a Me , cunvinemg and solid a j, y„ * ra»&xei*uz Hughes reps felt the price was j dt , Rritinh actors. He plays the ’cap-aFcodares Asaadw saarrat, Yvcsae Sts- adequate. BEO Theafe®s watiiia; ^aSn witii requisite yuthrtrSl y- Sor- j the past week hit a yearns high of [ jtsmadisg cys t is well matched. 1 $L 37 , & on the 39 . Y. SbtKk Fs-j with rfiwTlTng workjsoaatiibnted by _ __ — flh^ StrafiUm, OTALIAJf—SONGS) Directed bT SzSEaeSe Wiajjraizr.r. SexweijsSasv iLlds de 2 ese£eii£. taiseid «a slcajr ty L. Bcn 5 » and Ges^tTe Dd Jtot.; T&b* Sgrtcea cssr. Gsso Ci PcDRoes® ii'C.T3 ”2132; 34-^ ; ) —H SS3JB0CL •^Sssaader in EasaT* «Par») fl 2 d wku i| infea s'C-DD OJ^O; 50 -T 6 I— 3 Vare $m rt €©0 Mauirang so^o SSrst i "Trtasure GoBden Condor™ » 2 ®lhD il Slaz— » 20 tii 9 ci»M 8 e. «iptrOTatoirof j 3 J 2 a.. PGcaM ^ tea . & ~ Tittfctav. _ IJ&tedrt* cast-Ug .. -cSSSTJ&s «Parf and "W^Iightaing™ *AA \ ; ! . Xew BEG Offas nti« ate Ititie nacre jbaaj SSJ ' -vwn»*v*Ti* i incidental, but are capably filled',] Lamscr jaarw» Ftxn3i H Sanaa De^mw. «adm film prndiw- ;^ McKenna. M«Sa Las-;! c&su Ucaaisa ■;er^ rep, who was a k^ figure m ., i(Qr Jnce Tborbam and Megs Jea- jj®*" xn&eate Msacw* t 4 «r-s .C.TT.- -Z&S5: .WU V “t^oS ^ a “*e^S? Bte u H 2 £es cauistian Aadersen 1 ” ”RKO^; ..-wrii SSLS^l ^ .retomed to X Y. from the Coast-,^awe an awtheEdbc look, camera •’ fin IzaSsan; Eu^uash Titles5 TMs Italian import, vrbicb ©oer« i) * £i Han$ CSarastian Sock $ 17 jOW). !«,♦ „» ,«u> „ .. . _.. , wefe, on subsequect-nsns. 1 separate proposatiens to J^oah Diel 7 'Faro. Okay S 8 jOOB.ij iLoew”* aLoew'sS fl 2427 “ 56 - 76 ) Hughes’ chief exec aide, coy-, — — — ’ - - " '■--—" * tbcI La Matjef de las On still another front, persons" (AKGEXUSE) Buenos Aires, March 24. FSa FT 5 »i 3 .ttt'^q 4*^3 ZmSr Mrapeno. prospects J matinee trade at mahe Italian-lac- nguage theatres. English titles snf- ' flee in getting the yarn across, hut . ftiaa registers as a lengthy soap a opera with nothing off an eutstard- 3 ing nature to qtaaMy it as art fc&use ll _ a _ . « _ m . i(WBl $25©0- *3jS wk!_ Still hag S23.®3© after:) K^tSfs «C-D^ ssaasib $33.,®90 fair second. Isiperiai CX’i -ue©; 34-63-^ —' “Bsad to BaUT >Pari " 2 d ircsn" and :S ' ca subsequeEtt-ruEs. “iDteval s Mask ” 1 'Par : L Okay S 2 j 0 ©O- ij L®cif i, s ttLoew ,, sS fl‘ 2 , 427 - L Last week “Bogce’s March” a -j T ncf Mdtsin” nlf-G} and “Ban- ” c*tosg both the eshahitiou and pic j and “‘Sky Full Mewm 1 " «M-G : ',5T.®0©. |.^s$ s ©f Corsica” tHAL Klee S10.- :i companies, bat neither was sofS-jj Oa^ewa «C.T." «t.@40; 34-©0.o — ” ©©p. Last week. ^Confidential!^'! cient to form the basis for negotia- • Badaelov m Paras'” "Inthe.o and : iConnie” nM-Go and “Prince of Pi-,lions. ^Wiqg cf Danger" iiindaet Fair ; j gCoP) * 7 , 503 . ^“SurV* 3 t®ifc_«G-D. 1 . 688 : 58 - 76 ^— ”,w ! TS^jx?i£u^S%ma£SGZz*Zc£ 1 Bonwd M! d to bn* l<r a <BKOj a^d J&. Wallfee MagEefcc Mfflaster™ »i;aj sad . ODera tSon niued Maat Odtamn 2 : If* 1031 * x S i t_ -, s 3 a«^ltiriag aepaioUier, VTeacs : “T^l^to&e: 0 ^ 57 . 680 . W mSm «? 5 t te! tSS&i^SJSfcr'W. %^S t S ?^ «*» “P ^ :; week. Yropac Zone” "Par') and , ^ Anai&ia, ffteaa. A 8 e*?e£cr © 02 = 2 * «aap, ii with her sauiesmsn beyfraend. Ame- n ’'Fangs off’•Arctic’’ n’fcdieS. S5.<I^>0. lor ■ nmgnes- ■ P-x. company stock. ;• rt a -ntro , Aciacib staxaiya; ea maii jinus^- dea XazzarL EventicaS marriage is | ^ : H^es. hamenc,,js Kgeented as «.» 2*™* gm ; KBjeKptesrf ike doa fouAiog • 1 BOSTOM ^wamting^ least 57. which was toe ,j ] U mhs. Sssa^ag ,«the concltaston of a business deal «UH m/Jiun ;lpnce_paid 3^ the short-lived Balpb S a inTohring XazrarL Situation gets 34-560 in 6 days, u KCrartnntKd from pagfc 131 iiStolldn re^me. Ha stes owns ovct| "rinnc 5 c }.; tf ■*,_ .. ..< , - , fl snarled up when Nazzari is ai- ((tJeneer)) n|.G 2 fi; 5 &- 76 D—.i wkL Otc S 3 ,tMXI alter $ 4,000 last! 1 , 0130^500 pic shares, reimesenting !l '-Sl * 3 _ ; _ ’ cused. and then esavlcted. cf a matenaL Talkie"’ 'BK.O ', same. MINNEAPOLIS :'©KDtiEued firom page* 25 > Last week. "Desert t 2 d wi'). okay mu V w |j uvu ***3 ;( *Jiuimu .cyanic. da«afeat<c» UHUS met ft inpa.Sc ■_ _ «■_ . a . . I rJ) nl. 626 ; 50 - 76 A-:|^Oke S 3.000 afiter $ 4 , 01 ® bstlWOH pic shams, rep«anti^L ^ 15 Cari£ SmmSn? tol "Jecpardy^ Big campaign. :i .. _ .tofad outstanding. Etj£asM lure ffcjr f■ ^) der , Meas- ‘ — Sanson, stall unwed. including 3B TV spot amsounee-1 jiJSETJ *>1,3 73: 40-S5 1 )— was Atlas fnsm whom Hughes meats, radio and TV eontteste. tfer ;. ? lDD f. Gardenia* 3 «WB 5 and “Troa- acquired omtnsl In the spring of ms one. Fancy SS.OOffl. Last Atoog Way” (WB). Nice S3£M. I94a . “ B » t ® s * nmu,g “Battle Carols’" «M-G2 «2d wk^ij"? 2 ? w«eb- “>uagara” »20tol and' 1 - $ 3 w 80 OL Lyrte "Part) ajOOO; 50-761)—“High Ij Xoou’ 3 3UAI u2d mail I2d wSS,' Academy awards have done Imee- efiice wonders for this cue. Bigf $5^500. Last week, smash $SJ000 l Badte CSfcy ®arl ^< 4000 ; 5 ©- 7 fi 5 — “Ma. Pa Kettle oak. Vacaiioai’” tH5. This series comiiig ®cp to toe worid. what with this one being spotted to Banumewst caaocmFs top boose. Hetty $SUQ00 or near, l^st week, ~Tbe Star* WKM, '$ 74500 . IKO-Ontew iBSO? < 2 , 8150 ; 76 - $1'^—“Peter E*r GCSOL Smash '•Jatopy'" tAA 5 * 2 d wiD. $ 3 , 700 . Big Xaaae lineup dBKOI K 3 .(MMh * 4 ®-S 5 V—" White Dcmbow declined to maTn» ;; Marguerite Gauthier and Armand _ —.._ ir *' w . . — ft. » -mm -■ « * nrhtm rii^rfi 4 a ^ ' i C■ «»m^ crea smg JtuU1 v Ava jc unuL.yu ^- WVkUUr* i «H -« ■■ -■ ences. plus the beauty and lavish ■ ^ !ELie V-«n^ - , . . costuming of Zmliy Moreno, to- ; birth to a girtL A marnage ,s getber nil* Ike pSeonia! -.-gi- of j Performed, towecer. before ba*- ■'fbe ABeisnder Ikjma. rf.ns^r shn^e 10 oes of. lo sene a 28 -jear •J the Alexander Dumas story abo^t 3 ■! Marguerite Gauthier and Annsnd ii ^ I ^ SQa stretch. -iStodM ‘rrwr am T"^ ii tie gnmp he’s reppiag, jes learned 'i bisore terrific impact s. Mas Sanaa feds work alocrf "Amaiing iHbns Fafcre" ®adie). 1 *■* ® assodafion of promiBenl 5 Tbe picliire has strong exploits- S S.'sESf. w»fff Fadrislr 517,000 to 9 days. Lart. ,j gtontit operators has been eyeing" Possibilities to most barts- of j week. “Massisappa Gambler” «XH 1 ^bc HKO film setup. If such a deal i world. Screenplay by W. Eisen and “No Tune For Flowers’* <BKO» • to g© through, it would have ■ ^ director Ernesto Arancdbia ■ V-v « 2 d wkl. 516 , 560 . : been toe most spectacular of all ; combines an odd hodge-podge of : ^hotokes^toe^ child ' Metropofita* rNETI f 4 J 3 G 7 ; 4^1 because of the names involved.^ 1 ^ a!Eias tricks to interest fbr-!j^ SHJ .“liHIe Sheba- JParil and TTiey inrfaded LeonardGoideW J° fyct -, a * i 523 . 000 . Last week, “Last Coman- dOjU, 55^00 at 76 c top. “ ^ «BK 01 n 1 , 600 ; 40 - 761 =— “Jack McCaH, Desperado** nColi and “Five Angies on Itorder” <CbI 9 . SSow 54 J 000 - Last week.. “One Girl's Confession** «CoD and i “Problem Girls” "Col*. $ 5 , 000 . Stale ((Part «2£00; 50 - 76 ^—“Fort Yea^fflBce“ ^AA.a. Slight $ 5 , 099 . Last week, “T Confess** «WB». 5T500L W«rid fMann^ “ 408 ; 55 -$l 2QH — “The Promoter"* «Hi) < 3 d wks. Oke ?, „ $2zdQQ. Last week, robust ^.JS 90 L^ nl affl Ere yeLrs *•< topri^cul. rckrfud OrpiKUm «Loewl) S3.0G0* 74-$2^3 ) Ej-jj ^ ™i? **? 11 for * a * e berotoe, niterv froiks.!!' sriLie child. —“Mbulto Bouge” ffCAJ "« 5 fik wk». SS r «J 2 f e, 5 f f eE r Fre< * J-| longhair pianistics, gambling ten- : Acting ffollswing rorttoe lines. Bright $ 22,000 for fi^ak 9 days aff- ; ^ ^ Sam ^ sion, sylvan landscapes and tear-;. «Mb©ugh Roberto Mnnroto, as a " ~ " rktog melodramatks. •' stitoiy singer-gmta ptever. is is> Tfce ctessie yam lias been sharp- H P 3 ^^- Xasran makes a nice ap- ri»ii T?S- — W W _ .. • m * ST. LOUIS (Continued from page 153 and “AH Ashore"* aCM*. ©ke $ 14 ,- dift TTC 2if— ~ _ m - v— T - ■ ■■■ ■ ■ U ^ % R 2 iOiU ter $ 13^00 for fourth staxaraT j™nto and Mittiaeli Wolfson. j jerking melodramatic*. fttrarow^t ?J 3 ET» of, 700 ; 4 ©-€Ss^ K reputedly was agreed that,: ^ ,- . . .. .. —.“Blue- Gardana** ^WBD and btcause off antitrust decree restate -1 ly altered. Miss Moreno is E 3 ade- 1 ? earancc toouM regisler wa *3 “Trouble Along Way” fWBL fine s ^iss, Goldenson and Fabian would ; to suffer from a dread brain d:s- ^ iemme seath©lders. Mass Sanson a $ 11 , 000 . . Last week, “Niagara” trustee their respective ~ « 2 aSth^ and “Jalopy" «AA 5 42 d wkD, 4 "' ^ 9 , 600 . DETROIT ' selves ©f toe shares entirely Id ; the ivories in nitertes as - •'Continued from page 151 a*F crent. tiie mime motiraEon l«« Irf com inga.^aeat-jdayw' ^S. Adran “ a 3 £“ 2 i MkhigaB 20ik Retrials Palms Jvnrov ^ a*r». cn ngu ^ — ;! As for 20 th-Fox. Charles Green I ^* e reaction as ^n 5 ^ a 7 nta , pe - S ; “T* > %j>UB d^nu, “ An- -j 5 *- n * . - - i tntl .5 * StioaB tiwrf i sty l gel Face"' ( 0 BKO 5 - and 15 keepang under Alley' ^ * wfcg fc-rf lram f l w oir 1^2 net of 54.7473E7 1952 Rdr SI? bSH^^ fcSSta^S"? * SL71 * *“• Eara5DSS - Ftor ^ 14 . 000 . ^ho Wackimrite toe #CoP. OML " |week. “Man*-B eMoST^r 0 Sb 5 1 ft>F^s the tipoff will come shnr^^ ^ 'Q.172: 5®-75^—;SfoS Iadei °* Musketeas" »AA»* Med / J ria liS suffers ^T^SL!Sl “Confidentially Connie" oM-Gi) andf ^>eciE 7 Ges & Exchange Com-.} W n - . ~rm . w . .v ) ^ ^ oilmen that the spurt! satotesesf aM^t. -il£%{| $ 14 jm ■ m toe pnee of toe 2 ®to issue, to! compensated i —'^ronasS^^lrSn 3 about $19 has severly hurt Green s j »a idyllic intrude at a country Pacific' $ 3 j 500 . SSSftT. <*&.«* Tlmt* chances of brings oiher ^hT^ 3 awt toaned nun fift rpdnrv «*n£«v kr^. - _, > .J Okay $L 3 .(M 50 Or near. T^tyt week .1 “Jeopardy" «M-Gu and “Break-' down" '(Indict S 1030 O. Missemi «F&M» « 3 ^ 08 ; 60 - 75 ”i ^Destination Gobi" ‘ « 20 !lh 5 ) and : “Taxi" « 2 QtfM. Modest $ 9 ^ 00 . Last-’ week. a “Angel Face" kRSOD and! “Tangier Incident" u.AAi, $ 9 , 000 . } Payeant «SL L. Amos.) SO)‘—‘Magic Box" olndieL $ 4 ^> 9 Q. Last week. '^Member off 1 $ 17 .C^}. • Wedding^ -iCoH. $ 4 , 0 ®>. :j -Broadway-Capito! fKoonan^ d 3 satady Oak ff St L. Amus.) “ 300 ; .( 509 ; 70 - 95 ^“Naked Spur" «M-G 5 v®- Member of Wedding" 3 d and “Babes in Bagdad" "UA“ '« 2 d ^^ 0.000 wkj Trisa S4M>0a Last week. ;: wk». S 2 ©w $ 9 .©^. Last week.'™ stock was selling at around * - s $i6yeea, .Sis. Bre akin g Sound Barrier" «UA 0 !| * MaCsra-fTCDD aj 00 ; ^>-$ 1 ^ 5 ^- ' ^srton. In contrast with thh^ olM Duval r,, t. “Pcta Pan” aRKODiSeyS ^ servers in X. y."s finaneiZrarra 1 * - ^ ^Propnates family funds ' S^”&.STe: S £?& &re‘» e pliseJtZdudcL Fast $15,000. Last week, * suffers scourge. emerge with that same spot a similar period in 1951 came to $L 47 a ^tae. The stocktaolders re- port pointed out that since early 1942 , vbet the present manage- ment took over, toe corporation had earned more jhan $l 2 fi,fiMDS .®&3 and hadjKtid tat in excess of $ 68 .- 000,000 in cash dividends. O B asoli d aibed profit and less ci stataneut showed a considerable rtse^ in distribution and adenanis- featiew expenses, which went np in 3951 to $ 27 .- 753.004 in 1952 . Provision for Fed- P5 t ed leavi^hi^ to^^fa^e STi B ^ d€ ? *** ^ divide^ Jaares of 20 th when j pianist. | a Parts she. is on the ■ otitt r income was listed at $ 6483 .- I downwaird grade when the two.; ‘*® 7 » compared with $ 4 .^ 1,079 Sta jmeet and s 3 art iove again, but